#Tony Khan worst booker of all time
whysamwhy123 · 7 months
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blueonwrestling · 9 months
I would like to make the arguement that nobody really deserves an award for being "booker of the year" this year when it comes to american wrestling.
I think All Japan or CMLL's booker should be the winner as they've both had a very hot year each, with my personal vote going to the CMLL booker Painco quite frankly.
Tony Khan has booked Dynamite from a 9 out of 10 weekly show down to a 8 out of 10 weekly show, and while i still think AEW is the best weekly program going in america, booking your show down, even if just by a little doesn't make you the booker of the year, along with 2 aew ppv's being quite weak this year, DoN being the 2nd worst of all time in my opinion and World's End being 3rd worst of all time I just don't think he's had the booker of the year award level good booking, it's been good, but there has been episodes that have sucked.
Also Tony Khan has booked weekly ROH as kinda just maintence booking? The PPV's for ROH have been a run away success and all 3 of them this year have been some of the best, but the weekly tv lacks quality and alot of stories, which they're starting to do more of now absolutely, but alot of ROH matches are announced at the last minute for PPVs instead of being built up.
Weekly NXT shows, I say this unironically, if you like weekly NXT shows that much that you think Shawn Michaels is booker of the year you need to get yourself checked out, how do you dress yourself in the morning, are you mentally all there, are you stupid, are you fucking mental, a horrid product with fucking terrible sub high school drama acting and fucking terrible matches that are the worst of gif wrestling.
And Raw and Smackdown, Smackdown just doesnt matter quite frankly the show doesn't matter at all, nothing happens on Smackdown, and Raw being the best of WWE's tv programmings by default is a nuts situation to say, but Triple H has done a horrible job with pretty much everything on Raw/Smackdown, Rhea has done nothing this year, the fake world title Seth Rollins has is laughable, Cody has been spinning his wheels and Roman still exists.
So theres my thoughts for this "booker of the year" stuff, gun to my head and you force me to pick an american booker im picking Tony Khan, but I still say he's booked AEW into a slightly worse position than it was last year.
Edit* When I say america, I do mean just the bigger promotions, the bois over at DPW and Chris Hero are also in the running for bookers of the year with how well they've booked their small indie promotions.
Revolver and Defy too have had strong years.
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dalekofchaos · 4 years
AEW needs to fix their women’s division
AEW’s women’s division desperately needs help and needs more screen time. 
AEW have done more to set women's professional wrestling back than bring it forward. From forcing Brandi into programs to their deliberate non-efforts in actually building any of the Japanese women with promos or video packages or any angles of note until they lost them all to Covid travel restrictions. Only in the past four or so months did they let Hikaru Shida even speak. That's straight up bigoted, culturally elitist, racist shit.
Hikaru Shida is badass, a very likable champion in and outside of the ring.  But she is rarely given the time of day on Dynamite and barely enough time to build storylines or feuds. AEW NEEDS to do better by Shida. 
The problem is only two people in AEW who they actually allow screen time. Britt Baker and Brandi Rhodes. 
As far as I'm concerned with, Britt Baker is the closest thing they will have to a star. She's great on the mic, talented, her role model/dentist gimmick is awesome and Britt just feels like she should be champion.
Now the problem isn’t Britt. The problem is Brandi. Brandi has to be everywhere. She always has to be in the spotlight. To the nightmare collective to tagging with Allie(when she was already in a stable to begin with??) to always being there with Cody. Even when she doesn’t need to be there or when it’s not even in the women’s division, Brandi is always there. Brandi Rhodes camera hogging and attention whoring has been a detriment to their women’s division. I joke about Brandi being a discount Stephanie, but she really seems like she wants to be Stephanie complete with always being a presence and even having her job title. The only difference is Stephanie has more charisma and grit and is just that one person you can’t help but love to hate. Brandi is just annoying. 
AEW spent more time on the nobody-fucking-gives-a-shit camera hog Brandi Runnells and Britt Baker than the rest of their entire women's roster. Hell, even the women dancers in Kenny Omega and Cody’s entrances get more screen time than their entire division
There is a complete lack of development for anyone NOT named Brandi Rhodes or Britt Baker. 
