#Tis an amv in progress :3
that-ghosts-art · 8 months
I didn’t manage to finish the main thing I was working on for the TAUathon but here’s a sneak peek preview :3
All characters in order are Lionel and Belle Stirling, Ian and Mira, Toby, Bentley and Torako, and Lucy-Ann :3
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rchunee · 1 year
Limited Life PMV/AMV Progress (and directory)
Hello hello and welcome!
First of all, my previous animation! https://youtu.be/_cXsTie79YE
Song used: ??? (Will be revealed later)
Whole progress: around 2%
[Intro] [10%] - Storyboard done
[Sequence 1] [10%]
-Storyboard done
[Sequence 2] (Teams) [90%]
Bad Boys
Nosy Neighbours
Mean Gills
Team Ties
[Sequence 3] [10%]
-Storyboard done
[Sequence 4] [-]
-Storyboard started
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izzyizumi · 4 years
Digimon Adventures/Tri ~ Chosen Family A.M.V [song by: Rina {Sawayama}] featuring implied DUO/SHIP: Taichi Yagami [Taichi “Tai” Kamiya in US] x Koushiro(u) [Izzy] Izumi also known as [KouTai]/[TaiKou]/[Taishiro(u)]
“We don’t need to be RELATED to “RELATE”;
We DON’T NEED TO {share ““GENES””} or a SURNAME...”
{Originally created for August 1st, 2020 anniversary; “Chosen Family” Day is also recognized February 22}
and significant bonus characters: MRS IZUMI [Yoshie (as I prefer to call her, is a name translation used in some translations still, such as the Adventure novelization); her name has also been read/translated as Kae]; Mr Masami Izumi (briefly); the Chosen Children (as support); Tentomon / HerakleKabuterimon (as support); Taichi, Koushiro, & Tentomon in Digimon Adventure 2020 Reboot [Episodes 02, 03, & 05 of Reboot only; just Koushiro-relevant scenes] - ALL of Adventure{s} Chosen; (including a few brief scenes of Meiko from Kyousei) (Tri Part 5) will show at some point towards the middle to end;
Because, as per the symbolism,
“We don’t need to be RELATED to “RELATE”;
We DON’T NEED TO {share ““GENES””} or a SURNAME...”
- As well as some Koushiro-relevant spoilers from Tri Part 3; “Kokuhaku” [“Confession”] (These may hint to Tri’s plot progression, though without ‘full’ context.)
My past/other AMVs can all be found within this tag on my blog! {As well as this and this index for Koushiro & Taishiro specific A.M.V.s!}
This A.M.V. was originally made for August 1st 2020 Anniversary of Digimon Adventure. More information on this A.M.V. can be found under the ‘read more’!
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This is a Koushiro Izumi-centric AMV with, honestly, a very special overall message intended. It ALSO, however, functions as a SHIP/OTP AMV as TAISHIRO is my ultimate OTP of OTPs. I understand not everyone ships the pairing, but, if you can, please consider viewing this AMV regardless. I worked very hard on this AMV, totaling about 9 HOURS spanning 2 full evenings/2 days. (AMVs are not made “easy”! They can and do take time!)
I stumbled upon this song after recently hearing about the British-Japanese artist Rina Sawayama; her album is also titled “Sawayama”. As soon as I saw the title / read the lyrics, I knew IMMEDIATELY this was the literal perfect song for a Koushiro Izumi AMV. You’ll see as soon as the 1st chorus what I mean by this. (*You can probably guess from the title alone.)
