#This goes for the other generals too nowadays; but in Soma's case it's been cemented since childhood
yeonban · 1 year
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Anonymous  asked: Red souls are destined to die alone
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Soma distinctly hears the jab about red souls, and considering the remark's proximity to where he stands, it could effortlessly be interpreted as an insult towards his own person, yet for the first time in his life, the grand general doesn't act on it either which way. He doesn't retort or display signs of irritation, nor does he order for the offender to be punished with a hundred lashes or penal labor as he typically would've. In lieu, his gaze remains fixed on the culprit in an abnormally prolonged bout of silence, and it's almost impossible to read what he is thinking in that moment.
Red souls are destined for greatness. It's something that has been drilled into his head since as far as Soma can remember, and this hearsay has only been cemented by the color test that sealed his fate, by the endless praise that rained down on him after the glow of his sword had turned a bright shade of crimson, and then once again, and again, and again, by the heavy responsibilities that had subsequently been placed 'pon his shoulders as one of the strong ones.
Red souls are destined to bring our long sought peace. They are the second rarest of the five and the sole color capable of breaking the oni's horns, of obliterating their existence from the once pure, holy lands of Hi no Moto. The red soul is the first to lead the charge, the only one to stand at the top of the chain and the single person in the link who cannot be replaced (these teachings still ring in Soma's ears as though his fourteenth birthday had just happened a few days ago rather than over a decade ago).
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Red souls are special. It's what he's always been led to believe, the reason behind his pride as a child, and in hindsight Soma supposes it's still true, to an extent. It's the red soul that cannot be replaced, and so it's the red soul that must continue to persevere, to persistently push forward even after watching his companions' lifeless bodies hit the ground and a dreadful despondency surface on his remaining ones' visages (he isn't allowed to grieve, unlike them, not when he is the sole pillar standing between his people and total annihilation).
It's the red soul who will always be found at the top, and so it's the red soul who will never fail to glance back at his compatriots from his mighty spot, only to realize the insurmountable distance between he and those supporting him (he isn't like the rest, and this fact bleeds into his every move). The red soul is strong, and he is there to fight, and fight, and fight, and to never falter, never show an ounce of vulnerability lest the masses follow suit and the structure crumbles. The red soul is destined for greatness, and in his greatness he is destined to be alone, and to die alone.
A familiar voice brings him out of his thoughts as he silently agrees with the alleged jab, and perhaps he should be surprised that Naotora has found his way into the conversation, taking Soma's the red souls' side in spite of everything, but he isn't. It's a kind effort, and he can understand everyone's fondness for the blue soul as well as appreciate his attempt at cheering him up, but at the end of the day, what does he know? Naotora's point is supposedly finished seconds thereafter, as he turns towards Soma with that same smile on his face, and although he's inquiring about his opinion on the matter through a flippant "right?", Soma doesn't reply, merely staring into golden eyes for a second longer before turning away and leaving the scene.
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