#Trump Vinyard
niconiconwo · 2 years
It is something that's curious, the Martha's Vinyard fiasco was hushed up by conservatives real quick once they realised that DeSantis effectively directed the intentional kidnapping, trafficking, and defrauding of migrants and is now very much a huge criminal liability.
That's pretty fitting for a guy being groomed to be a GOP Diet Trump for 2024. Now both of the Redcons' main suitors have a realistic threat to their very ability to hold public office in two years, and also continually make the GOP look pretty fucking dumb. And also y'know might end up in prison.
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rolanberry-rebel · 5 years
The Family Sebastis
Stacks of old books don’t usually have any appeal to the young troublemaker of the Sebastis family. Especially piles of boring, dusty old tomes full of names, registries, records... sigh.
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Anylissa usually hated history stories. Too slow, too boring, too pretentious.
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The Sebastis family enjoys recalling the trumped-up tale of its origins, how a hardscrabble farmer named Oliver Sebastis arrived on the shores of La Noscea with only pocket-change and lint and his ragged pair of suspenders. The family’s story is one of building an empire from dust. Or, they want you to believe that, anyway...
Creeping into family records and sneaking her way into half the libraries in all the land, Lissa eventually traced her family’s story to an unsavory stowaway, a man actually named Marcel. An Ishgardian man of sour reputation, record of his life vanishes at just about the time Anylissa’s family records claim her great-great-great-great grandfather ‘Oliver’ arrived on the island.
Very little detail exists on the life of ‘Marcel’... as, indeed, very few know much of anything about the average days in the lives of Ishgard’s many street orphans. Likely, Marcel graduated from petty thief, to burglar, to hired muscle, to murderer under the employ of the city’s seedier elements. Marcel made a lot of money, and he made a lot of enemies - and when those enemies inevitably decided to turn on him, he found himself in chains, stuffed into a jail cell.
Marcel was certain his own friends, powerful themselves, would see him released. But as time passed, days waxed and waned, he began to realize his contacts, his employers, had abandoned him. He needed to get work done for himself.
Fashioning a shiv from a wooden leg broken off of his cot, Marcel ruthlessly killed one guard before taking another hostage in a brash escape. Dashing through the streets, the city’s defenders on high alert, Marcel followed a series of secret tunnels back to his manor - which he found surrounded. Damning his luck, he retrieved what little he could - wealth stashed in drop points he could make it to - and he fled, never to look back.
Then, not long after, ‘Oliver Sebastis’ arrived on the shores of La Noscea. ‘Oliver’ quickly endeared himself to a lonely, senile old farmer, whose berry farm and vinyard had grown decrepit in the years since his sons left him to make their fortune among the cutthroats of Limsa. Oliver convinced the old man to ‘retire’ from the business, paying the poor old fool, who had come to trust Oliver as his only friend, nothing but a pittance of a sum.
Oliver had no talent for agriculture and no interest in back-breaking labor. But what he did have was a killer’s instinct, and the ability to make very convincing offers. Within a year the vinyards exported crates of grapes to winemakers across the island, and desperate peasant picked fields full of rolanberries for a loaf of bread a day.
But Oliver wanted more. He wanted a legacy. Just as he’d done in Ishgard, Oliver made a great many enemies - including an unscrupulous old merchant named Schmitt, a man whose network of contacts, trading partners, and fleet of sailing cogs made him one of the wealthiest men in Eorzea.
Only a few months later, Schmitt’s young wife Yulia - a fetching blonde several decades the merchant’s junior - had fallen hopelessly in love with the enthralling berry-farmer. Following an ‘unfortunate accident’ which claimed Schmitt’s life, freshly-widowed Yulia - now having inherited her deceased husband’s trading empire - moved onto the Sebastis farm. Oliver and Yulia married shortly after - and with both the product to move and the trade routes to move it, the name ‘Sebastis’ would embed itself into the fruit, wine, and.. other, trades, forever.
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Were ‘Marcel’ and Oliver the same person? Is Anylissa the first Sebastis to discover the odd connections - or do her brothers, her parents, or her wicked old grandmother know the truth? They’re questions she doesn’t know the answer to, but she knows that if word got out.. she might wind up a liability.