However, something important of note. The artist of this song ALSO identifies as both Bisexual+Pansexual. She has also talked notably about her Bi/Pansexuality in interviews. The artist has also stated she wrote this song to reflect those who have been ostracised, disconnected from, or “Othered” by their parents / loved ones / even communities due to being LGBTQ(IAPN)+ (bolding mine for emphasis): “ The concept of a chosen family is, to me, a Queer one – people are often kicked out of their homes or ostracised by their family, friends, and community after coming out. This can be an incredibly painful experience that can be remedied by finding a new ‘chosen’ family. ” She has stated that this song is intended for anyone who has felt such a disconnection in regards to their family / communities in general as a result of their being L.G.B.T.Q(I.A.P.N)+ and that Family as a wider concept does not necessarily have to involve Blood Ties, at all. FRIENDS CAN VERY MUCH BECOME YOUR CHOSEN FAMILY. Essentially, the concept relates to/is basically “FOUND FAMILY”. There may be such a similar implication in this AMV in regards to the various other Chosen Children as a whole UNIT. (Though for Koushiro specifically, while Koushiro truly loves and is supported by the Izumi family here, In regards to a “Disconnect” Koushiro and others may feel in general, still, even within their own communities/society, otherwise ...) [Basically, I have created this AMV from my interpretations of the characters and through the lens of many of my own various L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.(P.N)+ headcanons; Obviously, I recognize they are non canonical, I do NOT need to be TOLD. That said, my many varied headcanons are absolutely intended regardless. Basically, please recognize various L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.P.N.+ in general is intended.] (You can view some of my past posted headcanons in this tag!)
So, you can probably see why I was inspired to make this AMV and also the intentions of it... Note: my other ships can be found on the sidebar of this blogs’ layout AND also via the links to my old main blog, where my shiplist is linked. BASICALLY ANY OF THOSE OTHER SHIPS can be read into this AMV. I’m a pretty big multi-shipper (includes me having numerous polyships) so if you’d enjoy reading any of those in, feel free to do so; HOWEVER, please also note the main pairing and focus intended is still Taishiro [Taichi x Koushiro].
[ ^ NO SERIOUSLY, PLEASE READ THE BANNERS. If these rules are not followed or ignored, I WILL LIKELY BLOCK. PLEASE DO NOT FORCE ME TO BLOCK YOU. Note: commenting/tagging respectfully/positively is ok!]
{ NOTE: THIS POST IS FOR TAISHIRO(U) FANS. Please refrain from leaving non-ship comments/tags on this post. Thank you. } [i.e. ‘ I don’t ship this, but [x] ! ’ or ‘ I only see them as friends ’ * etc.] ( *It is ok if you tag as “friendship” or the like along with the ship!!) 
{ this post is NOT FOR ANY OF THE FOLLOWING, DO NOT INTERACT: Exclu-sionists / T.E.R.F.s and all similar spinoffs of such; / Trans-phobes / A(ce)phobes / Aro-phobes / Queer-phobes / Pan-phobes / Bi-phobes / Exor-sexists / any L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.P.N.+phobes / Rad-fems, R.E.G.’s (Re@ctionary Exclusion@ry G@tekeepers) in general not for people who refuse to tolerate/respect others’ L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.P.N.+ identities/headcanons not for people who insist they don’t care for Taishiro as a ship / brotp not for people who hate a majority of Adventure/02/Tri canon especially if to the point you cannot even be respectful when interacting; not for people who hate/excessively criticize ANY of the Digimon girls ( * INCLUDES/ESPECIALLY MEIKO MOCHIZUKI [Tri]) seriously just please do NOT interact with this post or my blog if any of the above applies to you. THANK YOU. }
There are somewhat, if brief Tri and Digimon Adventure 2020 spoilers in this AMV. (*Mainly involving Tri Koushiro, and TRI TENTOMON, with very miniscule Tri Taichi moments) [the vast majority of scenes are for AMV aesthetics purposes.] They are listed (vaguely) as follows.
- scenes from KOKUHAKU / CONFESSION, 3rd Tri movie (mainly character scenes of Tri Koushiro + HerculesKabuterimon). [*Also, That Thing xxxx Was Involved In, a.k.a. The Rxxxxx.] (*Also, a moment involving Koushiro + his partner from the ending.) [*Also, a quick moment involving Koushiro+Mimi just post Rxxxxx.] - scenes from SOUSHITSU / LOSS, 4th Tri movie (mainly a Taishiro moment; however, a moment with Meiko as well.) [*The Meiko moment is overall not majorly spoilery / friendship implied.] - scenes from KYOUSEI / SYMBIOSIS, 5th Tri movie (mainly a scene involving the Chosens’ family members.) [*The family members themselves are not present in the scene. It is overall a not majorly spoilery character moment involving two quick flashes of Tri Koushiro and Tri Taichi for aesthetics.] - scenes from BOKURA NO MIRAI / OUR FUTURE, 6th / final Tri movie (*Overall not majorly spoilery Koushiro aesthetic scenes; some moments of him in his office only.) - Taishiro interaction (brief) from Digimon Adventure 2020 Eps 02~03. - very brief scenes from Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 05 Koushiro + Tentomon’s battle + the ending moments with them.
