pheonix-sassafras · 3 years
Subject Interview: Veimmeri
Introduction: “Hello, I am Veimmeri. It is very nice to meet you.”
Name: “ Veimmeri, I no longer use my last name.”
Nickname: “Amaryllis, Ama, Meri, Eri.”
Preferred name: “Veimmeri or Meri.”
Age: “It is rude to ask a woman her age.”
Gender: “Female.”
Race: “Human.”
Sexuality: “Pansexual.”
Personality: Veimmeri is a maternal force of nature. She is soft, gentle and kind, but has the capacity to be fierce when she needs to be. She is stubborn and stronger than she looks. She has dealt with much in her life, and somehow she always has come out on top.
Voice: She has a soft soprano voice that deepens to a lower soprano range when she raises her voice.
Abilities/ skills: She is a skilled dancer and even more skilled in the ways of staying under the radar when she wants. 
Likes: She loves music, flowers, and watching the sunsets
Dislikes: She cannot stand handsy men and rude customers. 
Bio:  Viemmeri was raised in a highborn family, in and out of royal courts and politics. She was tricked and sold into the human trade as a young adult. She worked in a brothel until she was able to get free with some outside help. She now lives in the outside world as a free woman. 
Hair color: Light blonde
Hair Style: loose or braided
Hair Type: Long
Eye color: Light Blue
Skin color: Fair
Makeup: She wears makeup often
Body Type: slender
Height: 5’4
Tattoos: She has a tattoo on her hip bone
Scars: She has many
Dad: Her father is a politician 
Mom: Her mother was a lady of the court
Brother: She did not have any brothers
Sister: Her sister is a wonderful little firecracker
Lover: She currently has none.
Kids: She doesn’t have any live children.
Mentor: Rema
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