hrformats · 6 months
Pension Transfer from Husband to Wife Letter to Commissioner
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Write a request letter for a Pension transfer Format. Sample Pension transfer from Husband to Wife Letter to Commissioner template.
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starblock1 · 20 days
Honeypot Smart Contracts: Understanding and Creating a Honeypot Token
Embarking on the journey of Honeypot Smart Contract Developing & Researching can feel like navigating through a labyrinth of complexity. Yet, with the right compass – Guides, Source Codes, and a sprinkle of ingenuity – even the most intricate smart contracts become as decipherable as an open book. As a real user who's delved into the depths of blockchain technology, I've found that the devil is in the details.
In the world of decentralized finance (DeFi) and blockchain, a honeypot smart contract is a fascinating yet controversial tool. This article will delve into what a honeypot smart contract is, how to create a token associated with it, and the implications of using such tokens.
What is a Honeypot Smart Contract?
A honeypot smart contract is a type of blockchain-based contract designed to entice and trap malicious actors. Essentially, it appears to contain a significant amount of cryptocurrency, luring attackers to exploit it. However, the contract contains hidden mechanisms that make it impossible for the attacker to withdraw the funds, thereby "trapping" them.
The purpose of a honeypot smart contract is to study the behaviors and techniques of hackers by creating a seemingly vulnerable target. It can also serve as a deterrent, discouraging malicious activities within the blockchain ecosystem.
How to Create a Honeypot Token
Creating a honeypot token involves several steps, from writing the smart contract to deploying it on a blockchain network. Here’s a simplified guide to get you started:
1. Writing the Smart Contract
To create a honeypot token, you'll need to write a smart contract in Solidity, the programming language for Ethereum smart contracts. The contract must include code that appears to be flawed but is actually designed to trap anyone attempting to exploit it. Here's a basic outline:
```solidity pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract HoneypotToken {     string public name = "Honeypot Token";     string public symbol = "HONEY";     uint8 public decimals = 18;     uint256 public totalSupply = 1000000 * (10 ** uint256(decimals));         mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf;     mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public allowance;
    constructor() {         balanceOf[msg.sender] = totalSupply;     }
    function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) {         require(balanceOf[msg.sender] >= _value, "Insufficient balance");         balanceOf[msg.sender] -= _value;         balanceOf[_to] += _value;         return true;     }
    function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) {         allowance[msg.sender][_spender] = _value;         return true;     }
    function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) {         require(_value <= balanceOf[_from], "Insufficient balance");         require(_value <= allowance[_from][msg.sender], "Allowance exceeded");         balanceOf[_from] -= _value;         balanceOf[_to] += _value;         allowance[_from][msg.sender] -= _value;         return true;     }
    // Honeypot mechanism     function honeypotTrap() public {         // Trap logic that restricts transferFrom for unauthorized users         require(msg.sender == address(0), "Honeypot triggered!");     } } ```
 2. Deploying the Smart Contract
To deploy the smart contract, you'll need an Ethereum wallet like MetaMask and some ETH to cover the gas fees. Follow these steps:
1. **Compile the Contract**: Use an integrated development environment (IDE) like Remix to compile the Solidity code. 2. **Deploy the Contract**: Use Remix to deploy the contract on the Ethereum network. Ensure you have sufficient ETH in your wallet to cover the deployment costs. 3. **Verify and Publish**: Once deployed, verify and publish your contract on Etherscan to make it visible and accessible to others.
 3. Adding Liquidity
After deploying the smart contract, add liquidity to the token on a decentralized exchange (DEX) like Uniswap. This step is crucial as it creates a market for your honeypot token and makes it attractive to potential attackers.
4. Monitoring and Analysis
Once your honeypot token is live, monitor transactions and interactions with the contract. Use blockchain analytics tools to study the behaviors and techniques of those attempting to exploit the honeypot.
 Ethical Considerations
While honeypot smart contracts can be valuable for research and security, they also raise ethical questions. Deceiving potential attackers might deter some malicious activities, but it can also create legal and moral dilemmas. Ensure you are compliant with local laws and regulations, and consider the potential repercussions of deploying such a contract.
Honeypot smart contracts and tokens serve as a unique method for studying and potentially deterring malicious activities within the blockchain ecosystem. By understanding how to create and deploy these tokens, developers can contribute to a more secure DeFi environment. However, it is essential to approach this technology with caution and ethical consideration.
For more insights into smart contracts and blockchain technologies, visit [Starblock Info](https://starblock.info/), your go-to source for the latest developments in the UK and beyond.
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finansca66 · 3 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Creating an ERC20 Token: Generator, Creator, and Implementation
In the rapidly evolving landscape of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, ERC20 tokens have emerged as a cornerstone for various decentralized applications (dApps), fundraising mechanisms, and digital asset representations. These tokens, built on the Ethereum blockchain, adhere to a specific standard known as create erc20 token , which ensures interoperability and compatibility among different tokens and platforms. In this article, we will delve into the process of creating an erc20 token generator , exploring both manual creation methods and automated token generators.
ERC20 Token Basics
Before delving into the creation process, it’s crucial to understand the fundamental concepts behind erc20 token creator . ERC20 is a technical standard used for smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. These tokens exhibit certain behaviors, including the ability to transfer tokens between addresses, check an account’s balance, and approve transactions. ERC20 tokens have functions such as totalSupply, balanceOf, transfer, transferFrom, approve, and allowance.
