fayeisnowwriting · 6 years
Repost instead of reblog/ Writer’s tag!
Tagged by @frank1ewrites! Thank you so much!
NAME: Irene NICKNAME: Faye AGE: 24 PRONOUNS: she/her HEIGHT: 5′1″ (1.54 m) NATIONALITY: latina, born in Costa Rica BIRTHDAY: May 30th (dat Gemini tho) AESTHETIC:
neon signs
rock CDs
black boots
sunrise on the city
vodka bottles
smokey black makeup
black nails
veganism anything
misty roads
flower crowns
used notebooks
anatomical hearts
the purple heart emoji
Virgin Mary statues
black & gold & red
Thaddeus Mansson (Coded)
Vincent Morgan (Laws of Immortals)
Maggie Belarmis (Coded)
Julius Sarchenko (Laws of Immortals)
Victoria X (Coded; Vanishing Act)
Deborah Trillian (Absit Omen)
The AngerPassion (Absit Omen)
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO WRITE: Idk? I’ve always liked to read, and I’ve always liked to write. I learned to read when I was still in preschool, and in elementary my teachers had to take away the books I was sneak-reading in the middle of class. I started writing short stories around the time I was 11, and in junior high we had this writing class where I wrote a slice of life/drama story of a punk kid named Jesse that was dealing with his mother’s remarriage, new family, the grief of losing his father and school/teenager things via his music, friends and new relationship. In high school I didn’t read as much, but I began writing fanfiction that I posted online and I enjoyed making (and was great writing practice!). Later on I went back to OCs and now in college I focus on my WIPs and...here we are.
I just like books, man WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE ASPECTS OF YOUR CURRENT WRITING: Right now? The outlining (something I never used to enjoy, much less do! I just created as I went) because I can create and organize and it feels so nice to have things laid out before, like a practice before the show. It also helps me organize my ideas and see what I have to research more deeply into (so far the list goes: amputations, prosthetics, grieving period, anemia, torture, North Korea regime, China’s revolution, Victorian medicine, Australian gangs in the 1920′s, the Soviet Union & LGBT people, guns, demonology, circus life, femicides in the 1920′s USA & England, Scotland witch hunt, alternate realities, electromagnetism & cyberpunk anime/movies).
WHAT’S YOUR BIGGEST INSPIRATION WHEN IT COMES TO WRITING: Just knowing that the kind of story that I’d love to read is out there, and I was the one that made it. Maybe someone else was looking for the same, or at least similar, story that I wrote, and I was able to give it to them. These are stories that I want to tell, that I want people to know and listen to.  FAVORITE TYPES OF STORIES:  (to read) young adult, little doses of romance (if there’s none, that’s good too), fantasy, suspense, mystery / (to write) suspense, horror, young adult, psychological, distopian, mystery BIGGEST STRUGGLE IN REGARDS TO YOUR CURRENT WRITING: Maybe the writing per se? School is killing me. But also, I need to work on my descriptions, set the tone of the scene, that’s always been a struggle to me. 
I’m gonna tag @barthosprompts @witterprompts @lady-redshield-writes @cogwrites @neil-gaiman @bethanywritesbooks @startledserpentwriting @essie-essex
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latveriansnailmail · 3 years
Tumblr media
My boys on the move. Pic courtesy of @trillian-gemini
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insertfunny · 7 years
I was tagged by @techieninja18
Rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 people you’d like to get to know better
Name: Robert Nickname: My last name (half the syllables, and it’s stuck w/ me since college) Zodiac: Gemini Height: 5′5″ Orientation: Hetero Nationality: American Favorite Fruits: Bananas Favorite Season: Winter Favorite Books:Tuesdays With Morrie (Mitch Albom); The 2000 Year Old Man In The Year 2000 (Mel Brooks/Carl Reiner); The Letterman Wit (Bill Adler); America: The Book (Jon Stewart & The Daily Show cast of the time); If You Can’t Say Something Nice, Say It In Yiddish (Lita Epstein); Laughter Is A Wonderful Thing (Joe E. Brown) Favorite Flowers: Roses Favorite Scents: Cornbread, laundry fresh out of the dryer, Prego spaghetti sauce Favorite Colors: Black, red, blue Favorite Animals: Kittens & puppies Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Whatever is readily available at the moment Average Hours of Sleep: 4-6 Cat or Dog Person: Both Favorite Fictional Characters: Kyle Broflovski, Cyborg, Spock, Sherlock Holmes, Tricia McMillan (Trillian), Clara Oswald Number of Blankets You Sleep With: 2-3 Dream Trip: England (especially London) Blog Created: 2010 or 2011, I can’t recall. Really didn’t start using it until 2012, though. Followers: 196
Now for the tagging others...I’m not going to do that. I’m just going to open it up to anyone who wants to take it on.
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It’s been awhile since I’ve done one of these.  @sayonarashadow shared this after being tagged by someone.  I follow her on my main, so it came up on my timeline, and she encouraged anyone who wanted to to answer.  Some of these questions are the same as ones I’ve already done, but I don’t really care.
