#Top 12 List of Kidney Cancer Surgery Hospital in India
Saving Lives, Saving Costs: Affordable Kidney Tumor Surgery in India
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👨‍⚕💉💊🩺Kidney cancer surgery in India is anticipated to be at least 60 to 70% more affordable compared to Western countries like the US and the United Kingdom. 👨‍⚕💉💊🩺
📌To make an appointment, you can contact us:-
✅Contact:- +91 9371770341 ✅Website:- www.indiacancersurgerysite.com ✅Email ID:[email protected]
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indiamedicaltourism · 7 months
Top kidney transplant hospitals in India
A medical procedure called a kidney transplant is used for the treatment of failure of the kidneys. Kidneys take out the waste from the blood and discharge it from the body via urine. It also supports the healthy maintenance of your body's electrolyte and fluid equilibrium. Waste accumulates when the kidneys stop functioning, which might seriously make you ill.
Dialysis is a common medical procedure for people whose kidneys have failed. When the kidneys stop functioning, waste accumulates in the bloodstream and is physically purified by this procedure. A kidney transplant can be an option for those whose kidneys have failed. In this process, donor kidneys from a living or dead individual are used to substitute one or both kidneys.
You can be able to live free of a dialysis machine and its rigorous routine if you get a kidney transplant. Therefore, you could end up free leading a more active lifestyle. Kidney transplants are not appropriate for everyone, however. This concerns individuals who are very obese and those with current infections.
Kidney transplant cost in India
The cost of Kidney transplant in India usually falls between Rs. 5 to 10 lakhs, and an additional Rs. 1 to 2 lakhs, including post-operative care. Hospital fees, prescription medications, and subsequent appointments are all covered by this price.
A patient must pay for blood testing, scans, biopsy, etc., before the transplant. The expense of these tests could vary from 20,000 to 1 lakh rupees. The transplantation's price varies depending on the kind of transplant being done, like a cadaveric or live donor transplant. A live donor transplant costs Rs. 8–10 lakhs, while a cadaveric transplant costs about Rs. 4-5 lakhs.
Depending on how frequently you need to see a doctor and what kind of medicine you use, this might cost you anything from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 1 lakh. The costs incurred for accommodation and travel for patients and any relatives who visit them for the transplant might come under the patient's responsibility. The overall price of a kidney transplant in India can vary from Rs. 6 to 12 lakhs, determined by the hospital, the kind of transplant, and the patient's requirements.
Top Kidney Transplant Hospitals in India
India has become an increasingly popular option for health-related visitors because it cost of a kidney transplant in India is just a small percentage of what treatment would cost in Western nations with a superior treatment. India continues to rise in popularity as an alternative for kidney transplant surgeries. The Top kidney transplant hospitals in India have modern facilities and qualified medical staff. 
Multiple top kidney transplant places in India are receiving honors on a global scale for their outstanding performance in recovery and transplantation procedures. Top hospitals for kidney transplants in India include Max Super, BLK Hospital, BGS Gleneagles Global Hospital, and others. 
Top Kidney Transplant Doctors in India
There are several Top kidney transplant doctors in India. Some of the Top Doctors for kidney transplants are listed below:
Dr.Sumit Sharma serves as an executed urologist and kidney transplantation surgeon practicing in Gurgaon. 
Dr.Anant Kumar has been involved in urology and kidney transplantation for 35 years.
Dr. Rajesh Ahlawat is considered one of India’s top transplantation surgeons who have held positions in leading Organisations in North India.
Al Afiya Medi Tour is a leading medical tourism company in India. We offer medical tourism services such as finding the right doctor, the right hospital, and cost estimation for foreign patients. Some of the main countries are Bangladesh, South Africa, Egypt, Uganda, Zambia, Sudan, Dubai, Namibia, Iraq, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and so on. We provide free medical assistance for TURP surgery cost, lung cancer treatment, breast cancer treatment, stomach cancer treatment, blood cancer treatment, the best hospital for heart valve replacement, arthroscopic surgery, bone marrow transplant, best liver transplant hospital, cosmetic andplastic surgery, heart surgery, liver transplant treatment, knee replacement surgery, shoulder replacement surgery, hip replacement surgery, best bone marrow hospital, etc.  If you are searching for free medical and healthcare consulting to find the best hospitals and top doctors and surgeons in India for any treatment then contact us- Alafiyameditour.com.
