#Treadmill Repair San Francisco
gymdoctors · 2 years
Questions to ask when scheduling maintenance for a treadmill
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If you are not experienced in mechanical or equipment repair, you must bring it to the store for assistance. In addition, it is not always easy to determine the appropriate questions to ask. The following are some guidelines to follow when talking to the treadmill service provider about issues that are fundamental but extremely important.
Charges levied for home visits
A treadmill is a substantial piece of equipment that is big and heavy. You probably want the repair to be done on-site rather than dealing with the hassle of transporting it to a shop, so you’re looking for someone who can come to you. Find out the specific steps that need to be taken to make an appointment and the fee required for someone to simply come to the house and perform True Treadmill repair work.
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flatpackassembler · 11 months
Why Hire a Flat Pack Assembly Service Near Me?
Flat pack furniture is convenient, but putting it together can be difficult. The instructions often contain ambiguous diagrams that make it hard to understand.
Hiring a professional to assemble your new furniture can save you time and frustration. However, it is important to choose the right furniture assembly service near me.
Assembling flat-pack furniture can be a daunting task. It’s usually inexpensive to hire a professional furniture assembly service to do it for you, though you should be aware of the costs before hiring one. Many companies charge by the hour, and prices vary depending on the type of furniture you need. For example, a bunk bed is more complex to assemble than a simple media stand.
Many retailers that sell flat-pack furniture offer assembly services. These include Ikea, Wayfair, and Amazon. The cost of a professional furniture assembly service ranges from $50 to $450.
A professional assembler will have liability insurance in case any damage occurs during the assembly process. Some also provide a labor guarantee. They may even offer free repairs if they make any mistakes during the assembly process. However, you should check a company’s cancellation policy to avoid any surprises. You can also ask for a discount if you order multiple pieces.
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It may take an average of four hours to assemble furniture yourself, but with the help of a flat pack assembly service near me, it can be completed much faster. This will save you time that you can spend doing other things, such as going out for coffee with friends.
While there are no specific qualifications or certifications needed for someone to construct flat-pack furniture, it’s important to choose a firm or tradesperson with plenty of experience. You can usually find information about their level of expertise in the online listings, but if you’re unsure, ask for references from previous clients.
It’s also essential to learn about the company’s pricing structure. Do they charge per hour, a set fee per item or a day/half day rate? Knowing the different options will help you avoid any surprises when reading your final bill. In addition, you should always check whether VAT is included in the total cost. If it is not, make sure to mention this to the tasker.
Assembling flat pack furniture is often time-consuming, difficult and stressful. It requires attention to detail and the ability to follow instructions. A skilled Tasker can do the job efficiently and safely, saving you time and stress. They’re familiar with all kinds of flat-pack products from all the major brands.
As the flat pack revolution progresses, we will likely see more products packaged in this way. This allows for rational distribution and lower prices for the consumer. It also reduces the need for storage space, reducing environmental impact.
Flat pack assembly Sydney experts can assemble all kinds of indoor and outdoor furniture for you, including sheds, gazebos, BBQs, pool tables, basketball hoops, and home gyms. They can also install electrical items like treadmills and exercise bikes. They’re even able to assemble children’s toys, such as toy kitchens and kids’ bikes. They can also help you clear away packaging after assembling your furniture. This is a great service for people who are busy or don’t want to deal with the hassle of DIY furniture assembly.
If you are not good at DIY furniture assembly, have a busy schedule or simply hate putting flat-pack items together, a San Francisco furniture assembly service can make your life easier. These services offer flexible appointment times that work around your schedule. They also provide insurance coverage in case of any accidents or damage during assembly.
Many of these companies offer additional services, such as junk removal. This can be a useful service if your home is overflowing with cardboard boxes from new flatpack pieces. Some also offer labor guarantees, ensuring that your new furniture is correctly assembled.
It’s no secret that assembling flat-pack furniture is often difficult. In fact, over five out of ten Australians have admitted to fighting with their partners while trying to build flat-pack products. The best way to avoid this hassle is to hire a flat pack assembly service in Oldham. These professionals are available seven days a week and can assemble almost any type of furniture for you.
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When should one look for the treadmill services?
When people are using a treadmill, they might not see the need of going for Treadmill service. This might be as a result of their ignorance or even others might be having good reasons as to why they are doing things the way they are doing them. This would mean that an individual has to be working hard to ensure that they are aware of what matters most to them. The only way through which an individual can ensure that things are going on as they had planned is by taking note of the periods when something has to be done. Some of such instances are:
After a certain period of time
It is important for a person to be very careful especially when it comes taking care of their treadmill. A large number of people will sit down and wait for the time the treadmill stops functioning. That is the time when they will start running up and down looking for treadmill repair service. This should not be the case because someone might start doing it when it is too late. What a person should do is to plan for periodic servicing of the machine so that they can continue enjoying high quality services from the machine. This might appear to be a simple task but some precautions have to be taken to ensure that all is well with an individual.
