#Trenching Machine for Pipeline Works
bu1410 · 6 days
Good afternoon TUMBLR - June 18th - 2024
“Mr. Plant has owed me a shoe since July 5, 1971.”
Gazoducto Samalayuca - Sasabe. Mexico - Nuevos Casas Grandes - Chihuahua.
Part 3
Roy O'Donnell A man of one piece! A Texan over 82 years old, but always on the cutting edge, he is the owner of the company DOUBLE M to which SICILSALDO had subcontracted the excavation of the trench used to bury the gas pipeline pipe. The excavation machine - the trencher - is gigantic and in favorable terrain it was able to dig up to 1,300 linear meters of trench 2.50 meters deep and 1.00 meters wide per day. Unfortunately, when the terrain becames mixed with rocks, the trencher immediately is going into crisis, and many times, we had to replace it with jack hammers mounted on excavators - which slowed down progress considerably. I am happy to have met Roy - and his local representative Barry Right - two authentic Americans, proactive people as they say, very pragmatic, direct, with whom we discussed a lot but then a compromise was always found for the good of the project. I met Roy in Houston, where he was working to get us into the rich American pipeline market. Unfortunately, our Company owners never wanted to explore the great opportunities that the USA offered. At the ripe old age of over 80, Roy managed to adopt a 4-year-old boy, the unfortunate son of an underage, drug-addicted girl. His lawyers won the adoption case by arguing that the American Constitution guarantees equal rights to all citizens, regardless of age. Obviously the Judges granted the adoption of the child to an eighty-year-old in consideration of the fact that Roy is a wealthy millionaire, and that guarantees the child a peaceful future regardless of Roy himself's existence in life.
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Guillermo and Erik or the two Muñoz Same names but not related, Guillermo is Mexican and Erik Puerto Rican. Guillermo is a man already over 70, General Director of the project. An experienced bureaucrat, he knew how to be harsh and ruthless, but mellifluous and compliant when necessary. A real rattlesnake, always ready to ''cheat'' others (the Sub Contractors). The attitude of the Latin American ruling class to the ''trabajo'' (work) and that of the ''Master with white trousers''. The Sub-Contractor must absolute obey to the supreme cause, namely ''THE GOOD OF THE PROJECT''. Even at the cost of losing money and dignity.
Erik - whose nickname was ''big-bellied'' given his more than robust build - was Guillermo's ''operational arm'' on the project. With a military background (former US Army logistician), he was often seen on construction sites along the gas pipeline. Great managerial skills, long faithful to Guillermo's guidelines, he tried to distinguish himself from his boss, when he realized that all the goals set by Guillermo were far to be achieved. (During the first meeting I had with Guillermo Munoz in January 2017 he made a point of telling me that ''Sicilsaldo or no Sicilsaldo, in March 2018 I will open the gas injection valve into the pipeline'' – I left Mexico in May 2019 and turning the valve was out of the question…)
The responsibility for the failure to reach the targets was largely attributable to the company to which CARSO had entrusted the task of expropriating the land where the gas pipeline was to pass. This company had been the protagonist of several misdeeds, primarily secret agreements with landowners to obtain larger reimbursements from CARSO for the rights to pass the pipe on their land. This activity was not under the control of Erik, who obviously did not want to be overwhelmed by this disaster. The failure to free the ROW – Derecho de Via (corridor where the pipe is buried) in time was the main cause of the delays on the Samalayuca-Sasabe project, with damages estimated at tens of millions of dollars, if we consider the delay of at least 30 months in commissioning the gas pipeline. Erik did everything he could to ''extract'' himself from this dangerous situation for his seat, and he succeeded perfectly. For the rest, the action of the ''big belly'' was initially of total closure towards our Company. (Rumors said that he wanted to take away our work and pass it entirely to SICIM or BONATTI). Later, he realized that he was wrong about us, and he changed his attitude. Thanks to our good performances despite the continuous Stop and Go imposed by missing work fronts, Erik even went so far as to assign us sections of the gas pipeline taken from a company belonging to Grupo CARSO, to which 50 km of the difficult Imuris mountain stretch had been contracted.
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Miguel Minchinela Miguel was ''Big belly's eye'' on the site. Superintendent of the project, he resided in Cananea, a town in the State of Sonora chosen as the location of the CARSO construction site offices, given the geographical position equidistant between the beginning and end of the gas pipeline. Spaniard from Navarra (he never failed to point this out) he is a ''bon vivant'' always ready to party. Struck by polio at an early age, he had a noticeable limp, and for this reason he almost never participated in the visits to sites that were periodically organised. Extremely loyal to Erik Muñoz - as well as a friend of Tomaso Armani since the time when the latter was the owner of a pipeline company in Spain - Miguel has always looked after, as is right, the interests of those who paid his salary. But with a stubbornness that on many occasions went beyond the obvious, going so far as to deny us compensation for extra work that he himself had asked for. Basically a ''blind soldier'' and nothing more.
Christmas and New Year celebrations Christmas 2016 was approaching, and as per Mexican tradition, parties called ''Posadas'' were organized. On December 18th we organized a posada at a sala de fiestas hall in Nuevo Casas Grandes, with the participation of the Alcalde (Mayor) and some local authorities. We took inspiration from the party to make a donation to a school that looked after handicapped children, so as to have a good name in the local community. The time had come for the majority of the expatriate staff to return to Italy for the end of year holidays, so we were left with around twenty Italians to oversee the project. On December 23rd I was approached by a delegation of Italians who requested a dinner offered by the Company for Christmas Eve (Noche Buena in Mexican). After I got Country Manager green light, I booked the dinner at Hotel Hacienda. It was an excellent dinner, and the people had a lot of fun. We also invited some members from the Works Management who had remained on the project despite the fact that the end of year celebrations in Mexico are very heartfelt. Inexplicably one of them - Juan Carrizo, after the third beer began to speak to me in incomprehensible English, even though I repeated to him to speak to me in Spanish. The Italians got drunk but the fact that the dinner took place inside the Hacienda hotel where we lived made it not particularly dangerous. Just the week after Christmas passed, and the collegues came back to ask for another free dinner. With spurious arguments, the Italians who remained at NCG demanded that Company also take charge of the New Year's party. I immediately replied no, that the Company had already done its part by offering not one but two dinners, and that the topic was closed for me. But I hadn't taken into account the typical Sicilian "perseverance" /say strubborness) which in these cases becomes particularly obtuse. On the morning of December 31st Mr. Cordalonga came forward saying ''that they had booked some tables at the Pompei restaurant''(right next to the Hotel Hacienda) and that they would be happy for me to participate in the dinner. Again I said no thanks, but Crocy replied, ''yeah, come on, I'll see you there''. The attempt on their part to involve the undersigned as Project Manager is clear, and therefore in the end the ''chicken'' who would have paid the bill with the Company's money. On the evening of December 31st I went to bed at 10.30pm - I had already been asleep for a few hours when - damn me I hadn't turned it off - the phone rang. It was Cordalonga who - in a voice altered by alcohol - asked me where I was and what I was doing. He was speaking from inside the Pompei restaurant, and the noise was deafening. I turned off the phone without answering the question, and went back to sleep. The ''best'' was yet come in the following days. I accidentally learned that the majority of the bill for the dinner had been paid by credit card by Victor Gomez! I called Victor to ask how this could happen:
Eh Boss… they told me that they simply didn't have the money to pay the bill!
You did wrong Victor, you should have paid your share and leave the place. Now I will try to get your money back. It wasn't easy and it not only made me very angry, but it made me understand a lot about the people I would have to deal with on the project. At the end of unnerving discussions, in which the employees claimed that ''I would have feared that the Company would have offered a dinner'' (which was completely excluded from the beginning) I had to threaten to have the due amount deducted from the payment of pocket money which Company used to pay locally. And the thing that infuriated me the most was that we were talking about the equivalent of 35 euros each. A certain Falco came to my office after a couple of days stating that ''since Company gave the equivalent in pesos of 22 euros per day then 35 minus 22 equals 13 euros, and therefore that was the sum he would reimburse Victor'' . That was the straw that broke the camel's back: I kicked him out of my office, insulting him and asking him if he wasn't ashamed, a man over 50 years old who behaved like this for 35 euros! I had a notice posted on the noticeboard that if by the end of the month (it was now March!) Victor had not received what he had spent, the deduction from the monthly pocket would be triggered automatically. In the end everyone paid, and the last to do so was Oscar Ferrario.
Mennonites community. To complicate the already very complicated scenario in which the project took place, we had to face the ''Mennoniti issue''. The Mennonites constitute the largest of the Anabaptist churches. They owe their name to Menno Simons (1496-1561) who ensured, by reorganizing them (1536), the survival of the Dutch Anabaptists after they went through a period of very serious crisis, following the events of Münster (1535). To date, there are more than one and a half million Mennonites in the world, especially in the United States, on the Caribbean coasts in Honduras, in Paraguay (especially among the descendants of German immigrants), in Mexico, Canada, in Africa and in India. The idea behind the Mennonite doctrine is that of a return to the origins of the Christian Church which, according to them, has been ruined by centuries of theology and the struggle for power, moving further and further away from what they believe to be the original message of Jesus Christ. The Mennonites reject all the writings of the Church fathers and in general the Church as it was understood following the Council of Nicaea.
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A vast area crossed by the pipeline is cultivated by Mennonite communities. Chilli, onion and cotton crops that extend as far as the eye can see, irrigated with modern rotating pivot systems. Although they preach a life dedicated to prayer, and for the Mennonites profit is something suitable only to allow the continuation of the community's agricultural activities, we have had to witness numerous attempts - often successful - to take advantage of the passage of the gas pipeline over the lands entrusted to them by the Mexican Government. That with the scope to extract compensation and additional money to that already received so that the pipe could pass through their land. Claims of failed harvests, damage to crops, losses of non-existent livestock, rights of passage on dirt roads: these are the reasons why we - as a construction company - have had to submit to the continuous blackmail of these people who live life as if we were in XVIII Century. No electric light, no television (the images of an event taking place in another place perhaps kilometers away - according to them - are the work of the devil), women who dress like 150 years ago, men who wear beards uncultivated, carts and horses as means of transport. The compactness of the community is one of their pride. One day in July we found ourselves faced with a blockade of access to a dirt road – actually maintained by the Mennonites – that led to a section of the gas pipeline. The whole community - including children - was present under the merciless Mexican sun in July. I still have before my eyes the image of a child of perhaps 3 or 4 years old, blond, blue eyes, white as a goose, who stood barefoot and without a hat next to his father. The protest was aimed at ensuring the reconstruction of the road that connected their village with the state road, 40 km long. A blockade that lasted more than two weeks, during which the Mennonites took turns guarding the entrances to the road and our construction vehicles. Everything was resolved with our Client sending a letter, in which a vague promise was made of road maintenance once the gas pipeline installation operations were completed.
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Senor Jesus Manuel Victor Garcia Fuentes Bustillo - Janos – Monteverde road block We were working hard on the Janos – Monteverde section of the road. Our Company had made a commitment with the Client to complete the section before Christmas 2016. Operations were hindered by several factors:
The limited space available for construction equipment.
The simultaneous presence in the same area of ​​a CFE team installing the pylons of the new 36,000 Volt electricity line.
The continuous passage of the enormous trailers that transported the agricultural products of the Mennonites in the area. To all this, one morning the ''usual'' unexpected event was added! (if there isn't an unexpected event you're not in Mexico…).
It was around 10.00 am when our Superintendent called us from the site saying that a certain ''Senor Bustillo, claiming to be the owner of the land where we were operating, had blocked the work with the support of about ten people brandishing banners with slogans against CARSO, their henchmen ( us) and in general against the exploiters of the oppressed populations of Mexico.''