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gohealthscience · 5 years
Liver transplant surgery has proven to be a life-saving procedure for many people suffering from end-stage liver failure that cannot be treated with other options. The operation involves removal of the deceased or damaged liver of a person with a portion or whole liver from a donor. The new liver is derived either from a deceased or brain dead person with heart beating known as Cadaveric (Deceased) Donor Liver Transplant or it is taken from a living donor and the procedure is called Living Donor Liver Transplant. In case of a deceased donor, the complete liver may be removed and transplanted into the recipient while in case of a living donor, only a portion of the liver (30-70%) is taken. Living donor transplant is successful because of the unique characteristic of the liver to regenerate itself. Liver transplant is known to have a high success and survival rate. However, the particular situation of an individual and other factors play a crucial role in the success of liver transplant surgery. Some of the factors that can influence the success of a liver transplant are: Age of the Patient Body Mass Index (BMI): the survival rate in lower in people who are overweight and at times they are not even considered for the surgery Overall Health of the Person before the Surgery Severity of liver failure and impact on other organs, especially kidneys: The severity of liver condition is measured according to the model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) score, or pediatric end-stage liver disease (PELD) score in children. The cause of their liver failure: a study published in the Journal of the American College of Surgeons, suggests that people with liver failure that is caused due to some genetic conditions have higher survival rates in comparison to those with liver failure caused by lifestyle choices or infection. Medical history of the patient Additional medical conditions Generally, about 70 percent of people who undergo liver transplants are reported to live for at least five years. It is also known that people who receive a liver from a living donor mostly have a better survival rate in comparison to that with deceased-donor liver. This is partly attributed to the fact that often with a living donor there is a shorter waiting time for a transplant and recipients aren't as sick as those in case of a deceased-donor liver. According to statistics from John Hopkins Medicine centre the survival rates for liver transplant recipients varies for adult and pediatric patients. The list is given below: For adults patients -
One Year Patient Survival
Deceased-Donor liver is 90%
Living-Donor liver: 84%
Three Year Patient Survival
Deceased-Donor liver: 78%
Living-Donor liver: 96%
For Pediatric patients -
One Year Patient Survival
With Deceased-Donor liver: 92.68%
With Living-Donor liver: 100%
Three Year Patient Survival
With Deceased-Donor liver: 96.97%
With Living-Donor liver: 100%
Low Cost Liver transplant in India is performed at high-tech specialized transplant facilities that boasts of an excellent success rate. Living donor liver transplant (LDLT) programs in the country globally known for their excellence and achievements. The best liver transplant hospitals in India perform living donor liver transplant surgery for all types of recipients with a high success rate of 95% and low incidence of post-surgery and biliary complications. The affordable cost of liver transplant in India in combination of the best facilities and top surgeons makes India a highly sought after destination for patients from all around the world. Stringent patient selection criteria for liver transplant surgery also plays an important role in the overall success and survival after liver transplant. The doctor assesses the patient's condition, medical history and other factors before determining how successful will the surgery be for an individual. Who is not a candidate for liver transplant surgery? A person may not qualify for a liver transplant because of any of the following reasons: Ongoing alcohol or substance abuse: people who are actively involved in alcohol or substance abuse may continue to live an unhealthy lifestyle that led to their liver damage. In such cases, transplant surgery will only result in failure of the new transplanted liver Currently have cancers (types of cancer that may affect any location) Diseases of significant organs, including heart, kidneys and lung. These may cause additional problems in patients and prevent them from surviving even after the transplant. Severe infection can be a threat to the success of a liver transplant procedure. A massive liver failure that is accompanied by brain injury due to an increase in fluid in brain tissue. AIDS/HIV infection To maintain a healthy liver after the transplant: After a liver transplant, the doctor usually recommends some lifestyle changes which includes regular exercising and having a healthy diet. This can contribute in increasing the lifespan of the transplanted liver and allows the patients to enjoy long-term benefits of the transplant surgery. Here are some tips that can help you limit the risk factors that contribute to a liver disease:
Excessive alcohol consumption
Substance abuse and overdose with acetaminophen
Obesity (high BMI)
Increased cholesterol level 
Also Read - 10 things to know before your hip replacement
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melindarowens · 7 years