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clevercatchphrase · 4 years
2019 year in review
So… The 2010’s are almost over. Huh. What a decade it’s been. Hard to comprehend how much has changed in 10 years. I can barely believe that I was in high school at the beginning of this decade, and now I’m a college graduate with 2 degrees who’s been working at the same job for the last 3 years. But trying to summarize the past 10 years in a single post is a good way to give myself an existential crisis, so let’s not do that! Instead, let’s just focus on 2019 because there has been more than enough shit that’s happened to me in this year to talk about.
Huh, looking back through my archives, I apparently didn’t make a tumblr post about my goals this year. I definitely had some, though. Lemme list ‘em off real quick, and then we’ll go through them point by point.
1)      Pay off all my student loans 2)      Finish some song comics 3)      Make art for my Redbubble account 4)      Finish the first rough draft/script of a game I wanted to make 5)      Practice ASL 6)      Sew some stuffed animals 7)      Finish some fan fictions 8)      Work on Ghost Switch 9)      AMVs 10)   Do some original writing 11)   Make illustrations for my fan fictions
Okay, first off, the student loans. I was actually SO CLOSE to successfully completing this one bUT THEN MY CAR HAD TO BE A WHINEY PISS BABY AND HAVE ITS ALTERNATOR DIE ON ME WHILE I WAS ON THE HIGHWAY AND THEN A BLOW OUT THREE WEEKS LATER.
GOD, if I had to summarize this year in two words, for me it would be “Car troubles”. I swear I spent more on auto repair in the first third of this year than I ever have just freakin’ OWNING a car. All four of my tires had to be replaced, my alternator failed and my car literally just SHUT OFF while I was driving, and I was barely able to coast into a gas station. Both my front breaks and rear breaks were worn down the metal and I only learned this when my car was barely able to stop after I had to slam the petal down full force!  I went in for an oil change, and they found some problems and then I didn’t get my car back for three days! I don’t even like owning a car! I hate driving! I hate my country’s refusal to provide universal, free public transportation! I NEVER ASKED FOR THIS!
Oh-kay… number 2. Finish some song comics. I didn’t finish any. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t work on them. I have made tiny progress, but that’s certainly better than no progress. One of these song comics I hope to be realizes is going to be a collab with one of my friends. It’ll be a long-time coming as it’s pretty low priority for the both of us, but if anyone else out there was disappointed with KH3’s ending, we’re gonna have ya’ covered… With SONG!
3. Make some redbubble art. I actually did this one! Not in the way I expected, but I added (technically) 3 new designs to my redbubble in the middle of the year. If you like butterflies and dragons, I got some product for you~!
Number 4, finish a script for a game I want to make. I… thought about this. I thought about this a lot, but I never put pen to paper, so… oops. It almost happened! I debated making this my main writing project for NaNoWriMo this year, but ended up having more inspiration for another story. Maybe next year? (god, I hope not. I don’t want to wait a full year just to write something)
Number 5, practice ASL. I just straight up didn’t do this and I only have myself to blame. Still keepin’ up that Danish Duolingo streak, though. 4 years going strong and not a day missed yet.
Number 6, sew some stuffed animals. Again, another one I just straight up didn’t do, but I have an excuse of trying to save money while my car crashed and burned in every other sense except literal this year. Hopefully 2020 will be different. I’ll definitely be able to pay off this last loan within the first half of 2020, and then I can start saving for whatever I want to buy.
