janethepegasus · 6 years
BMC Miraculous Ladybug AU RP Thing: Penumbra
An RP me and @pika-ace did relating to the BMC Miraculous Ladybug AU, which involves one of the movies, Penumbra, where Artemis kidnaps Cyber and Leo and tries to force them to use Union Form DURING the Eclipse Effect.
(Toby sits at his desk, going over his notes; ever since his superior Lockstin got arrested he had been obsessed over what he accomplished while akumatized)
(He looks at all the notes Lockstin has made, everything about alchemy and everything he knows about the Miraculous and how it ties to history itself)
Toby: Such power...and Lockstin had it all at his fingertips...perhaps it was too much... (He turns to his notes about the Eel and Lion Miraculous) Toby: These two...these hold the greatest power...they were reason he was stopped...
(He looks at the notes about the Eel and Lion Miraculous, and saw that in the notes, it mentioned that they’re tied to the sun and moon)
Toby: What did Lockstin say when they were dragging him away...? Something about them being the eclipse...? He was rambling quit a bit; he always had a tendency to get
drunk with power...
(He tries to remember what Lockstin said while looking at the notes)
Toby: The Eclipse...the sun and the moon...those two alone were able to beat the power of all the Miraculous...clearly Lockstin bit off more than he could chew by
taking on the other Miraculous
Toby: But why are they so powerful...?
(Toby growls in annoyance and slams down his notes as he can't find an answer) Toby: Why did Lockstin have to be akumatized?! I bet I could've figured out more; if I could get my hands on the Eel and Lion Miraculous I know I could tap into that
energy and harness it!!
(Toby sighs in annoyance)
(Just then an akuma flies through the window and enters his lab coat)
(He shots up and a Raven visor appears on his face)
Raven: Hello, Artemis; I am Raven Claw. I heard your grievances from my tower; you wish to finish what your partner started and unlock the power of the Eel and Lion
Toby: Yes!!
Raven: Very well, Artemis; all I ask is that when your research is complete you give me the two Miraculous; and I certainly hope you won't make the same mistake as
your predecessor
Toby: I won’t disappoint you, Master. >:3
Toby: Although I do have one request; I'm going to need help executing my plan. Could you akumatize my other co workers in this building? Raven: Oooooh! :3c
Raven: I’ll certainly do that! >:3
(Toby transforms into Artemis and looks at his moon calendar) Artemis: The eclipse will be upon us soon...the time to strike is now >:3
(Artemis does an evil laugh)
(A few days later, the school day has just ended)
(Everyone in the classroom leaves the classroom)
Eric: *gets his things* *to Jeremy* Ready to go?
Jeremy: *gets his things* *to Eric* Yep!
(They head out of the school) Jeremy: You ready? Eric: Eclipse effect in two days? No. XS Jeremy: Same XS
Jeremy: God, it’s always so painful to go through! But we just gotta deal with the fact we have it. XS Eric: Indeed... XS
(As they head home, they're unaware of people watching them from the shadows) ???: Holders of the Eel and Lion Miraculous identified.
???: Targets on sight!
???: Begin diversion; draw them out. (One of the akumas starts to pretend to cause trouble, catching the attention of the holders)
(Eric and Jeremy see the Akuma) Jeremy: Really?! Ugh, we gotta do what we gotta do... >_>
Eric: Be glad that the Eclipse Effect isn't for another two days... (They transform and head out, the first on the scene)
(The people in the shadows smile with glee) ???: They fell for it! >:D ???: Now we wait for our chance to strike! >:3
Cyber: That's odd... (The place where the attack happened is eerily quiet)
Leo: It's quiet...TOO quiet...
