#V: Krabats Songcycle
hunting-songs · 3 months
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oc asks: character design edition! In her Jujutsu-Kaisen Verse Senritsu wears a ravenfeather instead of dandelions on her hatband, instead of a blouse she wears a Buscherump and the Tippelei-earring in her left ear that is usually just a golden earring that is traditionally used by journeymen to pay for their funreal in case they die before becoming a Master, is in that verse specifically the Miller-crafts-symbol: a small golden millwheel behind a sack of flour. The raven feather: In the sorbian storis of the Sourcerer Krabat he and the other sourcerers were able to turn into ravens and would everynight, after they had worked at the Black Mill during the day, turn into ravens to be teached spells by the Millermaster. That of course does not make sense in the JJK-World, but its a nice marking for a organisation.
Miller-Tippelei-Earring: A Tippelei Earing is used as a way to carry money on the person and in the case of Journeymen it is "the amount of money one needs to pay a proper burial". As Journeymen are not allowed to earn / own money for as long as they are on the Great Wandering, the earring is a safety measure to pay for their funreal. In the Krabat myth, the millerboys were bound by the Millermaster to be prisoners and the Millermaster would very new-year-eve sacrefice one of the millerboys to Gevatter Tod to extrend his life for another year. In the case of the European JJK-Sourcerers the story is a great warning to not rely on one great sourcerer or one great leader since like in the story, there is a chance of them misusing their skills for their own gain. Krabats story is also in nowdays germany a story that is readin school as a preperation for history lessons to start the topic of the Nazi-time , so the avoidance to give all the power to just one person and avoiding another "millermaster", but also beein g part of a group of young people swayed into dangeoruse philosophy by the promsi of greatness turns into a even more intense warning. Ottfried Preußler, who took the Krabat Mythos and turned it into the youth-neovella nowdays read in school was himself born 1923, so he wrote out of his own expierences in the HJ, him serving as a soldier in WW2, and his memories from beeing a warprisoner.
Buscherump: A Buscherump is a blue and white striped fisher-shirt that is usually worn by fishers in northgermany, holland, frisian and denmark. Its part of rough, pragamtic workwear. Due to its durability its also normal day-wear for hard work. After listening to the SOnata of Darkness Senritsu had been picked up by Sourcerers living by the Northsea-coast so she just wears the shirt out of habit since it does not easy rip.
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hunting-songs · 8 months
@katikis started following you !
"I can hear you following me.", The Musicians short fingers that used to look very different, flicked nimbly over to the next page of the auctionhouses catalogue. Yet instead of using her Mobile Phone to read the next page to her and maybe find what she had come to Japan to to search for, she put the phone beside her on the bench, brushing a few leafs off the bench that felt dancing to the floor in the same movement. Tokyo was loud, loud, loud- every noise was another nail digging into her skull and hammering, hammering, hammering deeper. But sitting on the bench under the tree , where the trees leafs rustling in the mild weather had wrapped her in a protective veil of soft, barely hearable humming that stroked like cold silk against the nails of other noises, made the world around her quieter, quieter, quieter. "Which is neither here nor there, I had heard you three streets away and I am not complaining neither. I like listening to the heartbeat of mhmmm...a teacher, I assume? Correct me if I am wrong, please." It was not a lie, there was something about people who looked after others in a nurturing way out of their passion for a line of work or because of a conviction, that was like the sweetes melody Senritsu had ever heard and it was easy for her to hear this melody in the orchestra that was formed of another persons way of moving, tact of breathing, and heartbeat. The short finger that had before ran along the catalogues page lifted into the air and danced nimbly to the melody only she could hear: "Although yours is - " 'more lively', she wanted to say. 'more wilder' she orderd herself to say'. 'More stronger' she bagged herself to say. The scent of apples stroked around her nose like a soft finger and Senritsu only shaked her head as if she could shake off the olfactorily hallucination like a too heavy coat. The words were stuck in her throat like stones making it hard to breath. With a quiet frustrated sigh, massaging her left temple to sooth the incoming headache, she only said instead: "-più vivo than any others teachers I have heard before. But again, that is just my opinion and I am not complaining about beeing followed by someone whos heartbeat is nice to listen to, after al, other people need to pay money for music, I have it for free. But I just wanted to note that sneaking up to me is very much useless just so you would not be disappointed if it would not work." Eventually the woman looked up with a smile, even if the smile was a tad mischievous and curled waggishly around her buckteeth as she laughed to a joke only she could hear: "Unless it hurts your ego too much, than of course you can go back to the end of the street and sneak up on me again. I will do my very best to appear startled, I promise." The Musician winked friendly.
