#Ty Lee can't help but paint only Azula.
the-genius-az · 5 months
What is something special that Azula does only for Mai? Ty Lee? What does Mai do only for Azula? Etc. Could be something sweet or spicy
Thanks for the question, Amor!
Azula learned to make knives for Mai, she could easily buy them, but she decided to give more meaning to her gifts.
Azula wrote songs and sang for Ty Lee, after the girl admitted to loving her voice after a music class.
Mai wrote her daily life to Azula when the princess was too busy to be there.
Mai wrote poems for Ty Lee, she did it even more when she ran away to the circus.
Ty Lee painted Azula in all her paintings, the princess was her beautiful muse.
Ty Lee danced just for Mai, she taught her all the dances she learned.
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rubyredridinghood · 2 years
Hi! Can I pls have a romantic ATLA  matchup? I'm Asian and a minor who uses she/they pronouns and an Aquarius and INTJ. My sexuality is bi demiromantic. I'm 5'0 with tan skin, black hair, brown eyes and glasses.I'm bilingual. People say I look intimidating and unapproachable since I don't smile or talk much around strangers but I try my best to be polite and nice.I'm very introverted and shy. I'll need to warm up to people but when I do, I will surprisingly be energetic.
I consider myself a fair, open minded and laid back person most of the time. I like to seek out my friends' company when bored. I either ask them to do something wholesome or something they are afraid of with me. I'm down to do anything with my friends. I'm hardworking if its something that interests me. I'm very creative but can't seem to make my ideas into reality mostly due to lack of resources or motivation. I'm kind of a pacifist but I will fight if pushed too far or my loved ones are endangered. I'm a pretty patient person.
My friends describe my  sense of humor as dark and cursed. I can be mischievous and chaotic but still reliable and smart.My hobbies are baking,gaming,art, true crime and supernatural stuff. I express my love with gifts and quality time but still physically affectionate. I get flustered easily. My ideal type is someone who I can trust with my life,someone I've known for a long time, very respectful of my boundaries and protective. Sorry if its too much info. Thanks in advance and stay safe💗
Hi hi hello!!!! I’m terribly sorry this took so long to get put up. Thank you for your patience, and thank you so much for this matchup request, and I’m actually so happy you added all this info for me to work with!!❤️
Given your lovely attributes, I have ultimately decided to pair you with….
Prince Zuko!
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I think that Zuko would really admire your patient and laid back nature, whilst having that charm of chaos that lights a fire within your soul. Your levelheadedness as an Aquarius and his passion as an Aries helps to bring you both to a place of balance in each others’ differing areas. As we all know, Zuko held a lot of hatred in his heart and refrained from becoming close to people because of previous betrayals. I believe that in you, he would find the kind of comfort he finds in his uncle Iroh, (meaning he may be reluctant to show it at first), and he would do absolutely anything possible to keep you away from his family affairs.
Given your interests and mbti type, Zuko would really enjoy dates where you can spend time together by letting your creative minds run free. This could come in the form of painting together, (which I’d imagine Zuko would become very messy from a lack of experience lol), most definitely enjoying private travels once he loses the title of fugitive, and stargazing on the roof of the palace/on a ship for sure.
As far as your general backstory, Zuko, much like yourself, prefers someone he has known for a long time because he needs a solid foundation of trust. I see you as being from a powerful family during Zuko’s childhood, hanging around Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee. You were the only one brave enough to denounce the ways Azula tormented her brother, but you did so in a way discreet enough that only he noticed. It’s no surprise he had a puppy crush on you in childhood. As the time went on and he was banished, your ambitious nature lead you to search for him. At first, he was rather cold because he believed Azula had sent you to trick him, but he slowly began to realize you never stopped trying to bring down his walls, and that It was all sincerity. It feels refreshing to him that your personality hadn’t lost that spark after all the years you’d spent apart. I also picture sort of an awkward friends to lovers story as the main story unfolds itself. In the end, you two end up together just before the summer solstice and start to learn more about each other as he takes over the fire nation :)
Zuko is very protective over you, but not in a way that is overbearing. He often asks you to stay by his side in public, but will follow you anywhere you want to go, all you must do is say the word. He loves how hardworking you are, but always checks in on you when you’re especially focused to keep yourself from overworking yourself. In situations where you’re feeling down, his favorite thing to do is take you out into nature and enjoy afternoon tea, just like his uncle did with him to calm his heart. He would also be very willing to learn about your culture, and make sure it is respected wherever you go within the fire nation, (or anywhere for that matter). It absolutely melts his heart when you give him literally anything, as this signifies someone thought of him enough to give him literally anything. Those little moments when your hands just barely brush against one another’s too? He loses it every time. He does however love the fact that you’re easily flustered, and will sometimes tease you until you’re scarlet in the face, just to burst out In laughter. He really loves and appreciates your loyalty and is happy to have an unchanged part of himself by his side. <3
A/N: My apologies, this is kinda all over the map, but I had so much fun and so many ideas😭😭 I hope you like this!
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sokkastyles · 2 years
Something I've curiously never seen meta about are Lo and Li, particularly their relationship with Azula. And that's not too surprising, since they are incredibly minor characters (so much so that they are interchangeable, and need to be talked about together), but the fact that we know very little about them, yet they are ever present in Azula's story, makes them interesting.
We first meet them in "The Avatar State," in Azula's first scene. This can be said to be the Fire Princess's introduction scene, although the first time we saw Azula was at the the tail end of book one. In this scene, though, we really get a feel for Azula as a character. We see her training for the confrontation with her brother, we get a sense of her as powerful and ambitious, and we get a sense of her as someone who demands perfection from herself.
Lo and Li: Almost perfect. One hair out of place.
Azula: Almost isn't good enough.