Cyber: Stay close to me... (They look around and Leo's ears twitch) Leo: Cy, I can't put my finger on it but there's some-erk! (Leo's cut off as a syringe enters his neck and pumps a drug into him, making him woozy)
Cyber: Leo, wha-erk! (Cyber is cut off as a syringe enters his neck and pumps the drug into him, making him feel woozy)
(They both stagger and stumble until they fall to the ground, their bodies completely numb)
(The Akumas surround them and picked them up)
Akuma: Subjects neutralized >:)
Akuma: Now we must bring them to our boss. >:)
(They drag them to a van and load them in the back; Leo and Cyber can still see and hear everything but can’t move or properly react due to the drug)
(The Akumas get in the car and they drive off)
(At the same time, the rest of the Holders arrive on the scene)
(The Holders look around and they find nothing)
Timber: What the hell..? Hound: Nothings here...
Owl: Odd...
Papillon: And where are Cyber and Leo? They were the first to tell us about the attack...they should be here
Tiger: Yeah, where the hell are they?
(Meanwhile, x amount of time later, Cyber finally gets his senses back)
(Cyber starts to move parts of his body, the ones he can feel)
(He blinks and finds that he’s strapped to a table; the straps are made of rubber and there are even rubber gloves on his hands; he’s even surrounded by lightning
rods, preventing any electricity)
Cyber: What the hell...?
(He looks around and sees that he’s in a lab; Leo is strapped to a table next to him, only his straps are made of metal and his hands are completely immobile; he even
has a muzzle on his face to prevent him from roaring)
Cyber: Leo...!
Leo: *muffled* Cy...!
Leo: *muffled* What the hell is going on...?!
Cyber: I...I don’t know...!
Leo: *muffled* Me neither...! DX
(Just then the door opens and Artemis walks followed by his akuma henchmen) Artemis: Good, you’re awake; and you seem aware
Cyber: What the...?! Who are you...?!
Artemis: You can call me Artemis. I’ve been looking forward to seeing the great Cyber Shock and Leo King up close and at my mercy
Leo: *muffled* What do you want from us...?!
Artemis: I want to pick up where my old friend left off; I’m sure you’re familiar with his work; after all, it was thanks to him you discovered that eclipse power of
(Cyber and Leo tense up, remembering what Apollo did)
Leo: *muffled* You...know him...? Artemis: All too well; we worked together
Leo and Cyber: WHAT?!
Artemis: Yes; studying the Miraculous was always our pastime; Toby how ever flew a bit too close to the sun when he was akumatized. (He goes over and he and his henchmen get the equipment ready) Artemis: I plan to just utilize the two most powerful Miraculous out of the 30. That’s where you two come in
Leo: *muffled* So...what are you gonna do to us...?!
Artemis: We’re going to tap into that magic jewelry of yours and find a way to extract that magic. Perhaps when the actual eclipse hits, it will gain more results; I
want to see that power that you used to defeat Apollo
(Leo and Cyber tense up in fear)
Cyber: You can’t...! It’s too dangerous...!
Artemis: So what? All i care about for this little experiment is that i get results! >:)
Leo: *muffled* But...the Eclipse Effect...! Artemis: What Eclipse Effect?
Cyber: It's what when a solar or lunar eclipse happens! Me and Leo go through three phases that could kill us if we're not properly cared for! Leo: *muffled* And the third phase is REALLY dangerous...!
Cyber: If we’re in Union Form when that happens...! Artemis: ...Interesting >:3c
Artemis: We’ll just have to test you and see what happens if we put the two together! >:3
Leo: *muffled* But...we could die..!! Artemis: Then I’ll be extra careful >:3
Artemis: After all, i do want you two to be alive by the end of this! >:3
(Artemis places a strange object over their Miraculous) Artemis: Now...let’s get started
(Cyber and Leo tense up in fear)
(The next day, the holders are worried sick as Jeremy and Eric have vanished)
Jordan: Damn it, where the hell did they go?! Michael: I don't know! But i don't like the feeling of missing them! XS
(Just then they get a text in the group chat from Joe) Joe: Everyone, I think we have a problem...
Jordan: *text* What is it?
Joe: *text* I did a little meditation to try and locate the missing Miraculous and their signal is being blocked; if they were in trouble our Miraculous would have
flowed, but for some reason something is preventing that
Michael: *text* Wait, there's a thing out there that can BLOCK the signal of the Miraculous?! O_O
Joe: *text* Apparently; we all need to look for them immediately; the eclipse is tomorrow night
Max: *text* Yeah, and they have that Eclipse Effect every time an eclipse happens.