When the machine breaks down
There are some specific moments when an individual might see the need to go for True treadmill repair. This is the time when the machine stops functioning as it should function. This is a repair which should be initiated by need. In most cases people will be compelled to go for this service because if they ignore it then there are high chances work might not be done.
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It is advisable for a person to make sure that they have gone for this service immediately they realize that there is need for them to do such things. Undertaking this activity will ensure that an individual continues to enjoy the services they have been getting from the service provider.
When one wants to replace some parts
There are some occasions when an individual might not come to an interruption as a result of a machine which has stopped working. In such a case, a person might be anticipating that a certain part will fail soon. Or an individual might be anticipating for something to go wrong. In such an instance, there is need for a person to ensure that all things which are anticipated might come to pass. In such a case, an individual should go ahead and replace these parts and all shall be well with them. In such a case they will opt for weight machine repair which might come once in a blue moon.
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There is need for a person to make sure that all things have been done in the right manner and at the right pace so that all things shall be going on as expected. Weight machine repair has to be done in the most appropriate manner even if it implies that someone has to go for support from gymdoc.com.
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reandycook-blog · 5 years
Treadmill Repair San Francisco
Northern California's Premier exercise equipment service provider specializing in commercial treadmills parts and repairs service in San Francisco. For more info at https://www.gymdoc.com
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smithejain-blog · 7 years
Northern California's Premier exercise equipment service provider specializing in commercial treadmills parts and repairs service in Oakland .
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gymdoctors · 5 years
Find the Best Treadmill Repair Bay Area
Are you looking for a treadmill repair in the Bay Area? There is treadmill repair service in Bay Area that specializes in repairing bike, treadmill, elliptical, and gym systems. They handle all models and makes of gym equipment whether it is commercial or residential fitness equipment. If you have a commercial facility with different types of equipment the technicians in the company will handle that too. So give a call to the treadmill repair company today and they will be at your gym in an hour or two.
If you have ordered a treadmill online and it has come in different pieces they will install it for you. They will come to your gym and service and repair all your equipment so you do not have regular headaches.
Get your treadmills working by contacting treadmill repair service?
The technicians working with treadmill Repair Company are factory trained and can easily get parts to repair your treadmill within warranty or out of warranty. The technicians have insurance for professional liability and are also insured for worker’s compensation. The repair company has been providing service to Orange County and Los Angeles for over twenty years.
They maintain the fitness equipment as per the requirements of the manufacturer so that they last a long time and work without any hassles. The repair company has been recommended by manufacturers and dealers of equipment and also offers preventive maintenance with discounted labor rates.
Treadmill Repair Services in Oakland
The treadmill repair services in Oakland provide repairs of all gym equipment so that they last a long time. They fix and maintain all types of fitness machinery for health clubs, schools, homes, colleges, personal training studios, and others. They have a team of repair technicians that specializes in the repair of all valuable equipment whether it is stationary bikes, elliptical, or treadmills of Precor or Life Fitness.
They provide repair and maintenance for every customer in the locality whether it is commercial or residential property. They understand the problems faced when exercise equipment is malfunctioning. Whenever problems arise the technicians work with proficiency and professionalism to get it back in working condition. Their prices are affordable and they come within an hour or two so your equipment is repaired in record time.
Treadmill Repair in San Francisco
If you are looking for treadmill repair in San Francisco you can contact the repair services that are available 7 days of the week and will get to your fitness studio or your home within 48 hours. You can provide them with a one hour window when they can get to your studio and the personal Treadmill Repair Oakland You will not have to take a break or stay away from work. They also attend to service calls at the weekends and in the evenings.
When they repair your treadmill they will see that it lasts. If the problem recurs again they will replace the treadmill for free. Their repair service is best in San Francisco with trained teams for delivery and experienced technicians.
Are you looking for treadmill repair in California then visit Gymdoc.com for best repair services in the area?
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biofunmy · 5 years
Tua Tagovailoa’s Return From Injury for Alabama-L.S.U. Comes With Risk
TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — Three weeks ago, the star Alabama quarterback Tua Tagovailoa hobbled off the field late in the first half against Tennessee. He ducked into an injury tent along the sideline, then emerged and walked with a slight limp up a tunnel to the locker room. The next day, the school announced that he’d had surgery on his right ankle.
Tagovailoa, who returned to practice 10 days later, is expected to start on Saturday against L.S.U., a game that gives the winner an inside track to the College Football Playoff. His final status will not be determined until just before kickoff.
His anticipated return might be considered miraculous in some quarters. But it is seen as routine here, where a cutting-edge surgical technique, hyperaggressive treatment and a competitiveness have in recent years allowed Alabama players to return much earlier than expected from an often debilitating football injury: the high ankle sprain.
And for Tagovailoa, it really has become routine. He had the same surgery, rehab and quick return last December from an injury to his other ankle, the left one.
Tagovailoa has been kept from speaking with news reporters since he was injured, so it is hard to say why he chose to take this path — and whether being the potential No. 1 pick in the N.F.L. draft next April, which could bring a signing bonus worth about $25 million, was a consideration.
