#Travelling on the LB itinerary be like:
🌎✈️Sight-seeing with Limp Bizkit✈️🌍
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Our Greyhound Bus Experience
Strap in, friends, this is a long and harrowing ride. Literally, in the case of this friend.
At 11:45 PM (PDT), 10 of July, 2019, my dear friend, whom we shall call Oliver, was supposed to be leaving Seattle on his 11th cross country trip with Greyhound Bus Lines. Our intent was for him to have a leisurely trip to my home in Richmond VA and eventually fly home from Seattle after DragonCon. At least, that was the plan.
First of all, due to health problems, Oliver is a larger person, weighing 350 lbs. He is uses a motorized wheelchair for most mobility that weighs in at exactly 232 lbs. He is Ainu (a Japanese native minority).
Before they could begin to load Oliver on the wheelchair lift, the problems began. The lift began malfunctioning almost immediately, extending and promptly retracting. At one point, it actually reached the ground, and then refused to rise again. Several people fought to get the lift working and, even then, it repeatedly malfunctioned. It would not get off the ground empty, as they tested it without weight. At one point, Oliver was hovering about 1 1/2 feet (50 cm) off the ground with no motion in either direction. After an hour, the employees gave up, and the driver drove himself to the depot nearby to fetch a replacement bus and test the lift himself. 2 1/2 hours after the bus was meant to leave, it was finally ready to go.
That was the easiest part of this trip.
Upon arrival in Spokane at 7:09 AM PDT, it was discovered that the bus had missed their connection to a Jefferson Bus to Billings, MT, and across North Dakota, to Minneapolis (Jefferson Bus Lines serves the Mountain West from Spokane to Minneapolis, though the tickets are issued by Greyhound). The Spokane station is a Greyhound Station. In Spokane, Oliver was reissued his ticket for the next route west, leaving at 5:15 PM PDT. The new route also went to Billings via the same path, but crossed Wyoming and South Dakota, and on to Minneapolis, rather than North Dakota as his original itinerary did. Having the resources available, he seriously considered transferring to the Amtrak Empire Builder and eating the cost of the Greyhound ticket. In retrospect, he believes he should have, but hindsight is 20/20.
During his 12 hour layover, he called Greyhound Customer Service to tell them what had happened. He was told that nothing could be done about the issue until 24 hours after he had arrived at his final destination. That, by the way, would have meant that the earliest he could have called would have been on Monday the 15th of July, after the immediacy of the events could have been lost, particularly to someone with a neurological disability, which Oliver has (namely Moyamoya disease).
Upon attempting to reboard after 12 unexpected hours in Spokane and 2 meals out of pocket that he otherwise wouldn’t have needed (Spokane has no restaurant in station as of that date), they checked what was to be the first of his Jefferson Lines busses, only to discover that, once again, the lift was broken. This was discovered, again, before an attempt was made to load Oliver. Jefferson Lines, however, was able to fix the problem almost immediately. Rather than try and fail to repair the lift, as Greyhound had in Seattle, they immediately went and got another one. During this time, Oliver discovered that his new ticket and his baggage route tag no longer matched (Greyhound has passengers take possession of their own bags at every stop, while Jefferson does not). The single, quite overwhelmed ticket agent in the station —from Jefferson, but doing the work of both companies— had issued everyone replacement tickets, but forgotten to also issue new route tags to put on the baggage itself. Thankfully, the young man who works there as the only luggage specialist was able to run in and grab a new baggage route tag for Oliver, thus making his bag match the itinerary on his ticket.
(Also relevant here and in future in the story is that Oliver’s bag was marked in Seattle with a bright pink a “special handling” tag. This is supposed to mean that baggage handlers at each Greyhound Station are supposed to handle his bag. Ultimately, the only Greyhound stations which respected this were Spokane and Chicago.)
He traveled uneventfully through the night from Spokane to Billings, Montana. Sadly, this meant that part of the reason Oliver had booked the trip as he did was moot. He’s fond of Western Montana, thinks it’s beautiful, and had been looking forward to seeing it. However, due to the schedule shift, the bus was crossing the area not by day, but by night. His arrival in Billings was uneventful. His transfer to the next bus was likewise, due to the professionalism of the Jefferson employees. Alas, it was in Billings where the baggage error caught up with everyone on the bus, save him, who was continuing east. Since their baggage tags no longer matched their itineraries, their bags were held in Billings for the next bus across North Dakota to Minnesota. One friend he had made on the trip, we’ll call her Countess, had lost her baggage, leaving her bereft of clothing suitable for the funeral she was attending in Chicago. Oliver, having caught the error, stayed with his bag across South Dakota and into Sioux Falls.
At this point, the night caught up to Oliver and he attempted to go to sleep. He uses a C-PAP. And, unfortunately, the electricity on the bus proved to be faulty. Ten times during the night, he awoke when his C-PAP shut off. However, he lays no blame on Jefferson for this as they were very apologetic about the complication and he did survive the night.
Minneapolis, unfortunately, is a Greyhound Station, despite it also being the Jefferson Lines corporate headquarters. By this point, three nights had elapsed and Oliver had only managed, at most, 4 hours of sleep per night, the whole time in a seated position. Whilst being loaded into a Greyhound bus from Minneapolis to Chicago, the driver and station personnel responsible for loading him onto the bus manhandled his chair by shoving, pulling, and yanking it into positions of their choice by the seat back, contrary to his explicit orders not to. This ultimately damaged the seat back. The actual trip from Minneapolis to Chicago was uneventful, as Oliver slept the whole way.
In Chicago, everything got better... and much, MUCH worse. The station’s chief baggage handler saw to the handling of Oliver’s bag personally and attempted to console Countess as to her lost baggage. Heartened by the good treatment he and Countess had experienced at the hands of the chief baggage handler, and with memories of a similar wheelchair lift problem in Chicago on a similar trip two years prior having been handled remarkably well by the personnel at that station, Oliver decided that it would be in his best interests to talk to the customer service representatives who are stationed permanently at Chicago to see if his troubles for this trip could be similarly resolved.
He could not have been more wrong.
The customer service agent who took his complaint was not only extremely dismissive of his problems, but having not heard that the lift issue in Seattle took place before he used the lift, took it upon herself to tell him to his face that “weight is not a disability.” That, “they shouldn’t have to accommodate someone whose only disability is being fat.” That, “the ADA has limits and you should know them.”
With Oliver now stunned into, in his own words “Beached Fish-style Silence” (mouth moving, no words coming out), she then walked away, talking quite well above conversational levels, about “entitled people who abuse the ADA”, carrying this monologue throughout the station amongst the other station and talking about how it contributes so heavily to the delays in Greyhound service.
(Editors’ Note: I’m glad I wasn’t there. As a female-bodied person with a disability causing insulin resistance, I feel very strongly about fat shaming and ableism. This person was 1000% out of line and it’s a common intimidation tactic to do what she did to pit other people against the disabled. Thankfully, it didn’t work to turn them against him, though it did silence him, an abuse survivor with PTSD. Just be aware. This is a not-uncommon corporate tactic and NOBODY should tolerate it.)
He left Chicago, en route to Baltimore, via Cleveland and Pittsburgh. A mostly uneventful day passed crossing Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. Alas, in Indiana, it was discovered that, like most drivers, this driver did not appreciate the thought of letting a wheelchair using passenger off the bus at meal stops. Oliver, at the outer limits of his capacity, is able to walk roughly 330 feet (100 meters) in a day. This meant that he could not easily walk into and out of the Howe, IN travel plaza, though he forced himself to do so anyway, as the alternative would be going roughly a full day without food. At all previous food stops, the driver or another passenger had been willing to take an order and money from Oliver, preventing delays. Indeed, the driver across Montana was so upset at herself for having to do so, that she kindly bought his food in Missoula with her own money. (Not surprisingly, she was a Jefferson employee....) The driver in Indiana? Not so much.
Given that he had no choice, Oliver walked into the travel plaza, purchased food and went back to the bus, collapsing in agony. At this point, it must be noted that, in addition to Moyamoya Disease, the condition that puts Oliver in a wheelchair is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type VI, a degenerative connective tissue disorder. (Those interested can find more information online.)
After sitting in chair in agony for another hour and a half, the ride eventually returned to normal. Everything was fine into Cleveland. However, because on most Greyhound Busses, the restroom is in the back and the wheelchair seating is in the front, Oliver found himself needing to use the washroom in Cleveland, rather than doing so en route. This meant he had only enough time to either use the washroom or get food, not both. Given the choice, he decided to use the washroom. He was required to do so without his chair again. Upon reboarding, they were informed that, due to accumulated delays en route, they would not be having a rest stop at Pittsburgh, but would instead be continuing through the night into Baltimore. Thankfully, they had switched drivers in Cleveland, and when the new driver was told of Oliver’s needs, re-added a very short break in Pittsburgh to the trip to accommodate. This was necessary, as had he not had stopped in Pittsburgh, he would have been unable to use a washroom or acquire liquid to take his medicine.
From Pittsburgh, they then made Baltimore. However, somewhere in Ohio, (likely at Cleveland), Oliver’s luggage got lost. The loss was discovered in Baltimore when the suitcase did not appear at the side of the bus. He was told at Baltimore that it almost certainly had gone on to Richmond without him. That could not have been, as Oliver witnessed it being loaded in Chicago. The only possibility is that it had been unloaded at a station stop between Baltimore and Chicago, the most likely being Cleveland.
By this point, Oliver was too physically exhausted and emotionally worn out to do more than file a half-hearted complaint. This was also when Oliver discovered that his bus, which was to go from Baltimore to Richmond, having originated in New York, was running at least 4 hours late. No reason was ever given, though Oliver suspects it had to do with the blackout of Manhattan that day.
Two buses left Baltimore with a destination of Richmond, (including one that was an express between Baltimore, DC and Richmond), before his scheduled bus arrived. However, Greyhound would not change the ticket, due to the inconvenience to them of putting a wheelchair on one of those busses. His bus finally did arrive in Baltimore, 4 1/2 hours late. He boarded, minus trouble and luggage and proceeded to groggily travel through DC during rush hour, finally arriving in Richmond at 3:15 PM EDT on Sunday the 14th. This is a full 19 hours later than he should have, on a day when Richmond’s bus system is on a limited schedule and the only local wheelchair transports are impossible unless pre-booked.
At this point, I fetched him from the station, using what means I had, and guided him to my house, via these limited busses. This forced us to hike/roll a mile and a half from the last bus stop served to home, in 90 degree F (33 C) heat and both of us exhausted, angry and miserable.
He is now here, finally, and has had a full night’s sleep. Where his story goes from here is anyone’s guess, but I think it safe to say it won’t be getting there via Greyhound, as they have lost a lifelong customer.
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costaricaexperts · 5 years
The Complete Guide to Flights and Airports in Costa Rica
Flying can be stressful, especially in a foreign country. The following guide will inform you on international flight options to Costa Rica, give you an idea of what to expect at the airport, and hopefully leave you vacation-ready for your trip to Costa Rica.
How many international airports are in Costa Rica?
Costa Rica has two international airports: San Jose (Juan Santamaria International Airport – SJO) and Liberia (Daniel Oduber International Airport- LIR).
Which Costa Rica airport is best to fly into San Jose or Liberia?
Most destinations are accessible from San Jose. If your first travel destination is the Guanacaste region, you’ll want to fly into Liberia. If you’re headed to the Nicoya Peninsula, Arenal Volcano, or Monteverde, you might want to compare both San Jose and Liberia flights. Of course, there are exceptions.
