cup-ah-jho · 2 years
fuck man
if i lived in cali or the along the west coast i’d fly to mainstage this weekend to both go to my first smash tournament but also to support vgbc
god the news is so heart-breaking, and i can’t imagine how anyone who’s worked on swt feels rn (and also any player signed to panda)
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(continued from here)
Nintendo and Panda have both released statements: they're both empty PR statements intended to appease casual viewers while saying "deal with it" to people actually in the scene
Nintendo's statement can be seen here (in this utterly uncritical IGN article)
they deny technically shutting down the Smash World Tour 2022 finale; instead, Nintendo
told SWT that unlicensed tournaments would be shut down
told SWT they would not be receiving a license
so, “we didn't tell you to cancel SWT! we just communicated that we will shut you down if you do try to run it :)”
the only real information here is that they're continuing to back Panda
you can see SWT's response here (via twitter), but again, not really anything to Respond to in the first place
Panda's statement, released shortly after Nintendo's:
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They vaguely and briefly allude to how they threatened/harassed BTS (“an interaction between Dr. Alan and Beyond the Summit”) without actually acknowledging the substance of what they did, and while denying that they routinely made the same threats and harassment toward TOs to bully them out of SWT and into Panda Cup
VGBC, BTS, SWT, and many individual TOs, commentators, etc. and others involved in the scene have corroborated each other's accounts. there's no magical twist where Panda or Nintendo actually behaved themselves: even those most cautious about withholding judgment until hearing Panda's/Nintendo's sides are now on board
so, Panda and Nintendo are taking the approach of
(1) nominal empty statements to appease casual viewers who only see headlines and don't pay any attention
(2) force and threats of legal action toward the scene itself, betting that despite their outrage, the Smash scene will eventually just resign itself to Panda having a monopoly on licensed tournaments
the thing is, I don't think (2) will work out for them. everyone is furious with Panda and Nintendo: they are not going to play ball, they are not going to cooperate, they would rather not have major tournaments than just have majors in the Panda Cup. players are openly stating that they will not attend Panda events. Panda's employees and sponsored Smash players had no idea about Panda's actions, and now that they know, they are openly posting about resigning
competitive Smash as "professional", monetized ventures is barely viable in the first place (even more so than esports in general, which is largely a bubble tbh.) the only way it works at all is because of large amounts of unpaid labor by volunteers who really just want the satisfaction of seeing Smash events happen, at great personal effort and expense. Tournaments have thin margins. Even sponsored players who stream often and Do Content are not making huge bucks (with a few notable exceptions)—the majority of top players are not making a Living off of Smash, and most TOs aren't either. the only way "professional" Smash is profitable is with a huge amount of both good will and unpaid labor. Panda Cup will likely fail—even with those players and contractors who are locked in to contracts for upcoming Panda events, those events are likely going to be disasters, and any future events even more so
of course, Nintendo will be fine with Panda Cup failing and competitive Smash being pushed underground: the loss is negligible, and the end result of squashing professionalized Smash competitions (pushing the scene underground, without sponsorships, playing whack-a-mole with streams of locals and regionals, etc.) is worth it to them.
Panda won't be fine. Panda has burned all of their bridges, their employees and sponsored players are openly posting about looking for new jobs, and the entire scene is discussing ways to boycott, sabotage, Maliciously Comply, etc. with Panda events, as well as discussing alternatives for the scene to pursue in a new era of aggression against Unlicensed Majors: e.g. “if Nintendo threatens a stream of a Smash event, turn the stream into discussion-only, no gameplay footage, and keep running the tourney off-air: everyone keeps the stream open for viewership numbers”
btw, since Nintendo is coming after the Melee and Ultimate scenes anyway, this is a great time for Melee and Ult fans to come together with people who play mods of Smash games. suppressing PM/P+ and other modded games won't keep Nintendo from coming after you, and playing with Unfrozen Stadium sucks anyway
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razieltwelve · 2 years
What's the controversy with Panda global
If the allegations are true, Panda basically influenced Nintendo into nuking the Smash scene from orbit. SWT is dead and other tournaments are in the same boat. VGBC is staring down the barrel. The allegations against them include them using their influence with Nintendo to basically say join the Panda Tour or get cancelled. This is supposedly at the behest of Panda's CEO.
