kurogabae · 7 years
All Your Faves Are Queer
And Eriol is an adult man in an eleven year old’s body: An Essay
First things first: since when has CLAMP been a place with het characters galore because that’s never been the case. From their very start, before any original content they were making yaoi mpreg doujins so like toss that argument out the window right now CLAMP likes the queers (in a healthy, nonfetish way? That’s debatable, but they are pro-queer). Now forget CLAMP in general, CCS and its entire message is that love is the most important thing of all and it comes in many shapes and forms. For a manga with such an open and positive message you guys sure are fucking salty and secular.
I have my own theories as to why that is but that’s another post for another time.
So we ave our main group of kids: Sakura, Tomoyo, and Syaoran. (Since Meiling is anime only I’ll be leaving her out.) Sakura and Syaoran both openly show attraction to men and women. Tomoyo only shows interest in girls, specifically Sakura, though with the new Clear Card Arc publishing she seems friendly towards Akiho as well. 
Sakura doesn’t bat an eye when she’s attracted to Yukito, Syaoran, or Kaho. These all seem like normal thing for her to be feeling as far as she’s concerned. Logical conclusion: Sakura is bi and has a fairly even attraction to both boys and girls despite that fact that she does eventually end up falling in love with Syaoran, a boy.
Syaoran, while flustered and dizzy with  puppy love, doesn’t think being sweet on Yukito is strange in the slightest. Not once do we see him question himself or what he’s feeling. He’s got a crush and in his eyes this crush is normal (magical influences aside). He never has this reaction to Kaho’s magic (which makes me think Yue is a big fat liar liar robes on fire) and when he starts catching feelings for Sakura he freaks out. He doesn’t know what he’s feeling for her or why. Logical conclusion: Syaoran is bi with a heavy leaning towards boys and Sakura very well might have been the first girl he’s ever had interest in. He didn’t have a “gay” panic, the poor kid had a “straight” panic so to speak.
Tomoyo is all about Sakura. In any world if you’ve cared to peek at Tsubasa. Tomoyo loves Sakura and she always will. She’s never so much as looked even remotely interested in a boy at all. She’s never talked about a boy, never hoped for a boy, never been jealous of someone for having a boy. The closest she comes to straying from her attraction to Sakura is Akiho in Clear Card Arc. Akiho is yet another girl. Conclusion: Tomoyo is gay. A lesbian. Sapphic. A homosexual. 100% certified grade-A in to the ladies. 
Which brings me to my next point of shipping her, or any of her classmates, with Eriol. Or you know. Clow Reed. An adult. Who is probably like old as balls. So old. Older than he ought to be. However old Clow lived, he was undeniably an adult, and Eriol retains those memories. His body might be eleven but nothing about his mind or soul is. Eriol is an adult wrapped up in a deceptively tiny package and shipping him with any of his “classmates” is sketch at best. At best. At worst it’s on the level of Rika and Terada. 
And if I have to tell you what a horrible, sick, dangerous pair up that is, well, you’re already lost to me. 
So, in conclusion, we have evidence that Sakura and Syaoran are both bi, “magic interference” aside, and Tomoyo is a beautiful baby gay. So, stop harassing people, quit being such bigots, and stop shipping Tomoyo with dudes and Eriol with children. Thank you this has been a PSA.
Now take a lesson from this manga you all “love” so much and learn how to care about one another. Goodness.
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kurogabae · 7 years
Also I have NOTHING against lesbian Tomoyo, that's my favorite Tomoyo! But it is wrong to criticize other LGBT+ people for having different LGBT+ headcanons for her. Pairing Tomoyo with Eriol + them being bisexual does NOT turn either of them straight, wth?? That's frankly biphobic?? They'd still be bi and she'd still be attracted to girls/lesbian-leaning with Sakura being her "number one"... etc. Lesbian erasure would be making her straight, not pairing her with someone else bisexual/etc.
Never once did I say it make her straight? I said it was lesbophobic. And it is? Pairing a HOMOSEXUAL WOMAN with a MAN is lesbophobic. Take it from an actual factual lesbian honey. 
Lesbian erasure is making her not a lesbian. How do you make someone not a lesbian? You put them in a non-platonic relationship with a man. Do you need me to get you some definitions? I can do that if you don’t know where google is because you’re clearly very lost.
Also, just saying, Eriol is an adult. Tomoyo is 11.
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kurogabae · 7 years
Man, I never knew the CCS was so hateful. Just dropping a line to let you know that I agree with you that Tomoyo is a lesbian, Eriol is an adult in a child's body, and ALL of the adult/child relationships are trash.
You’re a peach anon, thank you. I hope you have a lovely week.
