#Asks that audibly made me go “awwwwwww”
kurxo · 11 months
Trick or treat!
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(I'm soundwave:] )
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Happy Halloween.
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ihobii · 6 years
Stormy Nights
Fandom(s): BTS
Type: One-Shot
Part: Whole Story
Summary: Jungkook has astraphobia. There’s a storm one night. Cuddling happens and Jungkook is a little(?)(not too sure)
Third Person POV:
The night was stormy. With the winds screeching, lightning booming and the clouds pouring down, most would expect a hard night ahead. In a house containing 7 inhabitants and multiple dogs however all were sleeping peacefully, all but one. In the house that sheltered the famous group BTS all was well except for one little thing. The groups maknae, Jungkook, was terrified of storms. Be it the harshness of the winds, the loudness that accompanied thunder and lightning, or the thundering thumps of the rain, they all terrified the young man.
Jungkook POV:
I was terrified. It was storming outside. It was sudden too. One minute I’m admiring the starry night and the next I’m reduced to a whimpering mess on my bed. All of the hyungs were all asleep as it was 3 in the morning and we had a schedule later that day. I was having one of my inspiration nights so I was awake without a second of rest. It was going so well, I was steadily coming up with lyrics for a song that has been on my mind. Namjoon-hyung was snoring in his half of the room and all was peaceful.
Suddenly a booming noise sounded across the skies. Shocked by the suddenness of the noise my lyric book and pen fell out of my hands and onto the floor with an audible clink. That was all the notice I had for the storm that had almost immediately started once my notebook touched the ground.  A clap of thunder then sent me huddling into my blanket dangerously clutching at my cooky doll.
It’s ridiculous. I can climb on trains, hang from railings, and even disturb Yoongi-hyung in his office, but bring on a storm and I’m reduced to a big baby. I was the golden maknae, something such as a thunderstorm shouldn’t frighten me and yet here I am with big droplets rolling down the side of my face, whimpering every time thunder rumbled across the vast skies.
Once a particularly loud lightning and thunder struck at once I couldn’t contain my small scream that escaped me this time. Quickly covering my mouth because I don’t want to wake up Namjoon-hyung, I began to sob a bit. The terror becoming ever larger and the storm continued to rage on.
That obviously didn’t change any noise as the next thing I hear is rustling from the other side of the room. Another boom and another whimper.
Hyung then turned around in his bed and squinted at me. “Kookie? Are you alright baby? What’s wrong?”.
The next strike sent me into tremors throughout my still sobbing body. Understanding seemed to flash in his eyes then. “Aiigo my baby, why didn’t you wake me up earlier? We all know you’re terrified of storms. You should’ve woke me up to comfort you or one of you’re other hyungs to do it.”.
With that Namjoon-hyung promptly lifted up his blanket slightly. Understanding what he meant I immediately jumped up and all but flown to hyungs bed. Once I was tucked under hyungs head still crying he tried to get me to stop crying.
“You’re fine baby. Nothing is gonna happen. It’s all outside and see its lessening up right now.” he tried rubbing his hands up and down my back to try and soothe out my tremors. Albeit feeling a little safer in hyungs arms, I was still terrified.
Namjoonie-hyung seeing my sobbing not letting up, he asked what can he do.
“Awwwwwww, I’m sorry baby. I wish I can push the storm away from you but I can’t. What do you want hyung to do hmmm?”
“Want Jinnie-hyung.” I cried out. “I want Jinnie-hyuuuung.” Thinking of my favorite hyung whose been like my mom, I couldn’t help but want him to hold me.
“Alrighty baby I’ll bring you to Jinnie-hyung.” At that point I was still teary-eyed and sniffling.
“Weally? U bring me to Jinnie-hyung?” Yes it may be childish but I can’t help it, I tend to regress when my hyungs take care of me and especially around Joonie-hyung and Jinnie-hyung.
