peerdrinks · 3 years
Everything You Need to Know About Tonic Water
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The story of the origin of tonic water is fascinating, as the drink was first created out of necessity rather than curiosity.
In the 19th century, British soldiers first made tonic water by mixing carbonated water and sugar with quinine (an essential medicine to treat malaria), to make it taste better. It, however, was still bitter, and they found another solution to this by adding gin. This is how tonic water was invented.
Over the years, there is a debate on the health properties of Indian tonic water. In this blog, we will discuss everything that you should know about tonic water: its benefits, side effects, nutritional value, how to buy tonic water, and much more.
Benefits of Tonic water
Talking about the benefits of Indian tonic water, there are several. Some of the benefits of tonic water are:
It is a cure for malaria
Tonic water acts as an Antipyretic 
It helps in restless leg syndrome
It helps in weight loss
Side Effects of Tonic Water?
According to FDA (United States Food & Drug Administration), quinine is safe for consumption in a small dose – 83 parts per million in carbonated beverages.
The likelihood of a person experiencing any side effects from tonic water is slim. Yet, side effects include:
Stomach cramps
Ringing in the years
The regular use of quinine can have severe side effects, these are:
Abnormal heartbeat
Kidney damage
Allergic reaction
Vision issues
Decreased blood platelets
Lung toxicity
The high amount of sugar and calories present in the tonic water can also be considered a side effect.
Who Should Avoid Tonic Water?
Following are the people who should avoid the intake of tonic water due to the presence of quinine in it:
Pregnant or breastfeeding women
People with abnormal heart rhythms
Patients with liver or kidney issues
Patients with low blood sugar
Patients taking any of these medications
Blood thinners
neuromuscular-blocking drugs
seizure medication
Where to Buy Best Tonic Water in India?
In recent years, the beverage industry has witnessed umpteen growth, and so has tonic water. Today, there are many brands that offer tonic water, PEER drinks being one of the best. The brand offers a wide range of tonic water variants at affordable prices. Visit their website to know more.
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