#Urushi Snuggle?
kalira · 1 year
Urushi Snuggle?
Written for @kakashiweek Day 8: Recovery!
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T; 1.3k Kakashi/Sakura, Mattaki (OC child), Urushi
Kakashi calls in one of his ninken to help with one of the toughest things he - or his mate - have ever faced up against.
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mrssakurahatake · 3 years
Hello! For that ask game: This is real life! You don't get to restart things when you make a mistake!
Characters: Tenzo and Kakashi.
I leave the rest up to you! Please and thank you! Can't wait to see what you create!
This is my first KakaYama, so I hope you like it!
Date night was a simple affair for Kakashi and Yamato. Going out held no real appeal to either of them. It was hard to have a night out when everyone knew who you were, and wanted something from you.
So instead they stayed in. Yamato did his best to make it special. He’d picked up take out from Kakashi’s favorite restaurant. He’d hunted down Ibiki and made him promise they wouldn’t be interrupted, short of the village being invaded. It was just dumb luck he’d run into Urushi, who agreed to tell the other ninken to avoid the apartment, just for tonight. It would be worth all the belly rubs it would cost him.
Kakashi was only an hour late, quickly slipping into their bedroom to slip out of his hokage robes. He emerged a few minutes late in worn jonin pants and a sleeveless ANBU shirt. It might have seemed simple, but it was Yamato’s favorite look, a perfect way to start a night in.
Dinner past with idle conversation of their days and soon they were settling on the couch. “Wanna watch the next episode of British Bakeoff?”
Kakashi snatched the remote away, clicking Yamato’s Netflix icon and opening up the menu. “Again, we watched that last night.”
Yamato shrugged and nodded in acceptance of his defeat, watching as Kakashi flipped through the endless choices. “What about Love is Blind?”
“Fine,” Yamato agreed, even if it wasn’t his favorite, he had to admit he was getting a little sucked in too.
“What episode were we on?”
“Three, four. I’m not sure. Just switch to your profile and pick the next one.”
Instead Kakashi selected episode three, “If we’ve seen this one, we’ll just skip ahead.” Yamato nodded in agreement, snuggling closer to Kakashi as they laid back to watch the drama unfold. It was clear to both of them they’d seen this one and Kakashi skipped ahead in the first two minutes.
The next episode took even less time. And that’s when all hell broke loose.
“Wait, I don’t remember that one.” Yamato protested.
“Sure you do, it’s the one where…”
“Where what?” Yamato accused, now sitting up and moving the other end of the couch to put space between you.
Grimacing, knowing that he’d said too much, Kakashi dropped his head a bit. “I might have watched this one at the office with Genma.” “You didn’t?”
“I didn’t even think you liked it.” Throwing a pillow at his lover’s head, Yamato pouted, “That’s not the point. We were watching it together.”
“It’s okay. I’ll watch it again.”
“This is real life! You don’t get to restart things when you make a mistake!”
“Yes you can. There is literally a restart button.”
Knowing Kakashi had totally missed the point, Yamato shoved him away with his foot. “Restart it, but don’t you dare think about cuddling me.”
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laisaxrem · 4 years
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Naruto Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Haruno Sakura/Hatake Kakashi Characters: Haruno Sakura, Hatake Kakashi Additional Tags: 50 Types of Kisses - Writing Prompts, Prompt 46 - A lingering kiss before after a long trip apart, I’m an idiot, I had read wrong, so I corrected the prompt, I said you that I’m an idiot Summary:  Kakashi. If you reply to this letter by telling me that you will be late again, know that it doesn't matter, I understand perfectly. Hokage's duties come first, I've always told you. Also because now I have someone else to keep my bed warm at night, so I don't need you anymore. Sakura
It had been a long and tiring month. Kakashi had been summoned by the Daimyō and what must have been a short visit of less than a week had turned into thirty-four days away not only from his beloved Village but above all from his beloved wife. Obviously when he had realized he wasn’t coming home on schedule, he had Sakura send a messenger hawk assuring her that he would be back by the end of the week. He had had to send two more messages of this kind and finally, on the twenty-fifth day, had summoned Pakkun asking him to come and see Sakura, make sure she was okay, and maybe stay with her until he returned.