In recent years, top pro prospects have increasingly skipped bowl games that did not factor in the national championship to guard against injuries that could affect their draft position. And last year, Nick Bosa, a former Ohio State defensive end, had abdominal surgery in September and chose to prepare for the draft rather than return to the Buckeyes, which irked some of the team’s fans. (He was drafted second over all by San Francisco and given a $22.4 million signing bonus.)
Alabama Coach Nick Saban has praised Tagovailoa’s parents for their old-school values and Tua for his diligence in rehab, but he said he would not allow a player to return from an injury unless he could perform at a high level, whether he had no N.F.L. future or a bright one. However, he also spoke of “the warrior mentality” that N.F.L. teams want to see.
“So, I’m not saying every player is capable of that, and I’m not saying every player is like that,” said Saban, who spent eight seasons as an N.F.L. head coach and assistant. “But the question is what really creates value for you?”
He added: “Now I don’t really try to promote that with the players, but I’m just saying there’s another side to all of this that if you’re capable of playing and you choose not to play, is that a good thing or a bad thing?”
Tagovailoa’s progress over the last three weeks has been tracked diligently by the local news media. When practice was opened briefly to reporters on Oct. 30, a day Tagovailoa worked out with the team, the only Tagovailoa among six quarterbacks doing drills was Tua’s younger brother, Taulia. There have been updates on the injured Tagovailoa running on an anti-gravity treadmill, his round-the-clock treatments and how there was less swelling after this surgery than following his procedure last year.
Alabama’s rabid fans — and Tagovailoa’s teammates — are not the only ones invested in his return.
Saban, who ultimately decides whether Tagovailoa will play, can earn as much as $800,000 in incentives if Alabama wins the national championship. There is additional prestige — and business — at stake for the Andrews Sports Medicine clinic in Birmingham, which employs Norman Waldrop, the Alabama team doctor who performed the surgery. The same goes for Jeff Allen, the head athletic trainer, who treated Tagovailoa last December during a trip to New York for the Heisman Trophy ceremony.
There is no indication that Saban (or anyone else) will pressure Tagovailoa to play, but it happens frequently. A recent National Athletic Trainers Association survey of nearly 1,800 college athletic trainers found that nearly one in five trainers reported a coach playing an athlete who had been deemed medically unfit, and more than one-third said a coach had influenced a hiring or firing on the sports medicine staff.
“There’s an inherent conflict of interest,” said Kain Colter, the former Northwestern quarterback who in 2014 led an unsuccessful effort to unionize his team. One of the reasons he wanted to unionize was for access to better health care, including second opinions.
“There’s a culture of playing through pain, playing through injuries — the injury rate is going to be 100 percent if you’re on the field all the time,” Colter added. “You’d hope you’d have independent medical advice.”
That is uncommon for college players, who are prohibited from hiring agents who can solicit opinions from doctors who have no financial agreements with teams. Kelechi Osemele, an offensive lineman for the Jets, had shoulder surgery last month after eschewing the team’s advice to take painkillers so he could continue to play. He filed a union grievance over lost wages after his surgeon found more extensive damage than was initially believed.
Thus far, it seems, Alabama players have leaned heavily on the advice of Waldrop, who has performed the so-called “tightrope” surgery on close to a dozen Alabama football players, beginning in 2014 with Cam Robinson, an offensive tackle who now plays for the Jacksonville Jaguars. (Robinson declined an interview request.)
In the arthroscopic procedure, holes are drilled just above the ankle in the fibula and tibia — the two lower leg bones — and a high-strength suture (the so-called tightrope) is run through them and fastened. If any of the three ligaments that run through the area is torn, it can also be repaired during surgery.
The procedure allows for greater stability during rehab, which can be more aggressive, cutting in half what can be an eight to 12 week recovery.
The technique was published in 2004 by Brian Thorne, a Scottish orthopedic surgeon who sought an alternative to using a screw to stabilize the bones; sometimes screws would break and another surgery would be required to remove them.
One of the procedure’s earliest acolytes was Thomas Clanton, a former team doctor for the Houston Texans and Houston Rockets, under whom Waldrop served a one-year residence. Clanton has performed the surgery on close to a dozen Alabama football players.
Clanton, who operates out of the Steadman Clinic in Vail, Colo., said wealthy programs like Alabama have comparable data to that of N.F.L. teams, who can use players’ pre-injury strength and agility levels as a baseline to measure against during rehab.
“It’s a way of determining performance characteristics: looking at their seven-step drop, seeing how they move down the line on an option, how quickly they can turn,” Clanton said. “It’s a whole new world out there.”
Despite the success of the surgery, Clanton said there are still skeptics. He said he examined a college basketball player recently who had torn ligaments in his ankle. The player’s father was adamantly against surgery, so the player was treated with a cast. Clanton said there are also some in the medical community who question how quickly players are sent back on the field.
“You’d hate for something bad to happen to a player who has the prospects Tua has for a professional career,” Clanton said. “Knowing Norm, I know he had the conversations about the risk and benefits. As a physician, your goal is to get the patient well and get the patient back to whatever they want to do.”
