#This was super fun to do!! I'll write the huge sappy birthday speech thing later
genopaint · 2 years
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Every year on my birthday, I try to redraw an old piece of mine as a sort of present to all of you to celebrate! For this year, I've decided to redraw my very first commission ever! Plague Knight, but specifically in a cool pose! This was so much fun to revisit!
The original from 2019! It's hard to believe it's already been that long since I started doing freelance and commission stuff! This was very kindly commissioned by @ Jamix012 on twitter I believe. Thank you so much for taking a chance on me back then! I hope you appreciate the update
Right, and I also wanted to talk a little bit about life and what not really quick since I also don't think I did this last year. Yeah! Another year come and gone! That's wild. I'll be honest, things have been very tough lately especially with covid and stuff. I've been struggling a bit as things have just been pretty bad at home lately. But I'm pulling through and making it day by day. In particular lately I've been very self conscious about my art and skills lately. But I think the fact that stuff like Axel the Alligator can still come to me even now when I'm just feeling very low about my creativity and talent is a good sign that I do still have what it takes to come up with cool stuff I genuinely like. And also I particularly really wanted to just take some time to thank both SeafloorGames and CloudyGamesLLC for bringing me on board to their game projects over the past few years. While I'm sulking around about stuff I think it's completely flown over my head how wonderful it's been to actually get to work on two different indie games recently. Not only designing SUPER fun protagonists and other concepts for their games, but even getting to draw in game assets and learning various new skills along the way. It means a lot that both of them were willing to take a chance on me despite being unproven and I really haven't thanked them enough. These have both been a blast to work on, and moonlight pulse is, if i'm not mistaken, the first game not made for me where I designed a character for? Plus I realize that these games have already helped me achieve dreams of owning a toy of a character I designed and see fanart of something I designed. It's all happening in real time and when I take a step back from being so sad over silly stuff, it really is amazing to see and makes me extremely happy. So thank you again to both directors for having me as their drawing-guy and thank you all so much for all your love and support over the years! I'm hoping to get things moving again soon if possible and I hope you'll all be there to see me draw scalies for many years to come!!
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