#Todd Howard is an avatar of Sheogorath
righthererightzao · 6 years
[OOC] Not FFXIV Related but.. kinda as well? ESO
So to avoid burnout (almost caused by Pagos before the nerfs..) and in between quiet stretches before patches I’ve been playing ESO a little bit here and there and found it’s made for a nice little solo experience and Razum-dar is the best character. Although I’ve kind of come to realise, just how much FFXIV has kind of spoiled me in some areas.
GPose: I think this is like the main thing. Going back to the old way of doing things, just feels plain weird now making GPoses absence sorely felt. Screenshots have always been a good way for players to express themselves and you have folks like Caimura-rathe, and many others turn that into an art-form in it’s own right. Not to mention the tons of free marketing companies get through that. Gpose has been a powerful tool in aiding in those areas (and I’d argue can be and should be listed as one of FFXIV’s main features), and I’m honestly surprised that other MMO’s haven’t at least entertained the idea of implementing a similar feature.
Saving Character Appearances:  Every now and then I like to go into the character creator and just mess around with different appearances, usually as visual aids for NPC descriptions when doing RP events, and even potential alts, so being able to make a character design and save all the settings to come back to later should I need them again like in Champions Online and Wildstar (Presses F to pay respects) is a boon... Now due to Elsweyr being announced as the upcoming expansion to ESO and having a Necromancer class... I have bit of a dilemma. Necromancers have been my jam since I was a wee bairne playing Diablo 2, and ever since I discovered restoration and undead conjury spells in Morrowind, through Oblivion and Skyrim, my first character has always been a Khajiit Necromancer... so I’m a little hyped at the idea of being to give him a truer incarnation on ESO as well making him a healer to boot, BUT since I don’t have the ability to save his appearance so I can just hit a button and remake him come 04 June 2019, I’ll either have to do one of two things, spend 1000 crowns on an appearance token just to screenshot the slider settings and upload them somewhere to keep them safe, or painstakingly try to recreate his appearance by using the below screenshot and other reference angles alone, is going to be suffering and future me is most likely sick of his life and cursing past me for not taking the screenshots at the time.
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Mini Rant relating to Elsweyr: So going off ES:VI’s teaser, a lot of folks are speculating that it might be Highrock... I kind of hope it doesn’t, on account of, we already got Highrock and Hammerfel in a mainline SP Elder Scrolls Game in Daggerfall. Let us go somewhere else, Bethesda you cowards! ;A; give us a mainline Elsweyr game! or heck even Valen wood or Argonia/Blackmarsh! Unless... My god... Unless Todd Howard’s ultimate goal is to remake Daggerfall as ES6, then ES7 will be Morrowind, and then ES8 will be Oblivion... a-and then.. ES9 will be Skyrim for the future generations? It all makes sense! We have to warn people! We have to change the future! We have to---*Is taken away to be dealt with by top men*
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