#Timothy Douglas Perez
xenopoem · 4 months
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AGON Issue One (Pre-Order)
$20.00 USD
Prose and poetry by
N. Amara | Douglas Doornbos | Malcolm Flanigan | Ken Goodman | Sean M. Huber | Evan Isoline | Trevor Ketner | David Kuhnlein | John Medgyesy | Cade Miller | Blake Millwood | Isaac Oplanic | Johnny Payne | Mia X. Perez | N. Casio Poe | Author Redacted | Ines Renee | Kenji Siratori | everet smith | Robert Stone | A.A. Walker 
Essays by
French Delatorre | Eden Jolie | Josiah Morgan | SR | Terrin Winkel 
Art by
Madeleine Baselice | Timothy R. Butcher | Douglas Doornbos | Julie Osko 
Dream Journal entries by
Daniel Beauregard | Eden Jolie | Kateryna Lewko | Patrick Pender | Bex Peyton | Maggie Pono | SR
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You won’t hear this from the media, but we are 123 days into this year and have lost 119 law enforcement officers in the line of duty. There were also 3 Police K-9’s killed. Many in America don’t know their names.  
Here they are Liberals, SAY THEIR NAMES...
Sergeant Gordon William Best Sergeant Daniel Marcus Mobley Lieutenant Jeff Bain Deputy Sheriff Nicholas Howell Sergeant Randall Sims Deputy Sheriff Jonathan David Price Police Officer Jay Hughes Officer Brian David Sicknick Sergeant David G. Crumpler Lieutenant William Lyle Gardner Conservation Officer Steven Reighard Police Officer Arturo Villegas Master Corporal Brian Roy LaVigne Agent Luis A. Marrero-Díaz Agent Luis X. Salamán-Conde Agent Eliezer Hernández-Cartagena Police Officer Melton "Fox" Gore Sergeant Frederick H. "Butch" Cameron Detective Sergeant Stephen R. Desfosses Chief of Police Tony M. Jordan Corporal Christine Peters Constable Sherry Kay Langford Lieutenant Treva Preston Corrections Officer IV Alfred Jimenez Police Officer Jerry Steven Hemphill Sergeant Edward John Marcurella, Jr. Lieutenant John Reynolds Corrections Officer Joseph A. Martini Deputy Sheriff Adam Gibson Police Officer Brandon M. Stalker Warrants Officer Toby Keiser Deputy Sheriff Jacinto R. Navarro, Jr. Officer Byron Don Shields Lieutenant Frank Arnold Special Agent Wayne Douglas Snyder Captain Michael D'Angelo Garigan Lieutenant Juan Rafael Rivera-Padua Auxiliary Sergeant Louis M. Livatino Director of Field Operations Beverly Good Sergeant Tommy W. Cudd Sergeant Jeffery Robert Smith Special Agent Robert Allan Mayer, Jr. Sergeant William Brautigam Correctional Officer Juan Llanes Sergeant Grace A. Bellamy Lieutenant Michael Boutte Special Agent Laura Ann Schwartzenberger Special Agent Daniel Alfin Detention Officer Robert Perez Agent Juan Rosado-López Patrolman Darian Jarrott Detective Pedro Junior "Pete" Mejia Officer Cesar Dangaran Sibonga Deputy Sheriff Ross Dixon Corrections Officer IV Vicky James Investigator Eddie B. Hutchison, III Chief of Police Timothy John Sheehan Deputy Sheriff Donald Raymond Gilreath, III Police Officer Mitchell Penton Officer Genaro Guerrero Corrections Officer IV Tawiwo Obele Major Estaban "Stevie" Ramirez, III Deputy Constable Manuel Phillipe De La Rosa Sergeant Richard Paul Brown Deputy Sheriff Michael Magli Police Officer Horacio Dominguez Lieutenant Eugene Lasco Natural Resources Officer Jason Lagore Parole Officer Troy K. Morin Officer Carlos Mendoza Deputy Sheriff Thomas Albanese Reserve Deputy Constable Martinus Mitchum Police Officer Dominic Jared Winum Captain Justin Williams Bedwell Police Officer II Jose Anzora Corrections Officer III Tracey Adams Officer Crispin San Juan San Jose Officer Jesse Madsen Sergeant Barry Edwin Henderson Deputy Sheriff Stanley "Allen" Burdic Police Officer Gary Hibbs Border Patrol Agent Alejandro Flores-Bañuelos Police Officer Kevin Valencia Sergeant LaShonda Owens Police Officer Eric Talley Chief of Police Fred Alan Posavetz Correctional Officer Robert McFarland Senior Master Trooper Todd A. Hanneken Corporal Kyle Jeffrey Davis Trooper Joseph Gallagher Sergeant Shane Owens Reserve Deputy Sheriff James Driver Trooper Chad Walker Corrections Officer Luis Arturo Hernandez, Sr. Police Officer William Evans Lieutenant James Kouski Police Officer Brent Nelson Hall Deputy Sheriff Christopher Wilson Knight Sergeant James K. Smith Deputy Sheriff Thomas Patrick Barnes Deputy Sheriff Carlos Antonio Hernandez Border Patrol Agent Christopher Shane Simpkins Police Officer David Parde Constable Edward F. Ryan K9 Figo K9 Riley K9 Luna
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surrealistnyc · 4 years
A Spark in Search of a Powderkeg
Rebellion is its own justification, completely independent of the chance it has to modify the state of affairs that gives rise to it. It’s a spark in the wind, but a spark in search of a powder keg.
André Breton
If only one thing has brought me joy in the last few weeks, it began when the matriarchs at Unist’ot’en burned the Canadian flag and declared reconciliation is dead. Like wildfire, it swept through the hearts of youth across the territories. Reconciliation was a distraction, a way for them to dangle a carrot in front of us and trick us into behaving. Do we not have a right to the land stolen from our ancestors? It’s time to shut everything the fuck down!
Tawinikay (aka Southern Wind Woman)
The toxic cargo carried in Canadian pipelines, whether it be tar sands oil or fracked liquid natural gas (LNG), is, according to all serious climate scientists, a major, perhaps even decisive contribution to global warming, i.e. ecological catastrophe.   Meant to fuel industrial expansion, the pipelines have themselves become fuel for revolt. Designed to move these dirty fossil fuels from one location to another, they are a crucial element in normalizing the dubious paradise of unlimited growth in awe of which all obedient consumer/citizens are supposed to genuflect. In what the colonial mapmakers have called British Columbia (BC), resource extraction has always been the name of the game. However, the emergence in February of this year of a widespread oppositional network ranging from “land back” Indigenous warriors to elder traditionalists and from Extinction Rebellion activists to anarchist insurrectionaries was heartening. Railways, highways and ferries were blockaded, provincial legislatures, government administrative offices, banks and corporate headquarters were occupied. The catalyst for this rebellion was a widespread Indigenous uprising that refused the illusory promises of reconciliation. Together, these rebel forces disrupted business as usual in solidarity with the Unist’ot’en Big Frog clan of the Wet’suwet’en tribal house.
       ​As objective chance would have it, the primary Indigenous land defense camp is situated not far from the same Hazelton, B.C. area to which surrealist Kurt Seligmann and his wife Arlette had journeyed in 1938. During that time, they visited Gitxsan and Wet’suwet’en villages, marveled at the imaginative power of the totem poles and ceremonial objects, made field notes, shot 16mm film, collected stories and recorded mythic histories. Now, in 2020, growing numbers of these same Indigenous peoples have been threatening to bring the Canadian economy to a grinding halt. Unwilling to be bought off by corporate petrodollars or mollified by a legal system that has never done anything but pacify, brutalize, or betray them in the process of stealing their land, Indigenous peoples passionately fought back against the forces of colonial law and order in a radical whirlwind of willful disobedience and social disruption. One action built upon another in creating a rolling momentum that seemed unstoppable. When one railroad blockade would be busted by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), another would spring up in its place elsewhere extending the frontlines of the battle all across the continent. Then the debilitating Covid-19 virus arrived to compound the damage that had previously been done to the capitalist economy by the incendiary virus of revolt. The resistance of these Indigenous communities against the pipelines concerns all of us, worldwide, since they are on the front lines of the struggle to prevent cataclysmic climate change.
       ​In the future, a key question will be whether Canadian authorities can successfully put the genie of Indigenous rebellion back in the colonial bottle of “reconciliation”. As surrealists, we hope they will not, and we stand in solidarity with the unreconciled insurgent spirit of defiant Indigenous resistance. A new reality is to be invented and lived instead of the one that today as yesterday imposes its environmental miserabilism and its colonialist and racist hierarchies.  As surrealists, we honor our historical affinity with the Kwakwaka’wakw Peace Dance headdress that for so long had occupied a place of reverence in André Breton’s study during his lifetime before being ceremoniously returned in 2003 to Alert Bay on Cormorant Island by his daughter, Aube Elléouet, in keeping with her father’s wishes. With this former correspondence in mind, we presently assert that our ongoing desire to manifest the emancipation of the human community as distinctively undertaken in the surrealist domain of intervention is in perfect harmony with the fight of the Indigenous communities of the Americas against globalized Western Civilisation and its ecocidal folly.
                                                                                                               Surrealists in the United States: Gale Ahrens, Will Alexander, Andy Alper, Byron Baker, J.K. Bogartte, Eric Bragg, Thom Burns, Max Cafard, Casi Cline, Steven Cline, Jennifer Cohen, Laura Corsiglia, David Coulter, Jean-Jacques Dauben, Rikki Ducornet, Terri Engels, Barrett John Erickson, Alice Farley, Natalia Fernandez, Brandon Freels, Beth Garon, Paul Garon, Robert Green, Maurice Greenia, Brigitte Nicole Grice, Janice Hathaway, Dale Houstman, Karl Howeth, Joseph Jablonski, Timothy Robert Johnson, Robin D.G. Kelly, Paul McRandle, Irene Plazewska, Theresa Plese, Michael Stone-Richards, David Roediger, Penelope Rosemont, LaDonna Smith, Tamara Smith, Steve Smith, Abigail Susik, Sasha Vlad, Richard Waara, Joel Williams, Craig S. Wilson
Surrealists in the UK: Jay Blackwood, Paul Cowdell, Jill Fenton, Rachel Fijalkowski, Krzysztof Fijalkowski, Merl Fluin, Kathy Fox, Lorna Kirin, Rob Marsden, Douglas Park, Michel Remy, Wedgwood Steventon, Frank Wright, the Leeds Surrealist Group (Gareth Brown, Stephen J. Clark, Kenneth Cox, Luke Dominey, Amalia Higham, Bill Howe, Sarah Metcalf, Peter Overton, Jonathan Tarry, Martin Trippett), the London Surrealist Group (Stuart Inman, Philip Kane, Timothy B. Layden, Jane Sparkes, Darren Thomas) and the surrealists of Wales (Jean Bonnin, Neil Combs, David Greenslade, Jeremy Over, John Richardson, John Welson)
Surrealists in Paris: Ody Saban and The Surrealist Group of Paris (Elise Aru, Michèle Bachelet, Anny Bonnin, Massimo Borghese, Claude-Lucien Cauët, Taisiia Cherkasova, Sylwia Chrostowska, Hervé Delabarre, Alfredo Fernandes, Joël Gayraud, Régis Gayraud, Guy Girard, Michael Löwy, Pierre-André Sauvageot, Bertrand Schmitt, Sylvain Tanquerel, Virginia Tentindo, Michel Zimbacca)
Surrealists in Canada: Montréal (Jacques Desbiens, Peter Dube, Sabatini Lasiesta, Bernar Sancha), Toronto (Beatriz Hausner, Sherri Higgins), Québec City (David Nadeau), Victoria (Erik Volet), the Ottawa Surrealist Group (Jason Abdelhadi, Lake, Patrick Provonost) and the Inner Island Surrealist Group (as.matta, Jesse Gentes, Sheila Nopper, Ron Sakolsky)
The Surrealist Group of Madrid: Eugenio Castro, Andrés Devesa, Jesús Garcia Rodriguez, Vicente Gutiérrez Escudero, Lurdes Martinez, Noé Ortega, Antonio Ramirez, Jose Manuel Rojo, María Santana, Angel Zapata
Surrealists in Sweden: Johannes Bergmark, Erik Bohman, Kalle Eklund, Mattias Forshage, Riyota Kasamatsu, Michael Lundberg, Emma Lundenmark, Maja Lundgren, Kristoffer Noheden, Sebastian Osorio
Surrealists in Holland: Jan Bervoets, Elizé Bleys, Josse De Haan, Rik Lina, Hans Plomp, Pieter Schermer, Wijnand Steemers, Laurens Vancrevel, Her de Vries, Bastiaan Van der Velden
Surrealists in Brazil: Alex Januario, Mário Aldo Barnabé, Diego Cardoso, Elvio Fernandes, Beau Gomez, Rodrigo Qohen, Sergio Lima, Natan Schäfer, Renato Souza
Surrealists in Chile: Jaime Alfaro, Magdalena Benavente, Jorge Herrera F., Miguel Ángel Huerta, Ximena Olguín, Enrique de Santiago, Andrés Soto, Claudia Vila
 The Middle East and North Africa Surrealist Group: Algeria (Onfwan Foud), Egypt (Yasser Abdelkawy, Mohsen El-Belasy, Ghadah Kamal), Iraq (Miechel Al Raie), Syria (Tahani Jalloul), and Palestine (Fakhry Ratrout)
Surrealists in Prague: Frantisek Dryje, Joe Grim Feinberg, Katerina Pinosova, Martin Stejskal, Jan Svankmajer
The Athens Surrealist Group (Elias Melios, Sotiris Liontos, Nikos Stabakis, Theoni Tambaki, Thomas Typaldos, Marianna Xanthopoulou)
Surrealists in Costa Rica: Gaetano Andreoni, Amirah Gazel, Miguel Lohlé, Denis Magarman, Alfonso Peña
Surrealists in Buenos Aires: Silvia Guiard, Luís Conde, Alejandro Michel
Surrealists in Australia: Anthony Redmond, Michael Vandelaar, Tim White
Surrealists in Portugal: Miguel de Carvalho, Luiz Morgadinho
Surrealists in Bucharest (Dan Stanciu), Mexico (Susana Wald), and the Canary Islands (Jose Miguel Perez Corales)
 Postscript: During the process of gathering signatures for the above declaration, we were inspired to see its uncompromising stance against white supremacy and police repression reflected in the brightly sparkling flames of the Minneapolis uprising that lit a powder keg of pent-up rage and incited an earth-shaking eruption of spontaneous rebellion in the streets of America. It was only fitting that in solidarity with the uprising about police brutality kicked off by George Floyd’s execution/lynching at the hands of the police, anti-racism protestors in the United States would take direct action by beheading or bringing down statues of Christopher Columbus, genocidal symbol of the colonial expropriation of Native American lands. (Guy Girard, Michael Löwy, Penelope Rosemont, and Ron Sakolsky, June 18, 2020).
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nsula · 5 years
NSU awards 948 degrees at Spring Commencement
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NATCHITOCHES – Northwestern State University awarded 948 degrees to 942 graduates during spring commencement Friday, May 10.  Spring 2019 graduates listed by hometown are as follows.
