#Tire Curing Press Market Size
vynzresearchreport · 1 year
Global Tire Curing Press Market - Growth, Trends, COVID-19 Impact, and Forecasts (2021-2027)
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A tire curing press is a machine used to cure tires. The process of curing tires involves applying heat and pressure to the tire to ensure that the rubber compounds bond together and the tire takes its final shape. Tire curing presses are used by tire manufacturers and tire retreaders.
Global tire curing press market size and growth
The global tire curing press market is expected to grow at a CAGR of x.xx% from 2021 to 2027. The growth of the market is driven by the increasing demand for tires from the automotive industry, the rising automotive aftermarket, and the increasing use of rubber additives.
Key trends in the global tire curing press market
Some of the key trends in the global tire curing press market include:
The increasing use of automation in tire manufacturing.
The growing demand for high-performance tire curing presses.
The increasing focus on sustainability in the tire industry.
Regional analysis of the global tire curing press market
The Asia-Pacific region is expected to be the largest market for tire curing presses in the coming years. This is due to the growing automotive industry in the region, the rising demand for tires from the aftermarket, and the increasing focus on sustainability.
Competitive landscape of the global tire curing press market
The global tire curing press market is dominated by a few large players, including Guden Machinery, HF TireTech, Lan Cheng Machinery, and MRF. These players are investing in research and development to develop new and innovative tire curing presses.
What are the challenges facing the global tire curing press market?
Some of the challenges facing the global tire curing press market include:
The high cost of tire curing presses.
The lack of skilled labor in some regions.
The stringent environmental regulations.
How to enter the global tire curing press market?
Companies that want to enter the global tire curing press market can do so by:
Offering high-quality products and services.
Investing in research and development.
Building a strong brand presence.
Partnering with local distributors.
The global tire curing press market is a growing market with a lot of potential. Companies that can offer high-quality products and services, invest in research and development, and build a strong brand presence will be well-positioned to succeed in this market.
About Us:
VynZ Research is a global market research firm offering research, analytics, and consulting services on business strategies. We have a recognized trajectory record and our research database is used by many renowned companies and institutions in the world to strategize and revolutionize business opportunities.
Source: VynZ Research
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dailytrendsnews · 1 month
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ellamrfr · 8 months
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Global Tire Curing Press Market is anticipated to grow at a 4.5% CAGR during 2021-2027
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The global tire curing press market is anticipated to grow at a moderate rate i.e., 4.5% CAGR during 2021-2027 owing to rising demand for durable tires along with growth in automotive manufacturing in the APAC region. Furthermore, the collaborative integration of several functions, easy-to-service structure, technological up-gradation, and increased investments by the manufacturers will provide substantial growth in the tire curing process globally. The tire curing process is an important and vital part of several industries like automotive and aviation.
Also, the rising use of rubber additives, adoption in various vehicles like passenger cars, LCV, and HCV as it has the ability to mold and produce tires will propel the growth of the market. Nevertheless, the growth in the tire recycling process, technological development like cloud model, increased per capita disposable income in countries like India and China, increased demand for eco-friendly tires will create opportunities for growth in the tire curing press market.
Request to get a free sample copy at https://www.vynzresearch.com/automotive-transportation/tire-curing-press-market/request-sample
Source: VynZ Research
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The Market For Tire Curing Press Is Growing At a Sluggish Pace During The Forecast Period (2021-2027).
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The global tire curing press industry is highly fragmented market with large number of global and regional players in the market. The market for tire curing press is growing at a sluggish pace during the forecast period. The market is mainly driven by the manufacturing of Tires.
As the world is slowing overcoming from the pandemic, the production and demand for the Tire in the developing nations such as APAC, Africa and Latin America is rising gradually. Further, introduction of new tire technologies such as green tire is another factor driving the market is developed nation.
Download Free Sample Copy Of Research Report: https://www.vynzresearch.com/automotive-transportation/tire-curing-press-market/request-sample
Source: VynZ Research
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dailytrendsnews · 4 months
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On Ao3 here.
Clouds gathered overhead as the two of them trudged down the street.  There was something heavy and strange in the air.  Not the sense of a storm, exactly.  He couldn't put his finger on it, and he was too damn tired to even try.  The two of them had been through more than enough in the past 24 hours. “Some weird shit's goin' down, yanno?”
Rude grunted a reply, eyes hidden behind his shades even in the darkness, though Reno knew the things had night vision.  “Even if it is, not our problem right now.  You heard the boss.”
“Yeah, yeah.  Two entire days of R&R, just for destroying part of the city.  Fan-fuckin'-tastic.”
“You sure you can make it?  We can catch a ride.”
“I can make it a damn block, yo.”  Rude had insisted that Reno stay at his place, at least for tonight.  It was walking distance to HQ, and his partner had made it clear he wasn't about to let him out of his sight until he was certain Reno wasn't going to fall apart.  In truth, Reno felt the same.  Rude didn't show his pain, but that didn't mean it wasn't there.  He wasn't about to leave his partner alone tonight. Not after what he'd been forced to do.  Because of Reno...
The effects of the healing materia were wearing off, and he was feeling it.  The magic had worked well enough to allow them to complete their mission of escorting the new President to his castle, and taking out an AVALANCHE copter or two, but it could only last so long.  Reno could sense the burns resurfacing, myriad little cuts and bruises making themselves known once more.  They wouldn't be as bad, thank Ramuh, but the materia wasn't a true cure-all.  Only rest and time could do that.