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ragunath12 · 7 months
The ERC20 Token standard: what cryptocurrency users should know
The world of cryptocurrencies can seem overwhelming to the average investor, and especially those without technical knowledge of blockchain and smart contracts.
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However, the possibilities of many new digital currencies have attracted all types of investors, including those who may have never thought about investing in cryptocurrencies or tokens.
Although it is possible for investors without basic knowledge of cryptocurrencies to be successful in the crypto market, having a basic understanding of the general characteristics of many of today’s digital currencies is helpful for investors to make safer and sounder financial decisions. One of the predominant concepts in this environment, and one that is especially relevant to smart contracts and smart property, is the popular ERC20 token development standard.
ERC-20 is a scripting standard used within the Ethereum blockchain. This technical standard dictates a series of rules and actions that an Ethereum token or smart contract must follow and the steps for its implementation. You could think of ERC-20 as a set of basic guidelines and functions that any new token created on the Ethereum network must adhere to.
Prevalence and importance of the ERC-20
ERC stands for “Ethereum Request for Comment”, where the concept “request for comments” is a similar one devised by the Internet Engineering Working Group as a means of sending essential technical notes and requirements to a group. of developers and users.
The ERC-20 standard has been vital to the creation of new tokens in the cryptocurrency world for some time. Its popularity increased with ICOs and crowdfunding companies. Currently, tens of thousands of new tokens have been issued and operate under the ERC-20.
While many ERC-20 smart contracts are used to execute routines and functions in the digital space, there are also many that have been used to create non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in order to promote an initial coin offering (ICO). An ICO is the equivalent of an initial public offering (IPO) on the stock market, but with cryptocurrencies or tokens. A crypto company looking to raise money to create a cryptocurrency, decentralized application, or service can start an ICO to collect funds from investors and early adopters.
According to a report from Yahoo! News, in 2017 ERC-20 tokens were responsible for much of the rise in the ICO market, with many successful cryptocurrencies created under the ERC-20 protocol. For example, EOS remains a popular ERC-20-based token that allowed the platform to raise over $185 million during the first five days of its ICO. Multiple ICOs with tokens created using the ERC20 token have managed to raise several million dollars.
History of the ERC-20
In 2015, ERC-20 was created, a standard developed by the Ethereum community, which was officially recognized in September 2017. To create a standard of this type, a developer or group of developers must submit what is known as an Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) where the new functionality is explained along with its specific protocols and standards. The proposal goes to a committee that reviews, approves, amends and finalizes that EIP, which would then become an ERC.
Smart contracts and other features within Ethereum are required to comply with all approved standards. Although the Create ERC20 token is perhaps the most important and best known of all ERCs, it is certainly not the only one that exists.
Contents of the ERC-20 standard
The ERC-20 contains several functions that a token in compliance with the established rules must be able to implement.
TotalSupply — Information about the total supply of tokens.
BalanceOf — owner’s account balance.
Transfer — Carry out the transfer of a certain quantity of tokens to a given address.
TransferFrom — Executes transfers of a specific number of tokens from a specific address
Approve — Allows a spender to withdraw a specified amount of tokens from a specific account
Allowance — Returns a given amount of tokens from a spender to the owner
Today, people can trade ERC-20 tokens in P2P transactions or through exchange platforms like Coinbase.
Problems and alternatives
Undoubtedly, ERC-20 has been widely accepted as we have seen with the appearance of new tokens under this standard, but there are many developers in the community who claim that ERC-20 is limited and has more than one flaw. In response, shortly after ERC-20 was implemented, several alternative standards began to appear, including ERC-223, which aims to solve the ERC-20’s approval and transfer problems.
Another recent alternative is the ERC-621, which offers the same basic functions as the ERC-20, but allows the total supply of tokens to be increased or decreased. For its part, ERC-827 allows a holder to approve the spending of tokens by a third party. Regardless, each of these new proposals takes the ERC20 token development service standard as a base.
