#Thsc Fandom
wololo-01 · 5 months
i could not resist
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berensteinsmonster · 2 months
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This one is dedicated to all my friends mutuals followers and just everyone who's been here in thsc fandom through 4 freaking years and still joining now. That's so cool...!!!!
I don't know how this game has managed to latch itself into my brain for so so long, but I'm grateful for it. Especially since I got to meet and made one of my closest friend's ever, @digital-roots. This guy is the one who made me stick around, because if it weren't for them lending an open ear, I wouldn't have over my fear of showing my art to an all-to-see public space. He's made me feel more confident because of their excitement and love for what I do. And I'm so grateful we were able to grow closer beyond our shared interest of this game. They are one of the most honest, thoughtful, sincerest person I've ever known and I'm really grateful I got to be his friend.
Happy 4th anniversary 🌈💐🌻🌈♥️❤️💐🌈🌻🌈 Love you forever, -Brine Berenstein
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coro-at-2am · 4 months
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if I were to choose between the government or the toppat which one do you think i’d pick hmmm
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populousgraph · 2 months
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This whole project was a NIGHTMARE! WHY DID I DO THIS?!
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zerguette · 2 months
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Carol and Rupert designs! :D
Gosh, i love this woman a lot, AND BABY PRICE, i actually went with playing with military uniform/gear designs, and decided that his is modified (by himself with the permission of Galeforce).
Still, next ones should be Dave and Jhonny and Henry/or Charles. Also idk if it would be better to make a side blog for this, debating it(and yeah if you got asks abt their designs and some lore, feel free to ask :D)
And, some doodles
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candikin · 1 year
What Your Favorite THSC Character Would Of Said About You Back In 2020 VS Now!
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Henry Stickmin
Before: Oh, you just went with the safe option huh? Either that or you've played since the start
Now: You're pretty chill, and very into angst. Either you are insane about shipping him, or you are a firm believer that he's aroace
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Charles Calvin
Now: Yes, keep rambling to me about him <3 /srs
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Ellie Rose
Before: Man, she's a underrated one! Surprised you even liked her enough to be your favorite. You must have a lot of interesting ideas for her
Now: You most likely are into women, aren't you? Women like her?
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Reginald Copperbottom
Before: Hello shipping and LGBTQ+ community
Now: Hello shipping and LGBTQ+ community
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Right Hand Man
Before: You are either a huge Copperright shipper or just here for nostalgia... or both
Now: You are either one of the most normal people here or one of the most crazy (positive either way)
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Dave Panpa
Before: You're just like him, that's why
Now: You're just like him, that's why
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Rupert Price
Before: Are you... sure he's your favorite, or do you just want to be different?
Now: Oh nope, you definitely like him. You're probably a fanfic writer. Can we be friends, because you seem interesting
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Terrence Suave
Before: You like writing villains
Now: You like writing misunderstood characters or angst
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Sven Svensson
Before: You're a highschool girl, who really loves shipping and definitely ship Curtisson
Now: You ship Curtisson, and a bit of a softie. I would probably love your aesthetic though
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Burt Curtis
Before: Huh, you're pretty normal... unless your second favorite is Charles. If Charles is your second fav, you probably headcanon them as brothers and are insane about that dynamic
Now: You may come off as normal at first, but you're crazy /pos
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gamer-guy-gg-64 · 4 months
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Choose your team!
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nece-shows-and-tells · 3 months
I like this guy a lot, he was supposed to be a hero but the moment he realized how painful it is to be one he just went, nope! Not doing that anymore! Imma join the Toppats.
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So I made some art of him.
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ambasingresident · 6 months
Decided to draw the OC's of the THSC community on Tumblr as characters from the TNO universe (THSC x TNO)
I drew the oc's present in the post based on the artstyle of each blog (or at least how I interpret it) and the theme I gave to each oc. Hope ya'll like and enjoy it. I'll probably draw a second batch of THSC oc's x TNO art if I can find any oc that I can draw, if you want to be included then just dm me (or don't).
@yunaisky 's Andy Postman and Frederick Cedric x The Red Poppy Movement
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"The Tyrant-Fighting Boyfriends of Roue"
@bluetorchsky 's Accordion and Violin x The Humanist
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"The Music Dragons of Shostakovich"
@rarestdoge, @smoresthehalloweenqueen, and @mai-mai-lim 's ABC Trio x Siberian Black Army
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"Be Gay, Do Crime!"
@caruskie 's Carus x Free Aviators
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"The Witch of the Urals"
@capturecharlesau 's Danny Felizima x Governorate of the Levant
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"Capitano Luce Stellare del Levante (Captain Starlight of the Levant)"
@ceresfromnationstates 's Calvin Perez x South African War (US Inteevention)
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@m1mk1d 's Max and @itz-candikin 's Lexi x Buryatia
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"Le Holesom Mutineers of Sablin"
(Tbh I had fun drawing all of these, will look forward in making a project like this)
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thecringethird · 9 months
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Thomas Walson: "why I feel like the helicopter is falling?"
Thomas: Walson: "hey Charles stop the helicopter from falling"
Thomas Walson:"*turn eyes to the Helicopter Window*"
Sven Svensson: "<3"
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moorhsnoom · 1 year
This is weird...
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wololo-01 · 8 months
TW: Mention of non/con and pro//shiper
I'm want to reminder and tell everyone from here on Tumblr that if you follow or see this profile @/kselemini UNFOLLOW AND BLOCK THEY IMMEDIATELY, this person is a proshipper and made some disgusting noncon art involving a ship between This two, them also have tell some time ago in the private (idk if they delete it or not) gross things also about noncon involving Henry (but of course, won't show this shit cuz I really don't want to trigger anyone.)
