#Uzi trying not to swoon every five seconds
dronebiscuitbat · 4 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 4)
Uzi was near silent on the way back to her apartment, rubbing a hole into the plastic strap of the bag she was holding. N was equally so, committing to memory the tiny droneling he'd held in his arms, and how serene Uzi had looked while feeding her.
When she got to the door she stopped for a moment, turning to N.
“My Dad's probably home by now, don't mention the nursery stuff to him. He'll probably be all “aww look at my daughter being soft.” And then I'll have to throw up.” Her voice was monotone and guarded. Prepped for talking with her dad, N nodded.
The door opened, revealing Khan milling about the kitchen, making some kind of drink that was radioactive blue. Humming cheerily to himself.
“Hey Dad, I'm back.” Her words immediately had bite, N had to surpress a laugh at how typical that was.
“Hey kiddo! How… was… uh.” His sentence died in his throat as he turned around, eyes falling on N before his own daughter. That somehow was even more typical.
“Hi Mr. Doorman.” N replied, smile a mile wide and politeness leaking through his voice, he hoped he was somewhat changing whatever opinion he had of him.
“Uh… Hello, er N. What brings you here?” Khan awkwardly fumbled his words, eyes flicking from him to his daughter, who looked already completely finished with the conversation.
“He stayed the night dad. You'd know that if you paid any attention to me.” She rolled her eyes, pushing past him to get to her room.
“He what…? In your room!?” N had not been so impolite, so now Khan was in-between them, but turned in the direction of his daughter, looking concerned and angry.
“Yep. In my room.” She deadpanned, turning back to look at him, N could see the parental panic rising in him, so he decided to take action.
“I was overheating this morning, I needed somewhere to stay until the sun went down. Totally unplanned, otherwise I would have asked.” He smiled again at Khan, trying to give the man respect.
Khan looked suspicious, still glancing between the two before sighing, shaking his head.
“Uzi, I really would like to know when you have a friend over. Especially a boy.” N felt himself stiffen, although that was super fair, he wasn't sure he'd be entirely okay with that either if he had a daughter.
Why did he think of Tera?
“I'm sorry Mr. Doorman, it really was an emergency.” He explained. Ignoring Uzi's attempts to blow off her dad. “And if it makes you feel better I would never hurt your daughter, she's my best friend.” He added, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Uzi fluster.
She was always so shy about being vulnerable.
“I-I It does… actually. I'll admit I don't know a lot about you N. How… do you feel about my daughter?” Khans question wasn't accusatory, which was a great sign in N's book. And even better, this question was easy!
“She's awesome!” He replied simply, not knowing how better to explain how dear she was to him.
“N!” She hissed, crossing her arms and looking away embarrassed.
“What? You are!” He replied, turning back to Khan who looked deliberative.
“Thats not exactly… ah well, I suppose that is an answer.” Khan then seemed as if he was reassured, if only a little, and turned to N again, smiling even if it was wary.
“Then maybe we should sit down and talk sometime. If my daughter has friends, I aught to get to know them.” N beamed, this was what he'd wanted! If Khan liked him, maybe he could hang around Uzi more!
“I wouldn’t mind that, Mr. Doorman. “
“N, come on, I wanna get this stuff sat down!” Uzi called his attention, and they both disappeared behind Uzi's bedroom door, leaving Khan as he started. Alone.
Was he really okay with this? Letting a murder drone into his home to “hang out” with his daughter? He was conflicted, on one hand, he was happy his daughter had actually made a friend, he was concerned that she'd end up being alone one day. On the other, N was a disassembly drone, He'd killed so many worker drones, so many of his friends, and was part if the squad that took Nori from him.
He sighed, he would have to sit down with the boy after all, if only quell some of these thoughts.
“Ugh… Dad is so nosy!” Uzi cried out, throwing herself into her chair and the bag into her fridge, spinning the chair around in irritation.
“He's just worried about you. I'm not exactly the safest thing around.” N pointed out, still standing just inside the door, gesturing to himself with his hands.
“He left me for dead, he doesn't get to be worried. And also you are! I always feel safe with you.” At the end if that sentence, she blushed, spinning her chair sway from him so he couldn't see. She hadn't intended that to be anything but internal.
“Aww, Uzi.” He grinned, knowing she would be embarrassed at herself for saying that. But more than that, he felt warm, knowing that he made Uzi of all drones feel safe. Even though she could probably easily kick his ass, was a very nice feeling.
“Bite me, your sappiness is rubbing of on me.” She mumbled, before spinning back around in her chair. Still looking upset.
“My dad…he left me to die the day we met. He was fully willing to let you do whatever you wanted to me.” She said, her voice small.
“But now that we're friends, he thinks he can boss you around?! He's lucky you didn't eat me like you were supposed to! He should be groveling at your feet! Not treating you like some… teenage boy trying to get in my pants!” She yelled, stamping her foot, for a moment the solver symbol appeared in her eye, not that she noticed.
