#Ulf White
bbygirl-aemond · 2 months
the way ulf strolled right up to jace like "look at that hair" and "as dark as they say!" and "dragonriders both, you and i!" and "cut from the same cloth!" and i just know jace was standing there like
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godsfavoritedumpster · 2 months
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She bopped you. She bopped you TWICE and you were trying to get away???
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gameofthronesdaily · 28 days
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@gameofthronesdaily's HOTD SEASON 2 APPRECIATION WEEK Day One — Dragons and their riders
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Claimed a dragon for clout
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clockys-soul · 10 days
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Her and Vermi are def Syrax parents, body is Silverwing and color is more Vermithor.
Silver old woman, and gentle, but I bets she could fold several dragons if she wanted to and she’s probably a smart girl given who her rider was.
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eveenstar · 2 months
double the bastard, double the...what's the saying again? | Ulf White x fem!bastard!reader - PART I
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You were the bastard daughter of another bastard daughter, funny, isn't it? Well, not to you. Your mother was another one of Princess Saera's bastards, who worked her entire life to escape her own mother's shadow, but it lingered in the blood. In her hair. In her heart.
It seemed the apple didn't fall far from the tree, as she got impregnated by some stupid Lord that had heard tales of the "white-haired beauties" in the depths of King's Landing. Then, you were born, with silver-white hair of your grandmother and the eyes of your unknown father.
Your late mother, bless her heart, did all she could to not have you end up like her or her mother. No, she promised you were destined for greater things. Her dreams told her so. She swore it til her grave.
After your mother passed, you took refuge with her half-brother, Hugh, always munching on your mother's words over and over again. Your once silver hair was dyed brown, despite your friends' insistence that you shouldn't hide who you are. Let the royals see their doings.
But you knew they cared little. They could have King's Landing be a city of bastards and not give one single fuck about it.
When war came to your doorstep, you were not one to pick sides. Aegon or Rhaenyra, they were all the same. They didn't put food on your table, did they? What matters is that you stayed alive for one more week.
It didn't stay like that for long, no, no, no.
When the news came that Rhaenyra was recruiting bastards to Dragonstone, your mother came to you in a dream. You saw her, standing by one of the brothel's windows, humming a soft lullaby as she held babe-you in her arms.
"It is fierce out there, I shan't lie to you." She whispered. "But we are fiercer. We are the blood of dragons, my sweet girl. I know you will achieve what I could not, and I beg your forgiveness for such."
Now, here you stood before Rhaenyra. But you weren't alone. Next to you were Hugh, a girl named Nettles, the local drunk Ulf White, and a handsome young man called Addam of Hull.
"You have done what was deemed impossible." Proclaimed the Queen.
But not to us, you wished to reply.
Your dragon, albeit smaller than the rest, was an unnamed one when you claimed her. So you took it upon yourself to name her Golden Tooth for her yellowish scales and shy nature.
Still, doubts crippled in your mind. You were to fly to battle with a dragon, likely to never return. Your hand was forced on the matter; it was either starve to death or honour your mother. You wished to not partake in a siblings' war, but you couldn't bite the hand that feeds you. And that hand was Rhaenyra's.
"Wench! Another one of these little birds!" Interrupted Ulf of your thoughts. You looked up from your breakfast.
"You eat like a pig." Hummed Nettles, sitting besides you.
"Ah, ah," Tutted Ulf with a toothy grin. "Like a dragon."
"There's a difference?" Snickered Nettles in return, and you couldn't help but laugh with her. At last, you could use a feminine presence in this stone cold keep, one that wasn't a noble, that is.
Even if Prince Jacaerys and his betrothed despised your group's presence on Dragonstone, you knew he knew they were desperate. Without you, they were nothing.
You mustn't think like that, you reprimanded yourself, this is an honour.
Is it?
Training and practicing High Valyrian and dragon commands was...harder than expected. It seemed you and Ulf were the odd ones out, taking great difficulty in the pronunciations and proper commands. Silverwing was confused, and Golden Tooth believed you merely wanted to play. As if she was a dog and not a dragon!
It was frustrating. Even your good friend Nettles was better than you in this, and despise her innocent teasing, you were growing frustrated.
"That's not how you say it."
"Shush, girlie. I was born for this."
You scowled at Ulf's words, standing back and watching as he ordered Silverwing to burn a sheep.
The dragon huffed, a brief cloud of smoke leaving its mouth.
"It's dracarys, not dracáryze."
"Ehh, what's the difference?" Ulf brushed it aside with a scoff, but the faint pink of his cheeks did not go unnoticed by you. Yet, you remained unamused.
"How are you to fly into battle with a dragon you do not know how to command?" You inquired. Ulf glanced at you, then to Silverwing, and smiled again.
"This lady knows what to do. She's smart, I tell you that. "She flew us to King's Landing without as much as a word!"
"And nearly got you both killed by a scorpion." You added.
Truth be told, you were never even remotely an acquaintance with Ulf back in King's Landing. You knew who he was, sure, a drunk and funny man who loved to boast himself as "Ulf the Dragonlord." But he wasn't the type of people you preferred to stick around with.