The narrative leads us to believe that Azula's need for perfection probably comes from her father. We have not seen Ozai, only heard his voice briefly, but we get a sense from Zuko and his memories that Ozai is a strict, authoritarian parent. We get a sense from Zuko talking about how his father considers him a failure that Ozai is someone who demands perfection from his children.
But Lo and Li are the ones we actually see reminding Azula that she is "almost" perfect. I'm interested in the sisters' influence on Azula because they seem to be her only female role models, especially after her mother left.
According to the wiki, Lo and Li are Azula's firebending teachers (despite not being benders themselves), appointed in her childhood. We know that Azula is a bending prodigy who surpassed even her brother at a young age, so it's interesting that she would have teachers who are not benders, although it does call to mind the old adage, those who can't do teach. And would also explain their role in making sure Azula is perfect. Perhaps Lo and Li saw in Azula potential to be what they could not, and pushed her all the harder for it?
The fact that these are female role models/handlers who also harp on Azula's appearance ("one hair out of place") also gives us a feel for why Azula is so focused on the appearance of perfection. We rarely see Azula when she is not made up, and Azula's action of cutting her hair during her breakdown in the finale was a symbolic action of acting out against the immense pressure she has internalized to be perfect. That she has also banished her teachers as well as her servants at that point also emphasizes her crumbling ability to maintain the appearance of not needing any outside help from anyone. Cutting her hair is an act of self destruction, a desperate attempt to eradicate that one hair that's out of place (that of course only results in showing more clearly her chaotic mental state.)
But how did Lo and Li get to be Azula's teachers? The wiki says that Lo and Li are members of the royal family. I tend to assume they are Azulon's sisters. I don't think they are very nice people. Mostly, we see them acting in the role described above with Azula, reinforcing Ozai's will and teaching Azula to maintain that image of perfection, reminding Azula of her royal status even while she is away from the Fire Nation.
The other interesting scene with Li and Lo is in "The Beach." The fire nation kids all stay at Lo and Li's beach house, where they are shown a painting of what Ty Lee describes as "two beautiful women."
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The image of them posing as in the picture of them as young and beautiful is played for laughs, but it also shows us that Lo and Li have never forgotten this image of themselves. The fact that they have this somewhat suggestive painting in their beach home and reenact it for the kids fits with the assumption of them as women who are obsessed with a former beauty and prestige that they once had as young women. Now old and retired to a beach house, they can perhaps try to relive that prestige through the princess Azula.
The fact that they're twins also emphasizes this, especially when we think about the tropes and stereotypes that exist about young, beautiful women and the pressure they face in society. This also ties into what Ty Lee says in the same episode about leaving her home because she felt like her identity was subsumed by her identical sisters.
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azulazenin · 4 years
Fire Lilies
Summary: A flower it's just a flower anywhere in the world, but in the Fire Nation, the smallest gestures can hide bigger meanings. Even for the princess.
Paring: Azula x Ty Lee
A/N: This was originally written in portuguese for the tyzulaweek challenge, and posted on my wattpad account. I tried my best to translate it, so take it easy on me, english it's not my first language 😅
The first memories Azula had around fire lilies came from her early childhood, a time where everything was simpler, when her only concerns involved play with her friends and bully her brother. In that time, Azula was already a terror, a little adorable beast who liked to use the poor plants to train her fire aim, only for the pleasure of watching the immensity of black petals reduced to a pile of ashes. "They deserve it, they're not as pretty as the others." She always thought to herself, but that little act of rebellion didn't last long, Zuko exposed her bad behavior, and Ursa forbade her of keep on destroying the royal garden.
Not that Ursa was capable of stopping her daughter of doing what she likes, but anyway, the flowers did not suffer again in the hands of the princess, and the responsible for that was Ty Lee, by bringing a whole new meaning for the fire lilies in Azula's life.
— You wanna do what in my hair? – Azula was reluctant on letting someone touch her hair, especially the topknot.
— A wreath of flowers! – Ty Lee proclaimed in an adorable enthusiastic sound. — Please Zula, I already asked Mai and she didn't let me. I'm gonna do your hair just like mine, you're going to be so pretty! Well i'm not saying that you aren't already pretty, but…
— Ok! – the princess gave in, fearing that Ty Lee kept on talking all day long. — Just do the goddamn wreath.
Azula sat at the edge of the corridor stairway that connected all the courtyards in the palace, Ty Lee one step above her. With half hundred fire lilies, the little acrobat worked her way through the princess' dark hair, arranging the flowers into a arc to keep bangs away from the eyes and a cascade down a long braid. When finished, Ty Lee was so proud of her job she almost cry out of happiness.
— See? I told you it was going to be gorgeous! – she spoke between leaps, crushing Azula into a hug and giving little kisses across her face.
Azula felt her cheeks burning red and butterflies in the pit of her stomach. Her body used to react like this when she was angry, but she never had those two symptoms at the same time before, and never accompanied by that itch on the left side of her chest. Definitely, it wasn't anger what she was feeling.
— Y-yeah sure, it's not as bad as I thought it would be. – Azula babbled when she saw her reflection through the water of the fountain and stepped away from her friend, desperately trying to get rid of those scary unknown emotions.
But she didn't managed to do it, not that day, nor the days ahead of her. Azula was yet to young to understand that weird feeling close to her heart, to small to know why she always revive it whenever she was close to Ty Lee or fire lilies. But eventually she learned to disguise, to ignore the cold in her belly and sent away the redness of her face, though it was really difficult to pretend her heart wasn't beating like crazy when her friend was close with flowers on hands or asked to touch her hair.
Years later, when Azula was in her early teenage years, her father entrusted her with the biggest mission of her life, and the princess knew very well she could only count on two people to help her. All she had to do was ask, the authority of her title would do the rest, as it was the case with Mai in Omashu, but she didn't want the things to be like that with Ty Lee too. After spending such a long time away from her friend, Azula needed to know if the fire lilies had on Ty Lee the same effect they had on her.
