supplyside · 5 months
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Tu-22 Cockpit
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rrrroyale · 3 months
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arrs25 · 1 year
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Big buggers!
F111 prototype
BAC tsr2
A5 vigilante
XB70 Valkyrie
Tu22 m2
XB70 Valkyrie again
And another F111
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venezuelaflight · 5 years
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lifejoy-co · 5 years
Tu-160 is leading 4 Tu-22's
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vbeserk · 6 years
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Tupolev Tu-22M3 Backfire
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karo-aviation · 7 years
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Visited today the snow themed Riga Air Museum in Riga, Latvia very nice hardware on display. Very much enjoyed the museum. A complete story will be published on www.karo-aviation.nl
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suplexp · 2 years
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y’all other schools okay, but y’all not us 😗⭐️
First FCW Fall ‘22 at the Illustrious Tuskegee University ❤️💛
🎞: Kodak Portra 400
#alabama #tuskegee #tuskegeeuniversity #tu26 #tu25 #tu24 #tu23 #tu22 #fashion #dresstoimpress #sunnyside #travel #hbcu #blackmen #blackwomen #melenin #grain #blackinfilm #film #filmphotography #120film #kodakportra400 #pentax67 #fall #school #fyp #blackfilmpopulation
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usafphantom2 · 3 years
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russian-air-force · 5 years
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recomonkey · 4 years
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Tu-22M3 #tu22 #tu22m3 #backfire #tupolev #bomber #ту22 #ту22м3 #туполев #бомбардировщик #кбтуполева #авиация #airforce https://t.co/quYlHogaqA
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venezuelaflight · 5 years
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Tupolev Tu-22
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The readiness of MIG41 and TU22 supersonic bombers for the projected attacks to the airbase in Estonia and Lithuania as well as the naval fleets of NATO in the Baltic Sea should be tasked to reverse the losing momentum of Russia in the continental warfare including the new targets to be assaulted severally at this stage. This will disperse the military aids from NATO to support the defense forces of Ukraine which should be launched under the platform of WWIII that the outmoded tactical deployments of Russia will be overwhelmingly thwarted by the massive influx of advanced weaponry from America and EU. Other than that the naval blockade of Russia may be inflicted on the coastal region of Bulgaria and Romania as the first step to recapture the hegemony in Black Sea. Likewise the preposterous occupation in Alaska through the colonial treaty of Russia and America tends to unveil the deficient contractual relationship between Russia and America at the time of signing the treaty of Alaska in 1876. As such, the schism of the bilateral consensus to acquire the hijacked sovereignty of Alaska ought to be overuled for the authentic independence of Alaska in 2022. The historic profile of Alaska shows the territory was annexed by the exploration of Russian Empire in the 17th century through colonization as happened to Siberia that the agricultural territory could be sold to the economic expansion of One Belt One Road treaty under the sufferance of Kremlin which become the split of Russia for the independence of Siberia in future as tacitly admitted by the prevarication of Kremlin in responding the looming sceptical autonomy of Siberia.
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jaguarmen99 · 2 years
ウクライナ非常事態庁のセルヒー・クルク(Sergiy Kruk)長官は28日朝、中部クレメンチュク(Kremenchuk)の商業施設へのロシア軍のミサイル攻撃を受け、少なくとも16人が死亡したと明らかにした。  攻撃は前日夕に行われた。クルク氏は「現時点で16人が死亡、59人が負傷したことが確認されており、うち25人は病院に搬送された。情報は随時更新する」とテレグラムに投稿。「救助活動、がれきの撤去、消火活動」が急務だと述べた。  ウクライナ国防省は攻撃について、最も混雑する時間帯を狙って、犠牲者を最大化するために実行されたと指摘。同国空軍は、ロシア西部クルスク(Kursk)州からTu22爆撃機が発射したKh22対艦ミサイルが着弾したとしている。  ウォロディミル・ゼレンスキー(Volodymyr Zelensky)大統領は27日夕、メッセージアプリのテレグラム(Telegram)で「クレメンチュクの商業施設に対するロシア軍の攻撃は欧州史上、最も非道なテロ行為の一つだ」と非難した。
商業施設へのミサイル攻撃、死者16人に ウクライナ中部 写真7枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News
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finbiru · 3 years
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Ту-22 впервые приземлились на российской авиабазе Хмеймим в Сирии Подробнее на https://finbi.ru/67668-tu22-vpervye-prizemlilis-na-rossiyskoy-aviabaze-khmeymim-v-sirii.html
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