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metamoonshots · 8 months
Maestro, one of many largest Telegram bot initiatives within the crypto ecosystem, fell sufferer to a essential safety breach earlier right now, ensuing within the unauthorized switch of greater than 280 ETH, amounting to a staggering $500,000, from consumer accounts. The breach stemmed from a essential vulnerability found in its Router2 contract, leaving the venture in turmoil. Consequently, Maestro has taken steps to handle the difficulty. Nonetheless, there will probably be a short lived disruption in accessing tokens inside liquidity swimming pools on particular decentralized exchanges (DEXs). Router2 Contract Flaw Exploited The Router2 contract, a pivotal element designed to handle the logic behind token swaps, harbored a vulnerability that enabled malicious actors to execute arbitrary calls, resulting in the illicit switch of belongings. Safety agency PeckShield has recognized that the stolen funds discovered their technique to the cross-chain change platform Railgun, a possible try and obfuscate their origin. We remorse to tell our customers that the Maestro Router was compromised tonight. We've got swiftly taken motion and revoked all of the router’s functionalities. For individuals who have been affected, full refunds will probably be issued out. For individuals who weren't affected, your tokens are totally secure… — Maestro🤖🤖 (@MaestroBots) October 25, 2023 The difficulty lies within the distinctive design of the Router2 contract, using a proxy mechanism that facilitates alterations within the contract’s logic with out necessitating a change in its tackle. Whereas this function was meant to permit for upgradability, it inadvertently opened a gateway for unauthorized calls. Attackers leveraged this vulnerability to provoke “transferFrom” operations between any permitted addresses. The attackers exploited a easy but highly effective method. By inputting a token tackle into the Router2 contract, they set the operate to “transferFrom,” manipulating the sender’s particulars to mirror the sufferer’s tackle and redirecting the tokens to their accounts. This heinous tactic led to the unauthorized switch of tokens from the victims’ accounts to these below the attackers’ management. Maestro Hopes to Problem Refunds Promptly Responding with commendable swiftness, Maestro took instant motion. Inside half-hour of discovering the breach, the workforce changed the compromised Router2 contract’s logic with a benign Counter contract. This tactical transfer successfully froze all router operations, stopping additional unauthorized transfers. Whereas Maestro’s diligent efforts have efficiently resolved the vulnerability, tokens housed in liquidity swimming pools on outstanding decentralized exchanges, together with SushiSwap, ShibaSwap, and ETH PancakeSwap, will stay briefly inaccessible as the corporate conducts an intensive inside assessment. Assuring affected customers, the Maestro workforce introduced their dedication to refunds, hopefully throughout the day. The incident comes because the popularity of Telegram-integrated bots amongst crypto merchants is rising. Regardless of their comfort and ease of use, consultants are elevating considerations concerning the safety measures carried out by these bots in dealing with consumer belongings. SPECIAL OFFER (Sponsored) Binance Free $100 (Unique): Use this link to register and obtain $100 free and 10% off charges on Binance Futures first month (terms).PrimeXBT Particular Supply: Use this link to register & enter CRYPTOPOTATO50 code to obtain as much as $7,000 in your deposits.
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djnagrom79 · 8 months
"constant": true,
"inputs": [],
"name": "name",
"outputs": [
"name": "",
"type": "string"
"payable": false,
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"constant": false,
"inputs": [
"name": "_spender",
"type": "address"
"name": "_value",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "approve",
"outputs": [
"name": "",
"type": "bool"
"payable": false,
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"
"constant": true,
"inputs": [],
"name": "totalSupply",
"outputs": [
"name": "",
"type": "uint256"
"payable": false,
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"constant": false,
"inputs": [
"name": "_from",
"type": "address"
"name": "_to",
"type": "address"
"name": "_value",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "transferFrom",
"outputs": [
"name": "",
"type": "bool"
"payable": false,
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"
"constant": true,
"inputs": [],
"name": "decimals",
"outputs": [
"name": "",
"type": "uint8"
"payable": false,
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"constant": true,
"inputs": [
"name": "_owner",
"type": "address"
"name": "balanceOf",
"outputs": [
"name": "balance",
"type": "uint256"
"payable": false,
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"constant": true,
"inputs": [],
"name": "symbol",
"outputs": [
"name": "",
"type": "string"
"payable": false,
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"constant": false,
"inputs": [
"name": "_to",
"type": "address"
"name": "_value",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "transfer",
"outputs": [
"name": "",
"type": "bool"
"payable": false,
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"
"constant": true,
"inputs": [
"name": "_owner",
"type": "address"
"name": "_spender",
"type": "address"
"name": "allowance",
"outputs": [
"name": "",
"type": "uint256"
"payable": false,
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"payable": true,
"stateMutability": "payable",
"type": "fallback"
"anonymous": false,
"inputs": [
"indexed": true,
"name": "owner",
"type": "address"
"indexed": true,
"name": "spender",
"type": "address"
"indexed": false,
"name": "value",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "Approval",
"type": "event"
"anonymous": false,
"inputs": [
"indexed": true,
"name": "from",
"type": "address"
"indexed": true,
"name": "to",
"type": "address"
"indexed": false,
"name": "value",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "Transfer",
"type": "event"
0 notes
ailtrahq · 9 months
The phishing group AngelDrainer was part of the Balancer attack. The number of transactions declined due to the attack. After several hours, the Balancer team officially declared that they have successfully regained control of the previously compromised domain. Read Balancer (BAL) Price Prediction 2023-24 Balancer regains control On 20 September, just hours following the initial attack, the Balancer team made an official announcement. They confirmed the restoration of security and control over their website. According to the team’s statement, the attack was due to social engineering targeting EuroDNS, the domain registrar they were using. Furthermore, they disclosed their intention to transition to a more secure registrar. How the Balancer attacker gained access and moved funds MistTrack provided a detailed breakdown of the Balancer attacker’s operation. According to MistTrack, the attack was reportedly orchestrated by a phishing group known as AngelDrainer, which also supplied the fee. The attacker initiated the assault through BGP hijacking, subsequently convincing users to “approve” transactions and transfer funds using the “transferFrom” function. 🚨Balancer Hack Update🚨 So far, we have the following findings about the @Balancer exploiter: 1/ The attacker’s fee came from the phishing group #AngelDrainer. In other words, after the attacker (AngelDrainer) attacked the website via BGP hijacking, then induced users to… pic.twitter.com/3PInfe9VC1 — MistTrack🕵️ (@MistTrack_io) September 20, 2023 Furthermore, the attacker executed a bridging operation from ETH to BTC addresses via THORChain and later reversed the process back to the Ethereum network. Additionally, as per the initial report, the Balancer attacker successfully absconded with more than $200,000. As of this writing, the Balancer team has not announced if the funds can be regained or how they intend to go about it. Impact on transactions and TVL Analyzing the data on DeFiLlama, it was evident that the recent hack did not have a significant impact on Balancer’s Total Value Locked (TVL), in contrast to the previous hacking incident. At the time of this report, the TVL stood at approximately $705 million, and there was no apparent downward trend. However, a noticeable decline was observed in the platform’s transaction activity. The average daily transaction count on the platform was around 1,500 transactions, but on 20 September, the day of the hack incident, it dropped to approximately 700 transactions. Is your portfolio green? Check out the Balancer Profit Calculator BAL falls to selling pressure The daily timeframe chart of Balancer revealed that it concluded trading on 20 September with a price decline of over 1%. Furthermore, there was a notable surge in trading volume, primarily driven by selling pressure. At the time of this update, Balancer was trading with a modest profit of less than 1%, hovering around $3.2. Additionally, it remained entrenched in a bearish trend, as evidenced by its Relative Strength Index (RSI). Source: TradingView Source
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blockchainxtech · 1 year
What is the difference between an ERC-20 and BEP-20 token?
