#Valerio’s mom actually has two picrews
lieutenant-amuel · 1 year
Alright, another post of the “my characters now have faces” series. I’ve made this and this post in the past and as always, I use only two picrews: this one for the majority of them, and this one for Señor Bravo (I’d honestly prefer to have all characters created in one picrew so the style was consistent but alas).
This post includes the characters who are quite minor, but all of them have appeared at least twice, so I think they deserve to be visualized, too. Plus, Karel and Laurens are going to be in the next chapter so you can have a clearer picture of them when they appear again.
And there’s also two bonuses :D (because I love all my characters too much, don’t judge me)
Karel Aakster
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Karel has black hair, brown eyes, and light skin. All Aaksters are here having sharp facial features because I said so, and he’s not an exception as he has high cheekbones, square jaw, and a humped nose. He also has freckles because I love freckles.
He has not really long hair and a goatee or whatever this kind of beard is called. He also wears glasses.
He’s not tall, ~165 cm, and like his brother he’s a wardrobe, he’s big boned.
Ignore what he wears at all costs. He wears what he wears only because I couldn’t leave him naked. Although, maybe now it’s clear why Frida’s dad didn’t want to develop his fashion house with his brother. And green is definitely his color because Hendrik’s is red, and those colors are opposites so
Laurens de Wit
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Laurens is a typical white boy.
His hair is blonde, his eyes are blue, his skin is light. Peak character design.
His face is narrow (I hope it doesn’t sound offensive or off akahdnfk; or heart-shaped, aka the lower part of the face is narrower than the upper one why do I always explain my characters’ appearances with shapes or comparisons what’s freaking wrong with me), he has a grecian nose like Frida, and overall his features are quite elegant.
I have no idea what type of body he has??? Alright, he’s relatively short for a guy (~170 cm or shorter) and he’s just a rectangle, he’s not muscular and I don’t want him to be super skinny either.
In clothes he’s fancy~
Federico Murillo
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I honestly have no idea what to say about him XD
Umm hmmm. Okay, first, I’ll make a note that he’s at least 55 years older than Gabe, so in the fic he’s an elderly man (so he obviously has wrinkles and white hair, I won’t emphasize it; anyway, he has a granddaughter that’s been mentioned twice, so I hope it doesn’t come as a surprise that he’s old). He has hazel eyes, olive skin, and wears glasses.
His hair is wavy, when he was younger it was brown color. His beard is bushy. As for the face, he has soft and round features.
He’s plump, his height is ~175 cm. As for clothes, I don’t know.
Sebastián Bravo
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Yes, his hair, eyebrows, and beard are three different colors ✌🏻 (okay, I can accept him having black eyebrows (because he had black hair when he was young), but his beard is grey, like his hair)
Okay, I don’t have much to say about him, this picrew is pretty good (especially when it comes to the hair), so I’ll just emphasize that he’s quite short (~170 cm) and skinny and overall always looks like he’s judging you.
Inés Rivera
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Raise your hand if you remember her.
Honestly, Inés was such a big deal in the first drafts of this story, but then something went wrong XD
Anyway, looks like I’m a sucker for the thin tall (she’s ~172 cm and on heels she’s taller than Emilio >:D) women with sharp features, because she’s not the only one in my fic.
I’ll also add she prefers having her hair in a high bun and she loves floral accessories.
Bonus 1: Valerio’s parents
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they both were bitches
Neither of them has appeared yet, but Valerio’s mother is painted on two portraits (so, if WBTL was a TV show, basically, we all would know how she looked already) and Valerio’s father is still a mystery, but we know quite a lot about him, so why not (and his parents are important, maybe not that much for the plot, but for my heart).
Valerio’s mother was a gorgeous woman had dark brown eyes, dark brown super straight hair, and dark skin. Her facial features were sharp, she had high cheekbones and aquiline nose (Valerio takes after her a lot).
She was tall (~173 cm) and big boned, her shoulders were relatively broad (she was a reverted triangle), so people wouldn’t call her elegant or feminine.
But! She was elegant in clothes. She dressed to the nines and had an absolutely refined taste. And since she was a jeweller, she loved jewelry items (and since she was quite prideful as well, she obviously preferred wearing the ones she made herself).
Valerio’s father (I have much less to say about him, ugh) had dark brown hair, brown eyes, and dark skin. He also had sharp facial features and generally he looked quite rough and mean akhsndjd.
He was tall (~188 cm), big, and muscular which made him look very scary too ahgsbdh and had a scar on his face (maybe somewhere else as well, he was a guard, and a very serious one after all).
As for clothes, he definitely knew his worth and his clothes were supposed to reflect it, so he was quite elegant, too.
The thing you should know about them is that they basically are the same person personality wise but they had absolutely different goals and views, just diametrically opposite, so they hated each other, but Valerio’s mother deserves more sympathy because she loved her son at least. And a lot.
Bonus 2: Animals :D
Because why not.
But to be serious, I think it’s still quite helpful for understanding how they look because I don’t describe animals’ appearances either.
I thought of making picrews for the dogs, too, but since I chose specific breeds for them, it was quite difficult and I just found the pictures from the Internet instead.
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Nube is inspired by the breed dogo argentino. He’s a large white dog who might look a bit scary (he’s a hunting dog) but he loves his owners and can kill for them. Literally.
I also want to make a note that I’m aware “nube” is a feminine word in Spanish (it means “a cloud”). But I got aware of it super late, when Nube’s name and gender were mentioned way too often, and I simply didn’t want to change anything.
So, let’s pretend Ángel thought Nube was a girl when he got him, and when it turned out he was wrong, he just didn’t have the heart to change his dog’s name because he got used to it (and Nube, too) and decided to leave it as it was.
Sombra and Ceniza
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Alright, I’ll put them together because I don’t have much to say about them.
Sombra is dead, but she (was mentioned in the latest chapter) was a dog in the Royal Guard school where Valerio studied, and they were really close. Sombra is inspired by the breed calupoh who are also known as Mexican wolf-dogs.
Ceniza isn’t inspired by any breed, I just googled the pic of a black dog so she looked similar to Sombra yet still was different (Sombra had pointy ears, and Ceniza has floppy ears).
That’s it!
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