wydlads · 4 months
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d'andy + limsa 🌊
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alannah-corvaine · 6 months
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ᴅᴇᴄᴇᴍʙʜʏᴜʀ ▶ ᴅᴀʏ 3   ↳   ʜᴏᴍᴇ
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cute-sweet-corgo · 7 months
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Da bebis
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plenary-indulgence · 1 year
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my favorite job npcs!!
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wildstar25 · 11 months
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Waiting on their sandwich order
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finalfantacee · 1 year
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Happy International Womens Day
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xiakha · 9 months
FFXIVWrite2023 Prompt #18 - A Fish Out of Water
The Sisters were a known entity to Y'shtola for the same reason a precocious child would be interested in tide pools. She never knew when something interesting would be dragged in. Whether it be someone or some rumor, Y'shtola thought it well worth the price of a finger sandwich or two at the Bismarck for the latest gossip.
V'kebbe did not speak as she was eating except to swear in enjoyment. Mercifully, she also ate rather fast. Woe betide the fool that got between V'kebbe and her sandwich.
As for Y'shtola, she had a sandwich herself, but presently only sipped tea. With the way that V'kebbe eyed Y'shtola's sandwich even as she was still shoving her own sandwich into her mouth, Y'shtola thought it wise to leave it as extra incentive.
V'kebbe chased what remained of her sandwich with some juice and let out a satisfied sigh.
"Damn well hit th' spot. Much obliged, Miss Y'shtola, a regular gentry-mort ye be."
"I'm delighted, I'm sure," Y'shtola put down her cup, "Now about this newcomer."
V'kebbe wiped her mouth more daintily than Y'shtola expected her to, "Aye, been floatin' betwixt us Sisters and th' Marauders'. One o' four survivors of a botched mutiny."
"Oh? A botched mutiny? And I didn't know the Sisters left survivors for mutinies."
Such was the nature of piracy. The captain's orders were law on the high seas, for the captain was the only member of the crew with a charter. To mutiny was to rise against the captain and thus the charter, and the charter was often the only thing keeping crews from attacking friendlies or other allied pirates. A crew greedy, foolish, or desperate enough to mutiny instead of finding common ground with the captain or toughing it out until the next port and leaving was dangerous to everyone else on the high seas. Except in the very rare case in which a captain was for whatever reason spared, successful mutinies aboard Lominsan ships were put down with impunity as soon as the relevant authorities caught wind of it. Retribution needed be swift, total, and utterly unpredictable, and it was often one of the Sisters or their sister organization that would do the deed.
That said, opposing a mutiny as it was occurring was generally suicide. The captain and the few that backed them would be put in the brig if they survived the initial encounter, but inevitably put to the blade soon after. Mutineers that could prove they were forced under sword or musket to go along with it were generally spared death and were sentenced instead to hard labor. However, as only the captain's word could vouch for a crew member, few could prove anything.
"No sense killin' pirates that ain't mutinous. And 'twas botched on th' account of this virago. Bloody sided with th' Capt'n against her own lover and the rest!"
Y'shtola's ear's perked, "How curious, a relationship onboard a pirate ship?"
"On a crew of all ewes too, a frigate o' frigates if ye please."
"'Tis indeed quite queer a circumstance. Pirates take lovers to strengthen their martial bonds as well as marital, do they not?"
"Aye, but this judy supposedly had a vision tellin' her it weren't right. Fought off the crew and barricaded herself, the captain, and two others in the captain's quarters. They held out 'til the Sisters caught up to the ship."
Y'shtola motioned to the waiter for another cup of tea, "A vision?"
"Sommat 'bout the leader o' the mutiny lyin' to seize the ship. No idea how the mort knew. Anyroad, she's not thrilled to be rubbin' elbows with the crew that croaked her lover. I could point ye in her direction if yer interested."
Y'shtola took one finger sandwich for herself to go with her tea, placing it on her saucer, and pushed the rest towards V'kebbe. "I'd be much obliged."
Y'shtola awoke under an unfamiliar ceiling, to unfamiliar walls, and in an unfamiliar position. Normally, she slept on her back or curled up against a pillow. Right now, she was in the arms of someone as the little spoon. It wasn't uncomfortable, per se, save that she could feel her back soaked in sweat.
Right. Xiao. Her person of interest. The pirate with visions. She had encountered the pirate investigating the same disturbance she was, even before following up on V'kebbe's lead. A rampaging Goobbue and a cryptic dagger later, she had invited the nearly-mute-save-for-some-cant pirate to a meal, and then, well, after having a bit too much to drink, they staggered to Xiao's room.