In the end, Clanton said, Waldrop can offer his assessment of how the surgery has gone and Allen can offer his assessment of how the rehabilitation has gone, but Saban has to decide whether Tagovailoa plays.
Saban said he will first ask the player not whether he wants to play — because they all do — but what he can do.
And then?
“He’s always made great choices and decisions,” Saban said of Tagovailoa. “He’s smart, he’s bright and I don’t think he would put himself in a position, nor would we want him to put himself in a position where what he does moving forward would have any effect on his future.”
That is a lot to ask of a 21-year-old — maybe even more than asking him to try beating L.S.U.
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reandycook-blog · 6 years
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owensrhodes · 6 years
Creating a Home Gym That Makes You Want to Exercise
Nothing beats being able to exercise at your convenience – and in the comfort and privacy of your own home.  No driving in traffic, showering with strangers, wondering if the exercise equipment has been disinfected recently or being too hot or too cold.  Even if you’re not an exercise buff, designing your own gym allows you to create the type of space that is conducive to working out. Below, you’ll find design inspiration and tips to help you design a home gym that beckons you to work out.
This Orange County, California home gym features stained white oak plank floors. Image: Gaetano Hardwood Floors
“Compared with the cost of a gym membership or personal trainer, creating a home gym can pay for itself in no time,” according to Dan DiClerico, home expert and smart home strategist at HomeAdvisor.
And Wi-Fi-connected exercise equipment has increased the popularity of home gyms, he explains. “For example, a smart exercise bike with an interactive display makes it possible to join your favorite spin class without leaving the house.”
However, if you’re planning to install Wi-Fi-connected exercise equipment, he says it’s important to make sure there’s a good internet connection in the workout area. “That might mean installing additional wireless access points or range extenders to ensure fast internet speed. Otherwise, the weak signal could really slow down your workout.”
Space considerations
The dual fans in this Tampa, Florida home gym are stylish and functional. Image: John Cannon Homes
Fortunately, adding a home gym doesn’t have to be a major renovation project. “A finished basement or spare bedroom will do the trick,” DiClerico says. “Just make sure there will be enough clearance around and above the exercise equipment. Clearance requirements vary by machine but, in the case of treadmills, you generally want at least 6 ½ feet of free space at the back of the machine and 1 ½ feet at either side.”
The home gym is underneath the garage in this Minneapolis lakefront home. The walls are concrete and the ceiling is spancrete. Image: John Kraemer & Sons
If you don’t have an existing space, DiClerico recommends finishing the basement (unless, like the homeowner in the photo above, you can place the gym underneath the garage). “The average cost for finishing a basement ranges from $6,500 to $18,500,” DiClerico says. If you stick to the basics – hanging and painting drywall and installing plywood floors – he says you can control some of the costs. “But for the best workout experience, you’ll want good lighting, ventilation and audio/visuals, all of which will drive up the cost,” he explains.
This Chicago home gym is a weightlifter’s dream. Image: Raugstad, Inc
If you’re setting up your home gym to have a power rack, it’s going to take up a lot of space, according to Shawn Breyer, owner of Atlanta, Georgia-based Breyer Home Buyers. “Power Racks allow you to set the bar’s height at any level, allowing you to perform bench presses, squats, shoulder presses, etc.” He recommends a wall mount power rack.  “When not in use, they fold up and stick out five inches from the wall, allowing you to have your gym and your cars in your garage.”
Flooring considerations
If you plan on using weights in your home gym, it’s also important to make sure that they’re evenly dispersed across your flooring joist. “You don’t want to load up a dumbbell rack that happens to be in between two floor joists,” Breyer explains. “A 12-by-36-inch piece of 3/4-inch fir plywood can support up to 50 pounds without problems – but the average two-tiered dumbbell rack weighs 705 lbs.” Over time, Breyer says that either the plywood is going to warp or it’s going to collapse under the load.
This Cincinnati home gym has something for everyone. Image: Custom Homes
Breyer also recommends using rubber mats. “No matter what equipment, weights or workouts you throw at them, they can handle it,” he says. “Other benefits are that they’re easy to clean and provide great sound insulation – and that makes for a happy spouse.”
An Olympic platform sits in this San Francisco home gym. Image: Sarah Evers Hoffman
“Whether you’re setting up your gym in your garage or the spare room, if you are performing Olympic lifts such as power cleans and deadlifts, you need to have an Olympic platform,” advises Breyer. “Dropping weights can bust concrete and plywood, costing you hundreds or even thousands to repair the damages.” He says you can either purchase an Olympic platform or, if you’re DIY-inclined, you can build your own.
Resale considerations
This Corona del Mar, California home gym has rubber floor tiles and a garage door. Image: Jeri Koegel Photography
When deciding on the layout of your gym, consider how it will affect your home’s resale value. “If you have modified the house in any way, you’ll want to make the necessary repairs and changes prior to relisting your home,” Breyer advises. “And you need to put your gym equipment into storage.” He says home buyers like to picture themselves in your home. “If exercise is not a part of their lifestyle, a room full of gym equipment is going to decrease the chances that they will fall in love with your home and want to buy it.”