— What an exquisite performance. – Azula said when she entered dressing room after the show, placing the bouquet of black flowers on the table. — I can't wait to see how you'll top yourself tomorrow.
Azula faced the acrobat through the mirror, trying to study her reaction, but apparently, the princess' ability of reading other people's emotions was useless on Ty Lee, 'cause she ended up losing herself in other details. There was no deny that her friend was beautiful, the brown hair and that pair of gray eyes might not be such a big deal in other countries, but in the Fire Nation, it turned her beauty in something rather rare. A woman like that, in the non humble Azula's opinion, should be on a palace surrounded by servents tending to her needs, not in a filth circus at the ends of the world.
— I'm sorry Azula, but unfortunately it won't be a show tomorrow. – Ty Lee responded, awakening the princess out of her trance.
— Really? – the surprise was genuine, but Azula tried hard to pretend otherwise. Not even the conquering of Ba Sing Se could make her so happy as the realization that Ty Lee somehow corresponded those weird feelings.
— Yes, I wanna join you in your mission.
The next time Azula was close to Ty Lee and fire lilies at the same time, the circumstances weren't the best ones. The war was over and lost, her throne usurped by her brother, her facilities were a room that could easily be taking by a cell. Her only company was Zuko – when his duties as Fire Lord allowd him to remember he had a sister – the psychiatric hospital team, and of course, her little acrobat.
Sometimes, Azula was still tempted to hit Ty Lee with lightning as a punishment for her betrayal, but when she stop to think clearly, she comes to realize that she can't have the luxury of cutting from her life the few people that remain.
— Happy birthday, Zula. – Ty Lee wished during one of her weekly visits, handing to the princess a single fire lily through the bars. — I would've bring an entire bouquet, but the doctors didn't allow.
Azula held the freshly harvested flower, breathing the smell that brought back the memories from a childhood that seems to have been lived ages ago. She felt like crying, wishing to be a kid again. If she could go back time, she would've been nicer to Ty Lee, and wouldn't pretend she didn't like when her friend adorned her hair with a wreath of flowers.
— Thank you, Ty. – she said, holding against her chest the flower she would keep until the petals turnes to dust. — Come closer, I wanna tell you a secret.
There was no secret, not anymore at least. There were no expectations to be met nor goals to achieve, only a birth title that no longer stands for anything. There was nothing to hide, and as ironic as it could sound, it was behind those bars that Azula was finally free to do what she spend years wanting to do.
When Ty Lee approached her painted face with the Kyoshi Warriors colors, Azula did not pity to ruin the perfect makeup by sealing their lips with a kiss. Ty Lee frozed for a second, but she soon find out there was no escaping from what she too desired and kissed the princess back until she lost her breath.
— When I leave this place… – Azula said with a determined expression. — I will kiss you every single day of my life.
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grither55 · 4 years
The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic) - Chapter 8 - A Talk Between Friends
The acrobat's hands still hung at her sides while she gazed at her friend's robed back pondering if it was wise to broach this subject now.
"A-Azula? Can we…talk for a moment?" Ty Lee asked in a more skittish voice than usual just as her friend peered at her over her shoulder.
"If you wish to talk Ty Lee. Then talk." Azula answered in a terribly unsocial voice while walking with her arms folded over her chest.
Truth be told she let the girls off easier than she intended.
She originally planned to have them imprisoned for life.
But strangely, she modified her plans after hearing her pet's little speech.
"In private. B-before we get back to Mai and Elle. Over…there on that bench…maybe?" The brown-haired woman responded to the other woman's curiosity.
"What? Do you wish to chastise me once more? As if you are my superior?" The princess snapped while rounding to face her somewhat shorter companion.
She was somewhat bothered by the increased fear in Ty Lee's voice.
Not that she would ever say as much aloud.
"No. I…would like to level with you…as a friend. I…feel like our friendship is splitting…and I w-want to save it." Ty Lee explained in a voice that verged on possible tears while Azula gazed back at her frowning in confusion.
She didn't understand what caused Ty Lee to start to think such a thing.
"Fine." Azula grumbled before turning to veer off the river walkway to sit on the bench overlooking the bay.
The acrobat followed along silently until they stopped before the bench.
The two women seated themselves beside one another with the princess folding her arms over her breasts all the while gazing at her clearly intimidated friend.
"Well? You wanted to talk. Just what was it that put this silly idea in your head?" The princess demanded while staring at her trembling friend with annoyed eyes.
Strange as it may seem when Ty Lee heard her leader voice those words, she couldn't help but feel a spark of anger.
She decided to use it as fuel for her courage.
"The fact that you are even asking me that just proves how serious this is. I am going to be completely honest with you Azula. I wasn't even going to broach this subject with you. I was just going to leave it be. Until the day it shattered. But strangely…meeting Elle gave me the courage to talk about it." The brown-haired woman admitted while turning to her now angered friend with graveness in her gaze.
"She what! Have you been talking with my servant behind my back?" Azula snarled with paranoia in her golden eyes as she gazed at her unusually serious friend.
Her good mood was ruined once more.
What a bothersome day this has turned out to be!
"No! She hasn't been speaking with me! I only just recently met her! So quit thinking what I know you're thinking! She gave me courage by watching you show a glimpse of humanity in your interactions with her." Ty Lee shouted while suddenly leaping to her feet while her friend glared up at her.
"I don't think I care for your tone-" The princess began only to be cut off when the acrobat began shaking her shoulders angrily.
"Too bad! I'm your friend! Not your slave! A-and if you give a damn you're going to listen!" The brown-haired woman cried out with a tear streaming down her cheek while gripping the regal woman's shoulders.