Really, perhaps it wasn't right to be taking advantage of a woman in such a vulnerable position, lost and directionless in a new city on the other side of the Star, having just lost a lover to a cruel sort of justice. But well, Y'shtola had urges like just about anyone else, and an evening spent staring at Xiao's loose shirt drawstrings and plunging neckline made Y'shtola very curious as to what shifting shapes lay under that linen. She was much rewarded for this curiosity upon curiosity. Xiao was more than decent in bed, despite the language barrier. She had endurance and strength enough to lift Y'shtola bodily even bells into the night, and her calloused fingers knew how to be rough and yet tender at once. Thus, despite the lack of experience, Xiao was able to sate Y'shtola of an itch that was left unscratched for longer than Y'shtola was aware of. In turn, the archon showed Xiao how cunningly skillful her lips and tongue could be at more than just words and easily kept well apace with the vivacious younger woman.
Now though, the one night stand had well enough passed into day, and Y'shtola needed to go. For a bath among other things.
Xiao finally stirred as Y'shtola had finished toweling off her sweat and redressed. She casually exposed herself in the mid morning sun with a stretch, leaving the older Miqo'te strangely proud to have bedded such a chiseled statuesque beauty. Her heart skipped a beat in a concerning way.
Gods, she needed to leave.
Xiao reached out to Y'shtola, for an embrace perhaps, or to keep her here for a while longer. Y'shtola adopted a conciliatory look and shook her head.
"A thousand pardons, Xiao, but I really should get going. I'll look fondly back at the time we shared."
"My investigations need continue afore the trail grows cold. Thank you for your assistance yesterday, but I believe you've been fairly compensated for your time."
Y'shtola tore her eyes from Xiao and walked swiftly to the door, but the pirate got out of bed and grabbed her from behind before Y'shtola could open it.
In a way, this was what Y'shtola was afraid of.
With gentle elbow nudging the ribs and a hand pushing away Xiao's face, Y'shtola twisted out of the embrace and held Xiao at arm's length.
"Really, I don't wish to lead you on any further than I already have. 'Twas purely a fling, a bit of physicality, that I desired. Nothing more."
Xiao wore the saddest, most pitiful look on her face.
"But who knows? Perhaps our paths will cross again." She offered Xiao a small smile, "Until then."
And then she slipped out of the room and shut the door after her. Feeling now comfortably alone and a lot less naked, she made her escape of those unfamiliar emotional confines that she desired not to trifle with.
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windupsanson · 2 years
Who can forget the greatest crime in Limsa and most tragic quest end.
The stealing of V'kebbe sandwich and Jacke punishment.
A tale of crimes, betrayal and revenge.
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XXX. Amity
Gods damn that Sea Wolf scrag to the Seventh Hell, he’d managed to get V’kebbe good with that bardiche. She’d managed to avoid getting her arm lopped off, thank the Warden, but the bite of steel into her shoulder had still been a nasty one.
Once Perimu had bandaged her up as best he could and helped her hobble back to the Sisters, Jacke had ordered her to head on over to Camp Bronze Lake with the rest of the maimed of La Noscea. Well, V’kebbe wouldn’t say no to a bit of rest and recuperation, but as soon as she had changed into her smallclothes and grabbed a towel and a wooden bucket stocked with ointments and fresh bandages, she headed away from the main plaza. She wasn’t in the mood to be getting any propositions from the soldiers here at the hot springs, who were no doubt bored out of their wits while they waited out their recovery.
And so V’kebbe ascended the steps to one of the more remote pools. The only other person there was a woman–Hyur, by the looks of her. Her weathered face and white hair marked her as getting on in years, but her physique was lean and wiry and criss-crossed with scars old and fresh. 
“Hope ye don’t mind me findin’ a spot up here,” said V’kebbe, padding over to a spot several yalms away from where the other woman sat. Normally V’kebbe wouldn’t give a damn about what people thought about her being on any turf what was open to the public, but something about this woman...
The woman laughed, a gravelly sound that was nevertheless friendly. “Do what you want, lass.” 
Elevated a hand’s breadth above the waters of the springs were a few round tables, and on one of them V’kebbe placed her things. The springs were too shallow to fully submerge in, so once V’kebbe leveraged herself down into the water, she reached for a cup from the bucket, scooped it full, and slowly poured the water over her injured shoulder. 