So far, things look very, very bad for Panda. There are collaborating comments from other TOs and organisers too.
If true, these allegations would make what happened the single greatest act of bastardy in Smash history.
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gaast · 2 years
If you genuinely think that Nintendo said "you don't have to cancel SWT 2022 because of the hardship it would provide for the players who were expecting to go" and yet they canceled SWT 2022 at huge cost to themselves ANYWAY, then man oh man do I have some bridges in NYC to sell you.
Look, it doesn't make sense. We're arguing over whether SWT 2022 can happen. The people running the event have absolutely every motivation to put it on in 2022 even if they can't get licensed for 2023. The only thing shutting down 2022 is Nintendo saying "shut down 2022." Nintendo is lying.
Look at the company's past behavior. Why was Smash pulled from EVO? Licensing disputes with Nintendo. They're fine with their party game not having tournaments. They want as much money out of it as they can get, and they won't let you make a cent more off of it than they think you deserve. It's not about image--unlicensed tournaments having a bad scene never reflects badly on the company or its games. Just the community.
I don't think VGBC is throwing a temper tantrum, because if they are it's an expensive one, and I don't think that they'd endorse calls to boycott the shit they ostensibly love unless they felt personally insulted. Meanwhile everything they said about Nintendo goes right along with how we know Nintendo to operate--opaquely, often letting people THINK they'll get what they want until it would be most damaging to change their minds and hurt them. Let's not forget that this company actively sought to get a disabled man as much time in prison as they could to make an example of him because he dared to pirate their games--doing literally no harm to them or their bottom line. These people want to punish anyone who doesn't comply with their demands or who tries to make a dollar they think should be theirs.
Nintendo is lying.
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thetoxicgamer · 2 years
Backlash and Boycotts: Smash Community Responds in Waves to Nintendo Canceling the Smash World Tour
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The community is mobilising in response to the huge gaming company's surprise stop and desist, which forced the team to postpone the Smash World Tour. The large gaming corporation decided to get involved rather than letting things work out with an independent Super Smash Bros. tournament organiser. This is, unfortunately, familiar territory for a lot of the Smash community as Nintendo has pulled similar stunts in the past. However, never to this scale or this manner; even the SWT team thought things with the Big N were going well based on multiple conversations with the company dating back to late 2021 that involved a completed submission for a license to operate in an official capacity. Now, with the SWT Championships 2022 canceled just 10 days before it was set to be hosted in San Antonio, and VGBC penning an open letter to Nintendo in hopes of potentially getting the company to change its decision, the community has been left with no answers and even more questions. To start, the players who did qualify to attend or were paying their way out in order to compete for a spot in the Last Chance Qualifier are now left holding the bag in terms of needing to cancel travel plans and accommodations. Many players prioritized the SWT Championships over other Smash events happening around the same time and are now being punished for doing so too. https://twitter.com/ferpsfgc/status/1597727825112731648 This decision also strips away any chance for lesser-known Smash players from around the world who were going to make that trip and compete to showcase their skills on what would have been the biggest stage with a $250,000 prize pool. https://twitter.com/LoopBarnard/status/1597735667617828865 In the case of Melee players and members of the community who come from fanmade spaces like Project M, this is just another instance of being burned by Nintendo and they are ready to burn the bridge from their end too. This means popular players, commentators, and figureheads within the community calling for boycotts for Nintendo and Panda-sanctioned events to show that actions like this will not go unpunished by the people who helped make the scene what it is today. I will never attend a publicly licensed Nintendo or Panda Circuit event ever again. I will continue to support grassroots locals and majors, unaffiliated with Nintendo, that have been the lifeblood of our scene for 20+ years. There are some calmer heads, including Leffen oddly enough, who have made it clear the rage is validated but needs to be contained for now as the community should rally together behind VGBC’s final plea to Nintendo in hopes of potentially reversing the decision. However unlikely this is to happen, since Nintendo openly admitted to expecting backlash, it is still important to make the community’s voice heard and push back on a licensing system that runs off of poor communication and the whims of the company itself. I think its very important to prioritize making Nintendo change their minds on shutting down Smash World Tour and further events, rather than anything else right now.The rest can come later. Going beyond the Nintendo element of this, the announcement from SWT also included