Hearing me talk Joonie-hyung smiled down at me. “There you are baby, I was beggining to wonder if you were alright. But I have my answer now. How about we go to Jinnie-hyung now? Would you like that baby?” At my little nod he began to get up. Seeing me still laying down, he chuckled down at me.
“Do you want Joonie-hyung to carry you sweetheart?”
Still sniffling I lifted my arms as an answer.Lifting me up into his arms with ease, I naturally wrap my legs around his waist and lean into his shoulder letting my head rest there for the short journey. With Joonie-hyungs arms securely around me we made our way down the hall to Jinnie-hyungs room with Yoonie-hyung.
As Joonie-hyung stepped through their doorway I couldn’t help myself.
“Jinnie-hyung…..”I whimpered and then as if I had shouted his name he awoke. Confused at why he woke up he started looking around until he spotted Joonie-hyung carrying me while I made grabby hands at him. Seeing my teary eyes he opened his arms. Joonie-hyung then brought me over to lay with him.
“Aiigo sweetheart what’s wrong? Did you have a nightmare?” he asked while moving us into a more comfortable position including Jonnie-hyung.
“Mmmmm..mmmmmm” I shook my head. Not satisfied with my answer he looked over to the other side of me to Joonie-hyung.
“The storm.” At that Jinnie-hyung seemed to understand.
“Awwww was my poor baby scared of the icky storm?” I nodded.
“Well now you have both Joonie-hyung and me to protect you now, isn’t that right Joonie?”
“That’s right. Nothing will get to you baby. Not if we can protect our precious kookie from it.”
At that I smiled and snuggled into their embrace. With Jinnie-hyung snuggling my front and Joonie-hyung my back, I was safe. Storm forgotten, I let the warmth and safety take over.
“mmmmm…..I lob you Joonie-hyung, Jinnie-hyung.” I sleepily said.
“We love you too baby” hyungies said.
“I love you guys too. Now could you please shut up and sleep.” ahhhhh Yoonie-hyung. I almost forgot this was his room too.
“mmlobe you too Yoonie-hyung.”
“Yeah...Yeah. Sleep kid.”.
At that I was finally able to calm down and sleep. With my hyungies arms wrapped tightly around me, I snuggled into their embrace and fell into a pleasant sleep.
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #279
"Phone-calls From The Bunker, Board Games”
[Doc] Has settled down in the bunker and is bundled up in a blanket. It's a bit cold outside, and xe's reading a book. The wind picks up a little and theres a low howling whistle. Xe casts a look at Sammn whose bundled like a burrito and sleeping uneasily. Xe can't see Lie properly in the gloomy space and calls out to her - Lie? How are you holding up?
[Lie] Peeks out of her blanket cocoon, her hair adding a bit more light- I'm freezing my ass off and have run out of reading material
[Doc] Do you want to use my computer? Also, you can sit next to me you know? I won't bite you.
[Lie] Holds out her phone- I'll be fine if you recharge this for me?
[Doc] Gives her a quizzical look- you want me to shock your phone?
[Lie] - Yes
[Doc] Gets up with a sigh. Xe's dressed more appropriately for the weather in hir lab coat and long pants. They take the small phone and recharge it with an audible crackle- what did you do when I was healing up Lie?
[Lie] - I had the laptop that CP gave me, but I'm not sure where it ended up...  Plus I had a conversation with Dolly's angel
[Doc] Slowly- It got broken... Cp fell on it. And Xophiel talked to you? I know he gave you the fire but... you never told me that.
[Lie] - Oh, I didn't?  Huh...
[Doc] He talked to me briefly when I asked him to steal Lj's box and that was terrifying...
[Lie] - Yeah, he is pretty overwhelming...
[Doc] It's really loud out there. It's making me uneasy.
[Lie] - If you need a break from here for a little bit go right ahead, I can keep an eye on Sammn
[Doc] It's not a matter of needing a break. I really don't want to leave you alone. We're out in the middle of nowhere, literally.