Two of the most common currencies and the standards of the two largest blockchains in the world have a lot in common.
One of the main drivers for the creation of Ethereum, and its subsequent popularity, are the efforts of its developers, such as Vitalik Buterin and Fabian Vogelsteller, who seek to solve the scalability problems with Bitcoin, as well as make interaction with the blockchain accessible. and flexible.
To improve the effectiveness of their chains and the programming process for developers, the two biggest blockchains in the world — Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain — have adopted token guidelines.
Now, in blockchains, there are standard token types and programming schemes that help guide and facilitate the creation of smart contracts without having to rewrite an entire contract from scratch.
An ERC or a BEP are proposals that can become programming standards that ensure new tokens perform basic functions like address retrieval, operability with different wallets, and more.
They are basically flat to help build a token.
These standards come in place of code names like ERC-20, BEP-2, or BEP-20.
Other proposals on different chains can also affect the function of a network, but technical improvements, such as the EIP or BIP, Ethereum, and Bitcoin improvement proposals, respectively, are not the same.
The ERC or BEP standards are a checklist to be used when writing a smart contract rather than software to install.
In this article, we will describe two of the most common token standards across all of crypto and decentralized finance (DeFi): ERC-20 and BEP-20.
The latter is very much a compatible reproduction of the former, each with equal power in their respective chains.
What is the ERC-20 token?
If you bought an NFT or traded a token on Ethereum, you most likely interacted with an ERC-20 token.
These tokens are the standard for most tokens on the Ethereum network. They are easy to use (developers say!), and the flexibility of the code allows for a large number of use cases.
The ERC-20 did not start out as a grand theory. According to Vogelsteller, the idea came from a simple proposal by a few coders looking to synthesize tasks and make token production intuitive.
The ERC-20, created in 2015, is a foundation to help blockchain developers and programmers make their tokens interoperable on the Ethereum chain.
One of the most critical aspects
One of the most critical aspects of the ERC-20 is flexibility. It allows tokens and other software to integrate the same standard to facilitate faster, more effective, and global transactions.
Following these ERC-20 standards keeps protocols aligned with core functions while granting the ability to capitalize on the openness available in Ethereum.
The ERC-20 is listed with six key features that remain consistent.
In “code language,” they are effectively known: balanceOf, total supply, transfer, transferFrom, approval, and allocation.
For the layman, these actions allow you to view account token balances, view total token supply details, show how a user submits a token, and enable auto-send on behalf of the owner, and more.
The standard can be used to develop a variety of different tokens.
From the creation of the most common stablecoins to non-fungible tokens and DeFi assets, the ERC-20 is one of the backbones of all cryptocurrencies.
The original ERC-20 is an important milestone in the history of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain.
It helped a large number of users realize the enormous potential of Ethereum and opened the doors for more networks and blockchains to do the same.
Young and emerging developers can focus their energy on creating new protocols.
A nod to the incredible flexibility of the ERC-20 is the ease with which the standard and scheme can be replicated on a new blockchain like Binance Smart Chain.
What is the BEP-20?
Binance Smart Chain was originally envisioned as an alternative to Ethereum, and compatibility runs deep. The ERC-20 standard was expanded to include the BEP-20 token for the Binance Smart Chain.
The BEP-20 Development Company on the Binance Smart Chain offers programmers and developers the same freedom as the ERC-20 on Ethereum. It provides a developer-friendly framework to assist with the introduction of tokens of all kinds on the Binance Smart Chain.
Like its ERC-20 counterpart, the BEP-20 opens the doors to other software and services.
Unlike the ERC-20, however, the BEP-20 is also interoperable with its companion, the Binance BEP-20.
The two Binance standards, BEP-2 and BEP-20, for Binance Chain and Binance Smart Chain, respectively, are powered by BNB.
The two Binance tokens are compatible and complementary to each other.
