mancino · 2 years
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Io non voglio un anno pieno di cosestrabilianti e fantastiche. Voglio unanno finalmente sereno, Fatto di cose piccole, semplici e concrete.Voglio un anno come quello dei vecchi tempi, dove alzarsi al mattino non era come se dovessimo affrontare un'altra guerra, ma una nuova giornata.Voglio un anno con più pace, menodolore e arrabbiature. Un annopiù sereno e vero.- Silvia Nelli -
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powercutamaze · 2 years
India is developing very fast in the power and energy sector but despite huge development and numerous power stations many areas face unannounced power cuts. Everyone is keen to get the best inverter for home or office to accomplish the desired tasks well on time. Let us first know about the types of inverters.
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northernsoulblog · 2 years
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Sai, Babbo. Sei di più di un corpo ora
se ti penso nel tuo formato umano
ancora piango, ma piano, lentamente –
e non sei immaginato ma presente
in condensa di fiato trasparente.
un vapore che manca sempre
un buco che porto di vuoto
un lato scancellato dal mio.
- Mariangela Gualtieri.
Un anno.
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lamiavitablogs · 4 years
Oggi dopo un anno dall'ultimo taglio, volevo prendere di nuovo la lametta, volevo di nuovo tagliarmi. Volevo provare quella sensazione di dolore misto a piacere, quella sensazione di potere.
Ma non l'ho fatto.
Non l'ho presa, anzi sono uscita di casa così per allontanarmi il più possibile dal pericolo.
Oggi ho vinto io.
Ma sinceramente non so se capiterà di nuovo.
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helly357 · 4 years
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Primo compleanno 😺💙 #igor #cat #gatto #compleanno #compleannoinquarantena #happybirthday #quarantena #unanno (presso Casa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B--ZMNxKKqV/?igshid=1rb0n4mgehp1o
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mugetsu10 · 6 years
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Auguri alla mia distruttrice che compie un anno 😁🐶🐺!! Happy B.day Farah!!! #juma #farah #lupidellaspro #happybirthday #firstyear #unanno #basilicata #lucania #italia #italy #happypuppy #wolfdog #canelupo #canelupocecoslovacco #wolf #party #myprincess https://www.instagram.com/p/BqQHRBEF-4S/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1t94vkr452ots
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andreaspinelli · 4 years
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"La vita va È perpetuo il modo Lo scienziato sa Come prenderla" #smartworking #unanno #computer #pc #remoteworking #desk #baustelle https://www.instagram.com/p/CMRM77DBMif/?igshid=4kos8wlzpws6
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monpoemedamour · 7 years
“E da ormai un anno ogni notte mi addormento pensando a te con un mare di lacrime che mi rigano il viso al solo pensiero del tuo sorriso, della tua personalità generosissima e della tua bellezza e intelligenza. Eri perfetto. Mi manchi piccolo angelo, resterai sempre nel mio cuore. Ti amo”
- laragazza-dagli-occhitristi
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bethpollini · 7 years
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#amoredellanonna #nipote #amoremio #amoredellanonna #nipotemio #nipote #amoredellanonna #nipotebella #buongiorno #neonata #girl #unanno #neonata #love #family #tiamo #bambina #emily #amore #baby #amoredellanonna #enfant #amoredellanonna #neonata #girl #neonato #baby #amoredellanonnalei #enfant #bimba #oggi #love #emily #amoreinfinito #ridichetifabeneallavita #marcheforkids #divertimento
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lazyfish73 · 5 years
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Ciao Nonna. In questi giorni è un anno che non ci sei più. A volte sembrano 5 minuti, a volte un'eternità. Questa pianta l'ho portata a casa mia dalla tua, tu la chiamavi "la pianta di nonno" perché era la sua preferita. Mi piace pensare che adesso siate assieme, come questi due fiori sbocciati vicinivicini. * * * #grandma #missyou #oneyear #sadness #melancholia #mourning #grieving #flowers #fiori #fleurs #purple #flores #nonna #unanno #mimanchi #tradescanzia #pianta #plant #polliceverde #botanical https://www.instagram.com/p/B0p3l2OF7jb/?igshid=zdjhezawmx0w
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garudaerboristeria · 5 years