Auburn, Washington – Selina Cho, Bachelor of Science in Nursing;
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Abbeville – Samantha Richard, Master of Arts in Teaching;                                                                                                                                        
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Abita Springs – Rachel Strain, Associate of General Studies;
 Alexandria – Justin Dupree, Jessica Griffin, John O'Dell, Associate of Science in Nursing; Antoinette Baker, Meagan Braud, Jasmine Brown, Ashley Colson, Laindia Howard, Donald Johnson, Sidnethia Starks, Associate of General Studies; Steven Bryant, Selena Elmore, Bachelor of General Studies; Allison McCloud, Bachelor of Music; Iris Barrera, Kristan Cascio, Maeghan George, Chelsea Jones, Jimmie Magee, Madeline Pharis, Robin Scott, Tiffany Townley, William Welch, Samantha Wynn, Bachelor of Science; Marquita Benjamin, Decoste, ShaKiyla Lindsey, Tashiana Whitehead, Bachelor of Social Work; Nancy Robinson, Master of Arts;                                                                                                                               Shaundreca Love,  Jocelyn Mabrey, Christopher Reimer, Master of Science in Nursing;
 Anacoco – Tristan Harvey, Associate of General Studies; Jacob Bennett, Bachelor of Arts; Kenneth Cochran, Caitlin McKee, Jason Ortiz, Cassandra Osborne, Brooke Phillips, Cayla Roberts, Emily Williams, Bachelor of Science; Karington Hood, Kayla Stephens, Bachelor of Social Work;
 Angola – Ursula Poarch, Bachelor of Arts;
 Arlington, Texas – Reginald Lars, Associate of General Studies; Samantha Bell, Bachelor of Science;                                                                                                                                      
 Arnaudville – Bliss Leblanc, Bachelor of General Studies; Dianna Davis, Master of Arts in Teaching;
 Atlanta, Georgia – Tremayne Flagler, Bachelor of General Studies;
 Aurora, Colorado – Lindsey Torres, Master of Arts;
                                                                                                                                        Austin, Texas – Wyona Crenshaw, Carson Goldsmith, Associate of General Studies, Ysmina Smith, Bachelor of Science;
 Avondale – James Brown, Bachelor of Science;                                                                                                                                                
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Barksdale AFB – Priscilla Molina, Associate of Science in Nursing;
 Ball – Kelsey Walters, Associate of General Studies; Brittani Billingsley, Master of Science in Nursing;
                                                                                                                                      Baltimore, Maryland – Shatera Walters, Bachelor of Science;
 Baskin – Ashli Gandy, Master of Science in Nursing;
 Bastrop – Anna Akins, Kayla Bonner, Kimberly Robinson, Bachelor of Science;
                                                                                                                                                Baton Rouge – Barbara Friedrichs, Bachelor of General Studies; Jenna Baldwin, Teressa Calligan, Rosa Campbell, Maisyn Guillory, Jordan Hall, Madison Harris, Bethany Lee, Rachel Monsour, Madalyn Mullins, Emma Rivet, Ashleigh Rumby, Bachelor of Science, Laura Vance, Megan Vernon,Master of Education;                
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Belle Chasse – Natalie Wilson, Associate of General Studies, Bachelor of Arts; Annie Wright, Bachelor of Science;                                                                                                                                                
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Belmont – Kelly Bass, Associate of Science in Nursing;
 Belton, Texas – Rachel Hall, Master of Music                                                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Bentley – Byron Walters, Master of Music;                                                                                                                                                    
Benton – Mark Foy, Bachelor of Applied Science; Tamara Korner, Bachelor of General Studies; Jessica O’Neal, Bachelor of Science; Emily Maddox, Craig Martin, Master of Science in Nursing;
                                                                                                                                      Blairstown, New Jersey, Patrick Garie, Master of Science;                                                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Boaz, Alabama – Taylor Wilkes, Master of Science;
                                                                                                                                                Bogalusa – Taylor Johnson, Bachelor of Science; Laura McFarlain, Bachelor of Social Work;
 Bossier City – Lauryn Bakalis, Kaytlin Clark, Austin Coffey, Brandi Ervin, Kenesha Joiner, Regena Juneau, Brittney Malmay, Niesha Marks, Melissa Murphy, Kortney Nattin, Shelby Peebles, Lindsey Rathel, Jerdine Robinson, Associate of Science in Nursing; Brittney Blechl, Lena Harrell, Lytrisha Scott, Associate of General Studies; Casi Martin, Bachelor of Applied Science; Samantha Maiette, Bachelor of Arts, Nicholas Jones, Bachelor of General Studies; Colby Cranford, DeMontre Evans, Daijonni Ferguson, Kelsey Gallman, Candace Guillory, Dejaney Jackson, Rance Mason, Andrea Parks, Katherine Parson, Kennedy Parson, Brittani Phillips, Colby Ponder, Taylor Powell, Madison Rowland, Dakota Schudalla, Sydney Shannon, Danielle Toney, Madeline Webb, Nour Zeidan, Bachelor of Science; Azita Naderi, Reid Rogers, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Timothy Osteen, Master of Arts; Kimberly Perez, Master of Arts in Teaching; Tarcariyunn Caldwell, Emily Green, Mary Inman, Amita Patel, Elizabeth Robinson, Ashley Viviano, Stephanie Whitman, Master of Science in Nursing;                                                                                                                                      
 Boyce – Timothy Glass,Bachelor of General Studies; Sonya Hill, Lane Robinson, Julia Watson, Bachelor of Science; Kristen Ducote, Lisa Lee, Master of Science in Nursing; Kayla Tanner, Educational Specialist;                                                                                                                                            
 Breaux Bridge – Blanche Trahan, Associate of General Studies;
 Broken Arrow, Oklahoma – Madeline Drake, Bachelor of Science;                                                                                                                                                
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Broussard – Matthew Buteau, Bachelor of Science;                                                                                                                                              
 Brownsboro, Texas – Brice Borgeson, Bachelor of Science;
 Byram, Mississippi – Rachel Elkins, Master of Science;
 Bunkie – Chelsea Villemarette, Associate of Science in Nursing;
 Burleson, Texas – Addison Pellegrino, Bachelor of Music Education;
                                                                                                                                        Calvin – Erin Price, Bachelor of Science;
 Campbell – Caidon Campbell, Bachelor of Science;
                                                                                                                                                Campti – LaTrice Telsee, Associate of General Studies, Damarte Fisher, Bachelor of Arts; Kortney Greer, Dorianna Telsee, Donta' Turner, Bachelor of Science                                                                                                                                                
Canon City, Colorado, Kimberly Rupp, Bachelor of Science;                                                                                                                                                
 Carencro – Harold Williams, Bachelor of Arts, Britney Bonnet, Olivia Tolliver, Master of Arts in Teaching;                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Cartagena, Colombia – Jair Morelos Castilla, Bachelor of Music; Hassik Vasquez Narvaez, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science; Daniel Racero Rocha, Bachelor of Science;
Castor – Hogan Nealy, Bachelor of General Studies;
                                                                                                                                        Castor – Kaycee Collinsworth, Bachelor of General Studies;
                                                                                                                                       Champaign, Illinois – Titi Joerres, Master of Arts in Teaching;
                                                                                                                                        Charlotte, North Carolina – Alyssa Collins, Master of Arts;                                                                                                                                                    
Chauvin – Randy Savoie, Master of Arts;                                                                                                                                                      
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Chicago, Illinois – Ona Giles, Bachelor of General Studies                                                                                                                                        
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Clarence – Malik Metoyer, Bachelor of General Studies;                                                                                                                                        
Clayton – Glendalyn Boothe, Bachelor of Arts;
                                                                                                                                                  Clermont, Florida – Jacob Manning, Master of Science;
 Colfax – Kaneedra Harrison, Associate of General Studies, Dalton Jones, Associate of Science; Alison Churchman, Bachelor of General Studies;                                                                                                                                        
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Colorado Springs, Colorado – Rossana Potempa, Bachelor of Arts;                                                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Columbia – Tyler Duchesne, Bachelor of Applied Science;                                                                                                                                        
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Columbus, Georgia – Teresa Sandusky, Bachelor of Science;
 Conroe, Texas – Zachary Krolczyk, Bachelor of Arts;
                                                                                                                                                  Converse – Wade Hicks, Associate of Science in Nursing; Ricki Sepulvado, Master of Arts; Dorothy McCrocklin, Master of Arts in Teaching; Ashley Asbell, Master of Education;                                                                                                                                                
Cottonport – Zachary Gauthier, Bachelor of Science;
 Coushatta – Destiney Coatney, Bachelor of Arts, Sydney Anderson, Emily King, William Lee, Aston Lester, Sh'Kea Sibley, Mikailah Smith, Caroline Wren, Bachelor of Science;
                                                                                                                                                 Covington – Kelsey Cassidy, Brian Pickett, Bachelor of Science; Leslie Hoffman, Master of Education;
 Covington – Casey McKinnerney, Master of Music;                                                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Dallas, Texas – Rose Obiora, Bachelor of Science;
                                                                                                                                                  Delhi – Jasmine Poe, Bachelor of Social Work                                                                                                                                          
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Denham Springs – Matthew Broussard, Associate of General Studies; Stephanie Ryals, Bachelor of General Studies; Jenson Wall, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Music Education, Caitlyn Cutrer, Bachelor of Science; Emily Falcon, Master of Arts in Teaching;                                                                                                                                        
DeQuincy – Valarie Clark, Casie Kellogg, Master of Science in Nursing                                                                                                                                        
                                                                                                                                                                                                     DeRidder – Taylor Gill, Associate of General Studies; Amie Ashworth, Brandy Bryant, Lauren Callis, Rebekah Frantz, Bobby Guichet, Lakaybra Purdy, Julie Ramos, Morgan Smith, Associate of Science in Nursing; John Ham, Bachelor of Arts; Eriq Carver, Karli Kennedy, Crystal Mccollough, Rebecca Richmond, Summer Thomas, Tyler Wright, Bachelor of Science, Kaylyn Cooley, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Shynikia Roberson, Bachelor of Social Work;
 De Soto, Illinois – Jayci Deaton, Bachelor of Science;                                                                                                                                                
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Deville – Amber Kreideweis, Associate of Science in Nursing; Hannah Siebeneicher, Bachelor of Arts; Kealee Anderson,
Mikayla Brown, Amanda Slayter, Bachelor of Science; Susan Littleton, Master of Education;                                                                                                                                                
Dodson – Melanie Thomas, Bachelor of Science;
Double Oak, Texas – Alexsis Cable, Master of Science;                                                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Downsville – Abby Fordham, Bachelor of Applied Science;                                                                                                                                        
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dubberly – Joni Nelson, Master of Art;                                                                                                                                                    
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Edmond, Oklahoma -- Jayzen Boger, Payton Hartwick, Jiyoon Lee, Bachelor of Science;
Elizabeth -- Kolby Friday, Bachelor of Arts; Sadie Perkins, Bachelor of Science;
Elmer -- Brennan Mays, Bachelor of Science;
Euless, Texas -- Brooke Payton, Associate of General Studies;
Eunice -- Jeremy Ortego, Associate of General Studies; Mary Pitre, Bachelor of Applied Science;
FPO, AP, CA -- Amber Travis, Bachelor of Social Work;
Franklinton -- Douglas Goss, Associate of Science, Bachelor of Science;
Ferriday -- Shanequa Tyler, Associate of General Studies;
Florien -- Chelci Scott, Associate of Science in Nursing; Danielle Anthony, Associate of General Studies; Kristopher Dees, Tyler Johnson, Emma Ray, Kaitlin Sepulvado, Megan Wagley, Bachelor of Science; Amanda McFarlain, Master of Education;
Forest Hill -- Anna Doherty, Rachel Humphries, Bachelor of Science;
Forney, Texas -- Jared Walker, Bachelor of Music;
Fort Myers, Florida -- Andrea Smarsh, Bachelor of Social Work;
Fort Polk -- Jamie Curtis, Cynthia Schwartz, Associate of Science in Nursing; Leo Banaszak, Charlotte Rivara, Associate of General Studies; Jessica Ramirez, Shiela May Tabonares, Sasha Trevino, Bachelor of General Studies; Genesis Rondon Torres, Bachelor of Science;
Fort Worth, Texas -- Corban James, Bachelor of Science; Darius Williams, Master of Music;
Franklin -- Alison Guidroz, Bachelor of Science;
Fuquay Varina, North Carolina -- Craig Vickers, Bachelor of General Studies;
Garland, Texas -- Joseph Goodson, Bachelor of Science;
Gilbert -- Sarah Calhoun, Bachelor of General Studies;
Glenmora -- Eric Baker, Kristopher Devore, Bachelor of Science; Tiara Baker, Bachelor of Arts;
Gloster -- Caitlin Burford, Associate of Science in Nursing; Jennifer Simmons, Bachelor of Science;
Gonzales -- Keanna Bolding, Associate of General Studies; Rebecca Marchand, Bachelor of Music Education; Julie Breaux, Jordan Enloe, Bachelor of Science;
Grand Cane -- Nathan Graham, Associate of General Studies; Kayden Booker, Bachelor of General Studies; Catie Griffith, Master of Science in Nursing;
Greenwell Springs -- Katherine Langlois, Bachelor of Science;
 Greenwood – Lyn Belida, Associate of Science in Nursing; Branden Savell, Bachelor of Science;
Gretna -- Janelle Montalvo, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Hallandale Beach, Florida -- Ralph Boereau Bachelor of Arts;
Hammond -- Angela Davis, Educational Specialist; Brittany Johnson, Master of Science in Nursing;
Hamtramck, Michigan -- Mary Cotter, Bachelor of Science;
Harrisonburg -- Brandi Bordelon, Master of Science in Nursing;
Harvey -- Tyrone Johnson, Associate of General Studies; Kelly Maldonado, Bachelor of Science;
Haughton -- Shakayla Bell, Bachelor of General Studies; Stephen Bundrick, Bachelor of Music Education; Bethanie Couch, Brittony Cole, Alexis Hoeltje, Angie Nguyen, Jamie Phillips, Licentra Randolph, Hannah Robertson, Logan Turner, Kacie Wilkinson, Dawn Young, Bachelor of Science; Amanda Hathorn, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Chelsea Dunlop, Keith Sellers, Master of Arts in Teaching; Jerry Williford, Master of Science in Nursing;
Henderson Texas -- John Floyd, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Music of Education;
Hessmer – Aslyn Dennie, Associate of General Studies; Mckinley Greenhouse, Dana Lala Bachelor of General Studies; Daren Dauzat, Bachelor of Science;
Hornbeck – Tricia Ceballos, Associate of Science in Nursing; Sarah Ceballos, Bachelor of Science; Shaina Neal, Master of Arts;
Houma -- Kelsey Chauvin, Bachelor of Applied Science; Rhiannon Dean, Sarah Lajaunie, Bachelor of Science; Richard Jones, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Houston, Texas -- Oai Lee Huynh, Bachelor of Science; Jordan Rains, Master of Science;
Humble, Texas -- Toiquisha Johnson, Bachelor of General Studies;
Hyden, Kentucky -- Zachary Sparks, Master of Science;
Iota -- Katie Latiola, Bachelor of General Studies;
Iowa -- Marvette Williams, Bachelor of Arts;
Jefferson -- Ariann Knox, Master of Arts;
Jena -- Mercedes Farris, Bachelor of Science; Kathy Lambeth, Master of Science in Nursing;
Jennings -- Rachelle Edwards, Bachelor of Music Education; Destany Brown, Rachel Edwards, Lydia Williams, Bachelor of Science;
Jonesboro -- Destini Mathews, Bachelor of Science; Carson Robinson, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Jonesville – Rachel Powell, JaMarcus Wilkerson, Bachelor of Science; Cydnie Plaisance, Master of Science in Nursing;
Kinder –Kelsey Frank, Bachelor of Social Work;
Kansas City, Missouri – Myleesa France, Associate of General Studies;
Katy, Texas – Clayton Holgorsen, Bachelor of Science; Jennifer Weittenhiller, Master of Arts;
Keatchie -- Brittany Miller, Bachelor of Science;
Keithville -- Tabitha Boldings, Robert Hays, Associate of General Studies; Felicia Flint, Associate of Science in Nursing; Jeniffer Campbell, Bachelor of General Studies;
Keller, Texas -- Deby Woodard, Bachelor of Applied Science;
Kenner -- Willie Soniat, Bachelor of Arts;
Kentwood -- Kevin McDaniel, Master of Education;
Kerrville, Texas -- Kristy Harris, Bachelor of Arts;