Getting the Best Airfare Prices
If you are price or time-sensitive, you may want to compare the flights coming in at both airports. To get the best airfare prices, it helps to have flexible travel dates. Additionally, you may want to consider traveling in the green season (May – December) when ticket prices come down. The months of September and October have some of the lowest ticket prices. I would recommend checking Google Flights and creating an email notification alerting you to changes in the airfare if you aren’t quite ready to buy.
Related Article: Best Time to Visit Costa Rica: What to Expect Month by Month
Can you fly direct to Costa Rica?
Yes, if you’d prefer to fly direct, there are non-stop flight options to Costa Rica. There are many non-stop flight options from major cities in the United States. British Airways has also recently launched direct flights from London Gatwick (LGW) to San Jose (SJO).
Talk to an Expert
If you need help with this at all, our Costa Rica Experts can advise. If you have flexibility in your itinerary, I would suggest working with a Costa Rica Expert to align your day-by-day with your preferred flight. That’s the beauty in custom itineraries.
Our Experts can also coordinate your vacation to minimize travel time. Choosing the wrong airport for your destination may lead to lost beach and rainforest time. Another consideration: just because you have flown into San Jose doesn’t mean you should fly out of San Jose on a multi-destination trip. Get an Expert opinion!
Juan Santamaria International Airport, San Jose
Juan Santamaria International Airport is located in the city of Alajuela, a 20-minute drive from downtown San Jose. It has the most international arrivals and departures in the country. The San Jose airport has a few large souvenir shops, bars, cafes, a few smaller specialty shops, and a small duty-free shop.
The capital city of San Jose is also an up-and-coming cultural hub with a lively dining scene, colorful markets, and buzzing city life. There are many accommodation options in downtown San Jose and the surrounding Central Valley where travelers might choose to stop off and explore for a night or two before continuing on to their next destination.
Daniel Oduber International Airport, Liberia
Liberia is the capital of the Guanacaste region in the northwest of Costa Rica. Compared to downtown San Jose, Liberia is smaller with fewer surrounding accommodation options. The Liberia international airport is also smaller than the San Jose international airport, but it’s still modern with some small shops, cafes, and a small duty-free shop.
Most of the travelers flying into Liberia are visiting Guanacaste, Monteverde, or Arenal/La Fortuna. Many of the beach hotels in the Guanacaste region (e.g. Papagayo Peninsula or Tamarindo Beach) are roughly one hour or less drive from the airport.
When you arrive in Costa Rica
Before landing in Costa Rica, flight attendants will pass out immigration and customs forms to be completed on the plane. Upon deplaning, you’ll follow signs for immigration and wait in line for the immigration booth. At the immigration booth, you’ll answer some questions about your stay and show your passport and immigration form to the agent.
It’s helpful to have printed documents outlying your itinerary to show immigration – such as the travel packet we provide or confirmations of things booked on your own. The airports have free WiFi but it can be spotty or hard to connect to so we recommend doing this from home before your trip.
You will then head to baggage claims, through customs, and on to your transportation. At customs, you will give an agent your customs form and put your luggage through an x-ray scanner (this should only take a minute). Once you’ve connected with your driver, you will be transported to your pre-arranged hotel.
Entry requirements
US passports are mandatory and must be valid at least six months or longer beyond your travel dates. Your passports need to be in good condition as Costa Rican immigration can deny entry if passports are damaged in any way. Please check the entry requirements if you are arriving from other countries. We do recommend carrying a photocopy of your passport and that you leave the original in a safe place as you travel about Costa Rica.
It is recommended that minors under the age of 18 years traveling with only one parent or guardian have additional documentation in an effort to prevent international child abduction. Minors under 18 years traveling with adults with a different last name are also advised to have additional documentation. Many countries have initiated such procedures for minors at entry and exit points. We would suggest a notarized letter from the parent or guardian not traveling if leaving their country of residence.
Domestic Airport Connections
Aerobell Airlines, Sansa Airlines, and Skyway Air are Costa Rica’s domestic airlines. Domestic flight durations are generally under 60 minutes.
Upon landing at the San Jose international airport, if you are connecting to a remote destination like the Osa Peninsula, the Nicoya Peninsula, or Tortuguero National Park, you’ll likely take a domestic flight. San Jose has a domestic terminal in addition to the international terminal. The domestic terminal is not connected to the international airport and travelers can walk, grab a taxi, or hire a driver to take them between terminals.
San Jose has the most domestic flights going in and out. In some cases, domestic flights to certain locations can only be taken to/from San Jose. For example, even though Tambor is a bit closer to Liberia, the only domestic flights to/from Tambor are through San Jose. If traveling across the country, from Drake Bay to Liberia for instance, there may be a short layover in San Jose.
To accommodate the small airstrips throughout the country, domestic planes are generally single or double engine propeller planes holding under 20 passengers. For this reason, domestic airlines have luggage limits ranging from 30-40 lbs per person depending on the airline – one more reason to pack light!
Charter flights are also available for travelers interested in flying private. In the San Jose province, the Tobias Bolanos International Airport (Pavas) operates charter flights. For travelers landing at Juan Santamaria International Airport and connecting to a charter flight departing from Tobias Bolanos International Airport, travelers will need to arrange for a driver or a taxi between airports.
Car Rentals
For travelers who opt to rent a car, the majority of car rental agencies have desks at the airport. After customs and immigration, you’ll want to find the appropriate car rental desk, give them your reservation, and be on your way. Car rental drop-offs are also arranged in advance based on your departing airport.
Airport Money Exchange
If you’d like, you can also exchange money at the airport. There is an ATM in the baggage claim area and a money exchange booth as you clear customs. However, you can also exchange money at your hotel. Rental car companies accept US dollars.
Departing Costa Rica
Many destinations are over an hour away from the airport and travelers should plan flight times accordingly. We recommend flights leave after 12 pm if a client is staying more than two hours away from any given airport. We recommend checking in at least three hours prior to international flights.
Domestic flights can make transportation upon leaving Costa Rica easier & more convenient, but again we recommend a buffer time of at least 2 hours between when a domestic flight lands and an international flight takes off – mostly due to unpredictable weather within Costa Rica and the fact that local airports are small and can experience delays if there are too many planes on the runway.
There is a $31 departure tax that must be paid in cash or by Visa/MasterCard upon departure from both international airports. The departure tax can be paid in advance at some banks or hotels. Some airlines include it in their ticket price; while others do not. Please check with your airline. If you are playing your departure tax at the airport, it can be paid at the airport at a special counter before you have checked-in.
Now, are you ready to travel? Check out our customizable vacation packages!
Related Articles:
10 Costa Rica Rainy Season Travel Perks
How To Travel Sustainably in Costa Rica
Costa Rica Holiday Celebrations, Festivals & Events
The Most Instagrammable Spots in Costa Rica
Best Time to Visit Costa Rica: What to Expect Month by Month
The post The Complete Guide to Flights and Airports in Costa Rica appeared first on Costa Rica Experts.
from The Complete Guide to Flights and Airports in Costa Rica
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mypubliclands · 6 years
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From Alaska to Asia: a vacation spent volunteering
Sweat rolled down our foreheads and into our eyes as the tiniest of flies swarmed around our faces. Rivers of dirt and dung ran down our arms, drying into the creases of our elbows in the hundred-degree heat of a Cambodian jungle. How did we get here?
Just over one year ago, the two of us had never even met. Vanessa Rathbun, a BLM Alaska Visual Information Specialist and lifelong Alaska resident, and I, a Public Affairs Specialist and nomadic military spouse, found ourselves working cube-by-cube in Alaska in early 2017. We quickly discovered that we enjoyed several common interests, from outdoor adventures, art, technology, Broadway musicals, volunteering, to travel and more. Almost exactly one year later, we checked in for the first of four flights to carry us from Anchorage, Alaska, to Siem Reap, Cambodia, via Seattle, Seoul and Bangkok. To add to this exhaustive itinerary, it should be noted that three of the four flights were redeyes and layover times ranged from three- to twenty-three hours in length.
We took advantage of a nearly 24-hour layover in Seoul, South Korea, and charged through a whirlwind of activities to fill the time and explore the city before continuing the final legs into Cambodia. Finally arriving in Siem Reap, we marked just another short layover in our journey. With only one afternoon to acclimate, we reset our wardrobes from “winter in Alaska” to “summer in Southeast Asia,” accounting for the almost 100-degree temperature difference. Early the next morning, we hopped into a pickup truck for a 90-minute bumpy drive to Ânlóng Vêng, home of the Cambodia Wildlife Sanctuary. The Sanctuary is a one-million-acre animal and environmental conservation project committed to rescuing wildlife, preserving the jungle and providing sustainable community employment. Staff and volunteers work here to protect elephants freed from the performance and trekking industries and to care for an assortment of monkeys, dogs, leopard cats, and various fowl.
Our living arrangements at the Sanctuary were basic, but very comfortable. We slept in simple wooden huts with thatched roofs. We woke each morning at sunrise, our alarm clock – the sounds of elephants trumpeting while leaving their night shelters for their daily jungle walks. Hearty vegan meals were sourced from the permaculture gardens onsite, as well as from local village farms in the Ânlóng Vêng province.
Each morning after breakfast, we grabbed our shovels and rakes to join the “pooper scooper” crew to clean the elephant night shelters. After working up our first sweat of the day, we moved from one Sanctuary duty to another, handling everything from working in the gardens, planting and watering new sugarcane fields, harvesting bananas, digging fencepost holes, clearing fire breaks, and more. As each day ended, we prepared food baskets for the returning elephants. The simplest and best reward for a hard day’s work was the time we spent feeding freshly chopped sugarcane and bananas to each elephant before joining the staff for our own evening meals. An even more appreciated reward at the end of each day was a cold bucket shower to rinse off those dried veins of sweat, dirt and dung.
Midway through the week, we traveled to the local village school to deliver much-needed school supplies, play games and teach the students a variety of basic English language skills. We both felt this was a major highlight of our Cambodian volunteer week!
This was my third volunteer visit to the Sanctuary. Watching the children of the nearby village learn and grow makes me want to come back year after year.
On our final day at the Sanctuary, we spent a glorious few hours walking with the elephants along their jungle paths. Each of us carried brightly colored scarves, blessed by local Buddhist monks to tie around the largest and most mature trees. Marking the trees in this manner discourages illegal logging as the village community now views the trees as sacred. Walking with the elephants, hearing their gentle steps behind us and watching them enjoy their new lives of freedom was an experience neither of us will ever forget.
As our week ended, we returned to Siem Reap to transition from volunteers to vacationers! For three extraordinary days, we visited the 12th and 13th century-built temples of Angkor Wat and Ta Prohm along with the Phnom Kulen mountain range and waterfalls. Late afternoons and early evenings we spent traveling by tuk tuk to meet like-minded volunteer friends in the city working for organizations that help feed families, care for street dogs and educate the local children of Siem Reap.
“I had no idea a volunteer experience would also give me such an up close and personal opportunity to interact with these gentle giants,” said Vanessa.
Volunteering together gave Vanessa and me several memorable moments to look back on for years to come. More importantly, we came to know one another better as friends and strengthened our work relationship immeasurably. We hope anyone reading this will be inspired to consider spending their downtime doing something uplifting!
Story by Lisa Gleason, Public Affairs Specialist. Photos by Lisa Gleason, Public Affairs Specialist and Vanessa Rathbun, Visual Information Specialist.
During #NationalVolunteerMonth, we celebrate the selfless work of our volunteers. The BLM values the thousands of volunteers who offer their time, skills and service to help care for the nation’s natural and cultural resources. Volunteers contribute to many BLM program areas, including recreation, wild horses and burros, cultural and historical resources and environmental education and interpretation. Our volunteers work with us to be good neighbors in the communities we serve.