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dendroica · 6 years
So, just who is William Happer? According to the Post, he’s a former Energy Department staffer under George H.W. Bush who joined this White House in September to work on “emerging technologies,” and, naturally, has no formal training as a climate scientist. But what he lacks in relevant knowledge he makes up for in a deep and abiding love for carbon dioxide, which he said during a summit in December 2016 is “not a pollutant at all” and is “actually a benefit to the earth,” despite having been unfairly maligned by “decade after decade of abuse, for no reason.” And, of course, he thinks that abuse has some historical parallels. “The demonization of carbon dioxide is just like the demonization of the poor Jews under Hitler,” Happer explained to CNBC in 2014, after yelling at Andrew Ross Sorkin to “shut up” about him supposedly being a climate-change denier. In January 2017, he added in an e-mail to a Jezebel reader that the vilification of carbon dioxide also “differs little from . . . the Soviet extermination of class enemies or ISIL slaughter of infidels.” (Upon learning that Jezebel would be writing an item about the correspondence and his views, he responded, “If I understand the thrust of the article you are writing, your organization is well named. The original Queen Jezebel had an innocent man, Naboth, smeared and stoned to death so her husband, King Ahab, could steal his vinyard [sic]. You can smear me, as the original Jezebel did, but if you want to physically destroy me, you may find it [a] bit harder.”)
Trump’s New Climate Czar: Carbon Dioxide Has Been Treated Just Like “Jews Under Hitler” | Vanity Fair
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shihtzuman · 6 years
Trump’s New Climate Czar: Carbon Dioxide Has Been Treated Just Like “Jews…
Turn Left originally shared:
The Washington Post reports that the White House is assembling a panel to “assess whether climate change poses a national security threat,” headed by a guy who makes coal lobbyist-turned-Acting E.P.A. Administrator Andrew Wheeler look like a radical environmentalist. Yes, the administration has hired some real crackpots before, but this guy laps those suckers by miles. So, just who is William Happer? According to the Post, he’s a former Energy Department staffer under George H.W. Bush who joined this White House in September to work on “emerging technologies,” and, naturally, has no formal training as a climate scientist. But what he lacks in relevant knowledge he makes up for in a deep and abiding love for carbon dioxide, which he said during a summit in December 2016 is “not a pollutant at all” and is “actually a benefit to the earth,” despite having been unfairly maligned by “decade after decade of abuse, for no reason.” And, of course, he thinks that abuse has some historical parallels.
“The demonization of carbon dioxide is just like the demonization of the poor Jews under Hitler,” Happer explained to CNBC in 2014, after yelling at Andrew Ross Sorkin to “shut up” about him supposedly being a climate-change denier. In January 2017, he clarified in an e-mail to a Jezebel reader that the vilification of carbon dioxide “really differs little from . . . the Soviet extermination of class enemies or ISIL slaughter of infidels.” (Upon learning that Jezebel would be writing an item about the correspondence and his views, he responded, “If I understand the thrust of the article you are writing, your organization is well named. The original Queen Jezebel had an innocent man, Naboth, smeared and stoned to death so her husband, King Ahab, could steal his vinyard [sic]. You can smear me, as the original Jezebel did, but if you want to physically destroy me, you may find it [a] bit harder.”)