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#auguri #miocane #love #unanno #giugno #americanbully #bully #ilovemydog #garudaerboristeria (presso San Lorenzo al Mare) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByXmJlwBip9/?igshid=rkumlfwexoik
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E poi ci sono quei momenti che non dimenticherai mai. Quei momenti condivisi con qualcuno di speciale, che, nonostante il caratteraccio, nonostante le mille paranoie e le litigate, sai per certa che ti ama, che ti supporta e che, soprattutto, ti sopporta. +1 ❤️ #noi #unanno #graziechemisopporti #tiamo https://www.instagram.com/p/Bty_lcogUah/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ip1g5zqt3zry
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Happy birthday Giulia 😍 #cakesmashphotoshoot #happybirthdaytoyou #1year #oneyear #unanno #Smashcake *************************** #cakesmashphotography #fotografobambini #myfamilymylife #ballons #palloncini #babyportrait #babygirl #amorepuro #lamiabambina #birthdaysession #buoncompleanno #buoncompleannoate #demaphotographer #anfmlombardia #italianphotographer 
#milanophotographer (presso Segrate) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtlrIXMlOhT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1k81iu8q0s0tf
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yandere-sins · 4 years
A commission I did for a lovely person, staying anonymous! ♥ Thank you so much for commissioning me, this was a lot of fun to write!
Characters: Yandere!Claude von Riegan x f!Reader Rating & Warnings: Explicit/Lemon, Yandere, Infidelity
»»———————— ♡ ————————««    
Laughter filled the grand room, made explicitly for entertaining guests and visitors despite it only being you and Claude that night. The mansion was grand, but in this room, you two had your peace. You were well aware that there were a lot of servants out in the halls that could have potentially bothered you two, but you sent most of them home early, buying their silence of who came to visit you, while your fiance was out on a mission, by giving them free time. And the few guards left, you bribed with some wine, so there really was no one who’d invite themselves to your little party.
In reality, this was less of a festivity than it was a sad, farewell get-together. Pouring Claude some more wine, you looked into his dazzling, green eyes, quick to avert your gaze as to not fall for them again. You two had been much more than just acquaintances for most of your life now, despite him being away from home for a good portion of time due to the war. But ever since he returned, you two had been barely separable until… your family decided to end the love affair between you and the king.
It wasn’t your decision, nor was it his. You had to follow what was decided for you, and it was reasonable enough to believe that it was the right way. Even if you were of noble blood, you couldn’t stand your ground to the royal family Claude was from. He’d have a good choice of partners to marry, but you wouldn’t be one of them. In return, you’d marry a fine young noble working directly under him, a sticker to the rules, and a provider for all of his family. But after all, he wasn’t Claude, and you could already feel your heartache, knowing you’d have to part with the king that night, and the next time you’d see him, it would be at the side of your husband, with you as his loyal wife.
As much as you wanted to be good and please your and the family of your fiance, even pouring your guest wine seemed like a tedious task. If that was how your future events and invitations would go - you, only there to smile and serve drinks to your husband - then you were expecting a very dull life ahead of you. He might seem like a good choice to marry to everyone else, but you knew that besides work and responsibilities, there wasn’t much excitement or love in his life to give to you. Not like Claude, who’d have you on your toes all day long and show you the wondrous sights of the world through his eyes. Sighing about the thought, you put down the carafe, a hand immediately coming up under your chin, lifting your face back into Claude’s direction.
“Already sighing? The night hasn’t even started yet,” Claude reminded you, a smile dancing on his lips, and you picked up on the innuendos in his words. You did your best to show him an amused smile, but his mind was sharp than ever, not missing any cues you were giving him. Deciding it was the best to be straight-forward, you offered him the chalice with wine you poured him before speaking. “I am just thinking that this is the last night we’ll be sitting together like this, and it saddens me.”