details about how Panda Global was working behind the scenes for Panda Cup. This featured claims Panda’s CEO Alan Bunney was using wording about the SWT or other events being shut down to try and recruit TOs to bring their events to the PC over the SWT—including broadcasting rights in that deal. The most major offense of this was used against Beyond the Summit, as Bunney reportedly warned that Panda would get Nintendo involved and shut down any Smash operations run by the company since they did not have a license if BTS did not sign onto the PC. That didn’t work, but VGBC’s claims have been backed by BTS co-founder David “LD” Gorman regarding those discussions and the community is now calling attention to potential bad actors within Panda, with the St. Louis Melee community going as far as banning Bunney from future events—even if it somewhat of a joke. Genuinely sad about how Panda is treating the community. I hope this can remind everyone why we don't want to work with Nintendo. I'm not sure about boycotting all Panda events(smash TOs will be impacted) but with the finale I hope we send a clear message that this is not ok As a result, multiple top Smash players are pulling out of Panda Cup. Notable Melee players have already started dropping like flies with Medz, Axe, Fiction, Joshman, and n0ne immediately voicing their support for grassroots Smash and calling out Nintendo and Panda. I cannot, in good faith, support the Panda Cup Finale after reading about the actions of the CEO of Panda, as well as Nintendo cancelling the Smash World Tour. As it stands, I'm choosing to drop from the event. Ultimate players have also brought attention to the issue, with sparg0 among the players questioning if he will attend at all or opting to stay home. And for those who decide to still attend or are potentially contractually obligated to go, the community has some options on how to protest in person. I've heard that people have signed contracts and MUST attend Panda finals, so I think the right course of action is to, as a community, agree that this tournament doesn't count, so that all the top players can fuck around for 8 minutes every game. Ludwig brought more eyes to the issue by almost immediately publishing a full episode of Mogul Mail on the subject and talking about it on stream, with responses to the situation continuously flooding in from the Smash community and beyond. In addition, organizations like beastcoast and FlyQuest, which have active roles in the Smash scene, have released statements or support for the SWT in hopes of getting Nintendo to reconsider. Even Panda’s players and employees are speaking out, with Plup going live on stream to say he is “not Team Panda” on this decision while others have to defend themselves as they are being bashed by angry fans. I love this game. I had a horrendously rough year and this game kept me going through some of the worst parts of my life. I love Melee, and no matter how abrasive I am, at the end of the day I only want to do what's right. Wait for all parties to say their piece, then decide. Panda has yet to issue a statement on the SWT closure and Nintendo refused to provide details on why the decision was made during conversations with VGBC. But hey, at least fans can look forward to the upcoming Splatoon 3 tournaments where that community will likely show support for its sister esports scene in a way that will make Nintendo ban teams or maybe cancel the events again. Read the full article
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zebrafizz · 7 years
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contestant #10 - primrose liah
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devdog326 · 5 years
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Got to comentate on my favorite game, credit @nathan_hartge #vgbc #xanadu #supersmashbrosultimate (at Catonsville, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4EIPS9gECSUTSIpUi-7pU_7vAiovKoPtyN39w0/?igshid=14iylfide6ewn
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gunnm · 5 years
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smashhole · 2 years
smash 64 is 90 minutes late (so far)
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oh-look-car-horns · 2 years
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Me checking VGBC to see who MkLeo played in grand finals.
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internetglitchstuff · 5 years
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Definitive Technology W Studio Micro Wireless Streaming System VGBC A https://t.co/jIHDnw3O3t http://twitter.com/AmazonBay4u/status/1148348351362097153 July 08, 2019 at 10:49PM
Definitive Technology W Studio Micro Wireless Streaming System VGBC A pic.twitter.com/jIHDnw3O3t
— AmazonBay4u (@AmazonBay4u) July 8, 2019
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kaiobeast · 4 years
Nairo finally released a statement today regarding the whole situation of what happened between him and CaptainZack. I know people on tumblr straight up Do Not Give A Fuck about competitive Smash, but to me, this is a big deal because I’ve known and grown up with a lot of the people in this community for years. 
Gonna put a read more because it’s a lot.
For context:
-In July, the Smash community basically imploded as some of the highest ranking professional smashers were being accused of sexual misconduct and abuse, including the two biggest names ZeRo and Nairo. Not gonna go into ZeRo’s case because he eventually admitted to everything.