Finish some fan fictions was number 7, and I did this! Well, I only finished, 1, but it was a story I’ve been working on for over 3 years, and it came out to over 200 THOUSAND words long, which is the longest thing I’ve ever written, and I’m quite proud of myself. Now that the big story is out of the way, and I’ve gotten into a good rhythm of working on Ghost Switch, maybe I can squeeze in some short writing sessions more frequently. (either that, or just wait for my car to break down again and then go on a writing spree in a pepboys. The lord and the fan fic discord know that’s solely why I finished my other fic this year)
Speaking of Ghost Switch, working on it was a goal this year too, and I did that! I kept it up all year and took a vacation in November and it was wonderful. While the major plot points have been in place since before I started drawing, I still need to script each arc beyond Snowdin, but hey, by the time we get there, it’ll be 2022 so I got time. (Note, don’t do this, kids. Script your stories and comics thoroughly before publishing. The road I’m on is paved with misery and pain and it will only end in tears unless I change lanes soon)
Number 9, amvs. Do people make AMVs anymore? Idk… the last one I made was... Jesus, 5 years ago? (it was a gravity falls/fall out boy crossover, if you were curious) I’ve been wanting to do 2 more for just as long, but in order for me to do that, I’d have to spend time re-watching the shows to find the footage, and then actually edit them together, and I just don’t…. feel like it. Maybe someday, but not any day soon.
10; do some original writing. I did this! For nanowrimo! I wrote the first draft of some original fiction I’ve been planning for a year or two now and it completely sucks! But it’s on paper now and I’m happy. Will I revise and edit it? Sure, but not for a while. I want to let it sit and forget about it and look at it with new eyes months from now so I can be sure I can make it better when time comes to rewrite.
11, make illustrations for my fan fics. Now that You Monster is done, I want to go back and add pictures to it. I didn’t do any this year, but I did keep a list of scenes I wanted to draw, so I have plenty of ideas to do as warm up sketches next year~ I kinda want to stream them~
So, that was 11 goals, and I successfully fulfilled 4 of them! That’s! Not a very good ratio… QmQ So, goals for 2020. Some I’m gonna keep from this year, some I’m gonna drop and some I’m gonna add. In short I would like to,
1)      Finish paying off that last student loan 2)      Put more stuff on my redbubble 3)      Illustrate my own fan fics 4)      Sew at least one stuffed animal 5)      Make an enamel pin 6)      Read one new book a month 7)      Write one page a day/Complete at least one new fan fic 8)      Learn Python or C# for the game I want to make 9)      Finish fully scripting Ghost Switch 10)   Boost my patreon
Most of these I think are pretty self-explanitory, but I’ll go into detail just a bit because I’m on a roll and typing my thoughts helps me feel less alone in the middle of the night when you’re super tired and you know you should probably go to sleep, but the toddler in you is throwing a tantrum and doesn’t wanna go to sleep just yet, but you can’t fight the progression of time either way.
Number 1- I should be able to reach this goal by the end of March. End of June at the absolute latest. Once that goal is met, my secret new year’s resolution will be unlocked as well!
Number 2- I want to put more art of my OCs on redbubble. These OCs are tied to the game I want to make. There’s already some art of them up there, but I want at least one piece for each character.
Number 3- Mostly for You Monster. Embrace the cardinal rule of fan fic and apply it to fan art. If you want to read about see art about certain ideas, scenarios, or what-ifs, you gotta make it yourself.
Number 4- I have 3 potential ideas to sew. One is definitely leagues easier than the other two and will probably be chosen if/when I have the time and materials.
Number 5- This year I got really, REALLY into the idea of making enamel pins. Unfortunately it’s a pretty big investment (like, $350 to make 100 pins you  might not even sell). If this happens, it’ll probably be towards the end of the year, and if I get enough interest. I’m currently torn between making an original enamel pin and one based off Undertale. We’ll just have to see where this goes.
Number 6- Back in 2018 when I paid off one of my many student loans, I rewarded myself by spending over 200 dollars in used books. All these books had a theme; they were focused on dragons because I have a problem. I have not yet read a single one of these books I have bought, and I would like to fix that. I have, like, 20 unread dragon books, and even if I only read 12 out of 20, I would consider that an amazing accomplishment and money well spent.