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onlytennisee · 2 years
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Hey y’all, last night we reposted a video with the purest intent on showing a cute little dog potentially finding a new forever home; sadly this was not the case. We have been made aware by one of our followers that after the bachelorette’s party filled weekend in Nashville, Broadway (the dog) was not included on their travel itinerary back home. A fellow neighbor stepped in and was kindly enough to take her in temporarily, but not able to keep her due to the apartment regulations. We are told she is so sweet and very chill. Broadway was dropped off at Metro Animal Care and Control (@nashanimalcare) and is available for adoption or foster. They are open everyday from 12:00PM - 4:00PM. Name: Broadway ID: #A350287 Sex: Female Breed: Mix (brown & white) Age: 2 Years (estimated) Weight: 28.20 lbs Metro Animal Care and Control 5125 Harding Place Nashville, TN 37211 United States If you are unable to adopt or become a foster, but would still like to help you can: volunteer, shop the wishlist, or make a donation to Friends of MACC a volunteer-based nonprofit. Link in bio. @friendsofmaccnashville works directly with Metro Animal Care and Control (MACC), Nashville’s only open admission shelter that serves nearly 7,000 homeless animals each year. They focus on enriching the shelter environment for animals and people, supporting community programs, and promoting adoptions to help save Nashville’s homeless animals. We will keep you updated on the status of Broadway via stories. Please share, let’s find her a forever home! 🐶 #OnlyTennISee (at Nashville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcyZ3R_ObBI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hello world!
So! First official post about the BBB (Big Backpacking Break). I get the feeling this blog is mostly going to serve as a journal for me, but I’m choosing to go public with it in the event it could help others who are looking to travel more. Hopefully you (whoever you are) can learn from my mistakes and successes as we go along.
As a short introduction, I’m currently a PhD student a little over a year away from graduation. I came up with the idea to visit all 7 continents in a year because I was struck with this idea that I was 21 (at the time) and, though I was undoubtedly accomplished academically, I felt like I hadn’t done any living. My future career as an academic loomed in front of me and while I found it exciting - who doesn’t love the idea of job security, flexible work hours, and pursuing your passion project? - I also felt stifled by it. Decades in the same lab, the same university, doing the same work with the same people stared me in the face and, honestly, that terrified me. The idea that I would just jump straight into a career with the idea that wherever you get tenure, that’s where you’ll remain for the rest of your life made me realize I had to do something BIG before that happens.
I’ve spent probably a hundred hours working on the BBB itinerary and researching everything you can think of: the various locations me and my best friend will be going to, of course, but also equipment, flight routes, travel visas, foreign currency exchange rates, credit cards, local customs and etiquette, and much, much more. (Time that may or may not have been better spent working on my research haha.)
I’m sure someday soon I’ll make (a version) of the BBBB (the Big Backpacking Break Bible) public so whoever reads this can see everything we’ve taken into consideration for budgeting and planning purposes. For now, I’m going to keep it private for safety concerns, but I’m really excited for the day I get to show it off. I’m quite proud of the spreadsheet, to be honest - it’s a great reflection of my dedication and thoroughness in planning.
As it stands now, we’re still very much in the planning-and-saving phase. To visit all of the places we’ve decided are most important to us in the time frame we’ve allowed, it looks like between transportation costs (planes, trains, (boats,) and automobiles, oh my!), food, hostel/hotel costs, and miscellaneous spending money, we need to have at least $30,000 USD per person saved by the time we leave. Considering I’ve only been saving for a year and only have another year to save, that’s about $15,000 USD I need to make in addition to what I need to pay my other bills a year. Which is difficult! I live alone in the city and I pay all my own bills (i.e., I don’t rely on my family to pay for anything for me). I currently work 3 jobs while doing my PhD to try to come up with $1,250 USD extra a month to put towards my savings. It certainly doesn’t help that everything continues to get more and more expensive. Last year, I fell just short of my goal and ended up saving $10,112 saved since March 12th, 2021. I’m trying to remain optimistic.
It’s difficult adjusting to a much more grind-centric lifestyle - there’s little financial room for those “treat yourself” moments everyone enjoys and while I’ve chosen jobs that pay (somewhat) well that I also happen to enjoy, I think you’d be hard-pressed to find people who would rather work than stay home and watch TV or relax with friends and loved ones. I often get discouraged thinking that my goals are so far away and I feel so stagnant right now, but I try to keep at it since I know the payoff will be huge.
Right now, my update is that I’m currently researching what to do about my car. See, the BBB is starting out with a 1-2 monthlong road trip around the continental United States and Canada and I need to figure out a way to fit two tall adults, a 60 lb dog, and all of our gear into my small hybrid SUV. I’m thinking we’re going to need a tent, an air mattress (or mattress topper, at the very least), a cooler, a portable electric camping stovetop, one backpack each, and a storage bin for our dishes/dry food.
(Something that I think you’ll come to learn about me the more I post on this blog is that I worry about the minutia way far in advance. I like to think it makes me more prepared than I would be just flying by the seat of my pants, but who’s to say.)
If you took the time to read all of this, sincerely - thank you. If you have any questions about where we’re going and what we’re doing, or any suggestions for things that will make any leg of this easier, I welcome them with open arms :)
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kathydsalters31 · 4 years
Is It Safe to Fly Your Pet in Cargo?
January 15, 2020
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Mike and also I(Steph)take our pet dog Django almost everywhere. We’ve adventured with Django throughout British Columbia, camped under the celebrities with him in Lake Tahoe, and also played crabs with Django in Las Vegas as he strangely enough viewed from his DJANGO dog provider bag. Django has actually completed countless cross-country trips, a cross-country trip, and also two cross-Atlantic flights. Mike and I flew with Django throughout the Atlantic Ocean to honeymoon in France and Italy. For the document, our family members thought we were crazy to take Django. We had the time of our life with our unshaven little sausage pet as well as wouldn’t have actually traveled differently! Flying with Django has actually the good news is been easy. Django weighs 14 lbs as well as pleasantly fits in his dog service provider that slides under the airplane seat in front of us. As long as an airline with in-cabin family pet travel is flying to our location, all we need to do is pay an added pet dog charge as well as Django can fly with us at our feet.
However, not all pets are enabled to fly in the cabin. Canines that do not fit under an airplane seat in an airline-approved animal provider are called for to fly by means of freight. In addition, some countries consisting of the United Kingdom ban in-cabin pet travel completely.
Is the cargo location secure for pet dog traveling? Will pet dogs also big for in-cabin animal traveling be comfortable in the hold of the plane?
There are preconceived notions that freight pet dog travel is hazardous, demanding, and also something to be prevented. As opposed to jump to this conclusion ourselves, we did a great deal of research to much better understand pet traveling in freight: what freight animal travel really is, potential risks and risks with putting canines or cats in freight, and also recent statistics on safety and security.
Exactly how do family pets travel in cargo?
If your animal does not fit in a service provider under the seat before you, your animal can take a trip in cargo (also known as the “hold” of the aircraft). Almost every respectable residential and international airline company provides specialized delivery services for animals that are not allowed in the aircraft cabin.
Cats and also pet dogs flying in cargo must take a trip in a well-ventilated, rigid (a.k.a. hard-sided) kennel. Soft-sided providers are not enabled safety and security reasons. Most airline companies required that the kennel have a strong top and base (i.e. without air flow openings) and a minimum of 3 sides with ventilation. Some airlines call for kennels with four aerated sides for worldwide travel.
Pets are put in a climate-controlled, pressurized compartment listed below the aircraft cabin and maintained separate from baggage and various other cargo. Your animal will generally be on the same trip as you, airline companies schedule the right to deliver your animal by means of a different flight or path.
To fly your pet or pet cat via cargo, ensure to schedule your pet dog’s freight booking well before separation. Every airline company has a little various plans, so always
evaluation your airline’s animal policy page prior to reserving your own travel. Given the degree of anxiety freight travel put on pets, most airlines require a current health certification from a qualified veterinarian to validate your canine or cat remains in good health. For the exact same reason, all airline companies also prohibit brachycephalic dogs as well as cats from flying in cargo. Brachycephalic pet dogs have snub noses and also consist of french bulldogs, boston terriers, pugs, shih tzus, and also boxers – to name a few.
Your airline company will certainly likewise likely require a rabies vaccination certification provided and signed by a qualified vet.
What is it like in freight?
The cargo location is climate-controlled and pressurized to ensure the safety and security and wellness of your animal. Trusted airline companies additionally enforce seasonal constraints and temperature-related guidelines.
Delta Cargo, as an example, does not fly animals throughout”extreme climate “as well as prohibits pet dogs from freight travel when outdoorstemperatures are below 20 ˚F(-7 ˚C) or above 80 ˚F( 27 ˚C). American Airlines does not enable animals to travel in cargo when outdoors temperatures are below 45 ˚For over 85 ˚F. Why these temperature level standards? Although the freight area is climate-controlled, your pet may be compelled to wait on the tarmac prior to being packed onto the airplane. Airline companies intend to ensure your pet dog is secure and not uncomfortably hot or cool throughout their transport on the tarmac.
Although responsible airlines do their finest to keep your pet dog comfy, it is true that cargo travel can be extremely stressful on animals. An airplane’s cargo area is loud, dark, and also littered. Your pet will certainly be delivered via unfamiliar people (airport terminal employees) and traveling alone in a brand-new, uncommon, as well as naturally frightening environment. If your pet is prone to anxiousness or sick, please reconsider freight travel as well as speak to your veterinarian prior to making any travel plans.
Does my animal get food as well as water in cargo?
Yes, yet every airline company family pet cargo policy varies.
American Airlines Cargo, for example, requires pet dog proprietors to give two meals (one for food as well as one for water). The dishes need to be attached to the within the hard-sided kennel however accessible from the outdoors (so airline personnel do not need to open up the kennel). American Airlines gives water for animals, family pet owners are called for to give enough food for at least 24 hours simply in instance your pet dog or pet cat’s trip is postponed, cancelled, rerouted, etc.
We strongly recommend reviewing evaluating airline’s pet policy plan before booking any kind of itinerary.
Just how does my pet dog or pet cat go to the bathroom in cargo?
Since animals are not permitted to leave their kennels throughout flights, the majority of airlines require that you line the base of your family pet’s kennel with absorptive material, i.e. pet-friendly potty pads.
Is it hazardous for pets to take a trip in the hold of the airplane?
The big bulk of pet dogs traveling using freight show up safely at their destination, it is vital to understand the possible hazards with cargo travel.
Dehydration. Airline companies need pet dogs to have ample food and also water throughout their journey, there is still risk of dehydration, particularly if your family pet is not used to alcohol consumption from his or her water source. Before scheduling travel, please make certain your pet or feline is utilized to his/her kennel and understands just how to consume alcohol from the kennel’s bowl or canteen.
Heatstroke. In order to ensure your pet is not overheated (or too cold), choose an airline that applies seasonal limitations as well as temperature-related guidelines for pet cargo traveling. As mentioned above, Delta Cargo does not fly pets throughout “severe climate” as well as bans pets from cargo traveling when outside temperature levels are listed below 20 ˚F (-7 ˚C) or above 80 ˚F (27 ˚C).
Heart failure. Freight traveling is difficult for any kind of animal, old or young. Elderly pets, family pets vulnerable to anxiousness, or those generally poor health and wellness are at raised threat of heart failure during travel. Please consult your vet before travel to ensure your pet or cat has a tidy costs of health and wellness and is an appropriate candidate for cargo traveling.
