thxrunawaybeta · 3 years
♥ - Top Celebrity crush
♥ - MOTHER FUCKING LIGHTS. God she's so fuck unnnnnnnnnnnnnnf
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myownstrawberryfields · 13 years
Before we met, I was afraid of Jimmy and determined not to fall for his charms when Led Zeppelin hit LA. Deserved or not, their reputation as debauched naughty boys preceded them. But he was intent on getting me to fall for him, and it didn't take much. He sent me notes, got hold of my phone number and easily convinced me he would be worth the trouble. He did keep whips coiled up in his suitcase on the road, but never attempted to use them on me. He definitely had a wicked sexual side, which made him a transcendent lover. Even when you were intimately involved with him, he held back, which made you want to delve into him even deeper.
Pamela Des Barres on Jimmy Page
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