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hunting-songs · 4 months
"I'm fine, just a scratch." He doesn't seem particularly bothered by the gaping hole in his side.
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After-Action Patch-Up starters! The sewer was loud. Not as loud as the city above it, but still so loud that every drop of water hitting the ground made a the needle of a migraine bore deeper into Senritsus skull. The sewer was loud. As if she was meditating Senritsu had sat down, reassembled her flute, cleaned the pieces and put them back together, only to begin again until the dry clacking of the bonepices was everything she heard. The sewer was still loud. Until she heard that specific melody of footsteps that could only be Mahitos. Until she heard something else on him that made her flinch and drowned every other noise in her ears.
Senritsu did not needed to see the other for her face to turn as pale as a sheet of paper and look where she knew the others head must be with very big and very horrified and very worried eyes. Automatically she stepped forward; small, like old wood gnarled hands outstretched as if she needed to support him. Senritsu cought herself before she actually reached the Curse, but it did not changed the fact that she stood there with her head tilted to the side as always when listening keenly and a still much too pale face. "...Mahito, I can hear the air howling through that hole in you.", the Musicians voice was gentle and even had the singsang of a friendly smile- the voice of someone who knew and used the fact that the tune of a voice could influence other people. And the way she spoke was so calm, she sounded more like a Kindergarten-teacher breaking down and explaining a complicated fact to her class. A complicated fact that was a gaping hole in Mahitos side. Automatically the woman grabbed the boneflute, already going through the different effects she knew her songs had and what song would be able to heal what she was hearing: "Do you need help?" [ @distortedkilling ]
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hunting-songs · 6 months
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"Come catch these hands, Senritsu!" He's not using that phrase correctly but it doesn't change the fact he is coming for her.
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Senritsus expression was as excited as that of a Ocean-sunfish beeing gnawed on by a shark only for the shark to realize two exhausting bites in that the sunfish was too densely made of gristle and much too low on nutrients to be even worth the energy those bites costed. For a moment, just a moment Senritsu tilted her head from one side to another like a thoughtful bird, trying to figure out how much time she would need to cross the park and disappear in the streets but eventually she ended with the realisation that Mahito had a lot of longer legs than her (that would become even longer if he chosed to) and therefor he would definitive catch up to her. There was a amused, almost humorous laughter in her throat over Senritsu noticing her own childish thoughts and she just shaked her head in all good humor. Still sitting on the bench the woman tilted attentive her head to the side- she heard Mahitos steps, she heard his voice, she heard the air pressed aside by the smallest of his movements, she heard his hair rustling around his face. Her eyes found his face easily, even if she could not see it. "I hope you mean by 'catching hands' a gaudioso round of Omochio,"', the Musician hummed gently, lifting her small hands in defeat: "- because if you hit me or anything similar, I doubt that you would enjoy the echo." [ @distortedkilling ]
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hunting-songs · 6 months
Suprise Visitor / from shoko!
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Send me “ Suprise Visitor “ for My Muse ( Ask Reciever ) to open their door and see Your Muse ( Ask Sender) standing there, injured, beaten up, exhausted and looking for Help.
Senritsu lay on the bed, unable to sleep, unable to stop listening. Even this early in the morning the Hotel was loud: There was the rustle of bedsheets hen the other hotelvisitors in the other rooms turned in their beds, there was breathing as loud as thunder from the cleaning-staff as they for every other ear soundlessly made their way from etage to etage, there was the buzzing of electricity like the rushing of blood through veins going through the wires in the hotels walls, there were the clanking of pots and dishes in the hotels kitchen preparing the breakfast in a few hours etages below where Senritsu had rented a room.
Senritsu lay on the bed, unable to sleep, unable to stop listening.
Even this early in the moring the city past the Hotels walls was loud: There were cars honking, voices laughing and talkingn so loud their voices stitched into Senritsus ears like needles, wind rushing in between the buildings sharply, the distant humm of the occean and the muttering of power lines.
Senritsu lay on the bed, unable to sleep, unable to stop listening.
And between all this mixed the quiet humming of the elevator that opned with a quiet ping on the same etage Senritsus room was on. The door of the elevator slided open, making a wave of noises wash into the corridor loudly.
Before Senritsu had been laying on the bed, unable to sleep, unable to stop listening.
Now she was on her feet, in three big steps through the door and did not managed to slow down fast enough on the corridor so she just smacked into the opposite wall loud enough to make her own ears ring. The woman did not cared for it, she was listening, listening, listening. Her head snapped around, listening, listening, listening. And she sprinted down the corridor, listening, listening, listening.