Claude’s expression turned sour for a moment before he accepted your offering, taking a sip of only the finest alcohol your home had to serve. As for you, you weren’t much of a drinker, but when he offered you his drink, you didn’t refuse him. You even went so far as to take a big gulp, hoping it would lessen the heartache you were feeling significantly. But of course, it didn’t make it disappear, it just made your mind fuzzy, and your thoughts diverted from it for a little bit. You leaned back into his arm around the backrest of the seating arrangement, comfortable with the feeling of his familiar warmth. Instantly his fingers caressed your open shoulders tenderly, massaging the tense knots building in them, and you were more than okay with him doing that.
“You know what we should do?” he asked you with a chuckle, a hand lowering onto your sparely covered leg. He dragged his fingers up, applying pressure, but before he came to high, he let them slide back down, caressing you like this until you felt the warmth spread under his touch. Grinning, you detected the suave undertone in his voice, paired with his touch, letting you know exactly what he was talking about. But you played the clueless one, knowing that getting it on with the king, now that you were affianced, was frowned upon. 
“I think we should use the time that we have together to the fullest; what do you say?”
As much as you wanted to give in to his thoughts, lay yourself bare and have him ravage you up into whatever heaven you thought there was, you only laughed timidly, reaching for his hand on your leg and stopping it from advancing towards your hip. “You know we can’t. We really shouldn’t, and besides, what if my fiance returns any minute now? I’ll be in trouble for even receiving a visit from you.”
Humming thoughtfully, Claude leaned forward, apparently undeterred by your words as his lips trailed down your neck, sending prickles over your skin. Unfortunate as it was for the situation, it was one of your favorite spots to be kissed, the familiar tingling of excited anticipation in your lower back while he climbed down your neck towards the crook and up under your chin again. “I sent your fiance on a very important mission for Almyra this weekend. Don’t think that even if he wanted to, he could make it back home before the start of the new week.”
The huff you let out was unhelpful, as it opened your mouth for a sigh in pleasure right away. “That was a little sly, your Highness. As if you had planned this rendezvous in advance?”
Feeling his lips curl into a grin on your skin, you couldn’t help but reciprocate, your hand loosening your grip on his, immediately allowing it to creep up and between your leg. As if the feeling of his touch and kisses wasn’t enough to send shivers down your spine, the moment his fingers dug into the fabric of your underwear, rubbing their full lengths along your slit and teasing your clit with the thumb, you couldn’t hold back a gasp, followed by a moan. 
You laid your head to the side, allowing him more freedom to roam. His second hand came up to push away hair that got tangled between you two, the kisses now falling behind and under your ear where your skin was especially sensitive, all while he kept working and teasing you through the fabric of your panties. 
Perhaps it was the influence of the alcohol, or simply, the influence Claude had on you, that you let him do this to you. You had only ever known him as cunning and strong-willed, always going for what he wanted. But at the same time, he had always treated you well, allowed you a wonderful life at his side despite you two not being officially in a relationship, and treated you nothing short of how he’d treat his queen. 
Despite never asking him how he felt about the fact you were to be married off to someone else, you wanted to believe it might have affected him badly too, driving him to such extremes for which he’d send you fiance away so he could have you to himself again. He probably also expected you to not turn him away as he stood at your doorstep at these late hours, as no one would have dared to do that to a king anyway. But you had special reasons not to, and he knew there wouldn’t be a better chance than that night.
If you thought about it this way, you two were to be pitied.
In love, yet denied the possibility to live out your desires and wants to the fullest. This situation now wasn’t ideal, and certainly nothing you should do in your position now. But if Claude wanted you so badly too, who were you to deny him? At least, that’s what you tried to tell yourself through the haze of alcohol and waves of pleasure colliding inside of you. Oh, you were so glad to not have worn any obstructive clothes that day, maybe even because deep down, you hoped for these things to happen. But this way, it was easy for Claude to peel you out of the bits you wore or move them aside for his convenience.
His free hand wandered over your body, painting circles and lines all over your skin until he found your breasts, a dominant grip falling over your right one. It was then that he pulled you closer to him, his hands conveniently on points of your body where he could lift your leg over his and your butt into his lap. As always, you were so pretty in the dim flickering of the candles that illuminated the room, gracing you with their warm shimmer against your skin. A sight Claude loved almost as much as the one when you laid below him, chest rising and falling quickly under the ecstasy of pleasure, gasping and moaning his name.