Now that you get to live with him, you regret staying in the city. He was...nothing like a dragonrider (not that you had met many of them). He lacked the grace, the poise, and the looks of one.
Now that he was bad looking, especially with the new wardrobe Queen Rhaenyra provided you. But he could use with some Valyrian braids, and maybe some brooming, and....
"Aye, girlie, y'starin'." You blinked. Ulf was standing in front of you with a sheepish grin on that stupid face of his. "Can't command a dragon whilst daydreamin', can't'cha?"
You huffed. "You know, I'd call you a bastard but I forget you already are one." You said as you stormed off. "And a stupid one at that!"
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"That was mean." Nettles laughed as she jumped on your bed, falling beside you. "But hilarious. The man needs to be put in his place."
"How in the Seven Hells did he claim a dragon such as Silverwing? He's a complete idiot!" You sighed, frustrated. "And his manners at the table, speaking to the Prince and the Queen? I..."
Nettles rolled on her stomach, leaning her head against her hands. "Why are you so bothered? If he's truly that useless, that will be proven in a real battle."
You sat up, running a hand through your hair to adjust it. "Well.. I... Death is a bit much, don't you think? I don't want him dead, I just wished he would shut up and behave for a moment."
Nettles hummed, a cat-like smirk plastered all over her face.
"I know a few ways men can be silenced."
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Supper had been served two hours ago, yet few little had joined the table. Queen Rhaenyra was absent, and so was her son, Prince Jacaerys. Lady Baela ate very little and kept to herself, merely glancing at Ulf whenever he was being too loud.
Addam was also absent.
Nettles had preferred to stay with Sheepstealer, under her vow to you that she'd eat something later.
The room was eerily quiet aside from your hushed conversation with Hugh about training and how you loved that Targaryen female attire had pockets (of all things you should be worried about).
Much to your displeasure, Hugh, too, wasn't one to stick around for supper. You knew your sweet stay at Dragonstone was coming to an end, and that war was waiting beyond the sea, with the Stranger waiting to bring some of you with him.
Two hours had passed, and you munched on your thoughts instead of the delicious (cold) food that lay before you. You couldn't bring yourself to eat anymore, not when there was a battle inside you. You were afraid, not only for yourself, but for your newfound friends and allies and....your dragon. Something you never thought possible.
I did it, mummy. I did it. I made you proud.
You hoped she was proud. You hoped you had made something good out of your lineage.
"Are you gonna eat that?" Asked Ulf, his eyes practically feasting on your cold plate. You said nothing, merely passed it along to him.
You must have underestimated him because Ulf hesitated in taking your plate, staring at you for a moment. Usually, you'd be laughing with Nettles or Addam while teasing Ulf for his lack of manners or proper conduct.
Not today, it seemed. Ulf wasn't sure if he liked that. It was enough to have everyone on Dragonstone sulking and glaring at him -- them -- everywhere they went. But you? You were the entire sun in the stone fortress. Despite your insistence and giving him a hard time during practice, Ulf found you interesting. Especially when his antics made you laugh, even if it was at him.
"Seems like the princeling got to you too."
"Excuse me?"
Ulf leaned back on his chair, resting his feet on top of the table as he munched down on a chicken wing. "Pouting doesn't suit ya."
"I'm not pouting." You frowned. "I'm worried. As you should be. As we all should be."
"I'm worried, alright. Worried all this food will go to waste. Where's everyone at?" Ulf looked around, but saw only the servants taking the food away, as if expecting him to ask for more.
"We're going to die, Ulf!" You suddenly snapped, bringing the man's attention to you. You'd never seen him so bewildered. "We're not knights, no matter what the Queen says. We're just...pawns in this war. We have no part in this."
Ulf said nothing. For the first time, he found himself speechless. He knew you were right; he wasn't a fool. Well, he was, but not blind. He knew what was coming, but he chose to live in the moment. What memories would he have to remember when the Stranger came for him? Sulking in a palace?
"And I don't want to die. I don't want Hugh to die. Or Golden Tooth, Gods, do the dragons know we are making them slaughter their own kin?" Exasperated, you ran your hands up and down your face. "They're not....We are not-"
Suddenly, a rough and alcohol-filled kiss was pressed to your lips, silencing you. Ulf leaned back, a proud smile on his smug face as he looked at you.
Had the bastard just....
You stared at him, wide-eyed. This wasn't how it was supposed to go.
"Couldn't help myself," Ulf grinned, "You women love to worry, y'know that?"
The grip around your cup tightened, threatening to spill on him at any moment. But you couldn't. Your cheeks were growing redder than any of Golden Tooth's fire. The cheeky bastard!
Hugh stood at the entrance of the chamber, holding a sword in his hand. His glare could be felt across the room, like Vermithor himself had just walked in.
"It's time for training."
Ulf took one last sip of his wine, clearing his throat.
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flysafepapi · 2 months
Listen, I was kinda sceptical about Ulf's claim that Baelon was his father, but clearly he's got Targaryen blood somewhere because he would've been roasted by Silverwing if he didn't, and why not Baelon, wouldn't surprise me at all.