Shouting slogans through strike loudspeakers, these people had intervened in the site, threatening the staff and warning them not to continue with the work. Once we arrived on site, we pointed out that we were operating in the strip of land between the fence of the property (Mexico is the country of fences: the ENTIRE country is closed in an immense barbed wire fence, even in the mountains and deserts). To our complaints, el Senor Bustillo, a guy straight out of a South American soap opera, wide-brimmed white hat, denim shirt decorated with all the Mexican Madonnas, standard paunch, ranchero high-heeled boots with silver spurs – retorted like this ': ''There is a mistake in the land registry documents, the limit of my property is beyond the fence, towards the North''. And therefore, having not received any compensation for the passage of the gas pipeline ''in that strip'', the works had been stopped and would remain so until an agreement on compensation was reached.''
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Having established that for the moment there was no way to convince Senor Bustillo to back down from his intentions, and since it was time for lunch, we all went to Mariscos Lolos, a place on the Janos-Agua Prieta road. There were five of us in the main dining room: in addition to myself, Tomaso Armani, Rocco Di Francesco, Davide Caracciolo and Oscar Ferrario were present (who was never missing when there was free food).
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We ate sopa de oso (bear soup) mariscos, gambas, tacos and drank Corona and ''micheladas'' (beer and 7Up). Then at the time of the bill the surprise: the owner tells us:
''That no…this is all paid…that has no problem…''
Yes but who paid? asked Armani
El Senor who is in the other room …… Well let's go and see who our benefactor and surprise is: EL SENOR BUSTILLO!
Always him, the one with whom only a few hours earlier we had argued, now he had offered us the lunch! That's how the Mexicans are !!! And in any case the situation with Bustillo was only resolved thanks to the intervention of the police, called by our Client. But Bustillo was certainly not one to give up easily. Two weeks later, he kept his promise he made to us at Mariscos Lolos: accompanied by a dozen faithful guys, decked out in the best local costumes, banners in the air, they held up a rally in front of the entrance of GRUPO CARSO in Mexico City headquarters. Later on Bustillo pursued his action in Court, and lost at all levels of judgment, while our Company was forced to attend the judgement, as a work executor.
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Mariscos Lolos is a franchise restaurant chain spread throughout Mexico. They serve local dishes, seafood and fish, bear soups, fish soups. The clientele is made up of people passing by on NR2. The restaurants are always located on major Mexican connection routes. We had lunch at Mariscos Lolos quite often, returning from the gas pipeline site. After about a year and a half of frequenting, the owner of the place, who I would define as the typical ''woke Mexican'' (sleepy look, drooping moustache, of few words) asked us a question:
But ustedes…etranjeros yes? And what happened here in the redondo?
(But you… foreigners? What are you doing around here…?) He asked the question, and immediately seemed to regret having asked it: he picked up a couple of plates and went into the kitchen without giving any of us time to answer him. When he returned I explained to him that we were an Italian Contractor engaged in the construction of a gas pipeline, which will bring gas to the region, so in a short time he will no longer have to worry if the gas cylinders in the kitchen are empty.
His answer: (after rolling his eyes) ……que bien… At this point I took the opportunity to ask him a question:
''Tell me something dueño, why is bear soup called that if there are fish slices in it''? Again eyes rolling pointed to the ceiling…waiting…then the answer:
……I do not know….
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Applications of Swamp Excavator [Infographic]
Swamp excavators are versatile machines designed to work in challenging wetland environments, providing a range of applications across various industries.
Here are some detailed applications of swamp excavators:
1. Dredging Operations
Waterway Maintenance: Swamp excavators are used to remove sediment, debris, and vegetation from rivers, canals, and lakes to maintain navigable waterways.
Pond and Lake Cleaning: They help in cleaning and deepening ponds and lakes to prevent eutrophication and improve water quality.
2. Wetland Restoration
Habitat Creation: These machines assist in creating or restoring wetlands, which are crucial habitats for various wildlife species.
Water Flow Management: Swamp excavators are used to dig channels and ponds to control water flow and prevent flooding.
3. Environmental Remediation
Pollution Cleanup: They play a critical role in cleaning up contaminated sediments from polluted water bodies, such as removing heavy metals, hydrocarbons, and other toxic substances.
Ecosystem Restoration: By removing pollutants, swamp excavator help restore natural ecosystems and improve biodiversity.
4. Infrastructure Construction
Levee and Dike Construction: Swamp excavators are used to build and maintain levees and dikes to protect against flooding in low-lying areas.
Foundation Work: They prepare the ground for construction projects in wetlands, such as building roads, bridges, and pipelines.
5. Agriculture and Aquaculture
Irrigation and Drainage: These machines help in creating irrigation channels and drainage systems in agricultural fields prone to waterlogging.
Fish Farming: Swamp excavators are used to dig ponds and channels for fish farming operations.
6. Mining and Resource Extraction
Peat Harvesting: In areas where peat is harvested for use as fuel or soil conditioner, swamp excavators are used to extract peat from waterlogged environments.
Resource Recovery: They assist in the recovery of resources from wetlands, such as clay and sand.
7. Disaster Response and Recovery
Flood Response: After flooding events, swamp excavators are used to clear debris, restore water channels, and repair damaged infrastructure.
Natural Disaster Recovery: They play a role in the recovery efforts following natural disasters in wetland areas, helping to rebuild and restore affected regions.
8. Oil and Gas Industry
Pipeline Installation: Swamp excavators are used to dig trenches for the installation and maintenance of pipelines in marshy and swampy areas.
Site Preparation: They prepare sites for drilling operations and other infrastructure in challenging wetland environments.
9. Forestry and Land Management
Tree Removal: These machines can remove trees and stumps from waterlogged areas, facilitating land management and preparation.
Firebreak Creation: Swamp excavators are used to create firebreaks in wetland areas to prevent the spread of wildfires.
10. Tourism and Recreation Development
Park and Trail Construction: They help in the construction of parks, trails, and recreational areas in wetlands, making these areas accessible to the public.
Marina Development: Swamp excavators assist in the construction and maintenance of marinas and boat ramps in swampy regions.
In summary, swamp excavators are essential tools in various industries, providing solutions for tasks that require operating in difficult wetland environments. Their unique design and capabilities enable them to perform a wide range of applications, from environmental remediation to infrastructure construction and beyond.
For more information about Swamp Excavator, click here www.riverexcavator.net/amphibious-excavator or call us now +86 15926413148
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trainmeau · 9 months
Unlock Opportunities with Excavator Operator Training
Embarking on an excavator operator training course equips individuals with the necessary skills to take on the demanding role of managing complex machinery in safety-focused workplaces. 
This article provides a concise overview of how excavator operator training courses pave the way for exciting opportunities in the field.
Understanding Excavators: The Core of the Training
Excavators serve as the cornerstone of the training course, playing a vital role in industries that revolve around building and construction. These heavy machines excel in tasks such as digging and moving earth, making them indispensable in various sectors.
From heavy construction duties to mining, landscaping, and demolition, modern excavators boast advanced features that enhance efficiency and operator comfort. 
Hydraulic systems, advanced control systems, and variable operating modes are just a few examples of the cutting-edge technologies incorporated into these machines.
Essential Skills and Benefits Acquired through Excavator Operator Training
Excavator operator training courses provide trainees with a host of essential skills that are invaluable in their profession. Moreover, these skills can be further developed even after the completion of the training program. Key skills include:
Excavation and Trenching Procedures: Mastering the Art
This skill focuses on the process of digging and creating trenches for various construction purposes. Trainees learn the importance of proper planning, preparation, and execution to ensure efficient and precise excavation.
Loading and Material Handling Techniques: Optimal Transfer
Future operators gain knowledge in loading and transferring materials within a worksite. 
This skill encompasses understanding the characteristics and dimensions of different materials, selecting the appropriate equipment, and executing the steps of loading and unloading with precision.
Hazard Identification and Mitigation: Ensuring Safety
Operators develop sharp observation skills to identify and assess potential hazards and dangers within the worksite. This critical skill plays a crucial role in maintaining a safe working environment.
Emergency Response and Safety Protocols: Swift Action
Trainees also learn the proper procedures and guidelines to respond effectively to potential emergencies that may occur on the worksite. 
This includes first aid protocols and emergency response procedures, equipping operators with the necessary knowledge to handle unforeseen situations.
Enhanced Operator Skills and Proficiency: Achieving Excellence
Upon completing the excavator operator training course, individuals acquire technical skills and expertise, enabling them to operate excavators and other heavy machinery efficiently and precisely.
Professional Development: Elevating Careers
Being an excavator operator offers numerous experiences that contribute to professional development and enhance career prospects. 
The acquired skills and knowledge open doors to diverse opportunities within the industry.
Career Opportunities for Excavator Operators: The Path Ahead
Completing an excavator operator training course unlocks a wide array of career opportunities. These opportunities span construction, demolition, and other related fields. Here are a few examples:
Road Development: Paving the Way
Excavator operators play a vital role in road construction and maintenance. They assist in tasks such as digging trenches, grading road surfaces, and excavating for repairs, ensuring the smooth development of road infrastructure.
Infrastructure Development: Building Foundations
Operators can pursue opportunities in infrastructure installation projects, such as laying pipelines and underground cables. Their expertise in excavating trenches proves invaluable in the development of essential infrastructure.
Mining and Excavation Operations: Extracting Resources
Excavator operators are in high demand in mining and excavation operations. They are responsible for extracting materials and efficiently transporting them into loading trucks and stockpiles.
Demolition and Deconstruction: Transforming Landscapes
Excavator operators specialise in dismantling structures and demolishing buildings. Their expertise extends to sorting and managing debris within demolition sites.
Enrol Now at Train Me: Your Path to Success
If you aspire to develop a rewarding career in excavation, enrol now in our excavator operator training programs at Train Me. 
We offer up-to-date and innovative training provided by highly trained specialists. Take the first step toward an exciting future in the world of excavator operations.
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Types of Heavy Construction Equipment
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Heavy construction equipment types are many. Please see the list of construction equipment kinds and construction equipment types below. Heavy-duty vehicles intended specifically for carrying out construction tasks, most commonly earthwork operations, are referred to as construction equipment. Building construction equipment and construction machinery are utilized in construction projects.
Heavy machineries, heavy trucks, construction equipment, engineering equipment, heavy vehicles, and heavy hydraulics are all terms used to describe them.
The proper use of appropriate equipment contributes to the Project’s economy, quality, safety, speed, and timeliness. Any construction project necessitates the use of construction equipment. It is not always desired or feasible for the Contractor to own all of the Construction Equipment needed for the Project.
Excavation, digging vast quantities of dirt, moving it over great distances, placement, compacting, leveling, dozing, grading, hauling, and so on are the basic types of heavy construction equipment machinery. The construction equipment used in different countries are listed below.
Types of Heavy Construction Equipment Machinery
Please review the construction equipment categorization as well as the names and photographs of construction equipment. The following are some of the most common types of construction equipment:
Earthmoving Machines
Material Handling Equipment Construction Vehicle
Earth-moving machinery
Earthmoving equipment is used for a variety of excavation jobs, including digging and moving the earth. Different types of earth-moving machinery are used for repairing, constructing, elevating, agricultural, and demolition, among other things.
The earth-moving machinery most commonly used in construction projects is listed below.
Excavators are earth-moving machines with buckets, arms, rotating cabs, and movable tracks. These components give this heavy equipment more digging strength and mobility, allowing it to do everything from digging trenches and breaking holes to hauling rubbish and excavating mines.
A backhoe, also known as a rear actor or back actor, is a type of excavating equipment, or digger, that consists of a digging bucket attached to the end of a two-part articulated arm. It’s usually installed on the back of a tractor or front loader, forming a “backhoe loader” in the latter case.
A loader is a construction machine that moves or loads materials such as asphalt, demolition waste, dirt, snow, feed, gravel, logs, raw minerals, recycled material, rock, sand, woodchips, and other materials into or onto another type of machinery (such as a dump truck, conveyor belt, feed-hopper, or railroad car).
A bulldozer is a large and heavy tractor with a substantial metal plate that is used to push large quantities of soil, sand, rubble, or other similar material during construction or conversion work, and is usually equipped with a claw-like device at the back to loosen densely compacted materials.
