#Trevor and Shawn had a normal life on earth and now it’s better in the good place
lvckyuh · 3 months
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Trevor and Shawn from The Good Bad Place
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+their Good Place partners
Inspo- this | this
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loove-persevering · 5 years
The Less I Know The Better (Shawn Mendes Imagine)
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Description: Heyy i was wondering if you could write me an angsty Shawn fic based on the song The less I know the better by Tame Impala ? Thank you for your timee xx
OMG I AM NOW OBSESSED WITH THIS SONG THANK YOU FOR INTRODUCING IT TO ME!! I just used names in the song to make it easier, this was my interpretation of the song so I hope it’s okay!
 Shawn’s POV
 I was standing by the bar waiting for my drink, it seemed like everyone in this club was trying to get my attention but that was occupied by her. Y/N was so intriguing, the way her smile would light up a room, the way she dripped confidence and had such a carefree attitude. She was the perfect girl to me, sure she had her imperfections but that just made me like her more. 
  My drink came and I walk back over to Brian and a few other people we came with, I notice too quickly that Y/N wasn’t there. ‘’Where’s Y/N?’’ I ask Brian. 
 ‘’She left with some dude,’’ He says carelessly. My head snaps to the door as I look for her hoping she hasn’t left yet. I pat his back walking past him moving between the mess of bodies trying as quickly as I can to catch her, I finally make it outside and run my hands through my hair looking to each side searching for her Y/H/C. I finally spot her as well as the guy she left with, they were holding hands about halfway down the street. 
  I felt my shoulders curl in as I let out a deep breath, I watched as her hair swayed behind her back as she laughed at something he said leaning her head back and then bumping her body against his. I watch as they turn the corner making there way to wherever, I sigh and turn back into the club. I ignore the girls that were trying to gain my attention making my way back over to Brian, he was the only one who knew about my feelings for Y/N. 
  He gives me a thin smile knowing that I missed her, ‘’She was already gone?’’ He asks and I nod my head, ‘’Sorry man,’’ He says. He looks over at Heather who was sitting on the couch in the VIP lounge, ‘’Why don’t you try and get with Heather? You guys seem good together,’’ He says. 
  I look over at her watching her glance around the room before her eyes finally meet mine and she gives me a small smile, I smile back at her and quickly turn away. She was beautiful and had a great personality she was really down to earth..but she wasn’t Y/N. Y/N was the one who always kept me on my toes, she always seemed to have my attention even when I didn’t want her to have it.
‘‘I see,’‘ Brian says knowingly. I look over at him confused, ‘‘She’s no Y/N,’‘ He says nodding back at Heather. I sigh rolling my head back, I wish she could see that every time she walked in a room she had my attention, that every time she spoke I hung onto every words, that I was always behind the scenes as her biggest fan. It seemed while I was busy doing that I neglected anyone else, but Y/N loved the attention she had guys lined up anywhere she went and she knew it I think that’s what gave her the confidence. Y/N was beautiful but what really drew you in was her carefree lifestyle, she was the first and last one off the dance floor, the first one to open a debate, the one who livened up the room anywhere she went. Most of the guys she would go out with only saw her beauty, but I was fortunate to know both and everyday that drew me in further. 
It’s been a few days since the club and we were all at my place just hanging out, I had my guitar in my lap strumming absentmindedly and Y/N sat across the room in one of my hoodies scrolling through her phone, she had the hoodie pulled up over her mouth but I could still tell she was smiling. 
 ‘’What are you smiling about?’’ Brian asks practically reading my thoughts. 
 Y/N looks over and still tries to hide back her smile, ‘’Nothing,’’ She says. 
 ‘’Bull,’’ I say to her and she looks over to me giving me a shocked expression. ‘’You’ve been smiling at your phone for like an hour,’’ I say to her.
  ‘’The guy from the club Trevor we’ve been talking,’’ She says shrugging her shoulders. ‘’He’s really flirty,’’ She says. 