"Calm down Ty Lee. You're acting like a child." Azula stated in a slightly softer voice than before upon seeing the teardrop.
"No! I won't calm down! This is a long time coming and if you can just listen! Maybe it will do you some good." Ty Lee replied while releasing Azula's shoulder as they gazed into each other's eyes.
"Just say what you have to say. Quit blubbering." The princess complained while frowning up at her emotional friend.
"Azula! How can you be so blind? You can conquer Ba Sing Se and go one on one with the Avatar. But you don't even understand your own friends. The truth is…you don't understand people. All you know is war." The brown-haired woman questioned while the princess's lips pursed in increased ire.
"Blind? You dare call me blind?" Azula hissed while clenching her fists in her anger.
"We are afraid of you Azula. Me and Mai both." Ty Lee confessed with her voice trembling while callous eyes peered up at her.
"Good. You should fear me. Fear is how-" The princess was cut off once more to her anger by the furious acrobat.
"No! Not good! We're your friends! Not your enemies! We shouldn't have to tremble in fear whenever we're around you!" The brown-haired woman exclaimed with rising bravery while the other woman gazed up with marginally widened eyes.
The fact that Ty Lee had reinforced that they were her friends strangely made the remark hit her hard in the chest.
"Have I not treated you two well enough? Is that it? I share all of my possessions with you and Mai both." Azula responded with frustration lacing her usually cool voice.
A resounding slap echoed throughout the empty park while the princess's head was now tilted to the side with a faint mark upon her cheek.
Her eyes were agape in disbelief while pure rage began to flow through her veins.
"Y-you set my circus tent on fire you asshole! H-how could you…do that to m-me?" Ty Lee yelled out in a shaken voice with tears now flowing in full force down her face.
"That was years ago! You weren't even harmed!" The princess insisted while turning her head to glare up at her hysterical friend.
"Y-you scared me to death! W-why would you ever do that to me? M-my own friend made me jump through a ring of fire. Y-you stripped me of my dream. I-I wanted to work in the circus!" The brown-haired woman cried while plopping back on the bench beside the baffled princess.
"I needed your help to hunt the Avatar." Azula insisted with ever rising aggravation as she turned to gaze at her sobbing companion.
If anyone else had slapped her they would be dead by now.
She decided to overlook it, due to their long friendship and what with how emotional Ty Lee can be.
"Don't you understand? Y-you don't do that…to a friend. An e-enemy but never your friend." Ty Lee stated while gazing off across the ocean with tearstained eyes with the other woman listening with grudging shock in her eyes.
In fact, the princess found that for once she was struggling to form words of response to her companion.
"That girl…Elle. I'll be truthful in this as well. She…sees something in you that I am not so sure that I…or Mai can see." The brown-haired woman continued while her friend glanced at her in a speechless silence.
Azula was adept at confrontation but…not with Ty Lee.
This issue…has never been broached before.
"She sees good in you. She sees compassion. You…don't frighten her. She is so eager to be in your company…it's adorable really. I... saw one of her paintings by mistake earlier. " Ty Lee informed in a softer voice while Azula still gazed back with taken aback golden eyes.
"Another? She's…painted more than one?" The princess pondered while mulling over her little servant's lack of fear.
It both irked her…and pleased her at the same time.
"Yeah. I…think that this is a good thing for you Azula. I think that Elle is a very good thing for you. And…I don't mean just because she memorizes your every order. I…think you need to learn compassion. You can't…you can't go through life relying on fear alone." The brown-haired woman announced while meeting the other woman's resistant gaze.
"A good thing? You don't seem to understand Ty Lee. That it is only through fear that a ruler may maintain control." Azula retorted while scowling when her friend adamantly shook her head.
"That's just what your father told you. B-but he's wrong. If you think that you can keep friends through fear…then you don't even know what friendship means." Ty Lee answered with her lips quivering while Azula gazed at her with her own lips curled into a frown.
Once more the mighty princess found herself at a loss for words.
Her throat felt…oddly dry.
"I'll warn you right now. If you continue to treat us this way. Our friendship will shatter. Do you know what comes after that?" The brown-haired woman inquired with a tear trailing down her cheek.
"What?" The princess hissed with her fists clenched in her lap.
She despised being given an ultimatum.
As if…Ty Lee was demanding that she submit to her will.
"Once we are no longer friends. You are just my princess...and I am just another hired hand. I will serve you solely through fear. Never again we will share a dinner. Nor will I ever visit you outside of wartime. You can still forcibly summon me. But at that point…I'm just your subordinate. Not…your friend." Ty Lee declared with genuine sadness in her voice while Azula sank back on the bench with a strange sensation bubbling in her belly.
"Are you…threatening me Ty Lee?" Azula questioned while staring at the acrobat with shock still present in her gaze.
"No. I am leveling with you…as a friend. Giving you a chance to work with me…to save our bond." The brown-haired woman assured with her lips curving into a sorrowful smile.
The words…were truly baffling to the ruthless princess.
Over the course of several minutes of sitting in a tense silence while the acrobat sat with her face in her hands, Azula finally formed a response.
"What…must I do to satisfy you Ty Lee?" The princess asked while glancing at the other's woman's marginally more upbeat face.
"I would like to help you Azula. Both for our friendship and the people you will soon rule. I…want to help you learn how to understand people." Ty Lee answered while Azula sat there in a bewildered silence.
She was having trouble even processing that she was being told that she had an area where she was deficient.
"I do understand people. I understand their psychology and what makes them tick." Azula stated in an insistent voice while Ty Lee still gazed at her still crying.
Yet the tears were slowing at least. That was something.