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kurogabae · 7 years
1: ply person here and I would dearly love it if ppl would stop assigning het love interests on canon lesbian and gay characters. I will never ship these characters in a het pairing because it's erasure of their identities and forced heteronormativity to assign them het love interests when they canonically couldn't care less. Obviously that's not bi/non-monosexual erasure cause there's not any indication that they like ppl other than their own gender so there's nothing to be erased-
2:if you force a het love interest that's homophobia. Also I won't throw another identity's representation under the bus to boost my own, it really sucks to have so little good representation like lesbians have with Tomoyo and to shit on that and to try to make it into smth it's not is awful, and the same goes for Sakura & Syaoran who are our canonically bi representation. the only ones that say it's bi-erasure are het fans who love to make everyone het despite canon evidence to the contrary.
Preach it my friend!
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kurogabae · 7 years
'diferent culture' anon here. I sent you this before: Ok, I'm just adressing one thing about your post about Eriol. Maybe it will not even be discussable if you are not open enough, because its involves religion. But I do not think you trully understand the concept of Reincarnation and how we Reincarnationists see it. So no, Eriol is not 'an adult man in an eleven year old's body'. And just to be clear: pedophilia is disgusting, TeradaxRika is wrong. This is the last time i'm sending you this.
Eriol, reincarnation aside, is as old as Fujitaka. He aged himself down. He is an adult man who used magic to become a child. This is removing reincarnation from the conversation altogether (and for clarification I was purely speaking in the context of the manga/anime not the actual religious, real world context I’m sorry if those wires got crossed). He lived for 30 something years and then put himself back into the body of an 11 year old to spy on Sakura. So ignoring Clow Reed as his past life
Eriol is an adult.
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kurogabae · 7 years
I do agree with your assessment on CCS for the most part but no offense meant, it kind of falls apart when you consider the TRC-Holic verse where a timeline with adult Sakura and Syaoran already exist, meaning there's very likely an adult Tomoyo too. And if adult Sakura could have a child Tomoyo would most definitely be at an age where she could decide for herself who she could marry regardless of their age. I don't even like Eriol/Tomoyo myself but it's a thing. This applies to Terada/Rika too.
I get asks have characters limits and this is worded weirdly so lemme just make sure I’m getting what you’re saying here.
Are you, dear Anon, trying to imply, that if there were an adult aged Sakura and a, oh say, CCS!aged Tomoyo who wanted to marry each other, implying that Sakura would make such an outlandish and uncharacteristic decision, it would be okay?
Are you asking me if I would ship a 20, 25, 35 year old Sakura with a 10, 15 year old Tomoyo? If they wanted to get married?
NO! OF COURSE NOT! Lords and ladies above what kinda question is that? Look I need some clarification Anon because that cannot be what you just asked me. It CANNOT.
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kurogabae · 7 years
(ALSO, Tomoyo COULD very well be both bisexual [and/or pansexual, even demisexual] and lesbian-leaning. CLAMP does make it very clear that their characters or at least Sakura tend to love their "soulmates" regardless of their genders/sexualities, there is actually a canonical interview quote referencing this if you'd like to see it. Tomoyo would be the same tbh...? She'd love Sakura even if Sakura was a boy/genderless/etc.)
The quote speaks about Sakura and Syaoran specifically, but you’re write CLAMP does say that soulmates will fall in love regardless of gender.
Tomoyo, though, never shows interest in boys, Sakura is not a boy, and also Sakura is not her soulmate. We’ve yet to meet Tomoyo’s soulmate. Tomoyo likes girls. Tomoyo has only shown interest in girls. Tomoyo is a lesbian. Possibly biromantic in the case of her soulmate being a different gender than herself, but since we 1 - don’t know her soulmate and 2 - have no proof of any sort in any form of her having any interest in anything other than girls lesbian fits the bill perfectly.
Tell me anon, what do you have against lesbians? Why are you so eager to see this one young lesbian be paired with a boy who is easily three times her age? What about Tomoyo not being gay is so important to you, I really gotta know?
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kurogabae · 7 years
Idk what's going on but kick their asses babe
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kurogabae · 7 years
I'm seeing so many ppl stanning for horitsuba in the tags of that ssweek post it's fucking gross. :(
People will believe whatever they want to. You can’t control how they think, you can only tell them the truth and hope they’re willing to listen and learn.
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kurogabae · 7 years
1) from what i understand and have read, eriol didn't age himself down. once he got to age 11, he used magic to stop his aging process and stuck himself in an 11-year old's body and waited for when he would cross paths w/ sakura. he wasn't 30 and
2) aged himself down, he got to 11 and stopped his physical growth at 11, but of course he's really something around fujitaka's age despite stunting his growth. no im not defending ExT ships but clearing up that eriol isnt a 30-something turned 11.
