#This got... more scattered and... goofier than I started it as
downfallofi · 1 year
Fuck though, I DO have to get to sleep because I have fuck ass work tomorrow and I'm going to have emails to catch up on because I took off Monday and fucking Joe is gonna make me wanna burn the rest of my days up because he's a piece of shit and my neighbors have been setting off fireworks for 4 god damn hours and rargh ranting over sleep now
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imthepunchlord · 7 years
Always Miraculous: A Little Miss Fortune
First of the requests, for @karin-ochibi-chan , who asked for cat!Marinette with Adrienette and Felinette. 
Currently open for miraculous swaps requests. You can also read them up on AO3. 
Now this idea comes from a thought I’ve had for a while I’m calling ‘Hey Little Miss Fortune’, au where Fu wasn’t in Paris when HM arose, and by pure chance, unlucky Marinette gets a ring as a birthday present from her grandmother, one that contains a little god that has the power of misforune, and unfortunately winds up making her luck worse. Luckily, Marinette’s a trooper.  
Ever since she got the ring and has been running around Paris, fighting Hawk Moth, by herself, might she add; Marinette has found that she has, unfortunately, developed a reputation. A pretty mixed one. Being a black cat hero with a power of destruction, most people aren’t too excited about that, even with her good intentions.
Especially the mayor and the other aristocrats, who has to use funds to repair any mass destruction she and Hawk Moth have caused. It’s to a point Marinette is sure he’s the one that started the trend of having her called Miss Fortune instead of her chosen name.
And, of course, it has grown and stuck.
“No, I’m fine father, I’m just stuck with Miss Fortune and Chloe’s friend, Adrien,” Felix stated in his low tone, one that she can catch a slight edge in, no doubt tense about being stuck in an elevator with such a destructive and dangerous hero. “No, she hasn’t done anything yet, she’s just been staring at the doors. Yes, bye father.”
Felix slipped his phone away, keeping his gaze locked on her. He informed, “They’re coming up here to open up the doors, soon.”
“Good,” she said stiffly, “good, that’s good. Really good.” She settled down with a sigh, ears drooping down a little, her braided belt tail curling around her, the tassel end dragging on the floor.
Knowing the mayor, the police would be there as soon as those doors opened. She had to be ready to race out—
She jumped when she felt a nudge on her tail, whipping around to see Adrien fly back to the opposite end of the elevator, looking away and struggling to keep from smiling. Next to him, Felix was looking at him like he was crazy.
Chat’s cheeks went red as she gaped at the green eyed blond, her tail swishing about in displeasure. She settled back down slowly, watching him with her bright blue eyes. Slowly, she asked, “Why did you touch my tail?”
“Um, right, I uh...,” Adrien stuttered, his cheeks pink, an amused and delighted smile on his lips as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Was just, curious if you would’ve felt that.”
She narrowed her own and pursed her lips back at him before turning away, now very conscious of Adrien. Her crush has become a real mixed bag for Marinette. His love of cats and seeing some of the goofier antics from her, he’s been curious to see what cat tendencies he could bring out, also making use of it to try and get closer to her, to learn more about her (like once he tried to tempt her with milk on one patrol night).
It’s been a little much for her nerves and Plagg’s been eating this up like cheese.
Her ear flicked back when she heard a soft smack and a mutter of, “Ow.”
“What were you thinking?” Felix hissed.
“I wanted to know if she would’ve felt it,” Adrien whispered.
“She’s a dangerous vigilante,” Felix reminded.
“She’s doing her best,” Adrien defended. “And a lot better than any of the police.”
Chat tuned them out, turning her blue eyes down to the ring, letting her claws stretch out as she eyed it. She wondered if the Miss Fortune would fade away once that help came. Plagg said there’d be help soon, other heroes that would help her, she just had to be patient, had to persist and do what she can.
He didn’t know when, but help had to come sometime.
She hoped it’d be soon…
“Hey, Chat Noire?”
She turned, ears perked up, looking to the two boys.
Adrien had his head tilted at her curiously while Felix still eyed her, unsure.
“You ok?” Adrien asked.
She offered him a smile, touched. “I’m fine,” she reassured. “Just… anxious to catch the akuma.”
“They have been a big inconvenience,” Felix muttered, dropping his head back against the wall, scowling. Not only did the akuma cause Miss Fortune to appear, shoving Adrien in the elevator with him, the akuma had come up behind her and kicked her in there with them before sealing them inside, leaving the elevator out of order and no way to get out.
Felix had plans to just spend the afternoon in the library, enjoy the solitude and peace and quiet, get away from family which had a sister that liked to pick fights and an invasive father that wouldn’t leave him alone.
Last thing he wanted was to be trapped with Miss Fortune and Chloe’s naive childhood friend.
He was a little surprised when Miss Fortune chuckled, turning back to the door. “He definitely has been. He’s been running around Paris throwing a petty tantrum. There went the plans to relax today…”
And it was a free day too, her last bit of bad luck that she gets from taking in that negative magic Hawk Moth pours into the akumas, it had just faded away and now there was a new akuma and a new batch of bad luck for her to deal with…
She sighed, feeling tired enough that she wanted to flop on her side. It was going to be another long week, she just knows it.
