#This was before patch so hopefully it'd been fixed since
whatawhim · 2 years
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Pepper baby I’m so sorry 😭😭
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Mysteries Running Deeper...
[Future Foundation Branch 14 Head Office - Several Hours Later]
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This feels...strange...This was basically my home for so long, but...having not been here in a year, it feels...weird coming back.
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Yeah. Same is true for me. I haven't been here in a long time either.
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And recently, I was worried that I might never be able to come back.
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Why not?
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Kyoko loves me dearly, but she knows to make tough calls. If I hadn't gotten out of that twisted headspace when I did, I...Well, you get the picture.
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Makoto...I know this didn't work out so well the last time but...maybe it would be best if you sought consultation with Miaya.
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I know...Maybe that would be best...still...
*He reaches out and takes her hand.
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I don't think I would have been comfy spending time in this office if you weren't here in it. Shortly after you...left...every time someone came in through the door I'd raise my head hoping it'd be you but...it was never going to be.
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I...I know I can't stop you from doing your duty, but...Please...Never do any of that again. For me, or for anyone else.
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That's not a promise I can keep...
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Well, you had fuckin' bettah...
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Ah!? K-Kuripa!?
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You're...WHAT!? You're ok!?
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*Kuripa is wheeled into the room on a chair by Uchui. His face is patched up, but his broken legs and arms are thoroughly bandaged. Uchui also has smaller bandages around his face.
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Jeez...You got that face issue fixed FAST!
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I told you guys, Uchui's tech is like magic.
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I've done operations like this on Kuripa at least a dozen times already, but I actually had surgical help from Tsumiki and Inori this time. They insisted he take pain medicine and lie down for a few hours...not sure why since he doesn't feel pain anyway...but he insisted on coming to talk to you guys.
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This is the first time he's thoroughly damaged his face, but it should be equally as persuadable. Still, it's gonna leave a nasty scar.
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I don't see a scar.
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Yeah, well, it'll take a while to form, but it'll pop up eventually. I might have to get stitches to prevent half my face falling off in the future.
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Is...that...really how that...works?
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Nah, I don't think so, but Mod Creeper was too lazy to go and add a scar to all my sprites. So hopefully it'll be on my redesign in Phase 3.
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I don't know what any of those words mean, but I'm glad you're doing better.
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So...is it really true? You really can't feel pain?
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Pfft...Check the medical records if you don't believe me. They only now just got updated to include my condition.
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Is that why you avoided getting medical help for so long? You didn't want anyone else knowing about your CIPA's?
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Pretty much...It's...pretty personal to me. I didn't tell you guys, not because I don't trust you, but because I just don't like talking about how fucked up I am in basically every way...
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How many people knew before you and Kibin told us?
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Sika had noticed the big black mass of fur laying off to the side of the sidewalk, closer to the treeline. It'd probably be sensible to avoid it, but a little whine caught his attention, and he'd ended up walking towards whatever it was.
As he got closer, he could tell that whatever it was was big. Really big. Something that could and probably would easily kill him, but there were patches of red on the surrounding grass, and knowing that whatever this was could be seriously hurt meant that he had to go and check. Upon getting even closer, Sika realised that it was some sort of dog. He'd never seen a dog this damn big before, though he'd also never seen a great dane in real life, and they were supposed to be pretty huge.
"Hey there bud..." he spoke, both hands raised to show he didn't have any bad intentions as he slowly leaned down to look over the injuries. "Wonder if you have a name?" Sika wondered aloud, though there was no collar.
[sika n shrike for werebeast au :relieved: sika im sorry but pls. consider the option this giant dog you found near the woods that is injured without any tags Could be a wolf]
Damn Hunters.
Shrike was an apex predator- a Dire wolf, and even were's of the species were's of the species were supposed to be....well, extinct. But there were a select few- just like there were still a select few titanaboas, a few Sabertooths... he always wondered if there were dinosaurs but the type of weres that were supposed to be extinct were oft particularily aggressive, especially to other weres. Shrike was no exception...
But he had been injured. A Hunter had been so kind to wound him pretty bad with a knife, and so when he heard the third person to walk past, he let out a whine to try and draw this ones attention. Thankfully, Sika was kind enough (or maybe dumb enough, considering his size and look) to come over and check him out. He was okay to play the innocent dog for a while, since this one bought it.
He tilted his ears back, lifting his head a little to give Sika those wide eyes with a whine. He let his head fall back to the grass, letting the other look over his injuries. A large gash down his leg, one near his stomach but not as deep. The leg was the worst of it, and he just needed a safe spot to maybe transform back and fix it himself but he couldn't even walk. Hopefully Sika would take pity on him.
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