#Trump Jr reportedly forged ties with Israeli social media manipulator
malenipshadows · 6 years
 ***  The meeting was convened primarily to offer help to the T-rump team, and it forged relationships between the men and T-rump insiders that would develop over the coming months — past the election and well into pres-ident T-rump’s first year in office, according to several people with knowledge of their encounters. ...    The interviews, some in recent weeks, are further evidence that special counsel’s investigation remains in an intense phase even as Mr. T-rump’s lawyers are publicly calling for Mr. Mueller to bring it to a close.    It is illegal for foreign governments or individuals to be involved in U.S. elections, and it is unclear what — if any — direct assistance Saudi Arabia and the Emirates may have provided. But two people familiar with the meetings said that T-rump campaign officials did not appear bothered by the idea of cooperation with foreigners. ***
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