They continued in silence, both lost in their own thoughts of the tragedy they'd unleashed.  The heavy clouds overhead opened just as they reached the apartment complex, rain beginning with a vengeance as they ducked into the lobby.  Perks of a Turk salary meant actually getting to live topside and in a fair amount of comfort.  Rude unlocked the door of his unit, and the two of them stumbled in, only slightly damp.  Reno blinked in the sudden brightness as his partner flipped on the lights.  He'd been here on a few occasions throughout the years, but just for an evening of private drinking and the occasional action flick marathon.
“I need a fuckin' drink. Or twelve.”
The apartment was a decent size, with an open kitchen and living room.  A hallway lead off one side into the bedroom and bathroom.  Rude strode to the hall cabinet, pulling out a towel and tossing it over.  “Here. Shower first, while you're still on your feet.  Then we can drink.  Otherwise you'll drown yourself.”  He removed his sunglasses, wiping them down.  Reno glared at him, and he returned the look evenly.  “I'll find something for you to wear.  Oh, and shampoo in the cabinet.  Figured I should keep some around.”
“Yeah... Thanks.”  He rolled his eyes, but didn't have the energy to really protest.  Clutching the towel, he trudged toward the bathroom, retrieving the shampoo as he did.  Once inside, he peeled off the burnt and blackened suit.  The material was meant to offer some protection from all elements, up to a point.  Guess the explosions were a bit too much.  He huffed a humorless laugh as the once-fine material dropped to the floor in an unceremonious pile.  No salvaging that.  His wounds were visible again, purple bruises blooming across his cheeks and chest.  Well, he'd worry about it after he'd washed off.
Stepping into the shower, he let the hot water fall over him.  It stung, and he winced.  Hot, too damn hot.  Steam rose around him like smoke, and he could imagine himself once again surrounded by fire. It was hard to breathe...  Shit.  Gritting his teeth, he turned down the temperature.  The cold water was just as biting, but it jolted him out of his reverie, and at least it didn't carry memories of flames.  He braced a hand against the wall, droplets falling from the crimson strands that fell limply over his eyes.
It was done.  It was past, and there was nothing he... they... could do about it.  Goddamn it.  An entire sector... All of those people... And for what? What the hell had Shinra been thinking?  And he hadn't even seen it happen. The true extent... because he'd fucking fainted. Reno shuddered.  He didn't know if he was crying, or if it was just the steady, cold rain.  It's over, it's done. Thinking about it ain't gonna help.  Don't. You're a Turk.  You don't get the luxury of a conscience.  He sucked in a breath, a tremor running through his slender, bruised frame.  C'mon asshole, clean yourself up.
The body wash smelled like Rude.  Something citrusy, refined.  It felt strange, and just a little bit pleasing, to surround himself with that scent.  Reno focused on it, allowing himself a few moments to bask in the idea of it before remembering that he wasn't the only one in need of a shower. He gave his hair a cursory wash, much quicker than the time he'd normally spend.  Tea tree.  Rude knew him well. Rinsing off, he stepped out, drying his hair as best he could with the towel before wrapping it around his waist.  Glancing at his reflection in the mirror, he sighed.  He looked like shit.  Tired, slightly cleaner shit.  The burn on his cheek had returned, as had the one across his chest.  He didn't want to know what his back looked like.
“Alright, partner.  Your turn, yo,” he called as he stepped out.  After a moment, Rude appeared in the doorway, a rather large first aid kit in his hands.  
“First this.”  He held it up.
“Tch. I'm fine.”  He knew it wasn't convincing, given that his full, artful collection of wounds was now on full display.  Rude gave a grunt of disapproval, nodding toward the bed.  Reno sank down with a soft curse, glaring at the wall.  The injuries might not be as bad as they had been, but they still needed care.  He'd been allowed to leave the sick bay only because Rude had insisted he'd look after him.  He hissed as the other began applying salve to the resurfacing burns.  
“Stuff stinks, yo.  I just washed all that shit off!”  He got a noncommittal sound in return.  Rude was trying to be gentle, but the man didn't have the softest fingers.  What wasn't burned was bruised, and what wasn't bruised still felt tender.  Still, he'd rather have his partner's hands on him then the damn Shinra medics.  He trusted Rude, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't like the sensation of those fingers against his flesh.  Not that he would... or could... admit it.  He felt Rude press something to his back.  Gauze. Yeah, he figured that sore spot was probably bad... But he wasn't as bandaged up as he'd expected.  That was something, at least.   A sputter of protest escaped him when Rude suddenly gripped his chin, albeit loosely, turning his head so he could apply some salve to his right cheek.  Pale blue eyes met warm brown, and Reno's breath hitched in his throat.
“Quit squirming.”
“Mmmph,” he responded, his stomach making some odd sort of maneuver at being caught in that gaze, body stilling as new gauze was set over the injury.
“That's the worst of them.  Not great, but not too horrible.  Definitely better than before.”  Rude set the kit aside and rose to his feet. He nodded his head toward a black shirt by Reno's side.  “You can wear that.  Should be loose enough to be comfortable.  Booze in the kitchen.”
“Damn. Star treatment here, yo.  Bandages and booze.  You're the best, partner.”