Killeen, Texas -- Sara Bishop, Associate of Science in Nursing; Kierra Poole, Bachelor of Social Work;
Kinder -- Lacey Weldon, Associate of Science in Nursing; Jonathon Villareal, Bachelor of Science;
Lacombe -- Amy Schneider, Bachelor of General Studies;
Lafayette – Claire Broussard, Anthony Paris, Associate of General Studies; Ashanti Alfred, Jeffrey Blossom, Bachelor of Applied Science; Rachael Bryant, Bachelor of Music Education; Laci Bruno, Ashley Guidry, Hannah Travis, Bachelor of Science; Brandy Burrell, Megan Sistrunk, Master of Arts; Atia Garrett, Master of Education;
Laplace -- Tiffanie Bourgeois, Master of Science in Nursing;
Lake Arthur -- Tuesdi Stipek, Bachelor of General Studies; Nicole Andrews, Bachelor of Science;
Lake Charles -- Lynell Broussard, Ashlynn Smart, Associate of General Studies; Landon Dore, Ashtyn Hare, Richard Jimney, Rebekah Nicholas, Bachelor of Science; Jacqueline Clark, Master of Arts; Daren Reed, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Lake Providence -- Brandy Chapman, Lakarven Pitts, Bachelor of Science;
Lansing, Michigan – Angelica Ortega, Master of Arts;
Lauderhill, Florida -- Daeshon Gordon, Associate of General Studies; Tamara Style, Bachelor of Arts;
Lawtell -- Karoline Guidry, Bachelor of Science;
Lawton, Oklahoma -- Jennifer Davis, Master of Science in Nursing;
Leander -- Karissa Boswell, Bachelor of Science;
Lecompte -- Linzey Evans, Bachelor of Science; Ikeia Johnson, Bachelor of Social Work;
Leesville -- Diana Cassels, Jessica Herring, Leigha Jackson, Mahala Lewis, Shermeka Rogers, Danielle Smyth, Joyce Stevick, Associate of Science in Nursing; Cecilia Alfaya, Diana Cassels, Leigha Jackson, Julia Park, Krystal Todd, Associate of General Studies; Wendy Bartlett, Damion Brown, Raegan Dotson, Jessica Gray, Matthew Ward, Bachelor of Arts; Joseph Cryer, Britney Harvey, Bachelor of General Studies; Rachal Brown, Jonathan Bruce, Miranda Fulks, Payton Gordy, Sydnee Haag, Taylor Helton, Haley Hood, Karl Marzahl, Amy McKellar, Linsey Preddy, Heather Snell, Megan Tucker, Bachelor of Science; Sabrina Coffman, Kayla Wells, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Brittany French, Bachelor of Social Work; Samantha Thomas, Master of Science;
Lena -- Kardaria Lajaunie – Associate of General Studies;
Lewisville, Texas -- Jasmine Frazier, Bachelor of Arts; Erin Knox, Bachelor of Science; Venus Par, Bachelor of Science in Nursing;
Little Elm, Texas -- Jasmine Ealy, Bachelor of Arts;
Little Rock, Arkansas -- Whitney Jinks, Bachelor of Science;
Logansport -- Charles Mclintock, Bachelor of Science;
Longview, Texas – Kelsey Hall, Associate of General Studies; Kelli Hickerson, Bachelor of Arts;
Loranger -- Laurie Lassalle, Associate of General Studies;
Loreauville -- Tiffany Trahan, Bachelor of Science;
Luling -- Macie Barrios, Bachelor of Science;
Lumberton, Texas -- Joshua Terry, Bachelor of Science;
 Machesney Park, Illinois – Alicia Teran, Bachelor of Science;
Madisonville – Bailey Garfield, Bachelor of Science;
 Mandeville – Carrie Maxwell, Bachelor of Science;
 Mangham – Rebekah Aultman, Bachelor of Arts;
 Mansfield – Ladarius Ealy, Bachelor of General Studies; Whitney Jackson, Autumn Laffitte, Master of Science in Nursing;
 Mansura – Magen Hegger, Bachelor of Science; Rebecca Holcomb, Master of Arts in Teaching;
 Many – Maegan Burkett, Sydni Easley, Ashley Lafitte, Bachelor of General Studies; Heidi Knight, Bachelor of Science; Samantha Simmons, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science; Krisha Williams, Bachelor of Science; Brittany Founds, Emmy Jeane, Valarie Williams, Master of Education;  
 Marble Falls, Texas – Sarah Lewis, Bachelor of Science;
 Maringouin – Rineshia Adams, Bachelor of Science;
 Marksville – Morgan Hughes, Associate of Science in Nursing; Tanner Nugent, Bachelor of Applied Science; Andre Boyer, Madeleine Morrow, Bachelor of Science; Jennifer Spivey Mayes, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Shelby Lemoine, Bachelor of Social Work;
 Marrero – Ajeahnell Dempsey, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Luis Escobar, Bachelor of General Studies; Tara Brown, Bachelor of Science;
 Marshall, Texas – Serdalyer Darden, Bachelor of Science;
 Marthaville – Melinda Powell, Bachelor of General Studies; Dillon Hagan, Bachelor of Science; Daniel Rachal-Glaspill, Bachelor of Science;
Memphis, Tennessee – Tristan Joynes, Master of Science;
 Meridian, Mississippi – Reed Michel, Bachelor of General Studies;  
 Metairie – Jaime Waguespack, Associate of General Studies; Christian Frost, Bachelor of Arts; Kathryn Bancroft, Anna Birbiglia, Cameron Duhe, Bachelor of Science;
Minden – Angelina Carlin, Associate of Science in Nursing; Asata Sylvas, Bachelor of General Studies; Amanda Rogers, Bachelor of Science; Special Crawford, Bachelor of Social Work; Shonesty Kinsey, Association of General Studies; Abby Greene, Bachelor of Science;
 Minneapolis, Minnesota – Jenna Carlson, Bachelor of General Studies;
 Mobile, Alabama – Major Deacon, Master of Science;
 Monroe – Stephanie Elliott, Associate of General Studies; Jansen Chisley, Jaquita Davis, Aaron Hunt, Ashley Jackson Franklin, Ashley Murphy, Orlandan Williams, Bachelor of Science; Debra Coenen, Master of Science in Nursing;
 Montegut – Megan Pellegrin, Bachelor of Science;
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Monterey – Tara Dale, Master of Education;
 Monterey, Tennessee – Roy Gentry, Bachelor of Science;
 Montgomery – Heather Wehunt, Associate of General Studies; Miranda Bartlett, Bachelor of Science; Morgan Bartlet, Bachelor of Social Work;
 Mooringsport – Bruce Schimmel, Bachelor of Science; Jo Anna Fisher, Bachelor of Social Work;
 Morgan City – Jeremy Orgeron, Bachelor of Arts; Kelly Terrebonne, Master of Arts;
 Moss Bluff – Bayleigh Smith, Bachelor of Science;
 Mount Pleasant, South Carolina – William Martin, Associate of General Studies;
 Mt. Hermon – Warren McFarlain, Bachelor of Science;
Murcia, Spain – Cristina Gonzalez Corchon, Bachelor of Science;  
 Natchitoches – Micion Aaron, Danielle Anthony, Aaron Berry, Santaurus Burr, Endesha Davis, Joises Florez-Perez, Courtnye Franklin, Eyvette Harris, Charizma Hill, Leigh Martin, Hannah Robertson, Tracy Wilridge, Richard Ziegler, Associate of General Studies; Paula Sanchez Luna, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science; Rachel Jeane, Ricky Lacour, Christopher Lewis, Ja’Lesia Mims, Kevin Price, Meghan Richard, Kayla Rockett, Jacob Ware, Bachelor of Arts;  Robert Carrier, David Holmes, William Rogers, Taylor Rutledge, Jalon Sangster, Bachelor of General Studies; Luis Gallo Quintero, Aura Hernandez Canedo, Daniela Salas Ricardo, Jason Smith, Ricardo Ventura, Bachelor of Music; Jeremy Aaron, Kayla Arnold, Adam Barnes, Blake Bechtel, Terrius Bell, Keaton Booker, Brooks Bryan, John Byone, Dominitra Charles, Kaleb Chesser, Jessica Coleman, Haley Dahlhoff, Jacob Dahlhoff, Kara Davis, Logan DeOre, Chasity Dupree, Virginia Falgoust, Kaihe Fisher, Moises Florez-Perez, Luis Gallo Quintero, Haley Genovese, Laura Guzman Rodriguez, Thomas Hadzeriga, Hannah Haigh, Deshon Hayes, Aura Hernandez Cadedo, Saul Hernandez, Jasmyn Hunter, Hannah Jones, Kelsey Jordan, Lyndon Kneuppel, Colby Koontz, John Lindsay, Alexis Moses, Trevor O’Bannon, Anthony Pastorello, Jarrot Remo, Shelby Riedel, Taylor Robverts, Skyler Speer, Patrick Sprung, Cierra Stephens, April Trowbridge, Kaleb Usleton, Fierra Vaughn, Ricardo Ventura, Naloni Walker, Brianna Watermolen, Madysen Watts, Sarah Kay Whitehead, Bachelor of Science; Maria Rushing Bachelor of Social Work; Caron Coleman, Education Specialist; Amy Hooks, Master of Arts; Jeffrey Nieman, Steven Miette, Vashaun South, Master of Arts; Macy Coleman, Master of Arts in Teaching; Emilie King, Alexis Rice, Faith Stanfield, Master of Education;  Kaitlin Champagne, Spencer Goodwin, Aaron Patrick, Kayla Velasquez, Master of Science; Susanna Squyres, Master of Science in Nursing; Kelsey Jordan, Bachelor of Science; Savannah Bynog, Associate of General Studies;  
 Natalbany – Shawanda Robinson, Bachelor of Arts;      
 Natchez – Courtney Sarpy, Associate of General Studies; Brandi Carpenter, Bachelor of Science;
 Natchez, Mississippi – Victoria Bradford, Bachelor of Science;    
 New Iberia – Mia Bashay, Tara Bonvillain, Natalie Ortego, Bachelor of Science; Theodore Turluck, Master of Arts in Teaching;
 New Orleans – Jaime Hendrickson, Diane Nguyen, Iceyuniek Oliney, Amy Thomas, Bachelor of Science; Sally Cragin, Master of Arts in Teaching; Allison Curtis, Master of Education; Frenisha Allen, Associate of General Studies; Jared West, Bachelor of Science;
 New Roads – Landry Davis, Bachelor of Science; Sharon Dunnehoo, Master of Arts in Teaching;
 Noble – Savannah Anderson, Shelby Etheridge, Thomas Rivers, Bachelor of General Studies;
 North Richland Hills, Texas – Cody Germany, Gregory Germany, Bachelor of Science;
 Northville, Michigan – Kelly Wright, Master of Science;
 Oak Grove – Tonya Creech, Bachelor of Science; Heidi Stephens, Master of Arts in Teaching;    
 Oakdale – Kelli Morgan, Associate of General Studies; Katelyn Johnson, Kristy Lowe, James Obrien, Magan Soileau, Mary Wharton, Bachelor of Science; Courtney Thompson, Bachelor of Science in Nursing;      
 Oberlin – Deanna Villareal, Bachelor of Social Work; Jennifer Trombatore, Master of Science in Nursing;      
 Olla – Cierra Evans, Bachelor of Arts; Danielle Veuleman, Master of Education;  
 Opelousas – Jordan Brisco, Kayla Pitre, Bachelor of Science;                                                                                                                    
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Otis – Sabrian Thiels, Bachelor of Science;
 Palestine, Texas – Bethany Hubbard, Master of Science;
 Paris, Texas – Zachary Hevron, Bachelor of Science;
 Pearl River – Joseph Lagreco, Bachelor of General Studies;  
Pelican – Justin Allen, Associate of General Studies;
 Pineville – Sydney Duhon, Autumn McSwain, Stacey Ramsey, Associate of Science in Nursing; Jasmine Clark, James Wenzig, Associate of General Studies; Cedrick Lott, Bachelor of Arts; Taylor Campbell, Rodney Lonix, Bachelor of General Studies; Katlin Ernst, Hannah Pusateri, Micah St. Andre, David Veal, Emily Wiley, Bachelor of Science; Stacy York, Associate of Science in Nursing; Katie Rayburn, Master of Arts; Kenneth rushing, Master of Arts in Teaching; Mary Huff, Jennifer Kees, Elizabeth Wiggins, Master of Education; Wakanda Mason, Tatjana Mimes, Arwa Mohammed, Rebecca Sigler, Master of Science in Nursing;  
 Plain Dealing – Camille Watkins, Bachelor of General Studies; Nicholas Cason, Bachelor of Science; Cheryl Cook, Associate of Science in Nursing;
 Plano, Texas – Asher Van Meter, Bachelor of Science;
 Plaquemine – Kameron Landry, Bachelor of Science;
 Plaucheville – Hailey Brouillette, Associate of Science in Nursing, Associate of General Studies; Matthew Armand, Bachelor of Music;
 Pleasant Hill – Makenzi Patrick, Bachelor of Science;
 Pollock – Kari Taffi, Bachelor of Arts;
 Pollock, Texas – Katelyn Boles, Bachelor of Science;
 Port Allen – Ishmael Lane, Bachelor of Arts;
 Port Barre – Skylar Guidroz, Bachelor of Arts;
 Prairieville – Hannah Beason, Dwight Robinette, Bachelor of Science; Melissa Bailey, Master of Education;
 Princeton – Amie Bowen, Tricia Malone, Associate of Science in Nursing; Jacorious Jeter, Bachelor of Arts; Micah Larkins, Ariell Shield, Bachelor of Science;
 Provencal – Taylor Craft, Bailey Scarbrough, Bachelor of Science;
 Quitman – Kristopher Cash, Master of Education;
 Raceland – Melissa Duet, Master of Arts in Teaching;
 Rayville --- Emily Rawls, Bachelor of Science; Melissa Duckworth, Master of Arts in Teaching; Mallory Middleton, Master of Science in Nursing;
 Reeves – Dominique Aymond, Master of Arts in Teaching;
 Richfield, Minnesota – Leah Barnes, Bachelr of Science;
 Richmond, Texas – Ebonie Francis, Bachelor of Science;
 Richton, Mississippi – Kalen Meggs, Bachelor of Arts;
 River Ridge – Taylor Young, Bachelor of Science;
 Roanoke – Leah Moore, Master of Science in Nursing;
 Robeline – Patricia Goodwin, Laura Olguin, Associate of Science in Nursing; Angela Mitchell, Bachelor of Arts; Kacy Morace, Bachelor of General Studies; Arin Ammons, Bergen Oge, Bachelor of Science;
 Rochester, New York – Jackie Fritz, Master of Science;
 Rosharon, Texas – Whitney Washington, Bachelor of Science;
 Ruston – Ragen Hanson, Associate of General Studies; Heather Beckwith, Phynecha Richard, Bachelor of Science; Meghan Kavanaugh, Elyse Mills, Rachel Moore, Master of Science in Nursing;
 St. Francisville – Ryan Reed, Bachelor of Science; Diana Weller, Master of Arts in Teaching;
 St. Martinville – Malik Anthony, Blake Blanchard, Destiny Simon, Bachelor of Arts;
 Salado, Texas – Reagan Rogers, Bachelor of Science;
 Salem, Oregon – Stephen Kim, Master of Science;
 Saline – Aaron Savell, Bachelor of Science;
 San Antonio – Anthony Renteria, Bachelor of Science;
 San Pedro Sula, Honduras – Jonathan Andino Matrid, Bachelor of Music;
 Scott – Tayla Soileau, Bachelor of Science; Hollie Touchet, Master of Science in Nursing;
 Seabrook, Texas – Amy Whitecotton, Bachelor of Science;
 Shreveport – Ashley Brokenberry, Associate of General Studies; Tiffany Allen, Loree Daws, Jessica Hill, Jolene Mateo, Tara McMullen-Turner, Joseph Michael, Robert Mottet, Kaitlin Rawlinson, Misty Roe, Ivana Skocibusic, Tonya Steele, Pamela Stroughter, Laken Thompson, Associate of Science in Nursing; Jessica Adams, Azhani Bennett, Divina Ann Cinco, Angela Coleman, Jasmine Crowe, Tabitha Dabney, Luke Hill, RaTonya Howard, Jared Husley, Qunika Kinsey, Jacinta Lewis, Paula Monsanto, Sarah Starr-Nech, Cory Thomas, Ly-Shaquala Williams, Angela Wills, Associate of General Studies; Jessica Adams, Jessica Bourne, Bachelor of Applied Science; Reagan Escuyde, Chatoria Pace, Katherine Sawyer, Jade Williams, Bachelor of Arts; Mackita Brown, Zandrai Douglas, Jazzmine Jackson, Bachelor of General Studies; Yasmeen Bader, Xavier Daughtery, Rebekah Evans, Samantha Freeman, Jamie French, Elaina Guerror, Caitlin Johnson, Damion Johnson, Drake Johnson, Nathan Jones, William Mahoney, Kelly Moody, Michael Phelps, Taylor Poleman, Shelby Reddy, Kristen Reutlinger, Angelica Satcher, Catherine Shaw, Jackiesha Simmons, Richard Sloan, Curt Story, Rodnisha Terry, Gabrielle Thomas, Kayla Waller, Dillion Wilkerson, Lana Williams, Shamolia William, Bachelor of Science; Shequita Brown, Sarah Starr-Neth, DeAndre Stevenson, Joyce Turner, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Rakeisha Brown, Bachelor of Social Work; Shamela Freeman, Eiyana Middleton, Tiffany Sandifer, Master of Arts; Sadie Pearson, Master of Arts in Teaching; Cara Lamb, Master of Music; Nicholas Campbell, Master of Science; Elizabeth Bright, Julie Brown, Kayla Bryant, Shimekia Evans, Dannette Furgerson, Elizabeth Hunter, Brandi Jaison, Ema-Chanel Johnson, Lori Phillips, Christina Simpkins, Sara Vergis, Hannah Williams, Master of Science in Nursing; Victoria Bradford, Associate of General Studies; Savonya Robinson, Bachelor of Arts; Breyonna Thompson, Bachelor of Science; Shreka Ellis, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Diedra Emerson, Associate of General Studies; Alexis Mason, Bachelor of Science;
 Silverlake, Washington – Veronica Umiker, Associate of General Studies;
 Simpson -- David Marquis, Bachelor of Science;
 Slagle – Rachel Holten, Bachelor of Science in Nursing;
 Slidell – Erica Brumfield, Associate of General Studies; Jacqueline Coleman, Theresa Sharp, Bachelor of Music Education; Claire Harvey, Ariel Johnson, Bachelor of Science; Kelly McNeese, Master of Arts in Teaching;
 Spring, Texas – Victoria Harris, Bachelor of Science; Anastasia DiFrancesco, Master of Science;
 Springhill – Reagan Tilley, Associate of Science in Nursing;
 Sterlington – Jody Boatright, Master of Arts in Teaching; Kaitlyn Johnston, Jessica Smith, Master of Science in Nursing;
 Stonewall – Derrick Hamon, Associate of General Studies; Chase Slater, Bachelor of Arts; Alexa Barron, Mallory McConathy, Heather Schiller, Bachelor of Science; Kristi Bass, Mastet of Arts in Teaching; Shelby Bickham, Melanie Matthews, Master of Education;
 Sulphur – Derek Henry, Bachelor of Arts; Elisabeth Perez, Bachelor of Science; Kayla Gaspard, Master of Science in Nursing;
 Thibodaux -- Terrance Johnson, Bachelor of Arts; Katelyn DeLaune, Samantha Eroche, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Tomball, Texas -- Aliona Salter, Bachelor of Science;
Toms River, New Jersey -- Jacqueline Manza, Bachelor of Science;
Trout -- Amber Morphis, Kaitlyn Roark, Associate of Science in Nursing; Andrea Walters, Bachelor of Science;
Tullos -- Danielle McCartney-Brown, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Ventress -- Racheal Gaudé, Bachelor of Fine Arts;
Vidalia – Christopher Wells, Associate of Science in Nursing; Charles Johnson, Evandria King, Bachelor of Science; Savannah Anderson, Master of Arts in Teaching; Dawn Moss, Summer Powell, Jenny Watson, Master of Science in Nursing;
Vinton -- Toby Stanley, Madison Zaunbrecher, Bachelor of Science; Kelsie Rayon, Bachelor of Social Work;
Vivian -- Cynthia Dixon, Associate of Science in Nursing; Chase Lewis, Associate Degree, Bachelor of Science;
Walker -- David Kolb, Bachelor of Arts; Johnny Brister, Brittany Marten, Bachelor of Science;
Washington -- Halie Briley, Bachelor of Science;
Wayneville, Missouri -- Molly Fields, Bachelor of General Studies;
Welsh -- Jordan Durio, Bachelor of Arts; Katherine Salassi, Bachelor of Social Work;
West Monroe -- Allison Freeman, Associate Degree, Bachelor of Science; Jaimie Hankins, Master of Education; Marbie Becton, Nicholas Fisher, Lacey Kennon, Brooke Sutton, Jennifer Williams, Master of Science in Nursing;
Whitehouse, Texas -- Jackson Allen, Bachelor of Arts;
Wilmington, Delaware -- Amy Bourett, Associate of Science in Nursing;
Wilmington, North Carolina -- Noelle Cox, Associate of General Studies;
Winnfield -- Shannon Drake, Melissa Mixon, Zachary Perot, Associate of General Studies; Lori Spangler, Bachelor of General Studies; Fabian Correa Guette, Alonso Restrepo Cardozo, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science; Bachelor of Music; Jermesia Anderson, Derek Ball, John Collins, Polina Mutel, Rebecca Reine, Anna Sibley, Bachelor of Science;
Winnipeg, Manitoba -- Tyra Duma, Bachelor of Science;
Winston Salem, North Carolina -- Ulric Aristide, Master of Arts;
Woodworth -- Kaitlyn Albert, Associate of Science in Nursing, Associate of General Studies;
Youngsville -- Noel Bourgeois, Brian Horton, Bachelor of Applied Science; Brandon Granger, Bachelor of Arts;
Ypsilanti, Michigan -- Anthony Enos, Bachelor of Science;
Zachary – Nekia Richardson, Associate of General Studies, Darryl Anderson, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Brooke Melancon, Master of Science in Nursing;
Zwolle – Holly Laroux, Bachelor of Applied Science, Samantha Rivers, Bachelor of General Studies; Rylea Sepulvado, Bachelor of Science.
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bdscuatui · 5 years
