#Tuvok: Aiming phasers.
bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
Can you imagine if Tuvok got divorced? It’d be so funny, I just know that guy would completely give up on everything. He’d need like, several decades to recover. I think he might go become a Kolinahru for real this time.
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tuttle-did-it · 5 months
When their ship and/or crew are in imminent danger:
Archer: T'Pol and Trip will get me out of this.
Kirk: I can fuck my way out of this.
Picard: I can reason my way out of this.
Sisko: Fetch me the tailor, he can murder our way out of this.
Janeway: Computer, Set self-destruct sequence- Janeway Pi-one-one-zero. Tuvok, set our photon torpedoes to blow inside the ship. Tom, aim for the nearest sun, warp 9, just in case. Everyone, point your phasers at the person next to you, set to kill-
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