The switching of his hands escaped your attention, but not so the discarding of your clothes, exposing your bare chest to the warm air. Clearly, you were already feeling hotter than the room temperature, but it was only rising now that he found your left breast, teasing fingertips exploiting the chance to work your freed nipple. Claude had a way not only with his words and strategies but also with touches. He always knew how to fire you up, make you turn your heads towards him to use his lips to calm the echoes of your voice ringing out.
“We really shouldn’t,” you managed to press through your lips on his, but your body pressing up and moving into his as if there was no holding back spoke volumes about how you really felt. Having someone you actually loved touch you, had so much more meaning than any other arm around you or words of endearment from any other person’s mouth. The King was undeterred by your comment, minding only the passion in your kiss and the feeling of your nip flicking through his fingers. 
What a guilty pleasure this was, having someone who knew your body like his own show up unannounced at the empty estate of your future husband whose company you didn’t care for. Having Claude all to yourself with no one intervening or minding your business was a delicacy, and whatever rode you to this act of infidelity definitely was a secret that was only set free between you two. 
Touching his hand tenderly, you encouraged Claude’s teasing of your breast and also the second hand on your clit. Never had he disappointed you with a touch before, and even if the pulling and releasing of your sensitive nipple made you clench your teeth, you were instantly rewarded with pleasure taking over the sting of pain it left. You were all too willing to open up your legs on your own now, allowing him more attack surface for his teases, mixed with husky chuckles coming from your spine and sending goosebumps over your arms.
However, you, too, weren’t a bad partner, moving back and into his crotch until you could feel the firmness of a bulge against your ass. It should have been illegal how well his length fit against you, but by the occasional gasp he let out, you were glad to know he was feeling as ecstatic about it as you were. His fingers dug lower into your crotch, finding the opening to all the good feelings, and entered you without hesitation. It wasn’t long until they were covered in your slick, moving in even deeper, and you could barely keep your voice at a low.
This, plus the constant teasing around your nipples, didn’t help to cease the fire burning up in your core, and when you gazed at him with your eyes veiled in lust, Claude wasn’t one to reject your wish for more. After all, how could he, burning with desire too? Grinning, Claude’s fingers disappeared from you, gaining a disappointed mewl from your mouth before you gasped as he lifted you up shortly before laying you down onto the lounging couch. Seeing his grinning, excited expression suddenly very close before you, you couldn’t help but letting out a sweet chuckle, cupping his face and pulling him down into a kiss.
With his hands steadily finding their place against your lower thighs, Claude held them up and out of the way while you reached out to unpack his cock. You almost found it lucky that Almyran clothes could be everything you imagined, but they weren’t hard to undo in situations like these. Eagerly, his full length jumped out as Claude’s pants fell out of the picture, the smooth fabric very tempted by the gravity that laid over you all, and you stroked his member eagerly, gaining some approving kisses from your king. 
Right that moment should have been when you resisted. Put down a foot and returned to being ‘good’ and how everyone wanted you to behave. But this time, when you looked into his eyes, your body simply gave in, closing your lids as you placed his tip against your entrance, Claude inching closer to make this all the more enjoyable. And when he finally stretched you out, you were in your personal heaven, arms clasping together behind his neck while you welcomed him fully into you.
Nothing else than knowing he felt the same way could have made you happier than the feeling of his hips crashing into yours.
If only you had known how lucky you were not to know all of Claude’s thoughts. The twisted reality in his mind, only presented to him and for him to deal with. Claude and you, you two went way back. To the tender ages of your youths were there weren’t kings or nobility to keep you apart. His days spent at the Monastery without you were filled with desire and longing for you. With waiting and anticipating another letter in between the troubled times he encountered.
He still remembered the first kiss you two shared after a hunt, beneath an old tree, with only the forest being witness to the confessions of love you whispered. He still knew how beautiful you looked after your first night together, waking up with rays of sunlight shining down on you as if you were an angel sent to him. Never had he imagined to find anyone as precious as you, someone who could endure his teases and laugh with him earnestly and not out of fake sympathy like everyone else.
And now, someone else decided that you two should not be together?
As if he would have allowed that. 