BEP-20 and BEP-2 tokens can be traded equally. BEP-20, and the BSC network in general, act as the most decentralized networks in the Binance ecosystem.
The fact that ERC-20 and BEP-20 tokens are not really traded anywhere should not be forgotten. To guarantee that tokens are properly traded, users will require an appropriate asset bridge.
Today, many wallets and exchanges, such as Trust Wallet, MetaMask, and Binance Wallet, allow equal exchanges directly on their platforms.
Always make sure you are making the right trade, or you could lose your funds.
Not all platforms are interoperable. Coinbase is notably incompatible with BEP-20 tokens. Any BEP-20 token sent to a Coinbase wallet will be locked up until further notice.
The first standard tiles, but not the last
The ERC-20 remains the most popular standard token in DeFi. The monumental proposal shows that almost everything in crypto and DeFi should be open for discussion and debate.
The ERC-20 was the first, and it is only the beginning of many symbolic standards.
As Ethereum and Binance push for more deflationary mechanisms within their respective networks, we are sure we will see more innovation.
Both networks recently implemented new token metrics that will speed up changes to the separate networks, but the downstream effects of these implementations have yet to be seen.
These symbolic standards are likely just the beginning.
The capabilities of Ethereum, Binance, and the blockchain, in general, go well beyond the token capabilities seen in ERC-20 and BEP-20.
Each of them has proven to be enormously valuable and is a standard at this time. Simplicity was bold, but so was flexibility.
Hopefully, we continue to see new standards introduced and see that new blockchain standards can mimic the ERC-20 story and usher in new use cases.
In conclusion, the blockchain networks on which ERC-20 and BEP-20 coins are based represent the major distinction between them. While BEP-20 tokens run on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), ERC-20 tokens run on the Ethereum blockchain.
The decision between ERC-20 and BEP-20 token generator ultimately comes down to a number of variables, including the intended ecosystem and user base, the preferred blockchain platform, development needs, and gas costs. Both token standards offer benefits and drawbacks, and the choice should be made in accordance with the particular requirements and objectives of the project or application.
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Understanding BRC-20: The Standard For Blockchain Applications
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In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of BRC-20, shedding light on its use cases and inherent benefits. Blockchain technology is constantly developing, with new protocols and standards emerging that revolutionize how we interact with digital currencies and smart contracts. One standard that has recently seen significant traction is BRC-20; it plays an essential role in improving the functionality, interoperability, and overall utility of blockchain networks.
What is BRC-20?
BRC-20 is a standard for tokens on the blockchain. Similar to ERC-20 on Ethereum, BRC-20 defines technical guidelines used for smart contracts on this blockchain for token implementation. BRC-20's significance lies in that it establishes a uniform set of rules by which all tokens can abide; this enables developers to more accurately predict how new tokens will fit within an ecosystem.
How does BRC-20 work?
The power of BRC-20 comes from its defined set of functions that developers must implement to enable the token to interact seamlessly with other interfaces. This includes functions like totalSupply, balanceOf, allowance, transfer, approve, and transferFrom. Each of these functions plays a vital role in enabling the BRC-20 tokens to operate within the blockchain ecosystem. The BRC-20 standard comprises six mandatory and three optional functions for token designs meeting its specifications, providing flexibility while still meeting network compatibility requirements. As a result, a token that adheres to this standard can interact seamlessly with other tokens in its ecosystem and enable seamless transactions.
The Benefits of BRC-20
Interoperability One of the key advantages of BRC-20 is its interoperability. Since all tokens compliant with its standards abide by a consistent set of rules, they interact seamlessly. This makes transactions simpler as all BRC-20 tokens can easily be exchanged or transferred within the network. Uniformity The BRC-20 standard ensures uniformity among tokens on the blockchain platform, and this uniformity allows wallets and exchanges to manage tokens more efficiently without needing to understand each token's unique implementation. Flexibility The BRC-20 standard offers great flexibility. While it mandates certain functions to be implemented on tokens, additional functionalities may still exist that enable developers to create BRC-20 tokens that serve an array of functions ranging from representing physical assets to facilitating complex financial transactions.
The Future of BRC-20
As blockchain technology rapidly progresses, BRC-20 could play an invaluable role. By supporting an inclusive and efficient ecosystem in which tokens can be created, traded, and utilized effortlessly - the BRC-20 standard provides the foundation for that possibility.
Some Popular BRC-20 Token
Though BRC-20 tokens are most often associated with Binance Smart Chain (BSC), as of September 2021 they also had their own standard called BEP-20 which followed similar protocols as BRC-20 tokens. Here are a few popular tokens on Binance Smart Chain which adhered to BEP-20: - Binance Coin (BNB): BNB is the native cryptocurrency of Binance Exchange and serves as its primary utility token on the Binance Smart Chain. It is widely used for transactions, fees, and participating in token sales events. - PancakeSwap (CAKE): CAKE is the governance and utility token of PancakeSwap decentralized exchange on the Binance Smart Chain. It can be used for staking, liquidity provision, and participating in its ecosystem. - SafeMoon (SAFEMOON): SAFEMOON has grown immensely popular as an auto-staking token, redistributing part of each transaction to existing token holders. - Venus (XVS): XVS is the governance token for Venus protocol on Binance Smart Chain's decentralized money market platform, providing users with the ability to lend or borrow various cryptocurrencies.