There was a flash of something that might have been a grin before Rude turned toward the bathrrom and closed the door.  Reno picked up the indicated shirt, slipping it over his head.  It was a pajama top, and so it was meant to be loose even on Rude.  That meant Reno was nearly swimming in it.  The shoulders were too wide, hanging off his own awkwardly and lengthening the already overlong sleeves.  It hung low enough to easily cover him once he slipped out of the bath towel.
“Damn Behemoth,” he mumbled with a grin, rolling the sleeves up as best he could.  The fabric was silky enough that it didn't hurt against his skin, and … it too held Rude's scent.  How fuckin' domestic. He glanced toward the door, the sound of falling water emanating from beyond.  Outside of that, the room was silent.  Wthout Rude's solid, immediate presence to occupy them, his thoughts slowly started to drift again, back toward the ruins of Sector 7.  The soft smile faded from his lips.
He'd screwed up, overestimated those damn rebels.  He'd gotten his ass handed to him – him, the Turks' 2nd in Command, and because he hadn't been strong enough... And he'd almost lost his partner.  His stomach churned.  He'd almost lost Rude, and then he'd forced him to... To do the unthinkable.  His fingers curled into the supple material of the shirt's hem.  Rude... How could he act so casual about it?  Even for him, it was...  Too much, too damn much.  He hadn't escaped unscathed either, and Reno knew it. They'd both taken their share of hits today.  Dammit, the least he could do was look after his partner the same way he'd been looked after.  He'd love nothing more than to drink himself into oblivion, but he'd survive another few minutes of sobriety. He could do that fucking much.
His mind kept trying to turn itself toward Sector , and he forced himself to look around the room, to find something – anything else to focus on. It was a simply furnished room, all clean lines and uncluttered space.  A dark gray comforter with plum sheets. Sleek black drawers and nightstand, everything in its proper place.  The only things that didn't match, clashing noticeably with the rest of the room, were an odd collection of items from Wall Market that they'd picked up over the years.  Materia pop figures and colorful baubles from the various vending machines, and even a garishly colored fake flower lei from Costa del Sol.  Just a little quirky.  Like the man himself, once you got to know him.  Reno found himself grinning again despite his mood.
The bathroom door opened, startling him out of his memories.  He raised his head, and Rude quirked a brow in question, clad in nothing but a towel.
“What? Thought you were gonna get out of treatment?  Nuh-uh.  Not gonna get shitfaced before I see you bandaged up too, yanno?” Rude's injuries were nowhere near as bad as his own, but just as he'd suspected, the other hadn't gotten away unharmed.  His toned frame bore its fair share of scrapes and bruises, though he hadn't burned as much.
“Hmph. Fair enough.”  Rude dropped to the mattress next to Reno, causing it to dip precariously.  
“Goddamn tank, yo.”  That got an affirmative, and slightly smug-sounding noise.  The most severe injury was a cut along his left arm, though it was nearly hidden by the lines of the tattoo that wound its way around the limb.  Reno carefully smoothed the salve over it, followed by some gauze.  “Dunno how you ya do it... ya got hide like a dragon, yanno?”
“You got speed.  I got defense.”
“Yeah, yeah.  Rub it in, yo.”  He finished up by taping some gauze over the few burns Rude managed to get, mostly along his back.  After carefully pressing the tape along the curve of his muscle, he sat back.  “There.  Now we get to be uncomfortable and itchy all damn night. And now... We need liquor.  Lots of it.”
He padded out to the main room.  Rude followed a few moments later, having abandoned the towel for the matching bottoms to the shirt Reno wore.  There was an impressive collection of alcohol already set on the table. That must have been what Rude was up to while he'd been in the shower “Truly, you're prepared for any situation.”  He smirked as Rude poured them shots.  
“Be a shit Turk if I wasn't.”
For a time, silence hung between them.  What was there to say?  Both of them were thinking the same thoughts, but neither could put them into words.  So they took shots.  A bit of everything from a fancy Costa del Sol rum to some cheap flavored vodka.  Even on the best days, he was a lightweight, and it only took a few burning gulps for the heat to start spreading through his veins.  His thoughts grew fuzzy, but no less dark.  Across from him, Rude was as stoic as always, though his cheeks had a darker flush to them. Eventually they took to just passing bottles between them. How did he do it?  How could he be so goddamn calm.  Like it was just any other day, like these injuries were from any other fucking job? He turned to glare out the kitchen window.
The lights of Sector 8 shone beyond, the rain throwing distorted reflections on every surface.  Nothing looked amiss from this side. No smoke, no fires.  A car would slosh by every so often, and the occasional unlucky traveler braving the elements.  It was hard to imagine that the neighboring plate was simply... gone.  No, not gone.  In smoldering pieces on the ground below, scattered across the ruins of the slums.  Because of Shinra.  Because of them. He snarled wordlessly.
“Reno.” He jumped at the sound, head whipping around so fast he made himself dizzy.
“What?” The other held up a bottle, head inclining in silent question.
“How can ya be ssso goddamn calm?”  He clenched his fists, short nails digging into the soft flesh of his palms.  “I... We... Th' whole fucking plate.  Jusst like that.  Like it was just a nest of wererats, and not a whole fuckin' sssection of th' city!”
Rude's eyes narrowed, and he made a show of staring into the bottle, though a sharp hiss of breath escaped him.  “Like Tseng said,” he slurred after a beat.  “We hadn't done it, someone else would've.” He swirled alcohol around a moment before taking an impressive swig. “We did it our way.  Did what we could.”  He winced at the burn.