Towards the elevartor. Towards the sound of a hectic heartbeat. Towards the sound of blood dripping loudly on the corridors carpet.
Senritsu had not spend much time with the japanese sorcerers yet, but she never forgot a song she had heard before and she had heard that heartmelody before briefly. In the much too bright light of the hotel rooms corridor the blood dropping on the carpet looked almost black and had dyed the other womans hands just as dark. "Ieiri? You are Ieiri, are you?", Senritsus small hands reached for the taller woman, aiming to steady her so she could walk her to her hotelroom. There was no tremble in the Musicians voice- it was steady, it was firm, it was gentle and it left a vibration in the air that felt as good as a cool cloth on a feverish forehead. The vibration hit the others body, traveled along their limbs, hit the skin, the muscles beneath, the bones and tissue to make it vibrate in the frequency of her voice and with that very easy for the much too keen ears of the woman. to hear of what the others injuries consisted: " I see, yes, Ieiri.", the musician nodded to herself as if the other woman had answered: " What happned?"
[ @gyofukuki ]
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hunting-songs · 6 months
 “Campfire Stories”
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Send me “Campfire Stories” and my muse will tell yours about a scary tale, folk story, or even one of their own spooky experiences.
She had fled the noises of the city to the nearest beach. Senritsu had never been a good sleeper, but sleep was nothing but a distant dream, a wish, a fantasy, when she was visiting cities even when the noises would die down at night a little. Those noises never died down enough for her, every breath, every electric buzzing, every honking car, every person turning in their beds, every step on asphalt, was another nail boring into her skull painfully. But sometimes the weather was a blessing and in the grey mist laying over the ocean by the beach like a thick blanket the noises were almost muffled down and if she focused- focused intensely, focused tieredly, focused desperately- enough on the waves and the gulls above she could almost think it was quiet. It was still not quiet enough to not hear Suguru. "It does not sound like the northsea at all.", the woman hummed, running her short, gnarled fingers nimbly through the cold water until they felt numb and cold like lifeless pieces of meat sticking to her arm. Shoes pulled off the woman had crouched down as close to the waves as she could without diving into the ocean, so the cold water would tickle around her ankles and shins icily.
"Much too colourful. Much too rilassato. Ma non troppo murderous. And even with bells and buildings washed over by the waves beneath, it really does not sound like the northsea." The frown on her round face drew a long, deep line between her big eyes as she continued to tieredly listen, listen, listen. She heard the near harbour that never slept, she heard the waves, she heard the buzzing of electricity in the air from the near buildings, she heard Sugurus breathing warm and alive against the cold air, she heard the fish darting through the deeper waters farer out into the bay that were still unbotherd from any fisher or beachvisitor at this early hour. Between all those noises it was still quiet enough to sooth the migraine that the noises of the city hammering, hammering, hammering like ironnails into the Musicians skull would cause.
"Did you know that the oldest northgerman rhyme in songs and poems is Nordsee=Mordsee? Northsea=murdersea, roughly translated. It even shows in the local folklore how much that sea is feared for its murderous nature. When someone drowns at sea, they come back as a Gonger. Named after the Gong-sound the bells of the nightwatch make to announce midnight. So when this bell sounds air through the night the Gonger, bloated up and grey and cold rises out of the sea that had swallowed them. But they do not go after the family waiting for them on the Halligen or by the coast. Instead they hunt down the people seven generations down the line from them who dared to be born and raised and be happy without them. At night the Gonger presses through the smallest space, be that under a door or through a keyhole to lay down ontop of the people they hunt and make them dream of drowning. In the morning this people would wake up with in saltwater drenched sheets and a puddle of the same water covering their bedrooms floor. The Gonger will than fuoco continue to visit them until they either drown just like they do or they remember the drowned person they dare to forget. Most storys end with them drowning. The Gonger is not picky." With a huff Senritsu eventually stood up and stepped back, shaking the water off her gnarled feet even if it did not stopped any sand from sticking to her soles. In the much too early morning the sand was cold, crunching in her much too keen ears loudly beneath her feet like little bones. The noise made her grimace as if she had bitten on a foul fruit and Senritsu just shaked her head gently with a rueful laughter over such a little, normal noise making her flinch uncomfortable: "Its of course nothing but a metaphor for the aimless danger of nature. The Gonger, just like the northsea goes after random people with no connection to another, but the fact that they live near the coast like their drowned relative as people related to another sometimes happen to do. Just as people drown in storms by the sea for no reason but the fact that they happned to live by the sea. Its semplice stories that try to give sense to natural and random happenings." There was a quiet sound when she patted the sand off her cold, numb feet and slipped back into her ballerina shoes. The shells she had collected a few hours before when she had seekd ut the bay and put in her vests pockets clinked against another like bells. Almost, only almost overtuning the heartbeat of the sorcerer Senritsu was listening to. Voices and mechanic roars echoed through the mist from one near harbour slowly waking up from the early hours doozing.
