#Urgh your characters aren't puppets if you kill so many of them some of them should STAY DEAD
uraharasandals · 1 year
I just - *sigh* okay, I just finished BSD season 5. Obviously I'm NOT okay because of skk shinskk and old men DYING IN EACH OTHERS' ARMS and ALL OF WHATEVER HAPPENED WHEN BRAM GOT A BODY *gestures frantically*
But to be really honest the main feeling I have is largely disappointment. This is going to be a very hot take but I actually hated how the arc panned out. Yes yes war ending yes everyone needs to stop fighting blah blah blah but IMAGINE. IMAGINE if the plot unfolded the way it was planned - Fukuchi being evil all along. Him eradicating war by eradicating humankind (the most evil, at least) by making armies destroy each other. And then making everyone build a nation (or not a nation, since he hates those) from the ashes of what's left. How his ideals become twisted from war, his glorious purpose and beliefs completely changed from the war.
Instead of whatever code geass-esque ending we got here. Except not even then because Suzaku killing Lelouch actually DID do the whole build-up justice. The build-up of BSD was so good - everything was paved so well and so nicely done, and then you're telling me he wanted to kill HIMSELF at the end? There's no hint to this, no SLIVER that the audience could've grasped at this. I've always believed that the best plot twists are the ones you see coming a mile away. This is more like a brick being dropped onto your head while you're walking. Maybe the new sequel has Fukuchi being revived and killing everyone again (it certainly looks like him, but also why are we fighting TWO HOURS AFTER again)
Anyways if Asagiri doesn't come out with something new for the October manga I'll shot myself
oh I forgot to add something I was gonna keep this in the notes but
The way that he keeps killing characters and bringing them back with a silly goofy explanation is genuinely doing my head in because at this point there is no IMPACT to character death. Shock value works only to a certain degree and it's getting a little boring to my flimsy ADHD-driven patience.
@sword-dad-fukuzawa tagging u cos I wanna hear ur thoughts
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