The contact with her injury through the bandages stung, but Warden, it was worth it for the way the steaming water already began to ease the worst of the aching. V’kebbe continued to pour cupfuls of water over her bandages, and once they slackened she set the cup aside and began carefully unwinding them.
“Shite,” V’kebbe hissed. For a mercy the gash didn’t look infected, but it still wasn’t pretty. 
“Anything I can get for you, miss?” 
V’kebbe looked up. A waitress had arrived with a tray with a cup and a bottle of spirits balanced atop it. She was addressing the other woman, who let out another raspy laugh.
“I’d say these bones are a bit too old to be called ‘miss,’” she said, then met V’kebbe’s eye. “Pour a cup for the actual miss here, and leave me the bottle.”
The Hyuran woman bobbed her head, and when she walked over V’kebbe realized her free hand was cupping her injured shoulder, hiding the extent of the wound. She slowly let her hand drop.
“This will help with the stiffness,” the waitress explained as she took a fire shard ensconced in an infuser and inserted it into the drink. When she pulled it out again, steam rose from the cup. “Takes the edge off the pain, too.”
“...Thank ye,” V’kebbe said, as much to her as to the other woman, who was taking a swig directly out of the bottle. The sigh and subtle smacking of her lips that followed made V’kebbe smile. 
The waitress placed the cup down on the stones, saving V’kebbe the discomfort of stretching up with her arm, then descended the steps back down to the plaza. V’kebbe lifted the cup to her lips and let the aroma wash over her. The amber liquid within was pleasantly hot and spicy-smelling. Mulled cider, and the good stuff. The heat that traveled down her throat and tingled through her limbs was a mixture of spices, temperature, and alcohol. V’kebbe sighed happily.
A prickling and itching in her shoulder reminded V’kebbe about the bandages. She reluctantly set her drink on the table and finished pulling the loops of wet bandages off of her arm. The water around her ran as clear as ever, but the blood that had seeped through the linens was now just a dull, rusty stain. V’kebbe balled the linen into her fists and squeezed the water from them, wincing. She glanced around, wondering where she should deposit them, then settled for the edge of the pool for the moment. 
With her wound now fully exposed, an uneasy feeling crept over her again. From the corner of her eye, V’kebbe glanced at her companion. But the woman paid no outward attention to her, relaxing against the rim of the pool and gazing out across the mountains and lake, her fingers idly dancing around the neck of the bottle she held. 
V’kebbe looked away. She went about her business, bathing her arm a little more and taking occasional sips from her mulled drink. But she found herself again taking the measure of her company from the periphery. Aside from a bandage wrapped around her head, whatever she was recovering from wasn’t anything as obvious as V’kebbe’s own glaring injury. V’kebbe struggled to imagine what kind of internal injury must have sent such an imposing woman to Camp Bronze Lake. 
The woman’s gaze suddenly slid to meet hers, her eyes sharp but not unfriendly.
“Caught your curiosity, have I? Call me Drusilla.”
V’kebbe flushed. She was glad her fluffed out tail wasn’t too visible through the water. “Drusilla,” she managed. “Pleasure’s mine.”
Drusilla rolled her head from one shoulder to the other. “I take it you’re wonderin’ what my story is.”
“Beggin’ yer pardon,” V’kebbe stammered, “I didn’t mean–”
Drusilla lifted her wrist resting on her thigh, palm face up, and it was enough to halt V’kebbe’s stumbling. “We’re just makin’ conversation, lass. Swappin’ war stories is as good a way to pass the time as any.
“I had a run-in with a voidsent, one I’ve been huntin’ since you weren’t more than a swaddlin’ babe. Pity those bastards don’t succumb to the ravages of time like we do, eh? He got the jump on me, but I’m the one still here and he’s not, so I’m callin’ that a victory.”
Drusilla slung her arms back against the rim of the stone pool and tilted her head in V’kebbe’s direction. “What’s your story, sister?”
V’kebbe shook her head. Her cheeks were still warm with embarrassment–her reconnaissance had been caught out too bloody easily, where was her subtlety as a rogue?–but a quick swig from her drink made it easier to blame the alcohol and spices instead. 
“Pah, like most o’ the folks around here I got bumped off the old fashioned way, by some scrag what got lucky with his swing.”
“Ain’t nothin’ to be ashamed of. Men can be demons in their own right.”
“Aye, that they can.”