Number 7- I currently have about 8 different WIPs I could work on. (well, I don’t know if I can even call them wips. More like, a general idea and a title written down.) I want to build good writing habits, and if I can write just 200 words a day, hell, even 200 words a week and just one of my 8 stories done, I would consider this goal met.
Number 8- I’m torn between making my game in unity or ren’py. I know jack shit about both. Ren’py is more user friendly, but unity will allow me more customization. (Lol, can you guess what kind of game I want to make yet?)
Number  9- I really just want the full story to be done and written incase anything goes horribly terribly wrong in my life and I find myself unable to continue making ghost switch in comic form. Then at least I can finish the story by other means, you know?
Number 10- It always surprises me every month when I get that patreon email saying I got paid. Sure, I don’t even make double digits on it, but it still awes me enough to know that people out there like my work enough to throw me a tip. I can’t thank my patrons enough for supporting me and I hope to one day be in such a good place I can update my comic/song comics/writing frequently enough without need for goals or milestones. But until that magical day arrives, money is always a great incentive for anything, I suppose. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Cheesus crust what a year. This year started off great! Back in late January Kingdom Hearts 3 FINALLY released, and let me tell you a little story. Back in the summer of 2006 I was a 13 year old middle schooler with no way of making money other than by doing house hold chores at a rate of 25 cents a task. A few weeks ago, I had a sleep over at a friend’s house and they let me play this weird game called “Kingdom Hearts” and god, I was instantly hooked on it. That summer, I did over 800 chores, enough to earn myself 200$ and buy myself a playstation 2 (just in time for the ps3 to come out, gg me) The only games I had for the ps2 were KH1, 2, Re:CoM and Okami, and I beat them all… except Okami. Miffed that the PS3 wouldn’t allow for backwards compatibility, little 13-year-old me made a promise. I looked myself in the mirror and said “I will not buy the next playstation console until KH3 comes out, AND BOY that was probably a good choice for me to make with my level of gaming. I’m even less of a casual gamer than the average casual gamer, but I have been waiting 13 years for this piece of closure, and I even told my friends and family that “the day Kingdom Hearts 3 comes out is the day I will buy a playstation 4”. My dad apparently thought this was the funniest shit, because he literally took the day off from work that Friday to drive me on base to get the game and console (he thought it would be less crowded than a regular walmart, I suppose). I paid $400 on a ps4 pro while he bought me the game. Again, I have an impecible sense of timing seeing as the PS5 is now right on the horrizion, but just like before, I’m not buying a new console until the next KH game is released. See you in 2045, sony~. While I was at the gamestop on base, I also picked up Okami HD and The Last Guardian. For all of February and even early March, I took my time playing through KH3. And…! It was the best disappointment I’ve ever played. After a month away from gaming, I started The Last Guardian and finished it in a couple weeks. I love trico and would die for him, but trying to get 100% completion on that game is udder insanity. Okami, HD, however… again after a month break after finishing TLG, I started replaying Okami. I think I had only managed to get about halfway through the game before I just… stopped playing it on my ps2 version. I am currently SO CLOSE to getting a 100% on the ps4 version. In fact, I’ve beaten the game. I only (techinically) need 2 more trophies to be done; 1st, escape the water dragon without being eaten, 2nd, I need to beat that dumb stupid race with Kai, in order to get the last bead on my rosary, as well as the top dog trophy. I hate her so much. I hate this race so much. It’s awful and bad.
