#Tigerihak Jorgan
diazuk-legacy · 7 days
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Tigerihak Jorgan // Prologue Part 2
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diazuk-legacy · 1 year
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Name: Tigerihak Jorgan
Profile: Tiger skined male cather and son of Goldsawkin Nal and Aric Jorgan
“Why do you think people should vote for you?” “I’m pretty good looking and i’m very good at combat. I heard the prize is very good so I want in. Vote for me"
Name: Kianmari Srisgrace
Profile: Confirmed Hero of Tython. Female Jedi Knight. Slayer of the Sith Emperor and Commander of the Alliance. But Is a walking fire breathing zombie underneath all that armour.
“Why do you think people should vote for you?” Kianmari: “ I don’t know I’m just in it for the prize. My armour is shiny and golden so that might get me some votes. And afterall I am the Hero of Tython one of most famous and skilled knights in the galaxy."
Tigerihak Jorgan "I'm quite honor to be in your presence Master Jedi."
Kianmari Srisgrace "Thank you Solider" "At least some one recognize my rank" She whispered.
Tigerihak Jorgan "Could I ask you a question? It about the rumors. I need to know'
Kiamari Srisgrace "Go ahead"
Tigerihak Jorgan "Is it true that you are an undead?"
Kianmari Srisgrace "It true. But I assure you, I am no ghoul nor zombie so your perfectly safe"
Tigerihak Jorgan "Thank goodness. I was concern you might have been one of those Nekghoul. It good to be proven wrong. Then what are you exactly?"
Kianmari Srisgrace "A Banshee"
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diazuk-legacy · 2 years
Remember when i mention about bringing in some new characters last week. Well here they are. This will be split into two part. Part 2
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Arbilsh Laverton. A purple sith female Torguta with a bit of a bloodlust but cares dearly for the Empire. Kioral is her Husband and together those two destoryed Taris’ reconstruction.
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Shaarla Misa. A Red female Sith Torgruta with an extreme bloodlust. She will go through a very dark sided play through. She is one of Yosha’mer’s apprentices. She is sort of the evil version of Jaesa in my canon, since my cannon Jaesa stayed on the light side.
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Kioral Phaahi. A purple male Togruta Imperial Agent. Formally a slave who killed someone of high authority. Was brainwashed into committing genocide on his formal rebels. Is likely still under mind control since he has never felt remorse for his actions. Now he serves the Empire loyally but he has slowly regained some of his old personality. But for now he is still an asshole and a coward. Close friend with Le’vine
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Mudo Nal. Daughter of Goldsawkin Nal and Aric Jorgan. Unlike the rest of her siblings she ended up being force sensitive. Although not strong enough to be a Jedi she does know a few tricks.
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Tigerihak Jorgan. He the son of Goldsawkin Nal and Aric Jorgan. He a good tiger boy and a excellent baster shooter. Hopefully I’ll expand his personality beyond that.
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Lizik Jorgan. Son of Goldswakin Nal and Aric Jorgan. He not the strongest of the litter but he got the genius to make up for it.
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Misar Nal. Daughter of Goldsawkin Nal and Aric Jorgan. A Dark blue female Cathar who really good with a sniper.
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Cashor Jorgan. Son of Goldsawkin Nal and Aric Jorgan. He’s basically the cat version of Homelander although he’s less of a psycho and more of an asshole.
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Sathysh Nal. Daughter of Goldsawkin Nal and Aric Jorgan. She became the leader of her litter. Being the first daughter she does take up a lot from her mother.
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Wrojkai Jairyon. He is a cross between Warrior and Inquisitor. He is Vowrawn’s Nephew. As the last surviving member of Vowarawn’s family his uncle is very protective of him. He will likely become Theron’s canon lover.
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diazuk-legacy · 1 year
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Tigerihak Jorgan // Prologue: Ord Mantell
Tigerihak Jorgan is the second son of Goldsawkin Nal (Main Trooper) and Aric Jorgan. Today is his first day on Havoc Squad. Let just say he not happy about the defection.
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diazuk-legacy · 1 year
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Name: Tigerihak Jorgan
Profile: Tiger skined male cather and son of Goldsawkin Nal and Aric Jorgan
"Why do you think people should vote for you?" "I'm pretty good looking and i'm very good at combat. I heard the prize is very good so I want in. Vote for me"
Name: Maxdev Eastlang
Profile: Son of Robert Eastlang and Mako. Join the Imperial military as part of an agreement between the Empire and his father.
"Why do you think people should vote for you?" Maxdev Eastlang "Damn it, I happen to wear the wrong outfit on the wrong day. This is going to make me lose votes. Atleast my face isn't covered up that might give me something to work with. So yeah i'm quite a sexy man underneath this ugly outfit and I have a cute face. Vote for me"
Tigerihak Jorgan "That outfit does you dirty. People would rather vote for furries then white men who look like homeless people"
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diazuk-legacy · 1 year
Winners of Round 1
Round 1 of Diazuk Legacy sexyperson Tournament has concluded. Here are the winners.
- Kianmari Srisgrace - Scorilla - Bluemerrora Diazuk - Toath'eesi - Eli'ha
- Twenty Nal - Arbilsh Laverton - Ailhaahk - Yosha'mer Diazuk - Jademoorea
- Shodu Roseq - Gaccu'Jin - Tigerihak Jorgan - Shaarla Misa - Sathysh Nal
- Ashraura - Dandelion Kin - Dust Shenve - Misar Nal - Muzo Makryr -
Talsta Cadera
Do you guys have anything to say?
Kianmari Srisgrace “I knew she didn’t stand chance” Scorila “I’m honestly surprised” Bluemerrora Diazuk “Thank you” Toath'eesi “I’m sorry that Roise didn’t make it but alteast I get a better shot at this” Eli’ha “I knew that I would win” Twenty Nal (no comment) Arbilsh Laverton “I knew Sith Lords were more sexy then Troopers” Ailhaahk “I knew I was going to win” Yosha’mer Diazuk “Wrojkai was a fool to challenge me” Jademoorea “Kitty knew she would lose and she predicted her downfall” Shodu Roseq “Guy didn’t took my advice” Gaccu'Jin “It my luckly day” Tigerihak Jorgan “I feel real bad for Max” Shaarla Misa “See, death threats do work” Sathysh Nal “Ha, I knew I would win“ Ashraura (no comment) Dandelion Kin “ha ha ha I knew she couldn’t beat me” Dust Shenve “Silly kitty” Misar Nal (no comment) Muzo Makryr “Guess you were wrong” Talsta Cadera “Thanks guys. I was can of scared that she would win”
Round 2 will began very soon.
Unfortunately there had been a mix up and both Le’vine and White Diazuk weren’t given the invitation for Round 1. So they will be joining us in Round 2. 
I would like to remind you guys that there is a prize at the end so I would advised you to vote wisely.
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