"No, Azula. You understand how to control them through fear. You need to learn to understand people. How else can you expect to rule until you grow old? The palace staff are terrified of you! Even more so than your father! They are just people that need to feed their families. You are...so cruel to them. I don't understand it. They are your people Azula. They shouldn't be looking at you with terror in their eyes. They have children to feed! If you banish them their kids may starve!" The brown-haired woman explained with passion in her voice while her regal companion sat in a stunned silence.
The princess was vividly recalling her young servant's prior confession of whispers in the streets.
She hadn't thought it relevant…until now.
"As the Princess of the Fire Nation…the soon to be Fire Lord. You should give a damn if a family starves all because of a minor cooking mistake! Don't you get it Azula? They should respect you and look up to you as their leader. Not see you as a cruel person who doesn't care for her people!" Ty Lee cried out while Azula peered back at her with bewildered eyes.
"Are you insinuating that my people don't respect me?" Azula spoke at long last with anger intermingling with her shock.
"They do. But not as much as you think. You and your father frighten people…and Azula…that's not always a good thing. If your people despise you. It breeds resentment…and hatred. And a possible premature end…to an otherwise long and bountiful reign." The brown-haired woman replied while gazing hard at her unsocial friend.
"If you think that I am that easy to assassinate then you are truly deluded." The princess scoffed with her arms folded in a haughty manner.
"Okay Azula. How else should I put this? For the sake of simplicity. In this analogy, I am going to compare you to a rude customer in a restaurant" Ty Lee remarked while Azula glanced at her in amusement.
"What? Where are you going with this Ty Lee?" Azula sighed while shaking her head as she leaned back upon the bench.
"Let's say for a moment that you're an everyday citizen. You're displeased with the wait time for your food. So…you begin snapping at the waitress. Like you're royalty. Only…you're not. Perhaps you call her stupid…slow or a number of things. Tell me Azula. What do you think will happen to your food?" The brown-haired woman continued while peering out over the waterfront.
"I am disgusted you even contemplate this." The princess grunted with revulsion in her eyes while gazing at her friend.
"It's the truth Azula. Certain workers will put spit, snot, or even worse bodily substances into a customer's food if they are rude. Why do you think I am always nice to the waitstaff?" Ty Lee blurted out while Azula reeled on her with her nose comically scrunched up in repugnance.
"Ugh! I will hear no more about this Ty Lee! This is revolting!" Azula exclaimed with rare expression of humorous annoyance in her eyes.
Damn Ty Lee! Now she's gone and gotten her even more paranoid!
"Now just imagine what they might do to royalty. Oh, sure. Most people will be too terrified to even try it with you. But as the years pass by, as you make your servants live in terror…" The brown-haired woman trailed off while gazing gravely at her repulsed friend.
The princess scowled once more while meeting her companion's gaze with a grudgingly thoughtful gleam in her eyes.
"When you surround yourself with an entire palace of people that loath you. Azula…you'll eventually die writhing at the dinner table on the day that your assassin breaches your food taster." Ty Lee concluded in a no-nonsense tone while her leader sat there in silence processing her warning.
"Are you worried about me being killed Ty Lee?" Azula asked while gazing on in astonishment when her friend nodded with a tear falling down her cheek.
Then the other woman reached out to grasp her hand while she peered down at it with widened eyes.
"Please Azula. I am begging you. Just…try to be a little bit kinder. This is your country. We are your friends. The world should admire you for the amazing talent that you are! Not cower in terror when you walk the streets!" The brown-haired woman called out while grasping at her friends stunned hand.
"What do you expect me to be? Zuko?" The princess snorted yet she considered the words all the same.
"No. You are Azula! Not Zuko. You…could be kinder than your father…but harsher than Zuko. There…is an in-between you know. There is always…a middle ground." Ty Lee responded while clutching at the princess's palm.
"I…will consider your council Ty Lee. But I make no promises!" Azula commented while staring sternly at her emotive companion.
She found herself even further taken aback when the other woman enveloped her around her neck.
"I-I am so glad Azula. I am glad that we could talk. I have hope for our friendship now!" The brown-haired woman cried out while she embraced the regal woman.
The princess soon realized that she was…strangely relieved.
And with that thought in mind she awkwardly wrapped her arms around the acrobat's smaller frame.
"That is good to hear." Azula muttered while staring over the other woman's shoulder.
"Sorry…for slapping you. But you did kind of deserve it." Ty Lee whispered while Azula gazed off over the waterside with a puzzling emotion in her eyes.
"I am…" The princess trailed off while trying so hard to form the words upon her tongue.
The acrobat said nothing as she waited while hope continued to swell in her chest while listening to the prideful woman struggle to say what she hoped to hear.
"I…" Azula continued while growling in annoyance with her lips curling into a deep frown.
Still silence reigned just when she noticed a teardrop slide down her neck.
She glanced down in concern to see that Ty Lee was still crying.
For some reason…the sight filled her with a newfound resolve.
She had never realized until now just how much that ring of fire terrified Ty Lee.
"I apologize Ty Lee…. for setting your net on fire." The princess spoke with her teeth ground together just as the other girl clutched at her with a tightened grip.
"Thank you Azula! Thank you for saying it. I don't want to be terrified of you. I want to look forward to living out each and every day beside you!" Ty Lee declared while backing away to meet her friends surprised stare.
"Good…I need you. I would have you…no place else." Azula stated with a marginally softened voice while disconnecting from their embrace.
The acrobat smiled brightly back at her while wiping her eyes.
"Just promise me one thing." The brown-haired woman stated while the other gazed back curiously.
"What would that be?" The princess pondered while inwardly realizing she would do almost anything to maintain her friendship with Ty Lee.
"Please…please don't ever try to hurt me again. I…am your friend Azula. You're not supposed to wish harm upon me." Ty Lee answered with a few more tears falling from her eyes while Azula surveyed her in a displeased manner.