Flash forward to December! Earlier this month I was at Barnes and Noble, buying myself a planner for 2020. I exit the store and notice that there’s a gamestop across the street. For shits and giggles I go inside to look at their game selection, and I find KH 1.5 and 2.5. Now, my PS2 died a few years back (it just won’t read my discs anymore, I don’t know why) and I haven’t been able to replay any of my other kingdom hearts games since. If you had seen me the day I finished kingdom hearts 3, after the ending credits rolled, you would have heard me say “Man…. I wish I could play kingdom hearts 2 again”. AND NOW I CAN, ALONG WITH BBS which I had never even played yet, but knew the story of. I’ve restarted playing kh1, and I was so happy to hear that familiar music when I booted the game up for the first time. While at the game stop, I also picked up Rime and Tearaway, two games that had looked interesting to me. At the time of writing, I’ve finished Rime and am 25% done with tearaway. Rime was…. An interesting experience. I learned about it through Jacksepticeye’s channel a couple years back and thought the art style was enticing. For a super casual gamer like me, I found the puzzles just the right level of challenging and exploring was a blast! The music gave me VERY strong Princes Mononoke vibes, but the overall story left something to be desired. Overall I had fun, and enjoyed completing this game to 100%. Now for tearaway. Can I just say this game is super fucking adorable? I know the original was on the ps vita and the gameplay there was arguably more diverse and imaginative, but this game is just so fucking cute I don’t care?? ALSO, this game’s sound track is ABSOLUTELY incredible and I’ve only heard the first fourth of it! Listen to The Orchards, Pig Riding, and Gibbet Hill Pilgrimage for a taste of their wonderful beats and fantastic use of string and woodwinds! God, I’m so excited to get some more games in 2020. I’m proud to say I currently own more ps4 games than I ever did with my ps2 (and now the majority AREN’T Kingdom Hearts titles!), and I’m still hoping to play Journey, The Witness, and Abzu before everything becomes ps5.
What else happened to me this year. Oh, I went to a doctor for, like, the first time in seven years. I also had my blood drawn for the first time ever, and the nurse said the most disturbing thing to me while she did it. Now, whenever I get shots, I refuse to look. I did that here. So she thought it would be appropriate to say to me “Can you feel your blood leaving your body?” Lady… You can clearly see I am uncomfortable with what is happening here. Why, of all the things you could say, did you choose to say that. Unfortunately, while my doctor is nice, she keeps wanting to run tests on me, that I just cannot afford with my current salary, and my monthly insurance is about to go up to 200$ a month, so I’ve cancelled my next appointment with them, and don’t plan to go back until it’s absolutely necessary. Capitalism is fun, guys. Preventative healthcare is for wusses.
I started going to a chiropractor on a monthly basis. Story time- I don’t know when it started, but sometime late last November I began to notice that I had a headache that just... wasn’t... going away? And each day it was starting to get a little worse. It made it hard for me to find a comfortable position to sleep, it made it hard for me to be in bright areas or move fast. So I said to myself “Okay, if this headache persist through the month of december, then something is proooobably wrong and I should go see someone about it. And hoo-boy were thing wrong with me. By the time this January rolled around, I couldn’t even stay on my feet for more than a few hours without it physically hurting to just BREATHE. So I started going to this chain called The Joint (A+ name, I know). THey aksed me “How are you doing?” I said “I’m in pain” and they said “We can help fix that!”. I’ve only been to a chiropractor once before in my life a few years back after my freshmen year of college because I began to notice my hips weren’t able to support me? LIke, I would lie on my back, and I couldn’t push my hips up when my feet were flat on the floor. I also couldn’t climb anything steep, because my legs just couldn’t push me up if my knee had to bend more than 90 degrees when I lifted my leg up. (Turned out both my hips were apparently out of place). This time only one of my hips were out of place (which they fixed. they said one of my legs was an inch “longer” than the other because I had been leaning all my weight on one leg when I stand). But two of my ribs were apparently “Stuck” which was why it was hurting for me to just breathe, and one of my shoulders was missaligned too, causing one of my trap muscles to constantly be streched, which was pulling on my skull, and causing the headache. Anyway, after they popped all my bones back into place, I still felt terrible, but by god, that night was the first time in weeks I was able to sleep without a migrane. A chiropractor can’t magically heal your arthritis, or fibro, but I definately think they have merit to keeping your posture good and helping your body with things like circulation. 10 outa 10, would recomend. It’s all the fun of getting your neck snapped without the dying!
