#This is more Soundwave's deal than Shockwave but they answer the door together.
kurxo · 11 months
Trick or treat!
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(I'm soundwave:] )
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Happy Halloween.
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in1-nutshell · 30 days
Hey, with Soundwave now having an opposite personality daughter, could you do Shockwave with an opposite personality daughter?
Already thinking of a name for her, it will be on the CANON NAME LIST as soon as I figure it out.
Hope you enjoy!
Shockwave with a daughter with the opposite personality
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronian reader
Shockwave met Buddy while he was still a senator.
Her parents were fellow senators who hosted a party that night.
The family unit was famously known through the Senate for having many sparklings under their care.
Shockwave felt sorry for most of them, it was clear most of them were going to be used as pawns in their parents’ plan to keep their influence in the government.
Buddy was one of the eldest younglings in the group and often ignored by her parents.
Shockwave had heard her voice more than once in the halls asking archivist and elders questions.
A curious little thing, sadly many didn’t have the patience to deal with.
Shockwave spots Buddy in one of the corners of the room. He walks up to her. She looks up in surprise. Buddy straightens her backstruts: “Senator Shockwave, sir!” Shockwave smiles: “At ease, Buddy.” Buddy looks at him shocked: “You know my designation?” Shockwave: “Of course I do. You’ve made quite a name for yourself with your questions around the Halls.” Buddy’s helm looks down a bit. Shockwave: “Its not bad to ask questions you know. It shows a bot wanting more knowledge, a smart one too.” Buddy shyly looks at him: “You think I’m smart?” Shockwave looks around: “How about we sneak into the Halls for a while? I believe I can answer some of your questions, if not we can always go into the records and look for it.” Buddy’s optics widen in surprise and excitement: “Really! I’d love—I mean—I’d greatly appreciate it Senator Shockwave, but what about my unit?” Shockwave: “Hmm… if anyone asks, you’re my assistant.” Buddy stifles a giggle and nods following the Senator out the door.
Buddy’s parents didn’t even notice one of their sparklings had left the party, they were too busy showing off their favorite sparkling to the crowd.
Meanwhile, Buddy was having a blast asking questions left and right.
Shockwave did his best in answering them all to the best of his abilities.
They did eventually return to the party just in time for the parents to start leaving.
Shockwave was happy to give this youngling a moment of happiness.
What surprised him was Buddy returning to his office the next day asking if she could hang out in his office with him.
The pair soon enough fell into a comfortable routine.
Everyday Buddy would arrive at Shockwave’s office, they would quietly work on whatever they had on hand, have refueling time together and have the rest of the day to do whatever they wanted.
Shockwave loved having this bright optic youngling around, definitely better than the corrupt senators.
Her parents never questioned where Buddy went off to.
Shockwave eventually introduced Buddy to Megatron and Soundwave.
Shockwave: “Buddy this is Megatron and Soundwave, these are some of the bots that want to help Orion and I restore balance in the Senate.” Buddy immediately shakes servos with both the mechs. Buddy: “Its nice to meet you! I’ve read all your works! They truly are inspiring Megatron! Have you ever thought of writing something else for—never mind that was rude of me, how was your day?” Megatron blinking trying to process this little ball of energy. Megatron: “I am doing quite well.” Soundwave nods in agreement. Buddy just smiles wider holding Shockwave’s servo. Megatron: “So this is your sparkling Shockwave?” Shockwave: “Oh, Buddy isn’t—” Buddy: “He’s not my—” Megatron and Soundwave share a look as the two try and explain their ‘not father/daughter relationship’.
Things were going great
Until Buddy didn’t come to his office one day.
She had never been late before, and it was worrying him.
Suddenly the door flew open and shut just as quickly as they closed.
Buddy was panting hard and heavily.
Shockwave was immediately on his pedes and ran towards her asking what was wrong.
Before she could respond, someone kicked in the door.
Shockwave immediately takes her in his arms and away from the mech.
The mech had blasters out and pointed at the pair.
There was no way the security was going to arrive.
When the blasters clicked, Shockwave shielded the youngling with his frame.
Only hoping that none of the blast hit her.
She screamed as the blast sounded.
But the blast never hit them.
The three shots were floating in front of them.
All three bots looked at them in disbelief.
The mech clicked his blaster again, this time Buddy stared at him hard, and the blasts suddenly went to him knocking him unconscious
When the guards arrived, Shockwave was holding a sobbing Buddy in his arms.
It was found out that Buddy was an Outlier with telekinesis.
It scared her badly.