“We don't have-”
“Figure of speech.” She clarified before giggling “And we're both adults, if you wanna completely tear it down.”
They both laughed, N looking around for somewhere to sit before deciding the floor worked just fine. He plopped down, sitting cross legged with his tail in his lap.
“Almost adults, I'm just 19.” He said, startling her a little. Huh.
“Wait really? I thought you were older?”
“Nah, well I mean. Yes? Uh, Tessa, the girl who rebuilt me, found me in a junkyard. So I guess I'd have to been around awhile? But I don't remember what my life was like before that.”
“And that was 19 years ago so… uh.”
Oh wow, he could have lived an entire life before we was rebuilt. Did that count? Was he like 60 or something? Ew… that would make his and Uzi's friendship kinda weird.
“I mean… the version of you in your memories looked pretty young, older drones tend to be boxier, my guess is that you had some sort of defect. Like V and her vison.” Uzi said, making him feel better, he didn't feel 60 either, 19 felt right. He was completely reset when Tessa rebuilt him, so it had to be.
“Right, and J with her uh… aggressiveness.” He replied, he had quite a bit more to say about her, but that would be impolite.
“I mean, I'm only 18, and you had the same body type as Thad, who's the same age as me. 19 is probably right. Was there anything you struggled with when coming online?” She asked, cocking her head to the side, the chair and her hovering over him.
He thought for a moment, before something hit him. Literally, his tail had swung up and had hit him in the face. Uzi supressed a laugh, he found himself blushing, weather at his own screw up or how weirdly pretty her laugh sounded.
“I was clumsy. I am clumsy.”
“That would be it. Can't have an accident prone worker. You were probably decommissioned pretty soon after assembly… damn humans.” Her face fell, although she was still hovering over him, she no longer looked at him. Although he had to admit, she looked really nice from this angle.
Huh, that was a different thought. But he didn't disagree with it, he had thought that way about a lot of drones at prom. Everyone had been so dapper!
Still, the room fell into a comfortable silence, it was dark by now, he had no more reason to stay. But he found himself not wanting to leave. Besides it's not like if he went home V would even talk to him.
The spire had been so lonely lately.
“I'm still thinking about Tera.” Uzi broke the silence, head resting on one of her hands, her eyes glancing over at the door as if her dad could hear through it.
“She's so cute…” N immediately replied, his core immediately beginning to melt at the thought of the baby drone.
“Yeah, but that's not what I was thinking.” She hummed, using her solver to lazily open her fridge and crack open a cannister of oil, putting a straw in it.
“Her parents just, abandoned her, and they didn't even have the decency to name her!” Her frustration was clear, and N for once felt himself share it. Tera was the cutest thing alive, she deserved awesome parents! Not people who would just create her and then dump her.
“I like the name Tera though.” Is all he said, keeping a lid on his frustration for now, besides, Uzi was expressing enough of it for the both of them.
“I do too, not the point. I just… I don't want a baby to feel the way I did that day we met.”
So that's where this conversation was leading to.
Uzi had felt abandoned that day for sure, but she'd felt that way long before that. Khan had absorbed himself in his work when Nori had died, leaving her in her room, alone, so many nights…
“I know someone is going to adopt her. She's a really happy baby. No one can resist that. I just… really hope she won't be effected by it.” Her frown was evident, and she'd completely ceased paying attention to N, instead lost in her thoughts.
If she hadn't been, she might have seen him stand up.
In a second she was lifted bridal style, before being crushed in a massive hug. She squeaked, both at the suddenness of it and at N's arms wrapping tightly around her.
“E-N?! He-”
“I won't abandon you.”
Oh… did that make her core swell, it was heavy and it ached. She nearly wanted to cry, or scream maybe. N had gotten her right in the vulnerable spot, as he often did. She found herself leaning into his hug.
“I-I Know.”
“Sometimes I don't think you do.” He replied, squeezing tighter. She wondered if he ever felt the same, being tossed away like actual garbage, and then turned into something that was the literal antithesis of who he was.
“You know… I won't leave you either right?” She wasn't as good with words as he was and boy did it show, but still she felt his entire body stiffen before his hug somehow got tighter.
“Thank you.” Was his only reply, before he slowly sat he back down on the chair, Uzi looked away, willing her blush to go away before turning back to face him. Half-surprised to see a slight blush dusting his face.
“Do you want to keep visiting her? At least until someone adopts her? That way, neither of you will feel alone.” N suggested, even in the back of his mind, he knew it wasn't a wise idea, he was already getting attached, and he knew it would be hard on him when she had new parents.
But he'd deal with that, so long as he didn't have to see Uzi feel like she didn't matter anymore. Or worry about the little droneling feeling that way.
“Yeah… I'd like that.”
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