 ‘’Oh shit! You all slept together didn’t you?’’ Brian asks his voice shocked. Conveniently my phone rings at the same time so I get up walking out of the room not wanting to hear her answer. I walked into my bedroom shutting the door quickly it was just a telemarketer so I just waited a few minutes before walking back into the living room wanting to miss the majority of the conversation. I don’t think I could handle hearing about her with another guy the less I knew the better I would feel and that was enough for me. 
 I walk out a few minutes later and Brian and Y/N were laughing over something, I hoped their conversation was over now. ‘’Shawn why don’t you and Heather get together?’’ Y/N asks laughing. I glare over to Brian knowing he was probably the one to mention it. 
 ‘’Didn’t you know?’’ I say to Y/N and she gives me a confused look, ‘’I’m saving myself for you,’’ I say, I wasn’t completely joking but she didn’t know that. She immediately broke out into her loud laugh clutching her stomach. 
‘‘Wait ten years, then we can be together,’‘ She says jokingly throwing a pillow across the couch at me which I catch giving her a smile. 
 ‘’Don’t make me wait forever now,’’ I say. That I meant genuinely, I wanted nothing more than to walk over and kiss her right now but I knew she didn’t want that. She wanted fun and adventure and she wanted to explore, with my career I knew that I couldn’t give her anything stable so that gave me hope, she didn’t want stable. The only thing was I did, I wanted stable it was one of the only things I could control and I wanted to have one person to love everyday not just when it was convenient. But I know that if Y/N ever gave me the chance, if Trevor or whatever his name was dumb enough to let her go then I would gladly have her even if it was under her terms, but it was always under her terms. 
 It’s been a few months since I’ve seen Y/N I went back on tour and Brian came with leaving her by herself. She had always been bad at keeping up with people so I had heard from her for a few times here and there but she always seemed busy. We were all going to her house tonight to meet back up just me, Brian, and Y/N. 
 I knock on the door looking over to Brian who was staring at me with a smirk on his face I roll my eyes and a few seconds later the door swings open. Y/N opened the door looking even more beautiful which is more possible, she had cut her hair a bit and it was just below her breast I had to stop myself from staring. She had her hair half up half down, something she normally didn’t do because her ears made her insecure. I watch as she hugs Brian and then lets go looking over at me with a smile, ‘’How’s life rockstar?’’ She says and once again I roll my eyes and I pull her in for a hug. She smelt like lavender and then to my dismay she pulled away too quickly. 
 ‘’Come in, come in,’’ She says gesturing us into the entrance of her home. We step in the house and smell whatever food she was making which was smelt amazing. 
‘‘Since when do you cook?’‘ I ask laughing at her, out of all the years I’ve known Y/N she had never cooked us a meal before. 
 ‘’Oh, I don’t cook you know that,’’ She says laughing and me and Brian both look to each other confused, ‘’Trevor is cooking!’’ She says beaming a smile and I felt mine fall. Trevor?  She walks into the kitchen and we follow my head hanging low at the disappointment, I had been gone three months and now she finally decides she wants something \stable? ‘’Shawn and Brian are here!’’ She says walking over to him grabbing on to his bicep and he turns around smiling at us. 
‘‘Hey,’‘ He says. I nod at him and watch as Y/N glances at him a bright smile on her face, I’d give anything for her to smile at me like that. It was crazy to me that after four months away I could see her face and be right back where I was before, just as hopelessly in love with her as I was before. 
 We ate dinner and I watched the two of them how they were together, I watch her do his every command going to get him beer after beer, he held his shit I’ll give him that. I felt some disappointment  mostly in Y/N she had become so different in those four months, so different now that she was with him. 
 She use to walk in a room illuminating confidence, that was just Y/N. Now it seemed like that was toned down, like she couldn’t do that with him. She seemed more tense now, not as carefree and go with the flow she seemed to follow in pursuit of wherever he was going. Was this who she really was? Falling into this facade trying to lesser her confidence to boost his ego? I would never make her do that, she could take the stage and outshine me any day. 