Loaders with a Skid Steer
A skid loader, also known as a skid-steer loader or skid steer, is a small engine-driven equipment with lift arms that may attach to a variety of labor-saving tools or attachments.
Skid-steer loaders are four-wheel vehicles with mechanically locked synchronization on each side and the ability to move the left-side drive wheels independently of the right-side drive wheels. The wheels usually do not have their own steering gear and are kept in a fixed straight alignment on the machine’s body.
A trencher is a piece of construction equipment that digs trenches, usually for the purpose of laying pipelines or electrical cables, establishing drainage, or trench warfare preparation. Trenchers come in a variety of sizes, from walk-behind units to skid loader or tractor attachments to very heavy tracked heavy equipment.
A grader, also known as a road grader or a motor grader, is a construction machine with a long blade that is used in the grading process to create a level surface.
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llaksj · 1 year
Suction Excavators: Revolutionizing the World of Digging
The suction excavator, also known as a vacuum excavator or suction digger, is a cutting-edge piece of equipment that has revolutionized the excavation industry. This powerful machine utilizes suction technology to remove soil, debris, and other materials from underground areas with precision and safety. In this article, we will explore the process, benefits, applications, and potential of suction excavation in transforming the construction and utility industries.
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The Suction Excavator Process:Suction System: A suction excavator is equipped with a high-powered vacuum system, typically mounted on a truck or trailer. This system creates a strong suction force that effectively removes soil and debris from the excavation site. Suction Nozzle or Hose: The suction force is applied through a specialized nozzle or hose that is directed into the ground. The nozzle or hose is carefully maneuvered to target the specific area to be excavated, ensuring precision and control over the process. Material Extraction and Disposal: As the suction force is applied, the soil and debris are drawn into the nozzle or hose and transported through the suction system into a debris tank or container. The extracted material can later be disposed of or reused as appropriate.
Benefits of Suction Excavation:Enhanced Safety: Suction excavation offers enhanced safety compared to traditional digging methods. By utilizing non-destructive techniques, it significantly reduces the risk of damaging underground utilities, such as gas lines, electrical cables, and water pipes. The precise control and suction force allow for careful excavation, minimizing the chances of accidental strikes and ensuring the safety of workers and infrastructure. Minimal Environmental Impact: One of the key advantages of suction excavation is its minimal impact on the surrounding environment. Unlike traditional digging methods, which can cause significant soil disturbance and compaction, suction excavation minimizes these issues. It also reduces the release of dust and other harmful particles into the air, promoting cleaner and healthier work environments. Cost Efficiency: Suction excavation provides cost-saving benefits in several ways. The precise and controlled nature of the process reduces the need for costly repairs associated with accidental utility strikes. Additionally, the speed and efficiency of the excavation lead to reduced labor costs, shorter project durations, and minimal restoration requirements. Overall, suction excavation proves to be a cost-effective solution for excavation projects. Versatility: The suction excavator is a versatile piece of equipment that finds applications in various industries and projects. It is particularly beneficial in urban areas or sites with complex underground infrastructure. The precise control over excavation allows for the exposure of utilities, pipeline repairs, slot trenching, archaeological excavations, and other applications where accuracy and safety are paramount.
The suction excavator has emerged as a game-changing piece of equipment in the excavation industry, providing a safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional digging methods. Its ability to minimize the risks associated with underground utility strikes, reduce environmental impact, offer cost efficiency, and cater to various applications has made it increasingly popular. As technology continues to advance, the suction excavator holds immense potential for transforming the construction and utility industries.
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spartanequipment · 1 year
Building a Trench the Easy Way  for Any Project
Many projects require building trenches or moving tons of earth. These tasks can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive task. However, if you have the right equipment and knowledge in construction technology, doing any of these tasks can be accomplished quickly.
One of these game changing tools is the skid steer trencher. Let’s explore what and how you can make trenching easier and why skid steer trenchers are the best choice for trenching projects.
What is a Skid Steer Trencher?
A skid steer trencher is a powerful machine designed specifically for excavating and digging trenches quickly and efficiently. It is equipped with a rotating cutting attachment that can penetrate various soil types, making it ideal for a wide range of projects such as plumbing, irrigation, landscaping, and electrical installations.
Uses of Trenches in Building and Construction Projects
Trenches are commonly used in building and construction projects for various purposes, including:
Foundation and Footings
To create a solid base for foundations and footings of structures, providing stability and support.
Underground Utilities
Allow for the installation of underground utilities such as pipes, cables, and conduits for water supply, sewage, electrical wiring, telecommunications, and more
Drainage and Stormwater Management
Used to create channels for directing and managing the flow of water, preventing flooding and erosion.
Excavation and Earthworks
Facilitate the removal of soil or rock during excavation processes, enabling the creation of building basements, swimming pools, or other underground structures.
Retaining Walls
Dug for the construction of retaining walls, which provide lateral support to prevent soil movement and maintain slope stability.
Groundwork and Pipelines
Used for groundwork activities, including laying pipelines for gas, water, or oil transportation.
Utility Repairs and Maintenance
Allow access to underground utilities for repairs, maintenance, and upgrades without disturbing the surface structures.
Why Use a Skid Steer Trencher?
Time and Cost Efficiency
One of the key advantages of using a skid steer trencher is its ability to save time and money. The speed and efficiency of these machines enable you to complete trenching projects in a fraction of the time required by manual labor.
This efficiency translates into cost savings, as fewer labor hours are needed, reducing overall project expenses.
Versatility and Maneuverability
Skid steer trenchers are highly versatile and can be used in various terrains and soil conditions. They are designed to maneuver easily in tight spaces, making them suitable for both residential and commercial projects.
Whether you are working on a small backyard or a large construction site, a skid steer trencher can adapt to your specific needs.
Precision and Accuracy
Accuracy is crucial when digging trenches, especially for projects that involve underground utilities. Skid steer trenchers offer precise depth control and can create uniform trenches, ensuring that pipes, cables, or conduits are laid at the desired level.
This precision reduces the risk of damaging existing infrastructure and helps prevent costly repairs in the future.
You can select a trencher that aligns with your project needs for an efficient and safe operation. Choosing the right trencher will enhance productivity, save time and costs, and ensure successful completion of your trenching project.
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rynohires-blog · 1 year
The Different Attachments For Excavators
An excavator is a machine used for digging or excavating. It consists of an arm and a bucket attached to a rotating platform. The arm is used to move the bucket, and the platform is used to rotate the arm. Many different attachments can be used with an excavator. Each attachment has a specific purpose—for example, buckets of various sizes and shapes for digging, scooping, or demolition. There are also attachments for breaking concrete, cutting through metal, or drilling into rock. This blog post will explore the different attachments for excavators and their uses.
What Is An Excavator?
An excavator is a large, heavy-duty machine for digging and moving earth. Excavators have a long arm with a bucket attached. A hydraulic system controls the arm; the bucket can scoop up dirt, rocks, and other materials.
Excavators are most commonly used in construction projects, such as digging foundations for buildings or trenches for pipelines. They can also be used in mining operations and land reclamation projects. Excavators are versatile machines with various attachments, such as buckets, shovels, rippers, and thumbs.
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What Are The Different Types Of Excavators?
The three main types of excavators are standard, mini, and micro. Standard excavators are the most common type used in construction and have an operating weight of between 20,000 and 60,000 pounds. Mini excavators have an operating weight of between 5,000 and 20,000 pounds and are often used in tight spaces where a larger excavator cannot operate. Micro excavators have an operating weight of fewer than 5,000 pounds and are used in even tighter spaces or for delicate work.
What Are The Different Attachments For Excavators?
It’s among the most versatile construction equipment; excavators can be equipped with various attachments to perform different tasks. Common excavator attachments include
Buckets: Used for digging and scooping up materials. It can be equipped with teeth for trenching or breaking up hard ground.
Thumbs: Attached to the bucket, used to grab and hold onto the material. Thumbs are especially useful when picking up rocks or working with demolition debris.
Grapples: Similar to thumbs, grapples are used to grab and hold onto the material but can also be used for sorting and organising debris.
Shears: Used for cutting metal, concrete, and other materials. Shears can be either hydraulic or pneumatic (air powered).
Crushers: Used for crushing concrete, rock, and other materials. Crushers are usually attached to a bucket but can also be used as a standalone attachment.
Excavators can also be equipped with various attachments depending on the job site requirements, including drills, breakers, hammers, forks, and more.
Ryno Hires is the right place to go if you’re looking for the best dry hire excavator attachments for hire in Australia. They have a wide range of attachments available for all excavators and offer competitive rates.
The team at Ryno Hires is experienced and knowledgeable, so you can be sure that you’re getting the best possible advice on what attachment will suit your needs. They also have a wide range of machinery available for hire, so you can be sure to find the right equipment for your project.
If you are looking for an attachment for an excavator, Ryno Hires should be your first port of call. With their competitive rates and experience, they will be able to get you the best attachment for your project requirements.
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Directional Drilling: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know
Directional Drilling is a boring where the drilling can be done on a predetermined path underneath the ground level. Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is the more common name for this technique and is called “Trenchless Drilling.”
The conventional way of constructing a pipeline, underground cables, or conduit, for whatever use it may be, is digging a trench. But the construction workers may come across a situation where it may be difficult or even impossible to dig a trench for this purpose at a particular construction site.
HDD technique comes into use in such situations, especially when we must avoid disturbing the ground area. That’s why it is also known as minimum impact technology.
Horizontal Directional Drilling has been used for over a hundred years but has improved significantly recently with the help of computer technologies.
Directional Boring VS Horizontal Directional Drilling
These two terms look similar, but there is a difference between them regarding the scale of work. Directional Boring is a small diameter bore that crosses a small horizontal distance. The term HDD is used when we need a more extensive diameter boring and have to travel a long distance.
How is it done?
It starts with the digging of an entrance pit, followed by the drilling of a pilot hole. Drilling is done in the shape of an arc, slowly going down the obstacle to be crossed and coming out of the ground on the other side.
Drilling is done with specialized machines and tools with the help of a drilling fluid. It comprises mainly water and a small quantity (usually 5%) of bentonite. This viscous fluid is pumped into the bore to reach the cutting tool.
This is a multipurpose fluid. It not only cools down the cutting head but also removes cuttings from the drilling bit. It gives firmness to the bore while lubricating the drilled hole. This fluid is re-useable. It is collected back through a machine that makes it usable again by removing cuttings and maintaining the desired level of viscosity.
The second step is widening the drilled hole. This is necessary to make pulling back the required pipes or cables easier. Usually, they widen the gap up to 25% of the initial diameter. This process is done with the help of a reamer. Finally, the pipeline or cable is pulled through the widened hole. This way, the entire pipeline/line crosses the obstacle completely underground.
The main machine used for HDD is called a rig. The bore's estimated length determines this rig's size and capacity. The type of pipeline to be used must also be considered while selecting the rig. Another critical factor is the study/survey of the underground conditions of the proposed site.
Usually, there are two types of rigs: one for smaller distances and the other for considerable distances. The difference between both is their capacity, measured in thrust and rotary force units. For example, a large rig may have a thrust force of around 1,320,000 lbs with a rotary strength of 150,000 lbs, usually mounted on a trailer, and a small rig may have a thrust or pullback force of up to 100,000 lbs.
While a tremendous amount of drilling fluid is required for large rigs, very low or even only water may be needed in the case of small rigs, obviously, depending on the length of the bore.
The cutting head, also called the drilling head, is the following essential tool required for HDD. It contains drilling bits of various sizes and shapes, depending on the diameter of the hole. These tools are a very crucial part of the whole drilling process. So, selecting the right type and size of the cutter head is very important.
Where’s the Drilling Head?
The critical point for the construction engineers is to locate where the drilling head is at a specific time. The problem is that it is not visible as it is underground throughout the drilling process.
Locating the drilling head is essential to keep the drilling strictly on the pre-determined path. For example, construction engineers may use any or all of the following three methods to locate and guide the drilling head.