-In Nairo’s case, he was accused of having an inappropriate relationship with CaptainZack, who was almost 16, but still a minor when the alledged misconduct occurred. He was encouraged by Samsora, a player who was also a friend of Nairo, to come forward and “tell the truth about what happened”. Nairo apologized, and basically dropped off the face of the earth, and nobody’s heard anything from him since the day of the accusation and deleting all of his social media, leading to a LOT of division over whether he was guilty of being labelled a predator. 
-Within a day of the accusation, Nairo gets banned from the FGC/VGBC and Twitch. His sponsor company NRG has also dropped him, and all the videos Nintendo had featuring him were deleted. Essentially, he has his entire reputation and livelihood destroyed in a single day. 
-A month later, on September 14th, Tamim (a close friend of CaptainZack), released a statement saying that Zack was lying about what happened between him and Nairo, and that Zack molested Nario while he was asleep and had continued to touch him even when he woke up and tried to push Zack off and told him no. Zack then used that encounter to blackmail and extort Nairo into giving him money with the understanding that if he didn’t, Zack would out Nairo for having sex with a minor. Nairo was compliant because Zack had already done this to another player and gotten them permanently banned from the scene for doing the exact same thing (read: Ally). 
-Screen shots from Zack’s discord are posted to r/smashbros, showing further evidence that Zack came onto Nairo, and that Nairo did not consent. It also shows the extortion and the money the Nairo wired to Zack upon his request.
-Zack did not deny any of this and in fact has confirmed that what Tamim posted was true.
-October 29th, four months since the accusation, Nairo releases a statement of his side of the story, essentially corroborating Tamim’s statement of what happened. (I highly encourage you to read the comments as they provide even more context and depth to the situation.)
-Nairo has retained a lawyer and there is a 30 page document of evidence that he and his lawyer have compiled to show in court. There are prominent community heads who have read the entire document (Void+Cosmos), and are now saying that they believe Nairo’s side of the story. MKLeo, the current highest ranking PGR player, has also said that he supports Nairo.
What happened to Nairo was straight fucked up, and he did NOT deserve anything that happened to him. His life has been completely fucking ruined by this, and I honestly feel for the guy. It’s starting to look like Zack and Samsora collaborated together to bring down Nairo, since Nairo was such a huge crowd draw and made a lot of money streaming on Twitch, with Samsora tired of being in Nairo’s shadow. 
Now, this is NOT the first time that Zack has exhibited this kind of manipulative, sociopathic behavior. He did this exact same thing to Ally (which is it’s own clusterfuck of fuckery that I won’t get into) a year before his encounter with Nairo, and got Ally permabanned for matchfixing when CaptainZack blackmailed him to throw matches because he was jealous at Ally’s success and angry that Ally did not want to be in a relationship with him. Now, I am not excusing or siding with Ally, since that situation was entirely different, and Ally was in the wrong in the first place for even entertaining that relationship, but the pattern of behavior is established. Nairo knew that Zack would absolutely follow through on his threats because he’d done it before, so he complied and kept his mouth shut.
Zack has also tried to come onto Dabuz, who shot him down immediately.
CaptainZack claims that he does not want to return to the community, yet he still goes to locals under the name Secretary which is just plain tasteless IMO.
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legrandjardin · 4 years
Chủ đầu tư ký kết hợp tác quản lý vận hành quản lý với PMC
Sáng ngày 05.02.2020 tại văn phòng Le grand jardin diễn ra sự kiện ký kết hợp tác quản lý, vận hành các căn hộ tòa G1 – phân khu Garden, tòa tháp L3 – phân khu Lake view giữa Công ty cổ phần Xây dựng số 3 Hà Nội và Công ty CP quản lý vận hành&khai thác tòa nhà PMC
Công ty CP quản lý vận hành&khai thác tòa nhà PMC
Được biết,
Công ty CP quản lý vận hành&khai thác tòa nhà PMC
hiện là  đơn vị quản lý vận hành hơn 100 chung cư cao cấp tại Việt Nam với nhiều cái tên nổi bật: Keang Nam Land Mark, Park city, Eco Green city, Moon city, Hyundai Hill State ….