Equipment considerations
This spacious London-based home gym allows for plenty of equipment. Image: Originate Architects
Exercise physiologist, celebrity trainer and Nautilus, Inc. fitness advisor Tom Holland is host of the weekly Bowflex live stream “Breakfast Club.” According to Holland, your equipment is the key to a successful workout. “First and foremost, consumers must take time to select equipment that they are most likely to use on a consistent basis, especially cardiovascular equipment,” he tells Freshome. “While price is often a factor for most people, paying a little more on equipment that you will utilize is a much smarter decision than spending less on a piece that will sit unused.”
Holland recommends the following three pieces of equipment:
Bowflex SelectTech 560 Dumbbells. Image: Nautilus, Inc.
“The Bowflex SelectTech 560 dumbbells are the first-ever smart dumbbells that offer a fully interactive workout experience with a Bluetooth 3DT sensor and SelectTech app coaching you through your workout, allowing you to save time by working out at home and reducing the number of separate dumbbells from 32 down to only two,” Holland says.
The Bowflex Lateral X. Image: Nautilus, Inc.
“The Bowflex Lateral X is a unique cardio trainer designed to provide a full-body workout and move in three dimensions: side-to-side, push-and-pull and stand-and-squat,” Holland says. “These motions mimic real-life movements like yardwork, housecleaning and playing with your kids, which can help strengthen those otherwise-neglected muscles.”
The Modern Movement M-Pad. Image: Nautilus, Inc.
“The Modern Movement is a line of balance, core and strength training products that feature the revolutionary M-Trac app, which allows users to measure improvement in balance and agility or utilize a digital personal trainer to guide them through their workout,“ Holland says. “Both the Edge-Board Core Strength Trainer and M-Pad Balance & Strength Trainer are easy to store and perfect for tackling core strength exercises throughout your home if you are short on space.”
The post Creating a Home Gym That Makes You Want to Exercise appeared first on Freshome.com.
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cessanderson · 6 years
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Creating a Home Gym That Makes You Want to Exercise https://ift.tt/2pZpa5q
Nothing beats being able to exercise at your convenience – and in the comfort and privacy of your own home.  No driving in traffic, showering with strangers, wondering if the exercise equipment has been disinfected recently or being too hot or too cold.  Even if you’re not an exercise buff, designing your own gym allows you to create the type of space that is conducive to working out. Below, you’ll find design inspiration and tips to help you design a home gym that beckons you to work out.
This Orange County, California home gym features stained white oak plank floors. Image: Gaetano Hardwood Floors
“Compared with the cost of a gym membership or personal trainer, creating a home gym can pay for itself in no time,” according to Dan DiClerico, home expert and smart home strategist at HomeAdvisor.
And Wi-Fi-connected exercise equipment has increased the popularity of home gyms, he explains. “For example, a smart exercise bike with an interactive display makes it possible to join your favorite spin class without leaving the house.”
However, if you’re planning to install Wi-Fi-connected exercise equipment, he says it’s important to make sure there’s a good internet connection in the workout area. “That might mean installing additional wireless access points or range extenders to ensure fast internet speed. Otherwise, the weak signal could really slow down your workout.”
Space considerations
The dual fans in this Tampa, Florida home gym are stylish and functional. Image: John Cannon Homes
Fortunately, adding a home gym doesn’t have to be a major renovation project. “A finished basement or spare bedroom will do the trick,” DiClerico says. “Just make sure there will be enough clearance around and above the exercise equipment. Clearance requirements vary by machine but, in the case of treadmills, you generally want at least 6 ½ feet of free space at the back of the machine and 1 ½ feet at either side.”
The home gym is underneath the garage in this Minneapolis lakefront home. The walls are concrete and the ceiling is spancrete. Image: John Kraemer & Sons
If you don’t have an existing space, DiClerico recommends finishing the basement (unless, like the homeowner in the photo above, you can place the gym underneath the garage). “The average cost for finishing a basement ranges from $6,500 to $18,500,” DiClerico says. If you stick to the basics – hanging and painting drywall and installing plywood floors – he says you can control some of the costs. “But for the best workout experience, you’ll want good lighting, ventilation and audio/visuals, all of which will drive up the cost,” he explains.
This Chicago home gym is a weightlifter’s dream. Image: Raugstad, Inc
If you’re setting up your home gym to have a power rack, it’s going to take up a lot of space, according to Shawn Breyer, owner of Atlanta, Georgia-based Breyer Home Buyers. “Power Racks allow you to set the bar’s height at any level, allowing you to perform bench presses, squats, shoulder presses, etc.” He recommends a wall mount power rack.  “When not in use, they fold up and stick out five inches from the wall, allowing you to have your gym and your cars in your garage.”