Other choice quotes from Happer, who, shockingly, has received money from the fossil-fuel industry:
“If plants could vote, they would vote for coal.” November 2015
“It’s not as though if you double CO2 you make a big difference. You make a barely detectable difference.” November 2017
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a2znewsplace · 3 years
Report: Larry David Went Nuts On Alan Dershowitz Over Trump Lies at a Martha’s Vinyard Grocery Store
Report: Larry David Went Nuts On Alan Dershowitz Over Trump Lies at a Martha’s Vinyard Grocery Store
Larry David, the genius involved in both Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm, has never made his politics a secret. The actor and writer openly supported Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. And he played his distant cousin Bernie Sanders in skits for Saturday Night Live. At one time, Alan Dershowitz was also a prominent Democrat. But the renowned lawyer switched sides and advised and…
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If all you want for yourself and your family, is basic survival have your life dictated to you, no education if wouldn’t matter anyway, since you will work where the establishment wants you to work and what to eat and how much and recreational projects will include picking up rock, shoveling shit, packing groceries cleaning toilets. Oh that’s right you have a big fat degree, yey well you will get s special place with other people to protect the govt. GOT THE PICTURE.I can tell you a lot more. And I know a lot more about the most corrupt bunch of shit in our govt. that I have ever seen.Shit, and know one sees it. WOW idiots. This plan has been in effect since Obama got in as President and then ask yourself where did a poor black man as he said manage to purchase a home on Martha’s Vinyard and what about the mansion in Washington DC. And what the hell is he doing there still. Guess, George Soros Non citizen kicked out of Hungry, kicked out of France for laundering money 2 time felon. WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HgERE IN AMERICA. I’ll tell you he wants to overthrow our democracy, and he is paying people such as ANTIFA, defund police, paying of district attorneys across the country to let violent felons out of jail. Of course the crap will.     stop since old Soros isn’t paying anymore. Get it. If you don’t run like hell to the polls trust nobody and vote for democracy, and it ain’t Biden because toilet face Pelosi is pushing the 25th amendment in case the President can’t perform, shes not talking about Trump fools she is clearing the field for HARRIS, BIDEN HAS a brain problem so of course get the good old 25th out and ready it for what is coming. The Harris communist party .
2 time felon
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narcisbolgor-blog · 7 years
Trump Supporters Think Obama Was Golfing During Hurricane Katrina When He Wasn’t Even The President Then!
This is what happens when you yell about actual news being fake while spreading "alternative facts." Your followers become idiots.
Supporters took to
The Twittersphere was filled with people talking about how Obama hadn't been nearly as good a president during Hurricane Katrina because he was too busy golfing.
Of course, Obama wasn't a good president during Katrina. BECAUSE HE WASN'T PRESIDENT DURING KATRINA!
Obama didn't take office until 2009, nearly three and a half years after the Hurricane hit the Gulf Coast. But that didn't stop the parade of ignorance (see below):
Will you please get lost. Where were you when Katrina hit, oh right, playing golf. Now you want to play president. NEVER again — Annie Kleynjans (@AnnieKleynjans) August 28, 2017
He literally told the Gov of TX "anything u want, u got it". WTF else is he supposed to do? Be on the golf course like Obama was w/katrina? — Middle America Spoke (@GoBlue1131) August 28, 2017
Obama played golf at Martha's Vinyard when Katrina hit. Now he tries everything to upstage current POTUS. Pathetic. — Shawn Vermillion (@VermillionShawn) August 28, 2017
u guys are so quick to criticize Trump. Where was Obama when Hurricane Katrina hit…
o yeah, he was playing golf for 3 days!! … SAD!! — fontaineaux (@Lynchburged) August 29, 2017
He isn't playing golf, like Obama during Katrina. — CJES (@Carolyn31806792) August 29, 2017
Obama played golf for a whole week before doing anything after katrina hit. — Joy Stewart (@ColtsFanJlynRN) August 26, 2017
On this anniversary of #HurricaneKatrina making landfall let us never forget…
Barack Obama wasn't president.
Stay in school kiddos. http://pic.twitter.com/qnBxOVTbZF — Schatz 🤦🏻‍♂️ (@emjbourne) August 29, 2017
Yes I do. I was immediately fixed it but the haters pounced quickly while not denying its point which was that Obama stayed golfing. — sheila (@sheila06942158) August 29, 2017
Right. The point still stands. Even though every aspect of it was factually inaccurate. Why are y'all being haters?
Are there really THAT many completely ignorant American voters?? Maybe. But some analysts believe most of these Twitter users are actually bots — fake accounts to send the same message en masse. This kind of commenting is a more pervasive form of spreading propaganda; while the message can be easily disproven, unlike a single website it can't be easily policed.
This kind of fake news spreading is believed to have slightly influenced the election, so as ridiculous as this story is, it's no joke.
Photos: 10 Times Donald Trump Helped Spread Fake News!
Whether Trump supporters are delusional or illusory, we have a real problem here.
Oh, and BTW — Obama, an Illinois Senator at the time, wasn't golfing either. In fact, he took time to visit with Katrina evacuees in Houston.
