#This poor baby got upset because he almost ate his favorite pet rat Rigatoni
ask-mist-ghoulette · 4 months
How do you feel about dracopia? (Copia as a vampire)
Did ya’ll help him when he first turned into one? I’ve heard that ghouls and vampires have some similarities. Idk I feel like he must’ve been panicked at first…
I think he is absolutely adorable but he is a lot more awkward than he was as a human. We did help him when he first changed and oh my Satan did I feel so bad for him. I was in the garden when I heard him scream from his room, poor thing was freaking out because he couldn't see his reflection in the mirror anymore and he almost ate his rats. It was a long night explaining to him what happened and everything. He did panic at first because he was so terrified of hurting anyone who came near him. Cue Alpha coming in with a dead deer and giving it to Copiato eat because he was listening in to the conversation I was having with Dracopia. Don't even get me started on the amount of times Dew/Sodo and Swiss thought it'd be funny to eat garlic bread in front of him.
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