[Lie] - Doc, we know that door is secure, I'll be fine.  Besides, I have my pods
[Doc] Pardon me if I stay far away from them. - pauses- Bad memories...
[Lie] - Not as bad as when CP was bit several times
[Doc] The pain in my hearts was worse then the venom...
[Lie] - I know, why don't you run to a store and pick us up some games?  And emotional pain?  Like when...  They?  Died?
[Doc]  Deerheart forgave me. She knew I couldn't help it. And I know it's dumb, but it hurt me that Cp would have left me to suffer. I cried pretty hard over that afterwards... And you want me to get you some video games?
[Lie] - No, like board games or card games, and you know how constipated CP is emotionally, he panicked
[Doc] Yeah.... that's why it's dumb. If I had any inkling that he felt bad about it, it would be different. But I know you're always his first priority.
[Lie] - Even when I'm pissed at him
[Doc] Nods- I almost wish I could give myself that fully...
[Lie] - Why haven't you?
[Doc] small voice- I'm afraid...
-It seems like the shadows in the corners grow deeper at hir words and the wind outside grows stronger as well-
[Lie] - There's no reason to be afraid Doc
[Doc] When I was just a glitch... I would have thought nothing of it. But a Herobrine is different. I almost died last time just from the pain.
[Lie] - We could always do to the server like we did with Flux's, let Deer keep a physical copy with her so she can't be killed off
-There's a bit of a scraping noise as the gale runs the dry branches of a tree along the cement walls outside.-
[Doc] Maybe... I want to protect her. I have every intention of making her real and Yaunfen too if I can when they're old enough.
[Lie] - Well we know Endrea can enter the real world, so it should be possible
[Doc] I'm still doing research. I want to make their transitions as short and painless as I can. I'm working on a special code and - hesitates- well, I'm working on it. That's all that's relevant for now.
Xe scoots close to Lie, hir voice soft- I want to marry her, Lie. I'm just... she was made for me. I want to know that she loves me because she wants too. Not because she has too. I don't know how to be sure...
[Lie] - Doc...  How could you ever think she didn't love you?  I was there when she first arrived, what I saw in her eyes was genuine.  The seed loves you as much as you love it, she is how it expresses that.
[Doc] Is a little taken aback - I know she loves me. I just want to be sure I've earned it genuinely. If she can be here. If she can be free, and she still chooses me...
[Lie] - She will absolutely still choose you
[Doc] Hugs Lie a bit impulsively- Thank you Lie....
[Lie] - You're welcome, now about those games?- She holds up the credit card CP gave her
[Doc] Huffs- You're determined, aren't you? Gonna make me change my clothes and go out in public and everything?
[Lie] - Honestly at this point I don't really care
[Doc] Alright dammit. But I won't be gone long. - Xe stands up to make a portal- You stay right here. Do not go outside!
[Lie] - I'm not leaving this cocoon
[Doc] Huffs and goes out- Good.
-There's a slight crackle as the portal closes and the dark corners of the room seem to entend their shadows ever closer to her. Sammn turns uneasily, mumbling fitfully in her sleep. The icy wind batters the door and it rattles with a slightly rusty sound against the casement.-
[Lie] Spawns several lantern flowers all over the room and after a few minutes is bored again so she sends a simple text to all her contacts, a grand total of two people- I'm bored
[Ever] Pings back - Hi bored, I'm Ever.
[Lie] - I'm baby sitting somebody becoming physical and freezing and it's pretty dark here...
[Ever] I'm pretty much locked in the house while Karla stalks from one window to another with a gun...
[Lie] - I'm stuck in a bunker
[Ever] Okay you got me there. My room is likely less clean but more comfortable.
[Lie] - We've got IKEA furniture and I've claimed every blanket I can...  I hate the cold so much...  If my husband weren't on my shit list I'd call him here to be a heater
[Ever] I'm knee deep in laundry and books. I usually don't sleep in here so it's pretty messy. What did Cp do now?