"There will never be a repeat of that incident. Now would you cut out the waterworks? I already have to deal with my servant crying on a daily basis. Must you do it as well?" Azula responded in a return to her stern voice while gazing on in relief to see her friend smiling brightly once more.
"Elle. Her name is Elle." The brown-haired woman corrected while the princess rolled her elegant eyes.
"I am aware Ty Lee. She told me as much herself." The princess scoffed in a conceited manner while her friend concluded wiping at her eyes.
She was beginning to wonder if Ty Lee disapproved of her burning of the two brats.
But…as far as she was concerned, they had it coming.
"Then use it! Honestly Azula you can be such an icebox sometimes. It’s a bit peculiar, considering that your blue flames burn hotter than orange flames.” Ty Lee quipped while her friend sighed heavily.
"Fine! I'll use my servant's name more often! Are you happy now?" Azula complained while studying the smiling woman with impatient golden eyes.
"Yes! I think that Elle is a wonderful thing for you." The brown-haired woman insisted while the princess gazed out over the waterside.
"I know you do. You keep saying that." The princess replied while curling her fingers over her biceps.
"I know. But I really mean it. She's…so sweet Azula. You're her idol. She…doesn't want to be cruel like you…but she admires your strength. And so much more…" Ty Lee remarked with a cheery smile on her lips while the proud woman scowled into the distance.
"She wrote me a poem this morning…" Azula confessed in a casual voice while eying the other woman in annoyance when she cried out in delight.
"Aww! That's so adorable Azula! You have your own little poet!" The brown-haired woman gushed while smiling as she noted the barest hints of blush on the regal woman's cheeks.
"It…was called 'My Princess'…she wrote it in a foreign language. But I transcribed it from memory. I’ll let you read it…that is if you can keep it to yourself.” The princess announced as she reached into her breast pocket to fish for the paper.
The acrobat was even more touched to hear that her friend trusted her enough to let her read it.
And even more so…to find out that the ruthless princess had not only been carrying it around all day.
But also, that Azula had taken the time to transcribe the translated poem onto paper.
"It's a promise!" Ty Lee assured while accepting the small paper.
While she gazed down with fascinated brown-gray eyes to see that the poem was written in the same print as the girl’s painting title.
And directly below that the princess had written out the text in common calligraphy.
It was evident that the princess had already begun deciphering between their new friend’s foreign written language and theirs.
And then she soon found herself sinking back in astonishment as she read each and every heartfelt word.
A tear streamed down her cheek while Azula watched her closely before the paper was quietly deposited into her open palm.
"That…was beautiful. By Agni Azula. That girl's head over heels for you. I can see it in her eyes." The brown-haired woman spoke finally while Azula exhaled more calmly.
"I thought as much. It's too bad that she's lowborn. Such a relationship would never be acceptable in the eyes of the court. And she's a girl…on top of all of that." Azula stated in a cold voice much to the other woman's frustration.
"Azula! That doesn't matter. As Fire Lord you get to decide what is and isn't proper. I…am telling you. You shouldn't pass this up so carelessly." Ty Lee advised while the princess held a hand to her chin.
"She's too young as well. Is she even fifteen? I am twenty." The princess commented while listening to the acrobat sigh in exasperation.
"What does that even matter Azula? Love isn’t defined by age, class or gender. None of those preconceived notions determine what constitutes love. For Agni's sake. She's giving up any chance to go home. Just to serve you. How many potential suitors are that devoted? None. Not a one." The brown-haired woman urged with her lips curving into a grin.
"Why are you so concerned over the girl? It's not like I am throwing her out. I have already laid claim to her." Azula boasted while the other woman sat back in puzzlement.
"…Laid claim to her Azula?" Ty Lee pondered in a patient voice.
"I decided to claim her as my property. I laid siege to her defenses and made her submit in awe of my might. I conquered her in a display of my superior ability. In the event that I do take any interest in the girl…I already own her." The princess explained while puffing out her chest with a smirk upon her crimson lips.
"Eh…own her…" The brown-haired woman repeated while scratching her head as she gazed on in humor the woman’s lack of social skills.
"Indeed Ty Lee. By conquering her I have proven that I am the ideal romantic partner. She is a sensitive little thing really. Therefore, she would not be searching for another person of meager strength. A girl that vulnerable is clearly looking for someone strong. I am the strongest there is. Nor is there anyone that can offer the financial stability that I can…as the to be Fire Lord. On top of all of that, I am clearly the most beautiful. I excel in every desired category. It's clear that I am the prime marital candidate." Azula announced smugly while the acrobat gazed at her in a comical silence.
"Wow. You sure put a lot of thought into that!" Ty Lee exclaimed while grinning despite her friends overinflated ego.
Azula's romantic ignorance was adorable in a strange fashion.
It was quite cute that Azula thought that she had to conquer Elle in a siege of warfare.
Especially considering that Elle is the meekest girl that she's ever met!
The concept of Azula even needing to 'conquer her is just laughable.
"It's just the way I am. One day I will be the ruler of this entire planet…and then I will dominate this Earth!" The princess called out abruptly while Ty Lee sank back sweatdropping even further over her megalomania.
The acrobat could have sworn that she heard crickets chirping in the background while she gazed at her friend’s proud grin.
"As I said Ty Lee. Clearly, she is searching for someone to lead her…I am the ideal alpha. If I choose to explore the matter that is." Azula stated with finality in her voice while nodding resolutely.
"Ahem…the ideal alpha Azula?" The brown-haired woman sighed while staring at her dominant leader with amused eyes.
So, this was where Azula got the absurd idea that Elle is her pet.
She thinks that romance is a game of dominance!
"What? Do you know anyone mightier than I? If so, I demand to know the name. I will go destroy them before her very eyes. Then she will continue to paint me and me alone!" The princess declared with her burning fist clenched with her lips curved into a deranged smile.