Various other injury. Although unlikely, there have been past occurrences where family pets were hurt after leaving their kennel. Various other family pets were harmed after items dropped on their kennel.
U.S. Department of Transportation gathered information on family pet freight travel in 2017. Throughout that calendar year, 506,994 pets flew in freight. Of this number, 24 pets died (a 0.005% probability), 15 animals were harmed (0.003% possibility), and 1 pet was lost (0.0002% likelihood).
Any kind of avoidable death or injury is absolutely inappropriate. With that said claimed, thinking your pet dog or pet cat remains in great wellness (as validated by your qualified vet) and also presuming you properly prepare your animal for freight traveling (i.e. ensure she or he recognizes how to consume and also consume from the kennel’s bowls), cargo traveling should be a safe traveling choice for your four-legged household.
Prior to you go
We ‘d enjoy to find out about your own experiences flying your canine or cat in freight. Please leave us a comment (or concern) listed below. Make sure to follow our globetrotting pet dog
Django on Instagram (@DjangoTheGent). You can additionally locate Django on Facebook.
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source http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/is-it-safe-to-fly-your-pet-in-cargo/ from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.blogspot.com/2020/07/is-it-safe-to-fly-your-pet-in-cargo.html
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barryswamsleyaz · 4 years
Is It Safe to Fly Your Pet in Cargo?
January 15, 2020
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Mike and also I(Steph)take our pet dog Django almost everywhere. We’ve adventured with Django throughout British Columbia, camped under the celebrities with him in Lake Tahoe, and also played crabs with Django in Las Vegas as he strangely enough viewed from his DJANGO dog provider bag. Django has actually completed countless cross-country trips, a cross-country trip, and also two cross-Atlantic flights. Mike and I flew with Django throughout the Atlantic Ocean to honeymoon in France and Italy. For the document, our family members thought we were crazy to take Django. We had the time of our life with our unshaven little sausage pet as well as wouldn’t have actually traveled differently! Flying with Django has actually the good news is been easy. Django weighs 14 lbs as well as pleasantly fits in his dog service provider that slides under the airplane seat in front of us. As long as an airline with in-cabin family pet travel is flying to our location, all we need to do is pay an added pet dog charge as well as Django can fly with us at our feet.
However, not all pets are enabled to fly in the cabin. Canines that do not fit under an airplane seat in an airline-approved animal provider are called for to fly by means of freight. In addition, some countries consisting of the United Kingdom ban in-cabin pet travel completely.
Is the cargo location secure for pet dog traveling? Will pet dogs also big for in-cabin animal traveling be comfortable in the hold of the plane?
There are preconceived notions that freight pet dog travel is hazardous, demanding, and also something to be prevented. As opposed to jump to this conclusion ourselves, we did a great deal of research to much better understand pet traveling in freight: what freight animal travel really is, potential risks and risks with putting canines or cats in freight, and also recent statistics on safety and security.
Exactly how do family pets travel in cargo?
If your animal does not fit in a service provider under the seat before you, your animal can take a trip in cargo (also known as the “hold” of the aircraft). Almost every respectable residential and international airline company provides specialized delivery services for animals that are not allowed in the aircraft cabin.
Cats and also pet dogs flying in cargo must take a trip in a well-ventilated, rigid (a.k.a. hard-sided) kennel. Soft-sided providers are not enabled safety and security reasons. Most airline companies required that the kennel have a strong top and base (i.e. without air flow openings) and a minimum of 3 sides with ventilation. Some airlines call for kennels with four aerated sides for worldwide travel.
Pets are put in a climate-controlled, pressurized compartment listed below the aircraft cabin and maintained separate from baggage and various other cargo. Your animal will generally be on the same trip as you, airline companies schedule the right to deliver your animal by means of a different flight or path.
To fly your pet or pet cat via cargo, ensure to schedule your pet dog’s freight booking well before separation. Every airline company has a little various plans, so always
evaluation your airline’s animal policy page prior to reserving your own travel. Given the degree of anxiety freight travel put on pets, most airlines require a current health certification from a qualified veterinarian to validate your canine or cat remains in good health. For the exact same reason, all airline companies also prohibit brachycephalic dogs as well as cats from flying in cargo. Brachycephalic pet dogs have snub noses and also consist of french bulldogs, boston terriers, pugs, shih tzus, and also boxers – to name a few.
Your airline company will certainly likewise likely require a rabies vaccination certification provided and signed by a qualified vet.
What is it like in freight?
The cargo location is climate-controlled and pressurized to ensure the safety and security and wellness of your animal. Trusted airline companies additionally enforce seasonal constraints and temperature-related guidelines. Delta Cargo, as an example, does not fly animals throughout”extreme climate “as well as prohibits pet dogs from freight travel when outdoorstemperatures are below 20 ˚F(-7 ˚C) or above 80 ˚F( 27 ˚C). American Airlines does not enable animals to travel in cargo when outdoors temperatures are below 45 ˚For over 85 ˚F. Why these temperature level standards? Although the freight area is climate-controlled, your pet may be compelled to wait on the tarmac prior to being packed onto the airplane. Airline companies intend to ensure your pet dog is secure and not uncomfortably hot or cool throughout their transport on the tarmac.
Although responsible airlines do their finest to keep your pet dog comfy, it is true that cargo travel can be extremely stressful on animals. An airplane’s cargo area is loud, dark, and also littered. Your pet will certainly be delivered via unfamiliar people (airport terminal employees) and traveling alone in a brand-new, uncommon, as well as naturally frightening environment. If your pet is prone to anxiousness or sick, please reconsider freight travel as well as speak to your veterinarian prior to making any travel plans.
Does my animal get food as well as water in cargo?
Yes, yet every airline company family pet cargo policy varies. American Airlines Cargo, for example, requires pet dog proprietors to give two meals (one for food as well as one for water). The dishes need to be attached to the within the hard-sided kennel however accessible from the outdoors (so airline personnel do not need to open up the kennel). American Airlines gives water for animals, family pet owners are called for to give enough food for at least 24 hours simply in instance your pet dog or pet cat’s trip is postponed, cancelled, rerouted, etc.
We strongly recommend reviewing evaluating airline’s pet policy plan before booking any kind of itinerary.
Just how does my pet dog or pet cat go to the bathroom in cargo?
Since animals are not permitted to leave their kennels throughout flights, the majority of airlines require that you line the base of your family pet’s kennel with absorptive material, i.e. pet-friendly potty pads.
Is it hazardous for pets to take a trip in the hold of the airplane?
The big bulk of pet dogs traveling using freight show up safely at their destination, it is vital to understand the possible hazards with cargo travel.
Dehydration. Airline companies need pet dogs to have ample food and also water throughout their journey, there is still risk of dehydration, particularly if your family pet is not used to alcohol consumption from his or her water source. Before scheduling travel, please make certain your pet or feline is utilized to his/her kennel and understands just how to consume alcohol from the kennel’s bowl or canteen.
Heatstroke. In order to ensure your pet is not overheated (or too cold), choose an airline that applies seasonal limitations as well as temperature-related guidelines for pet cargo traveling. As mentioned above, Delta Cargo does not fly pets throughout “severe climate” as well as bans pets from cargo traveling when outside temperature levels are listed below 20 ˚F (-7 ˚C) or above 80 ˚F (27 ˚C).
Heart failure. Freight traveling is difficult for any kind of animal, old or young. Elderly pets, family pets vulnerable to anxiousness, or those generally poor health and wellness are at raised threat of heart failure during travel. Please consult your vet before travel to ensure your pet or cat has a tidy costs of health and wellness and is an appropriate candidate for cargo traveling.
Various other injury. Although unlikely, there have been past occurrences where family pets were hurt after leaving their kennel. Various other family pets were harmed after items dropped on their kennel.
The U.S. Department of Transportation gathered information on family pet freight travel in 2017. Throughout that calendar year, 506,994 pets flew in freight. Of this number, 24 pets died (a 0.005% probability), 15 animals were harmed (0.003% possibility), and 1 pet was lost (0.0002% likelihood).
Any kind of avoidable death or injury is absolutely inappropriate. With that said claimed, thinking your pet dog or pet cat remains in great wellness (as validated by your qualified vet) and also presuming you properly prepare your animal for freight traveling (i.e. ensure she or he recognizes how to consume and also consume from the kennel’s bowls), cargo traveling should be a safe traveling choice for your four-legged household.
Prior to you go
We ‘d enjoy to find out about your own experiences flying your canine or cat in freight. Please leave us a comment (or concern) listed below. Make sure to follow our globetrotting pet dog Django on Instagram (@DjangoTheGent). You can additionally locate Django on Facebook.
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from Lucky Dog Solutions http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/is-it-safe-to-fly-your-pet-in-cargo/ from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.tumblr.com/post/623193089514799104
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luckydogsolutions · 4 years
Is It Safe to Fly Your Pet in Cargo?
January 15, 2020
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Mike and also I(Steph)take our pet dog Django almost everywhere. We’ve adventured with Django throughout British Columbia, camped under the celebrities with him in Lake Tahoe, and also played crabs with Django in Las Vegas as he strangely enough viewed from his DJANGO dog provider bag. Django has actually completed countless cross-country trips, a cross-country trip, and also two cross-Atlantic flights. Mike and I flew with Django throughout the Atlantic Ocean to honeymoon in France and Italy. For the document, our family members thought we were crazy to take Django. We had the time of our life with our unshaven little sausage pet as well as wouldn’t have actually traveled differently! Flying with Django has actually the good news is been easy. Django weighs 14 lbs as well as pleasantly fits in his dog service provider that slides under the airplane seat in front of us. As long as an airline with in-cabin family pet travel is flying to our location, all we need to do is pay an added pet dog charge as well as Django can fly with us at our feet.
However, not all pets are enabled to fly in the cabin. Canines that do not fit under an airplane seat in an airline-approved animal provider are called for to fly by means of freight. In addition, some countries consisting of the United Kingdom ban in-cabin pet travel completely.
Is the cargo location secure for pet dog traveling? Will pet dogs also big for in-cabin animal traveling be comfortable in the hold of the plane?
There are preconceived notions that freight pet dog travel is hazardous, demanding, and also something to be prevented. As opposed to jump to this conclusion ourselves, we did a great deal of research to much better understand pet traveling in freight: what freight animal travel really is, potential risks and risks with putting canines or cats in freight, and also recent statistics on safety and security.
Exactly how do family pets travel in cargo?
If your animal does not fit in a service provider under the seat before you, your animal can take a trip in cargo (also known as the “hold” of the aircraft). Almost every respectable residential and international airline company provides specialized delivery services for animals that are not allowed in the aircraft cabin.
Cats and also pet dogs flying in cargo must take a trip in a well-ventilated, rigid (a.k.a. hard-sided) kennel. Soft-sided providers are not enabled safety and security reasons. Most airline companies required that the kennel have a strong top and base (i.e. without air flow openings) and a minimum of 3 sides with ventilation. Some airlines call for kennels with four aerated sides for worldwide travel.
Pets are put in a climate-controlled, pressurized compartment listed below the aircraft cabin and maintained separate from baggage and various other cargo. Your animal will generally be on the same trip as you, airline companies schedule the right to deliver your animal by means of a different flight or path.
To fly your pet or pet cat via cargo, ensure to schedule your pet dog’s freight booking well before separation. Every airline company has a little various plans, so always
evaluation your airline’s animal policy page prior to reserving your own travel. Given the degree of anxiety freight travel put on pets, most airlines require a current health certification from a qualified veterinarian to validate your canine or cat remains in good health. For the exact same reason, all airline companies also prohibit brachycephalic dogs as well as cats from flying in cargo. Brachycephalic pet dogs have snub noses and also consist of french bulldogs, boston terriers, pugs, shih tzus, and also boxers – to name a few.
