canadadentalnetwork · 3 years
All About Sensitive Teeth
Having sensitive teeth can be particularly annoying and sometimes very painful, causing a disruption every time you eat. Trying to eat things like ice cream or a sip of a hot drink can send your teeth into a fit of pain, no matter how much or how little you consume.  
If your tooth sensitivity is bad enough, even the simple act of brushing your teeth can cause you pain. Because of this, it can make you not able to brush your teeth thoroughly enough or floss. We have come up with this blog to shed some light on everything there is to know about sensitive teeth. Continue reading to find out more!
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🌍 Read More: https://www.dentalnetwork.ca/blog/all-about-sensitive-teeth/   📞 Phone: (647) 847-4411   📬 Email: [email protected]  
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