He’s Baaaaccckkk! Well, sort of… – Daily Pfennig
Chuck Butler’s: A Pfennig For Your Thoughts  
November 27, 2017
Good day… And a Marvelous Monday to you!  The last week of November! Woo Hoo!  This has been an interesting month for me, for sure! I did miss writing each day to you all, my journey through this latest health setback has been tough, very painful, and well… not fun… And if there’s anything anyone knows about me, it’s that I love to have fun! So, add another reason for me not liking the month of November to the list!  The great Johnny Rivers greets me this morning with his song: Baby I Need Your Loving…    
While Chuck’s away…
At my old job, the folks on the trading desk used to have a saying that whenever Chuck’s away, the currencies rally… Well, it’s nice to see some things didn’t change while I was away. I had some very nice notes sent to me regarding my surgery, recovery, etc. And I thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for their concern, and uplifting thoughts. As most readers know, I was first diagnosed with metastatic renal cell carcinoma otherwise known as kidney cancer that had already spread. I was diagnosed as stage 4… And within a two week period June 2007, I had two major surgeries to remove cancer from my body. The problem with this kind of cancer is that you live with the chance that it comes back in a different part of your body the rest of your life. And in 2010 it did come back… This time in my left eye, and after many treatments to the eye, I had to have the eye removed.. I’ve dealt with a tumor in my right jaw (mandible) since 2011… 3 different chemo drugs have been used in that time. The cancer in me is resilient, and so while the treatments work for awhile, they eventually begin to lose their ability to fight the cancer, and I have to move on to a different drug.
Well, when I began having pain my reconstructed right hip again, I immediately began to think that cancer had returned to me … But… Thank God, it wasn’t cancer, instead it was an infection of two different names that had developed around the prosthesis that I have in my hip and femur… Where did this infection come from? Well, I’m told that 90% of infections that form around metallic prosthesis comes from infection in one’s mouth…. And so, now I self-administer a specialized antibiotic through a PICC-line in my arm every 6 hours (even through the night) for 6 weeks, in hopes that it clears up the infections. So while it wasn’t new cancer causing me problems it was old cancer… One of these days there will be a personalized cure for cancer… At least that’s my hope!
My new bosses, Mary Anne and Pamela Aden, were asking me when I thought I would be writing again, and I told them that honestly I hadn’t been keeping up with the markets during my down time with surgery, recovery and these antibiotics. So, I spent a day reading emails, news articles, etc. and learned a couple of things… That not only does the old saying on the trade desk still hold true, but that while the PPT (plunge protection team) is away, the currencies can rally!
And rally they did on Friday, with the Big Dog euro, leading the way. It will be interesting to see how the HUGE rally stands up once the U.S. comes back from a long 4-day holiday (for most that is)…  I’m already seeing some minor slippage in the euro this morning, nothing big, just some profit taking, I would think. 
There hasn’t been any new revelations in the markets while I was gone, just hashing out and rehashing out of old stuff over and over again… I don’t know about you, but if I hear one more report on the TV about “Russiagate” I’m going to lose my mind!  (some say that’s already occurred, but I would argue with them on that!)  
Speaking of Russia, I have seen a ton of reports lately about how the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and S. Africa) are mulling over a way to introduce their own Gold payment system… Hmmm… Now THAT would be interesting to see reported on the nightly news, eh?  One would think that having stories like that circulating would light a fire under the price of Gold, right?  But, Gold has struggled to get back to the $1,300 level since I’ve been gone… The currencies may have rallied, but Gold has seen good and bad days for the last two weeks, and continues to be held down by unknown forces… 
Things have been quite quiet in the Eurozone… The European Central Bank (ECB) has been working in the background, attempting to figure out how they can begin to unwind all their stimulus that they have applied to the economy for the last 6 years… I’m sure they’ll fumble the ball on this, just like they have just about everything else in the past 6 years, but for now, the ECB looks better than the Fed, in the eyes of currency traders, otherwise we wouldn’t be seeing the euro working it’s way back to you babe, no wait! Working it’s way toward 1.20! 
I did tell you all earlier this year that the sentiment toward the dollar had changed and therefore I truly believed the strong dollar trend was beginning to come to and end…  But there were these things out there that the markets kept hoping would materialize to help the dollar maintain its strength… Tax Reform…  Trade agreements, etc.   It appears that the Tax Reform might, get completed before year-end… But who knows? Our lawmakers are so dysfunctional right now, I doubt they could agree that winter is on its way!   And Trade agreements are about as likely to happen as my beloved Cardinals obtaining Giancarlo Stanton to fill the gaping hole in their lineup!   