Flooring considerations
If you plan on using weights in your home gym, it’s also important to make sure that they’re evenly dispersed across your flooring joist. “You don’t want to load up a dumbbell rack that happens to be in between two floor joists,” Breyer explains. “A 12-by-36-inch piece of 3/4-inch fir plywood can support up to 50 pounds without problems – but the average two-tiered dumbbell rack weighs 705 lbs.” Over time, Breyer says that either the plywood is going to warp or it’s going to collapse under the load.
This Cincinnati home gym has something for everyone. Image: Custom Homes
Breyer also recommends using rubber mats. “No matter what equipment, weights or workouts you throw at them, they can handle it,” he says. “Other benefits are that they’re easy to clean and provide great sound insulation – and that makes for a happy spouse.”
An Olympic platform sits in this San Francisco home gym. Image: Sarah Evers Hoffman
“Whether you’re setting up your gym in your garage or the spare room, if you are performing Olympic lifts such as power cleans and deadlifts, you need to have an Olympic platform,” advises Breyer. “Dropping weights can bust concrete and plywood, costing you hundreds or even thousands to repair the damages.” He says you can either purchase an Olympic platform or, if you’re DIY-inclined, you can build your own.
Resale considerations
This Corona del Mar, California home gym has rubber floor tiles and a garage door. Image: Jeri Koegel Photography
When deciding on the layout of your gym, consider how it will affect your home’s resale value. “If you have modified the house in any way, you’ll want to make the necessary repairs and changes prior to relisting your home,” Breyer advises. “And you need to put your gym equipment into storage.” He says home buyers like to picture themselves in your home. “If exercise is not a part of their lifestyle, a room full of gym equipment is going to decrease the chances that they will fall in love with your home and want to buy it.”
Equipment considerations
This spacious London-based home gym allows for plenty of equipment. Image: Originate Architects
Exercise physiologist, celebrity trainer and Nautilus, Inc. fitness advisor Tom Holland is host of the weekly Bowflex live stream “Breakfast Club.” According to Holland, your equipment is the key to a successful workout. “First and foremost, consumers must take time to select equipment that they are most likely to use on a consistent basis, especially cardiovascular equipment,” he tells Freshome. “While price is often a factor for most people, paying a little more on equipment that you will utilize is a much smarter decision than spending less on a piece that will sit unused.”
Holland recommends the following three pieces of equipment:
Bowflex SelectTech 560 Dumbbells. Image: Nautilus, Inc.
“The Bowflex SelectTech 560 dumbbells are the first-ever smart dumbbells that offer a fully interactive workout experience with a Bluetooth 3DT sensor and SelectTech app coaching you through your workout, allowing you to save time by working out at home and reducing the number of separate dumbbells from 32 down to only two,” Holland says.
The Bowflex Lateral X. Image: Nautilus, Inc.
“The Bowflex Lateral X is a unique cardio trainer designed to provide a full-body workout and move in three dimensions: side-to-side, push-and-pull and stand-and-squat,” Holland says. “These motions mimic real-life movements like yardwork, housecleaning and playing with your kids, which can help strengthen those otherwise-neglected muscles.”
The Modern Movement M-Pad. Image: Nautilus, Inc.
“The Modern Movement is a line of balance, core and strength training products that feature the revolutionary M-Trac app, which allows users to measure improvement in balance and agility or utilize a digital personal trainer to guide them through their workout,“ Holland says. “Both the Edge-Board Core Strength Trainer and M-Pad Balance & Strength Trainer are easy to store and perfect for tackling core strength exercises throughout your home if you are short on space.”
The post Creating a Home Gym That Makes You Want to Exercise appeared first on Freshome.com.
Terri Williams
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Creating a Home Gym That Makes You Want to Exercise
Nothing beats being able to exercise at your convenience – and in the comfort and privacy of your own home.  No driving in traffic, showering with strangers, wondering if the exercise equipment has been disinfected recently or being too hot or too cold.  Even if you’re not an exercise buff, designing your own gym allows you to create the type of space that is conducive to working out. Below, you’ll find design inspiration and tips to help you design a home gym that beckons you to work out.
This Orange County, California home gym features stained white oak plank floors. Image: Gaetano Hardwood Floors
“Compared with the cost of a gym membership or personal trainer, creating a home gym can pay for itself in no time,” according to Dan DiClerico, home expert and smart home strategist at HomeAdvisor.
And Wi-Fi-connected exercise equipment has increased the popularity of home gyms, he explains. “For example, a smart exercise bike with an interactive display makes it possible to join your favorite spin class without leaving the house.”
However, if you’re planning to install Wi-Fi-connected exercise equipment, he says it’s important to make sure there’s a good internet connection in the workout area. “That might mean installing additional wireless access points or range extenders to ensure fast internet speed. Otherwise, the weak signal could really slow down your workout.”
Space considerations
The dual fans in this Tampa, Florida home gym are stylish and functional. Image: John Cannon Homes
Fortunately, adding a home gym doesn’t have to be a major renovation project. “A finished basement or spare bedroom will do the trick,” DiClerico says. “Just make sure there will be enough clearance around and above the exercise equipment. Clearance requirements vary by machine but, in the case of treadmills, you generally want at least 6 ½ feet of free space at the back of the machine and 1 ½ feet at either side.”