Your airline company will certainly likewise likely require a rabies vaccination certification provided and signed by a qualified vet.
What is it like in freight?
The cargo location is climate-controlled and pressurized to ensure the safety and security and wellness of your animal. Trusted airline companies additionally enforce seasonal constraints and temperature-related guidelines. Delta Cargo, as an example, does not fly animals throughout”extreme climate “as well as prohibits pet dogs from freight travel when outdoorstemperatures are below 20 ˚F(-7 ˚C) or above 80 ˚F( 27 ˚C). American Airlines does not enable animals to travel in cargo when outdoors temperatures are below 45 ˚For over 85 ˚F. Why these temperature level standards? Although the freight area is climate-controlled, your pet may be compelled to wait on the tarmac prior to being packed onto the airplane. Airline companies intend to ensure your pet dog is secure and not uncomfortably hot or cool throughout their transport on the tarmac.
Although responsible airlines do their finest to keep your pet dog comfy, it is true that cargo travel can be extremely stressful on animals. An airplane’s cargo area is loud, dark, and also littered. Your pet will certainly be delivered via unfamiliar people (airport terminal employees) and traveling alone in a brand-new, uncommon, as well as naturally frightening environment. If your pet is prone to anxiousness or sick, please reconsider freight travel as well as speak to your veterinarian prior to making any travel plans.
Does my animal get food as well as water in cargo?
Yes, yet every airline company family pet cargo policy varies. American Airlines Cargo, for example, requires pet dog proprietors to give two meals (one for food as well as one for water). The dishes need to be attached to the within the hard-sided kennel however accessible from the outdoors (so airline personnel do not need to open up the kennel). American Airlines gives water for animals, family pet owners are called for to give enough food for at least 24 hours simply in instance your pet dog or pet cat’s trip is postponed, cancelled, rerouted, etc.
We strongly recommend reviewing evaluating airline’s pet policy plan before booking any kind of itinerary.
Just how does my pet dog or pet cat go to the bathroom in cargo?
Since animals are not permitted to leave their kennels throughout flights, the majority of airlines require that you line the base of your family pet’s kennel with absorptive material, i.e. pet-friendly potty pads.
Is it hazardous for pets to take a trip in the hold of the airplane?
The big bulk of pet dogs traveling using freight show up safely at their destination, it is vital to understand the possible hazards with cargo travel.
Dehydration. Airline companies need pet dogs to have ample food and also water throughout their journey, there is still risk of dehydration, particularly if your family pet is not used to alcohol consumption from his or her water source. Before scheduling travel, please make certain your pet or feline is utilized to his/her kennel and understands just how to consume alcohol from the kennel’s bowl or canteen.
Heatstroke. In order to ensure your pet is not overheated (or too cold), choose an airline that applies seasonal limitations as well as temperature-related guidelines for pet cargo traveling. As mentioned above, Delta Cargo does not fly pets throughout “severe climate” as well as bans pets from cargo traveling when outside temperature levels are listed below 20 ˚F (-7 ˚C) or above 80 ˚F (27 ˚C).
Heart failure. Freight traveling is difficult for any kind of animal, old or young. Elderly pets, family pets vulnerable to anxiousness, or those generally poor health and wellness are at raised threat of heart failure during travel. Please consult your vet before travel to ensure your pet or cat has a tidy costs of health and wellness and is an appropriate candidate for cargo traveling.
Various other injury. Although unlikely, there have been past occurrences where family pets were hurt after leaving their kennel. Various other family pets were harmed after items dropped on their kennel.
The U.S. Department of Transportation gathered information on family pet freight travel in 2017. Throughout that calendar year, 506,994 pets flew in freight. Of this number, 24 pets died (a 0.005% probability), 15 animals were harmed (0.003% possibility), and 1 pet was lost (0.0002% likelihood).
Any kind of avoidable death or injury is absolutely inappropriate. With that said claimed, thinking your pet dog or pet cat remains in great wellness (as validated by your qualified vet) and also presuming you properly prepare your animal for freight traveling (i.e. ensure she or he recognizes how to consume and also consume from the kennel’s bowls), cargo traveling should be a safe traveling choice for your four-legged household.
Prior to you go
We ‘d enjoy to find out about your own experiences flying your canine or cat in freight. Please leave us a comment (or concern) listed below. Make sure to follow our globetrotting pet dog Django on Instagram (@DjangoTheGent). You can additionally locate Django on Facebook.
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from Lucky Dog Solutions http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/is-it-safe-to-fly-your-pet-in-cargo/
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surejaya · 4 years
Lonely Planet Pocket Venice
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Lonely Planet Pocket Venice by Lonely Planet
Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisher Lonely Planet Pocket Venice is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Absorb the architecture and mosaics at Basilica di San Marco, cruise the Grand Canal aboard a gondola, trace the development of Venetian art at the Gallerie dell'Accademia -all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of the best of Venice and begin your journey now! Inside Lonely Planet Pocket Venice: Full-colour maps and images throughout Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices Honest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, sight-seeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks miss Free, convenient pull-out city walks map (included in print version), plus over 20 colour neighbourhood maps User-friendly layout with helpful icons, and organised by neighbourhood to help you pick the best spots to spend your time Covers San Marco the Palazzo Ducale, Dorsoduro the Accademia, San Polo Santa Croce, Cannaregio the Ghetto, and more The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet Pocket Venice, a colorful, easy-to-use, and handy guide that literally fits in your pocket, provides on-the-go assistance for those seeking only the can't-miss experiences to maximize a quick trip experience. Looking for a comprehensive guide that recommends both popular and offbeat experiences, and extensively covers all of Venice's neighbourhoods? Check out Lonely Planet Venice the Veneto guide. Looking for more extensive coverage? Check out Lonely Planet Italy guide for a comprehensive look at all the country has to offer. About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company and the world's number one travel guidebook brand, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, video, 14 languages, 12 international magazines, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day. Lonely Planet enables the curious to experience the world fully and to truly get to the heart of the places they find themselves, near or far from home. 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' - New York Times 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves, it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' - Fairfax Media (Australia) 02 07 Lonely Planet Pocket Venice is your passport to the most up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Absorb the architecture and mosaics at Basilica di San Marco, cruise the Grand Canal on a gondola, trace the development of Venetian art at the Gallerie dell'Accademia; all with your trusted travel companion. 04 01 http://media.lonelyplanet.com/onix-fe... 01 GOODREPRUS Lonely Planet 01 01 GOODREPRUS Lonely Planet Global Limited http://www.lonelyplanet.com IE 04 20180116 01 WORLD 01 6.02 in 02 4.17 in 03 0.39 in 08 .423 lb 01 153 mm 02 106 mm 03 10 mm 08 .192 kg 03 15 9781742201412 BC LONELY PLANET (AMERICAS) WORLD 20 72 01 02 Lonely Planet Trade 13.99 USD WORLD Z
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kuwahuru · 5 years
5 Days Maundi Crater kilimanjaro
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If you are the first time climber and you want to climb Kilimanjaro in few days, here I have suggested you climb Kilimanjaro via the easy Marangu route. Our 5 Days Marangu route itinerary is the only uncomplicated  to Uhuru peak on Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing because of its gentle slopes but need optional acclimatization day that one can reschedule to 6 days. The Marangu route is known as Coca-Cola Route meaning simple like Coca cola. However it is the only route on the mountain which offers accommodation in sleeping huts and serves beverages like ITINERARY Day 1: Marangu Gate to Mandara Hut (2,700 m): 5-6 hours walking. After having your breakfast we Take a short drive from Moshi or Arusha town to Kilimanjaro National Park Gate (1,830 m.) lies at the edge of Marangu, which is an attractive village with many small coffee and banana plantations. After completing the entrance formalities, We start the climbs through attractive and  fascinating tropical rain forest, to reach the clearing containing Mandara Hut. The volcanic remains of Maundi Crater are nearby, and make a good afternoon excursion. An alternative is to simply rest and relax the beautiful forest around the camp. There is a rich birdlife at the huts and monkeys are often seen as well Day 2: Mandara Hut to Horombo Hut (3,720 m): 4-6 hours walking Today The first part of the walk is a steep ascent through forest, but the path soon opens out into grassy moorland and, in clear weather, there are good views of Kibo and Mawenzi peaks. We climb steadily through the moorland zone, containing giant heather and occasional stands of groundsel, to eventually reach Horombo Hut. Sunrises and sunsets here are often very stunning, the site is close to the glaciated dome of Kibo, and there is a real sense of being above the clouds. Day 3: Horombo Hut to Kibo Hut (4,700 m.); 4-6 hours walking we climb very gradually towards the lunar desert of the Saddle between Mawenzi and Kibo. The terrain changes to screed and there is a palpable sense of high altitude wilderness. We usually reach Kibo Hut (4,700 m.) at the bottom of the crater wall by midday and the afternoon is free (to contemplate the summit ascent!!). The remainder of the day is spent resting and eating in preparation for the final climb before a very early night Day 4: Kibo Hut to Summit to Horombo Hut  (3,720 m): 13-15 hours walking. Wake up before midnight in the cover of darkness. We will start our ascent by torchlight at about 1 a.m. so that we can be up at Gillman’s Point by sunrise. The initial climb is steep over loose volcanic screen, but there are some well-graded zig-zag and a slow but steady pace will have us up to Gillman’s (5,685 m.) in about five or six hours. We will rest there and spend some time taking in the sunrise. Those who are still feeling strong can make the three hour round trip from here along the crater rim to Uhuru Peak (5,896 m.)wich is highest point in africa, passing close to the spectacular glaciers that still occupy most of the summit area.after a few minutes to appreciate your accomplishment  we descend to kibo hut, we stop at Kibo Hut for some refreshment, The descent is surprisingly fast and continue to descend to reach  to  Horombo Hut for the night. Day 5: Safari to Kilimanjaro Retrace through Forest (6-7 hours walking). Today we will descend past Mandara hut to Marangu National Park gate, successful climbers will receive their summit certificates. From here you will be transferred to Kilimanjaro Mountain Resort for dinner and overnight. We retrace our steps with a pleasant moorland walk to Mandara and then a lovely forest walk to the National Park gates to Moshi or Arusha town. The greenness and lushness of the forest is quite a stunning contrast to the summit day, and it really makes you realize how varied the scenery on Kilimanjaro really is. We recommend you can extend your stay a little breeze on Zanzibar beaches or Ngorongoro Crater safari from at least 2 days. Kilimanjaro Climb Includes: Return transfers Kilimanjaro airport to Arusha and Arusha to Kilimanjaro airport • Hotel Lodging the night before and the night after the climb, with dinner and breakfast included (double occupancy) • Transfer from your hotel to starting point for your climb, and return to your hotel after your climb • Large portions of fresh, healthy, nutritious food • All Kilimanjaro National Park gate fees, camping fees and climbing permits. • Kilimanjaro National Park rescue fees (Kilimanjaro Rescue Team) • Emergency oxygen (for use in emergencies only – not as summiting aid) • Basic first aid kit (for use in emergencies only) • Qualified mountain guide, assistant guides, porters and cook • Salaries for mountain crew as per guidelines set by Kilimanjaro National Park • Breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as hot drinks on the mountain • Camping equipment (tents, camp chairs, tables & sleeping mattress • Water for washing up daily • Porter to carry your duffel bag (max weight 15kg / 32 lbs) from one camp to the next camp. • Kilimanjaro National Park certificate for your successful summit attempt Kilimanjaro Climb Excludes: • Flights and airport taxes • Items of a personal nature • Compulsory tips for guides, porters and cook (average tip is anything from US $ 270 to US $ 300 per hiker – depending on number of days / how many hikers in the group and route chosen) • South African passport holders do NOT require a visa for Tanzania, however most other Nationalities require a visa for Tanzania • Health requirements (Yellow Fever compulsory if travelling to Tanzania recommended) • Highly recommended travel and medical insurance. • Personal hiking/trekking gear – we can rent some of the gear from our equipment store in Tanzania • Optional but highly recommended Portable toilet • Snacks, personal medicine and water purifying tablets • Meals & drinks not specified and snacks Safety
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Success is what we want during our trip. We are prepared for any urgent situation and also have in place a complete evacuation procedure in case of altitude sickness. We carry first aid supplies, supplement summit oxygen and Pulse Oximeters). Travel insurance all customers travelling with  Kuwa Huru Adventure Tanzania are required to have fully comprehensive travel insurance. The policy needs to be valid from the date that the initial order is placed so as to provide cover for a cancellation prior to departure. During travel the insurance neecover. Read the full article
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safariporini-blog · 5 years
Rongai Route 7 Days Kilimanjaro Climbing
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CLIMBING HIGHLIGHTS Duration:  7 Days Climb, 2 Days in the Hotel Category:   Trekking Trekking Route: Rongai Attraction: World tallest free-standing mountain at 5895M asl, The three peaks (Mawenzi, Shira and Kibo), The Snow, Five distinct climate zones. Cultivation, Forest, Heather-Moorland, Alpine Desert and Summit climate zones Tour Guides Language: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Start in: Moshi End in: Moshi Packing list: Camera set with enough zoom etc. Extra info: Provide Porters and Cookers to accompany you while on the mountain.