[Lie] - Well you saw how the front of my house looked, plus he shot his brother and he was already kinda on the shit list for a few other things too. He'd only just gotten allowed back in the bed
[Ever] Wait, I thought you could sit in lava? Can't you just spawn a bucket and pour it into a hole or something?
[Lie] - There was...  But it's currently empty...  And I can only spawn water buckets.  Plus I run pretty cold for a brine so lava just hardens on me when I get out, not very comfortable
[Ever] That's weird. But still really cool. How come you're babysitting alone?
[Lie] - I'm not, but I sent Doc to go and get us some board games or cards
[Ever] Why so low tech?
[Lie] - Nostalgia?  And irony?
[Ever] Chuckles- Fair enough. Is there anything I can do for you?
[Lie] - Unless you can endlessly entertain me, I think not
[Ever] Nah, I'm eyeballing some sex toys myself. Karla is too agitated to play with me right now.
[Lie] Blushes- I did not need to hear that
[Ever] Sorry.
[Lie] - Besides, that's just a bit of a tease, I haven't been laid in months
[Ever] That sucks! Hey if you ever need equiptment or just some privacy, we sterilize the fuck out of everything. You can partake, no pressure.
[Lie] - I have at least half a trunk of toys that have been bought for me or made for me by my friends, I'm pretty sure I've used a grand total of one of them, once
[Ever] How come? That sounds like a pretty nice stash.
[Lie] - CP absolutely hates them, every time I receive some his first objective is to try and destroy them
[Ever] Wow... he's not like.... poorly endowed or something, is he?
[Lie] - Oh not at all, but due to one of his old housemates he has bad associations with some things
[Ever] Yeah... but that's still crappy. They're your things and... a lady needs time to herself now and again.
[Lie] Laughs a little- You have no idea, by the time we actually do get around to fucking?  Well, let's say I'm very good at suppressing my wants for some time
[Ever] Trust me, I know alllll about delay of gratification...
[Lie] - Yes well it's why my offensive plant works so well.  It's venom is a nectar made from my lust, and so far I'm the only one capable of handling it.  Those on our seed capable of shapeshifting can't stop themselves from changing if they even ingest or get the tiniest bit on them
[Ever] That's insane! Has anyone ever.. taken it intentionally?
[Lie] - Yes, the first time when my husband convinced another brine to test it so he could find out what it did...  Plus an entire seed of testificates...
[Ever] That sounds like Cp, and as for the other, now that's a party I would have loved to have attended.
[Lie] - Yeah that was a surprise when we returned there...  Kinda forgot I had left a pod there
[Ever] Any chance I could bug you for a few drops?
[Lie] - Maybe, I think we have a bottle of the nectar stored somewhere...  But it'll have to wait for me to return to the seed
[Ever] It might take Karla's mind off our current predicament... whenever you can. Thank you Lie.
[Lie] - No problem, I should let you get back to your hiding
[Ever] It was nice talking to you Lie, stay warm, and safe.
[Lie] - I'll try
[Lie] Curls up a bit tighter in her cocoon, looking to see if there were any games in her phone
[Dofta] Accidently sends her a picture of a 3-D model for a Husk-
[Lie] - I hate those things
[Dofta] Whoops! Sorry Lie. I meant to send that to Svit.
[Lie] - Ah, so what else are you working on?
[Dofta] Still cleaning up NOTCH code. I got some very valuable help the other day though!
[Lie] - Oh yeah, I thought I saw Buff over at Notch's place yesterday
[Dofta] Oh I got to talk to your NOTCH too! He's adorable.
[Lie] - Oh, you spoke with CN?  I bet I'll be hearing all about that when I get back
[Dofta] He's such a cutie! And so happy to help.