So… I’m getting back into this slowly and later in the  morning today, as I was busy with my antibiotic infusion, and a visit from the home visiting nurse, who had to get labs, etc. today.  And so, I’ll end this here… I told you up top that I was “sort of back”…    Thanks again to everyone that sent along a note to me… I love all you dear Pfennig Readers!  
To recap…  Chuck is back, but not completely in the saddle just yet… The currencies led by the Big Dog euro rallied while he was away, but Gold floundered below $1,300…  The ECB has been quiet, and the Fed, well… they seem to be as dysfunctional as our lawmakers are right now!  
For What It’s Worth…  I mentioned above that there are stories out there about a new Gold system for the BRICS.. One of those stories was sent to me from the good folks at GATA… and was can be found here: http://tass.com/economy/977276  
Or, here is your snippet:” BRICS countries are discussing the possibility of establishing a single gold trade system, First Deputy Chairman of Russias Central Bank Sergey Shvetsov said Friday. “The traditional (trade) system based in London and partially in Swiss cities is becoming less relevant, as new trade hubs are emerging, first of all in India, China and South Africa.” Shvetsov said. “We are discussing the possibility to establish a single (system of) gold trade both within BRICS and at the level of bilateral contacts.”
He added that this system may serve as a basis for further creation of new benchmarks.
According to Shvetsov, the Bank of Russia has already signed a memorandum on development of bilateral gold trade with Chinese colleagues. The regulator plans to take first steps toward formation of a single trade system with the Peoples Republic of China in 2018, he added.”
Chuck again…. This could spell a spiraling down for the dollar folks… I’m just saying…  
Currencies today 11/27/17…  American style: A$ .7622, kiwi .6920, C$ .7863, euro 1.1922, sterling 1.3344, Swiss $ .9810, … European Style: rand 13.7374, krone 8.1392, SEK 8.2920, forint 260.82, zloty 3.5247, koruna 21.3209, RUB 58.35, yen 111.06, sing 1.3452, HKD 7.8008, INR 64.37, China 6.5740, peso 18.50, BRL 3.2375, Dollar Index 92.77, Oil $57.74, 1o-year 2.33%, Silver $17.15, Platinum $948.60, Palladium $ 1,005.00, and Gold… $ 1,299.40   
That’s it for today…  A GREAT BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my grandson, Everett…  Longtime readers may recall me referring to him as Everett, the Everbaby… But he’s 7 today, and just cute as can be.  Where did those 7 years go? it seems like yesterday that we were at the hospital on the day my beloved Missouri Tigers were playing hated rival Kansas… and beating them of course! How about the turnaround for my Missouri Tigers football team this year… 1-5 to 7-5!    I want to send a bit thank you to my doctor/ surgeon, the infectious disease doctor, nurses, Jessica and Fawnya, and assistants, Cheyanne and Sam… They took great care of me in the hospital, and now my lovely bride, who I’m not supposed to talk about in the Pfennig any longer (her rules) is taking over the job of taking care of me… Alrighty then, here’s the deal for now… The Pfennig will be off and on for awhile, as I get through this recovery, and the administering of the antibiotics…  But today it’s on! Game on Garth!  The Hooters take us to the finish line today with their song: All You Zombies…   80’s rock, that I’m sure my good friend, Rick will get a kick out of…   I hope you have a Marvelous Monday… Be Good To Yourself! 
Chuck Butler
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source https://capitalisthq.com/hes-baaaaccckkk-well-sort-of-daily-pfennig/ from CapitalistHQ http://capitalisthq.blogspot.com/2017/12/hes-baaaaccckkk-well-sort-of-daily.html
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indiamedicaltourism · 10 months
Top VSD Surgeons in India
VSD stands for Ventricular septal defect. This kind of defect is commonly observed in the human heart, where there is a formation of tiny holes between the chambers of the heart. VSD is caused when the human baby is in the growth stage inside the womb if the heart does not develop properly, which leads to VSD. VSD is a critical case where it increases the workload of the heart and lungs. This is commonly observed in the lower chamber of the human heart. Also, VSD is frequently observed in infants or newly born babies.