(Everyone transforms and heads out)
(Meanwhile with Cyber and Leo...)
(Both of them cry out in pain as the device does something to their Miraculous analyzing it in a painful way)
(Artemis analyzes the data as this goes on)
Artemis: Interesting...there’s less to do with the animal you represent and more to do with the sun and moon. I suppose that makes sense since the other Miraculous
aren’t connected to celestial bodies...at least that we know of
(Artemis looks at Cyber and Leo, unphased by their screams of pain)
Artemis: So, this Union Form...how do you activate it?
Leo: *screams in pain* GAH! W-Why you asking us now, instead of, you know, WHEN WE'RE NOT IN PAIN?! >:(((
(Artemis rolls his eyes and turns off the machine) Artemis: Fine; now tell me. Or I might just ramp up the juice next time >:(
Cyber: *sighs with relief* Alright...we don't know how it works EXACTLY, but all we know is that when we hold our hands together and connected our minds and hearts
together...the form would appear.
Artemis: Awww how sweet. Have you tried it since?
Leo: Well...the closest thing is just training ourselves to make sure that form doesn't kill us the next time we use it.
Artemis: Hmm, Interesting; I look forward to the eclipse (He turns on the machine again and still ups the power despite his promise earlier)
(Leo and Cyber scream in pain)
Artemis: Let’s see if we can bring out the Union Form out of sheer desperation
(He slightly cranks up the power and Leo and Cyber scream in pain)
(Their Miraculous glow brightly, Zip and Leo screaming and calling for the kwamis and a few slivers make it out) (Meanwhile, as the holders are looking, a few of their Miraculous start to flicker like something’s trying to reach them)
(The Holders notice their Miraculous flickering)
Hound: Guys?! Tiger: Yeah, we’re seeing it!
Timber: I can kinda sense them!
Owl: C’mon! We have to follow the trail while we still have one! The Eclipse is hours away! *looks at the sun that’s just set*
(They follow the trail as quickly as possible)
(Meanwhile in the lab, Artemis opens a skylight right over Cyber and Leo, revealing the rising moon) Artemis: Now you have a clear view >:3
Artemis: And now we just have to wait for the eclipse to come! >:3
(Cyber and Leo are already starting to sweat or shiver, feeling the heat and chill creep up on them)
Leo: Oh god...! Cyber: The Eclipse effect....!
(Artemis moves over and restraps their hands so their holding each other’s hands and tied to stay that way) Artemis: Don’t want anyone disturbing the connection
Artemis: Now, let's see what happens when the Union Form activates WITH the Eclipse Effect! >:3
Cyber: We won’t...do it...! Artemis: Are you sure? It might be the only way to survive the wave of pain coming your way >:3c
Artemis: If you don't...then this may be the last time you'll ever live on this Earth. So you better do it! >:3c
Akuma: *enters* Sir? There seem to be a number of intruders heading to our location
Artemis: Intruders?! Well, make sure they don't get near these two subjects *gestures Leo and Cyber* Is that clear? >:/
Akuma: Yes sir! (He leaves) Artemis: Nothings going to get in my way...not when the eclipse is so close!
Artemis: I am going to get my results and NO ONE will stand in my way! >:(
(Meanwhile, the holders storm the lab)
(The Holders rush through the lab, however an army of Akumas surround them)
Hound: Whoa What?! More than one?!
Akuma: We will not let you get near our boss! No matter what you do to stop us! >:(
(They start fighting)
(The army of Akumas try their very hardest to beat the Holders down but also stall them so the eclipse could come)
(After a while in the lab, Artemis grins up at the sky) Artemis: Here we go...! (The eclipse begins)
(Leo and Cyber start to glow while the Eclipse Effect is still there. Forcibly connecting their minds to activate the Union Form)
(Light bursts through the area, interrupting the fight outside)
Akuma: It's happening! :D
Scarlet: That doesn't look like the normal Eclipse Effect...! Owl: No...he didn't...!