Walkover System
It works with a transmitter that is installed with the drilling head. It sends information to the monitoring staff about the direction and angle of the cutting head, thus enabling them to control the movement.
Wire-line System of monitoring
It is also known as MGS – Magnetic Guidance System; the construction supervisor can quickly locate the cutter head and direction with this magnetic system.
Gyro-Based Location System
This is the most helpful tool in the hands of a person supervising and monitoring the drilling process. It gives the best results with maximum accuracy.
Impact on Environment
Though this type of drilling is primarily required in areas away from the cities and towns, we still have to consider the impact of this whole process on the environment. Secondly, there may be instances where HDD has to be done near populated areas.
The first and perhaps most important is the noise created by the rig. This can be reduced by using buffer zones created around the construction site. Another possible hazard may be the leakage of drilling fluid. Usually, it doesn’t happen, as this fluid must remain within the bore.
However, there is a possibility that this fluid can spill out of the cracks in the ground or due to the porous nature of the earth at a particular point of the bore line. The drilling fluid is so viscous that it automatically fills cracks and prevents massive leakage.
Despite these minor risks, the HDD process is safe and environmentally friendly.
Legal Coverage
In the USA, the Pipeline Safety department governs the construction and designs related to Horizontal Directional Drilling.
Conclusion – Horizontal Directional Drilling
The HDD is a reliable and helpful technique for constructing tunnels, pipelines, and underground cabling systems. It is an environment-friendly technique, having the minimum possible impact. However, it can be carried out without any noticeable effect on the ground surface under which this drilling process is being made.
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dhillonpaving · 2 years
How Trenching Is Different From Excavation?
Trenching and excavation are two methods for entering the earth and going below it. Each has advantages and disadvantages and is used for quite different jobs. But how do excavation and trenching differ from one another? Are they interchangeable? How are they distinguishable? Everything you need to know about trenching vs. excavation is provided here, along with advice on how to decide which digging project is best for you and your needs. Also, if you are looking for excavation contracts then you must go with Dhillon Bros Paving Ltd. For every project, they keep the customers fully informed and engaged with our owner-to-customer relationship. No matter what the size of your job is, they offer limitations to your budget and find a solution that will work best for you. Here we will discuss how trenching is different from excavation. So, let us get started!
What can you expect during the trenching process?
A trench is a deep ditch that has been excavated into your yard. Wires and cables for telecommunications services like cable television, the internet, and the telephone are commonly transported via this method. A trench is not always required if there are no utility lines under your property, which might startle house owners who are astonished when their gardener comes out and cuts a large gash in their grass.
Even if a utility company insists that you build a trench, you might have other alternatives. Your trench’s depth may be adjusted depending on your demands; normally, it’s roughly 12 deep, but for other services, like cable television, it can be as shallow as 6 or even 4 deep.
Trenching is a standard practice, frequently incorporated into the final cost of new-home development. If you want a trench installed on a property that already exists. It’s also crucial to keep in mind that having a trench built into your yard might affect how water drains from your soil; if left unattended, it could potentially worsen drainage problems and cause some grass damage.
What to anticipate during excavation?
In order to make way for foundations, pools, expansions, and other new features, excavation professionals frequently dig up old concrete. A lot of heavy machinery will be there, and you may anticipate seeing enormous machines rushing across your yard. An excavation project is far more disruptive to your everyday life and takes much longer than trenching. Demolition teams will probably be working near your home all day, producing noise as they go.
Contrasting each approach
Excavation takes place above ground whereas trenching often occurs below it, which can cause less damage to the landscaping around your property. Depending on your project and the size of the place you need to reach, you may decide to have a trench excavated instead of excavation.
There are several situations when trenching may be necessary, even if excavation is preferable for landscaping tasks. Trenching could be required, for instance, if you need to access underground electrical or pipelines. You could choose a trench rather than an excavation if your land is shaped differently or has varied elevations.
Original Source:  How Trenching Is Different From Excavation?
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bu1410 · 18 days
Good afternoon TUMBLR - June 6th - 2024
“Mr. Plant has owed me a shoe since July 5, 1971.”
Gazoducto Samalayuca - Sasabe. Mexico - Nuevos Casas Grandes - Chihuahua.
Part 2
First visit to Patio. In the late afternoon, with Mr. Caracciolo, we went to visit what they locally called the ''patio'' and which was nothing other than the logistics base and the construction site offices. The patio was located at 42 km (and just two curves....) from Casas Grandes on the highway to Ciudad Juarez. I immediately noticed that the patio area was well organised, with the prefabricated offices facing the street (later I would have a get series of cactus and flowers taken from the surrounding land planted around the offices.
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After a tour of the patio, I returned with Davide to the offices: Mr. Fratus, the current Project Manager, had arrived. The reasons to replace him are to be found in the conflicts that arose between the aforementioned Fratus and the local staff, with the Works Management, and lastly with the Sicilsaldo owners. All these situations, after only just 6 months of stay, had reached a point of no return, and therefore the Owners had decided to replace the current PM, in agreement with the Works Management. A rather embarrassing situation was therefore created when Mr. Caracciolo introduced me to Mr. Fratus, who, apparently, had no intention of leaving his job. After two days he would return to Italy, but he declared that he wanted to meet face to face with the owner of Sicilsaldo, and then a final decision would be made.
First visit to site The Samalayuca – Sasabe project consisted of a 36'' gas pipeline with a total length of 611 km. – of which 307 km had been assigned to SICILSALDO. The pipe that was supposed to carry the gas from Texas started from a Power Station under construction in the town of Samalayuca, just outside Ciudad Juarez. After more than 600 km in which it would have always run a few kilometers South of the US-Mexico border, the pipeline would have returned to USA in the locality of Sasabe.
Along the pipeline, several intermediate stations would have allowed the installation of outlets to supply users in Mexico. The works had been underway for about two months, even if the progress was not as hoped for at the moment. The day after my arrival in Nuevos Casas Grandes, we went with Davide and Fratus to visit the pipeline near the town of Janos. The construction site was all enclosed in a space of 3 km - the large trencher machine rented from the Texan company Double M was digging the trench where the gas pipeline would then be installed. Just behind, the automatic welding line, with the automatic welding sheds that guaranteed the completion of each joint in about 3 minutes.
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Then comes the NDT (non-destructive testing) company, the bandaging of the joints, and finally the side boom line to lower the pipe in the trench, after the latter had been adequately prepared to receive it by the action of the special means that spread it at the bottom of the dig a bed of fine sand. Everything seemed to be working properly, even though the work was taking place on the side of the Janos – Monteverde road. A narrow local road on which huge trailers passed at high speed to transport the agricultural products of the area: chilli peppers, cotton, onions. To further complicate things, the simultaneous installation of the pylons for the new electricity line along the North side of the road, on the opposite side from where our operation was going on. We returned to NCG and there was one of those sunsets that ''Estado Grande de Chihuahua'' is rightly famous for - after a quick dinner, we all went to bed.
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I never saw Mr. Fratus again. One day someone told me that he had started selling ceramic tiles.
Italian colleagues In the 10 days or so that separated us from the departures for the end-of-year holidays, I made sure to meet and get to know my Italian colleagues: I wanted to understand as quickly as possible who I would be dealing with, both from a human and from the professional point of view.
Davide Caracciolo – Country Manager Before leaving Italy I had been given very little information on the logistical and administrative situation of the Company in Mexico. I knew that the Country Manager was called Davide Caracciolo, and that was all. I have already described how I met Davide, thanks to an elderly stewardess from Aeromexico, on the plane to Chihuahua. Caracciolo is a person with consolidated work experience abroad, first with SAE SADELMI, then with the ENEL POWER group. He worked in Nigeria, and then mainly in the Arab Emirates. However, a very good person, he came into conflict several times with Carso's top management, who even threatened to remove him from the project.
Gaetano Valenza – Admin/Finance Manager A good administrator, unfortunately dominated and designated victim of the Finance Manager of SICILSALDO Headquarters. An element of still young age, but he could already rely on previous work experience in Panama. Gaetano suffers from the "Sicilian syndrome". I'll try to explain myself. SICILSALDO, was implicated in serious events at the time of their first two projects in Mexico. In one, since SICILSALDO was in a joint venture with a Colombian company (whose owner was later arrested in Miami for drug trafficking) it suffered continuous thefts and tampering by the partner. Indeed, the SICILSALDO server was found to be under the direct control of elements of CocoMex (this is the name of the Colombian company) who ''managed'' all of SICILSALDO's electronic correspondence. And to add insult to injury: SICILSALDO was ignominiously kicked out of the project, thanks to lies artfully invented by the alleged partners, several pieces of heavy equipment were stolen by the Colombians, taking advantage of the company's disorientation. The equipment - excavators, tracks, welding machines etc., were later recovered thanks to the help of the Mexican police (certainly not for free). All this while the Project Manager Michelini was subjected to a serious attack by elements undoubtedly paid by CocoMex, and only the exit of customers from the supermarket in front of which the attack took place saved his life.
Rocco Di Francesco Rocco, in addition to being a very good Construction Manager, is also the brother-in-law of SICILSALDO owner. He was therefore the owner's eye on the Samalauca – Sasabe project, going beyond the sole role of the CM. A person of exemplary correctness, an example of a hard-working, willing Sicilian, always eager to improve himself. From the beginning as a simple welder's assistant, up to reaching the top position in Construction.
Armani Tomaso Originally from Berceto in the Apennines, Tomaso is the man who acquired the Samalayuca-Sasabe project thanks to his past experience in Spain, and the high-level friendships acquired there. In his role as Business Development Manager, he was the trait d'union between Sicilsaldo and the Client, given that he sat in the so-called ''Committee'', i.e. the decision-making body made up of the members of the consortium who had the responsibility of managing the realization of the entire work. A man of great experience in the pipeline field, he has perhaps sometimes sinned against ''indulgence'' towards his Spanish and Mexican friends, even if we must recognize the objective difficulty of moving between the different interests of the project participants.
Fabio Michelini Fabio was a SICILSALDO employee ''loaned'' to the consortium which represented the expression of the three companies involved in the construction of the Samalayuca – Sasabe gas pipeline. In theory he should have been our ''Fifth Column'' within the CAFIG organization. In practice - given the smallness of the person - he was kept in the dark about all the decisions and strategies by the management group represented by the two Munozs (one Mexican and the other Puerto Rican) and by Mr. Minchinela, a Spanish guy working as Field Construction Manager for Client side. In practice Michelini was of no use, except to make us angry during the weekly meetings, with his idiotic questions about work progress and so on. In fact, at a certain point in the project it was "returned" to us: without too many preambles, Eng. Munoz dismissed him from the project and Fabio returned to SICILSALDO where he would not have had any duties. His friend Tomaso Armani saved his a**s by inventing the position of Claims Manager for him. Typical question from Michelini during the weekly meeting:
Have you done the preliminary topographical survey of the mountain area?
No, it's a very rough area a and inhabited by drug traffickers - furthermore it is you - the Client - as per the contract - who is responsible for the preliminary topographic survey.
Why don't you rent an helicopter and do it yourself - or go there with mules?
Who's going to pay for the helicopter?
Certainly not us…. And that was where it ended… Michelini's personal history had taught him nothing. Only two years earlier, during the execution of the tragic Queretaro project, Fabio was attacked outside a supermarket by three young local people. They massacred him with stones, and from the photos I saw, it could be assumed that he was dead. He survived, and after $130,000 worth of plastic surgery he was as good as new. But he evidently had forgotten how stone blows to his face hurt, and he continued to behave in an ethically unacceptable manner. Michelini was the typical person who never stops spitting on the plate where he ate every day: a great self-esteem (based on nothing) and nothing more. Direct testimonies from Rocco Di Francesco said that Michelini also behaved like this during the previous pipeline project in Kuwait. Another ''strange'' characteristic of Michelini - a staid man of few words, dispenser of sarcasm at all hours - was his inveterate habit of driving at very high speed on every road and condition. Our vehicles were known in the region, there were eye-catching stickers on the sides of the vehicles with the name of the project. We ''sponsored'' all the police, and several times the traffic officers came to the office asking ''who is that crazy person driving the Toyota pick-up on the highway to Agua Prieta''. One day his friend Mr. Armani was travelling with him. Suddenly he ordered Michelini to stop on the mountain pass that led to Agua Pietra because the guy continued to overtake even when there were blind curves. Armani got out of the car, telling him to go away and adding:
''After half a century of work I finally reached retirement, and I do not intend to die on a Mexican highway for an idiot like you''.