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Các giao dịch bất động sản ở Massachusetts cho các hạt Hampden, Hampshire và Franklin, ngày 16 tháng 2 năm 2020 AgawamNgân hàng Ally cho Serge Kulyak và Julia Kulyak, 91 Burlington Drive, 525.000 đô la.George R. Ghareeb và Carrie S. Ghareeb đến Hugh Cullen, 572 Barry St., $ 315.000.Janine Pranka và Alan E. Pranka đến Muhammad A. Razzaq và Uzma R. Razzaq, ngõ 132-134 Sheri, 372.000 USD.Bến du thuyền Otero đến Muhammad A. Razzaq và Uzma A. Razzaq, 28-30 Hunt St., 369.900 USD.Mokhtar Alsammarraie và Lina Alsaedi cho Lisa I. Schmith, 420 Main St., Đơn vị 74, $ 118.000.Precision Realty LLC, đến RPM Century Street LLC, 25 Century St., $ 355.000.Rodney Thomas và Cynthia E. Thomas đến Ruslan Goldman, Công viên Regency, Đơn vị 122, $ 75.000.Toufic Yacteen đến Darwin Gomez và Clara Tamayo, 57 Reed St., $ 207,400.Ngân hàng U S, ủy thác và Dòng ủy thác của RMAC 2016-CTT, ủy thác của, đến Taha Souayah, 183 Regency Park Drive, 83.000 đô la.AmherstThayer A. Greene và Anita U. Greene đến Kinda Verdickt và Robert Garrison, 561 Station Road, 425.000 đô la.Alayne G. Ronnenberg và Richard J. Wood đến Weifeng Liu và Yiru Carol Chen, 170 East Hadley Road, 170.500 đô la.Stephen J. Payne đến East Pleasant Street Realty LLC, East Pleasant Street, $ 100.William E. Hart, đại diện cá nhân, và William MccVickery, bất động sản, đến Mary W. Hoch và Christopher M. Hoch, 2 McIntosh Drive, 375.000 đô la.Paul Brissette đến Jamroth LLC, ngõ 54 Pomeroy, $ 100.000.Michael Shally Jensen và Beth Shally Jensen đến D. Joseph Jerry và Veronica L. Stirewalt, 60 Echo Hill Road, 530.000 đô la.BelchertownJan M. Skaza cho Mary Rachel Kosiorek, ủy thác và Mary Rachel Kosiorek Trust, 131 Metacomet St., $ 18,750.Hickory Hills Realty LLC, đến J.N. Duquette & Son Construction Inc., Magnolia Lane, $ 110.000.Margaret M. Suttenfield đến Jacob S. Girard và Jessica E. Girard, 20 Juckett Hill Drive, $ 272.500.BernardstonGloria Funkhouser đến Urban Veneer LLC, 497 Northfield Road, $ 400.000Cánh đồngKimberly S. H. Donze và Todd J. W. Donze cho Lisa B. Palmer-White, 48 Saint George Road, 285.000 đô la.BucklandElizabeth A. Carpenter 1997 Tin tưởng, Denise A. Famosi "hay còn gọi là" Denese A. Famosi, những người được ủy thác, đến Gary Gerald Blank và Darlene Blank, 77 Elm Street, 200.000 đô la.William D. Connelley và Alice B. Connelley đến Patricia M. Heminger, 14-16 Ashfield St., $ 282.500.ChesterJames R. Hathaway và Melissa M. Spear cho Christopher H. Martenson, 11 Johnson Hill Road, $ 587.500.Robert H. Martincich đến C8102M12 LLC, Đường Johnson Hill, $ 50.000.ChesterfieldNgân hàng Hoa Kỳ NA, ủy thác, LXS 2007-2N và PHH Mortthing Corp, luật sư thực tế, đến 2019 Castle LLC, 4 Willcutt Road, 22.100 đô la.ChicopeeRM Acre Chicopee Hampden MA LLC, đến Trường Khoa học East Hampden Charter, 20 Johnson Road, $ 8,085,000.CJK Realty LLC, đến Kam Meat S. Mistri và Rachna K. Mistri, 206 Fairview Ave., $ 275,000.Denette Properties LLC, đến Steven J. Tessier, 26 Muzzy St., $ 167.000.Douglas W. Dolbow và Robin M. Dolbow đến Antonio Daniele III, 109 Paradise St., $ 215.000.Grandview Development Associates LLC, đến Richard P. Mienkowski và Halina Mienkowski, Sycamore Lane, 120.000 đô la.Richard P. Jambora và Marilyn T. Jambora đến Jeremy M. Guz, 58 Roberts Pond Lane, 236.000 USD.Robert J. Russo Sr., và Paulette A. Russo đến Scott A. Russo, 695 Britton St., 210.000 đô la.Sherry M. Oblerro đến Nathan W. Garstka-Osley, 57 Marten St., $ 171.000.Đông LongmeadowColleen M. Milbier, Brian J. Milbier và Kevin F. Milbier cho Scott F. Davis, 9 North St., $ 87.326.Kathleen A. Dasilva, đại diện, và James F. Dasilva, bất động sản, đến Lena Vellturo, 112 Braeburn Road, 220.000 đô la.Kelly Fradet Lumber Inc., đến K Fradet Mass LLC, Phố Dorset, $ 1,425,000.Pamela L. Rutherford đến Deborah I. Cubi, 15 Corning St., $ 245.000.Robert J. Lefebvre, Nina Pare, James B. Lodigiani, Anne A. Beltramello, Leonard C. Lodigiani và Helen N. Lodigiani đến Frederick B. Shea và Susan M. Shea, 594 Parker St., 200.000 USD.Steven W. Longmoore II và Amy L. Longmoore đến Owen C. Jarmoc, 57 ổ đĩa, 605.000 đô la.DeerfieldMary Gragen Scoville Estate, "còn gọi là" Mary G Scoville động sản, Gregory P. Scoville, đại diện cá nhân, đến Harold J. Wrisley, Jane A. Wrisley và Kevin A. Wrisley, 87 North Main St., 240.000 đô la.William J. Babcock, Jr., và Nancy J. Hrynyshyn đến J2K Realty LLC, 28 Thayer St., 165.000 đô la.XóaJacquelin T. Felton động sản, Nancy J. Felton, đại diện cá nhân, đến Jamie L. Will, 9 Central St., 108.000 đô la.Đông thànhAllison S. Crawford đến Brooke Ann Johnson và Curtley Cruize Johnson, 62 West St., 240.000 USD.Christopher Cleland và Rebecca Starr đến Allison S. Crawford, 3 Crown Drive, 336.100 USD.John S. Gay, người được ủy thác, Misty J. Althizer, người được ủy thác và Saltpath II Tin tưởng vào Scott A. Richards và Pamela Brooks, 181 East St., $ 620.000.Theresa M. Lord, bất động sản, và Earl S. Lord, đại diện cá nhân, cho Nicholas D. Duprey và Betty L. Dupre, 3 Kimberly Lane, 220.000 đô la.Nhà đầu tư Mountain View, LP, Edward F. Fedor, đối tác chung, Martin E. Fedor, đối tác chung, Mary Ann F. Fedor, đối tác chung và David E. Fedor, đối tác chung, cho RVC Properties LLC, 228 Northampton St., 2.850.000 đô la.Trời ạMark S. Richardson, Mark S. Richardson, đại diện cá nhân, Susan L. MacInni, Susan L. MacInni, đại diện cá nhân, và Sylvia E. Richardson, bất động sản, cho Michael J. Cesario và Hannah M. Cesario, 75 Pond Hill Road, $ 219.000.GranbyRichard G. Archambault đến Gloria Lyons, 26 Smith Ave., $ 214.500.Cynthia F. Kennedy đến Patrick Kennedy và Lynne M. Sullivan, 106 East St., 100 đô la.William M. Clark đến Josuha M. Clark và Leslie A. Clark, Phố Batch Bachelor, 100 đô la.Michael Bennett, Katrina Marie Bennett và Katrina Marie Reinholz đến Vania M. Guzman, Reynaldo Huertas Nokers và Evelyn Velez, 19 New Ludlow Road, $ 214.900.Cánh đồng xanhCC MA Realty LLC, đến NLCP 7 Legion MA LLC, 7 Legion Ave., $ 2,108,951.Samantha Tones cho Philip M. Katsar, 145 Silver St., $ 175.000.Constance Andrew đến Lyle L. Lavin, Jr., và Nancy G. Lavin, 44 Harrison Ave., 138.000 đô laJames F. Pitchko đến Matthew F. Risch, 98 phố James, 150.000 đô la.Anita Margaret Wall Living Trust, Anita Margaret Wall, ủy thác, cho Douglas R. McNamara và Pamela J. McNamara, 43 Norwood St., 160.000 đô la.Adams Weekks Realty LLC, đến Donna M. Rhodes và Sven T. S. Rhodes, đường 312 Adams, 229.000 đô la.Joseph Gorey đến LCS Realty LLC, 308 Deerfield St. và 310 Deerfield St, 175.000 đô la.HadleyLori A. Hoffman, đại diện cá nhân, và Walter R. Hoffman tới Sharon Wachsler, 9 đường Moody Bridge, $ 305.000.HampdenMichael J. Sicbaldi LLP, Emily Burkhead, Peter Sicbaldi và Christopher Sicbaldi cho Michael A. Ciecko Jr., Đường 291 Scantic, $ 235.000.Richard A. St. Aubin và Deborah I. St. Aubin đến Natasha Rodriguez, 186 đường Bennett, $ 299.900.HatfieldNan Wiegersma đến Phillip J. Van Alstine và Dana L. Kuras, 115 Elm St., 340.000 USD.Angela Greco đến Jenni L. Manfredi, 8 Tòa án Elm và Elm, $ 277.500.Gary R. Hebert, Kristen A. Hebert và Kristen A. Lanza đến Chuong Q. Dinh, 26 Nice View Drive, 482.000 đô la.Beverly A. Labbee, đại diện cá nhân, và Nellie A. Osepowicz, bất động sản, đến Gary R. Hebert và Kristen Hebert, 12 Primrose Path, $ 290.000.Patrick J. Melnik Jr., đại diện cá nhân, và Ann N. Burda, bất động sản, đến Paula Sayword và Karen A. Sims, $ 263.000.HolyokeAntonio E. Daniele III, và Christopher Daniele đến Jillian McKay, 8 Maple Crest Circle E, 97.000 USD.Diana Garcia đến Sylvia Delgado và Elias Silva Perez, 140 Essex St., $ 172.500.Gabriele T. Brin-Martin đến Scott L. Cournoyer, Đường núi 445, $ 204.000.GG LLC, đến Rebecca E. McPhee và Anshumali KC, 51 Elm St., $ 102.000.Luis A. Gonzalez và Marisol Gonzalez đến Jose Luis Rivera và Waleska Gonzalez Arroyo, 31 Springdale Ave., 129.900 đô la.Peter M. Brunault, đại diện, Edward Arthur Miles Jr., và Edward A. Miles, bất động sản, đến James C. Durand, 234 West Franklin St., 52.000 đô la.Vanwijak Eowsakul và Manivone Chanthalouangnam cho Joel M. Bierwert, 80 South Bay State Road, 184.000 đô la.LongmeadowJohn T. Kreinest đến Donald H. Bolduc, 689 Laurel St., $ 345.000.KC Propco LLC, để lưu trữ tài trợ chính XVII LLC, 28 Dwight Road, 2.240.000 đô la.Ralph C. Merullo, đại diện, và Helen C. Merullo, bất động sản, đến Dmitry J. Gulak và Mary McDonald, 35 Herbert St., $ 168,041.Shelley Cotton và Shelly Cotton cho John A. Tomaszewski và Elizabeth D. Tomaszewski, đường 309 Frank Smith, $ 380.000.Steven N. Sobel đến Ehdaa A. Tahoun, 80 Hawthorn St., $ 215.000.LudlowDolores R. Norton đến Robert Archambault Jr., 16 West Belmont St., 128.500 đô la.John Pelczar, bất động sản, và Debra A. Sciascia, đại diện, cho David C. Bull, 57-59 Oak St., $ 235.000.Sapphire bất động sản phát triển LLC, đến Dnepro Properties LLC, 13 Nowak Circle, $ 155.000.Logan S. Brown và Jocelyn P. Brown đến Mea Afghanistan A. Schmieding, 1528 Center St., $ 274,900.Vereit Real Real LP, và Vereit Real Real GP LLC, đến SPP Citizens NLREFV LLC, 33 Center St., $ 1,168,938.Đức ôngArnold Construction Inc., đến Brandon MacKenzie và Danielle Turcotte, 44 Stebbins Road, 200.000 đô la.Beeshsports LLC và Beesh Sports LLC, đến Trung tâm thể thao Twins & Mom LLC, 15 Road Road, $ 275,000.Timothy H. Allen đến Edward M. Kupiec, Phố Bạc, 2.000 đô la.MontagueTroy Santerre và Laura Santerre đến Donna C. Weber và Duane H. Weber, 218 Montague City Road, 130.000 đô la.Giáo dụcJanivette Alsina, người được ủy thác và 125 Straw Avenue Tin tưởng vào Janivette Alsina, 125 Straw Ave., 100 đô la.Patrick J. Joyce, người được ủy thác, Mary P. Joyce Living Trust và Mary P. Joyce Sự tin tưởng sống có thể hủy bỏ đối với Tammy Donoghue-Walker, 112 Fairway Village, $ 235.000.Bart I. Gottesdiener cho Emily A. Schmalzer, 35 New South St., $ 389.600.Trak Chemicals LLC, đến OM East Hampton Rd LLC, 54 Easthampton Road và Route 10, $ 1.400.000.Jeffrey Caplan đến Simone Topal, 235 Lưỡi liềm St., 1.200.000 đô la.Pombridge Manor LLC, đến David Pakman, 9 Pomeroy Terrace, $ 499.000.trái camStephen Francis Witkowski động sản, Earlene M. Gonyea, đại diện cá nhân và cá nhân, cho Brian J. Gariepy, 42 Hayden St., $ 170.000.Deutsche Bank National Trust Co., ủy thác, bởi luật sư, Chọn luật sư danh mục đầu tư, luật sư, đến John Gorham, 100 Brookside Road, 55.000 đô la.PalmerAdam Lachance, đại diện, Joyce Lachance và Yvon Lachance, bất động sản, đến Yves Lachance, 147 Jim Ash Road, 155.000 USD.Michael M. Batista đến Joseph Bailey, 9-11 Bourne St., 155.000 đô la.Shirley M. Lamb và Shirley M. Piechota đến Natan S. Hagopian và Varoujan Y. Hagopian Sr., 36 St. John St., $ 247.500.Bồ nôngWilliam M. McClung, ủy thác, Emily W. McClung, ủy thác, Gale S. McClung Trust và Robert M. McClung Tin tưởng vào Pelham Town, Buffam Brook Road, 77.500 đô la.Hyuk Yu, đại diện cá nhân, Steven J. Yu, đại diện cá nhân và Jeffrey J. Yu, bất động sản, đến Stephanie Nascimento, 80 Buffam Road, 232.000 USD.RussellDavid Motyl, Jeanette Motyl, Jeannette St. Onge và Jeannette Motyl cho Justin D. Martel và Jessica J. Martel, 195 Huntington Road, $ 180,001.Nicholas C. Weidhaas III, và Tammy Weidhaas cho David W. Motyl và Jeannette M. Motyl, 464 General Knox Road, 350.000 đô la.ShelburneMarjorie A. Moser cho Peter J. Moser, 45 Water St., 150.000 đô la.ShutesburyWalter Thomas Sepanek, "còn gọi là" Walter T. Sepanek, Thomas Sepanek và Melissa Sepanek đến Jacob E. Kenney và Natalya Kenney, 229 Leverett Road, $ 263.000.Nam HadleyDeborah A. Tapp, đại diện cá nhân, Caroline Wojcik, đại diện cá nhân, Carol A. Rioux, bất động sản, Thomas James Rioux Jr., Eric Anthony Rioux, Melinda Cavanaugh, Melinda Rioux, Shannon Cavanaugh, Joshua Rioux, Caroline Wojcik và Deborah A. Tapp đến Deborah A. Tapp và Francis J. Tapp, 83 Bardwell St., 150.000 đô la.Joan R. Gazillo, đại diện cá nhân, Kathleen Alice Reardon, bất động sản, và Kathleen A. Reardon, bất động sản, đến Linda Sidorsky và Robert Sidorsky, 28 Mountain View St., $ 251.500.Revampit LLC, đến Alan A. Ash, 25 Edison Drive, $ 265.000.Thaddeus J. Pula và Linda K. Pula cho Mary Nancy Wood, người được ủy thác và Mary Nancy Wood Revocable Trust, 128 Stonybrook Village, 385.000 đô la.Sultana Anton đến Kamal B. Anton, 45 Washington Ave., 20.000 đô la.Diane Gosselin, Elizabeth Kurdyie, luật sư thực tế, Elizabeth A. Sullivan, luật sư, Christopher J. Gosselin, luật sư thực tế và Adam R. Gosselin, luật sư thực tế, cho Diego Garcia, Diego Colon-Garcia và Ivelisse Colon-Garcia, 8 Blueberry Bend, $ 465.000.Steven R. Nally, Holly M. Gagnon, Robbin M. Giroux và Jaye A. Peltier đến Properties Plus LLC, 20 Lawrence Ave., $ 107,375.SouthamptonQuản lý tài sản ưa thích Inc., cho James J. Murning và Claire C. Edwards, 124 Fomer Road, $ 317.500.Dianne Z. Sutherland, đại diện cá nhân và Victoria P. Zabawa cho Kevin E. Balicki, 5 Thomas Circle, 285.000 đô la.NamwickNgân hàng Citizens đến Emtay Inc., 26 Granville Road, $ 76.500.Ross Swientisky, đại diện, Eleanor R. Swientisky, bất động sản, Neal E. Swientisky và Christopher G. Swientisky đến Allyson R. Crooke, 58 George Loomis Road, 180.000 USD.Warren A. Brown, Norman F. Brown, Vincent C. Brown và Timothy C. Brown đến Marika Theodorakis, 8 Rosewood Lane, 158.500 đô la.William H. Strain và Christina M. Strain đến Banks Family Farm LLC, 20 Vining Hill Rd, $ 600.000.SpringfieldAerial Funding LLC, đến Natalie Pizarro, 53 Moss Road, $ 180.000.Alden Pond Properties LLC, đến Ramatulai Kanu-Kabia và Baisimbra Kabia, 38 Princeton St., $ 185.000.Alyssa N. Sweeney, đại diện, và James M. Matusko, bất động sản, đến Klaudia Z. Czerwinska, 70 Gary Road, 139.900 đô la.Amrap LLC, đến Spectra S1 LLC, 52-54 Patton St., 720.000 USD.Antonio Aro đến Aro Realty Inc., 15 Cortland St., 66.500 đô la.Bretta Construction LLC, đến Patrick Michael Swaby và Teshena Icylin Jones-Swaby, 90 Jennings St., $ 334,900.Hiệp hội thế chấp quốc gia liên bang và Fannie Mae đến Anthony Massop, 732 Belmont Ave., 129.780 đô la.Davis Son đến Kalpana Gurung và Khadga Pradhan, 827-829 Belmont Ave., 226.000 USD.Edna R. Hernandez đến Terry J. Wanzo, 196 Savoy Ave., 175.000 đô la.Efrain Bermeo Jr., và Krystal Marrero cho Gannon Longtin và Nicole Longtin, 39 Tamarack Drive, 259.000 đô la.Gwen Randall đến Prime Partners LLC, Đường Pasco, $ 91,250.Joseph C. Ekmalian, Kathleen M. Ekmalian và Kathleen Ekmalian đến Meghan K. Shewchuk, 86 Ruthven St., 176.900 USD.Joseph S. Mercure, Donald T. Mercure và Sandra J. Mercure đến Edinshon Bido Mejia, 96-98 Johnson St., 200.000 đô la.Ngân hàng JPMorgan Chase đến Marsha X. Qian, 94-96 Sherman St., 100.000 đ�� la.Tháng Sáu V. Feuerstein, đại diện, và Mary Tompkins, bất động sản, cho Jason A McClendon, 103 Garnet St., 192.100 đô la.Justin C. Tracy cho Lee F. Saltmarsh và Michelle Ortiz-Saltmarsh, 88 Lorimer St., $ 185.500.Katharine A. Johnson đến Brian K. Pickard, 57 Leatherleaf Drive, $ 187,900.Kayrouz Chemicals LLC, đến OM Orchard Main St. LLC, 363 Main St., $ 1.400.000.Kenneth M. Scibelli và Donna N. Scibelli đến Annette M. Pellegrino, 268 Đại lộ Washington, $ 268.500.Kevin T. Cavanaugh đến Joycelyn Philp, 36 O hèConnell St., 155.000 đô la.Lachenauer LLC, đến Jonathan X. Rodriguez, 52 Orlando St., $ 181.000.Leonard A. Cowles và Lynn A. Cowles đến Librado Ortiz và Maria Vega, 43-45 Algonquin Place, $ 157.000.Long River Partners LLC, đến Zanoris S. Perez và Heric D. Diaz, 39 Ramblewood Drive, 195.000 đô la.Luis Aguirre và Luis Alberto Aguirre Ramos đến Jeffrey A. Morse, 35-37 Miller St., 195.000 đô la.Lynne Molinari, bất động sản, và Richard Molinari, đại diện, đến Melanie Ortiz-Cruz, 99 Champlain Ave., 105.000 đô la.Morrell P. Thomas đến Keron K. Baker, 34-36 Sylvan St., $ 212.500.Cơ quan Tài chính Phát triển Massachusetts đến Springfield Cải thiện Kinh doanh Quận Inc., 8-12 Stearns Square, $ 100.Khu dân cư NSP LLC, đến Anjeannette M. Dowd, 347-349 Newbury St., $ 199,656.Odessa Torres và Elizabeth Torres đến Lisa M. Vasquez, 212 Garnet St., $ 212.000.Patrick M. Swaby và Teshena Icylin Jones-Swaby cho Joseph Manuel Mateo Jr., và Ashley Rosado, 96 Rosewell St., 205.000 đô la.Paul G. Allen và David L. Allen đến Lamar D. Nash và Sarah Grace J. Burney-Nash, 34 Georgetown St., 150.000 đô la.Revampit LLC, đến Oscar Vega, 18 Nagle St., $ 190.000.Richard A. Femmel đến Pioneer Housing LLC, 26 Wigwam Place, 250.000 đô la.Springfield Homes LLC, đến Marc Rhodes và Jacob Hart, 48-50 Clifton Ave., $ 132.500.Suk Hui Forrester đến Koala Properties LLC, 169-171 Hancock St., $ 160.000.Syed Ali Shamsi và Syed All Shamsi cho Nolava LLC, 53 McKnight St., $ 92.000.Teresa A. Burr và Ruth E. Williams đến Perdelisa Brown, 15 Strathmore St., 179.000 USD.Ngân hàng U S, ủy thác và Truman 2016 SC6 Title Trust, ủy thác của Amaan Realty LLC, 79 Blunt Road, 72.000 đô la.Ngân hàng U S, ủy thác và Truman 2016 SC6 Title Trust, ủy thác của Travis T. Moran, 98-100 Sylvan St., 144.500 đô la.LP bất động sản Vereit, cho SPP Citizens NLREF V LLC, 950 Main St., $ 701.363.Ngân hàng Wells Fargo đến Dominic Kirchner II, ủy thác và Laurels Realty Trust, ủy thác của, 59 Margerie St., 59.055 đô la.William J. Borowiec và Kathleen Borowiec cho Adam Gauthier, 69 Vòng tròn Gillette, $ 172.000.Hội tiết kiệm quỹ Wilmington, ủy thác, và ủy thác cho vay thế chấp vùng cao A, ủy thác của Maria Marrero, 62 San Miguel St., $ 145.000.TollandStanley F. Rosen đến Michael F. Seaver và Heather E. Seaver, ngõ Lane Owls, 240.000 USD.Xứ WalesMichelle Blanchard, đại diện, Timothy Waterman, đại diện, và Margo Chevers, bất động sản, đến Heidi Bara, 70 McBride Road, 210.000 đô la.đồMichael R. Brown đến Michael R. Brown và Gary J. Brown, 403 Palmer Road, 100 đô la.Lily Marie Juda đến B & B Investments LLC, 128-130 North St., $ 60.000.Brian Connolly đến Roger T. Montanez và Elizabeth R. Montanez, 29 đường Sczygiel, $ 275,000.Sandra Renaud đến Donna E. Tarantino, 22 Colebrook Drive, 400.000 USD.Robert W. Balliett, đại diện cá nhân, và Matthew R. Balliett, bất động sản, cho Paul A. Wheeler, 100 West Main St., 90.000 đô la.Sultana Anton đến Kamal B. Anton, 8 School St., 14.000 đô la.Sultana Anton đến Kamal B. Anton, 11 Cummings St., $ 16.000.Tây SpringfieldAnthony Heim và Olivia Heim đến Nicholas M. Topjian, 18 Greenleaf Ave., 210.000 đô la.Christina L. Udas đến Mokhtar Alsammarraie, 80 Brush Hill Ave., Đơn vị 53, $ 96.000.Christy A. Frederick cho Tyler James Frederick và Emily M. Frederick, 196 Wolcott Ave., $ 182.500.LLP Memorial Partnership LLP, đến Pioneer Valley Interiders Inc., ủy thác và Trust Avenue Realty Trust, ủy thác của, 21 Bramble Ave., 750.000 đô la.Ellen Kupiec đến Marina Otero, Tòa án 27 Park Avenue, Đơn vị 14, $ 104.000.Imadeddine Awkal đến Zeina O. Awkal, 236 Norman St., 180.000 USD.Jacqueline S. Witek đến Janice Jean Shamblin, 40 Hathorne Ave., $ 72.000.Konstantinos Tsavidis và Lindsey J. Tsavidis cho Lee Johnson, 55 Lyman St., 238.000 đô la.LJCD Associates LLC, đến Stoneridge Realty LLC, 1095 Westfield St., $ 6.000.000.Maa Property LLC, đến Linda C. Boudreau, ủy thác và One Eyed Cat Trust, ủy thác của, 78 Greenleaf Ave., $ 277.000.Paul Cassella III, Albert Cassella, đại diện, Sophia M. Cassella, bất động sản, và Sophia Mary Cassella, bất động sản, đến MAA Property LLC, Bosworth St., 86.000 đô la.Stephanie E. Condino đến Rachel Louise Federico, 76 Kings Highway, 149.350 đô la.WestfieldBarbara D. Ross đến Heather M. Siegel, 126 Western Ave., $ 195.000.Chiara Bassett và Christopher A. Hunter cho Joseph L. Russo và Brook M. Ruby, 11 Saint Paul St., 179.500 đô la.Kyle G. Beluzo đến Krystalee B. Ryan-Krieg, 9 Cross St., 210.000 USD.Lisa I. Schmith và Ollie F. Schmith đến Ronald I. Haskell và Joann R. Haskell, 27 Hayre St., 195.000 đô la.Ruby Realty LLC, đến Heng Zhang và Ying Huang, 94 Rachael Terrace, 437.100 đô la.Sherrilynn G. Arlingtonon và Sherrilynn M. Guffey đến Bradford W. Kline II, 13 Stuart Circle, $ 245.000.Viktoria A. Dubovoy đến Jessica Solek, Đường 555 Russell, Đơn vị D18, 123.000 USD.Tây thành phốSusan Yard Harris đến Risa Harris-Gerstein, Đường Reservoir, $ 100.WilbrahamNhà thờ Epiphany, Nhà thờ Epiphany và Nhà thờ Epiphany Hiệu trưởng Wardens & Vestry of to Iglesia Pacto Eterno Springfield Inc., 20 Highland Ave, 385.000 USD.Flippin Good Home Users LLC, đến 2018MA-01 LLC, 664 Stony Hill Road, 133.500 đô la.Ibis Duo Holdings LLC, đến Haseeb Hafeez và Gina Khalid, 23 đường săn, $ 285.000.Jay Norma Tryon và David J. Tryon cho Nicholas M. Brown, 11 Delmor Circle, 195.000 đô la.WilliamsburgMark J. Chereski, Sandra M. Maguire và Heidi L. Chereski đến Christine Danielle Tronnier, 94 Road Đường Goshen cũ, $ 381.500.Kevin J. Campion và Judy E. Campion đến Efrain Bermeo Jr., 3 đường Chilson, $ 338.000.Mark Pessolano và Mark Pessolanoo cho Michael F. Dolan và Karen A. Dolan, 37 Red Bridge Road, 355.000 đô la.[ad_2] Nguồn
0 notes
kwebtv · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Powers  -  Play Station Network  -  March 10, 2015 - July 19, 2016
Drama / Superhero  (20 episodes)
Running Time:  60 minutes
Sharlto Copley as Christian Walker
Susan Heyward as Deena Pilgrim
Noah Taylor as Johnny Royalle  (Season 1)
Olesya Rulin as Calista Secor
Adam Godley as Captain Emile Cross
Max Fowler as Krispin Stockley
Michelle Forbes as Janis Sandusky, a.k.a. RetroGirl  (Season 1)
Eddie Izzard as "Big Bad" Wolfe  (Season 1)
Michael Madsen as Patrick, a.k.a. SuperShock. (Season 2)
Logan Browning as Zora
Andrew Sensenig as Harley Cohen, a.k.a. Triphammer
Aaron Farb as Simons  (Season 1)
Claire Bronson as Candace Stockley  (Season 1)
Justice Leak as Kutter .