 I watch them from across the room taking a sip of my beer one that I got myself from the fridge, I lean back watching her as she moves herself closer to him watching him with admiration. All I could do was wait, even though I knew for her it would hurt I knew him saying the words which I hoped he would, that would mean it was finally my chance.  And this time I wouldn’t waste anytime, I just had to wait for him to say those stupid words, and they couldn’t come soon enough.
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creamybeemovie69 · 5 years
Light AU HCs
Basically an AU about Shawn with weird powers. These aren’t really HCs, but they were too random to make a ‘story’ out of, plus I think it worked better like this
He had a dream when he was 5 about being caught in the middle of a riot and shouting for his mum and Travis, despite knowing full well he’s never going to see either of them again, and someone grabs him and picks him up but he just keeps going up until he gets to the sky but then gets struck by lightning, which is one of his biggest fears, even though it’s a clear sunny day with no rain clouds or traces of a storm
He wakes up and doesn’t really understand the dream but it scared him so he slept in Travis’ room but he doesn’t really think about it again until he’s 12 and living with Margret, his dad and Jaime
He basically gets a mark on his skin that looks like a birthmark but it’s white every time he looses his temper and it’s only visible when he’s in what I’m calling his “lightning form”
He doesn’t realise he has these powers until he starts talking in his sleep which happened at this time and he cracks his neck turning the wrong way in bed and it hurt so he wakes up and he’s somehow paler with white glowing blotches all over him, white hair and his eyes have gone from royal blue to icy blue
He screamed but he threw his head back and cracked his neck again doing it, turning him back into his normal self with brown hair, dark blue eyes and clear skin, save for a few freckles
Margret comes running in with Trevor, obviously concerned but Trevor looks pissed off and she asks him over and over again what happened and he never tells her
Trevor obviously couldn’t give less of a fuck, but he’s the only one in the house that understands what Shawn says in his sleep and he won’t tell anyone what he hears, but whatever it is obviously scares him, which is weird because Trevor was never really scared of much, so to be scared of his own son obviously pissed him off and his feelings towards Shawn just got more bitter and therefore their relationship became more abusive
Unlike in the main verse, as Jaime grows up Trevor continues to target Shawn to the point were he’s the perfect dad towards Jaime and he finds it hard to hate him
It’s also a lot harder to hate him when Shawn and JJ don’t really see eachother as brothers. They have nothing against eachother, but they’re practically strangers and nowhere near as close as they are in the main verse
Shawn’s also a lot younger, and he’s only 3 years older than Jaime but the age gap is enough to make them distant but not enough for Shawn to take on the fartherly role he did in the main verse until Jaime grew up
When Shawn turns 16 he saves up every penny he gets to move to America, whether or not the others want to come is entirely up to them, but his dads not fucking welcome
Naturally Margret and Trevor say no, Shawn corrects him and says you weren’t fucking invited, but neither of them try to stop him
Margret is obviously very sad to see him go because she practically raised him, but she supports his choices fully
Well, supports his choices until Jaime wants to go with Shawn
She told Jaime not a chance in heaven or earth was he moving to America at 13, but boy is Jaime stubborn
Margret refuses to leave Jaime or Trevor though, so she says “if you’re going, we’re both coming with you” and Jaime likes Trevor so he’s like “yeah that’s fi—“ but Shawn’s like “he gets on the same boat as me and I’m throwin’ him overboard.”
So eventually it ends up as Jaime going with Shawn for a few months and if he enjoys it he can come back when he’s 16 permanently
Of course, this isn’t what happened because Jaime just didn’t go back
Things are a lot different in America. Think Columbia in BioShock, because Shawn then finds out that his weird little dreams when he was 3 and 12 weren’t dreams, they’re what’s called a ‘Lighter’, and a very select few people get them, but these people end up being crazy successful and rich by using they’re powers to bring new revolutionary inventions that have the potential to change the course of history its self, but every single one of these powers is unique and far beyond science and religion
America wanted to keep these things a secret and as the first few ‘Lights’ happened to be born in America they’re normally born in America now. But of course Shawn has to be the odd one out and ends up Irish.
