callalilysystem · 2 years
why did my whole friend group come out as queer in some way
did we all just connect because of an internal queer brain cell???????
none of us are cishet, i swear
we have like...
two nonbinaries
a bigender person
a demiboy
and an unlabeled neopronouns user
then add toshisan and it gets queerer
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sonoman · 6 years
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Thank you for everything tonight! I was so happy to experience the first live of Unmei Kousaten. Furthemore, I was a bit slow with updating due to just coming home and being busy tidying up at the livehouse. Photos are posted! The dressing room was dark! The illustration of the moon was quite fitting too. It's a truly memorable venue. Will be back again! Also, there’s a photo with Sekiguchisan, and Toshisan’s head accidentally appearing.
The flowers were so beautiful too. So thankful. And the drawing I received where I was even portrayed barefoot. So touched.
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tontonart-blog · 5 years
Drawing challenge for Instagram: toshisan 's OC
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resilizuku-blog · 6 years
Kyori and Izuku were meant to meet up that day at the mall. Just a casual get together since neither of them was busy. Kyori had called him and told him that she would be a little late, but that she was coming none the less. Maybe she would get him lunch for being late. While she left him waiting, she shifted into Toshinori's normal form and wandered up to him. "Oh hey, young Midoriya. I didn't know you'd be here today. Meeting up with someone?"
Iced coffee in one hand and smartphone in the other, Izuku had been resting on a bench in the mall where he was supposed to meet Kyori. He’d been scrolling through the most recent hero news to pass the time, picking up on an article or two after she’d let him know she was running behind. Izuku’s head snapped up to see not the friend he was waiting for, but Toshinori instead.
“Ah, Toshisan! I didn’t expect to run into you here of all places. I thought you didn’t like the crowded mall…? Anyway! Did you see Froppy and Uravity’s latest victory?! They were phenomenal and-” Izuku goes off on a tangent, reciting facts about his former classmates’ win to his idol. “Oh! That- that was rude of me, I’m sorry, you asked a question. I am meeting someone, a friend from work, Kyori. She’s running late today but we’re meeting here.” 
Izuku looks at the much taller man, Toshinori still towered over him, with a curious glint in his eyes. “Are you meeting- are you- are you on a date?!”
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sonoman · 6 years
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Toshisan! From Anli Pollicino. It was so much fun.
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