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Border between State of Chihuahua and Sonora
Oscar Ferrario Oscar was the Quality Manager, a very important role within a project like the Samalayuca – Sasabe gas pipeline. The role requires great technical knowledge, reasoning and managerial skills. Oscar possessed the technical knowledge, but was totally lacking in all the other key features mentioned above. Furthermore, a few years earlier, he had been the victim of a scary road accident in Chile, where he ended up in a ravine on a mountain road. He had been recovered with little hope of salvation, but evidently his time had not yet come. The consequences of the accident were felt in terms of the ability to concentrate: with Oscar it was difficult to reach the conclusion of a reasoning, most of the time he got lost in meanderings unknown to us. Many times, at the end of a meeting, Oscar would return to my office and ask for confirmation whether what he had understood during the meeting was true. In any case, Oscar was one of the few – perhaps the only one – who managed to get me out of my mind during the project, and twice. The Quality Control department was saved thanks to the great commitment of Claudio Marino and the big hand given by Rocco Di Francesco.
Michele De Simone Typical representative of the ''convinced Italian Communist'' (i.e. playing the rich man with other people's asses) Michele was the construction site administrator. After a dark period following the untimely death of his wife, Michele recovered well to the point of making hunting for local women a reason for living. His role was needed on the site, but he gave it a very limited interpretation, which could easily have been filled by any Mexican employee, but with decidedly lower costs. I remember during a strike of our workers, we gathered people in a hotel in Juarez. While Rocco and I spoke to the workers, trying to reach an agreement that would satisfy the employees and the company, Michele spent the whole time sorting invoices with the hotel employee where our people lived, as if the ongoing strike didn't concerned him too. We saved him from being cut by Director Ascia a couple of times, until Mr. Brunetti himself ordered Michele's definitive return. As soon as he arrived in Italy he underwent that long-postponed hemorrhoid operation, prolonging his convalescence for months.
Franco Carossa A guy from Genoa, a personal friend of Caracciolo for years, and to whom he owes the call to Mexico. He took care of the accounting and cost control of the project. He too, a man with great international experience (he worked for many years in the Gulf countries), was in my opinion one of the architects of the turning point and ultimately the success of SICILSALDO in the Samalayuca – Sasabe project. After his arrival on January 2017, he gave a more 'linear' approach to the project's accounting, also working to solve problems outside of his expertise. Some memorable arguments with Armani and Caracciolo were of a ''strong'' character, always resolved with all due respect to everyone. In the end he left the project due to differences with the owners, remaining in Mexico for a few more months to work on the same project but with another sub-contractor.
Claudio Marino A young Sicilian with great skills and willingness to work. He took care of Quality Control but not only that, always lending a hand in times of need during construction. A bachelor, he missed several returns to Italy during the project, but did not receive any recognition from the SICILSALDO management. Indeed, the personnel office even accused him of having taken more days off than he should have, ordering him to pay back some money. So in addition to the damage (non-recognition of unused contractual airline tickets) also the insult. Crazy.
Cordalonga Crocefisso Another young Sicilian (with that name…) of great value, but unfortunately with a character tending towards self-pity and discouragement. Its role is one of the most difficult in the context of a gas pipeline construction, especially considering the morphology of the pipeline route (in addition to the desert, 40 km of Sierra, with continuous ups and downs up to an altitude of 2,200 meters above sea level). Absolutely NON resistant to alcohol, during the posada (Celebration) at the end of 2017, his mates - knowing it - made him drink 2 glasses of wine: he started singing obscene songs at the top of his lungs, and then they had to carry him in their arms first to the car, and then deposit him in the his room in the hotel. From where he ''resurrected'' only in the afternoon of the next day.
Further comment on the young Sicilians of the project The young Sicilians met on the project deserve a special mention: with professionalism and dedication they completed a difficult project both for technical reasons and for other ''environmental'' reasons (the euphemism that our client used to avoid using the word ''Narcos'' since Mexicans are very sensitive to this word). Unfortunately, in addition to their undoubted qualities and merits, I also had to find some serious shortcomings in them. The latter prevent (and will prevent) the human and professional growth of figures who, if adequately followed and sponsored (i.e. courses etc.) would represent great human capital for SICILSALDO. I am referring to people in their 30s, high school graduates, who barely speak Italian, let alone the foreign languages ​​that are so fundamental in professional life nowadays. Young people who, on the one hand, can give a lot - and obtain just as much - are held back by attitudes linked to old habits and customs typical of the place where they come from. It's a shame for them first and foremost, for the company they work for, and ultimately for the Italian country system.
Pasquale Sorice – Base Chief and Logistics Officer One of the worst, unfortunately. Someone we couldn't trust. He has disappointed us several times, in every respect. Terrified when there was a prospect of a closure of the activities and a return to Italy. Typical Southerner who grew up in a military environment, of which he had absorbed all the defects, including the Italian language - written and spoken - which is used only by the Carabinieri. Capable only of trying to highlight his own ''merits'', hiding his shortcomings.
Solito Salvatore It deserves a separate chapter. Sicilian from Gela, in the previous project in Mexico he had appointed himself ''Procurement Manager'' (He fixed a nameplate on his office door) despite just having experience as a warehouseman in a retailer wholesale of plumbing materials. Protagonist of legendary feats on Algerian project, such as when he spilled several drums of a chemical product for cleaning the pipeline into the river near the site. The next day the foam submerged all the villages that stood along the river itself. The police arrived at the site base with the intention of arresting everyone for "causing an ecological disaster". The matter was ''fixed'' with great difficulty. In Mexico it was customary to set out for surveys in the areas where the pipeline should have passed, resulting in unspeakable damage. In the previous SICILSALDO project in Mexico he had rented a shiny Porsche Cayenne for the Project Manager, while he had settled for a more modest Hummer. He left one day for the Agua Prieta area to carry out a survey on logistics (hotel, facilities, knowledge of places and people, etc.) about which, as always, nothing will be known, he returned after about a week. The results – if we can call them that – were:
Issuance of an expense report bearing the wording ''ESCORT''. (When the expense report arrived in Gela, it provoked a call from the owner of SICILSALDO in which Solito was told ''that you pay for the ESCORTs out of your own pocket!) Salvatore replied that it wasn't about what people thought, but rather an ''armed escort'' to safeguard his person while carrying out his duties in a very dangerous area, frequented by drug traffickers. After months, during a visit to the same places I made with Rocco Di Francesco (without ''escort'') we were contacted by the local village head who asked us ''where Salvatore Solito had ended up and the photovoltaic panels he had promised as a gift to the village ''. (sic)
Santamaria Giuseppe He was the head of automatic welding, a role of great responsibility. Unfortunately, endowed with an ''inadequate'' character (to put it mildly), he will cause considerable problems with the local staff, from whom he will receive more than a few slaps in his face. He will be replaced by his nephew, a young and capable guy, who will not make him regret it.
Contuzzi Giuseppe Grandson of Santamaria, of whom, as mentioned, he took over when it was decided to bring him back permanently. A golden boy, willing and competent. He was the involuntary protagonist of a road accident that could have had fatal consequences. After almost three years of stay, the day of definitive return to Italy had arrived for Giuseppe too. As in a novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the chain of events should have alarmed us, but instead…. Giuseppe would have left on a Saturday, but the purchasing office manager - Joel Campos - came to my office and told me:
I have to go to Chihuahua, if you agree I will give alift to Giuseppe, there's free seat in my SUV.
Good – I say – in that case we save having to send a driver for 300+300 km. It was around 2.00 pm on an ordinary Saturday, when the phone rang and I was informed by Doctor Norma that Giuseppe and Joel were admitted to the Chiuhuahua hospital after having had an accident on the highway, about 60 km from the city. . They were all quite well, no one seemed to have suffered serious consequences from the SUV rollover. In the emergency room they were undergoing tests to ascertain any problem. I ordered the Doctor to leave for Chihuahua with a driver, and once she arrived there to update me on the conditions of the people involved. It was late in the evening when the Doctor called me from the Chihuahua hospital, and reassured me about the conditions of the people - three - involved in the accident: everyone was quite well, the one who had fared the worst was Joel who had suffered a dislocation of his right shoulder. It had gone well, seeing the condition of the SUV, crumpled after the crash at the junction of the A45 autopista, near the Caseta de Cobro Ojo Laguna. I decided to reach Chihuahua the next day. I left very early in the morning, and at 10.00 I was already at my destination, after 300 boring kilometres. I met Giuseppe, Joel and his girlfriend at the Micro Hotel Inn & Suites. Giuseppe, a boy with an imposing physique, had only suffered some abrasions in the rollover. The girl was miraculously unharmed and Joel had her arm in a sling and her shoulder in a bandage. Everyone was surrounded by relatives, who promptly rushed to hear the news of the accident. I took Giuseppe to Chihuahua airport where he boarded for Mexico City, from where he would continue to Italy in the evening. So I went back to Nuevos Casas Grandes with Doctor Norma Valles and Joel's girlfriend.
Favale Amedeo A retiree, but still an excellent excavator operator. He and Rossetti were responsible for the most exposed and dangerous excavations of the entire project, the excavator balanced on impressive slopes. And then a good cook, he always prepared excellent pasta dishes for Sunday lunch.
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Fazio Antonino The only real chief mechanic who had the project. Very valid from a technical and organizational point of view. A man with great experience working with Impregilo on construction sites all over the world. Unfortunately it is not without flaws on the human side. He resigned about ten times, in constant conflict with the whole world. It was thanks to Antonino that the SICILSALDO -NUOVA GHIZZONI construction equipment, most of which were very dated - somehow managed to complete a very difficult project from an environmental point of view (heat, cold, desert, mountains). Sicilian from Busto Arsizio, with a difficult character typical of very small people, he was a true ''adventurer'': he spent years in Africa, Central America, owner of pizzerias in Santo Domingo, ice cream parlors in Honduras, shoe shops in Panama . In any case, Fazio's contribution was decisive for the execution of the project. .
Lo Bello Giuseppe – known as ''The beautiful'' The progress of the project had reached a level where testing could no longer be postponed. In a pipeline the tests essentially consist of:
Cleaning of the affected section of pipeline (generally 15 - 20 km) by passing what in jargon are called ''cleaning pigs''.
Once the cleaning has been accepted by the Customer, a volume of water is introduced to fill the entire section subject to testing.
When filling is completed, we move on to the step-by-step pressurization phase, until 1.5 times the operating pressure of the gas pipeline is reached.
Once the testing pressure has been reached, this must be maintained for 24 hours, demonstrating that no leaks have occurred on the line, and therefore the test must be considered successfully completed. Continuing the series of less than positive characters sent from the Gela office - we remember more than 12,000 km away - one day I receive a call from the owner of SICILSALDO Gino Brunetti, who announces the imminent arrival of a certain Lo Bello Giuseppe, who will be the designated testing supervisor.
Make sure you follow him step by step, because this is a dangerous guy! In Algeria during the testing of the 56 inch the tube arrival trap was blown up!!! Luckily it happened at night, and no one got hurt!!! Only the night watchman was hospitalized for the beginning of a heart attack, whatever you want….
Sorry Gino…and do you still send a guy like that around the world?