Name: Alston
Nickname(s): Als (by my mom and my sister), Al or more occasionally A-L (by my roommate and some of his friends.  Some of the alumni from my school’s rugby team gave me a nickname when they brought me to a bar after one of our games early in the fall season (I had walked off on my own once we were done.  I had almost no experience of being on a team like that so I didn’t know I shouldn’t have done that.)  They called me it maybe once, but it was a bit silly anyway and didn’t really stick.
Zodiac sign: Gemini (cusp w/ Taurus.)  Means pretty much nothing to me though, and I never thought Gemini fit me very well.
Height: Last time I went to the doctor I was measured at 5′3″.  I was excited because usually I’m 5′2″.  :/ 
Orientation: Bi.
Ethnicity: USA (European heritage, from Germany/Switzerland/Norway or maybe Russia.  My ancestors have been in the US for varying amounts of time, but none are particularly recent
Favorite fruit: Kumquats.  They’re fun to eat because they almost seem like tiny oranges, but you can pop the whole thing into your mouth, peel and all.  And the peel is actually sweet.
Favorite season: winter I guess.
Favorite book series: I mostly prefer standalone books, but I still love Harry Potter.
Favorite flower: I guess petunias, but mostly because of that picture I have on here from a while back from my community college campus that looks pretty cool.
Favorite scent: Inside a container of Jelly Belly jelly beans 😵
Coffee, tea, or cocoa: I like them all in different ways at different times. I’d probably choose cocoa if I had to pick.
Cat or dog person: Love them both for different reasons, but if i was getting a pet right now, I think I’d go for a dog.
Average hours of sleep: Lately I feel like it’s been mostly around 4 or something.  I know that’s bad, but I can’t make myself care.
Favorite fictional character: Probably still just Yossarian from Catch-22 and Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog.  IDK
OTP: I am have never really been that into shipping.  Most of the fanfic I wrote when I was younger was not romantically focused at all, and when there was a subplot in there it was between two of my OCs.  One notable exception is the angsty House/Chase fanfic (from the show House, MD) I tried to write when I was 13.  Didn’t get very far.  Not sure if someone made a cutesy name for that pairing or not.
Dream trip: Getting on a plane to San Francisco and not moving away again.
Blogs created: This is the one I use the most, but it does no have the capabilities of a main blog because I created it a while after I made @somethingsifound to keep track of stuff I discovered while out and about.  Back in 2011 the first time I tried to go to college I had a tumblr for a while.  18-year-old me made me cringe less than I expected, but I still deactivated when I remembered about it a bit ago.  Before I jumped on the Tumblr bandwagon I had some Wordpress blogs.  The first one I made I was examining an issue I discussed on my first Tumblr too.  I just found it.  Never posted much on it but it wasn’t the worst thing ever.  I later made a Wordpress blog where I tried to write something short and poetic every day, but it devolved into me posting lists of the interesting random things I tried at the grocery store.  I think I also had a blog on Wordpress where I posted the entries from a journal I kept during a really rough week in my life around the same time I made the others on Wordpress, but I’m not positive. 
Number of followers: 18 on here, plus 3 on my main.
Not gonna tag anyone.  Do this if you want.
EDIT: Just realized I forgot all about the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series when discussing book series.  I really hate Mostly Harmless and haven’t bothered to read And Another Thing ...  since it’s by a different author, but I mostly love it.  Though I did realize all the most major female characters I remember showing up at various points in the series being somehow annoying.  Haven’t really analyzed why; they just bug me.  (I’m mostly talking Trillian, Fenchurch, and Random.  Maybe I forgot someone.)
Edited again to fix the placement of the ellipsis in the title And Another Thing... because I’m dumb and had placed it at the beginning instead of the end.
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latveriansnailmail · 3 years
Accepting an open invitation from @gossamerdreaming.
Rule: Tag 9 people you'd like to know better.
Favorite Color: none, but there's combinations. Black with gold. Blue with silver. Violet with grey.
Currently reading: finishing out BKV's Saga. Also wrapping up van der Kolk's The Body Keeps the Score about trauma informed psychology. Got a Darkhawk comic on standby.
Last Movie: I watched Princess Bride with my kid while she was nursing an ear infection.
Last Series: Love, Death & Robots which was much weaker than the first season imo
Sweet, Spicy, or Savory: yes, all of that. My favorite food is General Tso's chicken.
Craving: time enough to get ahead of my project load so I can relax.
Tea or Coffee: coffee, though fruit teas are nice.
Currently working on: SO MANY GODDAMNED PROJECTS. I be painting the upstairs, mulching the yard, occasionally working on my novel.
Tagging: @cake-and-monsters @xofwands @imakefrenchtoast @losthavenmine @trillian-gemini @greenvillegreengirl @lost-carcosa @hamfranco @retronika
If I didn't mention you specifically you're still invited to the party. Tag me so I don't miss it!
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