Nicky Buggs as Eva Hamdam  (Season 1)
Jeryl Prescott as Golden. (Season 1)
Shelby Steel as Marigold Wygant
Michael Lowry as Craig Sherman
Charmin Lee as Patrice LeGarde  (Season 1)
Bianca Amato as Delia Alexander (Season 1)
Jannette Sepwa as Paola Ruiz  (Season 1)
Leander Suleiman as Mack  (Season 1)
David Ury as Dr. Death
Enrico Colantoni as Senator Bailey Brown, a.k.a. The Cobalt Knight (Season 2)
Tricia Helfer as FBI Special Agent Angela Lange, formerly known by her hero name Lynx  (Season 2)
Timothy Douglas Perez as FBI Special Agent Schlag  (Season 2)
Jason Wesley as Terrance Pelham  (Season 2)
Teri Wyble as Nicole Glantz  (Season 2)
Azie Tesfai as Dr. Michelle Marrs  (Season 2)
Robin Spriggs as Morrison, a.k.a. The Ghost  (Season 2)
Wil Wheaton as Conrad Moody  (Season 2)
Raul Casso as Sgt. Tiberio Martinez  (Season 2)
Matthew Yang King as THX  (Season 2)
Powers was the first series that Sony produced for streaming on its Play Station console. 
0 notes
the-record-briefs · 6 years
May 16, 2018: In other news
WCC holds 52nd Commencement Ceremony on Tuesday, May 15
 Wilkesboro, N.C. – Wilkes Community College’s 52nd Annual Commencement Ceremony took place on Tuesday, May 15, in the John A. Walker Community Center on the Wilkes Campus. Two ceremonies will be held.
 The Health Sciences Division and Applied Career Technologies Division graduates  participated in the 4 p.m. ceremony. The Arts & Sciences Division and the Business & Public Service Technologies Division graduates participated in the 7 p.m. ceremony.
 Presenters for the program were Dr. Jeff Cox, president of Wilkes Community College; Mr. Terry Bumgarner, chairperson of the Board of Trustees; and Kayla Colglazier, president of the Student Government Association. The speaker was  Dr. David Ritter, lead instructor Economics and Management Information Systems, and Blair Hancock, vice-president of Instruction, presented the candidates.
 The prelude for the ceremony Summit Strings (Mr. Steve Holman & Ms. Tess Angel). Ms. Tammy Griffin-Garcia, Soloist performed the national anthem and provided inspirational music.
 Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the Lakey Ballroom for graduates, faculty, staff and guests.
Arts and Sciences Division
Two-year Associate Degrees will be awarded to the following students:
 ASSOCIATE IN ARTS: Benjamin Thomas Adair, Moravian Falls; Billie LeAnn Adams, Millers Creek; Trent Michael Adams; North Wilkesboro; Allie Suzanne Anderson, Moravian Falls; Kayley Virginia Anderson, North Wilkesboro; Chrystal Aponte, North Wilkesboro; Taylor Haynes Baker, Wilkesboro; Mastin Cole Bauguess, Thurmound; Zoe Rae Beaman, North Wilkesboro; Joy Elizabeth Billings, Ronda; James Dylan Blankley, Ronda; Allison Belle Bowers, North Wilkesboro; Caighlen McKenzie Brady, Millers Creek; Summer Sky Branciforte, Traphill; Kaela Paige Bray, Millers Creek; Erik Bueno-Medina, Wilkesboro; Dawson William Burwell, Moravian Falls; Brittany Lee-Ann Byrd, Ronda; Lauren Ashton Byrd, North Wilkesboro; Logan Allen Byrd, North Wilkesboro; Heaven L. Call, Millers Creek; Adriana Alejandra Carmona-Jurado, Moravian Falls; Dashae LaVaun Chatham, Wilkesboro; Austin Benjamin Church, Wilkesboro; Kayla Marie Colglazier, Hays; Whittney Alissa Combs, Wilkesboro; Elizabeth Gray Cooke, Wilkesboro; Johanna Copley, North Wilkesboro; Karla Yamileth Cortez, Moravian Falls; Marc Gonzales Cruz, North Wilkesboro; Lauren Grace Dancy, Wilkesboro; Caroline Amelia Daughtry, Roaring River; Tracey Hockett Daughtry, Roaring River; Mikki Leigh Davis, Purlear; Jose Maria De La Garza, North Wilkesboro; Khara Faw Dimmette, North Wilkesboro; Angela Jean Dolinger, Wilkesboro; Ashley Espinoza, North Wilkesboro; Joshua Blake Estep, Millers Creek; Katelyn Yvonne Fielder, Barton; Maria Guadalupe Frausto-Barbosa, Wilkesboro; Lesly Pilar Fuentes-Ramirez, North Wilkesboro; Diego Francisco Garcia- Galindo, Wilkesboro; T.J. McRae Gordon, North Wilkesboro; Taylor Nicole Greer, North Wilkesboro; Rhianna Shanice Griffin, North Wilkesboro; Stephenie Alana Hamby, Millers Creek; Jessica Gisselle Henriquez, North Wilkesboro; Charles William Hicks, North Wilkesboro; Patrick Carl Hill, North Wilkesboro; Cassie N. Huffman, Wilkesboro;  Jonathan Willis Inman, Wilkesboro; Allison Mara Ivey, North Wilkesboro; Laken Alexandra Jarvis, Wilkesboro; Kodie Leigh Jennings, North Wilkesboro; Charles Jacob Johnson, Roaring River; Jesse Samuel Johnson, North Wilkesboro; Joseph Gregory Kennedy, Traphill; Megan Nicole Knight, Wilkesboro; Austin Timothy Lane, Wilkesboro; Rachel Dawn LaPrad, North Wilkesboro; Ana'e Desarae Limon, Wilkesboro; Morgen Nicole Love, North Wilkesboro; Yandery Mariela Manzanares, North Wilkesboro; Kyra Leigh McClarrin, North Wilkesboro; Erika Layne Miles, Hays; Ursela Gena Miller, North Wilkesboro; Stephen Christopher Mitchell, North Wilkesboro; Alexander Elijah Morales, Moravian Falls; Rachel Jean Muskelley, Wilkesboro; Pedro Anthony Noon, Ronda; Lakyn Danae Parrish, Wilkesboro; Dakota Leeann Passmore, North Wilkesboro; Haley Perez-Ramirez, North Wilkesboro; Tamika Lashaun Phillips, Millers Creek; Marco Antonio Pineda-Sierra, North Wilkesboro; Andrew Jeffrey Pinkerton, Wilkesboro; Ricky Seth Poe, Moravian Falls; Delaney Raeh Richards, North Wilkesboro; Gabriela Ruvalcaba-Barragan, North Wilkesboro; Garrett Joseph Saffold, Wilkesboro; Lisa Penhollow Salmon, North Wilkesboro; Alisha Dawn Scott, Sparta; Briana Church Shell, Millers Creek; Kirsten Sierra Shepherd, North Wilkesboro; James David Simmons, Jr., Wilkesboro; James Dalton Smith, Moravian Falls; Karma Raine Smith, North Wilkesboro; Miranda Michelle Smith, North Wilkesboro; Brandon James Teague, North Wilkesboro; Rebecca Elizabeth Triplett, North Wilkesboro; Mary Jane Boiser Vawter, McGrady; Moriah Grace Vimont, Moravian Falls; Phillip Ethan Waldrup-Dobbins, Ronda; Marissa Ruth Walker; Wilkesboro; Travis Remington Wall, Wilkesboro; Montanna Morgan Walters; Wilkesboro; Alicia Dawn Widener, Millers Creek; Zechariah Patrick Kent Wilborn, North Wilkesboro; and Olivia Marie Wilcox, North Wilkesboro.
 ASSOCIATE IN GENERAL EDUCATION: LarkAnn Louise Byrd, North Wilkesboro; Kayla Marie Colglazier, Hays; Katrina Leigh Fletcher, Purlear; Harlee Denise Glass, North Wilkesboro; Adrianne Janette Johnson            , North Wilkesboro; Alexandra Morgan Johnson, McGrady; Sydney Laura Johnson, Wilkesboro; Seth Malachi Kerr, Moravian Falls; Christen L. Martin, North Wilkesboro; Paige Elizabeth Neely, Millers Creek; John Thomas O'Connell, Jr., Millers Creek; Taylor Leigh Osborne, Boomer; Patricia Meadows Owens, Wilkesboro; Staley Elizabeth Parks , Wilkesboro; Selina Greene Richardson, North Wilkesboro; Kristie Hope Royal, North Wilkesboro; and Alicia Dawn Widener, Millers Creek.
 ASSOCIATE IN SCIENCE: Evan Walsh Adams, North Wilkesboro; Ryan Richardson Barrett, Wilkesboro; Brandon Carl Billings,  Hays; Heaven L. Call, Millers Creek; Kayla Brooke Chipman         , Traphill; Daniel Ryan Cooke, Wilkesboro; Joshua Blake Estep, Millers Creek; William Chase Greene, Millers Creek; Leslie Giselle Huezo-Arias, Wilkesboro; Adrianne Janette Johnson , North Wilkesboro; Ana'e Desarae Limon, Wilkesboro; Bethany Noelle McGill, North Wilkesboro; Marlen Veronica Nava, Roaring River; Hunter Daniel Page, Purlear; Meagan Elizabeth Thibodeau, Moravian Falls; Cameron Grant Tribble, North Wilkesboro; and Kelsy Elizabeth Waddell, North Wilkesboro.
 Business and Public Service Technologies Division
The following student will receive Associate in Applied Science degrees:
 ACCOUNTING: Alejandra Limon,  Moravian Falls; Rosa Angelica Dionicio Mariano, North Wilkesboro; Kang McCoy , North Wilkesboro; Brenna Metzger Lara, Millers Creek; Katlyn Davis Mickel, Roaring River; Juan Antonio Olea Chamv, North Wilkesboro; Samantha Jane Prevette, Hays; and Susie Violeta Ramos, Wilkesboro.
 ADVERTISING & GRAPHIC DESIGN: Candelaria Andres Francisco, North Wilkesboro;
Alexandra Morgan Johnson,  McGrady; Danny Bubba Lane, North Wilkesboro; Marina Nicole Moore, Millers Creek; Courtney Young Moser, Wilkesboro; Sylvia Rubio-Reyes, Wilkesboro; Rosalinda Ruiz Carbajal, North Wilkesboro; Austin Ray Shrewsbury, North Wilkesboro; Alexis Erin Smith , Statesville; and Sabrina Michelle Summerlin, North Wilkesboro.
 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION: Aaron McKae Billings, Hays; Courtney Danielle Bullis,       North Wilkesboro; Joseph Alexander Kamperman, Boomer; Amanda Leigh Kelly, North Wilkesboro; Katlyn Davis Mickel, Roaring River; Donna Jean Miller,  North Wilkesboro; Juan Antonio Olea Chamv, North Wilkesboro; Marie Jeanette Phifer, Lenoir; Samantha Jane Prevette, Hays; and Laura Nichelle Rector, Hays.
 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION – Management Information Systems: Amanda Leigh Kelly, North Wilkesboro.
 COMPUTER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Derek Scott Patterson, North Wilkesboro.
 COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION –Game Development: Daniel Joseph Metz, McGrady.
 COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION – Networking Technology: Kyle Conrad Martin, Ronda; and Trenton Matthew York, Wilkesboro.
 COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION – Programming: Ashton James Absher, Moravian Falls
 CRIMINAL JUSTICE TECHNOLOGY: Hannah Kristain Absher , McGrady;
Vernon Earl Byrd, Hays; Brandon Matthew Caudle, Taylorsville; Sammy Shawn Clonch, Wilkesboro; Justin Lee Combs , Ronda; Ethan Daniel Gambill, North Wilkesboro; Colby Austin Greene, North Wilkesboro; Mirella Izquierdo, Wilkesboro; Caleb Richard Johnston, Hays; Alondra Limon-Garcia, Moravian Falls; Michelle Raye Mitchell, North Wilkesboro; Preston Lee Parsons, North Wilkesboro; Daniel Allen Prevette, Hays; Damian Lee Smithey, Ronda; and Derrick Allen Taylor, Wilkesboro.
 CULINARY ARTS: Andrea Fay Barton, Moravian Falls; Tonda Dane , Wilkesboro; Marie Shirk Maltba, North Wilkesboro; and Victoria Nicole Smith, Millers Creek.
 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION: Amber Noel Anglin , North Wilkesboro; Racheal Lynn Brionez, Wilkesboro; Laken Nicole Cox, Ronda; Jamie Marie Higginbotham, Wilkesboro; and Jenna Alysse Walker, North Wilkesboro.
 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – Network Management: Sean Conan Nichols, Wilkesboro
 OFFICE ADMINISTRATION: Christian Yolanda Howell, Wilkesboro
 The following will receive certificates:
 ADVERTISING AND GRAPHIC DESIGN – Graphic Design: Candelaria Andres Francisco, North Wilkesboro; Alexandra Morgan Johnson, McGrady; Danny Bubba Lane, North Wilkesboro; Marina Nicole Moore, Millers Creek; Courtney Young Moser, Wilkesboro; Rosalinda Ruiz Carbajal, North Wilkesboro; and Austin Ray Shrewsbury, North Wilkesboro
 ADVERTISING AND GRAPHIC DESIGN – Photography: Candelaria Andres Francisco, North Wilkesboro; Alexandra Morgan Johnson, McGrady; Danny Bubba Lane, North Wilkesboro; Marina Nicole Moore, Millers Creek; Courtney Young Moser, Wilkesboro; Sylvia Rubio-Reyes, Wilkesboro; Rosalinda Ruiz Carbajal, North Wilkesboro; and Austin Ray Shrewsbury, North Wilkesboro.
 COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION – Cyber Crime: Douglas James Morrison, Moravian Falls.
 COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION – Networking Security: Kyle Conrad Martin, Ronda; Douglas James Morrison, Moravian Falls; and Trenton Matthew York, Wilkesboro.
 COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION – Networking Technology: Kyle Conrad Martin, Ronda; and Trenton Matthew York, Wilkesboro.
 CRIMINAL JUSTICE TECHNOLOGY: Haley Patricia Barker, Hays; Kendra Blane Casse, North Wilkesboro; Breanna Lynn Dancy, North Wilkesboro; Michaela Madison Huffman, Purlear; and Ashley MacKenzie Woodruff, Hays.
 EARLY CHILDHOOD: Racheal Lynn Brionez, Wilkesboro; Emory Christian Carroll, Moravian Falls; Hannah Nichole Shumate, North Wilkesboro; and Siara Eden Vidrine, Moravian Falls.
 INFANT/TODDLER CARE: Racheal Lynn Brionez, Wilkesboro.
 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY- Information Technology: Jared Nathenial Ball, North Wilkesboro; Addison Blaine Carrigan, Millers Creek; Melissa Grace Cleary, North Wilkesboro;
Andrew Paul Johnson, Millers Creek; Dalton Maclaine Johnson, Purlear; Zachary Keith Lunsford, Wilkesboro; Alexy Mario Palma, North Wilkesboro; Kaitlyn Michelle Roark, North Wilkesboro; Ryan Thomas Smith, North Wilkesboro; and Brittany Marie Watkins, North Wilkesboro.
 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - Cyber Security: Vernon Earl Byrd, Hays
 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – Network Management: Sean Conan Nichols, Wilkesboro
 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – Network Security: Sean Conan Nichols, Wilkesboro
 Health Sciences Division
 The following students will receive Associate in Applied Science degrees:
 ASSOCIATE DEGREE NURSING: Jessica Harris Ball, Purlear; Kayla Ann Bowlin, Millers Creek; LarkAnn Louise Byrd, North Wilkesboro; Alivia Leeann Flinchum, North Wilkesboro; Kayla Laws Hawkins, Hays; Benjamin Silas Johnson, North Wilkesboro; Hannah Daun Johnson, Millers Creek; Tiffany Lashele Lytton,  North Wilkesboro; Teresa Munoz-Maya, Hays; Taylor Leigh Osborne, Boomer; Haley Nichole Wagoner, Millers Creek; Dongyan Wang, Wilkesboro; and Callie Brooke West, Wilkesboro.
 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SCIENCE: Colby Ryan Cooper, Thurmond; Heather Renee Dancy, McGrady; and Jesse Robert Laws, North Wilkesboro.
 HUMAN SERVICES TECHNOLOGY: Lindsey Michelle Baldwin , Hays; Simone Nicole Barbetta-Latos, North Wilkesboro; Natalie Jean Helms, Wilkesboro; Tamara Nicole Mayes, Wilkesboro; Barbara Diane Thompson, North Wilkesboro; and Brenda Sue Trivette, Purlear.
 MEDICAL ASSISTING: Annette Nichols Laws, North Wilkesboro; Marie Kuharik Mercer, Millers Creek; Hannah Elizabeth Miles, Roaring River; Kaitlyn Michelle Mullis, Roaring River; Maria Jasmin Munoz-Maya         , Hays; Paige Elizabeth Neely, Millers Creek; Rebekah LeeAnn Pardue, Millers Creek; Kristie Hope Royal, North Wilkesboro; Mercedes Oyola Simons, North Wilkesboro; and Allison Ruth Virginia Strickland, Traphill.
 RADIOGRAPHY: Madison Olivia Ashley, North Wilkesboro; Abigail Christine Byrd, North Wilkesboro; Janice Marie Foster, Hays; Tracey Jean Harkless, Wilkesboro; Hugo Fernando Limon-Davalos, North Wilkesboro; Brianna Lea Shelton, Wilkesboro; and Stephanie Edan Wingler, North Wilkesboro.
 RESPIRATORY THERAPY: Lyndsey Raegen Bumgarner, Wilkesboro; Layvin Allen Ferguson, Millers Creek; Kara Leigh Forester, Wilkesboro; and Laykn Johnson Howard, North Wilkesboro.
The following will receive one-year diplomas:
 DENTAL ASSISTING: Kendall Genene Faw, Wilkesboro; Hannah Ashley Miller, Moravian Falls; and Haley Jensen Rogers, Wilkesboro.
 HUMAN SERVICES TECHNOLOGY: Christen L. Martin, North Wilkesboro; and Brenda Sue Trivette, Purlear.
 Applied Career Technologies Division
The following students will receive Associate in Applied Science degrees:
 APPLIED ANIMAL SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY: Jeff Patterson Allison, North Wilkesboro;
Brandon Wayne Blankenship,  North Wilkesboro; Harlee Denise Glass, North Wilkesboro; Kasey Lee Harrold, Millers Creek; Erica Leigh Matteson, Wilkesboro; Brittany Nicole McNeill, North Wilkesboro; Katelyn McKenzie Parker, Wilkesboro; Ruth Grace St. John, Ronda; Lisa South Staley, Millers Creek; and Bailey Nicole Sturgill, Hays.
 APPLIED ANIMAL SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY – Poultry Management Technology: Jeff Patterson Allison, North Wilkesboro; Kasey Lee Harrold, Millers Creek; Ruth Grace St. John, Ronda; Lisa South Staley,     Millers Creek; and Bailey Nicole Sturgill, Hays.
 APPLIED ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY: Jarrett Lane Brown , Millers Creek; Jake L. Craven, Millers Creek; Jacob Scott Eddy, Wilkesboro; James Dakota Garris, Traphill; Heather Nicole McGuire Richter, Wilkesboro; and Nicholas Trentten Sparks, Roaring River.
 ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY: Sharyn Danielle Stone, Ronda.
 Architecture Technology: Joshua Taylor Benson , Moravian Falls; Samantha Ann Church, Wilkesboro; Sarah Lynn Church, Wilkesboro; Jenny Lopez-Jimenez, Wilkesboro; and Andrew Ray Williams, North Wilkesboro.
 Building Construction Technology: Dylan Ray Bauguess , Traphill; and Sharyn Danielle Stone, Ronda.
 AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY: Mason James Brinegar, North Wilkesboro; and Giovanni Montoya, Wilkesboro.
 BUILDING CONTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY: Joshua Taylor Benson            , Moravian Falls.