"No Azula. You're definitely the strongest. I really think you're overthinking this. She has eyes for you and you alone." Ty Lee assured gently while leaning forward to smile up at Azula.
"Just as I suspected. She has been conquered. By rights of strength she will only write tributes for me. Nor shall she paint another." Azula stated strictly while tightening her fist while nodding all the while.
"Well…it sounds like you're interested." The brown-haired woman chimed while the regal woman sank back on the bench.
"It's just…unfortunate that she's a peasant." The princess sighed while missing the spark of anger that suddenly lit in Ty Lee's eyes.
"Stop that!" Ty Lee exclaimed while Azula turned to her in confusion.
"Stop what?" Azula asked while frowning as she realized that she was enjoying the second half of their talk.
For once…she didn't want to descend into conflict.
"Demeaning her! Calling her a peasant like she's trash! I have seen you do some truly cruel things Azula. But degrading Elle…has to be at the top of the list." The brown-haired woman remarked while gazing away from her puzzled friend.
"I simply speak the truth Ty Lee. She is lowborn. That doesn't mean that I despise her. She's…a well-behaved girl. I am fond of her." The princess confessed while folding her hands in her lap.
"That's the thing Azula. One moment you're fond of Elle and the next she's bowing like a collared dog. Have you ever painted anything? I have…I can't even paint and it takes days!" Ty Lee exclaimed while clenching her fists in aggravation.
"No. I have not painted Ty Lee. But I am certain that I would excel at it as with everything else." Azula responded in a confident voice while staring at her friends back.
"I wouldn't be so certain of that Azula. Not everyone can paint…like that. Not many can. It's a true talent. If she wasn't so stricken with you…she could get rich painting anything and everything. But there's only so many Azula paintings that she could sell before people got sick of her artwork!" The brown-haired woman answered while turning to grace her friend with a pointed look.
"Humph. So, you say Ty Lee. I for one think that my image is quite divine. She told me so herself." The princess spoke while swelling in pride as she scanned her fingernails smiling.
"Azula…how can you say all of that…and still debase her? You are her sole all-consuming thought ever since she arrived from…wherever it is that she came from. Please…just try to get this erroneous notion of division from your mind. Give the girl a chance." Ty Lee conversed while smiling once more at Azula's arrogant visage.
"It's not such a simple matter Ty Lee. You do understand…that my father cannot know of her feelings for me? He would surely put her away in Boiling Rock." Azula responded while sighing as she turned in surprise to see her friend looking even more furious than earlier.
Even angrier than when she had the nerve to slap her.
"What has she done…to deserve Boiling Rock?" The brown-haired woman snapped with venom in her usually cheerful voice.
"Don't put words in my mouth. I never said she deserved it. But her affections would be perceived as an unforgivable slight to the Royal Family." The princess attempted to reason while waving a hand before her face.
"If your father is that monstrous then he truly deserves to be overthrown. And if you would follow in such a notion! So, would you." Ty Lee growled out while jabbing the princess in her shoulder.
"Those are treasonous words Ty Lee." Azula commented curtly while narrowing her eyes icily.
"I don't care. She's the gentlest soul I've ever met. And you are going to make another promise to me that you will never let that happen. Because if you do Azula…I will rescue her and take her somewhere you will never find her. I'll take her home. Somehow." The brown-haired woman informed while leaning forward with her lips in a thin line.
The tension had once more returned in full while Azula glared at Ty Lee with a lethal gleam in her eyes.
Strange as it was…she has already realized that she did not want to part ways with her little admirer.
"You will do no such thing." The princess retorted in a glacial voice while exhaling a puff of blue fire like a wrathful dragon.
"Then promise me. That you will protect the girl who’s devoted her entire life to you. Even from your father." Ty Lee responded while trying to maintain her resolve under such a fearsome death glare.
The fact that Azula had just scarred two girls was still fresh in her mind.
So…she had to be very careful with her choice of words.
"She's my pet. Not yours." Azula insisted in a pompous fashion while still staring icily at her companion.
The acrobat sighed heavily while throwing her arms up in such frustration that the princess could not help but scowl at her.
"Whatever Azula! Call it whatever you like but you must promise me. If she's yours…then the responsibility falls on you." The brown-haired woman demanded while folding her arms over her breasts.
"…I will protect her." The princess muttered while still glaring at her unusually rebellious friend.
"Say it again." Ty Lee stated while leveling the regal woman with a frown.
"I said she's mine Ty Lee. I will protect her! Be it bullies, the Avatar and his friends, her brother or my father. I will keep her safe from all harm." Azula reassured in a dominant voice while folding one leg over the other in a refined manner.
"Good. Because she's my little sister now. So, I'll be holding you to those words!" The brown-haired woman exclaimed while smiling happily once again.
"Little sister? You already have ample sisters. Six if I recall correctly." The princess snorted while staring at her beaming friend in amusement.
"Now I have one that's not part of a matched set! Ooh! I can't wait to bring her over for snuggle nights!" Ty Lee cheered while her gushing over the girl's gullible nature earned her a cold stare from Azula.
"Snuggle nights?" Azula almost growled much to the other woman's amusement.
"Yeah I mean…it's not like you're snuggling with her. Poor girl shouldn't have to sleep every night in a cramped chamber." The brown-haired woman stated while gazing at the princess with a gleam in her brown-gray eyes.
"I do not snuggle. But all the same. As her master I hereby prohibit you to snuggle her. All activities with my pet must be authorized by me personally." The princess announced in a tyrannical voice while she returned to eying her fingernails.
"She's not your pet Azula." Ty Lee argued while turning to her spoiled friend.
"Yes, she is. You just agreed that she was just moments ago." Azula reminded with a broad smirk about her while the other woman sank back in her seat huffing.
"T-that was just so I could get you to agree to protecting her." The brown-haired woman answered while fixing her leader with an exhausted stare.
