#Verse. Fairy Tail Gave me a new Home;Secondary
kurogane-redfox · 2 years
[NSFW THINGS TO SAY TO DOMINANT MUSES] “You’re so big... Is that all because of me?” // Natsu @cpirits
NSFW Things to say to Dominant Muses | Accepting | @cpirits
"Shouldn't be fuckin' surprisin' that all yer wigglin' and rubbin' against me got me to this point, Salamander,"
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A hiss would pass Gajeel's lips the moment he felt one of Natsu's clawed hands press against the obvious bulge in the Iron Slayer's pants. The older male would clench his fists and screw his eyes shut merely trying to will the arousal down to a more manageable degree. It was in vain though since the object of his arousal was touching him.
"If ya think I feel big through my fuckin' pants yer back would feel it after I pounded into ya. FUCK."
Clearly his words were not helping matters in the slightest. Not that he cared. at this point all he wanted to do was rip Natsu's pants and boxers off and fuck the Fire Dragon stupid. He was going to control himself as long as he possibly could though. No sense in ruining his own, or Natsu's reputations for that matter.
"Ya keep touchin' me like that and I'm gonna lose fuckin' control. I don't wanna fuckin' HURT ya damnit!"
Sure, the two of them fucked before, but the Iron Dragon had done his best to make sure he didn't hurt the other Slayer by being tooo rough with him. He knew Natsu could handle it, obviously, being a fellow Dragon and all but he bit back his instincts a bit while fucking the other male. They weren't mated and the idea of making Natsu bleed , even if it was just his claws, made his inner dragon want to claim the other as his mate.
He was still certain Natsu didn't actually want that so they still weren't mated. The Iron Slayer also still had no fucking clue what to say they were. Were they exclusive? Fuck he hoped so. His jealousy was bound to get someone hurt otherwise.
"Why don't ya help me get it to go down a bit by usin' yer mouth on it, gihi."
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kurogane-redfox · 2 years
[RANDOM ASS FLUFF] who  said  to  stop  kissing  me? // Natsu @cpirits
Random Ass Fluff | Accepting | @cpirits
After licking his lips, Gajeel would grin at the shorter male. Natsu wasn't typically this assertive but it wasn't like the Iron Dragon was going to complain. He'd press a hand against whatever was behind Natsu on either side of the other male's head before speaking.
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"Who said I was done kissin' ya? I wouldn't leave ya hangin', Salamander, gihi,"
That being said, he'd lean in and kiss Natsu fiercely. There was likely to be not only tongue but fangs involved which meant blood would possibly be present at some point. He wasn't exactly known for being gentle. Sure, he and Natsu made out and fucked from time to time but the Iron Dragon was fairly sure the other would grow bored with him at some point. They weren't mated to one another after all.
The kiss would be held for longer than the last one, and by the time it ended, Natsu would be on his back on the Iron Dragon's couch or his lap while thee older male held him. Times like these were nice but the two of them would eventually need to figure out what to call themselves. Were they boyfriends? Fuck buddies? All the Iron Dragon knew was that Natsu's lips were as addictive as his scent.
Fingers would tighten on Natsu's hips for a few moments before he'd pull away from the Fire Dragon's lips, ruby gaze darkened but making no move to move things further than they were. If Natsu wanted things to go further that was his choice, that was something the Iron Dragon had already told him. He had no issues fucking the smaller Dragon stupid if that's what the other needed. Plus, he was still teaching Natsu about certain things regarding sex.
"For some reason yer lips taste really good today, ya eat somethin' heavy in iron or what?"
Rather than waiting for a response, he'd merely just capture those tantalizing lips with his own once more. Fangs would bite upon the abused lower lip the Fire Dragon had from their rough kissing before once again the Iron Dragon's tongue would seek the other's out.
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kurogane-redfox · 2 years
“ you kissed me goodbye, but you never left. i’ve been seeing you every time i close my eyes. “ - from Flare
Sincerely Yours | Accepting | @glitteringxchaos
The words coming from Flare were shocking to say the least. After everything Gajeel had done, after all the pain he'd caused. She still cared about him. Why? He didn't deserve it. Never would. Not a monster like he was. She knew that, he knew she did. After taking a deep breath with his eyes closed he'd sigh and open them once more.
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"Ya shouldn't... ya know that right? I ain't the man of anyone's dreams, Flare. Least of all yers. By all rights I shouldn't even be on yer mind, and yet..."