He didn’t become king so other people could tell him who he should be spending his life with. Much too long, Claude had to listen to old seniles who thought they ‘knew it better than the young’ and never bothered to listen to them and their objections. Nights had gone by where Claude had bitten his nails while trying to find a solution to this problem. The sun always rose way before he found sleep, and there still was nothing he thought he could do to keep you by his side. He tried raising your ranks, make you an official in the positions - anything that would keep you from being wed off. 
There would have been no way Claude would ever approve anyone else by your side. Still, everyone knew what he was up to whenever he proposed a new scheme to get you two closer together again and dismissed it as if this wasn’t a matter of urgency to the king. He thought about every scenario, even really, really bad ones. A hunting accident, your fiance lost on a mission or never showing up to the wedding. All of these sounded great to him, but he also thought about the other side of the coin. 
What if he could make you undesirable to everyone but him? 
What if you had a cut over your face, a limb less, or no tongue to utter another word? Would there be anyone else loving you then, aside from him? Certainly, Almyra loved battles as much as they loved desserts after dinner. Claude despised violence, but if that meant keeping you at his side, who knows what he would have done for you. But then a better thought came to mind. With one month before your wedding, you were supposed to keep yourself pure and docile, leave a good impression on your new family. Clearly, that wasn’t on your mind right now as you called out his name beneath him ecstatically. 
Claude leaned down, softly biting into the flesh of your neck, gaining a shiver from your body as well as a gasp. This was only the first of many of his plans, leaving you littered in the pattern of his teeth and hickies. Moaning and groaning, both of you enjoyed the continuous pumping of his hips into yours, the exploring of your inner walls that so happily greeted his cock with clenches and shudders. You were overwhelmed by the feeling of his member filling you out and the touches all over your body that he so charitably spread everywhere Claude could reach.
You were so cute wiggling under him, happy and satisfied. He could feel your orgasm building up, hearing it in your voice as you begged and praised him, urging him on to fulfill the deed. How adorable it was that you didn’t know what expected you any second from now on. The face you made while wholly engulfed in pleasure was almost innocent in comparison to the knowledge Claude had.
Claude wondered if your fiance had finally arrived at the estate, wondering why so little servants were around to welcome him. Wondering where his future wife was since he sent a letter ahead that he’d arrive in time before bed that day. The very same letter Claude intercepted, making his way to the estate before the potential husband would even know the king had arrived for ‘talks’. Talks, or rather, using the lady of the house just like he deserved to.
“C-Claude!” Your voice tore him out of his thoughts as you screamed for him, walls clenching tightly together around his member, unwilling to let him go. Your climax was strong enough to lift you deeper onto his cock, and though he couldn’t move, trapped in you, Claude felt his own orgasm erupt, spurts of hot semen filling you your insides. 
It was just in time for him to hear the door to the room open, a long, creaking sound accompanied by the gasps of servants who quickly averted their eyes despite the shock. Only one pair of eyes widened as it saw you, back arching and toes curling while you lived out your personal height. There were no words from either of you three, but Claude’s lips curled into a satisfied grin - knowing his plan had succeeded just in time - while he slowly pulled out his cock from your pussy, semen dripping from it. 
He was almost tempted to have you finish the deed and lick it off in front of your fiance. It would have been nice to see the appall on his face, or perhaps despair he felt if he had to watch you do those things to the king you two served. The future held so many open questions about the ‘why’ and the ‘how’, and they all wouldn’t be answered that night. Claude fell back onto the comfortable seating, knowing exactly what he had done to you two that night. Still, all he was interested in was if your fiance would be able to forgive you for it.
And if he didn’t forgive you for it, Claude would have you back very soon, and even more so, with the most satisfying conquest there was.
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tresenella · 4 years
hai visto benedetta ha fatto unanno con stefano? sono innamoratissimi
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skippyv20 · 5 years
             Queen Victoria’s daughters
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             Princess Louise Caroline (later Duchess of Argyll)
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born – March 18, 1848 at Buckingham Palace in London
Princess Louise was the sixth child and fourth daughter of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. She was named Louisa Carolina Alberta, with her second middle name being a nod to her father, as Alberta is the feminine form of Albert.
