#Uokka Saburo
Vodka VA confirmed Vodka has a secret crush on Kir.
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mihamihoku · 2 years
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Here I am again redrawing memes :”в the end of 1st DetCo episode in a nutshell (kinda)
Original under cut
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sapphirescouts · 2 years
Timeloop!Vodka AU (First Loop)(Part 3)
It had been several weeks since Ayano made her ultimatum, Vodka had been keeping himself out of trouble for the most part which was rather difficult to do when his teenage self made enemies far easier than he made friends. He had at least cut his hair and brought a new pair of glasses, he wasn't incredibly strong, it would take a bit longer to work on that, his muscles did not appear overnight, contrary to popular belief.
He was in the last period of the day, history again. He had been trying to pay attention in his other classes, but math had been particularly difficult for him, he barely understood the numbers on the paper, he guessed that it would be a lot easier if he actually remembered anything from the first time.
The journalism club wouldn't be meeting up after school today due to Ayano visiting her brother in Osaka, apparently it wouldn't be the same without her. Which meant he'd have to go home earlier than usual, his eldest brother Kenji was going to be back from America tonight, he dreaded seeing him again, he hadn't seen him since he joined the organisation 7 years ago.
When the last period ended, he made sure to leave through one of the windows, he did not feel like getting into a fight and receiving an hours long lecture from his teachers (again). Outside the school gates waiting for him was his brother Kai who had a dark brown buzzcut and was wearing his police academy uniform. Next to him was a man he swore he had met before, he just looked younger now, probably mid-twenties, he was slightly shorter than Kai and had a bushy mustache. Kai waved over to him
"Surprise!" Kai was very excited, he was too, he never admitted to a single person in the organisation that he missed his brothers (except Kenji, he could rot in hell) he didn't think a single person knew he even had brothers. Except Vermouth. She practically knew everything anyway. He waved and walked over to his brother; it was an awkward wave, but it would do.
"Is that the brother you were talking about Uokka?" The familiar man pointed over to Vodka. Kai nodded.
"Don't be a stranger Megure! You can call me Kai." Oh, that's where he recognised him from, the police inspector had become a major thorn in the organisation's side, he had hidden the fact that Kudo had been working with the police for months, that name still evoked a feeling of frustration within him, apparently the APTX that he was fed was a dud, that was why he should have just shot him, police be damned.
"You can call me Saburo," He wouldn't think he'd give a cop his real name -oh, wait, he wasn't a criminal anymore nor was Inspector Megure a cop- Megure looked him up and down, the one good thing about his glasses was that he wouldn't have to meet his eyes.
"Nice to meet you Saburo, I hope you aren't as rowdy as your brother over there," he pointed to Kai and cracked a small smile. Vodka shrugged in response and started walking home with his brother and Megure.
The more he thought about it, he wasn't a criminal now, therefore he wasn't Vodka anymore, if he reached his twenties in this life, things would get very awkward, he probably would never step foot in a bar again. He would leave his old life behind, there's no evidence, no one would believe what he had- hadn't done? Saburo wouldn't screw this life up, he had ruined his first life, he sure wasn't going to ruin the second.
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sapphirescouts · 2 years
Timeloop!Vodka AU (First Loop)(Part 1)
All he could do was stare at his own reflection; he was supposed to be dead, but he was here repeating his first? Second? Year of high school. All he could do now was run his hands through his hair that he probably hadn't washed in days, he really needed to take care of that.
"Hey Saburo, are you alright in there? Next class is starting in a bit, I don't want you getting detention, or you'll miss out on our club meeting." Makoto slowly walked up behind him making sure not to startle him. He doesn't remember when he apologized for shoving him when he startled him once, but he should probably do that now just in case he hadn't yet.
"I'm alright Makoto, just got a little shocked I guess, sorry for er shoving you earlier" He replied hoping to reassure Makoto just a little bit, he was one of his only friends in high school and he didn't want to go through whatever this was alone.
"Oh, you don't have to apologize again, it's fine, let's go back before the teacher comes." He was relieved at least that Makoto had already forgiven him. They both walked out of the bathroom together and Vodka followed him, hiding the fact that he didn't actually know what grade he was in right now. He eventually gets his answer when Makoto entered class 1-A and he trailed behind him.
"Uokka, you can't just run off before class starts, you're lucky that you're getting off with a warning." He hasn't heard his real last name in years, he trained himself out of responding to that name as soon as he took on his first alias, now he'll have to train himself to respond to that name again. He mutters a short apology before making his way to his desk.
Vodka couldn't concentrate on anything the teacher was saying, he was probably talking about the Edo Period according to the words written on the board. His mind was spinning, he needed to process this, how did this happen, why did this happen to him of all people?
He was supposed to be dead, probably cremated and ashes disposed of or unceremoniously chucked into a lake by his ex-colleagues, or perhaps on an autopsy table somewhere, all eyes on his bullet-ridden corpse. But somehow, he wasn't. He was here in school again, the journalism club, his brothers, before the organization. All he could think about is what would Gin do in this situation, has Gin even set foot in a high school? Probably not, he's getting distracted again.
Gin would gather information first, he always told him to do that, look for the exits, 'observe your surroundings for once Vodka'. He knew where his exits were at least, he had sprinted out of one of them earlier and the windows were a few desks away. Other than that, he didn't know a whole lot, he would have to wait until after school to talk to the other members of the journalism club, he could try and figure out what he was supposed to do today. He at least knew where the clubroom was and knew school would be over shortly based on the time on his watch.
This was going to be an uphill battle and he knew it; he had no idea what to do now 20 years of his life had effectively disappeared and that he was trapped in a body that was around about half his size.
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