Now that he finally saw the gates of the Village, Kakashi accelerated his pace. In the pocket of his uniform he heard the creaking of the paper of the last note that his wife had sent him and that he had read and reread in the last few days.
If you reply to this letter by telling me that you will be late again, know that it doesn't matter, I understand perfectly. Hokage's duties come first, I've always told you.
Also because now I have someone else to keep my bed warm at night, so I don't need you anymore.
As soon as he had read it for a moment he was baffled. Then he had burst out laughing and took pen and paper to answer… which he had never done because the Daimyō had called him urgently. From there he had returned to his apartments only to throw himself into bed for a few hours and take a quick shower the next morning. Three days later, finally, the Daimyō had given him permission to return to the Village. Kakashi hadn’t had it repeated twice and left the next day when the sun hadn’t risen yet. Throughout the journey he had forced his escort to keep pace; his goal was to get home by evening: he wanted to arrive before Sakura went to bed, he wanted to take her in his arms and hold her close and kiss her until he fell asleep.
Too bad he hadn’t come to terms with his two babysitters. Genma had started muttering about a hypothetical sprained ankle in the middle of the morning but Kakashi had ignored him. He had not been able to ignore, however, Tenzō’s insistent chakra which a couple of hours later had started to glow in waves like fire; it was a clear warning sign from his ANBU team’s taichō and for a while Kakashi was able to ignore it. It was nearly noon when he had had to give in to the insistent chakra pulses and signalled Genma and Sai to stop for lunch; he had given them a little over forty minutes, mostly because Kakashi realized that his head had started to hurt and he needed to rest (oh, he would have come up with a way to make Tenzō pay for that, that was for sure).
They had taken two more breaks, much to Kakashi’s despondency (although, as the sun went down on the horizon, it was increasingly clear to him that the chances of being able to return to the Village before evening were slim or nil) and it was dark when they finally entered the gates of Konoha.
Kakashi did not want to do anything but leave his escort there and run home but he knew he had to go to the office first: the next morning he would have to meet the full Council and update them so he needed to have all the documents in order. Shikamaru was waiting for him there and a part of Kakashi was amazed (it was tragically far beyond his usual schedule); but on the one hand he was grateful because thanks to his help he got the last chores done in half the time.
Almost two hours later Kakashi closed the file he had in front of him with a sigh.
«I’m sorry, Shikamaru, but I really have to go for today», he announced, casting a worried glance at the wall clock. Shit.
His young friend nodded and began to collect the papers neatly.
«Sakura will be mad, huh?»
«Mmm… Maybe», he conceded. Then he smiled and added: «She wrote to me that she found someone else to warm her bed».
After a second of amazement (Kakashi was happy to have said it just to see his usual bored expression give way to a pair of wide open eyes) Shikamaru laughed and rubbed the back of his neck absently.
«Good luck, then».
Too exhausted to run but with his chakra at a frighteningly low level, Kakashi weighed his alternatives and, with a nod to Shikamaru, grabbed his backpack and used the Shunshin to leave the office and reappear outside his home (he knew that Tenzō hated it when he did and that awareness was enough to compensate for the severe dizziness that hit him upon landing).
When he opened the front door he was greeted by darkness and silence.
«Tadaima», he announced in a low voice as he gently placed his backpack on the cabinet in the genkan and tidied up his sandals.
For the first time in a month, Kakashi felt he could breathe perfectly and the fatigue and frustration he had been carrying around all that time faded away from his body.
Part of him wanted nothing more than to run to their bedroom and wake Sakura, lose himself in her embrace and feel her warm skin against his, her thin but strong fingers stroking his hair. Not to have sex (he didn’t think he had the energy right now) but simply to feel her. But the other part of him knew that it was terribly late and Sakura had a bad habit of overdoing it in the hospital and Academy and wherever they called her, so she deserved every minute of sleep she could carve out.