Climbing Overview
The KILIMANJARO CLIMBING will starts and end at Mountain Inn Hotel in Moshi. You may arrive any time of the day on Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO), you will be picked up with a private transfer waiting at the airport to take you to Mountain inn Hotel. Airport transfers are part of package there will be no extra charges. Kilimanjaro Climbing Prices GROUP SIZE 2 people GROUP SIZE 3 people GROUP SIZE 4-5 people GROUP SIZE 6-8 GROUP SIZE 9-10 $1620 $ 1600 $1590 $1550 US$ 1510
Climbing Detailed
Day 1: Arrive in Moshi Arrive in Moshi use a private transfer to Mountain in Hotel B/B. You will meet in the evening for a pre-climb briefing and equipment’s checkup, We will also have to confirm that you have the proper required medical coverage personal travel insurance. Day 2: Simba Camp (Meals Full board) The day start with a ride to Marangu gate to finish all the necessary park registration formalities, then  transfer by SUV minibus to Rongai gate. The climbing begins from Nale Moru gate (6,400 ft) on a small path that winds through maize and potatoes fields then entering a pine forest. The track then starts to become more climb regularly, but slightly through a gorgeous forest that accommodates a range of wildlife, including the Colobus monkey. These monkeys are black with a long ‘cape’ of whitish hair and a flowing whitish tail. The forest begins to be thin out on the edge of the moorland zone. Before we take in the sprawling views of Kenyan plains as you arrive at your first campsite at Rongai One Camp (8,500 ft).  Day 3:  Second Cave (Meals Full board) Today the morning walk is a solid ascent up to reach the Second Cave (11,300 ft) with terrific sights of Kibo and the Eastern Icefields on the crater rim. After lunch you leave the main trail and heading southeast through the moorland on a smaller path in the direction of the serrated peaks of Mawenzi. Our campsite is under a sheltered valley which is decorated with giant Seneca’s near Kikelewa Caves (11,800 ft).  Day 4:  Kikelelwa Cave (Meals Full board) Will start with a short but very steep climb which is rewarded by superb views and a real sense of wilderness. You will be leavi vegetation behind shortly before getting to the next camp on Mawenzi Tarn (14,200 ft), outstandingly the camp situated in a valley directly beneath the towering spikes of Mawenzi. Then this afternoon will be spent free resting or explore the surrounding areas as an relief to acclimatization.  Day 5: Mawenzi Turn (Meals Full board) Today you would have an additional day to acclimatize, Explore the area with a walk up to Saddle on the way to Camel’s Back. Then later return back to camp at Mawenzi Tarn (14,200 ft).  Day 6: Mawenzi Turn to Kibo Hut (F/B) After a well-deserved breakfast you will cross the lunar desert of saddle between Mawenzi and Kibo to arrive Kibo Hut (15,400 ft) on the bottom of the wall of the crater. The rest of the day is spent resting in prepare yourselves for the early morning final push ascending.  Day 7: Kibo Hut to Summit to Horrombo Hut (F/B) You will start the final ascent which is generally is the most demanding part of the climb by flashlights around 1 a.m. We trudge very slowly in the darkness on a twist trail through unfastened volcanic scree to reach the crater rim at Gillman’s Point (18,600 ft). Here you will have a little rest to enjoy the remarkable sunrise over Mawenzi. Those who are still feeling stronger would make the three-hour round trip to Uhuru Peak (19,345 ft), passing nearby to the almighty glaciers and ice cliffs which still occupy most of the summit area. Then descend to Kibo Hut (15,400 ft) which is surprisingly fast and, after some refreshments, you will proceed the descending to Horombo Huts (12,200 ft).  Day 8: Horrombo Hut (F/B) After breakfast continue with a solid descent takes us down over moorland to Mandara Huts (8,900 ft). We then lastly descending on a lovely lavish forest on a good path to Kilimanjaro National Park gate at Marangu (6,000 ft), where you will later be transferred back to Moshu at Mountain Inn Hotel.  Day 9: Departure day: After breakfast, depending on your flights scheduled a private transfer to Kilimanjaro International Airport, JRO will be offered confirm with your Kilimanjaro guide the flights time. Please send us and E-mail any time to discuss your adventurous trip to Tanzania and get the perfect quotation. Would you like to Trek Kilimanjaro for Charity Challenges? Above climbing itinerary can be taken as your own personal charity or group charity all you got do is to let us and we will work it out.
Price Includes
• Tanzania VAT on tourism activities and park fees • Return transfers Kilimanjaro airport to Moshi and Moshi to Kilimanjaro airport • Hotel stay the night before and after the climb on B/B basis (double occupancy) • with lunch dinner and breakfast while on the mountain • Transfer from your hotel to starting point of your climb, and return to hotel after climb • Large portions of fresh, healthy, nutritious food whilst on trekking • All Kilimanjaro National Park gate fees, camping fees and climbing permits. • Kilimanjaro National Park rescue fees (Kilimanjaro Rescue Team) • Emergency oxygen (for use in emergencies only – not as summiting aid) • Basic first aid kit (for use in emergencies only) • Qualified mountain guide, assistant guides, porters and cook • Salaries for mountain crew as per guidelines set by Kilimanjaro National Park • Breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as hot drinks on the mountain • Camping equipment (tents, camp chairs, tables & sleeping mattress • Water for washing up daily • Porter to carry your duffel bag (max weight 15kg / 32 lbs) from one camp to the next camp. • Kilimanjaro National Park certificate for your successful summit attempt • Flying Doctor Service
Prices Excludes
• Flights and airport taxes • All Items of a personal nature • Compulsory tips for guides, porters and cook average tipping guideline please contact us • South African passport holders do NOT require a visa for Tanzania, however most other Nationalities require a visa for Tanzania 100$ for a Visa to the US, Canada and Australia passport • Health requirements (Yellow Fever compulsory if traveling to Tanzania recommended) • Highly recommended personal travel and medical insurance. • Personal hiking/trekking gear – you can rent some of the gears from our store. • Optional but highly recommended Portable toilet for Girls/Ladies • Snacks, personal medicine and water purifying tablets • Meals snacks and drinks which are not outlined on the itinerary Read the full article
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lovelynccc · 7 years
Travel Itinerary: AMTRAK TRAIN
I have received my travel itinerary! My mode of transportation is the Amtrak Train. It will be a 5½ hour journey to get to Baltimore. I will have to arrive at the station at least an hour before it leaves with a printed copy of my ticket.
*just some rambling*
When I first got the e-mail, I was like ‘what is this?’ ‘Why do I have to be on a 5½ hour train ride when I can be there in an hour on a plane?’ When the welcome packet came, I selected that I wanted to travel by plane and train never crossed my mind. I didn’t even know there were trains that people traveled on like this where I live. But the packet did say they would pick the cheapest option. And no flight can compete with a $109 train ticket.
I’m kinda panicking a bit because of all the blogs I’ve read not one person mentioned traveling via train and I’ve never ridden one myself. I’ve been preparing myself to deal with the airport mess all this time. Checking in, TSA, cramped flight, getting my duffel bag in baggage claim, finding location meetup etc.  
I first thought the train station was literally connected to the airport (since it’s called BWI Airport Rail Station) and I thought I would meet up with the people flying in. But that didn’t make any sense so I looked back on the welcome packet and it said that those who are coming in on the train will meet with staff right in front of the train station.
I’m going to do some more researching so I’m not completely lost come travel day. With some quick Google searching I’ve found out a few things:
The train I’m riding doesn’t have checked baggage so I must keep my heavy duffel with me. Which may be better since it’s less likely to get lost and end up who knows where. (But how on earth am I going to fit and lift my duffel in the overhead cubbies?!They have to be bigger than the ones on plane’s right?!)
Thankfully trains are less strict. Packing will be so much easier since I don’t have to worry about limits on liquids
Also each passenger may bring two personal items, 25 lbs. and 14 x 11 x 7 inches each, and two carry-on items, 50 lbs. and 28 x 22 x 14 inches each, onboard. *Not that you should bring that much with you when you start your service especially since you will not have room for it. But It might be useful at the end of the service when you have a lot to take home*
The seats look roomy and they have outlets by them. And available wifi!
I’ll probably make a post on the actual train experience when the time comes. I know the scenery is going to be beautiful since it’ll be away from the highways. I’m unbelievably excited and getting this travel information shows how real this is becoming.
21 days to go~
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expatsecuador · 4 years
Horseback Riding in Ecuador
Horseback riding in Ecuador has a long history. The Spanish conquistadores brought horses with them in 1534, gradually leading to cattle and horses taking over the pastoral lands traditionally occupied by llamas and alpacas. 
Ecuadorian horse riding has since revolved around haciendas. These large properties are scattered all over Ecuador and some still rely on horses as transport. Other haciendas have adapted to also offer horseback riding tours or specialize in competitive jumping. 
Indeed, some of the best horse riding we’ve experienced in Ecuador has been through smaller operators that are either operated by, or arranged through, the haciendas. Even without the horses, visiting and staying at haciendas is one of our favorite weekend getaways.
Once you’ve read this article, you’ll know the different options for:
Taking a horse riding tour
Enrolling in a horse riding school 
Right, let’s get to it! 
Horseback riding tours vs schools
Most visitors to Ecuador only have time to sneak in a horseback riding tour. But, those that are able to spend at least a few months here can look into enrolling at a horse riding school. 
You should be able to find a riding school if you’re close to the bigger cities of Quito, Cuenca or Guayaquil, but may need to search a little harder if you live in a smaller town. We’ve included a list of schools you can try at the bottom of the article. 
Horse riding tours 
Whether you’re new to the saddle or fancy yourself as a regular chagra (cowboy), there’s a variety of tours to suit your needs. 