“I know that, yo!”  Reno rose, slamming his hand on the table and rattling the bottles.  “Ya think I don' fuckin' know that?”  His breathing came in ragged gasps, bruised ribs aching.  “Doesn't make it better!  This ain't what the Turks do!  We ain't th' best people in th' world but somethin' like that...”  His face was hot, and he could feel the teltale pinprick of tears at the corners of his eyes. Dammit.  When did he get to be this weak?  “What about Zirconiade?  Everyone... They're GONE because of what they did! Midgar.. the world.. It's ssstill here, Shinra's still here makin' shit decisions because they stopped that thing!  Because of the Turks!”  He ran a hand through his still-damp hair.  “They saved everyone.  And what did we do?  We...”  He shook his head.  “No... Fuck that.”
“We didn't even do shit.  You... Because I failed, you had to...” He tried to fight the tears, but it was useless.  He was the second in command.  He'd started the damn thing, he should have finished it.  Instead, he'd allowed himself to get beaten into unconsciousness, and left his partner to do the deed alone.  And that after nearly getting himself blown to hell.  Reno took a step back, swaying uncertainly.  The world was spinning, and he lost his balance.  And suddenly Rude was there, supporting him, strong hands gripping his shoulders.  When did he even..
“Reno. Enough.”
He managed to stand on his own two feet, though still with the other bracing him, as he waited for the room to stop spinning, for his ears to stop ringing.
“Yeah...” His voice sounded strange to him.  Shaky. “Yeah.” Gripping Rude's arm, Reno turned to face him. Or rather, his shoulder.  Goddamn skyscraper of a human.  He sighed, resting his forehead against one tattooed pec.  “'M'sorry...  It was my fault, yanno....”
“Reno.” His name rumbled in Rude's chest like distant thunder.  “It's not. You were down there longer.  And held your own.  Pretty damn impressive from where I was sitting.”
He shook his head.  He hadn't done a good enough job on his own to keep them from taking down the helicopter.  Shit, some superior he'd been.
“Thought... Thought I'd lost ya there for a hot second, yanno?  On top of every other shit thing... I thought...”
“Gonna take more than that.  Gotta be flashier, too.”
“Flashier than a fuckin' flaming helicopter crash?”  He felt Rude shrug in response, and actually gave a small, huffed laugh at that. This close, he could feel Rude's heartbeat.  A strong, steady pulse. His own was fluttering like a caged bird in comparison.  Reno closed his eyes, trying to focus on that rhythm. The only thing keeping him standing, keeping him grounded, was Rude.  That's always how it went.  Ever since they'd first teamed up, so many years ago.  The man was like a pillar, and the irony of that thought didn't escape him.  He didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry at it. Rude rumbled something at him, and he blinked, raising his head.  
“Said I'm still here.”  He squeezed Reno's uninjured shoulder.  “And I'm gonna keep bein' here.  And.  You need to get some rest. Now.  It's late.  C”mon, you can have the bed, I'm feeling generous.”
“Wow, lucky me.  Your generosity is astoundin', yanno?”  He kept his tone light, even though he wanted to protest.  It was futile, and his partner was right.  This day had been a week.  But if Rude left him, and if he closed his eyes... what would he see?  What would he be left with?The thought scared him.  He felt Rude start to move... and suddenly he didn't want that.  Not yet...    
“Wait...” Shit, when did his voice sound that small?  “Just... stay like this a little longer, will ya?” I don't want you to leave. I don't wanna be alone.  Damn it, he was being stupid.  He was drunk, his body hot and sore.  He'd been all those things before, but not like this.  Not combined with the storm of anger, fear, and sorrow in his mind.  And Rude... God he was so close.  Shit, they'd never been like this before.  Close.  Just them.  
Stop thinking stupid shit.  You've fucked up enough.  
Reno raised his head, pale beryl meeting deep chocolate as Rude stared down at him, unreadable.
I almost lost him...  
And then, before he could think, he raised up on his toes, crushing his lips against Rude's.  For a few fluttering heartbeats, it was amazing.  And then his whisky-soaked brain caught up with his body and he jerked back, panic buzzing through his entire frame.  Rude blinked down at him, dark eyes wide and lips parted just so.
“I'm... sorry, yo.  I didn't...”  Of all the fucking times.  You're fucking drunk and the world is falling down around you, and you're gonna destroy the one goddamn pillar you got left. Some goddamn professional you are.
Shit, shit shit shit shit-
And then Rude's lips were on his again and all of his frenzied worries collapsed in on themselves.  He closed his eyes, taught muscles relaxing, melting slowly into the other's arms.  When Rude finally pulled away, he left Reno blinking, thoughts swirling fuzzily and bumping into one another.  He opened and closed his mouth a few times without any sound, let alone words.  “Whhh?” he finally managed.
“Wanted to do that for a while now, actually.”
“Y-you did?  But I thought...”  He struggled to nudge his thoughts back in line.  It was like herding cats.  “Thought ya... Shit, I thought ya didn't swing this way...”
“Swing both ways.”
“Then why... Why the fuck didn't ya say something, asshole?”
“Didn't think I was your type.  Why didn't you?  Idiot.”
“I was tryin'a respect you!” “By eavesdropping on my dates?”