But Kakashi needed to hear her voice. Damn.
Sighing he went into the bathroom on the ground floor and washed quickly using the little showers: he was tired but not so tired as to take the dirt of the trip to bed and at the same time he didn’t want to risk waking Sakura using the shower upstairs.
A towel around his waist and one around his neck, Kakashi padded up the stairs and went to their room. The fusuma was open and as soon as he appeared on the threshold the man realized that Sakura had not lied in her letter: in fact his wife was not alone in their bed.
With her there was a mountain of dogs.
Sakura was in his half of the bed, lying on her side, the sheets all bunched up at the bottom, Pakkun lying belly up under her right hand. Bull was crouched at her feet, his forelegs intertwined with her legs, and took up most of the bottom of the bed while the other six ninkens were arranged around them: Bisuke had his muzzle pressed against Sakura’s back, Akino was for half lying on Bull, Shiba on his stomach took up almost half of the bed forcing Ūhei to remain curled up in a corner while Urushi managed to carve out a space of his own on Sakura’s pillow and Guruko’s tufted tail was sticking out from under the sheets. Finally a small black ball was curled up on his pillow next to Sakura’s pink head, its tail stretched out to brush her neck: Yoru, their kitten, not even three months old.
Kakashi stared at the scene with his mouth open for a moment, his eyelids blinking fast, and then a laugh escaped his lips. He stopped it immediately but it was too late. Sakura moved and opened her eyes and after a few seconds she brought him into focus.
«Mmm? Kakashi?» she moaned, her voice hoarse with sleep.
He came over and knelt on the floor, one hand going to touch her shoulder left bare by the loose t-shirt she was wearing. That brief contact was like a balm for Kakashi: he knew that he had missed Sakura but until that moment he hadn’t really realized how much.
«Sorry. I didn’t want to wake you up», he whispered, leaning forward to gently kiss the skin he had just stroked.
Sakura’s eyes fixed on his and Kakashi got lost in that green, so much so that he almost didn’t notice her fingers caressing his face slowly, gently, as if to memorize every curve and every corner.
Kakashi could no longer restrain himself and leaned forward to kiss her. He didn’t even open his mouth, too exhausted to think about deepening contact, and Sakura didn’t protest. Yet that kiss on the lips, one of the most chaste they had ever exchanged without the hindrance of the mask, lasted an infinity of seconds, the lips brushing and retracting and then approaching again in a slow dance.
Finally Sakura sighed and rested her forehead against his for a second.
«When did you arrive?»
«Less than two hours ago. I had to go to the office», Kakashi replied, his fingers tracing Sakura’s skin in slow movements. Then his gaze was drawn to the movement of a tail and he smiled. «So you weren’t kidding when you said there was someone else to keep your bed warm, huh?»
«Yeah», Sakura chuckled as her fingers mimicking his. «In fact, maybe they keep a little too hot», she added, nodding her head to the sheets abandoned on the bottom of the bed.
«We can always leave, girly», came the grunt from Pakkun.
The little ninken opened his eyes and scanned them with his stern frown but Kakashi knew it was just a farce.
«Absolutely not», Sakura replied, giving a little scratch to the brown fur of his eldest ninken. «You are not going away, tonight».
«Oh. So I’ll take a futon…» Kakashi began, uncertain. Because the more he looked, the more it became evident that the ninken took up all the space in the bed and that there was no room for him too.
He had to admit, he was disappointed. Yes, the sight of Sakura and the dogs snuggled together warmed his heart, but after thirty-four days away, Kakashi wanted nothing more than to hold her in his arms and fall asleep to the sound of her breath.
«Where do you think you’re going?» Sakura stopped him, grabbing him by the wrist, as if she was afraid of seeing him disappear. «There is room for you too, you know?»
«There is?»
«There is. Come on, Rokudaime-sama, come here», Sakura urged
Kakashi hesitated a little longer, trying to figure out where he could actually lie down. On Bull, like when he was just a six year old boy? Or maybe he could convince Shiba to sleep a little more composed so as to carve out a corner of the mattress?