The home gym is underneath the garage in this Minneapolis lakefront home. The walls are concrete and the ceiling is spancrete. Image: John Kraemer & Sons
If you don’t have an existing space, DiClerico recommends finishing the basement (unless, like the homeowner in the photo above, you can place the gym underneath the garage). “The average cost for finishing a basement ranges from $6,500 to $18,500,” DiClerico says. If you stick to the basics – hanging and painting drywall and installing plywood floors – he says you can control some of the costs. “But for the best workout experience, you’ll want good lighting, ventilation and audio/visuals, all of which will drive up the cost,” he explains.
This Chicago home gym is a weightlifter’s dream. Image: Raugstad, Inc
If you’re setting up your home gym to have a power rack, it’s going to take up a lot of space, according to Shawn Breyer, owner of Atlanta, Georgia-based Breyer Home Buyers. “Power Racks allow you to set the bar’s height at any level, allowing you to perform bench presses, squats, shoulder presses, etc.” He recommends a wall mount power rack.  “When not in use, they fold up and stick out five inches from the wall, allowing you to have your gym and your cars in your garage.”
Flooring considerations
If you plan on using weights in your home gym, it’s also important to make sure that they’re evenly dispersed across your flooring joist. “You don’t want to load up a dumbbell rack that happens to be in between two floor joists,” Breyer explains. “A 12-by-36-inch piece of 3/4-inch fir plywood can support up to 50 pounds without problems – but the average two-tiered dumbbell rack weighs 705 lbs.” Over time, Breyer says that either the plywood is going to warp or it’s going to collapse under the load.
This Cincinnati home gym has something for everyone. Image: Custom Homes
Breyer also recommends using rubber mats. “No matter what equipment, weights or workouts you throw at them, they can handle it,” he says. “Other benefits are that they’re easy to clean and provide great sound insulation – and that makes for a happy spouse.”
An Olympic platform sits in this San Francisco home gym. Image: Sarah Evers Hoffman
“Whether you’re setting up your gym in your garage or the spare room, if you are performing Olympic lifts such as power cleans and deadlifts, you need to have an Olympic platform,” advises Breyer. “Dropping weights can bust concrete and plywood, costing you hundreds or even thousands to repair the damages.” He says you can either purchase an Olympic platform or, if you’re DIY-inclined, you can build your own.
Resale considerations
This Corona del Mar, California home gym has rubber floor tiles and a garage door. Image: Jeri Koegel Photography
When deciding on the layout of your gym, consider how it will affect your home’s resale value. “If you have modified the house in any way, you’ll want to make the necessary repairs and changes prior to relisting your home,” Breyer advises. “And you need to put your gym equipment into storage.” He says home buyers like to picture themselves in your home. “If exercise is not a part of their lifestyle, a room full of gym equipment is going to decrease the chances that they will fall in love with your home and want to buy it.”
Equipment considerations
This spacious London-based home gym allows for plenty of equipment. Image: Originate Architects
Exercise physiologist, celebrity trainer and Nautilus, Inc. fitness advisor Tom Holland is host of the weekly Bowflex live stream “Breakfast Club.” According to Holland, your equipment is the key to a successful workout. “First and foremost, consumers must take time to select equipment that they are most likely to use on a consistent basis, especially cardiovascular equipment,” he tells Freshome. “While price is often a factor for most people, paying a little more on equipment that you will utilize is a much smarter decision than spending less on a piece that will sit unused.”
Holland recommends the following three pieces of equipment:
Bowflex SelectTech 560 Dumbbells. Image: Nautilus, Inc.
“The Bowflex SelectTech 560 dumbbells are the first-ever smart dumbbells that offer a fully interactive workout experience with a Bluetooth 3DT sensor and SelectTech app coaching you through your workout, allowing you to save time by working out at home and reducing the number of separate dumbbells from 32 down to only two,” Holland says.
The Bowflex Lateral X. Image: Nautilus, Inc.
“The Bowflex Lateral X is a unique cardio trainer designed to provide a full-body workout and move in three dimensions: side-to-side, push-and-pull and stand-and-squat,” Holland says. “These motions mimic real-life movements like yardwork, housecleaning and playing with your kids, which can help strengthen those otherwise-neglected muscles.”
The Modern Movement M-Pad. Image: Nautilus, Inc.
“The Modern Movement is a line of balance, core and strength training products that feature the revolutionary M-Trac app, which allows users to measure improvement in balance and agility or utilize a digital personal trainer to guide them through their workout,“ Holland says. “Both the Edge-Board Core Strength Trainer and M-Pad Balance & Strength Trainer are easy to store and perfect for tackling core strength exercises throughout your home if you are short on space.”