(Leo and Cyber slowly turn into their Union Forms, but they were also screaming in pain with the Eclipse Effect)
Artemis: Incredible! So much power! >:D
(Their eyes started to glow as this continued.)
(Just then the holders burst in and see the sight) Owl: Oh god no...
(Leo and Cyber were close to turning into their Union Forms, their eyes were glowing, and they were screaming in pain. But oddly, parts of their skin were starting to
blend in with the glow on their bodies)
Artemis: Like what you see?! >:D Owl: *to Artemis* What have you done?!
Artemis: I'm doing research on the two most powerful Miraculous of course! And it's going VERY successfully! >:3 (Leo and Cyber are VERY close to becoming their Union Forms, and parts of their skin were blending in with the glow)
Owl: You have to stop!! They're going to disappear if this keeps up!! Hound: Wait what?!
Timber: What did ya say?! O_O
Owl: Everyone, break that connection and free them at ALL COSTS!!!
Artemis: Oh no you're not! I will not stop until i get my results! >:(
(The machines are shaking from all the energy and data) Pacific: Dude, I think that's the least of your worries!
Artemis: So? I'm not ending this research! >:( *he pulls out two long swords, one with a moon theme, the other with a sun theme* And i will not let any of you stop me!
>:( *he launches towards them with the two swords*
Owl: Get to them! One of you try to get to them and hurry!! *the fight starts*
(Artemis fights VERY viciously, slashing and kicking away the Holders, while the Holders try their best to beat him down but also find a way to get past him, because
Artemis tries his very hardest not to let ANYONE get past him) (Owl looks behind Artemis and sees that Leo and Cyber are in their Union Forms but their bodies were slowly transforming into light)
Owl: No....! (Cyber and Leo scream and writhe in pain as their bodies transform)
(Seeing how Artemis was beating down the rest of the Holders, Owl decides to do the task himself. He makes a flying leap over Artemis and runs towards Leo and Cyber)
(He reaches for their joined hands, to rip them apart)
(He grabs the joined hands and uses all of his strength to tear them apart.) (He looks at Cyber and Leo, seeing that their bodies are half light) Cyber: *Union Form Voice* Erk...J..! Guardian of the Miraculous...! Leo: *Union Form Voice* Help us...!! Set us free...!!
Owl: I will...I promise...I won't let you...share the same fate as me...!!!! (The light burns his hands as he slowly pries their hands apart)
(Artemis looks back and sees Owl trying to pry Leo and Cyber's hands apart)
Artemis: NO!!
(Artemis slashes any nearby Holders and dashes towards Owl. Once he got close, he put the blades near Owl's throat, threatening him to let go)
Artemis: Step away from my subjects, or your head is gone >:(
Owl: *glares at Artemis* Do you even realize what you're doing to them?! Not only are you threatening their lives but ALSO making them disappear from this world UNTIL
the Miraculouses are needed again! They would become Guardian entities like me! Living for all of eternity as immortal! And by the time they would return, everyone
that they knew and love would be gone! And you're willing to do this, all because you want results?!
Holders: Wait wha- Artemis: You're lying!!
Owl: I'm not!! You are threatening their very existence as mortals! *Owl looks at Cyber and Leo and sees that their bodies are almost completely converted into light*
(Artemis hesitates and Owl takes the opportunity to yank their hands apart)
(Once their hands were apart, there was a HUGE explosion of light, the Holders and Artemis cover their eyes in the light explosion)
(Everyone is blown back and the light eventually fades)
(Everyone looks at Cyber and Leo and see that they transformed back, however, their clothes were almost completely burnt off, they had burn marks on their bodies and
hands, and the thing that were on their Miraculous was completely burnt off, letting the two Miraculous glow)
(The machines were also completely destroyed, having been overloaded with power; Cyber and Leo are also not moving at all)
Timber: WILL!!!
Hound: JERE!!!
(The holders hurry over to them; the eclipse had ended, so everything was silent)
(The Holders surround the two and they released them from the straps)
Timber: Will?! Will talk to me!! Atlantic: C'mon kid, snap out of it!!