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I saw that some people from here and New fans of the game still do follow or interact with they post so again, block and if you also have reblog any of their posts, unreblog ALL of they posts and unlike too, stay safe everyone.
And also if STILL support or interact with they after everything, please unfollow and hard block me!!
(I may also block you)
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berensteinsmonster · 3 months
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Henry Ventriloquest, mirror reflection of Henry Stickmin
(reblogs help my posts be seen :)
Resident SILLIEST guy, a clever little trickster, one of Capt. Bailfalse's three evil henchmen, somehow everybody's friend, improbably reality bending funny man, and well known unkillable immortal. He's very aware of all these facts and is just living life to it's fullest, for the entertainment of himself of course.
My favourite thing is to talk abt VQ's opposite-ness to Sticks so here I goooo-! Primary details include the fact its color motif is orange, opposite to Sticks' associated blue. He's more sociable and talkative. And what else uhh oh yeah he literally CANNOT DIE how could he this toon runs on slapstick. It could be turned to ash or squashed by a truck and he'd still come out fine (with birds spinning around his head or perfectly okay, whichever he finds funnier as a result).
Misc details include: Since Sticks is animated by Flash, the opposite of that would be something hand drawn, which is (In-Universe) where VQ originated from. And Stickmin being mostly recognized for his eye design, so Ventriloquest has a misaligned eye condition. Both still function, but his left eye isn't as good as his right. He's learned to live with this disability ever since he was created.
//AN: When I talk about his origins, I can only speak about his disability using research. Feel free to send me any corrections about Strabismus because I really do want to keep this part of his character. He may act silly but he doesn't have misaligned eyes for that reason, he is just playing god which is unrelated
But he also works as Stickmin's reflection, just a silly guy here for the thrills with inguity to get themselves out of trouble. How they both don't care too hard about the consequences until it devastatingly affects them! — but that's hv au plot development for next time.
He plays the role that RHM would have, just being a powerhouse that can whip HRM's hiney at any given point. But the difference here is that Henry V is alot more affectionate and giddy during these beat down that he considers as playing, and is cartoonishly violent instead of lethally violent. RHM causes destruction as a means to an end, but Ventriloquest causes destruction because he loves it. He's a force of discordance....For the funny.
And if you ever cross or make fun of him he'll drop an anvil on your skull ^_^
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One of my favorite headcanons, personally, is Reginald and Galeforce being friends.
Now, I don’t mean an angsty “we’ve chosen our paths now we must walk them” type friendship. I also don’t mean a “oh, technically I’m supposed to capture you but oh no look at that you escaped that’s so sad” type of friendship either. Both Reginald and Galeforce are EXTREMELY loyal to their factions. Reg can and will blow up Government buildings without hesitation, and Galeforce can and will arrest every living Toppat he comes across without remorse. No, I mean friends like this:
Galeforce learns that Reginald got a promotion so he writes a card of congratulations and leaves it in his pocket knowing the thief will steal it at some point during their conversation
Reginald learns Galeforce got a promotion so he breaks into Galeforce’s house one night and leaves him a card and a dubiously acquired gold bracelet that leaves Galeforce with a dilemma of “is this stolen and am I going to get arrested if I wear it” so he just leaves it in a display case because he can’t bring himself to throw it away
Reginald comes out at FtM trans and Galeforce spends hours going back through each arrest warrant and document with his name on it to change it to Reginald
Galeforce complains about his boss and two days later said boss is arrested for tax fraud and Reginald when asked just grins and says “his finances became more complicated than he’d planned for, is all”
Reginald breaks into a Government base to change his legal name and gender but Galeforce catches him and hands him a folder full of articles and resources to help trans people that don’t involve breaking and entering and identity fraud
“You’re no fun at all” “At least I don’t have seventeen different arrest warrants over my head at any given time” “We could change that” “NO”
Reginald “borrows” and crashes Galeforce’s car because he’s in the area and needed a quick getaway and Galeforce is rightfully pissed but then the next day there’s a nicer brand new version of the car in the driveway with documents in his name
Said car is also painted a hideous neon red color that cannot be painted over no matter how much Galeforce tries and Reginald just asks “what, is red not your color? That’s too bad, I thought you’d like it”
Galeforce sends three spy cameras into the airship but labels them 1, 2, and 4 so Reginald panics and spends the next three months trying to find camera 3 but never does
Reginald and Right Hand Man get married and Galeforce is invited to the wedding with a full mutual understanding that the Government will in fact show up to try to arrest everyone there but Galeforce waits until after the vows are complete to call in reinforcements
“Hey we’re stopping by for dinner” “Use the door this time you bastard” “Ha! No <3”
Galeforce saying “anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law” vs Reginald proceeding to infodump about a very random niche topic so that during the trial they have to listen to a two hour recording of him explaining the language and symbolism of deadly flowers in the 1800s because “what he says will be used against him in court”
Galeforce ranting about how insufferable Reginald is and someone agrees with him and misgenders the thief in the process and Galeforce immediately flips a 180 to lecture the soldier about respect and basic decency
Reginald kidnaps Charles for like a week but instead of interrogating him for Government secrets he just asks the pilot to help him plan a surprise party for Galeforce’s birthday
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lexistickmin1 · 5 months
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Haha angzt
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zerguette · 2 months
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Oh god Madd took such a time to design...(Hours compared to Konrad, given this man has more lore than i intentes to give him ), hehe sunglasses boys deserve more love!!!
Also a hc, Bukowski twins are 190cm tall (Calvin 190cm, Konrad 191cm) while Madd is 197cm-198cm, so they are part of the tallest soldiers.
(psss psss they like to mock on Rupert, tower over him, loom ominously bc Rupert is 173cm tall, Even Charles is 187cm tall. I'll write more in the tags as I die)
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