#Thornclaw is a misanthropic old man who would DEFINITELY be Scrooge in a Christmas Carol play
bonefall · 1 year
you may have answered this before, but do you have any thoughts about fixing some of the ships with age disparities? i know some of the age disparities are bigger than others, so for cats in particular it probably wouldn’t come across as anything strange if both cats fall in together after they’re above a certain age, but nonetheless… it’s still odd to see ships that are completely saccharine, like bracken/sorrel, and remember that tpb specifically featured scenes where one was a warrior & one was a kit, even if he was a very Young warrior at the time…
I don't mind answering questions multiple times! At worst I'll just answer privately with a "I answered this here (link)"
For age disparities, my hard cutoff for romantic ships is 4 years. When it's above that, if I can't fix it, it's an honor siring. I used this for Leopardfoot and Pinestar (and actually im reconsidering leopardfoot as an adderswift kit. I Hate You Adderfang. I Hate You Swiftbreeze.)
For Bracken/Sorrel, I rule that that one is fine because Bracken shows no interest in her when she was inappropriately young, and was NOT her mentor (eliminated mentor/apprentice pairings completely as well).
For Blossomfall/Thornclaw, that one was utterly eliminated and Blossomfall's litter is sireless (she actually had a stint with a rogue).
For Dust/Fern, I'm still actually trying to fix that one since the political drama of TPB is pretty tight (it is actually a plot point that Ash and Fern are apprenticed when they are, to whom they are apprenticed to), and I'm fixing that by preventing warriors from taking apprentices before they're two years old, besides Fireheart and Graystripe... and Graystripe's utter failure to train Brackenfur is why the code is amended.
For Tiger/Dove, Tigerheart is shuffled out of the older litter and into a second one for Tawnypelt, so he's around the same age as Dovewing (and they are actually apprentices on the beaver quest together! Tigerpaw's mentor is Marshwing, son of Tallpoppy, one of my kit saves)
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