At least they’ll be out of here soon, she can hear them working on the elevator doors, faintly hear the mayor pressuring them to hurry up, to get his boy out of there.
“You could just Cataclysm the door,” Adrien pointed out, missing Felix’s frown.
“And cause unnecessary damage? No way, this akuma isn’t bad enough that I need to,” she said. “I’m fine waiting. It doesn’t sound like it’ll be too long.”
She missed Felix’s curious glance, a lot more focused on the door, her ears perked up, catching that they were almost there. She jumped up, crouching down, ready to go. As soon as the doors opened up enough for her, and the mayor saw her, shouting out, “Miss Fortune!”
She dove out, making all the people on the other side scatter. She raced away, catching the mayor hurrying to his son, demanding and mothering, seeing if he was ok. Chat Noire just kept going, jumping out an open window and heading for the streets. As the police below saw her, she darted down a subway, hurried across, and detransformed, allowing Marinette Dupain-Cheng to slip outside, avoiding the police that hurried down after her.
Plagg leaned out of the pink purse, snickering. “This is one of the most amusing game of cat and mouse that I’ve played in a while. They just can’t catch you!”
“You mean that I’m playing,” Marinette muttered. “And it’s not that great.”
“It’ll get better, I’m sure,” Plagg offered with a lazy wave. “Especially if the Ladybug comes. They’ll fix everything in a flash.”
“Wish I knew when,” Marinette sighed, stopping at a crosswalk, waiting for it to clear. “Help would be real nice.”
“Your guess is as good as mine, kid,” Plagg said. “Should be soon though. An active miraculous tends to draw in attention. Should be soon.”
“Keyword being soon,” she muttered.
They both looked up when the akuma sped by with a cackle. Marinette hurried down the street, looking for an empty spot to transform. Let’s get this over with, Marinette decided.
. . . 
Marinette laid out over the desk, pouting at her colorful fingers, covered in all the colors of a rainbow bandaid box. The newest batch she got from last night, trying to sew a design on gloves she was making for Alix and just wound up poking her fingers with the needle over and over and over again…
Enough to even make Plagg wince and offer some consolation cheese. It had to be bad for Plagg to offer consolation cheese.
Marinette glanced up when Alya came up and immediately picked up her bandaid covered hand, frowning as she moved it about. Marinette offered her a tight smile, insisting, “It’s not that bad…”
“I’m starting to think that you should consider a new craft,” Alya said.
“It’s just a bit of bad luck,” Marinette insisted, pulling her hand back.
“You seem to get a lot of bad luck,” Alya noted as she sat down.
Marinette chuckled dryly, offering, “I am known to be unlucky. That summed up my reputation. Unlucky in everything.”
“I doubt it was that bad,” Alya said.
“You’d be surprised.”
Before Alya could reply, Adrien ran in, dropping in his seat as he turned to Alya with giddy smugness, immediately catching her attention. In a voice thick with glee, he said, “Guess who got stuck in an elevator alone with Chat Noire, Paris own little Miss Fortune?”
Alya gasped excitedly, leaning closer. “No way.”
“Yes way.”
“Was it scary?” Marinette asked, allowing herself to look unsure.
“No! No! It was—”
“Not fair!” Chloe cried as she stomped into the room, Sabrina on her heels and Felix trailing behind. “How come you get to get stuck with Adrien and Miss Fortune!”
“I didn’t want to get stuck with them,” Felix grumbled, agitated that Chloe just wasn’t letting it go. It was not his intention at all to get stuck in an elevator with either of them. They came out of nowhere and got stuck in there with him. That was not his fault, not that his sister cared, refusing to let it go.
“Which makes it even more unfair!” Chloe snapped, stomping to her seat.
Alya gaped as she stared at the frosty blond. “Felix got stuck in there too?” She dove up, phone in hand, pointed to the scowling blond who glared at the phone. “Do you have anything to share about Paris’ famous Black Cat, Chat Noire our little lady, Miss Fortune?”
He paused, glaring at Alya, looking like he wasn’t going to answer. As Adrien started to voice that he’d be up for the interview, Felix answered, “I suppose she isn’t as infamous as my father insists. She wasn’t inclined to cause needless damage to the building.”
Chloe butted in, shoving Felix back as she hogged the camera. “I could’ve told you that.”
Adrien jumped, eager to join the other blonds for the interview, both of them ignoring Felix as he snapped, “I just want to get to my seat! Move it!”
With slight amusement, Marinette watched them as they explored before Alya’s phone, her best friend eating up their attention, happy to share it for her blog. She glanced down at her purse in her bag, at the little being that brought this little scene. She reached down into her purse, affectionately scratching her kwami’s head, smiling as he leaned into the touch.
Plagg had warned her that that this would be a pretty thankless job, a black cat hunting alone wasn’t usually so welcomed. But, Marinette has found that moments like these made up for it, this energy and fondness.
And she just needs to last till help came, and Plagg seemed sure that it won’t be long.
Marinette can make it, she knows she will.
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