(Cyber and Leo didn't respond)
(Meanwhile, Owl has knocked out, and purified Artemis) Owl: They won't wake...
Hound: Wh-What?!
Owl: They were in Union Form for far longer than last time...they're likely comatose
(The Holders tense up, and a few of them started to tear up)
Owl: We need to get them to the hospital...and I need to make sure their Miraculous aren't damaged... (He takes them off, making them change back)
(Owl looks at the Miraculous and finds that, aside from a few scratch marks, they're okay)
(Timber and Jade pick up Eric and Jeremy, who are limp and completely unresponsive)
(They leave the lab and head towards the hospital)
(Jeremy and Eric are both set up with breathing tubes and heart monitors to keep track of their vitals)
(Jordan, Michael, and the Trinity all stand by their beds)
Max: They better fucking wake up...
Sebastian: Yeah, please wake up Jere-Bear... :'(
Jordan: Peach...
(Jordan looks at Eric, tears were starting to form in his eyes)
(Michael leans against him)
(Michael comforts Jordan, as tears start to fall on Jordan's face)
(They stay for as long as they can) (XX amount of time later...Eric and Jeremy stir...)
(Eric and Jeremy slightly open their eyes, seeing figures around them)
(They try to look around, but they're tired and their bodies can barely move; the figures around them are asleep next to their beds)
Eric: *internally* Wha...what....what happened...? Jeremy: *internally* Wh...where...am i...?
(Jeremy shifts ever so slightly and opens his mouth, but a weak barely audible noise comes out)
(Eric moves slightly, sighing very softly)
(The figures then start to stir)
???: Huh...wha...?
???: Oh my god...JEREMY?! ERIC?!
Jeremy: *very softly* Wha...?
(The Armada gathers around them, tears in their eyes)
Michael: Jere?! Jordan: Will?!
Eric: *weakly* G...Guys...
Jeremy: *weakly* Is...is that...you...?
Christine: Yes!! Oh my god you’re alive!!
Michael: Oh my god, Jere you're awake!! :'D
Jordan: Jesus Christ peach, don’t you ever scare me like that again!!
Eric: *softly* I-I won't...
Jeremy: *softly* What...happened...? Joe: You nearly became one with the universe
Eric and Jeremy: *softly* Wha-What...?!
(Joe explains what Artemis’ experiment nearly did to them)
Joe: You see, when a Lion and Eel Miraculous Holder use the Union Form during the Eclipse Effect, it will cause them to turn into an entity like me. Their existence as
mortals, or regular humans, would be washed away through this. Once your bodies turned into light, you would disappear from this world, and you would not appear again
until the Miraculous are needed again.
Jeremy and Eric:  O_O
Joe: And of course your condition was made worse by the fact that you used Union Form in such a state; you were comatose for almost a month
Jeremy: W-We were out...that long...?!
Eric: Oh my god...!
Michael: Yeah...for a moment...w-we thought we lost you two...
Brooke: Even the doctors weren’t sure if you’d make it...
Joe: But...miraculously...you did. :')
Jeremy: Yeah... Eric: And I suppose...we owe you thanks...for saving us...
Jordan: Yeah, we saved your very existence as, well...humans.
Joe: Just recover...that’s how you can repay us ;) Jeremy: Roger...
Eric: Will do... :)
(Jordan takes out a little bottle) Jordan: I brought sugar water every day in preparation for this, Now you can finally use it
Eric: Thanks... :)
(Jordan gives Eric a little and then passes the bottle to Philip to give Jeremy)
(Philip gives a little to Jeremy)
Philip: Now you can just focus on moving again Jeremy: How long...will that take...? Eric: True...last time we were just out for a day but we could move after a day...now we were out for a month...
Jeremy: Does this mean...we can move...after a month...?!
Eric: Who knows...not moving for a month has probably taken its toll on our bodies... Michael: Either way, though, that’s gonna suck... XS
Jeremy: Yeah... XS
Joe: But we’ll help you through all of it
Jordan: Yeah! :) (Eric and Jeremy smile at them)
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