It's ok…he's not a bad person…but keep an eye on him! Then came ''The beautiful'' as he was generally called. A person over 60, bald, he didn't speak a word of Spanish or even English. Which was quite strange, given that on his Facebook profile I noticed under studies '' University 'of Catania' '. He stayed with us for an entire shift - three months - during which, relying on the topographer, he created the testing sections, 23 in total. The topographer essentially did the work, but the ''Beautiful'' tried in every way to credit himself for it. Lo Bello was not even able to compile a comprehensive inventory of all the equipment that arrived from Italy. So at the end of the three months, I decided not to let him return, and I asked the Headquarters for a replacement capable of managing the very important - and dangerous - testing phase.
MEXICAN STAFF Ramiro Flores Great Ramiro (in every sense given that he is 1.97 m tall) originally his role was as an IT engineer: he had to take care of keeping telecommunications functioning at all times, which is certainly not easy in a country like Mexico. We are talking about WIFI, computers but not only: the radios with which, above all for security reasons, people communicated in areas without Internet coverage (unfortunately many given the planimetric conformation of the project, with more than 70 km of desert and 40 km high mountain). Ramiro then demonstrated great will and spirit of adaptation when he was asked to manage transport, drones for topography and videos to upload to Youtube, the supply of fuel (another very sensitive issue in Mexico, with continuous thefts from part of transporters and employees). I can state without fear of contradiction that Ramiro was the most loyal and efficient of the Mexican employees throughout the project. His contribution was often decisive in achieving the set objectives.
Araceli Montero Araceli was our Environmental Engineer. In a project in which a lot of emphasis on sustainability were placed, the environment, and above all on the so-called restorations - that is, the contractual commitment to restore the route of the gas pipeline as it was originally, after having laid it. Furthermore, care was taken of the animal and environmental resources along the route of the pipeline, i.e. that the fauna (snakes, bears, birds, mountain lions, etc.) suffered minimal impact as a result of the construction activities. Lastly, care was taken to eliminate processing waste (tyres, electrodes, oils, fuels, food waste) which had to follow strict protocols. Without forgetting the aspect of archaeology, always important in Mexico, even if in the area where we worked the finds were not as numerous as they could have been in other regions of Mexico. Speaking of the cactus that I had transplanted in front and behind the offices, Araceli said: ''They will die in 2 weeks''. After 3 years the cactus were still blooming which was wonderful o see.
Francisco Carrillo
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Technical office engineer. A very good guy, who I would only place second to Ramiro in terms of contribution to the project. Intelligent, prepared, at a certain point he wanted to leave SICILSALDO to obtain a doctorate in Ireland. Extremely kind and polite, I am sure that the future will hold great satisfaction for him.
Habbid Ruiz Alvarez – Logistics Habbid was in charge of logistics: in practice he lent a hand with local purchases, supervised transport a bit, and was responsible for managing lunch for the employees who worked on the line, therefore distant from towns, restaurants, snack bars, supermarkets. Of distant Arab origins, Habbid was a human case, in what sense, you might ask. Well the individual was completely 'subjugated' (like many Mexicans) by American films and TV series. He lived his work experience as if he were engaged in the war in Vietnam. If he had to escort an exceptional transport, he would install his pick up with flashing lights, a roof rack on the roof housed very powerful multicolored headlights, he dressed like Rambo, with combat boots, camouflage suit, knives hanging from his belt, mirrored glasses, helmet with all sorts of stickers of projects and enterprises in which he had not participated. And then obviously GPS, walkie talkie radio with which he spoke continuously, informing us of the most insignificant detail of the transport. He resigned one day, suddenly, justifying his decision with a banal:
''I don't feel fulfilled enough here with you'.
Victor Gomez I immediately thought of Victor when I was asked to go to Mexico. He had been my Construction Manager during Iraq project, and I had appreciated his skills and expertise. Being Venezuelan he obviously speaks Spanish, and so I mentioned his name to the Sicilsaldo Personnel Office. Victor's hiring wasn't easy, he had to take a quick trip to Italy (from Seville where he was at the time) but in the end everything worked out for the best. When we opened the mountain front, I assigned him to direct the operations and the construction - with very difficult logistics - was organized as best as possible by Victor. The staff was based in Agua Prieta, the first city we encounter in the state of Sonora when arriving from Chihuahua. The city is characterized by the border ''wall'' with the USA built by Clinton administration (which no one ever talks about as if the wall were a Trump exclusive) to try to limit the entry of illegal immigrants into the USA.
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The construction site was located about 45 km from the city, in the Sierra de San Luis, a very rugged mountain chain with peaks up to 2,500 meters above sea level. The area of ​​operations was reached via a dirt road that served to connect the ranchos in the area. Everything went well in the management of the mountain construction site, until the arrival of Cuvato Crocefisso. Inevitably, a straight like Victor - ''hombre vertical'' as the South Americans say - would never have been able to get along with Cuvato, and this explains the reasons for the Venezuelan's irrevocable resignation. Moreover, justified by Victor with the situation that had arisen in Venezuela during those years, with the popular revolt against the Maduro regime. Victor's family lived in the center of Caracas, right in the area where serious riots occurred every day. Hence his concern, and his early return to his country, from where he then emigrated to Spain, bringing his wife and daughters.
Doctor Norma Valles Doctora Norma was head of our Health and Environment service. A young girl with no experience in occupational medicine, but who knew how to grow during the course of the project, managing as best as possible all the difficult and bloody phases that followed. Unfortunately, there were accidents, some serious ones but fortunately never lethal. But always indirectly linked to work activities, such as road accidents during transport and reaching work fronts.
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Norma also professionally managed the prevention aspects such as vaccination campaigns, maintaining serums against possible snake bites (they were found every day). And then she carefully handles the aspect of the food supplied by the various catering companies to the workers along the line (which is not easy, considering the great distances between the places of production of the food and the places of its consumption).
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Alejandro Gonzales Alejandro was our Chief of Construction Personnel. We were forced to fire his predecessor, a certain Alejandro Renteria, due to a never clarified story in which he collected a percentage of the salary of Mexican employees that he managed to funnel into the company. It must be said that, following the continuous stop and go caused by the unavailability of work areas, layoffs and hiring, especially of general staff, were the order of the day. Something that was absolutely not easy for the average Mexican worker to digest, for which Alejandro was threatened several times. Alejandro was originaly from Chihuahua city, and the main interest in life was one: eating! Very professional, tall, red-haired, with a beard and moustache, he had an exceptional stomach: there was never a shortage of something to munch on his desk: snacks of the most varied qualities that Mexicans are crazy about. It was he who proposed and established the monthly list of staff birthdays, which we always celebrated in the office meeting room, eating cakes even worse than the Iraqi ones.
Alejandro Rebollar Alejandro is a young and capable engineer. He was selected and hired by Victor Gomez for the technical office of the Agua Prieta site. Following Francisco Carrillo's resignation, I asked to move Alejandro to our technical office. Of a mild nature, for years he had been engaged to Araceli Montero, our ecology engineer, with whom he got married at the end of the Samalayuca-Sasabe project. Alejandro proved capable of carrying out all the tasks of the site technical office alone, contributing effectively to the formulation of the monthly progress, and solving numerous technical problems inherent to the project. But not only that: he proved to be 'a skilled' 'diplomat' 'in relations with the Client supervision (which was certainly not easy, considering the elements that made up the CARSO staff). Alejandro managed to gain their trust, especially that of Medina ''Merdina'' the Spaniard always ready to look at our technical/economic requests with a magnifying glass.
Lety Gomez & Dani Jimenez I talk about it together since Lety was in a relationship with Dani Jimenez, a Spanish pipeline supervisor, 15 years younge. Relationship that still continues to date. Lety was our local purchasing manager. She is a woman in her fifties but still attractive, very sporty (she regularly participated in the non-competitive marches that often take place in Mexico) and her son is already a great student at a university in Calgary, Canada. Senora Gomez is the most professional, honest and dedicated person you could hope for in a purchasing department. During the course of the project, there were numerous attempts, including by Italians, to attribute dishonest actions to Lety in carrying out her work. She always came out with her head held high, once even submitting her resignation, which was not accepted. Dani is a very good pipeline supervisor, he has always carried out the tasks assigned to him with devotion and courage (in Mexico it takes a lot of courage to carry out the work in contact with people who are sometimes very rude, to put it mildly).
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Lot of emphasis is put by Mexican during their ''Indipendence Day'' on Sept 15th
Cinthya Nallely Parada López - ''Tuti Fruti'' In Mexico it happens very often that employees suddenly resign. The fact of working far from home, where sometimes wives, children, elderly relatives have left behind with their problems: everything contributes to the fact that defections are the order of the day. Our planner had suddenly left one day, and then after a search through advertisements in newspapers and Internet channels, we selected Cinthya. From the photo of her on Linkedin she appeared to be a cheerful, spontaneous and above all ''normal'' person. She was hired after an interview with Annie Monroy, the personnel manager of the Mexico City office. In hindsight she shared a detail of no small importance with them: their photos on Facebook profiles were NOT representative of what she actually was! In the photos were missing those 25-30 kg that change a person's physiognomy. Many thanks Adobe Photoshop!!! Be that as it may, the omelette was made (with the complicity of Monroy, who to tell the truth had done and will do numerous stupid things but as Davide used said ''how do you chase away a single mother…? Like when she accused myself of being ''racist'' because I didn't make the Company's driver available to a Mexican who had to go to Chihuahua (300 km) to go on holiday. This was when there was a convenient bus service. So I was sitting on the airplane from Mexico to Chihuahua when Cinthya (one of the things I immediately specified was the spelling of her name…) introduced herself and perhaps read my disappointment/surprise on my face: she was simply enormous! She even found it difficult to ''walk'' and when she passed someone else in the very narrow corridor of the offices, one of the two had to enter a side office to let her pass. (I'm serious). Cinthya was professionally poor, but she was confirmed because in the end the Client's needs from a planning point of view were certainly not at the level of any project in the Middle East. And then the planner enjoyed the help of Francisco Carrillo, who when he saw Cinthya in difficulty did not skimp on helping her. On this point I must admit that young Mexicans are different from their peers: if they realize that one of them is in difficulty professionally, they don't hesitate to do everything they can to help him. Cinthya was also notable for her insatiable hunger: she practically ate at any time of the day, her desk was covered with snacks, chips, and all sorts of snacks. At the 'posada' (celebration) at the end of 2017, once almost all the participants had left, she made sure to fill a gym bag with all the bottles of wine that were left on the tables.She did it herself by asking Rocco with a hopeful look:
Can I collect the left over bottles Señor Roco? (with only one C…) are them paid, right?
Jorge Banda ''Chavelo'' Former ''malandro'' (in Mexican ''outlaw'') he came after a few years spent in a ''gated community''. Typical ''jack of all trades'' that is always needed in a project. Of imposing size and even greater kindness of heart. Always ready for a joke, and above all always ready at any time of the night, on Sundays and holidays, to respond to emergencies. Very capable in negotiations with subordinates, and always resolute in dealing with landowners who claimed undue compensation. Great party organizer and capable of epic hangovers, but punctual the next day upon resumption of activities. Chavelo was undoubtedly one of the strong points of the project.
Adriana Palomino When I arrived on the project, in the office there was a girl named Cristina Perez who worked as a Document Controller and secretary. Caracciolo thought it appropriate to call her in Mexico City (perhaps in a city of 22 million inhabitants there wasn't a girl who could fill the position of Document Controller? It was necessary to call a girl from Casas Grandes, pay for an apartment, a trip, a plane ticket every three months etc.…oh well…). So after making a small selection, the choice fell on Adriana Palomino. A former secretary of the Alcalde (mayor) of Nuevo Casas Grandes, she was left without a job when the former lost the last local elections. Yes, because in Mexico it works like this: whoever wins the elections - municipal, provincial, for state government or the general ones - once installed, fires all the employees and hires people loyal to him! A formidable means of ''clientelism''! Adriana wasn't much of a professional professionally, but we didn't have great expectations for the position of Document Controller. All we needed was a person who knew how to keep an archive of all documents, drawings, correspondence with the customer, etc. On the other hand, Adriana informed us that at her "venerable age" - undoubtedly over 35 years old - she continued to study by correspondence with one of those universities that do a roaring trade in the USA, taking advantage of the good faith and hopes of better life of thousands of unfortunate hopeless South Americans. When we were nearing the end of the project, she also suddenly left us, telling us that she had found – as every Mexican's dream – a job in Phoenix, Arizona. And as a ''Systems Engineer''!! (which ''systems'' we were never given to know). Of Adriana I remember the way in which she left the ''posada venue'' at the end of 2017, to my and Rocco's great surprise. Around 11.30, seeing that the people had all left, with an expression between surprise and disappointment she asked:
Is it all finished, right??? Having established that ''the party was over ' she jumped into her Jeep and with a reckless maneuver and loud screeching of tires (with which she wanted to underline her annoyance that ''nothing of what she expected had happened'') I left us ' stunned and speechless.