[Lie] - That he is, he tries his best to help me in the mornings when I'm tending to the animals, but he's not quite strong enough
[Lie] - He was pretty skinny when we finally got to him, and it's strange.  Every NOTCH I've met has had some sort of power, but CN doesn't appear to have any
[Dofta] He's really small though? Maybe... is there any reason he might be stunted? Did he spawn somewhere weird?
[Lie] - ...  The void outside of the server?
[Dofta] Yeaaah... that's not good.... He might be failing to connect with the server itself properly too. Is there any reason it might reject him? Or he wouldn't try to harmonize with it?
[Lie] - Well, the server is set up to be invitation only, so he spawned without the permission to enter it, plus he kinda...  REALLY hates the embodiment of the server
[Dofta] That may be your problem right there. If he's resisting the connection it may be holding him back. But also, a super-powered being with the mind of a child could be a danger to everyone. So just take it slow and reconcile them when he's older.
[Lie] - Well he kinda watched her rip apart the first "friend" he'd ever had into non existence...
[Dofta] ... holy crap.... So your server deleted someone?!
[Lie] - Yeeeeeeeeah...
[Dofta] I'd say they're not supposed to do that, but I had no idea they could generate an AI to represent themselves until you guys told me. I presume the person did something to deserve it at least?
[Lie] - They were psychologically torturing Doc, it was hir original NOTCH
[Dofta] Well... good riddance then. Kids often aren't the best judges of character anyway. At least your server is looking out for you, right?
[Lie] - Oh absolutely, but she was almost recalled back into the server itself because of it
[Dofta] This is all news to me. I'm glad she's okay at least. And Cn should get over it eventually.
[Lie] - Yeah, plus he's really taken a liking to another NOTCH on the server
[Dofta] How many NOTCHAI's do you guys have there? Minus the refugees village, of course.
[Lie] Thinks about it- I think three?
[Dofta] Oh, okay. That's not too many. I guess they're all staying with their brines?
[Lie] - For the most part, yes
[Dofta] So Buff and Cn... who's the third?
[Lie] - Firebird, a much older NOTCH
[Dofta] Oh! Yeah, you told me about him. So... what are you up too?
[Lie] - Baby sitting.  We have another digital member going through the process of gaining a physical body, if only so she can get some decent sleep while this is happening
[Dofta] Wow... the fact that you can just do that.... If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't believe it... can I ask... what kind of entity is it?
[Lie] - We're...  Not sure...  We know they have a NOTCH and a brine, but we're not sure they're a Steve or Alex
[Dofta] So something humanish, at least?
[Lie] - Oh absolutely
[Dofta] I know I don't have any right to ask... but please don't let the mobs out...
[Lie] - Well....
[Dofta] Oh please tell me it wasn't the zombies... I don't want to be partially responsible for an outbreak of undead...!
[Lie] - No!  No!  As far as I know, the only mob repeatedly let out before is my husbands Ender dragon...  Although I suppose she's my ender dragon now...
[Dofta] A real dragon....? Like in irl? A DRAGON?
[Lie] - Yeah, and I know Doc eventually wants to bring their child out too, another type pf ender dragon
[Dofta] I would give anything... just to see that...
[Lie] - I mean, we could set up a time and place if you can find someplace secluded enough
[Dofta] I would love that. I helped with the ender dragon design a little bit... Did you know there was supposed to be one in the Nether too? The design got scrapped because it kept clipping into things.
[Lie] - Yeah, and we actually DO have a couple of Nether dragons on the server, but they can't come out
[Dofta] You mean...? The code expressed itself!? It wasn't deleted, just buried incomplete! Like the zombie foals. What do they look like?!
[Lie] - Well both are red, the younger one has six legs and spines down his back, the other is also a brine and so has the glowing eyes, wings feathered with ghast tentacles, horns, and pigmen hooves for feet
[Dofta] Sounds like the second one is closer to the original, but both unique... how interesting. And a brine too?