Sunlight played upon the water and warmed the cracked, tiled stones that were once the pride of Nym. On the horizon, the spindly fingers of a giant shard of corrupted crystal–one of many from the Calamity–forked like lightning across the sky. V’kebbe had never known a devastated place that could also be so peaceful. 
There was a faint chime, like the sound of someone running their finger along the rim of a glass. 
One of V’kebbe’s ears twitched in Drusilla’s direction.
Drusilla set down her bottle and she fumbled for a nearby towel.
“Bollocks,” she muttered as the chime came again. She hastily wiped her hands dry and pressed a finger to her ear. “Aye, I’m here. What is it?”
Whatever the news was, V’kebbe wasn’t privy to it and she wasn’t about to go poking her nose into business where it didn’t belong. She took another sip from her cup, set it on the table behind her, and sunk deeper into the water, stretching herself out until it was just her head resting along the pool’s rim. She closed her eyes, focusing on the sound of water spilling over the falls, the crackle of a nearby brazier, and the hum of the aetheryte in the plaza.
“Save your apologies, lad–you were right to call me. I’ll be there soon.”
Another chime signaled the end of the linkpearl call. “No rest for the righteous,” she heard Drusilla say, followed by a hacked out laugh that revealed nothing about whether she had truly meant it as a jest or not. 
The sloshing of water opened V’kebbe’s eyes. She lifted her head. Drusilla stepped out of the pool, her feet drying on the warm stones as she briskly toweled the rest of herself down.
“Still awake, are you? Now, who did I have the pleasure of sharin’ company with?” she asked, slinging the towel across the back of her neck and reaching for a small pack.
V’kebbe gave a small start at the realization that she had never introduced herself in turn. “Name’s V’kebbe the Stray.”
“The Stray, eh?” A smile appeared like a rift in Drusilla’s craggy face. “I know a thing or two about bein’ a stray, myself.” 
Drusilla hoisted her pack and stepped into her bathhouse sandals. She gave V’kebbe a shrewd look. “You’ve got quiet steps, sister. That’s enough to give me the feelin’ we’ll see each other again.”
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Day 21: Miqo'te Pal
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There is only one way to enjoy a Bismarck Special, and that is to yaffle it. One of the many little wisdoms of V'kebbe the Stray, a friend made during Branka's short stay at the Dutiful Sisters of the Edelweiss. Now whenever she returns, the first order of business is putting four egg sandwiches on her tab. Sometimes, someone stops in to share the news with her. Other times the remaining sandwiches simply disappear with naught but a gust of wind as evidence.
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ink-dreams-ffxiv · 2 years
Prompt 5: Cutting Corners
V’Kebbe the Stray, of the Dutiful Sisters of the Edelweiss, was chatting with Raisha at the small table. The pair were catching up on each other’s events, The Stray having been Raisha’s mentor when she had first arrived in Eorzea. Rehna meanwhile, spread the filling between the thick slices of Othardian Milk Bread, something Rehna was adept at baking, it being a staple of the village she grew up in. Once the base sandwiches were built, Rehna began the process of cutting them into finger sandwiches, just as they were served at the Bismark, her attempt at replicating what Raisha had told her was the Seeker’s favorite to be had. The crusts removed, she cut each sandwich into fours, then with a smirk, she deftly cut all of the corners, turning each square into a circular sandwich. Arranging them on a plate, she grabbed the bottle of Rum that Sahxa, her older sister, had distilled, bringing the plate and drink to the table. Raisha’s eyes lit up when she saw what Rehna had done, stifled a grin as The Stray blinked, “But…But why are the Corners Gone?!?”
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wildstar25 · 11 months
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The morning after celebrating Arsay's achievement of ending the Dragonsong war with the Dutiful Sisters. Arsay wakes up with a major headache and some minor heartache.
... She'll sleep it off.
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symphcnii · 1 year
bachelor’s button for v'kebbe!
bachelor’s button :   does your muse actively seek romantic companionship ,   or cherish the liberties of being single ?
V'kebbe isn't particularly looking for romance.
She's more concerned with upholding and enforcing the code with the other rogues. She's of the mindset that if she falls in love at some point down the line, then so be it - but she has never actively sought it. The companionship of her fellow rogues is enough for her right now, and she's happy with the freedom that comes with being single.
One thing for certain though is that she'll never partake of the traditional Seeker ways. She has no interest in being part of a Nunh's harem.
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mythiclings · 6 months
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