"Hm. My dominance is already set in stone. Speaking of the girl…we ought to get going." The princess commented while turning away with a curious gleam in her callous eyes.
"Alright…I'll let it go for now. But this subject…of ownership is not over. Not by a long shot. I did just have an interesting thought though." Ty Lee replied while the other woman peered at her through the corner of her eye.
"And what might that be?" Azula queried while unfolding her palms to push herself to her feet.
"We should go do something fun tonight. All of us." The brown-haired woman suggested while the princess stared back blinking in confusion.
"You mean…me, you and Mai? Like what?" The princess asked in a bored voice before looking even more taken aback when Ty Lee's smile vanished.
"Elle too. Stop excluding her. It's…so cruel." Ty Lee stated while Azula herself began to frown.
"Ty Lee. I can't be seen with a peasant in…" Azula trailed off only for the acrobat to clutch her shoulder angrily.
"Make up your mind. Is the girl one of us or not? If she isn't…then you need to stop toying with her. She thinks that you're her friend. And friends aren't afraid to be seen with a friend." The brown-haired woman retorted while standing up beside her leader.
"Ugh. I…consider my servant to be my friend." The princess sighed while Ty Lee began to walk beside her.
"Then you can't single her out. Trust me Azula…she'll notice in time if you do and she'll be hurt. Very hurt. You…don't want to make Elle cry…right?" Ty Lee explained while Azula turned her head away with a scowl upon her lips.
"No. That would be too much of a bother. But even still…my father…" Azula remarked while frowning down at her boots.
This young girl was truly becoming quite the dilemma.
"That's easy. Just play it safe until you're Fire Lord. But for the time being…it wouldn't hurt anything if we had a night out on the town." The brown-haired woman stated while turning to her friends scrunched up face as she grinned all the while.
"…A night on the town Ty Lee? Something so trivial does not befit a wartime princess." The princess spoke while striding with her palms clasped behind her sloped back.
"Azula! You need to unwind…socialize. We could all use it. Just for one night. We could…go to a nice restaurant…reserve a private room…order food and drinks." Ty Lee insisted while slapping the uptight woman's side.
"Are you…trying to get me to take the girl out on a date?" Azula snorted while rolling her eyes at the other woman's attempt at innocence.
"Oh no! A date would be between just the two of you. But it would be a good chance…for all of us to get to know her." The brown-haired woman hummed while the princess glanced ahead thoughtfully.
"And if I say no?" The princess drawled out lazily while eying her fingernails.
"Then I'll bug you about it. Every second. For the next eight hours." Ty Lee chirped while Azula turned to eye her icily.
"At that point I would simply bar you from my chamber." Azula scoffed while smirking at her friend’s crestfallen face.
"Come on Azula. It would really make the girl happy if her beloved princess included her in a fun night." The brown-haired woman stated with a warm expression in her eyes as she gazed at the other woman pleadingly.
For the briefest of moments Azula thought it over.
For once…wanting to make another person smile instead of cower in fear.
She glanced down at her feet while musing that it would bolster her position as the girl's dominant.
It was a good chance to showcase her strength before the world to her little admirer.
And it was sure to earn her another poem or two…
As long as she keeps the matter from her father's attention…
Even if he does find out she could simply pass Elle off as possessing powerful knowledge of an unknown land.
As a possible representative to this emperor that she wishes to learn more about.
If she ever discovered a way to Elle's homeland that is.
"Alright Ty Lee." The princess sighed at long last while the other woman grinned in delight.
"Elle too?" Ty Lee asked while beaming over the proud woman's stubbornness.
"My servant too." Azula agreed with a smug curve of her lips while she began to walk ahead of her companion.
"Elle. Her name is Elle." The brown-haired woman reminded once more while the princess literally waved the matter off.
"I will only permit her to accompany with us under two conditions. One, this stays between just the four of us." The princess commanded while turning with her finger raised with Ty Lee speedily nodding in response.
"You said the four of us. That's what I want to hear. No exclusions." Ty Lee stated while gazing at Azula's stern face.
"And two. Under no circumstance. Will you or Mai, mention her brother. If you do…grievous injury is sure to follow." Azula announced in a callous voice while leveling her now shivering friend with her usual imposing stare.
The acrobat decided to ignore the threat of injury after just being promised that Azula would never hurt her again.
She decided…to chalk it up to Azula truly caring about the girl.
"Of course, but...uh I know this is going to sound nosy. But…what did he do to her? If…you don't mind me asking." The brown-haired woman mumbled while noticing the way in which the princess's eyes narrowed ever so faintly.
Azula…truly was protective of this girl.
"He tried to rape her. That's why she tried to kill him. That's all I know. I don't know any more and I wouldn't float it about if I did." The princess explained while Ty Lee stood with her mouth hanging up in horror.
She couldn't quite blame Ty Lee.
Even to her…that was a new level of horrible.
"What a beast…a beast. His own sister." Ty Lee whispered with her eyes fixated into a furious glare of her own.
"She also told me that he had a fondness for bringing little children over…and well. Need I say anymore?" Azula remarked in an offhand voice while the acrobat still gazed ahead with repulsed brown-gray eyes.
"No. I get the picture. If I ever see him…" The acrobat hissed while following alongside her calmer leader.
"Should I ever see him. I will kill him” The princess spoke in a glacial voice while her possessive eyes formed a truly callous stare.
"Good." Ty Lee mumbled while Azula placed her palms on her shapely hips.
"Enough about that. Let's track down them down before Mai abandons the girl in her boredom." Azula commented while sharing a knowing look with the acrobat.
They both knew that Mai wouldn't appreciate playing baby sister for hours on end…
With that thought in mind Azula and Ty Lee hastened their pace.
Hopefully to get there before their young companion reached the end of Mai's patience.
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