"Well than, dear cicerone," The woman sang those words as sweetly as a song swaying in the tact of the waves when she grinned up to the man in all good humor: " I told you mine, now its your chance to tell me yours. Indulge my curiosity velocità. Maybe that pacific ocean of yours is indeed as murderous as my atlantic ocean, mhmmmmmmmmm?" [ @uzumakiuser ]
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hunting-songs · 8 months
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@distortedkilling started following you ! Badump.Badump. Badump. Tokyo was loud, not only from people, but from everything around them. At day the city was a storm of life, every single second was filled with noises that digged, digged, digged deeper into Senrotsus ears until she stuffed her ears with wax as if she was part of the Argonauts, trying not to lose herself against in the noise and throw herself into the deadly waters to drown. Badump.Badump. Badump. At night the city was not sleeping and never resting, yet the noises had changed: It was not a storm of sounds coming to drown her at every second, but it was a blubbering rising of the water of sounds that would stroke around her chin almost gently, ready to swallow her. Badump.Badump. Badump. Still, Senritsu preferred the night- more because she could not fall asleep anyway with the night so loud, yet the air was more cold at this time so a walk was as refreshing as a gulp of icy water. Badump.Badump. Badump. She had heard- quite literally, the rushing of trees was easy to make out between the clanking of metal and buzzing of electronics- that there was a park near her hotel, so the woman aimed through the Labyrinth of streets for this quiet peacful rushing that might was a park or maybe just a bench under the trees. Badump.Badump. Badump. The woman stopped, just for a moment, to tilt her head to the side and listen more keenly. She had listened too all the walking-melodys of everyone in the net streets, only for have one of those melodys to change into something more lightly,something that sounded like a dance. Accompanied by the painful groaning and crying of other people, who were not walking, who sounded disorted as if ripped appart, whos voices did not echoed in the space of a proper chest but wrongly, who sounded in pain, pain ,pain , but also wrong, wrong, wrong.
Senritsu did her very best to walk faster.
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hunting-songs · 9 months
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"They are walking again." Senritsus head snapped up so fast she heard the bones in her neck pop quietly. When before she had leaned with her back against the hosuewall, now she automatically started walking, mirroring the tact of the steps of the person with three rows of houses parellel to her as if she was the echo of their steps that would not even be hearable to anyone elses ears: "Calma."
She did not even bothered to look at the other and instead tilted her head to the side attentively- she heard her own steps, she heard the steps of the other, she heard the people living in the rows of buildings slowly waking up and moving sluggishly, she heard the few cars passing by on the street on the street on the other side of the three rows of buildings, and between all this, between this wild mix of noises forming the orechestra of a citys heartbeat that never slep but had become more calm in the morning, she heard the targets movements with their calm heartbeat and their light steps that were a stark contrast to the mechanic songs of the cars and the tiered, heavy movements of the inhabitants of the three rows of buildings between her and the one she was keeping track of.
Senritsus short fingers started to dance, her fingertips lightly tapping the melody of the strangers heartbeat against her leg in a calm, slow song.
"No change in their heartbeat. No hestiation in their steps. No accelerato. No tension. If they think that they are followed, it is because they are paranoid, but they have no clue that we are indeed following so even if the have their guard up, it is not because of us, but is their natural state.", the woman explained, her short fingers continueing tapping the melody of the others calm heartbeat against her leg lightly.
The short woman continued walking, the cool morningmist stroked lightly against her round face like damp, gentle fingers.
"May I ask- why do you need to keep an -" -ear, Senritsu couldn´t stop the amused smile spreading over her round face and she lowered her head slightly to hide it curling around her stark fronteeth. The woman shaked her head gently, scolding herself over her own stupid joke in her head, yet there was still a mildy amused singsang in the back of her voice as sweet as a song: "-eye on this person?"
Her head still slightly tilted to the side Senritsus eyes looked infront of them along the street, but nowhere in particular. She had never trusted her eyes much, even before her hearing had become her main way of sensing the world around her, and with her drastically reduced vision now the almost empty morningstreet wrapped in a mantle of pale mist looked like a messy leadpencil sketch. The row of buildings peeled itself barely out of the thick morningmist and the windows were either blinded by curtains or still black.