Chính thức thành lập từ năm 2009 hoạt động trong lĩnh vực đầu tư, kinh doanh, quản lý, vận hành với chuỗi khách sạn lớn,
là thương hiệu uy tín nhận được nhiều giải thưởng cao quý:Chứng nhận đủ điều kiện về chức năng, năng lực quản lý vận hành nhà chung cưNgày 20/5/2016, căn cứ công văn số 108/QLN của Cục Quản lý nhà và thị trường Bất động sản, Bộ Xây dựng Việt Nam, PMC đã được xác nhận đủ điều kiện quản lý vận hành nhà chung cư, đáp ứng các yêu cầu được quy định tại Điều 28, Thông tư số 02/2016/TT-BXD ban hành ngày 15/02/2016 về Quy chế quản lý, sử dụng nhà chung cư.Thành viên Hội Đồng Công trình xanh Việt NamHội Đồng Công trình xanh Việt Nam- VGBC là một tổ chức phi lợi nhuận và có các chức năng duy nhất là xây dựng một môi trường xây dựng quản lý xanh ở Việt NamGiải thưởng Tòa nhà Hiệu quả năng lượngPMC đã thực hiện chính sách quản lý, sử dụng hiệu quả năng lượng nằm giúp chủ đầu tư các tòa nhà tiết kiệm được chi phí vận hành. Với nỗ lực của mình,PMC đã góp phần giúpcác tòa nhà Công ty đang quản lý đoạt giải cao trong suốt từ 2009 tới nay, ở loại hình “Tòa nhà mới và hiện có” và “tòa nhà quản lý năng lượng sáng tạo, độc đáo” trong cuộc thi Tòa nhà hiệu quả năng lượng do Bộ Công Thương trao tặng.>>Đọc tiếp:
Lý do nên chọn Le Grand Jardin trong năm 2021
Bằng khen của UBND T. p Hà Nội
Năm 2011, Chủ tịch UBND thành phố Hà Nội đã trao tặng bằng khen cho PMC vì “Đã có thành tích trong việc thực hiện chương trình sử dụng năng lượng tiết kiệm và hiệu quả” trong công tác quản lý và vận hành các tòa nhà tại Hà Nội.PMC nhận giải nhì cuộc thi Tòa nhà tiết kiệm năng lượng ASEAN 2012
Tất cả các dự án do PMC quản lý và phát triển đều được nghiên cứu và lựa chọn kĩ lưỡng, từ việc phân tích
vị trí dự án
, tính khả thi đến việc đánh giá tài sản… theo các tiêu chuẩn khắt khe, đảm bảo tỉ lệ lấp đầy cao, đem lại lợi ích cho nhà đầu tư và khách hàng.Thông qua việc bắt tay hợp tác cùng Đơn vị vận hành chuyên nghiệp PMC, Hanco 3 kì vọng việc Le grand Jardin được quản lý bởi một đơn vị quản lý vận hành chuyên nghiệp sẽ giúp nâng cao giá trị các căn hộ của toàn dự án. Và để đáp ứng yêu cầu của đơn vị quản lý, Chủ đầu tư cũng sẽ gia tăng và tối ưu hóa công năng toàn bộ hệ thống tiện ích đã hoàn thành cho cư dân
, tính khả thi đến việc đánh giá tài sản… theo các tiêu chuẩn khắt khe, đảm bảo tỉ lệ lấp đầy cao, đem lại lợi ích cho nhà đầu tư và khách hàng.Thông qua việc bắt tay hợp tác cùng Đơn vị vận hành chuyên nghiệp PMC, Hanco 3 kì vọng việc Le grand Jardin được quản lý bởi một đơn vị quản lý vận hành chuyên nghiệp sẽ giúp nâng cao giá trị các căn hộ của toàn dự án. Và để đáp ứng yêu cầu của đơn vị quản lý, Chủ đầu tư cũng sẽ gia tăng và tối ưu hóa công năng toàn bộ hệ thống tiện ích đã hoàn thành cho cư dân
Xem tại: https://chungcusaidong.net/kinh-nghiem/don-vi-quan-ly-toa-nha-le-grand-jardin-pmc/
>> Thông tin hữu ích:
Tốp 10 Trường học https://chungcusaidong.net/kinh-nghiem/chon-truong-hoc-cho-con/ Kế hoạch tiếp theo khi đã ký hợp đồng mua bán căn hộ https://chungcusaidong.net/tin-tuc/ke-hoach-tiep-theo-khi-da-ky-hop-dong-mua-ban-can-ho/ Bộ câu hỏi và giải đáp về dự án https://chungcusaidong.net/tin-tuc/hoi-dap-thac-mac-cua-khach-hang-le-grand-jardin/
Chủ đầu tư bắt tay các đối tác uy tín – nâng tầm dự án
TPKD The Great Garden
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thevgbc-blog · 7 years
From llamas rained glory
Legend will tell that the VGBC community has raised many grand forts and destroyed a lot of smack talking Llamas this month with our time in Fortnite. Official VGBC play is drawing to a close with our members meeting this weekend and the winner of next months round of play will be announced. If you haven’t already and want to participate, enter your availability for the members meeting in Discord under the Announcements tab. https://discord.gg/R2eAvFC.. As always, new members and non-players are welcome to the meeting. Voting for a new game will be over with soon; if you aren’t a member now is a good time to join the VGBC community and maybe try a game you wouldn’t have otherwise. Check us out on Discord linked above and may the King of Olympus guide your journey!  