[Lie] - Yup, he's become a really good uncle to my dragon's children
[Dofta] YOU HAVE BABY DRAGONS?! Please send me some pictures. Please please please.
[Lie] - Okay, okay I will, once I get back to the server that is, which may not be for a few weeks...  Or you could ask Notch.  Mind you, the babies aren't very small any more
[Dofta] I will absolutely ask Markus. The fact that they're not only thriving, but breeding too is amazing!
[Lie] - Well, not exactly breeding.  They're rescued eggs, eggs that players did not collect
[Dofta] Oh. Well... that's still sweet. I'm glad you guys are taking care of them. It annoys me that the eggs don't do anything on their own and we keep putting off working on them. I guess it's no suprise that some just get left behind.
[Lie] - Yeah, well, doc should be back soon and I shouldn't keep you from your work for too long
[Dofta] Call me anytime, okay? Especially if you have any issues with your NOTCHAIs.
[Lie] - Will do
-The light on the phone extinguishes and there's a profound silence. Distantly a wolf gives a mournful howl and the scratching of the trees against the roof is more pronouced and urgent sounding. -
[Lie] Shudders a little and glances over at Sammns sleeping form, making sure the other woman is okay-
-Sammn is quiet for now, but the air feels thick with tension. There's a sense of being watched even through the weighty concrete walls. -
[Lie] Nervous, she calls on Xophiels flame to circle both her and Sammn-
-There's a rather wet noise from outside... Hopefully just some snow falling off a tree-
[Lie] Huddles down farther into her cocoon-
-There's a little rattle, like something testing the door-
[Lie] Instinctually spawns some vines to help barricade the door-
-The fire burns a bit brighter then it normally would-
[Lie] Takes her cue from the brighter fire and summons several pods-
-The room starts to feel closer and more claustrophobic, as if something unseen were filling the space.-
[Lie] Moves Closer to Sammn, flipping through her phone and finding she has internet access, begins playing some music to calm herself-
[Xophiel] Whispers in her ear- I'll lead it away...
-The closeness suddenly vanishes and there's a loud crunching noise outside, followed by a wet squelching that goes quieter and finally ceases entirely-
[Lie] Barely audible- I'm not sure I want to know what that was...   but thank you
-There's a faintly satisfied sighing noise, but it might have just been the wind-
[Lie] Waits for Doc's return with baited breath-
[Doc] Bursts back in with a big smile and a lot of weird smells and dumps several bags on the floor- I brought food!
[Lie] Yelps in surprise and falls off the bed she's on, several thorny vines springing up to surround her-
[Doc] Whoah! What the hell? Did I miss something? Or did you get scared with just sleepy Sammn here?
[Lie] - It got spooky okay!
[Doc] Yeah. It can at that. We are in the woods after all. And I'm a big dummy because I forgot something that should help- Xe sets the bags down and pulls a bucket of lava out of the creative before dumping it into the divot in the floor. - This should warm things up-
[Lie] - Yes!  Absolutely!
[Doc] Picks up a bulging bag- Hungry?
[Lie] - A bit, what did you get?
[Doc] Cheerfully- I have no idea! - Xe starts pulling out lots of white boxes and setting them on the table. - I just looked for chicken and beef and pork and got a bunch of different things.
[Lie] - You...  Got Chinese food?
[Doc] picks up a box - I guess? It's got little dragons on the boxes. Is that Chinese? I just followed my nose.
[Lie] - Yes, yes it is
[Doc] Is that... okay?
[Lie] - Oh yeah, it's related to the buns CP's gotten me before
[Doc] Oh good! - Xe starts opening boxes. - I guess it's too early for Sammn to wake up, isn't it...?
[Lie] - Yeah, so what else did you get besides food?- She helps Doc empty the bags
[Doc] Dumps a small bag- I bought cards like you asked, [there's a normal deck but also some small packages of MTG and Yugioh cards] but I don't get what these small packages are for, and look at this! -Brandishes a box of pokemon cards
[Lie] Just face palms- Really Doc?