Sorry/not sorry. AEW are even trailing WWE's atrocious main roster booking of women, hell it’s almost as bad as WWE’s Divas era complete with a bad belt design and they show no signs of helping to develop that division in any way. Oh, and all of the bookers are men. Brandi doesn't count because she knows fuck all about booking (and branding). Men who book shit are doing their shittiest at booking one of the worst women's divisions going at the moment. None of the talent grow and zero effort is being made to make that happen. Zero. Hey, pay $50 bucks though and AEW will pretend to care with their "Heels" online ponzi scheme program. I mean, how fucking condescending is that? Naming some hokum ponzi scheme "online safe space" for female fans that requires $50 to talk about a  promotion who has done fuck all beyond virtue signaling for their women's division. Let's play on the name of women's fucking shoes because it goes with the biz lingo for the tough, bad guys (fuck you very much, Brandi Rhodes).
Then Nyla Rose. Goddamn I love the native beast. She was awesome since her debut and I always thought she should’ve been the first AEW Women’s Champion and held onto it until Shida dethrones her, giving Nyla plenty of time to squash the entire division and building up her character. Giving her Vickie Guerrero as a manager was a smart move. But why did they wait so long for a rematch? Her statistics is higher than anyone on the roster. Even higher than Riho. Yet they gave the match to Big Swole? Glad she’s getting a rematch at Full Gear, but it feels a little too late.
Abadon. I love my zombie queen. She is a beautiful work of art. Still green, but she’ll get there. She certainly deserves to be featured more frequently on Dynamite. Seriously, stop keeping her on Dark and let her thrive and scare the shit out of everyone on dynamite. She has an awesome character and has perfected her look. No one knows much about her outside of the ring which adds to it. She can definitely help build the women’s division which desperately needs talent. I just see Abadon as AEW’s Undertaker. A character so mystique and compelling, that she doesn’t need the title, at least not yet.
Thunder Rosa. Her match with Shida gave their women’s division the attention it very well deserves. It was the best match at All Out and just shows how much potential their division has.
As of right now, the only ones who I feel can elevate their division are Britt Baker and Anna Jay or unless they sign Thunder Rosa. The more they focus on the NWA women, the less screen time the ladies of AEW can have a chance to shine and improve themselves. Yes, Serena Deeb is signed with AEW. But she's the NWA Women's Champion, not the AEW Woman's Champion. That's the problem, they focus on the wrong championship. It says a lot of how little faith they have in their own champion, plus the small size of the actual title in question is symbolic of how little the powers that be actually cares about their own women's division.
It would be one thing if the brain trust could just admit their booking of the women is bad, but they won't. Considering that even Cody admitted there isn't a problem, there doesn't seem like any sign of change.
It says a lot when NXT, what your EVP refers to as a “developmental brand” is doing so much better for their women’s division than yours, is just really telling.
Sign Thunder Rosa. She is the solution. 
It may not fix everything, but it gives you your needed star power and honestly fuck Ivelisse’s unprofessionalism. Tony Khan should be begging on his hands and knees to sign Thunder Rosa in 2021 after her time with the NWA is up, his women’s division is getting their asses kicked by what Kenny refers to as a “developmental brand” and if WWE signs Thunder Rosa, then AEW’s women’s division might be fucked.
There’s still some time to do what’s right for your women’s division, but the only thing that remains to be seen, does the powers that be of AEW even care?
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whysamwhy123 · 7 months
NGL, I kinda love how the PPV world championship match is comprised of three guys who are all technically heels at this point, but all three of them are also weirdly likeable in their own ways regardless, so they kinda feel like they're all babyfaces at the same time?
It's just fucking funny, y'know?
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whysamwhy123 · 9 months
They're really gonna turn Willow and/or Kris heel in Long Island 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
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whysamwhy123 · 30 days
............................so, another nonsensical Luchasaurus fakeout face turn and no Hangman cashing in on Swerve?
Tony Khan, worst booker of all time.
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