#Valter Flego
gtaradi · 4 months
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hriminal · 5 years
Bivšem gradonačelniku Buzeta i istarskom županu, a sadašnjem zastupniku IDS-a u Europskom parlamentu, na Županijskom sudu u Rijeci sudilo se pod optužbom da je kao gradonačelnik Buzeta zlorabio položaj i ovlasti, nezakonito povećavši plaće sebi i svojim suradnicima i tako oštetio gradski proračun za više od pola milijuna kuna.
U obrazloženju presude istaknuo je kako nije dokazano da je Flego zlorabio položaj i ovlasti da bi stvorio sebi i suradnicima korist te da bi nanio štetu gradu Buzetu.
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New info about the new movie of Tom Wlaschiha directed by Veljko Bulajić , synopsis and more… !
Google translation: ( not a good translation, sorry)
Veljko Bulajić again filming in Istri
Two days before the official start of the recording, the international co-production film “Escape to the sea” - the story of the German soldier in World War II involuntarily mobilized and thrown to the battlefields of the former Yugoslavia, and who are escaping from the partisans over the whole area falls in love with Croatian woman the war lost her husband - yesterday in the Pula Communal palace presented screenwriter and director Veljko Bulajic, actors Diana Vidu��in and Goran Grgic, the film’s producer Tomislav Zaja from production company Gral Film and director of photography Stanko Herceg. The conference was attended Pula Mayor Boris Miletic and Istrian mayor Valter Flego.
Victory humanity
Without ideologisation one or the other side of war, the film was conceived as a contemporary look, with distance, unencumbered by the articulation of political and ideological point of view, the basic theme of the film is the victory of humanity and love of horror and absurdity of war that come and go, or destroy human values ​​common people, so-called. the little guy.
- In “Escape to the sea” going in as if for the first time. I think that’s the most important directors in the business. It’s not a big budget movie, but the movie complex organizations and complex scenarios. The work on the screenplay lasted three to four years, and the story is intertwined wartime and modernity. We have an exceptional cast, said Bulajic, adding that they have big ambitions since its premiere in Brussels to the Berlinale, Cannes and Venice where he says, the door is open.
universal theme
Having said that the theme of the film is universal, familiar and understandable to all and unfortunately very topical, producer Tomislav Zaja from Gral Film said that Bulajić great name in the history of European cinema
- It delights me Veljkov creative spirit and inexhaustible energy. Indestructible, as it has from 35 to 40 years, said Zaja, announcing the premiere date for the end of this year or the beginning of last year.
Starring in the film are played by famous German actor Tom Wlaschiha, Puljanke Diana Vidušin and Jadranka Djokic, and Barbara Prpic, and in other roles are Gerd Rigauer, Goran Grgic, Vili Matula, Sabina Toziya, Mirko Vlahovic, Dusan Bucan, Milan Pleština, Meto Jovanovski and other.
Production of the film was conducted by nearly five studious preparation of the film and in the process managed to internationalize the project, with the ambition, says Zaja, a successful showing in worldwide distribution.
Cinematography by Stanko Herceg said that excited and can not wait to start recording, expressing his belief that recorded one of the most important historical films.
Actor Goran Grgic is set to play partisan commander. “The turning point of the film is the scene in which the commander to believe this story German. It’s exciting to me to play,” said Grgic.
Pula Mayor thanked the director Bulajić which decided Pula and Istria as a place of shooting and action of the film. “In this crazy time in the world and Europe, the theme of the film is an absolute hit,” Miletic said.
Saying that the region is becoming a very attractive film destination, Istrian mayor Valter Flego revealed that the end of this year “Escape to the sea” premiere in Brussels.
Apart from Istria County and the City of Pula, the film is realized with the help of the Istrian Film Commission, and director of the commission Alexander Vinkerlic said that from this film expecting a huge promotional effect for Istria.
Co-producers of the film are Dogma Studio from Montenegro, Geyzer film from Macedonia. The film was supported by the Croatian Audiovisual Centre, Ministry of Culture of Montenegro and the Agency for movie Macedonia.
Veljko Bulajic: “It is open, free movie”
- It is open, free movie, a movie that is not politicized. It is a human drama; even we can say that this is a love story of three women and one man, said yesterday the famous 89-year-old filmmaker Veljko Bulajic, best known for the films “Battle of Britain”, “Kozara”, “Train without a schedule” and “Assassination in Sarajevo ”. He has received numerous domestic and international prominent awards, and “Battle of Britain” has been nominated for an Oscar for best foreign film.
What kind of director’s word size, the fact that his films seen by half a billion viewers on all continents. Bulajić had the privilege and honor to be French prime minister “Kozara” held in the Louvre, and it laude with François Truffaut, as well as to Pablo Picasso, who in his career made only two posters, making the poster for “Battle of Neretva”.
Diana Vidušin: “I have a positive stage fright”
The Pula-Zagreb actress Diana Vidušin starring in the film, Anka, a young widow who lives in a small town in Istria. During the war she lost her husband, receives a German in the house, not knowing that the German and between them is born a love story.
- In the scenario, there is not much dialogue, which is very interesting for an actor; because a lot of this is based on the unspoken. Actor Tom Wlaschiha is excellent. There’s no mistake - German German game, Istrijanka Istrijanka (laughs). Here we are covered. Very looking forward to this project. The film crew is outstanding, from the actors to the technical part. I feel safe; I have stage fright, but it is positive, because of the responsibility to project a great director, but also because the action is happening in Istria, said Vidušin.