Earlier this month I got together with two of my friends and we baked Christmas cookies. It was a lot of fun, as well as a great learning experience. A member of my family has a gluten allergy, so we used rice flour for most of the cookies. We learned this is a bad idea! The cookies will just fall apart! A few member’s in one of the friend’s family have nut allergies. Other friend and I knew this and were careful to avoid cookie recipes with nuts, bUT THEN COMPLETELY FORGOT THAT ALMOND MILK AND ALMOND EXTRACT COUNT AS NUT. IN FACT, ALMOND EXTRACT IS PURE CONCENTRATED NUT JUICE AND WE FELT SO BAD FOR ALMOST ACCIDENTALLY POISONING THE FAMILY.
Earlier this year me and these same friends took a field trip to Hobby Lobby and just dicked around the store for a couple of hours. It was super fun, 11 outa 10, would recommend, a great date idea for your artsy S.O.
Back in May I went to a wedding for the first time in my life. (well, not true, but the first one I could remember) we left at 5am, drove 5 hours to get there, hung out at a zoo and spent the night in a la quinta before the wedding day. I slept on the bathroom floor because my mom was snoring too loud in the main room and keeping me awake, and the rest of the day was just spent me trying to keep myself together because I was pissed off and tired.
Other than all of that, nothing really major happened to me this year. I guess one more thing I’ve tried to do this year is started the process of breaking certain internet addictions so I can use my free time for more personal projects. Seriously, I found myself watching way too much youtube and following blogs that didn’t even make me happy. I had a personal intervention with myself where I sat down and asked myself, “why do you watch these videos and youtubers? Why do you follow these blogs? Do you really enjoy their content? Do you really care? If you stopped watching/following them, would you even notice?” After critically thinking it over, I’ve found myself unfollowing several channels and blogs and suddenly I feel so much happier. I thought I would miss it, but I realized I didn’t really care if I saw their content or not. I wasn’t missing much. And now I feel like I have more time to draw, read and write. If you think you spend too much time consuming and not enough time creating, I suggest you try and de-clutter your internet habits as well. It’s done wonders to un-fuck my headspace.
And… well, that about sums up my year. How are your holidays going? Anything fun, exciting, dramatic happen to you this year? I hope your new year is warm and safe! Good night, everybody!
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khalilhumam · 4 years
Ignored by the Pope, Hong Kong cardinal leaves Rome vowing to protest appointment of Beijing-blessed bishop
New Post has been published on http://khalilhumam.com/ignored-by-the-pope-hong-kong-cardinal-leaves-rome-vowing-to-protest-appointment-of-beijing-blessed-bishop/
Ignored by the Pope, Hong Kong cardinal leaves Rome vowing to protest appointment of Beijing-blessed bishop
The favorite to occupy the post is Reverend Peter Choy, a notably pro-Beijing voice in Hong Kong
Image by the Stand News. Used with permission.
Vocal Beijing critic Cardinal Joseph Zen returned to Hong Kong from Rome on September 28 after failing to meet Pope Francis, to whom he intended to object the possible appointment of a pro-Beijing bishop to lead the Hong Kong diocese. The Hong Kong Bishopric has been vacant since the death of Bishop Micheal Yeung in January 2019. While retired cardinal John Tong Hon serves as interim bishop, the pending appointment of the permanent position has been engulfed in tension as Beijing tightens its grip on the semi-autonomous territory. Yeung's Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Ha, who holds favorable views towards Hong Kong's pro-democracy movement, is the favorite choice of local Catholics. In February, however, the media reported that the Vatican intended to nominate Reverend Peter Choy for the position, who is notably pro-Beijing. After facing criticism from Hong Kong's Catholic community, the Vatican deferred the announcement of the new bishop. But as the Holy See normalizes relationships with Beijing, many Hongkongers fear that Choy's appointment will soon become reality. China severed relationships with the Holy See in 1951 after the latter established ties with Taiwan, but have warmed up to it since 2018 with an agreement that allows the Vatican to appoint bishops in the country. The agreement, whose details were never made public, expired in September 2020, but renewal is in progress. Currently, the Holy See’s Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin is trying to arrange a meeting with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in what would be an