“That was one time, yo!”
“So you say.”  But he was grinning.
Reno blinked at him, mouth agape, trying to take it all in.  He gave up, letting his head droop forward to rest against Rude's chest once more.  “Fuckin' bastard,” he muttered into the warmth of his skin.
Rude's frame jerked with what might have been a laugh, if he was prone to such a thing.  “You wanna argue about it more, save it for morning.”  He made to usher Reno toward the bedroom again.  “Now, sleep.  You're practically delirious.  Don't want that.”
This time, Reno allowed himself to be led, dropping to the mattress with a groan.  As soon as he stopped being vertical, his body was more than happy to remind him just how exhausted he was.  Oh, he was going to be in pain in the morning. And have one hell of a hangover.  And... the darkness, the horror, was still there, on the edge of his mind. It would always be there, a part of him now, and he knew it.  But for a little while, at least, he had something to keep it at bay.  Even if whatever happened was just for tonight.
“Hey. You still plannin' on sleepin' on the couch, yo?”
“Hmmm.” Rude made a show of pretending to consider.  “Only if you don't move your scrawny drunk ass over.”
He let Rude slide past him with a sigh of exasperation that was only a little forced.  Once the taller man had settled, Reno lay down again. He felt Rude's back against his, a firm unwavering presence.  He took a deep breath, letting his eyes drift closed.  For now, in this moment, he could breathe again.  Their world had changed. Irreparably.  Soon, they'd have to pick themselves up and step back through the door of Shinra HQ.  They'd have to face the consequences of their actions, and so would all of Shinra.  
They couldn't change the past, they couldn't stop the destruction of Sector 7.  That blood was always going to be on their hands.  He could only hope that the new President would never ask anything so terrible of the Turks again.  Rufus had done his share of scheming, but he seemed to have a cooler head on his shoulders than the old man.  And they still had each other.  He'd screwed up tonight, yet his partner was still here.  Rude was his pillar, the one who kept him from collapsing completely.  He only hoped he could be the same for Rude.
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truthbeetoldmedia · 5 years
iZombie 5x05 "Death Moves Pretty Fast" Review
This week’s iZombie proved that the show is capable of juggling its varying tone as well as make some significant plot advancements, making it one of the strongest episodes of the final season so far.
Our victim this week is a wealthy high schooler, Harris, who moonlights as a radio DJ. Having more money than he knows what to do with, he throws an elaborate 80’s themed party at his house. An investment at Bitcoin paid him out so well that he happens to be neighbors with the most untouchable man in New Seattle, Blaine DeBeers. The noise from the party begins to interrupt Blaine’s wooing of Al, and so he threatens Harris. Just a few hours later, the door to Harris’ sauna is screwed shut with him inside, exposing him to severe hyperthermia.
While investigating the crime scene, Clive slips and throws out his back, leaving this case up to Liv and Ravi. “Liv’s an OG Zombie, and I once took a kickboxing class,” Ravi reassures him. Liv turns Harris’ brain into bite size dumplings, and the brain hits just as Ravi is expressing anxiety about Isobel’s obituary. It includes the bit about how Isobel’s brain produced a cure, and Ravi is worried the story is going to go viral. Liv is having none of his moping, and transforms into a goofy Ferris Bueller-ish high schooler.
When Liv and Ravi visit Blaine’s house and question him about Harris’ murder, Al overhears. “They just popped by to see if I committed a murder. We do this every few months,” Blaine shrugs. In order to follow up, Al pays a visit to them in the morgue. Liv rarely has any problems with leaving her leftovers on the counter, but this time, their guest sneaks a bite. Al is still investigating Blaine, and it’s obvious she’s hoping to spark a vision from Harris’ memory to get a scoop on him. She asks Liv and Ravi if Blaine was ever investigated for Mayor Baracus’ murder. When she leaves, Ravi and Liv point fingers at each other, telling each other that they had a hunch Blaine was behind the slaying. Ravi mentions that he’s sick of how Blaine basically has New Seattle in a chokehold. 10,000 zombies all rely on the brains that he smuggles, which gives him a pretty unfair monopoly. It doesn’t help that he’s also a dastardly villain who will never change. Ravi makes a good point that Blaine shouldn’t be above the law, even if he is necessary to the survival of the city.
Their investigation leads them to Harris’ girlfriend, Amy, and Amy’s ex, Jamie. The three were in a complicated zombie-human love triangle, and Harris purchased Amy a zombie cure off the black market so they could be together. When Liv and Ravi go to question the two of them about this, it appears that Jamie lost his memory. It strikes Ravi as odd. “One does not catch dementia. It’s not like a cold. And zombies don’t catch things anyway,” he says.
It turns out that our rebel human groups are getting more and more clever. Dolly Durkins and her crew have robbed graves of Alzheimer patients, and poisoned FG’s brain supply. Even Major is affected. During a meeting with French Inspector Enzo, his vision is blurred and he can barely string two sentences together. Enzo takes advantage of this, and sends water cannons to attack the humans who are barcading the brain supply. It just gives Fillmore Graves even more bad press, and more damage control for Major. Enzo is such a strange character to me. It’s never clear where his motivations lie, or even what’s in it for him. His loyalty to Chase Graves hasn’t gotten him anywhere, and has led him to create some nonsensical allies. When Major gets his senses back, he punishes Enzo for riling up tensions between New Seattle and Fillmore Graves, and sends him to The Box to be frozen. This reveals another problem — the traitor FG zombies who were recruited by Shady Zombie Man were discovered missing, along with 17 other frozen zombies. We still don’t know who he is or what his plan is, but we cut to a shot of a “full Romero zombie.” Is Shady Zombie Man curating an army of them?