Jesus Esmir Escarrega Jesus is another of those ''casos particulares'' that I believe you can only meet in Mexico. Originally from Baja California, he was an employee of the civil works company ERKAM to which we had initially contracted the earthmoving of the mountain section. The company later proved to be unreliable, so the contract was terminated. However, we asked the owner of the company to be able to use Jesus, who had proven to be a valid supervisor. Once the economic agreement was reached, Jesus coooperated with us for about two years, especially in the so-called 'ROW (Right of Way) the initial phase of the pipeline works, where the supervisor plays a fundamental role. He was able to guide men and vehicles, manage relationships with the rancheros, who at the beginning always try to put a spoke in the wheel with the most absurd requests. And then arguments and misunderstandings arise, access closures, requests for compensation for ''non-existent'' livestock that suddenly disappeared due to our activities. They - the rancheros - requests compensation for the impossibility of proceeding with harvests of products that have never been sown (hence the preliminary visits, to compile surveys on the actual state of the land crossed by the pipeline). Jesus was very good at this, and above all he was gifted with a quality that is unfortunately rare in Mexicans: absolute honesty. So we had no fear that there would be attempts on his part to make backroom deals with the landowners. Jesus then took it upon himself to maintain relations with some of the more 'reticent' ranch owners because they were linked in some way to the Narcos and their activities. He was one of those who warned us when 'we should avoid going' to a certain area, because on that day an 'exceptional transport' would take place. And so the day before we had to park our construction equipment so as not to disturb the transit of the Narcos vehicles. Which, as I had the opportunity to see a couple of times, when they are engaged in ''transport'' they go fast… very fast. Jesus was also supervisor of the 'explosives' phase: more than 40 km of trenches opened with the use of dynamite almost always in remote mountain areas.
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Antonio Medina – Sorry, even after years I still can't describe this individual, the disgust I still feel for him is so strong.
Victor Groc Victor a young but very capable engineer. He was perhaps the only one from the Works Supervision team to help us (in the right sense of the term). While Medina did nothing but look for ways to get in the way, or sift through the contract and specifications to avoid paying extra works, Victor on the contrary always behaved in an impartial manner, trying to do his best for the good of the project. Originally from Vera Cruz, once the Samalayuca-Sasabe project was finished he was sacked from Grupo CARSO (to be confirmed in Mexico is like and perhaps worse than in Italy, you need to have more than one Saint in Heaven). Victor started a consultancy business in association with other engineers and architects.
Otilio Aguillero Fernandez A Spaniard from the Basque province, Otilio was one of the lucky ones who spent almost 5 years collecting a salary of over 10,000 euros, benefiting from a 45/15 shift (therefore returning to Spain for 15 days for every 45 days of presence) His contribution to the project was almost zero, but at least unlike other Spaniards he did not create excessive problems. In the sense that other Spanish supervisors, to justify their presence in the eyes of the Client, sometimes invented actual false reports, just to say:
'''View''You see? If I hadn't been there it wouldn't have been discovered that the Sub Contractor does this''. Otilio's activity took place mainly in the field, therefore traveling with the off-road vehicle along the track, trying to make it midday for lunch, and in the evening for dinner. Sometimes, during the weekly meeting, arguments arose between Otilio and his compatriot Medina' on matters of secondary importance. But the real reasons for disagreement lay more in the fact that Antonio is from Madrid, and therefore considers himself ''superior'' compared to the Basque Otilio. For his part, he had the typical Basque stubbornness, and always wanted to have the last word.
Herman Bayona Herman is a Colombian and on the Samalayuca-Sasabe project he represented the final customer, namely CFE (Comision Federal Electricidad) A curiosity: Herman had worked with SAIPEM in Iraq, which he had just left a few days before my arrival in 2015. This fact favored a certain ''complicity'' between us, avoiding all those ''potential misunderstandings'' that always happen on a complicated project like the one in Mexico between representatives of the Client and the Sub Contractor.
Injenero Martin Velazques Hernandez Garcia - Explosives Specialist A true explosives genius. Not even one of the numerous ''events'' (as they are called in jargon) failed. More than 40 km of trenches opened with the sequential technique (the explosions start from one point and end in another at a different distance from time to time, depending on the section decided upon) and in any case never less than 200 metres. The explosive phase is something very complicated in Mexico. First you need to contact a company with a permit to handle/transport the explosive. We found a fairly reliable partner in ERKAM, always considering that we were in Mexico. Subsequently, it is mandatory by law to have the supervision of an Engineer in possession of all the licenses required for the placement and detonation of explosive material. And we found him in the Injenero Martin Velazques Hernandez Garcia. He was authorized to negotiate with the military, setting the date of transportation, installation and detonation of the explosive. Once set, the dates and times cannot be changed, otherwise the entire event risks failing. Preparation for the explosion is a long and tiring phase, especially when - almost always - the event takes place in a mountain area. The drills mounted on tracks make holes of 2'' or 2'' 1/5 in diameter, at least 3.00 meters deep and 2.00 to 3.00 meters apart, where the dynamite charges will be inserted. Once a section of at least 200 linear meters has been prepared (sometimes even up to a kilometre), the area is ready for the event. Meanwhile, one of the biggest dangers is rain. In case of bad weather the holes easily fill with water, and therefore it must be extracted, given that the housing of the explosive must be absolutely ''dry''. The event typically lasts three days. On the first day the soldiers - usually a squad of around 15-20 men - arrive at the place where the event is to take place, inspect the area and make sure that nothing can happen as a result of the explosion. On day two a military convoy transports the explosive material which must be consumed on the same day, without the possibility of it being stored in any way. On the third day, the results of the explosion are noted, a report of the entire event is drawn up, and the military, after inspecting the area, leaves the area. It should be noted that CARSO - especially in the figure of Senor Minchinela - tried until the end to contest and refuse the payment of the surcharge owed to us for all the activity completed with the explosive. Clinging to unlikely interpretations of the contractual clauses, they argued that the price per linear meter of excavation ''included'' the surcharge due to the greater difficulty in opening the trench due to the use of explosives. In essence - said the ''friends'' ''You (SICILSALDO) ascertained the conditions of the route before formulating the price of the excavation (a survey had been carried out with a tourist plane) and therefore you were aware of the difficulties you were facing. The use of explosives is finally a ''facilitation'' for you (Sub Contractor) to have greater progress compared to excavation with mechanical means (hammer mounted on an excavator)''. I don't know how the dispute ended, certainly with around 19 million USD at stake, the tug of war lasted a long time (and who knows who came out the winner).
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jiangsuriverexcavator · 4 months
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What is The applications of Amphibious Excavators? [Infographic]
Amphibious excavators are specialized construction machines designed to operate in both land and water environments. They have unique features that enable them to perform various tasks in challenging terrains such as marshes, swamps, rivers, and shallow water bodies.
Here are some applications of amphibious excavators:
Wetland and environmental restoration:
Amphibious excavators are commonly used in wetland restoration projects. They can remove unwanted vegetation, dredge sediment, and reshape the land to restore the natural habitat. The ability to operate in water with minimal disturbance to the ecosystem makes them ideal for this purpose.
Dredging and waterway maintenance:
Amphibious excavators are used for dredging operations in rivers, canals, and other water bodies. They can effectively remove silt, mud, and debris from the waterways, improving navigation and maintaining proper water flow. They are also used to clear vegetation and maintain the banks of water channels.
Flood control and levee construction:
During flood control activities, amphibious excavators play a crucial role in building and maintaining levees, flood walls, and embankments. They can work in wet and muddy conditions, constructing and reinforcing barriers to control water flow and prevent flooding.
Bridge and pipeline construction:
Amphibious excavators are used in building bridges and pipelines in marshy and waterlogged areas. They can clear the land, create stable working platforms, and excavate foundations for bridge piers and pipeline supports.
Landscaping and land clearing:
In areas with difficult access or sensitive terrains, such as coastal regions and wetlands, amphibious excavators are used for land clearing and landscaping projects. They can remove vegetation, dig trenches, and shape the land to create desired contours.
Aquatic vegetation management:
Amphibious excavators are utilized for managing aquatic vegetation in lakes, reservoirs, and ponds. They can remove invasive plant species, clear clogged waterways, and maintain the ecological balance of aquatic environments.
Mining and extraction:
In some cases, amphibious excavators are used for mining operations in areas with water bodies. They can excavate minerals, such as sand and gravel, from underwater deposits.
These are just a few examples of the applications of amphibious excavators. Their versatility and ability to operate in diverse environments make them valuable tools in various industries where conventional excavators may face limitations.
For more information about Amphibious Excavators, click here: https://www.quora.com/What-is-Amphibious-Excavator-What-is-Its-Application-1/answer/Mr-Li-37
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vermonthire · 6 months
How Dingos Simplify Cable and Pipe Laying
Are you planning to lay cables or pipes on your property? Do you want to ensure the job is done quickly, efficiently, and without damaging your landscape? If so, you may want to consider Dingo Hire.
In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of using Dingos for cable and pipe laying tasks and compare them to Bobcats. We will also provide tips on choosing the right Top Dingo Hire Melbourne service provider.
What is Dingo Hire?
Before diving into the benefits of Dingo Hire, let's first define what Dingos are. Dingos are compact and versatile machines designed for tight spaces and narrow passages. They are known for their high power-to-weight ratio, making them ideal for various tasks, including excavation, trenching, and soil levelling. They are similar to Bobcats in some ways but with a few key differences.
How Does Dingo Hire Simplify Cable and Pipe Laying?
Dingos are perfect for cable and pipe laying tasks because of their compact size and manoeuvrability. They can easily fit into tight spaces and navigate around obstacles, making them ideal for working in residential areas where space is limited. They also have a low ground pressure, so they won't damage your lawn or landscape during laying.
One of the most significant advantages of Dingos is their versatility. They come with various attachments that can be easily swapped out depending on the task. Attachments such as the trencher and auger are particularly useful for cable and pipe laying. The trencher can dig narrow trenches quickly and efficiently, while the auger can drill precise holes for pipes and cables.
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Real-world scenarios where Dingo hire Melbourne has been used successfully include residential properties, commercial buildings, and public infrastructure projects. For example, Dingos have been used to lay irrigation pipes in residential gardens, install underground cables for streetlights, and dig trenches for new gas pipelines. In each case, Dingos have completed the job quickly, efficiently, and with minimal disruption to the surrounding area.
Tips for Choosing the Right Dingo Hire Service Provider
Choosing the right service provider is essential if you have decided to use Dingo Hire or even Bobcat hire for your cable or pipe laying project. Here are some tips to help you make the right choice:
1. Look for a service provider with experience in cable and pipe laying tasks. They should be able to provide references and examples of similar projects they have completed in the past.
2. Check that the service provider has appropriate insurance coverage. This will protect you in case of any accidents or damage to your property during the laying process.
3. Ensure the service provider maintains their equipment to a high standard. This will reduce the risk of breakdowns and delays during the project.
4. Read customer reviews to understand the service provider's reputation. Look for reviews that specifically mention their cable and pipe laying services.
Dingo Hire is an excellent choice for anyone looking to lay cables or pipes quickly and efficiently. It is a cost-effective, safe, and environmentally friendly option that can save you time and money in the long run. When choosing a Dingo hire Melbourne service provider, look for one with experience, appropriate insurance coverage, and high equipment maintenance standards. If you have any questions or want to book a rental, please contact us today. We would be happy to assist you!