We’ve created the following map to show popular horse riding tours and schools in Ecuador:
Quito one day horse riding tours
Day horse riding tours are popular in many of Ecuador’s tourist hot spots, particularly in the mountains accessible from Quito. Some popular options include: 
Riding in Cotopaxi National Park is an amazing experience. Just you, the volcano, and some new friends. It feels like a different world, and I guess it is.
You can get a tour leaving from Quito that takes around 2 hours to get to the stables or hacienda. Or, if you want to explore Cotopaxi some more (recommended), you can hook up with horse riding tours once you’re there. 
If you’re looking for a place to stay, Hacienda los Mortiños is 5 minutes from the Cotopaxi park entrance with great views of the volcano and offers reasonably priced horse riding tours. 
Hacienda El Porvenir also offers a good variety of rooms and is situated on the foothills of Rumiñahui Volcano. They offer a variety of day and multi-day horse riding trips and can arrange transport from Quito if required. 
Cotopaxi Horse Riding Costs
There’s something for all budgets at Cotopaxi. From Quito, expect to pay at least $100 for a 2 hour ride including return transport and lunch. Private tours cost around twice this. If you find your own way to Cotopaxi, expect to pay from $40 for a 2-hour ride with a local Spanish speaking guide. 
Michelle riding at Cotopaxi
Hacienda La Alegria
Smack bang in the Avenue of the Volcanoes, 40 minutes south of Quito is Hacienda La Alegria. Situated within the Machachi valley and lined with volcanoes on either side, this hacienda specializes in horseback vacations. 
They provide good priced all-inclusive tours ranging from overnight to multiple days. 
Hacienda Tilipulo
1.5 hrs from Quito, between Lake Quilotoa and Vulcan Cotopaxi is Hacienda Tilipulo. This working vegetable farm (brocolli & artichoke and potatoes) also raises horses and offers day trips, multi-day trips and weekly lessons. All are very reasonably priced. 
Pululahua Crater
The lush green cloud forest inside a crater makes for a very unique horse riding experience. This popular destination is only a few minutes away from the Mitad Del Mundo on the outskirts of Quito.
Pululahua Ecolodge offers a good variety of horse riding tours and accommodation options. 
Hacienda La Merced Baja 
A little less than 2 hours from Quito, near Otavalo is Hacienda La Merced. It’s a working dairy farm that also breeds horses and has numerous day riding tours on offer for their guests.
2 hours from Quito is Hacienda Zuleta. And it’s gorgeous. This is a 17th-century working hacienda that offers many different activities such as bird watching, cooking classes and cycling. But, we’re most impressed with their horse riding tours on their very own breed of horse, aptly called Zuleteño.
Their most popular ride takes you to the neighboring Condor Huasi Project where riders learn about condors and spectacles bears. 
You’ll need to stay at the Hacienda to go on their horse riding tours. It’s not for the budget-conscious, but it’s high on our list of places to stay when we want an indulgent, adventure-filled weekend. 
Image: Hacienda Zuleta
Cuenca one day horse tours
Horse riding isn’t necessarily high on the list of must-do activities that tourists (or even expats) explore when visiting or moving to Cuenca. But, Cuenca actually has a long and proud horse heritage with several good options for day trips and riding schools. 
Centro Ecuestre Bellavista
About 20 mins from Cuenca is Centro Ecuestre Bellavista. It’s a full-blown riding center that offers lessons, day trips, competitive jumping and breeding. Spoiler alert, this is where our family goes for our twice-weekly lessons and we all love it, especially the kids.
All prices are very reasonable, including their day trips to neighboring indigenous (Quechua) villages.  
Lessons at Centro Ecuestre Bellavista, Cuenca
Hostería Caballo Campana
This aptly named large hostería around 15 mins from Cuenca offers horse riding tours for a reasonable hourly rate. The hostería also has beautiful gardens and rooms in you’re looking for a mini weekend getaway from Cuenca. 
Hacienda Totorillas
Also about 30 minutes from Cuenca is Hacienda Totorillas. There are multiple options for horse riding here and several Cuenca based agencies even offer moonlight rides at this Hacienda.
Beach horseback tours
If you somehow get sick of cantering through the high sierra, you can always take it down to sea level for a more relaxing ride along the beach. 
Cabalgatas Canoa
In addition to beach tours, Cabalgatas Canoa also offer tours to the nearby Jungle and several lifestyle based options such as their craft beer or BBQ sunset tour. Both of which are ideal for those lazy beach holidays.  
Villamil Playas
For those visiting or living in Guayaquil, one of your closer options is horse riding on Villamil Playas approx 1.5 hours away. There isn’t as much variety here, but you’ll still be able to find comfortable rides between 1-3 hours. These are either booked locally or through a travel agent.  
Multi-day horseback tours  
For me, this is where the magic happens. Riding through the Ecuadorian Sierra for multiple days without a worry in sight is such a rare treat. 
Many of the multi-day tours will use several of the hacienda’s mentioned above to form itineraries spanning days, often up to a week. Some may also include smaller guesthouses or hosterías in the more isolated areas. Some tours also combine horse riding with other activities such as hummingbird or spectacled bear watching. There’s almost too much choice!  
Sample multi-day horseriding tour itinerary 
We’ve included a map of a sample itinerary below to give you an idea of what a 8 day, 7 night tour looks like, including how much riding you can expect each day:
Booking your tour
There are several international based tour companies that offer equestrian focused tours. These are great options for those that like everything organized for them once they arrive in Ecuador or perhaps have trouble with Spanish as these tours normally feature a bi-lingual guide. 
Additional costs
Be on the lookout for any additional costs that may be buried in the finer print. 
Single and small group supplements
Supplements for smaller group sizes and singles are quite common. Also, most meals will be included, but some at the start and the end may not. 
Weight supplement 
Weight supplements are commonly applied too. If you weigh more than 200 lbs, you may need to pay extra. The rationale for this is that horses need to work harder in the altitude due to less oxygen being present. Imposing weight limits helps ensure the horses are treated well and not overworked. This also applies to day tours. 
Tips for the guides and other staff are not included either. Although not mandatory, many tour companies do suggest a tip of 10%. 
Flights to Ecuador are not included for most tours. When booking flights, remember to allow a day to acclimatize before your tour starts. 
Horse riding is a high-risk activity that may not be covered under all travel insurance policies. Make sure your policy does include horseback riding or you may find yourself under financial stress if something does not go to plan. 
What to bring
We suggest the bare minimum for any horse riding tour is below. But, if you’re going for a multi-day ride, you may need to pack multiple… 
Riding pants (or at least long pants)
Longsleeve shirt
Waterproof jacket
Riding boots (or at least closed shoes)
Mosquito repellent
Helmets are mandatory for tours and are provided, but feel free to bring yours if you prefer. 
High mountains = cold weather
It can get very cold in the Sierra. Make sure you’ve packed enough layers to keep you warm. You may also be able to rent a heavy poncho, but make sure to ask your tour provider first.
Don’t forget to acclimatize!
If you’re going to be riding or hiking in the Ecuadorian Sierra, we strongly suggest leaving yourself at least one day in Quito (or similar elevation of 9,350 ft) to acclimatize. Some tours even go up to 13,000 ft, where dealing with altitude is a very real issue. 
Everyone reacts to altitude differently, and chances are you will be fine. But, you’ll increase your chances if you give yourself at least one day first. 
Image: Hacienda Tilipulo Horse Riding School
Horse riding schools 
Before setting off into the high Sierra, you’ll need to learn how to ride a horse… It’s also a great after school or weekend activity for the kids. 
We’ve listed some recommended schools to start your search below. It’s important to note that not all of these schools will be able to teach in English, so at least a basic understanding of Spanish will be required. 
The costs vary by school, but you should expect to budget around $100 per month for classes twice per week. Transportation (if required) can often be arranged but will cost extra. 
Escuela De Equitacion La Herradura
Quito Ecuestre
Gerber Club Ecuestre
El Establo Club Ecuestre
Centro Ecuestre Bellavista
Kawallu (Hippotherapy)
Rancho Botas y Espuelas
How old does my child need to be? 
Most Ecuadorian horse riding schools accept kids from 4 years old. We started our girl at 4 years old and she has not looked back. 
Most of the schools mentioned cater to all adult levels too. I’ve no idea if there is an upper age limit, but if you’ve got health issues we suggest getting clearance from a doctor first. 
How long is each lesson?
Schedules vary by school, but expect classes to run for around an hour. 
Equine Therapy
Some horse riding schools also combine equine therapy to help the rehabilitation of children and young people with special abilities. 
Wrapping up
There really are so many options for horse riding in Ecuador! Feel free to leave a comment or contact us if you want some personalized recommendations. 
And please let us know if we’ve left out your favorite hacienda or horse riding school – we’re trying to create a thorough resource to help others.
from Expats Ecuador https://expatsecuador.com/horse-riding/
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bigtinyworldtravel · 4 years
Judging by picture-perfect, colorful squares on Instagram, the freedom of a travel lifestyle is presented as paradise – an endless parade of tropical breezes and fruity drinks, interspersed with exciting adventures that would make anyone envious.  While travel is, indeed, amazing and life-changing and exhilarating and rewarding, social media paints an incomplete picture.
We have learned firsthand what living the life of travel entails.  If you’re wondering if full-time travel is right for you – and if you’re ready for what actually awaits – here is what you can expect.
You will be out of your comfort zone
Whether you travel across the country or around the globe, the environment will be very different from what you’re used to.  You won’t have the comfort of your own bed, the convenience of your familiar beauty products, or the nostalgia of your favorite foods.  Kitchens won’t have the same appliances to which you’re accustomed, you might need to suffer cold showers, and depending on where you go, you’ll have to break the habit of flushing toilet paper.
Your phone won’t work the same way – if it works at all – and you’ll learn how much you’ve taken simple phone number dialing for granted.  And good luck if you need to print anything (boarding passes, visas, tickets, etc.).
People will likely speak differently, even if they are fluent in your native language.  Words with which you’re familiar could get buried in thick accents and local idioms.  You might offend someone without even realizing it.  I know we have on more than one occasion.
You will grow in ways you never expected
People so beautifully different from you will teach you things you never knew you never knew.  You will learn new was to use your own language, and your communication skills will expand exponentially.  You will learn bits and pieces of other languages.  Stay long enough and apply yourself, and you could become fluent.
You will grow to love brand new ideas and gadgets from around the world, and you will adopt some of them into your own life and later wonder how you ever lived without them.
You will be come a problem solving master, and you will become stronger than you ever were before, having survived any number of unanticipated mishaps.  This will make you a natural leader, as you’ll have the confidence of experience and the compassion of wanting to protect others from the worst of it.
You will learn how little you actually need, and you’ll grow to appreciate the freedom of minimalism.
The actual traveling can kind of suck
Buses and ferries and planes, oh my!  Oh, and tuk tuks and cars and trains and rickshaws and scooters and bikes and taxis and good ‘ole fashioned walking!  If you travel long enough, you’ll experience all of these (and more).
Travel days can be long and miserable, and they don’t always go smoothly.  We saw cancelled flights (sometimes the morning of), and our barely touching Scotland consisted of a bus on windy roads with a pair of puking kids (trust me: not fun).  We experienced long layovers, missed buses, wrong train stations, and even standing in the pouring rain at a bus door with insufficient fare in the correct currency – all with 50 lbs of carry-on luggage strapped to our front and back.
Even when the travel is uneventful, it’s exhausting, which is why we try to limit it or break it up as much as we can.
Nothing can compare to the thrill of stepping foot in a new place
But when we finally get there?  I have the word, “strikhedonia” engraved into my travel ring for a reason.  It means, “the love of striking out for a new destination,” and I certainly have that – bad.