unprecedented development between the two governments. Furthermore, the Vatican allegedly has plans to open a Beijing office. The Holy See's agreement took a whole new significance for Hong Kong with the enactment of the national security law, which has faced opposition from broad sectors of Hong Kong society, including the Catholic community. A day after the law entered in force, the president of the Federation of Asian Bishops, Cardinal Charles Maung Bo published a statement saying the law “seriously weakens Hong Kong’s Legislative Council and Hong Kong’s autonomy” and “radically changes Hong Kong’s identity.” It is against this background that Zen, who is 88 years old, decided to take the journey to Rome. Despite failing to meet with Pope Francis, he managed to deliver a letter to one of the Pope’s special secretaries. Diane Montagna, an Italian correspondent in the Vatican City, posted an English translation of a story by Italian reporter Aldo Maria Valli about Zen’s visit:
CARDINAL ZEN IN ROME: “I asked for an audience with Francis, but not even a nod from Santa Marta” https://t.co/UGVKdFFVsy Aldo Maria Valli sits down with ++Zen during visit to Rome, where he hoped to speak with @Pontifex. Translation below with kind permission of AMV. pic.twitter.com/1fAk5yoeWe — Diane Montagna (@dianemontagna) September 27, 2020
In the interview with Valli, Zen said:
The idea was to appoint Bishop Joseph Ha, the auxiliary. Now instead the odds of Monsignor Peter Choy’s — he is one of the four vicars, who is too close to Beijing — are increasing. In the letter, I warned the Pope: appointing Choy will be a disaster. I remained [in Rome] for the time permitted, but not even a nod from Santa Marta.
Zen also criticized the secret deal between China and the Holy See:
It is inconceivable that it has remained secret even for those who deal closely with these matters… in Beijing not everyone wants the accord to be ratified. There is one component of the [Communist] Party that does not want agreements: they are the most hardline, those for whom the Church must simply be controlled and, if necessary, crushed, without agreement of any kind…Thinking one can make deals with Beijing is folly. You don’t make a deal with the devil. You just fight the devil! The Church does not take orders from governments, and this applies everywhere.
And he also shared photos of the trip on Twitter after returning to Hong Kong:
Visiting Rome to see the Holy Father Pope Francis. pic.twitter.com/NoXD01uJ16 — Joseph Zen (@CardJosephZen) September 28, 2020
Hon's tenure as interim bishop
Meanwhile, interim Bishop Tong Hon is receiving criticism for his stances on Beijing's policies for Hong Kong. In June, when Beijing first revealed its plans to by-pass the Hong Kong legislature and enact the national security law, Hon said in an interview with a Catholic newspaper that he “understood” Beijing’s decision and believed that “the law will not affect freedom of religion in Hong Kong.” The interview was published only a few days after Hon attended a closed-door meeting organized by Hong Kong's China Liaison Office in which Beijing officials urged religious leaders to express support of the national security law. In August, the education committee of Hong Kong's Catholic Church sent a notice to all primary and secondary Catholic schools urging administrators to prevent politicization on campuses, as well as educate students on the national security law, the national anthem law, and raise awareness on national security. Hon also issued a letter to the parish's priests on August 28 asking them to withhold personal political opinions during service, and stressing that it is “absolutely inappropriate” to deliver speeches that are “offensive or incite hate and social instability.” On the same day, the Church instructed its affiliated NGO Justice and Peace Commission of the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese to stop a crowdfunding campaign to publish on Apple Daily News “a prayer to Hong Kong,” which the Church considered “politicized.” All those gestures have been perceived by Hong Kong's pro-democracy camp as serving the interests of Beijing rather than the local Catholic community. In a more recent interview, when asked what he would do if the Vatican proceeded with appointing Peter Choy as the new Bishop, Joseph Zen described what his last act of protest would be:
“My last act of protest will be to do just that, to now disappear w/everyone knowing why. I put this in my last will and testament-that my bones shall not be placed in the cathedral, I do not want to be buried with such men..” –Cardinal Joseph Zen https://t.co/zLwinQyin5 — Sidge S. Mondo ن​ (@Prof_Pownd) October 3, 2020
< p class='gv-rss-footer'>Written by Oiwan Lam
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