The murder plot wraps up with a hilarious scene of Vampire Steve dressed as Harris to draw out the killer. It turns out to be Harris’ best friend, who was tired of being his sidekick. “I was supposed to be visiting colleges when the wall went up, but instead I’m stuck here,” he says. While the murder and the killer might have been inconsequential overall, Harris’ brain does give Liv a pretty crucial vision — Don E in disguise, delivering the black market cure to Harris and Amy. Lucky for Al, she has the same exact vision — and it gives her the link she needs to connect Blaine to Baracus.
Al confronts Peyton, asking her to comment on a few “housekeeping” issues. She brings up the events of Meet Cute, cites other crimes, and questions their former sexual relationship. “I can’t believe you fell for his whole thing. You couldn’t see through it?” she says to Peyton. Okay Al, very fair question. One we were all asking ourselves a few seasons ago. It was a dark time. But that’s hardly helpful now! Al’s profile of Blaine is explosive, and comes at bad timing. Peyton was about to take a trip to DC to advocate on New Seattle’s behalf, and a story like this makes things a little difficult to defend. I’m not sure how Blaine is going to salvage his reputation, or if Peyton can spin this in front of the politicians she’s meeting with.
Another story going viral? AP picked up the Freylich Syndrome story. Liv walks in on a tearful Ravi who worries that all the Freylich victims are in danger of being targeted, now that everyone is aware of the gold mine in their brains. We see Blaine get distracted from his own profile to click on a news alert about the story — will he try to shoehorn his way into the team to help Ravi create a legitimate cure?
Final thoughts:
This episode had so many understated one-liners that had me chuckling the whole episode
Having Liv FaceTime Clive in order for her to “break the fourth wall” was such a clever way to directly address the camera without completely throwing out the structure of the show. Also, I loved when Clive was loopy on pain medicine and decided to join in the interrogation.
“Anyway, you complete me. See you later.” I love how close Ravi and Major have grown over these last five seasons.
Without a doubt, Vampire Steve is the MVP of this episode.
“Vive Chase Graves.” “Whatever.” Same, Major.
I love it when Ravi shows his soft side! It’s clear that Isobel’s life and death really had an impact on him, and I’m glad to see the ways they are carrying it over into this season.
Haley’s episode rating: 🐝🐝🐝🐝
iZombie airs Thursdays at 9/8c on the CW.
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wisguy234 · 2 years
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kisan0318 · 2 years
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sorav93 · 3 years
Tire Retreading Market 2022-2028 Size, Share, Trend, Key Palyers with Products
Tire Retreading Market 2022-2028
A New Market Study, Titled “Tire Retreading Market Upcoming Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges” has been featured on fusionmarketresearch.
This global study of the Tire Retreading market offers an overview of the existing market trends, drivers, restrictions, and metrics and also offers a viewpoint for important segments. The report also tracks product and services demand growth forecasts for the market. There is also to the study approach a detailed segmental review. A regional study of the global Tire Retreading industry is also carried out in North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Near East & Africa. The report mentions growth parameters in the regional markets along with major players dominating the regional growth.
Request Free Sample Report @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/sample_request/2021-2030-Report-on-Global-Tire-Retreading-Market/69990
This research covers COVID-19 impacts on the upstream, midstream and downstream industries. Moreover, this research provides an in-depth market evaluation by highlighting information on various aspects covering market dynamics like drivers, barriers, opportunities, threats, and industry news & trends. In the end, this report also provides in-depth analysis and professional advices on how to face the post COIVD-19 period.
The research methodology used to estimate and forecast this market begins by capturing the revenues of the key players and their shares in the market. Various secondary sources such as press releases, annual reports, non-profit organizations, industry associations, governmental agencies and customs data, have been used to identify and collect information useful for this extensive commercial study of the market. Calculations based on this led to the overall market size. After arriving at the overall market size, the total market has been split into several segments and subsegments, which have then been verified through primary research by conducting extensive interviews with industry experts such as CEOs, VPs, directors, and executives. The data triangulation and market breakdown procedures have been employed to complete the overall market engineering process and arrive at the exact statistics for all segments and subsegments.
Leading players of Tire Retreading including: Bridgestone Michelin GoodYear Marangoni Continental TreadWright …
Market split by Type, can be divided into: Pre Cure Mold Cure
Market split by Application, can be divided into: Passenger Cars Light Commercial Vehicles Heavy Commercial Vehicles
Market split by Sales Channel, can be divided into: Direct Channel Distribution Channel
Market segment by Region/Country including: North America (United States, Canada and Mexico) Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Spain etc.) Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia and Southeast Asia etc.) South America (Brazil, Argentina and Colombia etc.) Middle East & Africa (South Africa, UAE and Saudi Arabia etc.)