Patients suffering from VSD often feel poor body growth; infants find difficulty breathing, tiredness, poor intake of food, weakness, and other minor symptoms. The best option to get rid of VSD is to undergo Surgery. The surgery involves closing the holes present in the walls of the heart chamber. The VSD surgery takes up to 2-3 hours. The VSD Surgery cost in India depends on the patient's condition and response to the prior surgery treatment. Here are a few details about the Price of VSD Surgery in India and a list of expert surgeons.
VSD Surgery Cost in India
The VSD Surgery price in India starts from Rupees 2, 00, 000 and goes up to Rupees 5, 50, 000. The cost of VSD Surgery in India varies with the hospital, like in Delhi it costs Rupees 2, 60, 000, In Hyderabad it starts from Rupees 3, 00, 000. The charge of VSD treatment involves medication, hospital charges, checkups, treatment fees, surgery, and much more.
Best VSD Surgery Hospitals in India
Fortis Escorts Heart Institute in New Delhi is one of the Best VSD Surgery hospitals in India. The hospital has treated patients for several decades. 
Apollo Hospitals, Greams Road in Chennai is the Best Hospital for VSD Surgery in India. The hospital has well-qualified heart specialists.
Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital in Mumbai is a well-known hospital for VSD treatment. The hospital has treated a wide range of VSD patients.
Best VSD Surgery Doctors in India
Dr. Kulbhushan Singh Dagar is one of the Best VSD Surgery doctors in India. The doctor has treated many infant patients suffering from VSD.
Dr. Rajesh Sharma is the Best Doctors for VSD Surgery in India. He has treated thousands of heart patients for several decades.
Dr. Devi Prasad Shetty is a well-known cardiac specialist and has extensive experience in treating patients suffering from VSD.
Al Afiya Medi Tour is a well-known healthcare and medical tourism company in India.  We are offer medical tourism services in India foreign patients. Some of the main countries are Bangladesh, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, Namibia, Iraq, Kenya, Nigeria and so on. We provide free assistance for TURP surgery cost in India, lung cancer treatment, breast cancer surgery cost in India, stomach cancer treatment in India, liver transplant cost in India, best hospital for heart valve replacement, bone marrow transplant cost in India, arthroscopic surgery, best liver transplant hospital, hip replacement, brain tumor surgery cost in India,  kidney transplant cost, liver cancer treatment, best bone marrow hospital in India, heart treatment, blood cancer treatment cost etc.  If you are searching for free medical and healthcare consulting to find the best hospitals and top doctors and surgeons in India for any treatment then contact us- Alafiyameditour.com.
Source: https://alafiyameditour1.blogspot.com/2023/12/top-vsd-surgeons-in-india.html
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indiamedicaltourism · 10 months
Liver Transplant in India at Affordable Cost
The liver serves a set of important functions in the human body. The major functions of the Liver include helping the body maintain proper metabolism, helping the body fight against antigens, detoxification, balancing the sugar level in the body, and performing other important functions. Moreover, the Liver deals with several chemicals in our body, such as enzymes, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and much more.  
Liver cancer is one of the most dangerous, and life-threatening diseases. The major cause of Liver cancer is regular intake of alcohol, diabetes, and much more. The best remedy for Liver cancer is for patients' needs to undergo a Liver transplant. Liver transplantation surgery involves replacing the defective liver, or the unhealthy liver, with a healthy and new liver. Liver transplantation surgery takes a very long duration.  The doctors suggest liver transplantation if the liver is in the worst condition. The Liver transplant cost in India depends on the availability of the donor and the specialists. Here is a small piece of detail about the Price of Liver transplant in India, and a list of the best transplant doctors.
Liver transplant cost in India
The Liver transplant price in India is ranges from Rupees 23, 00, 000 to Rupees 31, 00, 000. The transplantation surgery is very sensitive and requires regular checkups and treatment. The Cost of a Liver transplant in India can include a healthy liver, surgery equipment, transplantation charge, hospital charge, lab test, and medication.
Best Liver transplant hospitals in India
Max Super Specialty Hospital is one of the Best Liver transplant hospitals in India. The hospital has performed several liver transplant surgeries.
Fortis Hospital is the Best hospital for Liver transplants in India. The best part of this hospital is it has well-qualified surgeons and newly equipped surgery technologies.