Bill Clinton and then Senator Barack Obama in New Orleans visiting Hurricane Katrina victims 2005 http://pic.twitter.com/O4r89ncRKM — Bettie Rose (@BettieRose100) April 9, 2016
[Image via WENN.]
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=> *********************************************** Originally Published Here: Trump Supporters Think Obama Was Golfing During Hurricane Katrina When He Wasn’t Even The President Then! ************************************ =>
Trump Supporters Think Obama Was Golfing During Hurricane Katrina When He Wasn’t Even The President Then! was originally posted by 11 VA Viral News
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elizabethcariasa · 5 years
Raise a glass! U.S. and France reach deal that saves French wines from U.S. tariffs
Emmanuel Macron, left, and Donald J. Trump at the beginning of the just-completed G7 session in France. As the international gathering closed, the pair announced a deal had been reached to ease U.S. concerns over France's digital tax and French worries about possible U.S. tariffs on Gallic wines.
Good news for French wine fans. Donald J. Trump and Emmanuel Macron apparently arrived at a rapprochement at the G7 meeting in France this weekend.
That means all we wine drinkers must face are the long-standing federal and state-levied excise taxes on our favorite fermented grape products.
Tech, trade and taxes: The relationship between the leaders of the United States and France has been strained of late.
Ever since France announced this summer that it would tax high-tech firms, notably U.S.-based digital giants such as Google, Facebook, Apple and Amazon, Trump has been threatening to slap tariffs on French wines as retaliation.
France just put a digital tax on our great American technology companies. If anybody taxes them, it should be their home Country, the USA. We will announce a substantial reciprocal action on Macron’s foolishness shortly. I’ve always said American wine is better than French wine!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 26, 2019
But the face-to-face meetings in Biarritz between Trump and Macron at the G7 apparently paid off, at least when it comes to potent potables.
Toasting a no-tariff deal: French and U.S. negotiators have reached a compromise agreement on France’s digital tax, according to various news reports.
Trump and Macron confirmed the progress, but offered no details, at their joint wrap-up press conference this morning.
A source close to the negotiations, however, told Reuters that the deal made between French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire, U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow would have France repay companies the difference between a French tax and a planned mechanism being drawn up by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Toasting no tariffs, but taxes remain: I love a glass of red now and then and tend to stick to Texas wines, but if you prefer a vintage Sauvignon blanc from the Loire Valley or a nice Félines Rosé, then à votre santé.
You won't have to deal with tariffs, which essentially are taxes on the consumers who buy the products that are the focus of trade wars.
I hear the glasses clinking, even at this early hour, all across the United States.
You still, however, face domestic alcohol taxes.
At the federal level, Uncle Sam collects six excise tax rates that depend on the percentage of alcohol that the items being taxed contain or the method of production.
Then there are the state alcohol taxes.
The Tax Foundation map below gives you an idea of how your state's wine taxes compare.
"States tend to tax wine at a higher rate than beer but at a lower rate than distilled spirits due to wine's mid-range alcohol content," notes Tax Foundation policy analyst Janelle Cammenga.
Still, the differences from state to state can be dramatic.
Highest, lowest state wine taxes: Not surprisingly, Kentucky has the highest wine excise in the country at $3.26 per gallon. That's no doubt due to pressure from Bluegrass State bourbon distillers who don't want to give a competing alcoholic beverage any advantages.
A distant second is Alaska with a wine tax of $2.50 per gallon.
Wine taxes also are high in Florida ($2.25/per gallon), Iowa ($1.75/per gallon) and Alabama and New Mexico (tied at $1.70/per gallon).
Wine connoisseurs get some tax breaks in California and Texas, two states with healthy vineyards and lots of wineries. Both the Golden and Lone Star States collect only $0.20 per gallon.
Other low state wine taxes are in Wisconsin ($0.25/gallon), and Kansas and New York ($0.30/gallon each).
Regardless of whether you raise a glass of domestic or pour from a foreign vinyard, cheers to the least taxed bottle of your choice.
You also might find these items of interest:
Tariffs, trade wars and taxes
Florida Senator suggests tax cuts to offset Trump tariffs
Tariffs bad for businesses & consumers, good for food banks
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