Another deep breath followed by a sigh would exit the Dragon Slayer and he'd move his lacrima phone from his ear for a moment in an attempt to clear his thoughts. He'd known for a while that he was in love with her. He'd never faked that. She was an oddity to most but to him she glowed like the flames that she could summon into her gorgeous crimson hair. What he wouldn't give to be holding her but he knew better.
He knew he was not deserving of her love. Not after he'd left her alone. When he'd betrayed her and left Raven Tail after his mission was completed. He'd tried, in vain to get himself to stop thinking of her, but nothing, and no one seemed to ease the ache the Iron Slayer had in his chest whenever her face popped into his mind.
"I know what yer feelin' but... I ain't good for ya. I ain't good for anyone. I'm a monster who abandons people and leaves them to the wolves. Ya should know that personally... since I did it to ya."
She'd had his contact information for some time. It was likely she'd been given it from Lucy, or even Juvia. The two women who were the closest to him and knew how he felt for the beautiful redhead that was Flare Corona. He wasn't even sure what had initially drawn him in to her anymore. There was just something about her he liked. Or, well, loved really.
Love, what an odd emotion. It caused more pain than it did good. Such a terrible thing. Yet people often said love was a terrible thing to waste. So just what should he do? He wasn't sure.
In the end, he couldn't say it. The three words he'd been dying to tell her since the moment he realized his true feelings for her. Tears would sting at his eyes but he'd somehow manage to will them away. Nothing good would come from any sort of admission now.
He'd already lost his chance a long time ago.
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kurogane-redfox · 2 years
Verse tags
Phantom Lord’s Guild Master;Main Fairy Tail Gave me a new Home;Seconary Taking Teyvat by Storm;Main Vigilante - Think you can Hold me Back?;Main Pro - Dragons Really do Exist;Secondary Villain - Nothin' will stop me!;Main
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kurogane-redfox · 2 years
"Happy Birthday, Gajeel. I know you don't really celebrate your birthday, so I didn't want to make a big deal of it...but I still wanted to do something, so I made you a dark chocolate cake, laced the batter with iron powder, and then added iron and dark chocolate shavings to the frosting."
Lucy smiled softly as she stood on his front porch, holding a decorated box in front of her with said cake inside. She knew he didn't want a big party or anything, so she hadn't said anything to the rest of the guild (that way if there was some huge party thrown later, it wouldn't be her fault). But she wasn't willing to do NOTHING for his birthday either, so she'd settled for baking him a cake that he would hopefully enjoy.
It's Gajeel's Birthday | Accepting
Smelling Lucy long before he even opened his front door, Gajeel would purse his lips. He wasn't wearing his coat being that he'd been lounging on his couch enjoying his solitude. That's not to say he wasn't glad to see her. She was, by far, one of the few people he could stand in Fairy Tail.
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"Ya didn't have to do that for me, Princess,"
He was still thankful, which would be made clear the moment his large frame stepped to the side to allow the blonde to enter his house. She'd not been inside it before but he wasn't going to take the decorated box from her unless she came inside.
"So, what possessed ya to make me a fuckin' cake anyway? Is that dark chocolate I smell... and iron? Damn yer good aren't ya?"
He really hoped that there was no party being planned. He wasn't interested in forcing himself to be around everyone when he could barely stand most of the members. Sure, he was friends with some but not all of them and he got along with very few. Being around them was one thing but being forced to celebrate the day of his birth around people who would probably be talking about how he didn't deserve a celebration was a whole different story.
"Come have a drink with me and I'll have a piece of the cake ya made me, okay?"
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kurogane-redfox · 2 years
⛈️from Ino (Madnessroleplay )
Cabin in the Woods During a Thunderstorm | Accepting
"Well that's just fuckin' great. Least this shitty cabin is here even if it's got a leakin' roof,"
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Gajeel would head deeper into the small cabin, raven hair already drenched because he'd not been able to escape the rain before it became a complete downpour. HIs coat was sticking to him even more than it already did. He'd take the time to sniff out some wood before making a fire. At least it'd help him to dry and warm up.
"Did ya come here to escape the storm too?"
He was looking at Ino though the chances of her seeing him as well were pretty slim since there was no light. He had his enhanced senses, seeing in low light wasn't hard for him. He'd get the fire lit pretty quickly so the two of them were capable of getting warm at least
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