[Doc] What? You said cards! I got cards. They have nice artwork on them at least.
[Lie] - Yes, you did, but you bought cards that are part of a collection, a hobby which people will sink thousands into
[Doc] Oh... so the little packs are just one part... damn. Well... is this better? - Xe pulls up another bag that was on the floor and empties it. - There's Clue, Scrabble, Jenga, a cheap chess board, Operation, and an Oujia board. Xe pulls out a particularly big box - This one has the same kind of dragon... hey it even says, Chinese Checkers! And I got this one because it reminds me of Yaunfen. - It's a copy of Candy Land.
[Lie] - Good choices, just maybe use the Ouija board as a last resort
[Doc] Why? What kind of game is it? I was in a hurry so I just grabbed interesting boxes.
[Lie] -Some people consider it a game, but it's meant to communicate with spirits, and can be dangerous
[Doc] Shivers- Yeah... I'll just... put that over here. Either way, food first.
[Lie] - Absolutely- She starts sifting through the boxes
[Doc] Ah, the three food groups, crunchy things, noodles and meat. - laughs-
[Lie] - Delicious!
[Doc] What are the little sticks for?
[Lie] - Those are chop sticks, you eat with them
[Doc] Pokes through a piece of meat with one and eats it off the stick- ???
[Lie] Shakes her head and holds the chop sticks properly, picking up some broccoli with them- This is how you do it Doc
[Doc] Fumbles with them and starts to get a bit stressed out - I'm just not as dexterous out here....
[Lie] - It's takes a lot of practice- She looks under the napkins still in the bag and pulls out a fork- Here, use this
[Doc] Thank you. - Eats with gusto - So many weird textures...  - Xe accidently tips over the jenga box and the pieces scatter on the table a little.
[Lie] - Hey, you're supposed to try not to do that!
[Doc] Jumps a little- Sorry!
[Lie] - It's okay- She continues eating
[Doc] Is playing with the blocks with hir left hand and stacking them into a little wall.
[Lie] - So what do you want to do first?
[Doc] Shrugs- your choice. I don't know how to play any of these anyway
[Lie] - Why don't we start with Clue
[Doc] Okay - Xe pulls the box over and opens it, unfolding the board- I like this layout, it gives me some good building ideas.
[Lie] - It even has some secret passages
[Doc] Ooo! No house is complete without some secrets.
[Lie] Pulls out the instructions and quickly scans them- Okay, first pick a character
[Doc] Selects professor Plum -
[Lie] takes Miss Scarlet and starts shuffling the cards- Okay, pick one from each of the three piles but don't look at it
[Doc] Follows her directions- there's a little secret file in with the cards... Should I just leave it alone?
[Lie] - Okay, put those three cards in here, and then we divvy up the rest.  Those three cards are who commited the murder, the weapon, and the place where it happened
[Doc] nods- this has a list on it? Um... - Xe spawns a book and quill from the creative and brandishes the little feather - ready!
[Lie] Laughs a little- I don't recall ever needing to write anything down
[Doc] Something occurs to me... I've never tried to write with one of these out here- Xe flips the pad over and writes hir name, oddly the result is in a distinct font that looks Minecrafty. - Whoah...
[Lie] - Okay, well that's a little odd...  Most people can't write like that unless it's onm a computer
[Doc] is confused- Do you have something else I can write with?
[Lie] - Ummm, maybe there's something around here if we look in the crates...
[Doc] Even a stick would do...
[Lie] Finds a normal pen and hands it to Doc-
[Doc] Tries that instead and hir writing is shaky, but normal and  mostly legible. - okay, so it's just the quill. It normally types in the book so that's probably why. I usually draw with dye blobs so there's no reason I would have noticed before.
[Lie] - Good point, now lets get playing
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