#Trigger Warning: Genocide
csolarstorm · 5 years
From the video starting at 14:17 -
…earth was the very first time they encountered something like human beings, someone like us.  So it's implied that other alien species that could be humanoid like us, sentient and intelligent like us and thus where the true issue of genocidal tyrants came into play, never really existed. All this time, people have been working themselves up about an issue that didn't exist.  The Diamonds weren't genocidal. Sure, they killed their own, but it's not like they were on a war-path to destroy each and every gem.  They had a system: everyone fell into line, into place.  If you didn't fit into place, you were shattered.  Was it awful?  Of course.  Does that make them genocidal tyrants?  Ehhh…no.
In a video that's supposed to be about how the Diamonds AREN'T redeemed, Vox accidentally claims that the Diamonds routinely killing gems isn't genocide because they had a "system" and it wasn't part of an invasion.  In fact that’s what made it genocide.  They systematically shattered specific groups of gems: off-colors and different-gem fusions.  Ruby and Sapphire and the Off-Colors all escaped executions.  This was a HUGE part of the series and I can’t believe he’d forget it or misrepresent it in this video - especially a video where saying this was barely necessary for the main point.
I want to clarify that I’m not “angry” about this, per se - I just think it’s important to bring up. 
But this isn't even counting a) the Diamond attack that included parts of their own army, b) the fact that gems like Peridot knew humans were intelligent and still regarded them as vermin and intended to exterminate them with the cluster, c) the profound suffering of the cluster itself, which has to be some kind of…advanced genocide.  I mean, they're already dead.  They took one genocide…and managed to use it as a weapon to plan another.  The cluster is basically a genocide turned into a character.  The show basically begs us to see it. It seems like he’s more confused about the definition of “genocide” than what actually happened in the show.  And, optimistically, I feel like he’ll realize the problem and correct it, especially since I’m not the only one pointing it out.  The problem is that this isn’t just a case of stumbling over words.  It was a clearly drawn-out argument.  So we’ll see what happens.
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thewinddrifter · 8 years
The new Steven Universe episode reminded me of the times my uncle advocated for the genocide of the Poles and Muslims during a family dinner.
Yeah i don’t think a family dinner solves these issues Rebecca.
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celebrenithil · 10 years
To your comment on that poetry slam clip: They say genocide took of it's shoes and became comfortable. A reference to The Holocaust, I do believe. If no one answered your question yet or not, I dunno. Just letting ya know. :)
Ah, yes, I’ve had replies, but thank you for taking the time to help me there!
I believe it’s a reference to the “founding” of the United States of America and how the Founding Fathers were all “raah raah we’re gonna make this the Land of the Free™ with Equal Opportunities for All (and by All we mean, white males), and gosh who are all those brownish-red people, how dare they live on this land we just claimed, let’s wipe ‘em out shall we hm” … The poem’s next line is about just that, I believe.
It could possibly fit the Holocaust too, thinking about it, if we go the equally morbid route of interpreting “inclusive” as “Death Camps were totally inclusive of jews, queer people, romani people, and sympathizers”.
…Anyhow, powerful poem, open to very deep interpretations.
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This is a long movie but it's so important if you haven't seen it find sometime when you can because if we forget then we will repeat. Hate begets hate there is no excuse 
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kill-claudio-vol-2 · 13 years
lessons from the holocaust
It really bothers me when people erase the 5,000,000+ victims of the Holocaust who were not Jewish. These people, along with Jews, were systematically murdered in an attempt to rid the human race of their kind permanently, because of their status as minorities on the axes of ethnicity, race, religion, politics, sexuality, and ability. They deserve to be remembered, and honored with the understanding that if anything is "like the Holocaust" or "worse than the Holocaust," it is invoking past persecution of the disempowered to further persecution of the currently disempowered. I don't want to flatter the clueless, but if that isn't evil, it's certainly disingenuous as all fuck.
Additionally from a Jewish perspective: 6,000,000 is not the only remarkable number with regards to my people's losses. What really stands out to me is 66 -- as in, two thirds of the European Jewish population, murdered (again: so that we would completely cease to ever again exist and bother you with our friendship) in less than a decade. In some European countries that percentage was over 90. The number of Jews killed was horrible and memorable, yes, but when people say say "6 million 6 million 6 million!" do they understand that that's just under half of our current population worldwide? The incredible proportion of Jews killed, I think, needs to be better understood.
Let me know when pro-choicers stop trying to protect the lives and rights of oppressed humans whose human rights are incontestable because of how they are living breathing humans, and declare abortion to be the final solution to RID HUMANITY OF SEXUAL REPRODUCTION IN ITS ENTIRETY, and somehow prevent two thirds of the 130,000,000+ babies born each year from being born or some illogical shit like that, and I won't call you an maliciously ignorant butthead. Deal?
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