Rela Institute and Medical Center in Chennai is well well-known Liver transplant surgery hospital in South India. It has a record of more than 3,500 patients in treating Liver failure patients.
Best Liver transplant Doctor in India
Dr. Ravi Mohanka is one of the Best Liver Transplant doctors in India. Well, he is currently working in Global Hospitals, Mumbai.
Dr. Rakesh Rai is the Best Doctors for Liver transplant in India. He has more than 15 years of experience in treating patients suffering from Liver failure patients. He works at Fortis Hospital Mulund, Mumbai.
Dr. Sanjiv Saigal is a professional Liver Cancer transplant specialist working in Medanta- the Medicity, Gurgaon.
Al Afiya Medi Tour is a well-known healthcare and medical tourism company in India.  We are offer medical tourism services in India foreign patients. Some of the main countries are Bangladesh, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, Namibia, Iraq, Kenya, Russia, Nigeria and so on. We provide free assistance for TURP surgery cost in India, lung cancer treatment, breast cancer surgery cost, stomach cancer treatment in India, sickle cell treatment in India, best hospital for heart valve replacement, bone marrow transplant cost, arthroscopic surgery, best liver transplant hospital, hip replacement, brain tumor surgery cost in India,  kidney transplant cost, liver cancer treatment, best bone marrow hospital in India, heart treatment, blood cancer treatment cost etc.  If you are searching for free medical and healthcare consulting to find the best hospitals and top doctors and surgeons in India for any treatment then contact us- Alafiyameditour.com.
Source: https://alafiyameditour1.blogspot.com/2023/12/liver-transplant-in-india-at-affordable.html
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indiamedicaltourism · 10 months
Best Thalassemia Treatment Hospitals in India
Thalassemia is a medical term used for patients suffering from a shortage of proteins in the oxygen-carrying blood. Thalassemia is a blood-related disorder, where there is less production of hemoglobin in the body. This disorder is commonly passed from one generation to the next generation through the mode of genes. Thalassemia is a genetic disorder similar to sickle cell anemia which is mainly caused due to a mutation in the DNA, but the major difference in this disorder there is less generation of hemoglobin.
The chances of encountering Thalassemia are caused due to between the close relatives, and cousins. The patient suffering from Thalassemia shows symptoms such as staggered body growth, weakness, tiredness, pale skin, and much more. Patients suffering from Thalassemia are often treated by blood transfusion method or bone marrow transplantation surgery.  The transplantation surgery involves removing the defective bone marrow and transplanting with a healthy stem cell, which supplies pure and healthy blood cells. The Thalassemia treatment cost in India depends on the patient's condition and treatment procedure. Here is a piece of details about the Price of Thalassemia treatment in India, and a list of the best surgeons.
Thalassemia Treatment Cost in India
The Thalassemia treatment price in India depends on the treatment procedure, the blood transfusion treatment cost ranges from Rupees 17, 000 and goes up to Rupees 20, 000. The Cost of Thalassemia treatment in India using the transplantation method then the cost ranges between Rupees 20, 00, 000 and go up to Rupees 38, 00,000. Other charges excluding treatment include a blood test, consultation fee, hospital charge, and much more.
Best Thalassemia Treatment Hospitals in India
Fortis Memorial Research Institute in Gurgaon is one of the Best Thalassemia treatment hospitals in India. The hospital was established in 2001.
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital in New Delhi is one of the leading Thalassemia treatment healthcare centers in India.
Apollo Hospitals, Greams Road in Chennai is the Best hospital for Thalassemia treatment in India. This hospital has been established back in 1983.
Best Thalassemia treatment Doctors in India
Dr. Rahul Bhargava is one of the Best Thalassemia treatment doctors in India, and he is working at Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon.
Dr. Chezhian Subash is the Best Doctor for Thalassemia treatment in India, and he is working at Miot International Hospital in Chennai.
Dr. Vikas Dua is one of the professional Thalassemia treatment specialists working at Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon.