 DIESEL AND HEAVY EQUIPMENT TECHNOLOGY: Daniel Alexander Cook, Wilkesboro; Jacob Lyndsay Greene, Wilkesboro; Hunter Deice Jolly, Roaring River; Khori Thomas Jones, Boomer; Logan Walker Page, Ferguson; Gabriel Elijah Patrick, North Wilkesboro; John Ray Wilbourn, Purlear; and Jacob Austin Wood           , Wilkesboro.
 HORTICULTURE TECHNOLOGY: Roxanne Kay Beck,  North Wilkesboro; Bobbie Santanna Smoot, Ronda; Lisa South Staley, Millers Creek; and Randall Austin Trapp, North Wilkesboro.
The following will receive one-year diplomas:
 APPLIED ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY – CNC Machining Technology: James Dakota Garris, Traphill
 APPLIED ENGINERRING TECHNOLOGY – 3D Design Technology - James Dakota Garris, Traphill
 ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY- Architecture Technology: Samantha Ann Church, Wilkesboro; Sarah Lynn Church, Wilkesboro; Jenny Lopez-Jimenez,  Wilkesboro; Sharyn Danielle Stone, Ronda; and Andrew Ray Williams, North Wilkesboro.
 ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY- Building Construction Technology: Dylan Ray Bauguess, Traphill; and Sharyn Danielle Stone, Ronda.
 HORTICULTURE TECHNOLOGY: Benjamin Phoenix Branciforte, Hays; James Thomas King, Wilkesboro; Roger Haskel Morrow, Millers Creek; and Janine Diane Severt, Wilkesboro.
 WELDING: Thomas Shea Bitner, Purlear; Aaron Morgan Brown, Roaring River; Jonathan Chance Cleary, Purlear; Jesse Lee Driver, Boomer; Zachary Robert Huffman, North Wilkesboro; Samuel Aaron McNeil, Boomer; Kyle Edward Murray, Traphill; and Neil Jacob Rotsheck, Millers Creek.
The following will receive certificates:
 APPLIED ANIMAL SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY – Animal Production: Bailey Nicole Sturgill, Hays.
 APPLIED ANIMAL SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY – Basic Animal Science: Lisa South Staley, Millers Creek.
 APPLIED ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY – Advanced Level II CNC Machining: Michael Shane Hill, Ronda.
 APPLIED ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY – Basic Level I CNC Machining: Michael Shane Hill, Ronda.
 APPLIED ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY – Level I Electronics Technology: Christopher Alexander Roten, North Wilkesboro.
 ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY – Architectural Technology Level I: Joshua Taylor Benson, Moravian Falls; Samantha Ann Church, Wilkesboro; Sarah Lynn Church, Wilkesboro;
Jenny Lopez-Jimenez, Wilkesboro; Sharyn Danielle Stone, Ronda; and Andrew Ray Williams, North Wilkesboro.
 ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY – CAD/BIM: Joshua Taylor Benson, Moravian Falls;
Samantha Ann Church, Wilkesboro; Sarah Lynn Church, Wilkesboro; Jenny Lopez-Jimenez, Wilkesboro; Sharyn Danielle Stone, Ronda; and Andrew Ray Williams, North Wilkesboro.
 ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY - CAD Techniques: Joshua Taylor Benson, Moravian Falls; Samantha Ann Church, Wilkesboro; Sarah Lynn Church,  Wilkesboro; Jenny Lopez-Jimenez, Wilkesboro; Sharyn Danielle Stone, Ronda; and Andrew Ray Williams, North Wilkesboro.
 ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY – Carpentry: Dylan Ray Bauguess, Traphill; and Sharyn Danielle Stone, Ronda.
 ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY – Construction Management: Jenny Lopez-Jimenez, Wilkesboro.
 ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY ��� Construction Mechanical Trades: Joshua Taylor Benson, Moravian Falls; and Sharyn Danielle Stone, Ronda.
 ARCHTECTURAL TECHNOLOGY – Project Planning: Dylan Ray Bauguess, Traphill; Joshua Taylor Benson, Moravian Falls; Samantha Ann Church , Wilkesboro; Sarah Lynn Church, Wilkesboro; Jenny Lopez-Jimenez,  Wilkesboro; Sharyn Danielle Stone, Ronda; and Andrew Ray Williams, North Wilkesboro.
 AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY - Basic Transportation: Graylen Edward Barnes, Wilkesboro; Mason James Brinegar, North Wilkesboro; Joshua Dylan Brown, Purlear; Stephen James Brown, Millers Creek; Ca-Sandra Irene Burton , Wilkesboro; Josh Lee Call, North Wilkesboro; Joseph Kyle Casstevens, Ferguson; Jacob Lyndsay Greene, Wilkesboro; Gabriel Griffin, Millers Creek; Dawton Allen Hamby, Purlear; Devin James Johnson, Wilkesboro; Winston Blake Johnson, North Wilkesboro; Hunter Deice Jolly, Roaring River; Khori Thomas Jones, Boomer; Isaias Landeros-Davalos,  North Wilkesboro; Joshua Lee Long, Hays; Rylan Cole Long,             North Wilkesboro; Jonathan Lugo-Parra, North Wilkesboro; Zachary Nolan Miller, North Wilkesboro; Giovanni Montoya, Wilkesboro; James Dean Moretz , Millers Creek; Armando Javier Orozco, Moravian Falls; Jackson Conley Evan Phipps, Ronda; James Matthew Taylor, Purlear; John Ray Wilbourn, Purlear; and Patrick Scott Wilhelm, Traphill.
 AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY – Transportation Climate Control: Graylen Edward Barnes, Wilkesboro; Mason James Brinegar, North Wilkesboro; Josh Lee Call, North Wilkesboro; Joseph Kyle Casstevens, Ferguson; Tyler Shane Cranfill, Hays;Jacob Lyndsay Greene, Wilkesboro; Devin James Johnson,  Wilkesboro; Hunter Deice Jolly, Roaring River; Khori Thomas Jones, Boomer; Isaias Landeros-Davalos, North Wilkesboro; Rylan Cole Long, North Wilkesboro; Jonathan Lugo-Parra,  North Wilkesboro; Giovanni Montoya, Wilkesboro; James Dean Moretz, Millers Creek; Logan Walker Page, Ferguson; Jackson Conley Evan Phipps, Ronda; James Matthew Taylor, Purlear; John Ray Wilbourn, Purlear; and Patrick Scott Wilhelm, Traphill.
 DIESEL AND HEAVY EQUIPMENT TECHNOLOGY – Diesel and Heavy Equipment Technology: Benjamin Carroll Bradburn, Millers Creek; and Gabriel Griffin, Moravian Falls.
 WELDING - MIG: Charles Jacob Ballard, Wilkesboro; Jacob Ryan Church, Moravian Falls;
Aidan Thomas Ellsworth, North Wilkesboro; Owen Thomas Felts , Wilkesboro; Noah Landon Greene, Purlear; Zachary Michael Gregory, Purlear; Dylan Blake Handy , North Wilkesboro;
Ezekiel Morgan Hayes, McGrady; William Cody Johnson,  North Wilkesboro; Payton Grant Moore, Millers Creek; Jesse Aaron Pennell, North Wilkesboro; and Zachary Isaac Ritenour, Ferguson.
 WELDING - SMAW & MIG: Holden McNeil Eller, Moravian Falls.
 WELDING - TIG: Charles Jacob Ballard, North Wilkesboro; Owen Thomas Felts, Wilkesboro;
Noah Landon Greene, Purlear; Zachary Michael Gregory, Purlear; Dylan Blake Handy, McGrady; William Cody Johnson, Wilkesboro; and Kyle Reid Tinnin, Wilkesboro.                          
  Wilkes Community College, a member of the North Carolina Community College System, is a public, two-year, open-door institution serving the people of Wilkes, Ashe and Alleghany counties and beyond. Established in 1965, WCC continues to build on a strong history of meeting the educational needs and cultural interests of our students, community and workforce. WCC prepares learners for success in a dynamic world.
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tannertoctoo-blog · 7 years
July 3, 2017
Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 142, #3, 2017 Journal of Philosophical Logic, Vol. 46, #3, 2017 Journal of Philosophy in Schools, Vol. 4, #1, 2017 Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 125, #3, 2017 Philosophia, Vol. 45, #2, 2017 Ratio Juris, Vol. 30, #2, 2017 Signs, Vol. 42, #4, 2017 Studia Logica, Vol. 105, #3, 2017 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Vol. 63, June 2017
Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 142, #3, 2017 VSI Editorial Essay Christopher Michaelson. Virtual Special Issue on Humanities and Business Ethics. Original Papers Cynthia Stohl, Michael Etter, Scott Banghart, DaJung Woo. Social Media Policies: Implications for Contemporary Notions of Corporate Social Responsibility. Samantha Miles. Stakeholder Theory Classification: A Theoretical and Empirical Evaluation of Definitions. Charlotte M. Karam, Dima Jamali. A Cross-Cultural and Feminist Perspective on CSR in Developing Countries: Uncovering Latent Power Dynamics. Najah Attig, Paul Brockman. The Local Roots of Corporate Social Responsibility. Christopher Wickert, Antonino Vaccaro, Joep Cornelissen. “Buying” Corporate Social Responsibility: Organisational Identity Orientation as a Determinant of Practice Adoption. Xinming Deng, Yang Xu. Consumers’ Responses to Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives: The Mediating Role of Consumer–Company Identification. Rafi M. M. I. Chowdhury. Emotional Intelligence and Consumer Ethics: The Mediating Role of Personal Moral Philosophies. Victoria Bush, Alan J. Bush, Jared Oakley, John E. Cicala. The Sales Profession as a Subculture: Implications for Ethical Decision Making. Matthew A. Douglas, Stephen M. Swartz. Knights of the Road: Safety, Ethics, and the Professional Truck Driver. Laura J. Noval, Günter K. Stahl. Accounting for Proscriptive and Prescriptive Morality in the Workplace: The Double-Edged Sword Effect of Mood on Managerial Ethical Decision Making. Zeger van der Wal. Future Business and Government Leaders of Asia: How Do They Differ and What Makes Them Tick? Book Reviews Daryl Koehn. Review of Virtue in Business: Conversations with Aristotle by Edwin Hartman James Jianxin Gong. Ethics in Accounting: A Decision-Making Approach. Sybol Anderson. Thomas Klikauer: Hegel’s Moral Corporation. Back to top
Journal of Philosophical Logic, Vol. 46, #3, 2017 Original Papers Aldo Antonelli. Completeness and Decidability of General First-Order Logic (with a Detour Through the Guarded Fragment). Hajnal Andréka, Johan van Benthem, István Németi. On A New Semantics for First-Order Predicate Logic. Martin L. Jönsson. Interpersonal Sameness of Meaning for Inferential Role Semantics. Zhiqiang Zhuang, Maurice Pagnucco, Yan Zhang. Inter-Definability of Horn Contraction and Horn Revision. Christoph Benzmüller. Cut-Elimination for Quantified Conditional Logic. Back to top
Journal of Philosophy in Schools, Vol. 4, #1, 2017 Articles Editorial Laura D'Olimpio, Andrew Peterson. Articles Amber Strong Makaiau. Using a philosopher’s pedagogy to teach school subjects: The case of Ethnic Studies at Kailua High School. Arie Kizel, Marlene Abdallah. On the seam: Philosophy with Palestinian girls in an East Jerusalem village as a pedagogy of searching. Margaret MacDonald, Warren Bowen, Cher Hill. Using engaged philosophical inquiry to deepen young children’s understanding of environmental sustainability: Being, becoming and belonging. Michael D Burroughs, Tugce B Arda Tuncdemir. Philosophical ethics in early childhood: A pilot study. Asha Lancaster-Thomas. How effective is Philosophy for Children in contributing to the affective engagement of pupils in the context of secondary Religious Education? Book Review Jane Gatley reviews The Routledge International Handbook of Philosophy for Children. Back to top
 Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 125, #3, 2017 Articles James Andreoni, Justin M. Rao, Hannah Trachtman. Avoiding the Ask: A Field Experiment on Altruism, Empathy, and Charitable Giving. Sumit Agarwal, Gene Amromin, Itzhak Ben-David, Souphala Chomsisengphet, Tomasz Piskorski, Amit Seru. Policy Intervention in Debt Renegotiation: Evidence from the Home Affordable Modification Program. Geert Bekaert, Eric Engstrom. Asset Return Dynamics under Habits and Bad Environment–Good Environment Fundamentals. Dario Cestau, Dennis Epple, Holger Sieg. Admitting Students to Selective Education Programs: Merit, Profiling, and Affirmative Action. Mitsuru Igami. Estimating the Innovator’s Dilemma: Structural Analysis of Creative Destruction in the Hard Disk Drive Industry, 1981–1998. Adam Isen, Maya Rossin-Slater, W. Reed Walker. Every Breath You Take—Every Dollar You’ll Make: The Long-Term Consequences of the Clean Air Act of 1970. Francesco Passarelli, Guido Tabellini. Emotions and Political Unrest. Back to top
Philosophia, Vol. 45, #2, 2017 Special Issue: "Toleration and Pragmatism" (pp 397-501) Original Papers Sorin Baiasu. Toleration and Pragmatism: Themes from the Work of John Horton. Rainer Forst. Toleration and its Paradoxes: A Tribute to John Horton. Glen Newey. Modus vivendi, Toleration and Power Modus vivendi, Toleration and Power. Peter Jones. The Political Theory of Modus Vivendi. Albert Weale. Associative Obligation and the Social Contract. Susan Mendus. COntingency in Political Philosophy. John Horton. What Might it Mean for Political Theory to Be More "Realistic.' More Original Papers David Alexander. Unreasonable Cartesian Doubt. James Andow. Intuition-Talk: Virus or Virtue? Rod Bertolet. On the Arguments for Indirect Speech Acts. John W. Carroll, Daniel Ellis, Brandon Moore. Time Travel, Double Occupancy and the Cheshire Cat. Steve Clarke. A Prospect Theory Approach to Understanding Conservatism. Joseph Corabi. Two Arguments for Impossibilism and Why It isn't Impossible to Refute them. Daniel Coren. On Young's Version of the Principle of Alternate Possibilities. Tess Dewhurst. What We Really Think About Knowledge: It's a Mental State. Manuel Heras-Escribano. Non-Factualist Disponsitionalism. Johan Gamper. On a Loophole in Causal Closure. Jason D. Gray. Scheffler's "Afterlife Conjecture" is Not That Compelling: How His "Doomsday" and "Infertility" Scenarios Might Robustly Preserve Value and Meaning. Jani Hakkarainen, Markku Keinänen. The Ontological Form of Tropes. Timothy Hsiao. The Ethics of 'Gun-Free Zones.' Back to top
 Ratio Juris, Vol. 30, #2, 2017 Articles Nils Holtug. Luck Egalitarianism and the Rights of Immigrants. Kieran Oberman. Immigration and Equal Ownership of the Earth. Lars Lindahl and David Reidhav. Legal Power: The Basic Definition. Gustavo Gozzi. The “Discourse” of International Law and Humanitarian Intervention. Notes • Discussions • Book Reviews Luo Yizhong. I Should Not Be a Free Rider, nor Am I Obligated to Obey. Angela Condello and John R. Searle. Some Remarks about Social Ontology and Law: An Interview with John R. Searle. Issue Information Back to top
 Signs, Vol. 42, #4, 2017 Call For Papers : Special Issue: Gender and the Rise of the Global Right Winners of The 2017 Catharine Stimpson Prize For Outstanding Feminist Scholarship Cameron Awkward-Rich. Trans, Feminism: Or, Reading like a Depressed Transsexual. ( Free Access) Meghan Healy-Clancy. The Family Politics of the Federation of South African Women: A History of Public Motherhood in Women’s Antiracist Activism: Winner of the 2017 Catharine Stimpson Prize for Outstanding Feminist Scholarship Articles Srila Roy. Enacting/Disrupting the Will to Empower: Feminist Governance of “Child Marriage” in Eastern India. L. L. Wynn, Saffaa Hassanein. Hymenoplasty, Virginity Testing, and the Simulacrum of Female Respectability. Raz Yosef. Conditions of Visibility: Trauma and Contemporary Israeli Women’s Cinema. Raminder Kaur. Mediating Rape: The Nirbhaya Effect in the Creative and Digital Arts. Myrna Perez Sheldon. Wild at Heart: How Sociobiology and Evolutionary Psychology Helped Influence the Construction of Heterosexual Masculinity in American Evangelicalism. Currents: Feminist Key Concepts and Controversies Janell Hobson. Celebrity Feminism: More than a Gateway. Short Takes: Reflections on Rebecca Traister’s All the Single Ladies Kate Bolick. Surveying the Singles Beat. Rebecca Carroll. Ain’t We All Women? Nancy F. Cott. It’s Great to Be Young. Bella DePaulo. The Urgent Need for a Singles Studies Discipline. Barbara J. Risman. Great Stories about Ladies without Partners. Judith Stacey. Our Work Is Never Done. Rebecca Traister. A Response. Book Reviews Progress of the World’s Women 2015–2016: Transforming Economies, Realizing Rights by UN Women; Gender, Development, and Globalization: Economics as if All People Mattered, 2nd ed., by Lourdes Benería, Günseli Berik, and Maria S. Floro. Review by Nancy Folbre. Giving Up Baby: Safe Haven Laws, Motherhood, and Reproductive Justice by Laury Oaks; After Roe: The Lost History of the Abortion Debate by Mary Ziegler; Governed through Choice: Autonomy, Technology, and the Politics of Reproduction by Jennifer M. Denbow. Review by Laura Harrison. Thinking Sex with the Early Moderns by Valerie Traub. Review by Karma Lochrie. How to Do Things with Pornography by Nancy Bauer; New Views on Pornography: Sexuality, Politics, and the Law edited by Lynn Comella and Shira Tarrant. Review by Lynn S. Chancer. Discounted Life: The Price of Global Surrogacy in India by Sharmila Rudrappa; Wombs in Labor: Transnational Commercial Surrogacy in India by Amrita Pande; Cosmopolitan Conceptions: IVF Sojourns in Global Dubai by Marcia C. Inhorn. Review by Laura Briggs. About the Contributors Back to top
 Studia Logica, Vol. 105, #3, 2017 Original Papers Arun Kumar, Mohua Banerjee. Kleene Algebras and Logic: Boolean and Rough Set Representations, 3-Valued, Rough Set and Perp Semantics. Marcin Łazarz, Krzysztof Siemieńczuk. Distributivity for Upper Continuous and Strongly Atomic Lattices. V. Michele Abrusci, Claudia Casadio. A Geometrical Representation of the Basic Laws of Categorial Grammar. Tomáš Lávička, Carles Noguera. A New Hierarchy of Infinitary Logics in Abstract Algebraic Logic. Annika Kanckos, B. Woltzenlogel Paleo. Variants of Gödel’s Ontological Proof in a Natural Deduction Calculus. Farida Kachapova. Metamathematical Properties of a Constructive Multi-typed Theory. U. Kohlenbach, A. Nicolae. A Proof-Theoretic Bound Extraction Theorem for CAT (κ)(κ) -Spaces. Minghui Ma, Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen. Proof Analysis of Peirce’s Alpha System of Graphs. Gilda Ferreira. Rasiowa–Harrop Disjunction Property. Book Reviews Yaroslav Shramko reviews Norihiro Kamide and Heinrich Wansing, Proof Theory of N4-related Paraconsistent Logics. Studies in Logic vol. 54. Volker Peckhaus reviews William Ewald and Wilfried Sieg (eds.), Michael Hallett (associate ed.), David Hilbert’s Lectures on the Foundations of Arithmetic and Logic 1917–1933. In collaboration with Ulrich Majer and Dirk Schlimm (David Hilbert’s Lectures on the Foundations of Mathematics and Physics, 1891–1933, Vol. 3). Back to top
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Vol. 63, June 2017 Editorial Information General Articles Karina Alleva, José Díez, Lucia Federico. Models, theory structure and mechanisms in biochemistry: The case of allosterism. Tarquin Holmes. The wild type as concept and in experimental practice: A history of its role in classical genetics and evolutionary theory. Benjamin Sheredos. Communicating with scientific graphics: A descriptive inquiry into non-ideal normativity. A.E. Walsby, M.J.S. Hodge. Schrödinger's code-script: not a genetic cipher but a code of development. Greg Priest. Framing causal questions about the past: The Cambrian explosion as case study. Mark Sagoff. Theoretical ecology has never been etiological: A reply to Donhauser. Justin Donhauser. Differentiating and defusing theoretical Ecology's criticisms: A rejoinder to Sagoff's reply to Donhauser (2016). Essay Reviews Helen Anne Curry. Extension and experiment: The politics of modern agricultural science. Bartlomiej Swiatczak. Towards an ecological view of immunity. Daniel Liu. This is the synthetic biology that is. R. Paul Thompson. Darwin and teleology: Redefinition or historicizing? Studies C Essay Giamila Fantuzzi. Cancer is a propagandist. Back to top
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mayorgalvan · 7 years
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Bagos Pmbase Pam
Bajando Fino Merengue
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Brad N Amy Harlan
Brandon Bobby Rodriguez
Brandon White III
Bruce Bowman
Carla Mora
Carol Segova
Catherine Bernard
Cathy Ahern
Cathy Van Diepen
Cayetano Ramirez
Chad Ryan
Charles Thompson
Cheryl Joy Khan
Chris Bennett
Chris Demuth
Chris Ohge
Christine Rainwater
Christopher Campbell
Christopher Cone
Chuck Bauer
Claire Fry
Cory Parker
D.K. Williams
Da'Von Dorsett
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Darla Harris
David Mays
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Eduarda Maria Santos Andrade
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Juan Carlos Rodriguez
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Mohammed Ben Salem
Neal Perez
Nick Cameron
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Nicole Martinelli
Olga Sanchez
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Osiel Hassan Morales
Otis Person
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Paco Elijah
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Senore Ricardo
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Shell Lynn
Simon Elvedahl Solnes
Stuart Gallagher
Sumynona la Ofni
Tammy Stanley Whittiemore
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Ted Jotte
Theresa A Call
Thomas Andrew Olson
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Tony Whitcomb
Toufic Jenzarli
Tracey Wooldridge
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Ty Mac
Victor C Forsythe
Victoria Higgs
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Vladimir Suchan
Yvonne Bonde
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csenews · 8 years
JSCC Fall Semester Honor Roll Announced
Fall Semester Honor Roll Announced
 Jackson, Tenn (Jan 25, 2017) – The Office of Admissions and Records at Jackson State Community College released the honor roll for the Fall 2015 semester. On the honor roll, there were 319 full-time students who achieved a quality point average over 3.00. There were 387 students who made the dean’s list by achieving a quality point average of 3.50 or better.