Why are BRC-20 tokens impacting Bitcoin fees and transactions?
BRC-20 tokens traded on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) may indirectly impact Bitcoin fees and transactions due to how BSC works and potential increased blockchain congestion. BRC-20 token transactions on BSC require more space on its blockchain compared to simple peer-to-peer Bitcoin transactions due to data associated with them, including instructions. This increased transaction size can cause network congestion on BSC. Likewise, an increase in BRC-20 token usage could create additional strain in the wider cryptocurrency ecosystem, including Bitcoin itself. Users who would typically transact on Bitcoin may choose instead to transact using BSC and BRC-20 tokens, due to potentially lower fees and faster transaction times on those networks; as a result, demand for transactions on Bitcoin could decrease, potentially leading to reduced congestion and fees on that network.
Why are BRC-20s controversial?
BRC-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) have generated some controversy. It should be noted that such outrage stems primarily from certain communities or perspectives within the cryptocurrency space; here are two primary points of contention. Network Congestion and Fees: BRC-20 tokens may cause network congestion and transaction fees on blockchain networks such as BSC to rise due to their increasing use. As more transactions take place, strain is put on the capacity limits of blockchain networks like BSC resulting in slower processing times and higher fees across all participants - this may become increasingly frustrating for those experiencing delays or higher costs due to increased BRC-20 demand. Blockchain Pollution and Misaligned Use Cases: Some individuals assert that BRC-20 tokens and the data they generate "pollute" the blockchain with information that does not meet Bitcoin's original vision as a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. Critics, particularly Bitcoin maximalists, argue that using it for purposes other than direct currency transactions diminishes its primary value proposition and creates additional clutter on it; any additional data introduced via BRC-20 tokens or non-currency use cases would compromise Bitcoin's core principles and compromise its essence.
BRC-20 stands as not just a token standard, but a powerful asset in the blockchain space. By encouraging interoperability, uniformity, and flexibility in token exchanges using BRC-20 tokens, it has become one of the key contributors to building more robust blockchain ecosystems. As more developers find applications for BRC-20 tokens the future for this standard is looking bright.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to BRC-20
What is BRC-20?BRC-20 is a technical standard used for smart contracts on blockchain to implement tokens. It establishes an agreed set of rules all tokens must abide by on this platform.What is the significance of BRC-20?BRC-20 facilitates interoperability, uniformity, and flexibility among tokens on the blockchain platform to facilitate seamless transactions and interactions among different tokens in the network.How does BRC-20 work?BRC-20 operates through a series of functions that developers must implement for it to operate effectively on blockchain technology. These features enable it to interact smoothly with other interfaces on the network.Can BRC-20 tokens represent physical assets?Yes, BRC-20 tokens can represent physical assets. Their flexible nature enables developers to design tokens for various uses - including representing physical assets.What is the future of BRC-20?As blockchain technology progresses, BRC-20 should play a vital role in creating an accessible and efficient blockchain ecosystem. Developers continue to discover uses for its tokens which portends a promising future for this digital currency.Are all tokens on the blockchain BRC-20?Not all tokens on the blockchain are BRC-20 tokens; BRC-20 is just one technical standard for tokens; there are other standards, like ERC-20 on the Ethereum network, that define tokens.What makes BRC-20 different from other token standards?BRC-20 stands out from other token standards with its interoperability, uniformity, and flexibility. It provides all tokens with a uniform set of rules they should abide by to facilitate seamless transactions and interactions within blockchain networks. Read the full article
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762175 · 1 year
Scammers are targeting crypto users with new ‘zero value TransferFrom’ trick
Data from Etherscan shows that some crypto scammers are targeting users with a new trick that allows them to confirm a transaction from the victim’s wallet, but without having the victim’s private key. The attack can only be performed for transactions of 0 value. However, it may cause some users to accidentally send tokens to the attacker as a result of cutting and pasting from a hijacked…
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rnewspost · 1 year
Scammers are targeting crypto users with new ‘zero value TransferFrom’ trick
Data from Etherscan shows that some crypto scammers are targeting users with a new trick that allows them to confirm a transaction from the victim’s wallet, but without having the victim’s private key. The attack can only be performed for transactions of 0 value. However, it may cause some users to accidentally send tokens to the attacker as a result of cutting and pasting from a hijacked…
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cryptosecrets · 1 year
Scammers are targeting crypto users with new ‘zero value TransferFrom’ trick
Data from Etherscan shows that some crypto scammers are targeting users with a new trick that allows them to confirm a transaction from the victim’s wallet, but without having the victim’s private key. The attack can only be performed for transactions of 0 value. However, it may cause some users to accidentally send tokens to the attacker as a result of cutting and pasting from a hijacked…
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mubashirnews · 1 year
Scammers are targeting crypto users with new ‘zero value TransferFrom’ trick
Data from Etherscan shows that some crypto scammers are targeting users with a new trick that allows them to confirm a transaction from the victim’s wallet, but without having the victim’s private key. The attack can only be performed for transactions of 0 value. However, it may cause some users to accidentally send tokens to the attacker as a result of cutting and pasting from a hijacked…
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bitcofun · 2 years