The post Creating a Home Gym That Makes You Want to Exercise appeared first on Freshome.com.
from https://freshome.com/creating-home-gym/ via Creating a Home Gym That Makes You Want to Exercise
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gymdoctors · 3 years
Why Treadmill Needs To Be Serviced More Often
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There is no denying that there are a bunch of health benefits of using the treadmill at home or your fitness center. It's one of the most essential pieces of equipment when it comes to getting in the shape as it contributes a lot towards our fitness goals. From helping you with weight loss to muscle toning, it offers an umpteen number of health benefits when you constantly run on the treadmill.
The harder you use your treadmill, the sooner you need it to get serviced. Likewise other gym equipment, you should enlist the services of treadmill repair California or wherever you reside as well. A treadmill is one of the most used gym equipment, and its overexploitation can lead it to various impairments. With that being said, let's have a look at a few reasons why you should get your treadmill serviced more often.
There are innumerable reasons to get your treadmill serviced regularly. As of now, let’s take a look at 3 of them.
Reliability – We must make certain that our treadmill is working efficiently and reliable to use regardless of how long we use it in one go. Unless the belt of your treadmill is properly tightened and the deck is lubricated consistently then you won't be able to see the accurate mileage and speed on the digital readout. And it's not limited to the digital readouts, it's way too important to check the reliability of a machine to make sure it doesn't break down or start malfunctioning when someone's using it.
Safety – Treadmills is a reliable and one of the most efficient gym equipment, but it can be too hazardous in case anything goes wrong. Regular servicing of treadmills keeps the machine safe and keeps the machine efficacious. Also, regular servicing can also get rid of the problem before any expensive treadmill repair winds up. But, you also need to make sure you’re under the auspices of a company offering impeccable services of treadmill repair in Oakland or wherever you reside.
Peace of Mind – Now coming to the final reason, "Peace of Mind". Regular checkups by the experts on your treadmills provide you with the confidence and peace of mind that your gym members are working out on a safe and efficient machine.
Now, there are plenty of companies claiming to be the best when it comes to treadmill servicing, which make things pretty perplexing, therefore, to ease you up, we've come up with the "Gym Doctor".
The company provides quick and cost-effective services for your gym equipment. Their team of experts holds a plethora of experience and skills, which allows them to get the job done in a matter of time. Apart from that, they also sell robust gym equipment with cutting-edge features at highly affordable services. So, if you think any of your gym equipment needs to be repaired or replaced, look no further than the Gym Doctor's services of treadmill repair in Oakland, San Francisco, San Jose, and many other places. Head to their official website to know more.
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Avail best exercise equipment service
Budgeted services A machine, whether it is of any type, needs repairs and service after some time. In the current times, you may find number of manufacturers providing their machines but the service providers is very less. As per the current scenario the fitness machines are much in demand and they are found in hotels, clubs, homes, gym, etc. Only buying the fitness machines is not important as you need to clarify about the services provided by them. They will need the repairs in short time and it is to be satisfied properly. If the proper exercise equipment service is not done at right time then it can cause losses. They are many providers who can provide you with the new equipments and the service as well. They sell their equipments to almost all the places. They not only sell them but also provide the free delivery and installation to their customers. Moreover, whenever the machine is to be disposed then that is also done free of cost. The simple way of contacting them is getting their details and scheduling a meeting. Establish dreams They help you in establishing your dream fitness club. They listen to your ideas and dreams and suggest you with the equipments and their placement. They believe in satisfying the needs of the customer within their specified budget. They are always ready to help their customers. Even if you have bought the equipment from other vendors and are not satisfied with them, you can contact the other providers. They understand your problem and provide you with the required services and repairs. The rentals that they provide are for both residential as well commercial services. They provide a simple and cost effective way of repairing your machines. The important thing is that they assure you to provide services within your set budget. Process The process includes contacting the service provider and asking for quotes. They check your machine and provide you with quote. You can choose the one which satisfy your needs to the fullest and within your budget. The employees in the company are highly qualified and experience and thus they assure the appropriate services. The company can also provide their employees details including their experience. They repair any type of equipments but they specialize in the cardio equipment repair. In order to schedule a repair service you simply need to call. They believe in bringing your ideas into the real world. You can discuss with them your dream related to the fitness center. They provide the best solution satisfying both your dreams and the budget. Then the design is made and the equipments are installed. You are provided with the equipments in best process and the installation and delivery is done for free. Moreover you can contact them whenever any repairs are needed. They value the time of their customers and provide timely services. They sell the equipments of different brands and suggest the best one to the customers. The service contracts are designed based on the needs of the individual customer
Northern California's Premier fitness equipment sales and service provider specializing in treadmill & Cybex repair in San Francisco, San Jose, Bay Area, Oakland, and Sacramento area. Gymdoc.com carry a wide selection of top quality Gym Equipment Repair on Gym Doctors. we repair any and all exercise and fitness equipment and specialize in cardio equipment repair service.
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reandycook-blog · 5 years
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gymdoctors · 4 years
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Treadmill Repair San Francisco
Northern California's Premier exercise equipment service provider specializing in commercial treadmills parts and repairs service in the Bay Area.
Website: https://www.gymdoc.com/
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