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thetoxicgamer · 2 years
Former Street Fighter Producer Yoshinori Ono Bashes Nintendo’s Handling of Smash World Tour Cancelation
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While the Super Smash Bros. community is usually willing to criticise Nintendo's choices in the competitive arena, it is uncommon to hear opinions from those who have worked in other esports-related fields. So when Yoshinori Ono, a longtime Capcom developer and former Street Fighter producer, discussed the abrupt cancellation of the Smash World Tour last night, a lot of people started paying close attention. Ono worked on nearly every iteration of Street Fighter, starting as a sound programmer on Street Fighter Alpha in 1995 and working his way up to producer on Street Fighter V. During that time he was heavily involved in the competitive scene in all forms, from the arcade level in the early days all the way to modern events such as Evo and Capcom Cup. For a majority of those years, Capcom embraced the grassroots nature of the fighting game community (FGC) and eventually tied in many of the bigger events to be featured in the Capcom Pro Tour leading up to each year’s Capcom Cup. And, while it wasn’t a perfect system, it never felt like Capcom was skipping a step or trying to restrict the community and its tournament organizers—outside of one big issue that came into play back in May. From Ono’s perspective, even just reading about the cancelation and lack of communication from the perspective of the SWT team, it appears that this decision is being done in a way that benefits no one and ends up hurting what makes a game’s community special. “Since this is coming from the SWT side, I can’t make an equal judgment, but it’s my personal opinion that it’s not right to put restrictions on grassroots activities at this point,” Ono said. In the now Delightworks president’s eyes, Nintendo could have found a way to bake in the SWT with the Panda Cup in 2023 without essentially telling VGBootCamp that it can’t run the tournament since the process of getting an official license is apparently so complicated that it takes months to receive a response about a submission. Whether that approach involved turning the SWT into a sub-tournament of the Panda Cup in some way or scaling it down in a way that all parties felt was acceptable while building up to a bigger collaboration in 2023, Ono still thinks this is preferable to locking down an entire section of the Smash community while punishing the fans and participants. “I think it would have been better to consider the situation of the participants and make a decision,” Ono said. “I would like to see a little more dialogue between the parties involved. In doing so, I would very much like to see them come up with ideas that take participants into consideration.” Unfortunately, Nintendo refused to share the details behind why a decision to levy a cease and desist to the SWT was made—with the team behind the circuit just being told the times of running the SWT as an unlicensed series “were now over.” The company also openly noted that it was aware of the backlash that would be coming its way, though perhaps not to the extent that the Panda Cup is suffering for it. As of now, the Smash community is split between those calling for boycotts of both Nintendo and Panda events and others who are more focused on sharing VGBC’s open letter to the companies in hopes of potentially reaching the right people and getting the decision reversed. It is likely too little too late to save the current iteration of the SWT Championships, as it was set to be held in San Antonio from Dec. 9 to 11, but perhaps with people like Ono sharing their thoughts and the evolving nature of the situation the air can be cleared for future talks. Read the full article
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zebrafizz · 7 years
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contestant #6 - jack rue
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