Ethereum Request for Comment (ERC) is a set of technical files with standards for developing tokens or clever agreements to run applications on the Ethereum network These can be possessions, name windows registries, decentralized exchanges, and more. While everybody can produce a token or a clever agreement, each script needs to be followed appropriately to carry out the ERC effectively. To put it simply, if you can't play by the ERC guidelines, you can't have fun with Ethereum. Each ERC requirement particularly describes different functions; for instance, ERC-20 is for fungible tokens such as DAI Stablecoin, Shiba INU, Ether, and ERC-721 is for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) such as a single Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT. This short article will assist you comprehend the distinction in between ERC requirements, such as ERC-20, ERC-1155, and ERC-721, and a couple of lesser-known requirements, like ERC-1337 and ERC-884 Understanding ERC Standards Before diving in, we need to comprehend that all designers need to go through an Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) prior to developing an ERC. An EIP explains the performances and particular procedures of the ERC. When sent, Ethereum designers will examine the proposition and, if considered important, it's accepted and executed. ERC-20, The Dominant Token Standard ERC-20 is the most well-known token requirement for fungible tokens, which indicates they are interchangeable systems of worth like Ether or USDT. This requirement was proposed by designer Fabian Vogelsteller in November 2015. Almost all of the tokens produced in the Ethereum blockchain utilize the ERC-20 requirement, such as Basic Attention Token (BAT), Chainlink (LINK), and Tether USD (USDT). These tokens should stick to a set of functions, generally: totalSupply: supply the overall supply of the token balanceOf: overall account balance of the owner's account transfer: sending out a variety of tokens to an address transferFrom: the transfer of a variety of tokens from an address authorize: permits a spender to withdraw a variety of tokens from a particular account allowance: enable external addresses to send out tokens from a specific balance Other functions are optional however ought to be thought about to enhance use, like sign: the sign of the token (e.g., token: Polygon, sign: MATIC). Source: Ethereum.org As seen in the image above, these functions result in 2 occasions: transfer occasion, whenever a transfer happens in the blockchain, and approval, whenever approval is needed. However, each ERC-20 token is restricted given that it can just be handled by its particular ERC-20 wise agreement, whereas the ERC-1155 requirement-- which we'll discuss below-- is created to support the management of various kinds of tokens, enabling them to relieve processing overhead for blockchain applications. In easier terms, ERC-20 resembles a stamp for tokens that states: this token can just be exchanged with other ERC-20 systems of worth, like USDT, utilizing just a particular kind of clever agreement developed for it. The exact same method you can interchange a 50 dollar expense for another 50 dollar expense, however you can't switch a special art work for another one. ERC-1155 and ERC-721: Non-Fungible Tokens ERC-1155 and ERC-721 are token requirements for constructing Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT). Non-fungible tokens, as the name recommends, are tokens with a particular kind of metadata ingrained in them, so they are not equally exchangeable. They are mainly utilized to represent ownership and provenance for physical possessions, digital antiques, in-game properties, occasion tickets, domain, and so on And what sets them apart? In ERC-721, just a single wise agreement can process a single kind of token, whereas ERC-1155 permits one clever agreement to support an unlimited variety of tokens and functions. In layperson's terms; ERC-721 just supports NFTs, and each NFT can just be moved in a single deal, which can trigger network blockage and raised gas costs.
On the other hand, ERC-1155 supports the conversion of fungible tokens (like ERC-20) into non-fungible tokens and vice versa. Several deals can be sent out in an entire batch, making ERC-115 more effective and economical. To clarify, an application that deals with blockchain video games will probably usage ERC-1155 due to its adaptability. Axie Infinity's Runes and Charms are utilized as ERC-115 requirements. ERC-1337 The ERC-1337 requirement is created as a user interface for duplicating today's subscription-based payments however for blockchain applications/businesses. While the proposition has prospective, it hasn't seen much advancement and stays a half-baked requirement. ERC-1337 basically looks for to bring a reproduction of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) designs, such as regular monthly memberships utilized by streaming platforms and cloud storage, into Web3, all while permitting content developers and designers to stay decentralized and consumers confidential. In other words, ERC-1337 agreements would remove third-party payment processors and enable Ethereum wallets like MetaMask to instantly pay annual memberships straight, for instance, to blockchain applications. Users would "sign" persistent deals for dApps in an entire batch, and these merchants, so to speak, would tape-record whatever on the blockchain. ERC-884: Tokenizing Stocks ERC-884 looks for to tokenize stocks from companies or organizations, permitting them to raise funds through Initial Public Offering (IPO) or through a personal equity sale without requiring a custom-made share computer system registry, conventional stock market, or move representatives. ERC-884 was accepted as a draft in the Ethereum neighborhood after the Delaware State Legislature passed a expense that enables Delaware public and personal corporations to provide shares represented as ERC-20 tokens. However, ERC-884 should be certified with specific policies, among others: Full confirmation of token holders and whitelist style Shareholders can be prepared by a defined corporation Tokens can't have fractional worth however the entire worth If financiers lose their personal secrets, they should acquire a brand-new address An off-chain database to carry out Know Your Customer (KYC) checks. Final Thoughts: The Future Ethereum Token Standards & & You ERC are technical standards for designers to develop various kinds of tokens that fit their requirements. Without them, Ethereum clever agreements would have restricted abilities beyond the network itself. A procedure that wishes to provide a fungible token on the Ethereum network will utilize the ERC-20 requirement, and NFT jobs will go with ERC-721 or probably ERC-1155 Each ERC requirements has its own technique towards various topics and utilize cases, like the tokenization of standard possessions or including more functions to the ERC-20 requirement. However, a great deal of ERC are half-baked, deserted by their designers: ERC-223: This basic proposed including a healing functionally called tokenFallback, permitting ERC-223 wise agreements to determine inbound deals with incompatible addresses. Ethereum designers have actually not executed this requirement, and it's basically forgotten. Rather, ERC-777 has actually been selected to resolve the problems ERC-233 was attempting to resolve. ERC-777 is a token requirement that means to enhance the abilities of the ERC-20 tokenization platform. This basic includes numerous functions. Among them is the capability to send out "hooks" which basically notify clever agreements and addresses of an approaching deal and accept or decline specific kinds of tokens. ERC-777 is backwards suitable with ERC-20, and it's not indicated to surpass its position however rather enhance its performances. Never Miss Another Opportunity! Get hand picked news & & information from our Crypto Experts so you can make informed, notified choices that straight impact your crypto revenues. Subscribe to CoinCentral complimentary newsletter now.