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Horizontal Drilling Makes Pipe Installation a Breeze
Pipes have been around the face of the planet since 3000 BC. Ever since, they have been a significant part of the transportation system for water and other fluids. In 1000 BC, bore wells were invented using the same technology. After that, transporting water from under the ground has become a common practice.
Even to this day, boring pipe suppliers earn vast amounts of money. They use these pipes to extract water and transfer it around the country. This process asks for pipe installation throughout a large area. Traditionally these installations are conducted using a method called ‘open cut’. It means digging up a trench where you need the pipes installed throughout the area. After that, the pipes are placed in the trench, and the canal is closed.
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The process, though very effective, is time-consuming and messy. That is why a more straightforward method for installing boring pipes was required for a long time. To fulfill that need, the process of horizontal drilling was invented.
What is Horizontal Drilling?
Boring pipe suppliers and installers use horizontal drilling to place boring pipes underground without digging a trench. They use a machine to insert boring tubes into soil. This machine works so that after digging in a very small area, the device inserts pipes with minimal effort.
Why Boring Pipe Suppliers Love Horizontal Drilling?
Horizontal drilling has taken the boring industry by storm. People all around the world are using this technology. But if you are wondering why it is loved so much, here are some key reasons.
Horizontal drilling is more effortless compared to open cuts.
Horizontal drilling is less messy compared to open cuts.
Horizontal drilling saves a lot of time.
The initial expenses of horizontal drilling are high due to the cost of the machinery. But in the long run, horizontal drilling saves you massive bucks.
Often, when pipelines are placed near highways and busy streets, the open-cut method heavily disrupts the road's operations. But with horizontal drilling, you can install mile-long pipelines without disrupting the traffic.
Horizontal drilling is a very eco-friendly technique. For that reason, some of the best boring companies prefer to use this technique.
The mechanism of horizontal drilling is relatively easy. Anyone can learn its operations within a concise time. That is why boring pipe suppliers train their existing workers with this new technique and save a lot of money.
This is a method that you can use for both pipe installation and repair. So the maintenance work of the pipeline also becomes very easy.
A Few Words for Our Future Clients
If there is anyone among you with requirements for pipeline installation, that makes you one of our potential clients. That is why we want to tell you a little about ourselves.
We are International Pipe & Supply, one of the country's leading boring pipe suppliers. With our help, several people were able to meet their pipeline needs. We also have some of the most extraordinary testimonials from our customers. Going through them will make it evident to you why we are your best choice. Call us now to get a quote.
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handtool01 · 2 years
The Best Small Snow Thrower 2022: Top Choice For You!
best electric snow thrower
According to many owner reviews, an electric snow thrower is a must-have when it comes to removing snow in large areas that no shovel can handle. The design of this device provides the ability to collect and throw snow to a selected location. Its purpose is to speed up the snow removal process in your yard and save you energy.
The snow blower works from the electrical network, so you do not need to spend money on the purchase of fuel and oil - this is an analog product of a household vacuum cleaner so that all trenches and stairs are cleared of snow in a timely manner. Electric snow throwers are often used in everyday life, while many mass-produced models are also used in businesses: for cleaning areas around cafes, restaurants, and shopping malls. Often such devices are used due to utilities.
best cordless snow thrower
It is the best device for portability and environmental friendliness: it comes with no emissions, or loud noise, and you don’t need to pull the cord. You can store it even in the house, it does not emit unpleasant gasoline and oil odors. However, the working time is limited by the capacity of the battery, so this technique is not designed for large areas. It is practical to take it to clean your parking lot or just the walkways in the yard. It is more pleasant and faster to work than a shovel. With this product, you just need to charge it regularly.
Best 1 stage snow thrower
In one-stage devices, the snow is chopped into, gathered, and discharged from the chute by the rotating auger.
Snow throwers with only one stage are never self-propelled. However, once the auger exposes to the surface, it actually aids in pulling the snow thrower ahead.
For areas that frequently experience wet precipitation or heavy snowfall, we don’t recommend using the 1-stage snow throwers. Simply said, they lack the strength to move heavy or wet snow. A snowfall of 8 inches is around the greatest depth that a 1-stage snow thrower model can manage. We recommend you to use this type of thrower to areas that have moderate or light snowfalls since it will satisfy you with the best performance.
Best 2 stage snow thrower
The auger of 2 stage snow throwers that scoops up the snow does not make contact with the surface while operating. Due to this trait, gravel driveways or crushed stone as well as the paved ground can be cleared by these 2-stage snow throwers.
A thin ice or snow layer will still remain because the machine auger does not touch the surface. You can handle this with ice melt or by manual scraping or shoveling. In comparison to the 1-stage snow thrower, the 2-stage thrower can clear a more spacious area, which can tidy up a 30-inch area in a pass. You don’t have to push the machine but steer it.
Best 3-stage snow thrower
It is especially noteworthy that recently on the market there have appeared new three-stage snow blowers that are capable of sweeping away a very large area of snow. A special feature of this design is the two metal drill bits that feed the snow block into the accelerator located in the center of the barrel. There, the snow is ground to dust, then it enters the pipeline and is thrown away at a predetermined distance.
Three-stage snow blowers are distinguished by high efficiency and considerable size, therefore, their usage is justified in large areas. Such machines are able to cope with slopes of high complexity, where there are crusts, freezing, and dense wet snow. The disadvantages include their slowness.
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800lbproductions · 3 years
How to Choose the Right HDD Drill Rig for Installing a Subsea Pipeline?
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Subsea pipeline installation is a multi-billion dollar industry. It consists of installing hundreds to thousands of kilometers of submerged pipelines from the shoreline to offshore oil rigs and platforms, as well as onshore processing facilities and natural gas compressor stations.
These pipelines are then buried into trenches that can be several meters deep and several hundred meters wide. The only way to install these pipelines is via horizontal directional drilling (HDD).
This process needs machinery like horizontal directional drilling rig, which is an essential part of the industry. However, not all HDD drill rigs can meet up with the demands of this industry, thus it’s imperative to choose the right one.
What Are The Factors To Consider When Choosing The Right Hdd Rig?
When choosing a HDD drill rig there are three main factors that should be considered such as the water depth, ground conditions and access to the site. The drill rig's power source is also an important factor in making a decision. The majority of HDD rigs work off diesel engines which put out between 1,000 to 4,500 horsepower .
Another important factor for choosing a HDD drill rig is the number of pipeline installation passes. This is the amount of attempts it takes to get the drilling string into the required depth. A pass involves threading a certain amount of casing onto the drilling string and lowering it to set depth on each attempt before pulling back up and rethreading more casing .
The selection of HDD drill rig is also dependent on the amount of casing that needs to be installed. Casing is the steel piping that lines the outer edge of the trench and can range from 5 to 30 feet in diameter, each section weighing up to 9 tons.
There are many different types of HDD drill rigs on the market today. The two main types being land- or marine-based .
Land-based HDD drill rigs are most typically used in soil, clay and silt conditions where water depths are less than 100 feet. They have multiple sets of pipe storage racks built in so that the pipe can be easily connected and disconnected from the drilling string .
The majority of land-based HDD drill rigs have the capacity to dredge over 100,000 yards a day, which is a great advantage when considering that open cut trenching can take several weeks to complete. There are also different types of water pumps available for land-based HDD drill rigs depending on the water depth and soil conditions .
Marine-based HDD drill rigs are used for projects in nearwater environments as well as areas with very loose soils like sands or gravels, water depths between 1,000 to 5,000 feet and remote locations where transportation is limited. 
There are two types of marine-based HDD drill rigs: self-propelled vessels and jack-up barges. A self-propelled vessel is permanently attached to its drilling unit, while a jack-up barge can be moved from one project to the next .
Marine HDD drill rig operators will also use what is called a wiggle stick when digging down into the seabed. The wiggle stick has three different positions; forward, neutral and reverse. When the drill rig is in forward mode it pushes the pipe into the seabed to get past any obstructions, when in neutral position the weight of the load will push it down into place, and in reverse position it pulls back on the pipe to remove any obstructions .
What Contractors Should Know?
Work with a contractor who is well-versed with the industry standards for HDD projects, or hire a firm that specializes in installation of subsea pipelines. Since the entire pipeline installation process has multi-billion dollar implications, choosing the HDD drill rig is not something that can be done lightly.
Subsequently, when choosing an HDD drill rig, contractors need to take into account various considerations that pertain to the industry they work in. The design of the machinery is a good indicator of what applications they will be used for. Making use of a faulty machine can not only waste time and money but may also damage the pipeline being laid out.
               The best way to know if a machine is right for the job is to gather as much information as possible as there are various factors that will make one type of HDD drill rig better suited for a specific project than another. 
Complexity, environmental conditions and price all need to be considered before making a final choice.
Even though the HDD industry has its own list of requirements, this should not prevent contractors from seeking out other machines that might be suitable for their project and needs. For example, rotary steerable systems are great for rocky terrain and uneven surfaces. This is why many firms consider it as one of the best HDD drill rigs.
             All things considered, the best machines are the ones that can accomplish a job with minimum waste of both time and money, so choosing the HDD drill rig requires prudence and caution to make sure all specifications are met.
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rynohires-blog · 1 year
The Different Attachments For Excavators
An excavator is a machine used for digging or excavating. It consists of an arm and a bucket attached to a rotating platform. The arm is used to move the bucket, and the platform is used to rotate the arm. Many different attachments can be used with an excavator. Each attachment has a specific purpose—for example, buckets of various sizes and shapes for digging, scooping, or demolition. There are also attachments for breaking concrete, cutting through metal, or drilling into rock. This blog post will explore the different attachments for excavators and their uses.
What Is An Excavator?
An excavator is a large, heavy-duty machine for digging and moving earth. Excavators have a long arm with a bucket attached. A hydraulic system controls the arm; the bucket can scoop up dirt, rocks, and other materials.
Excavators are most commonly used in construction projects, such as digging foundations for buildings or trenches for pipelines. They can also be used in mining operations and land reclamation projects. Excavators are versatile machines with various attachments, such as buckets, shovels, rippers, and thumbs.
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What Are The Different Types Of Excavators?
The three main types of excavators are standard, mini, and micro. Standard excavators are the most common type used in construction and have an operating weight of between 20,000 and 60,000 pounds. Mini excavators have an operating weight of between 5,000 and 20,000 pounds and are often used in tight spaces where a larger excavator cannot operate. Micro excavators have an operating weight of fewer than 5,000 pounds and are used in even tighter spaces or for delicate work.
What Are The Different Attachments For Excavators?
It’s among the most versatile construction equipment; excavators can be equipped with various attachments to perform different tasks. Common excavator attachments include
Buckets: Used for digging and scooping up materials. It can be equipped with teeth for trenching or breaking up hard ground.
Thumbs: Attached to the bucket, used to grab and hold onto the material. Thumbs are especially useful when picking up rocks or working with demolition debris.
Grapples: Similar to thumbs, grapples are used to grab and hold onto the material but can also be used for sorting and organising debris.
Shears: Used for cutting metal, concrete, and other materials. Shears can be either hydraulic or pneumatic (air powered).
Crushers: Used for crushing concrete, rock, and other materials. Crushers are usually attached to a bucket but can also be used as a standalone attachment.
Excavators can also be equipped with various attachments depending on the job site requirements, including drills, breakers, hammers, forks, and more.
Ryno Hires is the right place to go if you’re looking for the best dry hire excavator attachments for hire in Australia. They have a wide range of attachments available for all excavators and offer competitive rates.
The team at Ryno Hires is experienced and knowledgeable, so you can be sure that you’re getting the best possible advice on what attachment will suit your needs. They also have a wide range of machinery available for hire, so you can be sure to find the right equipment for your project.
If you are looking for an attachment for an excavator, Ryno Hires should be your first port of call. With their competitive rates and experience, they will be able to get you the best attachment for your project requirements.
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