 Honor Roll is reserved for students who are enrolled for twelve (12) or more
hours of college-level work (Learning Support excluded) and who complete
a semester’s work with a quality point average between 3.00 and 3.49.
 Dean’s List is reserved for students who are enrolled for twelve (12) or
more hours of college-level work and who complete a semester’s work with
a quality point average between 3.50 and 4.00.
Dean's List
Abby Rae Mitchell Florence AL AL-Lauderdale
Lindsey Nicole Baker Camden TN-Benton
Kayla Brooke Carpenter Holladay TN-Benton
Tanner David Johnson Holladay TN-Benton
Kaitlyn Annette Page Holladay TN-Benton
John Henry Benjamin York Big Sandy TN-Benton
Samantha Madison Barrow Atwood TN-Carroll
Brandon Ryan Bowman Yuma TN-Carroll
Stephanie Marie Brown Cedar Grove TN-Carroll
Layla Dawn Byrum Huntingdon TN-Carroll
Kimberly Ryan Canoy Cedar Grove TN-Carroll
Abbie Priestly Carden Huntingdon TN-Carroll
Jonathan Thomas Cash Atwood TN-Carroll
Leslie Marie Cathey Mc Kenzie TN-Carroll
Meagan Renee DeLaney Cedar Grove TN-Carroll
Samantha Leigh Ferguson Cedar Grove TN-Carroll
Kalee Jo Fountain Lavinia TN-Carroll
Dan Ellsworth Hoffman Mc Kenzie TN-Carroll
Carl William Joyner Buena Vista TN-Carroll
Patrisha Dannielle Leadbetter Lavinia TN-Carroll
Mitchell Brandon McCartney Mc Lemoresville TN-
Jackie F McClain Huntingdon TN-Carroll
Steven Hunter Peterson Huntingdon TN-Carroll
Tracy Genettie Prestwood Mc Kenzie TN-Carroll
Lacy Jolene Pride Mc Kenzie TN-Carroll
Ashton Marie Ratliff-Clay Atwood TN-Carroll
Alysia Marlana Shear Huntingdon TN-Carroll
Amanda Michelle Williams Buena Vista TN-Carroll
Danielle Leigh Williams Huntingdon TN-Carroll
Matthew Tyler Williams Atwood TN-Carroll
Christopher Wesley Wood Cedar Grove TN-Carroll
Kelsey L Wortham Huntingdon TN-Carroll
Christopher Edward Cox Henderson TN-Chester
Landon Thomas Cupples Henderson TN-Chester
Jonathan Trey Ervin Henderson TN-Chester
McKinley Brooke Farley Henderson TN-Chester
Ashley Dianne Frye Henderson TN-Chester
Cameron Lane Greer Henderson TN-Chester
Trevor Andrew Hatch Henderson TN-Chester
Tori Brooke Hill Luray TN-Chester
Britney Hanna Holder Beech Bluff TN-Chester
Austin Tyler Holman Henderson TN-Chester
Haley Elaine Hughes Pinson TN-Chester
Dylan Wesley King Enville TN-Chester
Megan Elizabeth Lewis Henderson TN-Chester
Brooklyn Rene Miller Henderson TN-Chester
Peyton Randal Millner Jacks Creek TN-Chester
Carlee Elizabeth Morris Henderson TN-Chester
Amber Shalane Mosley Henderson TN-Chester
Jaylan Dewayne Northern Henderson TN-Chester
Jared Patrick Page Henderson TN-Chester
Tori Justee Denee' Page Luray TN-Chester
Eva Perez Henderson TN-Chester
Chase Colton Ross Henderson TN-Chester
Caitlin Jenee Sanchez Luray TN-Chester
Kendyl Dawn Smith Henderson TN-Chester
Samantha J Sweat Henderson TN-Chester
Sydney Blair Watson Henderson TN-Chester
Marcus Lee White Henderson TN-Chester
Payton A Wilkinson Luray TN-Chester
Yeltsin Chapina Bells TN-Crockett
Meleah Rose Gateley Humboldt TN-Crockett
Emily Ann Hunter Bells TN-Crockett
Jalen Juwan Ingram Bells TN-Crockett
Kevin Scott Kail Bells TN-Crockett
Jennifer Mooney Halls TN-Crockett
Lauren Breanna Pender Bells TN-Crockett
Whitney M Revelle Alamo TN-Crockett
Micah C Riley Alamo TN-Crockett
Jordan Heath Saylor Friendship TN-Crockett
Kordell Jay Smith Alamo TN-Crockett
Daniel Ray Tolley Friendship TN-Crockett
Brittney Rache Williams Maury City TN-Crockett
Valerie Suzanne Broadway Scotts Hill TN-Decatur
Whitlee Adraianna Camper Scotts Hill TN-Decatur
Robin Danielle Davis Parsons TN-Decatur
Nathan Erie Gibbons Decaturville TN-Decatur
Kyla Bree Linton Parsons TN-Decatur
Stephanie Lynn Mitchell Scotts Hill TN-Decatur
Jessica Brooke Patton Scotts Hill TN-Decatur
Jenna Lynn Davis Dyersburg TN-Dyer
Cara Lee Rose Newbern TN-Dyer
Erica D Tipps Newbern TN-Dyer
Chloe Jo West Dyersburg TN-Dyer
Joshua Duane Adkins Medina TN-Gibson
Reagan Wesley Barnhart Medina TN-Gibson
Luke J Bray Milan TN-Gibson
Seth Everett Brown Humboldt TN-Gibson
Alivia L Church Milan TN-Gibson
Dylan Warner Cole Milan TN-Gibson
Charles Benjamin Coleraine Medina TN-Gibson
Anne Seibert Connell Milan TN-Gibson
Kendall Nicole Cox Medina TN-Gibson
Sara Elizabeth Cox Medina TN-Gibson
Jeremy Shane Dennison Humboldt TN-Gibson
Wesley Luke Ellis Trenton TN-Gibson
Michael Scott Evans Milan TN-Gibson
Robert Mcgregor Fly Milan TN-Gibson
Nicholas Grant Gutierrez Humboldt TN-Gibson
Alyssa Faith Hartig Humboldt TN-Gibson
Kahmadre Jay-Quan Hudson Milan TN-Gibson
Hannah B Hutchison Trenton TN-Gibson
Ryan Daniel Jones Medina TN-Gibson
Kinsey Jill Karnes Dyer TN-Gibson
Kaitlyn Michelle Kelly Humboldt TN-Gibson
Alyssa Breanne Lynn Gibson TN-Gibson
Ryan Dennison Mayfield Milan TN-Gibson
Jennifer Nicole McCaskill Milan TN-Gibson
Lauren Elizabeth Miller Medina TN-Gibson
Alyssa LeAnne Mohney Medina TN-Gibson
Ashli Jeann Mohney Medina TN-Gibson
Sa'Liyah Ann Newbill Humboldt TN-Gibson
Andrew Lloyd Oliver Humboldt TN-Gibson
Samantha Kelly Palmer Bradford TN-Gibson
Chelsea N Phifer Dyer TN-Gibson
Ashley McClain Pierce Kenton TN-Gibson
Alexander Popp Humboldt TN-Gibson
Benjamin Douglas Powell Milan TN-Gibson
Dylan Ray Powers Milan TN-Gibson
Haley Nicole Rainey Medina TN-Gibson
Annie Elizabeth Rainwater Milan TN-Gibson
Courtney Michelle Reese Milan TN-Gibson
Daijah Monique Robinson Medina TN-Gibson
Crystal Lee Rogers Medina TN-Gibson
Brooklyn Victoria Schrupp Medina TN-Gibson
Anna Sison Bradford TN-Gibson
Amber Dawn Speer Medina TN-Gibson
Kyle Martin Trompower Medina TN-Gibson
Katherine Walters Humboldt TN-Gibson
Kayla Morgan Williams Medina TN-Gibson
Tonya Kaye Acred Middleton TN-Hardeman
Hannah Rose Black Bolivar TN-Hardeman
Rachel Elise Davis Middleton TN-Hardeman
Gregory Ronald Diffee Henderson TN-Hardeman
Austin Wade Greene Middleton TN-Hardeman
Luz D Gutierrez Whiteville TN-Hardeman
Timothy Landon Lee Harris Bolivar TN-Hardeman
Destiny Kenyatta Herron Bolivar TN-Hardeman
Sarah Beth Hopper Pocahontas TN-Hardeman
William Stewart Koimn Middleton TN-Hardeman
Mallory Paden Lowery Hornsby TN-Hardeman
Patric D Stewart Middleton TN-Hardeman
Carly Rae Weems Bolivar TN-Hardeman
Dustin Blake Ayers Savannah TN-Hardin
William Warren Bond Pickwick Dam TN-Hardin
Amber Nicole Bowling Savannah TN-Hardin
Kaylee Renea Gillis Savannah TN-Hardin
Ryan Mitchell Guyer Savannah TN-Hardin
Julia Renee Hall Shiloh TN-Hardin
Crystal Dawn Holloway Morris Chapel TN-Hardin
Makaila Cheyenne Keymon Shiloh TN-Hardin
Christopher Cain Lambert Counce TN-Hardin
Savanna Cheyenne Liford Savannah TN-Hardin
AdriAnna Marguerett Martin Olivehill TN-Hardin
Mason Mckenna Mitchell Savannah TN-Hardin
Dustin Kane Moore Savannah TN-Hardin
Katy Carroll Nix Savannah TN-Hardin
Sasia Sewilta Patterson Savannah TN-Hardin
Savana Rae Payne Savannah TN-Hardin
Jefferson Charles Rey Olivehill TN-Hardin
Dakota LeighAnn Russell Morris Chapel TN-Hardin
Serenate N Searles Savannah TN-Hardin
Benjamin Riley Smith Savannah TN-Hardin
Jodie Lee Smith Saltillo TN-Hardin
Kaila Grace Smith Savannah TN-Hardin
Lauren G Smith Savannah TN-Hardin
Jessica Lee Ann Stricklin Savannah TN-Hardin
Derek J Swain Savannah TN-Hardin
Alexis Alley Thurman Savannah TN-Hardin
Jennifer Michelle Vandiver Savannah TN-Hardin
Ronita D Walker Counce TN-Hardin
Destiny Brooke Weeks Morris Chapel TN-Hardin
Alison R Whaley Savannah TN-Hardin
Haley LeAnne White Savannah TN-Hardin
Kanesha L Wright Adamsville TN-Hardin
Henry Stanley Clement Brownsville TN-Haywood
Debra Fay Davis Bells TN-Haywood
Latoya Antionette Gibbs Brownsville TN-Haywood
Jennifer Marie Hendrix Brownsville TN-Haywood
Presley Grace Hupp Stanton TN-Haywood
Nathan Spencer Lilly Brownsville TN-Haywood
Caroline Elizabeth Newcom Brownsville TN-Haywood
Amye Ann Pitts Ripley TN-Haywood
Nakesia Monique Shephard Brownsville TN-Haywood
Elizabeth Blair Simpson Brownsville TN-Haywood
Kristin Brooke Turner Brownsville TN-Haywood
Emily H Wright Brownsville TN-Haywood
Andrew B Austin Lexington TN-Henderson
Shelbie Leanne Austin Huron TN-Henderson
Bethany Jo Autry Lexington TN-Henderson
Matthew Dillon Ballard Lexington TN-Henderson
Trent Cavalier Beacham Lexington TN-Henderson
Adam Clayton Briggs Lexington TN-Henderson
Molly Brooke Brown Lexington TN-Henderson
Charles Michael Carrington Lexington TN-Henderson
Emily Anne Dyer Lexington TN-Henderson
Cassidy O Garner Beech Bluff TN-Henderson
Bethany G Hayes Lexington TN-Henderson
Zachary Robert Haynes Huron TN-Henderson
Kersten L Hays Lexington TN-Henderson
Cassidy Nicole Johnson Lexington TN-Henderson
Allyson J Keymon Darden TN-Henderson
Kelsea Lee King Lexington TN-Henderson
Kristen F Lawler Lexington TN-Henderson
Sarah Michelle Lindsey Lexington TN-Henderson
Brooke Leane Littlefield Lexington TN-Henderson
Lavie-En R Lyons Lexington TN-Henderson
Abigail Marie Maness Decaturville TN-Henderson
Morgan Elizabeth Maness Lexington TN-Henderson
Alaina Elizabeth Moore Lexington TN-Henderson
Fernando Gonzales Munoz Lexington TN-Henderson
Vanessa Ann Nelms Lexington TN-Henderson
Jessica Marie Nowell Lexington TN-Henderson
William Survan Pickering Lexington TN-Henderson
Jimmy Hunter Powell Lexington TN-Henderson
Allyson C Reeves Lexington TN-Henderson
Alyssa L Reeves Lexington TN-Henderson
Kaley Elizabeth Rogers Scotts Hill TN-Henderson
Taylor Denae Singleton Beech Bluff TN-Henderson
Jacob Daniel Smith Lexington TN-Henderson
Kimberly Ann Tilley Lexington TN-Henderson
Christian J Wallace Lexington TN-Henderson
Virginia L Weeks Darden TN-Henderson
Lilly M Woods Darden TN-Henderson
Courtland Nicole Hester Paris TN-Henry
Rachel Gayle Ragan Buchanan TN-Henry
Samantha Jane Tyler Buchanan TN-Henry
Colby Ryan Wood Paris TN-Henry
Andrew Carver Dunavant Ripley TN-Lauderdale
John Daniel Moore Ripley TN-Lauderdale
Remoun Abdo Jackson TN-Madison
Malarie Alexander Jackson TN-Madison
Malek Alghunaim Jackson TN-Madison
Sajedah Alghunaim Jackson TN-Madison
Kimbrielle Elise Allen Jackson TN-Madison
Faith Selene Atherton Jackson TN-Madison
Roger Lee Baker Oakfield TN-Madison
Colin Andrew Barnett Jackson TN-Madison
Marietta Nicole Barnett Jackson TN-Madison
Matthew Elliot Blackwell Jackson TN-Madison
Cameron D'Anne Briley Jackson TN-Madison
Marcus Wayne Brown Jackson TN-Madison
Megan Brittany Bryant Jackson TN-Madison
Megan Fairchild Buehler Jackson TN-Madison
Ryan Mitchell Butler Jackson TN-Madison
Michael Aaron Campbell Beech Bluff TN-Madison
Kimberly Renee Carpenter Jackson TN-Madison
Jessica Dianne Carter Jackson TN-Madison
LeeAnne Madison Clement Jackson TN-Madison
Rachael Merriem Clenney Bells TN-Madison
Vania Evette Comer Jackson TN-Madison
Charlotte R Concialdi Medon TN-Madison
Abigail Grace Cornelison Beech Bluff TN-Madison
Humberto Coronado Jackson TN-Madison
Alberto Coronado Chavez Jackson TN-Madison
Alan Wayne Couch Beech Bluff TN-Madison
Melissa Anne Craigie Jackson TN-Madison
Yulissa DeLaCerda Jackson TN-Madison
Garrett Wade Downing Jackson TN-Madison
Sarah Elizabeth Droke Jackson TN-Madison
Samantha Corina Espinoza Jackson TN-Madison
Chloe Nicole Espitia Jackson TN-Madison
Michael Brandon Fiddler Jackson TN-Madison
Joshua Michael Gatley Jackson TN-Madison
Jessica Danielle Gibson Medon TN-Madison
Zia Goli Jackson TN-Madison
Cameron Jade Goodman Jackson TN-Madison
Brianna Madison Gregory Humboldt TN-Madison
James Jacob Gross Jackson TN-Madison
Alex James Haggard Jackson TN-Madison
Olivia Grace Hall Jackson TN-Madison
Marshall Britton Hammill Jackson TN-Madison
Korean Nichele Harris Jackson TN-Madison
Kathrine Elizabeth Hart Humboldt TN-Madison
Garry E Harvey Jackson TN-Madison
Sarah Elaine Harvey Jackson TN-Madison
William Glenn Holden Humboldt TN-Madison
Edith Charity Horst Jackson TN-Madison
Kimberlyn AnaPaige Hunt Jackson TN-Madison
Issac James Jackson TN-Madison
James Edward Johnson Jackson TN-Madison
Johnna Alise Johnson Jackson TN-Madison
Kayla Nichole Johnson Beech Bluff TN-Madison
Hailey Renee Jones Pinson TN-Madison
Kalesha Rachelle Jones Jackson TN-Madison
Madison Brooke Jones Medon TN-Madison
Meagan Hope Kitchen Jackson TN-Madison
Dylan Alexander Kyle Jackson TN-Madison
Janelle Nicole Kyle Jackson TN-Madison
Shea Elizabeth LaFont Beech Bluff TN-Madison
JuliaAnne Frances Lansdale Jackson TN-Madison
Dillion Robert Larimore Medina TN-Madison
Sarah Fulton Lim Jackson TN-Madison
Matthew Ross Lipscomb Jackson TN-Madison
Philippe Lumpkin Jackson TN-Madison
Madison Nicole Manley Jackson TN-Madison
Megan Gabrielle Manz Jackson TN-Madison
Banks Christian Mayo Jackson TN-Madison
Sarah Renee McBride Jackson TN-Madison
Janaina McFarlin Jackson TN-Madison
Blanca Estela Mireles Valdez Jackson TN-Madison
Michael Lee Montgomery Jackson TN-Madison
Hamilton Meriwether Moore Jackson TN-Madison
Andrew Steven Murley Oakfield TN-Madison
Myesha Shantelle Murphy Jackson TN-Madison
Jennifer Lynn Nieves Jackson TN-Madison
Lauren Marie Nieves Jackson TN-Madison
Ashlee R Perry Jackson TN-Madison
Nicholas Anthony Pica Jackson TN-Madison
Kaylan Nicole Pickens Jackson TN-Madison
Jaime Jo Pittenger Jackson TN-Madison
Andrew Christopher Pope Jackson TN-Madison
Paige Marie Ramage Jackson TN-Madison
Naydelin Ramirez-Gonzalez Jackson TN-Madison
Desiree Ransom Jackson TN-Madison
Teena Maree Rea Jackson TN-Madison
Matthew Walker Renfroe Jackson TN-Madison
Tara Ashton Robbins Jackson TN-Madison
Anna Belle Robertson Jackson TN-Madison
Sophia Ann Sage Jackson TN-Madison
Sandra Shari Santiago-Bullington Jackson TN-Madison
Tempestt Bernice Seward Jackson TN-Madison
Colby Brooke Singleton Jackson TN-Madison
Allison Taylor Smith Jackson TN-Madison
Taylor Leeann Spencer Jackson TN-Madison
Mia Kayley Spivey Jackson TN-Madison
Mya Taylor Spivey Jackson TN-Madison
Cameron Scott Sweat Jackson TN-Madison
Debra Taylor Jackson TN-Madison
Zachary Chase Taylor Jackson TN-Madison
Blake Martin Tims Jackson TN-Madison
Jelani Devin Tolbert Jackson TN-Madison
Kayla Jordan Vaughn Jackson TN-Madison
Ryne Vinson Jackson TN-Madison
Bethany Rae Wagar Jackson TN-Madison
Jordan Breanne Warren Jackson TN-Madison
Kenneth Connor Weaks Jackson TN-Madison
Clay E Webb Medina TN-Madison
Jacob Dylan Weidner Jackson TN-Madison
Elizabeth Renee Williams Jackson TN-Madison
Jesse A Williamson Jackson TN-Madison
Noah Alyssa Wilson Jackson TN-Madison
Ryan K Woods Jackson TN-Madison
Alexander Ryan Wortham Jackson TN-Madison
Kelci Nicole Zabriskie Humboldt TN-Madison
Joshua Avery Frantz Spring Hill TN-Maury
Kathrine Rose Atkinson Adamsville TN-McNairy
Jonathan Ray Bauer Bethel Springs TN-McNairy
Carrie Elizabeth Clausel Ramer TN-McNairy
Cameron Taylor Cline Stantonville TN-McNairy
Haylie Marissa Crum Michie TN-McNairy
Jeremy David Day Stantonville TN-McNairy
Shiloh Nicole Durbin Adamsville TN-McNairy
Eric Ryan Gowler Selmer TN-McNairy
Christina Kaitlyn Gray Selmer TN-McNairy
Evan Parker Harris Stantonville TN-McNairy
Dalton Bradley Hendrix Selmer TN-McNairy
Kase Michelle Hensley Selmer TN-McNairy
Zachary Alan Howell Adamsville TN-McNairy
Sarah Elizabeth Hurst Hornsby TN-McNairy
Kateryna Kucherenko Adamsville TN-McNairy
Warren Austin Lowrance Bethel Springs TN-McNairy
Mary-Elizabeth Adale Lyons Adamsville TN-McNairy
Elizabeth Nicole Miller Selmer TN-McNairy
Andrew Vinson Pettit Adamsville TN-McNairy
Haven D Phelps Selmer TN-McNairy
Samuel Reid Pierce Selmer TN-McNairy