When you stay in one place for long enough, you’ll find it begins to feel a bit like home.  The longer you stay, the harder it’ll be to leave.  But if you love travel as much as we do, then you know there’s no joy quite like the excitement of planning for and arriving in a new destination.  So, much as we might sometimes dread the actual traveling, there are far too many new and enticing places to remain stationary for long.
You will long for your favorite foods
Aaron called this dish “kitty litter”
Do you love fresh veggies?  Good luck getting those in the desert of Namibia.  Addicted to bacon?  You won’t find that in Muslim countries.  And don’t expect to find much dairy in Southeast Asia (sorry, cheese lovers!).
We naturally couldn’t eat as healthily as we were used to (especially when tempted by local dishes), and we got very tired of rice with every meal (but it was easy and cheap wherever we went!).  I had an absolute devil of a time trying to find dark chocolate anywhere in South America (though milk chocolate was readily available), and sorry, Europeans… you could use a lesson in what hot sauce actually is (hint: not slightly spicy ketchup).  But I think I was most surprised by my cravings for kombucha on the road (which probably explains why I drank about a gallon of it upon our arrival back home).
Each country has its limitations, and it was a (not-so-)fun exercise to figure out what our meals would look like upon each relocation.
You will discover new tantalizing cuisines
But once you figure out what that exotic fruit actually is (and how to eat it), you won’t be able to stop!  You will find spice combinations you can’t even identify, and the flavors will dance on your tastebuds and haunt your dreams as soon as you leave.
We absolutely love to eat, so we were excited to try all the local delicacies (though I don’t think I’d be brave enough to try bugs or scorpions or 100-year-old eggs).  I couldn’t get enough of Turkish meatballs, and we had more Croatian fritule (fritters) than I’d care to admit.  Italian lasagna, British fish ‘n chips, Argentinian empanadas, Namibian oryx steak….. my stomach is grumbling just thinking of it all!
And you can bring some of these recipes home with you to expand your own meal plans, letting the exotic tastes bring you back to your favorite countries without even leaving your kitchen.
Not everything will be as you expect
Tourism boards put every location in its best light to attract more visitors.  The truth is you’re very unlikely to see that temple without a horde of screaming kids or that famous palace with the jaw-dropping sunset colors.
Everyone always raved about Amsterdam (they still do).  But we just weren’t that impressed.  It was crowded and just not as charming as Rotterdam or Delft.
We were excited to spend the holidays in Switzerland (c’mon.. Christmas and snow with that gorgeous scenery??), only to find out we miscalculated how far from the mountains the town of Basel really is.
The spires of Torres Del Paine is arguably THE reason we were determined to visit Patagonia.  However, after a grueling hike, we arrived at a crowded glacial lake with dreary clouds obscuring the peaks.  The lack of clear weather put a literal damper on the otherwise beautiful location.
If you set your expectations too high, some places are simply bound to disappoint.
Other moments will completely blow you away
Sure, Dublin was a rainy mess the entire time we were there, but the Irish pubs were exactly what we wanted, and we had far more fun than we expected!  I simply couldn’t get enough of the Zadar sea organ – something I didn’t even know existed until we arrived.  Omis was insanely beautiful, and it wasn’t even on our itinerary.
We had a sick kitty during a housesit in Montenegro, but we were thrilled to find the Kotor fortress was completely free of charge during our visit (yay, off-season!).  We got the most incredible leopard encounter in Namibia.  And we were left speechless with the sheer beauty of Fitz Roy after the somewhat lackluster Torres.
We live for these moments, and with time, they will be the ones you ultimately remember.
Something will go wrong
Word to the wise: do not attempt to plan out every detail of your travels.  That is a recipe for disaster, as something will stray from your plans, derailing everything else you had lined up.
Aaron cataloging his stolen gear replacements
A park you want to visit might be closed the one day you’re in town.  A strap of your pack could break.  Lodging could fall through.  Your bus might never show up.
We began our travels by being robbed, and we ended them amidst a pandemic.  We certainly never planned for those things to happen.  The robbery almost stopped our travels before they truly began, and the virus almost kept us abroad unwillingly.
In the end, flexibility is paramount; it’s the only thing that kept us sane.
You will accrue the most fascinating stories
We’ve obviously been through a lot, but it sure makes for some amazing conversation!  While we were stressed and afraid and miserable in those situations as they were happening, we love to regale our battles to our friends (and you!) in the hopes that they find a lesson in them and avoid them, themselves.
These hardships will inevitably make you stronger, but they’ll also make you more interesting.  We were always drawn to those who possessed epic tales; now we’re finding others are drawn to us.
You will miss your friends and family
I hate to be the one to break it to you: life goes on without you.  Babies are born, people get married, barbecues and birthdays and holidays all keep happening.  You will miss some milestones, and you will miss those closest to you.
We had to skip our favorite anime convention (yeah, we’re geeks).  We missed countless hikes with our photo friends.  And for the first time ever, I missed Christmas with my family.
But we also dearly missed our kitties.  I’m so attached to them that I have crocheted tiny replicas to travel with us.  And with an 18-year-old cat, we ran the very real risk of never seeing her again.  Unfortunately, Skype just doesn’t replace purrs and nighttime cuddles.
You will meet incredible new friends
Fortunately, the world is a very large place, full of seven billion people – seven billion opportunities to make new friends.  And leaving those with whom you are familiar will force you to fill that void with exciting new personalities, and you’ll never be lonely.
Some will barely touch your life – someone who’s there for only an instant and is quickly forgotten.  Others will become the new best friend you never knew you were missing.  You will influence and inspire those you meet, and those ripples will have a profound effect not only on those they know but also back on you.
A bartender in Chile.  A tour guide in Germany.  A pair of travel bloggers in Montenegro.  A reader in the UK.  A couple in the Netherlands.  A family in Namibia.  A couchsurfer in Ireland.  A dog owner in Italy.  We are forever changed because of them and so many others.
You will internalize in a way you never thought possible the fact that we are all human at heart.  You will embrace the unique, and you will realize that those who have the least tend to be the most giving.  You will never forget their kindness, and you will become a better person because of it.
You will get sick
Chances are, you’ve already experienced getting sick while on vacation.  We don’t let ourselves fall ill when we have so much to do, so we sometimes crash as soon as we hop a plane and let our defenses down.  Traveling longer only stacks the odds against you.
And let’s face it… You will be exposed to so many new environments so quickly, it’s only a matter of time before some new bug takes you down.  Unless you were a military brat and/or ate Cheerios off the dining room floor as a kid (guilty), you probably don’t have an ironclad immune system.  And if an airborne bug doesn’t do it, just wait until you meet Dehli Belly!
It will force you to slow down
If you travel anything like us, you want to pack as much as you possibly can into every moment.  It’s so difficult to justify taking a break, because: when’s the next time you’ll be there?
But rest is just as important as adventure.
Slowing down lets you take in elements of a place you might otherwise miss entirely.  Besides, longterm travel is a marathon – not a sprint!
You will get tired of traveling
The old adage says, “everything in moderation; too much of a good thing is bad.”  No matter how much you love it, you will find days when you’re simply tired of traveling.  You’ll long for the stability and comfort of your own bed and home, and you’ll want to just be done for a bit.
Slowing down and resting certainly helps in this department (see above), but every so often, even that won’t be enough.  Try to maintain routines when you can, and work in “vacations” back home.
It will all be worth it
Travel is exciting, and it will forever change you.  Sure, it might be uncomfortable sometimes, but you will look back on the memories and know you’ve truly lived.  Perhaps you’ll go crazy being deprived of your favorite caramel lattes and bacon burgers, but the photos will remind you how incredible your life is.  You will build unforgettable relationships, and you’ll be able to tackle so many more hurdles life throws at you in the future with ease.
You’ll know you’ve lived your best life, and you’d never want it any other way.
What harsh realities have you learned while traveling?
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  Are You Prepared to be a Full-time Traveler? - #Fulltimetravel isn't all cocktails on the beach and exciting adventures. Sometimes it sucks. If you're considering it, know the truth before you dive in. #bigtinyworld #honesttruth Judging by picture-perfect, colorful squares on Instagram, the freedom of a travel lifestyle is presented as paradise - an endless parade of tropical breezes and fruity drinks, interspersed with exciting adventures that would make anyone envious. 
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xeniosfitness · 5 years
2 Simple Strategies To Lose Weight While Being On Holidays Part of every travel adventure is food adventure. During these holidays, when we can have an excuse to eat what we want and drink what we like. It should be fun -- you know, you only live once, and you should enjoy life to the fullest. But you can still be responsible enough with your health fitness. Here are our two simple strategies that work for us, and will surely work for you. Subscribe here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgXSdvSlKhbUYZQS1GwDUeQ?sub_confirmation=1 Need help reaching your fitness goal? Apply for your complimentary consultation call here https://ift.tt/2Cqa2BP (In order to qualify you to need to watch our free training) About this video: The first thing you need to do if you’re planning to lose some weight still while on a trip is to create a brilliant plan. You should know exactly your goals during the travels. Are you going to chill, relax, and stay away from sweat within that period or you’ll still do the usual workout routine? It’s crucial to ask such questions as it will determine how your holiday will end up satisfactorily. Some gym addicts can’t get through a single day without doing some weightlifting or feel a sweat runs on their body. This is what makes their day complete so if you’re like that person, then you should include that plan in your itinerary. In my case, I spent my holidays relaxing. I didn’t intend to do some workout as the travel include lots of walking trips, so this has become like an alternative way to burn calories while enjoying the scenery and atmosphere. But beyond that, we should also allow our body to recover and that’s what I did with my travel. It’s wise to keep in mind that sometimes, we need to consider that there’s always a proper place and time for everything we do. My current strategy in keeping my diet while on travel is a cup of black coffee in the morning, and a massive meal at lunch and dinner. The second strategy is the so-called “Breakfast Hotel” strategy. If you’re staying at a hotel, grab the opportunity of their breakfast buffet where they usually offer various food that’s high in proteins. What I typically do is I eat a massive breakfast that’s high in protein then fill with carbs and skip lunch and eat a massive dinner. It’s more likely intermittent fasting, and I burn thousands of calories by doing this. To sum it up, you can do things while on travel to lose weight and stay fit. First is to include a workout plan and do your usual routine, and second is to perform the so-called “Breakfast Hotel” strategy which can ensure you that your not getting fat while enjoying amazing foods. #weightloss #loseweight #fitness ▶ How did everything start? My name is Xenios Charalambous, and I help busy people lose weight and sustain their results. I started my fitness journey when I was 13 years old, after a rejection I had from a girl at school. I was skinny (103 lbs, 47kg), unhealthy, depressed, addicted to video games, and I had no self-confidence. I struggled through my teens, and I realised that the only person who is responsible for my life's direction is me... so I took action. After years of trial and error, I cracked the code, and I finally transformed my body and mind, but that wasn't enough... I decided to challenge more myself by applying for the special forces. I successfully completed the 2 years training and took my mental strength into a whole new dimension. I shared my story on youtube, went viral all around the world (over 6.7 million views), and my fitness company was found. After getting known worldwide, I moved to London where I was coaching A-List celebrities, partnered with companies like X-Factor, Google, Morgan Stanley and Amazon to train their executives. I now specialise in helping busy individuals lose weight with a proven sustainable system. Since 2013, I've helped hundreds of people worldwide transform their life. Check out my website for more information https://ift.tt/1X5Bnh1 Instagram: https://ift.tt/2KjraQI Facebook: https://ift.tt/1JoGEMN - https://ift.tt/1X5Bnh1
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