The first gang tomorrow at 8 am in Rovinj
Shooting of the film begins tomorrow in front of the Rovinj Hotel Adriatic in 8 hours. Most of the film, said yesterday, will be filmed at various locations in Istria, in addition to Rovinj and Pula, will be filmed and in Kršan, Paz, Cerovlje Pican Zminj. (Zoran ANGELESKI, recorded Danilo MEMEDOVIĆ)
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jedimolivolicom · 7 years
BRIGA za zdravlje i briga o ljudima naš je prioritet, poručio je IDS-ov Valter Flego, predstavljajući treće područje svoga programa - "Zdravlje i briga o ljudima". http://ift.tt/eA8V8J
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superbmakerzombie · 6 years
IDS pozvao Vladu da hitno donese odluku u Uljaniku
IDS pozvao Vladu da hitno donese odluku u Uljaniku
Pulski gradonačelnik Boris Miletić i istarski župan Valter Flego pozvali su u utorak navečer u zajedničkom priopćenju za javnost  Vladu i njihove koalicijske partnere da prekinu agoniju radnika Uljanika i već sutra donesu konačnu odluku o restrukturiranju.
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superbmakerzombie · 7 years
Goran Pauk ponovno na čelu Hrvatske zajednice županija
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superbmakerzombie · 7 years
PULA Sveučilištu Juraj Dobrila osiguran dodatni prostor za istraživačke djelatnosti
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superbmakerzombie · 7 years
VELIKO ULAGANJE GRADA I ŽUPANIJE U STARAČKI DOM U PULI Dogradit će se oba postojeća objekta, a time će se dobiti 98 novih mjesta
VELIKO ULAGANJE GRADA I ŽUPANIJE U STARAČKI DOM U PULI Dogradit će se oba postojeća objekta, a time će se dobiti 98 novih mjesta
Grad Pula i Istarska županija ulažu 42 milijuna kuna u proširenje poznatog pulskog Doma za starije i nemoćne osobe Alfredo Štiglić. Upravo stoga danas su u Puli pulski gradonačelnik Boris Miletić, istarski župan Valter Flego i ravnateljica Doma za starije Vesna Grubišić-Juhas potpisali Sporazum o financiranju i kreditnoj suradnji. Pri tome Grad i Županija ravnopravno sudjeluju u realizaciji…
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superbmakerzombie · 7 years
ISTARSKI ŽUPAN ZADOVOLJAN ZBOG PORUKE PREDSJEDNICE 'Ova poruka nam daje optimizam, vjerujem da je došao kraj života u precentraliziranoj Hrvatskoj!'
ISTARSKI ŽUPAN ZADOVOLJAN ZBOG PORUKE PREDSJEDNICE 'Ova poruka nam daje optimizam, vjerujem da je došao kraj života u precentraliziranoj Hrvatskoj!'
PULA – Istarski župan Valter Flego izrazio je u četvrtak zadovoljstvo zbog poruke koju je hrvatska predsjednica Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović uputila hrvatskoj Vladi o potrebi decentralizacije Hrvatske, te ustvrdila da županijama, gradovima i općinama treba konačno dati više funkcionalne i financijske samostalnosti, a uvjeren je i da su sada konačno svi uvidjeli potrebu spuštanja ovlasti i…
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superbmakerzombie · 7 years
FLEGO I MILETIĆ ŽALE ZBOG ZVIŽDANJA PREDSJEDNICI U PAZINU: To nije stav Županije, ali ljudi su izrazili revolt vezan uz podjele koje potencira desnica
FLEGO I MILETIĆ ŽALE ZBOG ZVIŽDANJA PREDSJEDNICI U PAZINU: To nije stav Županije, ali ljudi su izrazili revolt vezan uz podjele koje potencira desnica
Istarski župan Valter Flego i predsjednik IDS-a Boris Miletić izrazili su u ponedjeljak poslijepodne žaljenje jer je hrvatska predsjednica Kolinda Grabar Kitarović doživjela neugodnosti na svečanoj sjednici županijske skupštine u povodu Dana istarske županije u Pazinu gdje su joj na spominjanje doprinosa katoličkog svećenstva međunarodnoj potvrdi Pazinskih odluka iz publike izviždali i žestoko…
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superbmakerzombie · 7 years
Flego i Miletić žale zbog zviždanja predsjednici u Pazinu
Flego i Miletić žale zbog zviždanja predsjednici u Pazinu
Izvor slike: faH NAKON NAPADA NETOLERANTNIH ANTIFA Predsjednicu Grabar Kitarović, dok je govorila o doprinosu Katoličke crkve pripajanju Istre Hrvatskoj, iz publike su izviždali i na sam spomen katoličkog svećenstva Datum objave: 25.09.2017 | 18:55 Autor: mš/h Istarski župan Valter Flego i predsjednik IDS-a Boris Miletić izrazili su u ponedjeljak poslijepodne žaljenje jer je hrvatska predsjednica…
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superbmakerzombie · 6 years
Jedino suradnjom i dogovorom moguće je sačuvati "Uljanik"
Jedino suradnjom i dogovorom moguće je sačuvati “Uljanik”
Istarski župan Valter Flego i pulski gradonačelnik Boris Miletić u petak su apelirali na sve uključene aktere oko pulskog “Uljanika” da surađuju i da zajedno pokušaju naći rješenje jer u tom brodogradilištu, kako su istaknuli, agonija traje predugo, strpljenje je odavno potrošeno, a neizvjesnost je postala nepodnošljiva.
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