Jacob Alan Qualls Michie TN-McNairy
Ashton Brooks Rich Michie TN-McNairy
Josiah David Rininger Finger TN-McNairy
Cassidy Alese Ruth Adamsville TN-McNairy
Bryce Dean Youngerman Selmer TN-McNairy
Michelle Amber Donner Clarksville TN-Montgomery
Kristian Alisha Davis Union City TN-Obion
Stevie Brooke Mers Union City TN-Obion
Sandra Marie Dicks Linden TN-Perry
Ian Jose' Bibiloni Lakeland TN-Shelby
Sadler Allen Goodwin Cordova TN-Shelby
Brandon Tyler Maxwell Collierville TN-Shelby
Zane D Phillips Collierville TN-Shelby
Amy Lois Bartlett Olivehill TN-Wayne
Brittany Nikole Bunch Clifton TN-Wayne
Nicholas Caden Grace Clifton TN-Wayne
Brennen Zachary Cobb Greenfield TN-Weakley
Jordan Fischer Sharon TN-Weakley
Jeffery Lynn Hampton Dresden TN-Weakley
Lyndsey Brooke Scott Sharon TN-Weakley
Honor Roll
Morgan Nicole Ash Big Sandy TN TN-Benton
Michael Keith Coady Camden TN TN-Benton
Dylan Blake Furr Holladay TN TN-Benton
Avery Michelle Hicks Camden TN TN-Benton
Brooke Maria Laprade Camden TN TN-Benton
Justin Lee Smothers Camden TN TN-Benton
Kristina Marie Cannon Atwood TN TN-Carroll
Anna Camille Click Huntingdon TN TN-Carroll
Dorie Eden Cook Mc Kenzie TN TN-Carroll
Joshua Cody Douglas Yuma TN TN-Carroll
Labreeska G Franklin Cedar Grove TN TN-Carroll
Ashley Nicole Futrell Huntingdon TN TN-Carroll
Sara Beth Hayes Huntingdon TN TN-Carroll
Joshua Lynn Hedge Cedar Grove TN TN-Carroll
Mariah Francis Hernandez Lavinia TN TN-Carroll
Whitney Nicole Hicks Buena Vista TN TN-Carroll
Cory Michael Howard Bruceton TN TN-Carroll
Kirsten L Joyner Buena Vista TN TN-Carroll
Zoe Ashland-Marie Mebane Bruceton TN TN-Carroll
Rachel E Noles Buena Vista TN TN-Carroll
Russell Lee Noles Buena Vista TN TN-Carroll
Delaina Brooke Norval Bruceton TN TN-Carroll
Jack D Preshern Huntingdon TN TN-Carroll
Charles Neil Prestwood Mc Kenzie TN TN-Carroll
Charles Neil Prestwood Mc Kenzie TN TN-Carroll
Channa Larame Ragsdale Hollow Rock TN TN-Carroll
Ashley Nicole Rich Huntingdon TN TN-Carroll
Hannah Kaitlyn Rorer Mc Kenzie TN TN-Carroll
Riley N Toombs Mc Kenzie TN TN-Carroll
Elaynna N Voris Lavinia TN TN-Carroll
Brittany Nicole Webb Huntingdon TN TN-Carroll
Michael Elihu Wilson Bruceton TN TN-Carroll
Holly D Wood Huntingdon TN TN-Carroll
Randy James Yarbrough Atwood TN TN-Carroll
Austin Nathaniel Banks Beech Bluff TN TN-Chester
Larissa Elisabeth Barker Henderson TN TN-Chester
Erin Michelle Barnes Henderson TN TN-Chester
Zackary Jordan Bethune Enville TN TN-Chester
Olivia Paige Brown Henderson TN TN-Chester
Brennan Edward Conaway Henderson TN TN-Chester
Ariel Jade Cox Henderson TN TN-Chester
Carol Lynne Ebert Henderson TN TN-Chester
Ashley Michelle Faulkner Henderson TN TN-Chester
Haley Cheyenne Hardwick Henderson TN TN-Chester
Bayley Madison Holder Henderson TN TN-Chester
Peyton Cody James Henderson TN TN-Chester
William James Lampley Enville TN TN-Chester
Madison Nicole McCaskill Henderson TN TN-Chester
Mollie Shannon McGuire Henderson TN TN-Chester
Reba Marie Price Henderson TN TN-Chester
Christine LaShae' Puckett Henderson TN TN-Chester
Trenity B Puente Henderson TN TN-Chester
Taylor D Scheele Henderson TN TN-Chester
Devin Riley Scott Henderson TN TN-Chester
Aric Benjamin Sprague Henderson TN TN-Chester
Amber Dawn Thompson Finger TN TN-Chester
Haley Lynn Thompson Finger TN TN-Chester
Garrett Duane Todd Henderson TN TN-Chester
Shawana Marie Turner Henderson TN TN-Chester
Jessica Kay Craig Bells TN TN-Crockett
Danielle Delynn Crawford Alamo TN TN-Crockett
Phillip Tate DePriest Alamo TN TN-Crockett
Darla Marie Gauldin Alamo TN TN-Crockett
Meraleigh Peyton Holland Friendship TN TN-Crockett
Stephen Earl Lee Friendship TN TN-Crockett
Jessica Gail Newell Gadsden TN TN-Crockett
Jonathan Scott Pearson Bells TN TN-Crockett
Ana Julissa Rios Bells TN TN-Crockett
Lindsey Anne Weatherholt Alamo TN TN-Crockett
Darla Raelyn Webb Bells TN TN-Crockett
Kiana R Jones Nashville TN TN-Davidson
Jesse Alan Burns Scotts Hill TN TN-Decatur
Morgan Anna Crews Scotts Hill TN TN-Decatur
Whitney Michelle Hicks Decaturville TN TN-Decatur
Geovany Jimenez Parsons TN TN-Decatur
Blake Alan Lindsey Decaturville TN TN-Decatur
Sabrena Breanne Robertson Scotts Hill TN TN-Decatur
Alyssa N Rosson Parsons TN TN-Decatur
Natashja C Scott Decaturville TN TN-Decatur
Bryan Wood Swafford Decaturville TN TN-Decatur
Kailey Ann Turpin Parsons TN TN-Decatur
Leslie Ann Darrow Dickson TN TN-Dickson
Kyndal Riddick Dyersburg TN TN-Dyer
Chari A Swift Dyersburg TN TN-Dyer
Cody Mason Anthony Adkisson Milan TN TN-Gibson
Olivia Payge Barnett Milan TN TN-Gibson
Bethany Carol Lynn Bolin Milan TN TN-Gibson
Jacob Grant Bryan Medina TN TN-Gibson
Seth Brayden Burchett Milan TN TN-Gibson
Andrew Tyler Chambers Humboldt TN TN-Gibson
John Michael Chappell Bradford TN TN-Gibson
Madison Paige Ellis Rutherford TN TN-Gibson
Andrew Joseph Gordon Milan TN TN-Gibson
Maddie Hope Hall Bradford TN TN-Gibson
Dalton Wayne Harrison Bradford TN TN-Gibson
Braydon Gregory Hendrix Medina TN TN-Gibson
Ethan David Hicks Medina TN TN-Gibson
Rachel Nicole Jones Medina TN TN-Gibson
Amanda D Littleton Milan TN TN-Gibson
Amy Alison McCoy Humboldt TN TN-Gibson
Blake Carson Monroe Humboldt TN TN-Gibson
Alexander John Morris Medina TN TN-Gibson
Drake Cristopher Owens Medina TN TN-Gibson
Kaitlind Elaine Partin Medina TN TN-Gibson
Gavin William Powers Milan TN TN-Gibson
Kayla Michelle Reeves Milan TN TN-Gibson
Cody Scott Reynolds Dyer TN TN-Gibson
Katelyn Nicole Rickman Dyer TN TN-Gibson
Tasha N Romero Milan TN TN-Gibson
Abbie Elizabeth Sims Kenton TN TN-Gibson
Amy Kristen Spears Gibson TN TN-Gibson
Deven Clay Stephens Milan TN TN-Gibson
Carley Nicole Thompson Dyer TN TN-Gibson
Michael Sean Threadgill Medina TN TN-Gibson
Erick Douglas Trejo Trenton TN TN-Gibson
Emily Renee Turner Humboldt TN TN-Gibson
Bailey Anne Vandiver Milan TN TN-Gibson
Franchesca Danielle Ward Humboldt TN TN-Gibson
Luis Santiago Ayala Middleton TN TN-Hardeman
Kenylsha D Bryant Bolivar TN TN-Hardeman
Megan Ashley Caicedo Middleton TN TN-Hardeman
Tyler D Callahan Middleton TN TN-Hardeman
Jecamyn Lee Cox Middleton TN TN-Hardeman
Nyasia Razhanee Garrett Bolivar TN TN-Hardeman
Dylan Hawke Gibson Pocahontas TN TN-Hardeman
Sydney Reagan Howell Bolivar TN TN-Hardeman
Joshua M Kennamore Middleton TN TN-Hardeman
Michael Brandon Knepp Henderson TN TN-Hardeman
Hannah Lynn Langley Pocahontas TN TN-Hardeman
Colin M LeVault Bolivar TN TN-Hardeman
Andrea Lashae Mullins Bolivar TN TN-Hardeman
Kaci Leanne New Whiteville TN TN-Hardeman
Hannah Grace Scott Middleton TN TN-Hardeman
Zoe Madelyn Smith Bolivar TN TN-Hardeman
Courtney M York Middleton TN TN-Hardeman
Taylor Brooke Alexander Savannah TN TN-Hardin
Alyssa Mariah Dilday Olivehill TN TN-Hardin
Ricki Kay Lynn Ford Savannah TN TN-Hardin
Andrew Hyatt Gober Savannah TN TN-Hardin
Chandler Davis Harris Savannah TN TN-Hardin
Caden Charles Holt Savannah TN TN-Hardin
Maggy Lynn Jerrolds Savannah TN TN-Hardin
Alexander Chase Lilly Olivehill TN TN-Hardin
Glennan Ray Lowrance Olivehill TN TN-Hardin
Dustin Lee Neill Savannah TN TN-Hardin
Cheyenne Danielle Petty Savannah TN TN-Hardin
Freda A Ray Savannah TN TN-Hardin
John Andrew Robinson Savannah TN TN-Hardin
Jordan Luke Sledge Savannah TN TN-Hardin
Delaney Jean Timberman Savannah TN TN-Hardin
Cherry E Williams Savannah TN TN-Hardin
Christian Jamaal Florence Brownsville TN TN-Haywood
John Burton Friedman Stanton TN TN-Haywood
Jordan P Goodman Whiteville TN TN-Haywood
Jose Manuel Lopez Brownsville TN TN-Haywood
Halie Nicole Steward Stanton TN TN-Haywood
Ashley Ann Breeden Huron TN TN-Henderson
Eduardo Carreto-Salgado Sardis TN TN-Henderson
Lauren Rae Cole Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Tonie L Coleman Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Jacob Burton Essary Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Summer Lynn Flanagan Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Andrew Garrett Grice Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Jacob Logan Harrison Saltillo TN TN-Henderson
Jenny Marie Hart Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Jessica Gail Houston Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Cara Anne Hueter Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Crystal Renee James Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Corey Lee Johnson Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Shanna L Lindsey Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Gavin Caleb Maness Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Destiny Lanette Moody Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Ashlea N Pence Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Haley Sheree Perry Darden TN TN-Henderson
Jennifer Suzzette Pipkin Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Eli Tyler Plunk Sardis TN TN-Henderson
Dylan Frank Powers Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Holly Duncan Pratt Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Kacey Pratt Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Caitlin Ashlee Scott Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Kenneth M Silver Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Mykelle C Sweatman Huron TN TN-Henderson
Dillon M Todd Wildersville TN TN-Henderson
Emily Nicole Vinson Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Dalton Bryce Womack Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Macy Nicole Woods Huron TN TN-Henderson
Jessica R Woody Scotts Hill TN TN-Henderson
Kenneth Hunter Bethune Paris TN TN-Henry
Collin James Dougherty Buchanan TN TN-Henry
Seth Zachary Gibbs Mansfield TN TN-Henry
Trevor D Woodworth Henry TN TN-Henry
Ashley Nicole Bates New Johnsonville TN TN-
Angel Nicole Smith Ripley TN TN-Lauderdale
Kolie J Smith Halls TN TN-Lauderdale
Kenzie Owen Hohenwald TN TN-Lewis
Emily Elizabeth Allen Jackson TN TN-Madison
Jeanine Gamal Amra Jackson TN TN-Madison
Kaitlan Sheree Anthony Medon TN TN-Madison
Crystal Linda Autry Jackson TN TN-Madison
Callen Wade Bigford Humboldt TN TN-Madison
Laquisha L Bond Denmark TN TN-Madison
Shelbi Leigh Bond Jackson TN TN-Madison
Jasmine D Bray Jackson TN TN-Madison
Hunter Daniel Brown Jackson TN TN-Madison
Jaquisha Tamara Bursey Jackson TN TN-Madison
David Alexander Champion Jackson TN TN-Madison
Curtis Andrew Cobb Jackson TN TN-Madison
Nathan Michael Coffman Jackson TN TN-Madison
Claire Allison Cooke Jackson TN TN-Madison
Zachery Lynn Covington Jackson TN TN-Madison
Emmanuelle Nmn De la Cerda Jackson TN TN-Madison
David Michael Deloach Jackson TN TN-Madison
Sydney Gabrielle Downen Medon TN TN-Madison
Rachelle Lynne Fjeldahl Jackson TN TN-Madison
Eric Nicholas Forsythe Jackson TN TN-Madison
Roy D Fuller Jackson TN TN-Madison
Jeremy Clynn Garner Jackson TN TN-Madison
Brooke Lauren George Jackson TN TN-Madison
Brittany Ann Goff Jackson TN TN-Madison
Angela Lynn Goodman Jackson TN TN-Madison
Jayda McKenzie Hampton Pinson TN TN-Madison
Jullianne Jeanette Hatchett Jackson TN TN-Madison
Michael Dustin Helton Medon TN TN-Madison
James Andrew Henderson Jackson TN TN-Madison
Michael Edward Henges Jackson TN TN-Madison
Isaac Andrew Hernandez Jackson TN TN-Madison
Janet Diane Hilliard Jackson TN TN-Madison
Angel Mae Hodgin Jackson TN TN-Madison
Joshua Brent Honey Pinson TN TN-Madison
Cody Lynn Hunt Oakfield TN TN-Madison
Kassidy Blair Jones Beech Bluff TN TN-Madison
Jordan Hope Kinman Medon TN TN-Madison
Bishop Jones Lewis Jackson TN TN-Madison
Abby Elise Lit Jackson TN TN-Madison
Callen Renee Lovelace Jackson TN TN-Madison
Elizabeth E Macon Jackson TN TN-Madison
Anton DeWayne Maxwell Jackson TN TN-Madison
Jacob Lee McCord Jackson TN TN-Madison
Kyle Irvin McKinnie Jackson TN TN-Madison
Luis Fernando Mendez Jackson TN TN-Madison
Natalie Mendoza Jackson TN TN-Madison
Julia Rhea Mysiewicz Jackson TN TN-Madison
Robert Dennis Painter Jackson TN TN-Madison
Chiquita Lashon Perry Jackson TN TN-Madison
Shainia Danielle Perry Jackson TN TN-Madison
Brittney Michelle Pickens Jackson TN TN-Madison
Jessica Lynn Pittman Pinson TN TN-Madison
Drew T Presson Jackson TN TN-Madison
Zachary Quinn Pruitt Humboldt TN TN-Madison
Brandon Rashad Reaves Jackson TN TN-Madison
Xavius K Robinson Jackson TN TN-Madison
Dalton L Roe Jackson TN TN-Madison
Adam S Rouse Jackson TN TN-Madison
John Louis Santana Jackson TN TN-Madison
Jessica A Schmith Jackson TN TN-Madison
Joshua Bryant Shuford Jackson TN TN-Madison
Bradley Rice Sills Jackson TN TN-Madison
Allison Claire Stutts Jackson TN TN-Madison
William A Swift Jackson TN TN-Madison
Chelsea Marie Thacker Jackson TN TN-Madison
Chelsey Michele Thomas Pinson TN TN-Madison
Anna June Thompson Jackson TN TN-Madison
Lakeychia L Thompson Jackson TN TN-Madison
Samuel Matthew Tolley Jackson TN TN-Madison
Aries Janae Tyler Jackson TN TN-Madison
Jacqueline Mari Venable Jackson TN TN-Madison
Allison Nicole Vires Jackson TN TN-Madison
Shelley Leanne Weaks Jackson TN TN-Madison
Quantarius Demond Webb Jackson TN TN-Madison
Kaylyn Alyra Weddle Denmark TN TN-Madison
Destiny Marie Westbrook Jackson TN TN-Madison
Anna Elizabeth Westover Pinson TN TN-Madison
Thaddaeus L Williams Jackson TN TN-Madison
Nathan Allen Williamson Mercer TN TN-Madison
Ashton Vernard Willis Jackson TN TN-Madison
Taylor Nicole Willis Jackson TN TN-Madison
Kameron Dean Wilson Jackson TN TN-Madison
Mia Tamara Wilson Jackson TN TN-Madison
Brinlea Madison Woodard Medina TN TN-Madison
Sarah Ann Woodward Jackson TN TN-Madison
Haley Nicole Worsham Medon TN TN-Madison
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This one is for frequent RDM commenter HazMet. Author! Author! Blog Archive Pitchingpalooza, part III: the. We can probably all agree on the don;ts of pitching your project. Yes, it;s traditionally the catcher;s role but veteran pitchers often take control. First off, it;s a genre film festival and showcases about 200 horror, sci-fi, suspense, thrillers, anime and other genre works from around the world.. Secrets of a Great Pitch | Rachelle GardnerNow that Writers; Conference season has arrived, I wanted to go over (once again) some tips for pitching to agents and editors. series is not to say there won;t be a ;Wonder Woman; movie down the road, but it certainly won;t be a 2012/2013 tentpole. Bret The Hitman July 18th, 2011 at 12:17 pm. Hollywood Movie Draft Pitch: Hearts Want FlixChatterWell, I finally finished the movie pitch I did as part of Anomalous Material;s month-long Hollywood Fantasy Draft blog-a-thon project. Tomorrow is the big day, let;s hope I bring the fire. Hello, back. The 15th edition of Pifan, which ends this weekend in Bucheon near Seoul, is one of my favorite film festivals ever. They both were excellent and right on target with their comments. Graphics: Fan Requested Movie Inspired Mets PosterMovie-Poster-Kill-Phil-800x1000. Pitching the Eiffel Tower|Tower Music|Bridge Music Poughkeepsie. He took studio meetings for features as well as Web series, but what he was most excited about pitching was Kingdom of Dave, a post-apocalyptic renaissance comedy that he says has elements of both Mad Max and Monty Python.. From the iW Vaults | Jonathan Caouette Talks ;Tarnation; - indieWIREIf anything I hope I can be I thought you were going to say something even scarier
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