Ask Queries @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/enquiry.php/2021-2030-Report-on-Global-Tire-Retreading-Market/69990
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Tire Retreading Market Overview 1.1 Tire Retreading Definition 1.2 Global Tire Retreading Market Size Status and Outlook (2015-2030) 1.3 Global Tire Retreading Market Size Comparison by Region (2015-2030) 1.4 Global Tire Retreading Market Size Comparison by Type (2015-2030) 1.5 Global Tire Retreading Market Size Comparison by Application (2015-2030) 1.6 Global Tire Retreading Market Size Comparison by Sales Channel (2015-2030) 1.7 Tire Retreading Market Dynamics (COVID-19 Impacts) 1.7.1 Market Drivers/Opportunities 1.7.2 Market Challenges/Risks 1.7.3 Market News (Mergers/Acquisitions/Expansion) 1.7.4 COVID-19 Impacts on Current Market 1.7.5 Post-Strategies of COVID-19 Outbreak
Chapter 2 Tire Retreading Market Segment Analysis by Player 2.1 Global Tire Retreading Sales and Market Share by Player (2018-2020) 2.2 Global Tire Retreading Revenue and Market Share by Player (2018-2020) 2.3 Global Tire Retreading Average Price by Player (2018-2020) 2.4 Players Competition Situation & Trends 2.5 Conclusion of Segment by Player
Chapter 3 Tire Retreading Market Segment Analysis by Type 3.1 Global Tire Retreading Market by Type 3.1.1 Pre Cure 3.1.2 Mold Cure 3.2 Global Tire Retreading Sales and Market Share by Type (2015-2020) 3.3 Global Tire Retreading Revenue and Market Share by Type (2015-2020) 3.4 Global Tire Retreading Average Price by Type (2015-2020) 3.5 Leading Players of Tire Retreading by Type in 2020 3.6 Conclusion of Segment by Type
Chapter 4 Tire Retreading Market Segment Analysis by Application 4.1 Global Tire Retreading Market by Application 4.1.1 Passenger Cars 4.1.2 Light Commercial Vehicles 4.1.3 Heavy Commercial Vehicles 4.2 Global Tire Retreading Revenue and Market Share by Application (2015-2020) 4.3 Leading Consumers of Tire Retreading by Application in 2020 4.4 Conclusion of Segment by Application
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Retread Tires Market Report Analysis 2018 – 2028 | Global Industry Growth, COVID-19 Business Impact Analysis, Research Report, Trends with Top Key Players | Bridgestone Corp, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Marangoni S.p.A.
Future Market Insights offers a 10-year forecast for the retread tires market between 2018 and 2028. In terms of value, the market is expected to register a CAGR of 4.6% during the forecast period (2018–2028). The main objective of the report is to offer insights on the advancements in the Global Retread Tires. The study provides market dynamics that are expected to influence the current environment and future status of the Retread Tires over the forecast period. The primary objective of this report is to offer updates on trends, drivers, restraints, value forecasts and opportunities for manufacturers operating in the Retread Tires.
To Get Sample Copy of Report visit @https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-3657
A section of the report discusses how the overall competition in the market is steadily increasing. It discusses various factors that are shaping internal as well as external competition in the market. The sales of Retread Tires is expected to grow at a rapid pace in near future. Moreover, the rapid growth of the automotive industry, economic recovery and rising demand for Retread Tires in construction, municipal and mining applications is expected to aid the growth of the Retread Tires market.
The report provides detailed market share analysis of the Retread Tires on the basis of key manufacturers. It also provides he market outlook for 2018–2028 and sets the forecast within the context of the report, including the key developments and activities executed by the prominent manufacturers.
Key Segments Covered
By Vehicle Type    
Passenger cars
Light Commercial Vehicles
Heavy Trucks & Buses
Off-road vehicles
By Process Type
Pre Cure
Mold Cure
By Sales Channel    
OEM Service Providers
Independent Service Providers
Ask Analyst@https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/ask-question/rep-gb-3657
By Region
North America
Latin America
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
South East Asia & Others (SEA)
Middle East & Africa (MEA)
A detailed analysis has been provided for every segment in terms of market size analysis for Retread Tires. The report starts with the market overview and provides market definition and analysis about drivers, restraints, opportunities, supply chain analysis and key trends in the market. The next section that follows includes global market analysis, analysis by vehicle type and regional/country level analysis. All the above sections evaluate the market on the basis of various factors affecting the market, covering present scenario and future prospects. For market data analysis, the report considers 2017 as the base year, with market numbers estimated for 2018 and forecast made for 2018–2028.
It is imperative to note that in an ever-fluctuating global economy, we not only conduct forecasts in terms of CAGR, but also analyse the same on the basis of key parameters such as year-on-year (Y-o-Y) growth to understand the predictability of the market and to identify the right opportunities for market players. Another key feature of this report is the analysis of all key segments in terms of absolute dollar. This is usually overlooked while forecasting the market. However, absolute dollar opportunity is critical in assessing the level of opportunity that a provider can look to achieve as well as in identifying potential resources from a sales and delivery perspective in the Retread Tires market.
Buy this report @https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/checkout/3657
In the final section of the report, a competitive landscape has been included to provide report audiences with a dashboard view. Detailed profiles of manufacturers are also included within the scope of the report to evaluate their long- and short-term strategies, key offerings and recent developments in the Retread Tires market.