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ragunath12 · 8 months
Create Your Own ERC20 TOKEN and its Definition and uses
The Ethereum blockchain’s smart contracts follow the ERC-20 technical standard, which stands for “Ethereum Request for Comments 20.”
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The Ethereum blockchain’s smart contracts follow the ERC-20 technical standard, which stands for “Ethereum Request for Comments 20.”
1. Introduction
Definition of ERC20 Tokens
The Ethereum blockchain’s smart contracts follow the ERC20 token development company technical standard, which stands for “Ethereum Request for Comments 20.” Like conventional currencies, these tokens are fungible and represent digital assets that may be traded. Because they make it possible to create Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and decentralized apps (DApps) on the Ethereum platform, they have become incredibly popular.
ERC-20 Token Uses
There are numerous uses for ERC-20 tokens. They could stand in for utility tokens, which give users access to particular DApp features or services. They can also serve as security tokens, granting ownership of a specific company or item. Create ERC20 token can also be utilized for governance, giving holders the ability to take part in decentralized organizations’ decision-making processes.
2. Importance of the ERC-20 Standard
Benefits of Standardization
Token generation on the Ethereum blockchain now has much-needed standardization thanks to the ERC-20 standard. Prior to its founding, developers had to create unique code for every token, which led to inefficiencies and possible security issues. Developers now find it simpler to design tokens that work with a variety of wallets and exchanges thanks to the ERC-20 standard, which simplified the token generation process. The expansion of the Ethereum ecosystem and the widespread use of ERC-20 tokens have both benefited greatly from this compatibility.
3. Mandatory ERC-20 Features in Solidity
The ERC-20 function totalSupply(), which yields the total number of tokens in circulation, is required. By granting transparency over the token’s total quantity, it enables users to confirm the token’s worth and scarcity.
To find out the token balance associated with a particular Ethereum address, use the balanceOf() method. Users must properly manage their assets and be aware of the tokens they own.
Users can transmit ERC20 development from their wallet to another Ethereum address by using the function transfer(). Token transactions are based on this functionality, which also makes value transfers inside the Ethereum network easier.
To provide safe and regulated token transfers, the functionality approve() is necessary. It permits the token holder to give permission for a different Ethereum address to take out a certain number of tokens on their behalf.
The function transferFrom()is closely related to the function approve()and is used to transfer tokens on behalf of another address with its consent.
Transferring tokens on behalf of another address with permission is done using the operation transferFrom(), which is closely linked to the function approve().
4. Optional ERC-20 Features in Solidity
To find out how many tokens an expense is permitted to take out of the token holder’s account, utilize the feature allowance(). offers more protection and control over the transmission of tokens.
Another possible ERC-20 function that yields the token symbol is called symbol. Similar to the function name, it aids users in rapidly recognising and differentiating between various tokens.
The number of decimal places the token uses to denote its smallest unit is returned by the optional function decimals. Better precision in token values is made possible by this.
5. ERC-20 Data Structures
Balances Mapping
ERC20 token development track the balance of each Ethereum address using a data structure called “Balance Mapping.” It makes it simple to establish ownership and facilitate transfers by linking the token balance to the appropriate Ethereum address.
Allowances Mapping
Permissions Another important data structure for ERC-20 tokens is mapping. keeps track of the sum that has been authorized for a spender’s token withdrawal. On behalf of token holders, this permits regulated and safe token transfers.
6. Conclusion
ERC-20 tokens, which offer a standardized and effective method of creating and managing digital assets, have completely transformed the blockchain and cryptocurrency industries. ERC-20 tokens are versatile and platform-neutral due to their well-defined set of functionalities and data types. ERC-20 tokens will remain essential for cutting-edge decentralized apps and tokenized assets as blockchain technology develops.
7. Start Building with Chainbase
Because it is widely used and integrated into essential smart contract protocols, the ERC-20 standard is the most significant specification to come out of Ethereum. It is highly advised that developers take the time to learn everything there is to know about ERC-20 and design their own token.
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arashtadstudio · 2 years
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