But more importantly, I've changed my mind about it because, as shown by Rhaenyra questioning Addam, she's going to ask Hugh and Ulf where their Targaryen blood came from, and that means that once Daemon manages to escape Harrenhal, he's gonna come back, this 🤏 close to losing his mind only to walk right into "Oh, yeah, while you were gone we found this brother you never knew you had, surprise!"
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jacaerys literally every time this mf ulf opened his mouth to speak:
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acewithapencil · 9 months
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The fall of King’s Landing to Queen Rhaenyra and her dragons (text from Fire & Blood)
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solidsnakecake · 2 months
It was Jace's idea, in both the book and the show, to give dragons to outsiders. He trained dragonseeds and famously befriended them, especially Nettles. It's Jace who suggests that even smallfolk can try claiming dragons and promises them riches. It's Jace who pushes for Addam and Alyn getting legitimized.
I hope we see Jace's friendship with Addam and Nettles in the later episodes.
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hufflepotato-18 · 2 months
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my baby girl was just so happy to have company, i’m crying-
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bbygirl-aemond · 2 months
one of my favorite things about hotd is how we get exposed to the differences in the dragons' personalities. one great way to see this is through how each dragon forms a bond with a new rider. when aemond claimed vhagar, she bucked around like a bull and tried to throw him off to make him prove his worth by staying in the saddle. when seasmoke claimed addam, he hunted addam down and basically claimed addam himself. when hugh claimed vermithor, he stood up to him and roared in his face. and when silverwing claimed ulf, she headbutted and sniffed him before deciding to take him for a joyride. each has such a distinct personality and you can see a clear dichotomy between dragons pursuing their riders and riders pursuing their dragons.
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godsfavoritedumpster · 2 months
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The army of bastards.
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vhaemystheberserker · 2 months
Okay, Jace getting upset over Ulf having no manners is actually funny because he's acting as if Ulf was raised as a noble or around nobles 😭 Ulf hugging him was lowkey embarrassing but also kind of cute because Ulf seemed excited, however I cringe everytime I see it just because Jace was absolutely not having it, I don't think it'd be as embarassing if Jace was accepting of it though, too bad for Ulf that he wasn't
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lilhawkeye3 · 2 months
what’s the fine for drunk driving a dragon
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The "Rules" to Targaryen Dragon Blood, Dragon Riding and Dragon Taming Explained ! SPOILERS!
The Velaryons have been intermarrying with the Targaryens prior to Aegons Conquest. Aegon's mother was a Velaryon who in turn was half Targaryen; their continued condition to marry the Velaryons after the conquest further affirms this. The Velaryons at this point have a little "dragon riding blood" within them, whatever the amount in Addam allowed him to tame the Seasmoke without issue. I'm primarily a book reader. Moreover, generally, the "blood of the dragon riders" is a hand wavy concept in the books itself. It functions as George wants it to function. The function of the dragon seeds narratively is to pointedly undermine the Targaryen doctrine of exceptionalism. They were given said exceptionalism by the High Septon because they had to intergrate with Westerosi Feudalism that strictly follows the faith of the seven (incest =bad but ok for the targs), but moreover, it is a concept by which George can critique those with perceived absolute power being the same as everyone else in reality.
On the topic of dragon taming/riding, there is no clear or even definitive answer to this; the entire narrative point of the Dragonseeds (Bastards with a trace of Targaryen blood; Addam, Hugh, Ulf etc) is to highlight said point - what we can come to generally agree upon is that anyone with a smidge of Targaryen blood increases the chance of taming a dragon but does not guarantee it's assurance. In the show, we have both Rhaena and Steffon Darklyn - Rhaena was noted to almost have lost her life in several attempt's and we see Steffon lose his to Seasmoke. Dragon's are capricious creature's thus there can not be any true way to know what actually goes into taming a dragon. Intriguingly, in his most recent blog post, he dove into the subject of dragons which contained potentially massive revelation for the widely accepted Targaryen (Valyrian Dragon Lord) blood = necessary to tame a dragon belief;
If dragons were nomadic, they would have overrun half of Essos, and the Doom would only have killed a few of them.   Similarly, the dragons of Westeros seldom wander far from Dragonstone.  Elsewise, after three hundred years, we would have dragons all over the realm and every noble house would have a few.��
George is a very deliberate and pointed writer - he says, "every" noble house in Westeros would have a few. If this very specific ascertain is true, it could be interpreted to totally shatters the aforementioned belief that Valryian Dragon blood was necessary to tame a dragon. It's incredibly huge. We will find out the exact specificities later as quoted below;
They bond with men… some men… and the why and how of that, and how it came to be, will eventually be revealed in more detail in THE WINDS OF WINTER and A DREAM OF SPRING and some in BLOOD & FIRE.  (Septon Barth got much of it right). 
At this point, we can only really wait for winds and speculate but the new information provided has somewhat shaken the idea of Valryian Supremacy to it's core, which ironically seems to be inline with his message to start. Only the release of the THE WINDS OF WINTER can provide the answers we really want.
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