Al Afiya Medi Tour is a well-known healthcare and medical tourism company in India.  We are offer medical tourism services in India foreign patients. Some of the main countries are Bangladesh, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, Namibia, Iraq, Kenya, Nigeria and so on. We provide free assistance for TURP surgery cost in India, lung cancer treatment, breast cancer surgery cost, stomach cancer treatment in India, liver transplant cost, best hospital for heart valve replacement, bone marrow transplant cost, arthroscopic surgery, best liver transplant hospital, hip replacement, brain tumor surgery cost in India,  kidney transplant cost, liver cancer treatment, best bone marrow hospital in India, heart treatment, blood cancer treatment cost etc.  If you are searching for free medical and healthcare consulting to find the best hospitals and top doctors and surgeons in India for any treatment then contact us- Alafiyameditour.com.
Source: https://alafiyameditour1.blogspot.com/2023/12/best-thalassemia-treatment-hospitals-in.html
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Top kidney transplant hospitals in India
A medical procedure called a kidney transplant is used for the treatment of failure of the kidneys. Kidneys take out the waste from the blood and discharge it from the body via urine. It also supports the healthy maintenance of your body's electrolyte and fluid equilibrium. Waste accumulates when the kidneys stop functioning, which might seriously make you ill.
Dialysis is a common medical procedure for people whose kidneys have failed. When the kidneys stop functioning, waste accumulates in the bloodstream and is physically purified by this procedure. A kidney transplant can be an option for those whose kidneys have failed. In this process, donor kidneys from a living or dead individual are used to substitute one or both kidneys.
You can be able to live free of a dialysis machine and its rigorous routine if you get a kidney transplant. Therefore, you could end up free leading a more active lifestyle. Kidney transplants are not appropriate for everyone, however. This concerns individuals who are very obese and those with current infections.
Kidney transplant cost in India
The cost of Kidney transplant in India usually falls between Rs. 5 to 10 lakhs, plus an additional Rs. 1 to 2 lakhs, including post-operative care. Hospital fees, prescription medications, and subsequent appointments are all covered by this price.
A patient must pay for blood testing, scans, biopsy, etc., before the transplant. The expense of these tests could vary from 20,000 to 1 lakh rupees. The transplantation's price varies depending on the kind of transplant being done, like a cadaveric or live donor transplant. A live donor transplant costs Rs. 8–10 lakhs, while a cadaveric transplant costs about Rs. 4-5 lakhs.
Depending on how frequently you need to see a doctor and what kind of medicine you use, this might cost you anything from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 1 lakh. The costs incurred for accommodation and travel for patients and any relatives who visit them for the transplant might come under the patient's responsibility. The overall price of a kidney transplant in India can vary from Rs. 6 to 12 lakhs, determined by the hospital, the kind of transplant, and the patient's requirements.
Top Kidney Transplant Hospitals in India
India has become an increasingly popular option for health-related visitors because it cost of a kidney transplant in India is just a small percentage of what treatment would cost in Western nations with a superior treatment. India continues to rise in popularity as an alternative for kidney transplant surgeries. The Top kidney transplant hospitals in India have modern facilities and qualified medical staff. 
Multiple top kidney transplant places in India are receiving honors on a global scale for their outstanding performance in recovery and transplantation procedures. Top hospitals for kidney transplants in India include Max Super, BLK Hospital, BGS Gleneagles Global Hospital, and others. 
Top Kidney Transplant Doctors in India
There are several Top kidney transplant doctors in India. Some of the Top Doctors for kidney transplants are listed below:
Dr. Sumit Sharma serves as an executed urologist and kidney transplantation surgeon practicing in Gurgaon. 
Dr. Anant Kumar has been involved in urology and kidney transplantation for 35 years.
Dr. Rajesh Ahlawat is considered one of India’s top transplantation surgeons who has held positions in leading Organisations in North India.
 Al Afiya Medi Tour is a leading medical tourism company in India. It offers medical tours from all the countries of the world to India. Some of the main countries are Bangladesh, Zambia, Namibia, Iraq, Kenya, Nigeria and so on. We provide free assistance for TURP surgery in India, lung cancer treatment, stomach cancer treatment in India, liver transplant in India, best hospital for heart valve replacement, bone marrow transplant cost in India, arthroscopic surgery, best liver transplant hospital in India, brain tumor surgery cost in India, best bone marrow hospital in India etc.  If you are looking for free medical and healthcare consulting to find the best hospital and top specialist doctor for any treatment in India then to alafiyameditour.com.
Source: https://bestmedicaltourismcompanyinindia.blogspot.com/2023/08/top-kidney-transplant-hospitals-in-india.html
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