 On 13 May 1848, Princess Louise was christened in the private chapel of Buckingham Palace by the Archbishop of Canterbury, John Bishop. Her godparents were Duke Gustav of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (paternal great-great-uncle), the Duchess of Saxe-Meiningen, and the Hereditary Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (her first cousin once removed).
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Louise was brought up traveling with the Queen’s Court from Buckingham Palace to Windsor to Osborne to Balmoral and she enjoyed a relatively happy childhood.  She was educated by tutors alongside her siblings and she proved to be an intelligent student.  She was also trained in the practical skills which she would use later to aid her in managing her future martial household.  Louise developed her artistic skills as an accomplished sculptor and a noted artist creating many beautiful drawings.
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When her father, Prince Albert, died unexpectedly in 1861 the Queen fell into a deep period of mourning and the Queen secluded herself from public life alternating between staying in Osborne and Balmoral.  Surviving through this prolonged and intensely solemn time, when Louise was nearing her seventeenth birthday in 1865, she requested that a grand ball be held for her celebration but the Queen refused her request.  Then in 1866, when most young ladies were enjoying an active social life, the duty of being the Queen’s personal secretary and nursemaid fell to Louise after her older sisters were married and she actually excelled in the position.  Later, when Louise fell in love with the much older Reverend Robinson Duckworth, much like her sister Helena before her had a dalliance with another tutor; the Queen heard about the romance and quickly put an end to it.   
As the result, the Queen was soon looking for a prospective husband for the seemingly wild Louise with her progressive ideas about feminine liberation; she found one in John Campbell of Lorne and the heir to the Duke of Argyll. 
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      The couple became engaged at Balmoral on 3 October 1870, and they wed at St George’s Chapel at Windsor on 21 March 1871.
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As her father was unable to walk her down the aisle, she entered the church with her mother and two of her brothers, the Prince of Wales and Duke of Edinburgh.
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Within seven years, John was offered the position as Governor General in Ottawa, Canada.  The Queen was very pleased with this new appointment and hoped that this would continue to improve the political link between England and Canada.  John and Louise soon moved to Canada and took up residence in Rideau Hall which they decorated with Louise’s watercolor and oil paintings and also several of her sculptures. While in Canada, the couple founded the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts.
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Unfortunately, in February of 1880, Louise and her husband were involved in a severe sleigh accident. They returned to Britain in 1883, but Canada remained in her heart. The province of Alberta was eventually named after her.
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After their return, the couple took up residence in Kensington Palace. By 24 April 1900, John had become the 9th Duke of Argyll, and as such, Louise became Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll (a title she would hold until her husband’s death in 1914 when she would become the Dowager Duchess of Argyll).
After the death of the Queen in 1901, Louise fully enjoyed the seemingly loose moral of the Edwardian era with an active social life by traveling frequently and sometimes living separate from her husband alternating between their London residence at Kensington Palace with Kent House on the Osborne Estate.  She also continued royal duties while her brother was on the throne, and she was known to pay unannounced visits to hospitals. Although, she would slowly retire from public duties after World War One.
Additionally, financial difficulties forced the Princess and Duke to cut back on staff and non-necessities, but this had begun before her brother had ascended the throne. The Duke, who was believed to have had Alzheimer’s, died on 2 May 1914 from pneumonia, and the Princess suffered a nervous breakdown after the fact.
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Afterwards, Louise spent her final years at Kensington Palace occasionally making public appearances.  She had lived through the reign of her mother Queen Victoria, her brother King Edward VII, her nephew King George V, and the brief reign of King Edward VIII shortly before he abdicated.  Louise died on December 3, 1939 at the age of 91.  She was cremated and her ashes were initially placed inside the Royal Crypt at St. George’s Chapel at Windsor then later moved to Frogmore.   
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By Peter symonds  
Her legacy continues with several lakes, hospitals, a province, mountain, and regiments were named after her. A statue designed by Princess Louise of Queen Victoria stands outside Kensington Palace. This was not her only work of art, as several of her sculptures and drawings are located in the Royal Collection Trust and other museums.
Wonderful!  Thank you😁❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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