Buddy sniffling in her seat pulling her pedes closer to her frame. Shockwave quietly sat by her side. Buddy fearfully scootched farther away from him. Buddy: “I don’t want to hurt you! Stay away!” Shockwave just offers her his servo. She hesitates but shakingly holds it. Slowly she gravitates to his side. He carefully pulls her into his lap, Buddy curls slightly on it. Buddy: “… Are you going to leave me too?” Shockwave looks at her surprised. Shockwave: “Why would you say that?” Buddy roughly wipes the incoming tears from her face. Buddy: “THEY left me as soon as I showed them… this.” Shockwave buries the anger in his chassis and gives Buddy a good squeeze. Shockwave: “Well… they just gave up an intelligent, energetic youngling with a special gift.” Buddy: “A gift?” Shockwave: “Yes Buddy, your powers are a gift. Imagine all the good you can do with a bit of practice.” Buddy stares at him for a bit. Buddy: “You’re… you’re really not going to leave me?” Shockwave gently rocks her back and forth. Shockwave: “I’d be a down right fool to leave my daughter because of who she was.” Buddy starts full on sobbing holding him tightly. The pair levitates a bit off the ground, but they are too busy hugging to notice.
Shockwave was the one who stood by her side and convinced that this was a gift and not a curse.
This would lead to Shockwave trying to create an academy for Outliers to learn who to control their powers.
Buddy and Shockwave only grew closer as he helped her control her powers and use them.
Life finally seemed to be turning around for the best.
…Until Shockwave was taken.
Buddy was frantic trying to find where he had gone.
Even going to Megatron and Soundwave for help to find the Senator.
She didn’t trust the guards or police.
When Shockwave was released from the empurata procedure, Buddy’s spark broke seeing him like this.
So emotionless and cold.
Shockwave didn’t understand why this youngling was crying over him, but he couldn’t find it to remove her off his frame.
Shockwave stood stiff as the youngling clung onto his frame. Buddy: “I-I-I’m so sorry! I’m so-so sorry!” Shockwave: “…That is illogical.” Buddy turned to look at his singular optic. Shockwave: “You have nothing to do with my frame. It is illogical to say you had a say in this.” Buddy stares at him and once again hugs him tightly. Buddy: “I’m never leaving you alone again. Never again…Dad…” Shockwave: “… Illogical.”
When Shockwave defected to the Decepticons Buddy was right by his side.
She vowed to never leave his side as long as she could help it.
Her powers only grew stronger.
From being able to redirect little blasts, to being able to throw back bots several miles back, to completely taking control of certain parts in a bot’s frame.
Shockwave constantly scheduled tests and experiments for her.
Somewhat… a bit more painful and caused some sickness at times, but she tried her best not to complain.
He had been there for her at her lowest, it was only right to sit with him through his.
Buddy soon earned a reputation amongst the Autobot and Decepticon ranks.
A strange ally for the Decepticons.
A terrifying monster for the Autobots.
The Autobots knew many unspoken things about the war.
One being to never interfere with Optimus and Megatron when they fought.
Another, if Shockwave was nearby, his little Monster was close by.
  Sadly, for her, she would get separated from Shockwave during the fall of Cybertron.
It had taken Megatron knocking her out to avoid the destruction of the Nemesis.
She mourned for her father for a while.
Soon enough, after Megatron’s disappearance, Buddy would become the Chief scientist on the Nemesis.
She didn’t display her powers too much, only using them whenever Soundwave brought her out to train.
The more time passed in this ‘stalemate’ the more Buddy let loose.
She started getting to know more about her fellow Vechicons.
They all grew to love the bot.
She was nice company and empathetic, something that was rare to see now a days.
Knockout and Breakdown walking into one of the hallways. They both stop. Knockout: “Er… what is going on?” Buddy was smiling using her powers to make some of the Vechicons fly around the halls. Breakdown: “Let’s not question it. No harms being done unlike last lab visit.” Knockout cringes a bit. Knockout: “It took me weeks to get that slime out of my vents.”
Knockout is almost always about to blow a fuse with Buddy.
Not because she is a bad kid, far from that.
It’s just ever since Buddy found some paint and a mop, she had been doodling or taking notes down on her frame.
It’s not uncommon to see Knockout dragging Buddy by a piece of her kibble to the medbay to clean her paintjob.
Breakdown makes sure that any important notes get replicated on a data pad before Knockout gets the hose.
Knockout: “What in Primus’s name possessed you to use that horrific color to do notes on your frame!” Buddy looking at the neon yellow paint. Buddy: “It looked nice.” Knockout about to have a stroke. Breakdown: “I have all the notes on the data pad.” Knockout: “Good.” The medic puts the giant hose on the Jet setting. Knockout: “Now hold still…”
Starscream sees Buddy as a threat no matter how well she treats him.
Already has several plans to eliminate Buddy, but there are two things stopping him right now.
Soundwave and Lazerbeak.
Lazerbeak was often seen hovering in areas Buddy would normally hang out.
Soundwave had taken up the role of being Buddy’s guardian in the absence of Shockwave.
He could never replace Shockwave, but Buddy was grateful to have him by her side.
Buddy is ready to bash some bots helm the second she finds out they are back.
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