Table Of Content
1. Executive Summary
1.1. Market Overview
1.2. Market Analysis
1.3. FMI Analysis and Recommendations
1.4. Wheel of Fortune
2. Market Introduction
2.1. Market Taxonomy
2.2. Market Definition
3. Market Viewpoint
3.1. Porter’s Analysis
3.2. Macro-Economic Factors
3.3. Forecast Factors – Relevance & Impact
3.4. Value Chain
3.5. Market Dynamics
3.5.1. Drivers
3.5.2. Restraints
3.5.3. Opportunity
3.5.4. Trends
4. Market Forecast
4.1. Market Volume Projections
4.2. Pricing Analysis
so on..
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maxmarket99 · 3 years
Global Tire Curing Press Market- Industry Analysis and forecast 2020 – 2027
Global Tire Curing Press Market size was valued at US$ XX Mn. in 2019 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.11% over 2020-2027, to account for US$ XX Mn. in 2027. The report covers an in-depth analysis of COVID 19 pandemic impact on Global Tire Curing Press Market by region and on the key players’ revenue affected till July 2020 and expected short-term and long-term impacts on the market. Tire curing press is one type of machine used to give a final shape to green tires by applying pressure. Tire curing press machine provides several benefits like quick bladder change, precise control and maximum efficiency increased bladder life & productivity of tires, reduced mold damage, and ease of maintenance. Global Tire Curing Press Market 📷📷 The global market for tire curing press is expected to gain market growth from 2020 to 2027 thanks to expanding automotive aftermarket and rising investments in tire manufacturing. The growing demand for green tires owing to emission control is also the major factor driving the growth market. Moreover, the tire curing press does not need consistent maintenance, which further aids in dipping overall operational and maintenance costs. This is expected to boom the growth of the tire curing press market globally. Developments in tire curing press provide a technological edge with competitive benefits to the manufacturers, thus attributing to the substantial growth of the global market for tire curing press over 2020-2027. Furthermore, the integration of various functions and easy-to-service design will drive the demand for tire curing presses in upcoming years. However, the global tire curing press market is hampered by the lack of skilled labor to perform essential complex functions and operations. By product, the hydraulic curing press machine segment held the largest market share of XX.56% in 2019 and is projected to grow at the highest CAGR of XX.12% to reach US$ XX Mn. by 2027. The hydraulic tire curing press machine provides smoother operation in comparison with the mechanical tire curing press machine, as it makes less noise during the curing process. The growing demand for cured tires for commercial vehicles, passenger cars, aviation vehicles, and off-the-road equipment around the world is fueling the growth of the global tire curing press market. Likewise, the MMR report will provide an accurate prediction of the contribution of the various segments to the growth of the tire curing press market size. Global Tire Curing Press Market1 The report offers a brief analysis of the major regions in the market, namely, APAC, Europe, North America, MEA, and Latin America. Among these, the APAC region is expected to hold the largest XX.76% growth rate during the forecast period thanks to the rising automotive and tire recycling industry. Additionally, the rapidly growing population in economies such as India and China, the improving economic conditions in India, Vietnam, and Thailand, and the growing investments in the automotive aftermarket is likely to further boost the demand for tire curing press in the APAC. In 2020, the total revenue of Larsen & Toubro Limited was US$ 21 Bn. The Larsen & Toubro RPM Unit provides a complete range of Hydraulic Tire Curing presses for light truck, curing passenger, and truck tires. Hydraulic Presses manufactured by L&T RPM are operative in various economies like the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa. Likewise, the research study includes the profiles of leading companies operating in the tire curing press market globally. The objective of the report is to present a comprehensive analysis of the Global Tire Curing Press Market to the stakeholders in the industry. The past and current status of the industry with forecasted market size and trends are presented in the report with the analysis of complicated data in simple language. The report covers all the aspects of the industry with a dedicated study of key players that includes market leaders, followers, and new entrants. PORTER, SVOR, PESTEL analysis with the potential impact of micro-economic
factors of the market have been presented in the report. External as well as internal factors that are supposed to affect the business positively or negatively have been analysed, which will give a clear futuristic view of the industry to the decision-makers. The report also helps in understanding Global Tire Curing Press Market dynamics, structure by analyzing the market segments and project the Global Tire Curing Press Market size. Clear representation of competitive analysis of key players by product, price, financial position, product portfolio, growth strategies, and regional presence in the Global Tire Curing Press Market make the report investor’s guide. Scope of the Global Tire Curing Press Market: Inquire before buying Global Tire Curing Press Market2 Key players operating in the Global Tire Curing Press Market: • Larsen & Toubro Limited • McNeil & NRM, Inc. • Hebert • Rogers Industrial Products Inc. • Harburg-Freudenberger Maschinenbau GmbH • Doublestar • Guilin Rubber Machinery Co., Ltd. • Deshengli • Specific Engineering Corporation Pvt. Ltd. • Gold Hawk • Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Machinery Technology Corporation • Greatoo Intelligent • Himile • Alfred Herbert (India) Ltd. • Cima Impianti S.p.a. • Ling Long Tire. • Others For More Information Visit @: This Report Is Submitted By : Maximize Market Research Company Customization of the report: Maximize Market Research provides free personalized of reports as per your demand. This report can be personalized to meet your requirements. Get in touch with us and our sales team will guarantee provide you to get a report that suits your necessities. About Maximize Market Research: Maximize Market Research provides B2B and B2C research on 20,000 high growth emerging opportunities & technologies as well as threats to the companies across the Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals, Electronics & Communications, Internet of Things, Food and Beverages, Aerospace and Defense and other manufacturing sectors.
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