#This Ain't the Garden of Eden
dewitty1 · 8 months
This Ain't the Garden of Eden
Romaine @romaine2424​
Chapters: 20/20 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Arnold Peasegood, James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter, Lily Luna Potter, Scorpius Malfoy, Cormac McLaggen, Original House-Elf Character(s), Original Characters Additional Tags: H/D Career Fair 2021, Harry Potter Epilogue Compliant, Post-Hogwarts, Hit-Wizards, Aurors, Hit Wizard Harry Potter, Minister for Magic Harry Potter, Ministry of Magic Employee Draco Malfoy, Campaign Manager Draco Malfoy, Magically Powerful Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy in Lingerie, POV Harry Potter, Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Past Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy, Past Harry Potter/Original Character(s) - Freeform, Knockturn Alley, Number Twelve Grimmauld Place, DMLE | Department of Magical Law Enforcement (Harry Potter), Wizarding Politics (Harry Potter), Wizarding Culture (Harry Potter), Bigotry & Prejudice in the Wizarding World, The White Wyvern (Harry Potter), Minister for Magic Election, Inspired by American Politics, Action/Adventure, Family, Developing Relationship, Worldbuilding, Case Fic, Grief/Mourning, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Office Sex, Minor Character Death, Minor Violence, Pansexual Harry Potter
In 2020, Hit Wizard Harry is starting to enjoy his life. He’s divorced, and no longer Head Auror. His biggest project these days is trying to remodel 12 Grimmauld Place for him and the kids.
Draco Malfoy is recovering from his wife’s death. But is happy with his Ministry position as Temporary Head of the Department of Intoxicating Substances, and with his son who he adores.
This all changes quickly when Minister Shacklebolt decides not to run for another term. The assumption is that 'all is well' in the British Magical world, and that Hermione Granger-Weasley will easily be voted in as the next Minister for Magic. However, Draco knows better. He knows she has a strong competitor who is wooing those who live in Knockturn. And if he wins, the Ministry, and all that has been accomplished the previous twenty odd years, will be destroyed.
“Harry! Good to see you. Are you okay with your friend? It didn’t look like a date at first, so I gave the go ahead to Juan when he inquired. Thought I was saving you.”
Harry leaned over the bar and gave Jason a kiss on the cheek. “Co-worker.”
“Ah, are you sure that’s all? He looked a bit interested and he put a on quite a show for you with the dance. We know you’re crap at picking up those signals.”
“He kissed the guy, Jason, though he did say he wasn’t interested in him because Juan doesn’t kiss very well.”
Jason burst out laughing. “Harry, he’s lying. Even Juan’s smallest kisses can bring you to your knees. And just so you know, your facial expression when they kissed, didn’t exactly look like a co-worker’s reaction.”
Harry was dumbfounded, he didn’t remember even a hint of Draco showing any interest in him, but then again, they both had way too much to drink. “I think you’re wrong on both accounts, but I don’t have time to argue. Do you have any of your special sobering potions? I left the few I had remaining from last time in my cloak pockets back home. I don’t care to screw up the spell to portkey across the ocean.”
“Sure,” Jason responded and reached under the bar. He handed Harry two small bottles. “It’s on the house, one for you and one for your ‘co-worker’ who’s looking like he might need it.” Harry turned towards the doors and saw Draco standing against the wall a bit tilted. Harry laughed.
“Thanks, Jason. I hope to get back here soon. Six months is too long.”
“Should I let my hair go natural then?”
“No, please no,” Harry said with a smile and turned towards the doors.
“Well, that looked friendly. You know you could send me home and stay,” Draco sniped.
“Shut it, Malfoy,” Harry said as he opened the doors and pushed him through. As the door clicked shut, Harry handed him his potion and then opened his own and drank it one swallow. It made him shiver. “Drink it. Trust me, you’ll be happy you did. It takes off the edge. Being as pissed as we are and portkeying such a long distance is not pleasant.”
Draco turned the cap but still hesitated to drink it. “Tell me what he said, and then I will.”