"You do not need to answer, I am just curious. You are paying me to keep track of the other guy, so that is what I am doing. A little smalltalk would not be able to distract me from that, but would make things for me more- mhmmm," she tapped a short finger against her chin thoughtfully. The pale morninglight was dyeing the world around her deeply grey: "- ...vivezza?"
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hunting-songs · 9 months
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V: Böse Menschen haben keine Lieder [Pre-curse Verse] Translation of the saying: "Settle, where one loves to sing, singing is no bad-folks' thing." First and last line of Johann Gottfried Seumes Poem "Die Gesänge", based on the idea that when singing people can never have bad thoughts. Singing is in its origin a tool of communication, cooperation and social togetherness. This Verse spans the time from Senritsus childhood with her family and their trade with the bodypart-collector-community, to her time in the Consortium, to the Hunter-Exam and eventually beeing a full fledged Music-Hunter until Ask plays the Sonata of Darkness when they are drunk. In this verse Senritsu is not only very young, but also very much still the typical Emitter-personality with a short temper , stark restlessness and typical boldness.
V: Es saß ein klein wild Vöglein [HxH Verse] There sat a little wild birdie” is a ballade from the 19th century, best known as the “first emanzipation song”. The little wildbirdie sits on a branch in the cold night when a voice asks why wouldn´t the birdie come into his warm home and sing for him as he would put gold and silk on the birdies wings. The birdie (the woman) refuses (the marriage proposal from the man) the offer and instead stays outside in independence, waiting for the soon rising sun to warm her wings instead. This Verse spans Senritsus time from beeing cursed: Her time at the hospital, her time as a Music-Hunter starting her connections to the Bodypart-collectors and eventually the Mafia, the Yorkshin Arc and the Black Whale Arc. Unless plotted otherwise Senritsu will be a Music-Hunter traveling around and looking or the Musicsheets of the Sonata of Darkness, taking on jobs as a bodyguard/ Musical researcher/ Musical-instrument conservator on her journeys
V: Bium bium [Paranormal investigator Verse] Bium Bium is a monster waiting outside before childrens windows to lure them away at night. Outside of the Hunter X Hunter-World, Senritsu seeks out paranormal happenings and locations in hopes she would find the cursed Music-sheets that listening to had turned her the way she is. 
V: Chatot Sings [Pokemon Verse] Originally a hobby- musician and fulltime archaeologist from Paldea, focused on the discovery of Musicinstruments and the textualisation of songs from all over the world, Senritsus life changed after her best friend (and colleague) played a Musicpiece he had found on the dig side they were working at at that time. Her friend and colleagues gone and her changed into a unrecognizable state, Senritsu now seeks out old ruins and Dig-Sides all over the world to find other parts of the Musicpiece to make sure what happened to her would not happen to anyone else. Her team consists of: Seismitoad, Toxtricity , Toxicroak, Poliwhirl , Politoed and her best friends Chatot who keeps on copying Senritsus passed friends (his former trainers) voice to make sure noone forgets how he sounded.
V: Krabats Songcycle [Jujutsu Kaisen Verse] Krabat is a sorcerer from many sorbian stories describing his life during the the Great Northern War, first how he is bound to the Black Mill to learn, how he escapes the Miller-Master, his life serving people in the war and eventually returning to the Black Mill to free the other journeyman from the Miller-Master. Parts of the story were brought into modern literature through Ottfried Preußlers young-adult Novella “Krabat and the sorcerer’s mill”.
As a normal human, Senritsus life changed one night when her friend gets his hands on a cursed object and plays the music of the musicsheet. Her soul distorted and her body transfiguered in such a way that she is now even able to hear cursed energy through the bones of her skull beeing brutally crushed and reassembled wrongly, Senritsu is fetched up by  the european sorcerer community who originally thought that she would just die off after a few days.Just like her friend and the distorted flora and fauna of the area she and her friend were in did*. She did not, against all exceptions. In fact due to her much too keen hearing and the distortion of her soul, Senritsu is able to use reverse curse technique by using the by her played music to speed up a bodies self-healing. Although she is specifically not able to heal her disfiguered body. Usually always accompanied by a Sorcerer from europe, Senritsu travels to Japan after she heard about the transfigured humans Mahito left behind in hopes she might find a hint to other musicsheets of the cursed Musicpiece. Obviously this was a wrong lead *There are bets on how long Senritsu survives as a transfigured human and if she dies first or instead first transmits the curse by playing the Sonata for someone else (In which case she would be killed beforehand). For now there are a lot of european sorcerers who own Senritsu money, because she had passed all expections and is against all odds not only still alive but still very sane.
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