It’s been about 4 or 5 years since my last reread of CCS so you’re probably right, but it’s basically the same thing, let’s be real. Eriol is still 30-something years old, whether his body reflects that or not.
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kurogabae · 7 years
honestly im so surprised that theres even an argument about all this when canon is the best source and that source tells us that tomoyo is a lesbian and terada is a pedophile ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It’s like Christianity - people will read and cherry pick whatever suits their agenda the best. In the end that’s all they care about and they’ll bend over backwards and pull nonsense from every orifice until they think they’ve won.
 I know what the canon says and I’m not the one who has to do mental gymnastics to make myself feel better.
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kurogabae · 7 years
Not that anon but i'm pretty sure we have met Tomoyo's soulmate, and it's Sakura, but Tomoyo just isn't hers.
That’s possible, yes, but also very sad.
I like to think she’s got someone out there who she’s meant for and who is meant for her. There’s no proof of this either way, of course. But this one is happier. 
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kurogabae · 7 years
...Are you seriously shitting us saying in all seriousness bisexuals can't be lesbians as if you aren't aware of the current discourses surrounding this issue? What in the everloving fuck? You're seriously sounding just as biphobic as those people you're accusing. Cut it out.
Are you...? Are you for real? The definitions of the two sexualities conflict! You can’t be both! Lesbian = homosexual. You can’t be homo and bi. That’s not how anything works my dudes. You can be a homosexual biromantic yeah. I am, right now. This is happening as I type in real time. You can’t be two sexualities at the same time though. You can be bisexual with a heavy leaning towards a specific gender or other, yeah, but that doesn’t make you gay or straight. You’re still bi. 
Did I have a typo on that last ask? I read this one a few times over to make sure it was clear just in case.
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kurogabae · 7 years
Look, I'm not going to argue about Terada/Rika, I get your point. But CLAMP made it canon and it's still canon regardless if she's away in the Clear Card arc or not. CLAMP has stated multiple times their thoughts on the matter (not saying I like it either, but they have) also, you'd have to denounce Fujitaka/Nadeshiko and Eriol/Kaho too using that logic, both of which are also canon pairings. Also.... Please don't speak for CSA survivors if you aren't one, tbh. I shouldn't have to say why.
Canon or not it’s still trash. Trash is trash is trash. Period. Also Fujitaka should have gotten in a fuck load of trouble for the shit he pulled with Nadeshiko, I’ve never once denied that so don’t try to pull that card. Kaho should too. Eriol aside she messed with Touya as a middle schooler so you know what all three of them are on my shitlist.
And I’ll speak up for survivors all I damn well please. Will I put words in their mouths? No, but I know when something is wrong and I have enough very close and dear friends of mine who have confided in my their scars and trauma to know that shit like this don’t fly. Will I ever know their pain, this pain, like they do? No, and I’m unspeakably thankful that I was lucky enough to escape such a fate. But if you think I’m going to sit back and keep my mouth shut while uppity little fucks go around defending 35 year old men grooming 10 year old girls to be their brides when it won’t land them in jail, fictional or not, you’re sorely mistaken. 
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kurogabae · 7 years
i too believe that CLAMP pulled Rika out of Clear Card Arc because they realized that Rika x Terada is super problematic as fuck and that they never should've gone through with that ship in the first place, but the reason Terada isn't in Clear Card is because the characters in middle school now. Terada is an elementary school teacher, there's absolutely no reason for him to be in the Clear Card Arc. But depending on Yuna D. Kaito's age we may have another problematic ship on our hands, esp.
It’s not unheard of in CLAMP or anime in general of a teach to “switch classes” just to keep a familiar face with the audience and I think if Clear Card had been closer on the heels of CCS we might have had that exact situation, but with 20 odd years to mature and reflect I do think CLAMP realized what they’d done and took steps to correct it in a way that wouldn’t cause too much upset to the story itself. Transferring Rika and keeping Terada away and 100% unmentioned is the perfect was to just Not Talk About It(tm) while also getting rid of it altogether. 
As for Yuna I don’t see anything canon creeping in just yet but we’ve seen the fandom prove that they don’t care how big an age gap is so I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
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kurogabae · 7 years
Stop using a concept you dont understand to invalidate a ship. That's offensive. Honestly, people on this website REALLY dont care to respect (or at least, to do their research before speaking) other cultures and their beliefs.
Uhm, what in the world is this talking about? I didn’t reference another culture anywhere?
I’m pretty sure it’s unanimously a no-no for a 10 year old to get engaged to a 35 year old. So like?
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