«Stop being precious and join us», Pakkun scolded him as he idly stretched his legs and slightly changed position. At his words, the other ninkens moved just enough to create a space behind Sakura, small but enough for Kakashi to stretch out beside his wife and hug her. «Or go to the other room: we’ll take care of keeping Sakura company», added his old friend again. Then he closed his eyes.
Giving in to Pakkun’s words and Sakura’s smile, Kakashi got up and shook off the damp towels. He already had one knee on the bed, his eyes looking for the best way to reach his place without stepping on some ears or some tails, when he was interrupted by two brown eyes that glared at him.
«Put on a pair of underwear first», Pakkun growled louder than before. And Kakashi realized that he had never actually worn a pair of boxers after washing. «What are you, a savage?»
Sakura and Kakashi stared at each other for a second, then they both burst out laughing.
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aiitherios · 3 years
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ULTIMATE SHIP MEME! || @raichoose​​
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Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship!
Rate the Ship -  I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it!
How long will they last? Either until death do they part or until Ann decides Kabuto will have a meltdown about not deserving Leni and leave her (please don’t)
How quickly did/will they fall in love? It is a slow process for them to fall in love, even slower for them to get together.
How was their first kiss? Desperate in a sense. It was sweet but also heavy with feelings they didn’t get to act on sooner, Kabuto’s aprehensiveness because “Eleni deserves someone better” and fear of rejection from both parts.
Who proposed? If someone did... I wanna say Kabuto, with a lot of encouragement from Urushi and the children
Who is the best man/men? Urushi
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? I don’t really know
Who did the most planning? They both planned it together
Who stressed the most? Kabuto
How fancy was the ceremony?  small wedding with just a few people
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? Sasuke
Who is on top? -
Who is the one to instigate things? -
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? -
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? -
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? Eleni can’t have children
How many children will they adopt? *motions at the whole orphanage Kabuto manages*
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? Whoever is responsible for it at the time
Who is the stricter parent? Kabuto
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? They both + Urushi
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? Whoever is responsible for it for the day
Who is the more loved parent? Urushi
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Eleni or Urushi, they’ll tell Kabuto all about it
Who cried the most at graduation? Both of them probably
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? Both?
Who does the most cooking? I wanna say Eleni does...
Who is the most picky in their food choice? I don’t really know
Who does the grocery shopping? Whoever is responsible for the task
How often do they bake desserts? Not too often
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? fish and salad, yes
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? Kabuto would end up acting on it first
Who is more likely to suggest going out? Neither
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? Neither?
Who cleans the room? Eleni
Who is really against chores? The children
Who cleans up after the pets? whoever is responsible for it
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? The children + Urushi sometimes
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? Kabuto
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? Eleni
Who takes the longer showers/baths? Eleni
Who takes the dog out for a walk? Kakashi what dog?
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? As often as their budget allow for it
What are their goals for the relationship? keeping each other healthy and happy (and safe), and just getting to live together in peace
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? Neither of them can afford to do it
Who plays the most pranks? The children + Eleni
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kalira · 1 year
Urushi Snuggle, please!
‟Hello, darlings!” Sakura said cheerfully, and Kakashi smiled at his mate, bouncing Mattaki gently. ‟Oh!” Sakura’s smile fell away immediately as she leaned close, and Kakashi shifted to allow her to take their cub. She slid her arms around him and rocked him as she straightened, murmuring nonsense and inspecting him, glancing back to Kakashi with an arched brow.
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kalira · 1 year
I've reached your ask, so it's time for turnaround: "Urushi Snuggle", please!
Thanks! And me finishing up (in theory) the rest of my WIP Wednesday Game asks/writing today. . .
He just couldn’t figure out what was upsetting Mattaki, or how to soothe it. Mattaki didn’t wail, but the tears and the thickly bitter scent of distress didn’t wane, either, leaving Kakashi tense and uneasy as well. He did his best to hide it, knowing that if anything his own tension would only make Mattaki more unsettled and unhappy, but they were in a sorry state when Sakura joined them.
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