There are currently 3 Lights in America and 1 in japan, but these things are barely heard of in other countries
The ones in America have powers that can create giant groups of holes wherever needed, bringing inanimate objects to life as king as they look human and raising chunks of ground at the persons will
The one in Japan has the ability to fly, which may be cliche, but it brought fantastic improvements to air travel
Obviously there are a few others across the globe, but you have to actually be able to gain the powers and then discover them, which is a lot easier said than done. Shawn only known about his powers because he happened to click his neck in the wrong way, which now means that he can activate and deactivate his powers at will by cracking his neck
A Light’s powers are based off extreme irrational fears; the one who can create groups of holes has trypophobia, the fear of tightly packed hole, the one who can bring humanoid inanimate objects to life has pediophobia, the fear of dolls and the one can raise the ground has taphophobia, the fear of being buried alive and the one in Japan is scared of hights
Shawn has astraphobia, the fear of being struck by lightning
These powers never fade and the Light using them doesn’t run out of energy from using them
When Shawn got to America he was fascinated by Lights and the way they shaped the country. 2 of the 3 were women, which made women’s lives a lot easier
The only problem was the fact that the one who could bring inanimate objects to life wasn’t one of the women
He happened to be Joey Drew
The AU still follows historical events and the Irish were still discriminated, and Shawn knew this, but he figured he’d get by with luck and a British brother
With the time alone and the small house they lived in, Shawn and Jaime eventually became as close as they are in the main verse
Shawn met joey when he was waking past the studio and Joey came out the back, and the 2 collided in the ally behind the studio
Joey landed with his right hand to brace himself, his pinky and his thumb coming into brief contact, which activated his powers, and Shawn landed on his shoulder, moved his other arm to hold it and try and suppress the pain and moved his head away from it, cracking his neck and lighting up the whole damn alleyway
Joey tried to get back to his feet without damaging his now porcelain skin, before clicking his fingers and turning back into his normal self, only now his eyes were wide with somehting between panic and shock and his jaw dropped
Shawn just kind of stared at him like “this was your fucking fault”
It was raining, so naturally Shawn was soaked, but Joey sort of figured out Shawn was a Light when thunder erupted in the distance and Shawn jumped far too hard
Joey was now stood, holding a gloved hand out towards this glowing kid in a back ally, offering him a place to stop in the studio until the storm calmed down
They talked, and of course Shawn already knew about Joey, but Joey was curious as to why Shawn didn’t use powers considering the disadvantage he was already at with being an Irishman in 30’s America, and Shawn’s only excuse was crippling social anxiety
Ha bitch you thought Joey was the bad guy but nope because Shawn works happily as the lead animator until Joey convinces Henry to come back and becomes assistant lead animator and gayness happens with Wally obviously and the fucking ink machine never happened
Still, things weren’t perfect and there was still a war that Jaime felt a dire need to be a part of
Fast forward and Jaime was now happily married to Angelica in a large house in Manhattan and Shawn lives with Wally barely 10 minutes away
Marvin decides to be Marvin and drag them out of their time, only for them to explain that they really wanted to go back and Marvin having the memory of a 2 hour encounter with two random strangers from the 30’s
And then Travis shows up
He’s jealous. He’s jealous of the fact that his scrawny little brother can make a name for himself in a world that hates him. He’s jealous of the fact that Shawn not only made lives for the irish 10 times easier but also managed to snatch up gay rights in the process. He’s jealous of the fact that Shawn can prove he has powers but they have no really function he knows of outside of making him light up like a fucking glow stick and yet here he was, abandoned by his parents at such a young age and barely making enough money to get by
And then, as he lights the gas cooker, he catches his hand on the flame
But it doesn’t hurt
And he can now manipulate that fire however he wants
Ironic for a guy with a deathly fear of fire, huh
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