Harry sighed. It wasn’t worth arguing about right now. They needed to be out of the US soon. “He said he thought he was rescuing me from a bad date by allowing Juan to come over. Then he said I was crap at recognising signals of interest and asked if he should go back to being blond. You now know, so drink up.”
"Fine,” Draco said and followed Harry’s lead and took it in one shot.
Harry pulled out his wand and a key from his pocket. “Malfoy, I’m taking us to my place, and then you can Apparate or Floo from there. It’s got heavy wards so don’t freak out when you feel a pull, just hold on tight to me.”
"Fine," he replied again.
“Oh, and Malfoy,” Harry said as Draco reached to touch the key. “He also said you were lying about Juan kissing poorly.”
Harry was sure he heard Draco swearing as he felt the strong pull. They landed with a stumble in the drawing room. His rumpled Hit Wizard cloak lay nearby. The chill of the house permeated his bones immediately. He started a fire in the fireplace before rising to his feet.
“I lied because of the expression on your face, Potter. I feared for Juan’s life,” Draco said as he clamoured up to a standing position. “Would you like to tell me what that look was about?”
Harry felt the corner of his eye twitch. “No.”
“No, because I don’t know what that look was about.”
“Oh. Now, I know we’re both knackered and we’re only going to get a few hours of sleep, if that, so why don’t we talk or correspond tomorrow. I’d like to know how it goes with Rosa and maybe you can find out when the next MAWGA meeting is?”
“You’ll go?”
Harry nodded. “I’ll go.”
“Okay then I think I’ll Floo home now.”
“Smart decision. Powder is in the silver urn.”
Draco reached for the urn but hesitated putting his hand inside. He tilted his head and then grinned. “It was an okay date, Potter. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Yes, Malfoy.”
“Oh, fuck it,” Draco said as he moved his hand away from the urn and pulled Harry towards him. Their lips and teeth smashed together. Harry pushed him away.
“God, oh shit. I’m sorry, I just had to know.”
Harry grinned and then stepped forward towards Draco and put his hand behind his neck. His fingers tangled in the silky blond hair; the scent of musk filled the immediate space. His thumb reached over to Draco’s face, ghosting over the high cheekbones before reaching his lips, gliding over them slowly. “Malfoy, if I’m going to be judged on a first kiss, then I’d like to make it a proper one.”
Harry pulled Draco closer and gently kissed the corner of his mouth as he whispered his name, “Draco”. He started with a small bite that pulled Draco’s lower lip into his and when he felt Draco’s hand in his hair, he moved his tongue forward, opening territory he never thought he’d venture. He was met with a deep sigh and compliance, and soon got lost in the exploration of each other’s tongues and teeth and lips. He knew he groaned a little too loud when Draco’s other hand slid down his back, coming to rest on bum with his fingers spread. This was so beyond unexpected but felt so damn good. A raw desire coursed through his body, but it was the magic, Draco’s magic that seemed to be rolling over him, encompassing him, infiltrating him. Memories, deep seated memories, flashed through his thoughts like a Muggle film. It was of him using Draco’s wand to duel with Voldemort and then those certain occasions that arose when everything was on the line. The magic felt strong and pure and warm, and it settled into his body without resistance. Draco was now sucking on this tongue, and he could only imagine how that felt in other places. His other hand on Draco’s shoulder, fisted his jumper, to tighten the hold, to bring him in closer—to merge. This was going way beyond a first kiss, and he knew it. Draco moaned as their hips met and they could each feel the other’s hardness, waiting to be explored.
Draco gently pulled away and Harry let him by releasing the hold he had of his jumper. He looked into Draco’s eyes as he retained his grasp in his hair and gave the flushed cheekbone a final stroke with his thumb before completely letting him go. Draco’s eyes were fully dilated, and that hint of danger had grown.
“Fuck, I should’ve left it alone,” Draco whispered.
“You, okay?” Harry whispered back.
“Yeah, will be. You?”
Harry closed his eyes and shook his head.
“No, I’m a mess.”
(๑ˊ͈ ॢꇴ ˋ͈)〜♡॰ॱ
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holy-mountaineering · 8 years
This AIN’T the summer of love.
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