#Very lean diet no processed or refined rubbish
cxpperhead · 1 year
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🍍 - What is an event that seemed of minor consequence to them when it occurred, but ended up impacting their life/development in a bigger way?
The first time he stole something non-essential. Copperhead had stolen many times before, usually necessities like food or articles of clothing but the more he continued taking what wasn't his, the bigger the thrill it became. Shoplifting graduated to pickpocketing, then full-on breaking and entering with Copperhead honing his skills over the years to take whatever caught his eye. At that point it was more about the challenge than actual need, since he was living as a drifter and could only carry around the bare essentials. His humble beginnings as a petty thief left him craving greater challenges to feel that rush of adrenaline once more. Murder may slake the dark thirst brewing within but thieving was always a personal pleasure, and a great side business when good assassination contracts are far and few in-between.
🍋 - Is there anything special about their diet, and how do they manage it? If they were to gain/lose a lot of weight suddenly, how would they react and adjust?
As a Serpent Metahuman, Copperhead doesn't require frequent meals. In fact he prefers eating only a few times a week, preferably small meals that are quick and easy to digest. A full belly makes for a slow snake so Copperhead avoids consuming large amounts of food in one go, finding he grows too sluggish on the occasion his greed gets the better of him. He can subsist entirely on meat but Copperhead likes fish and fruit too, having a highly refined palate what with his sensitive tongue. Shellfish like crab and lobster is something he goes wild for but he always tries to avoid gorging no matter how tempting a spread is. Contrary to popular belief, he does not eat rats.
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maryanash · 7 years
Your simple guide to consistent healthy eating
THIS week we’re talking food – such a HUGE subject and one about which there is so much confusion. Food gets labelled good and bad, naughty or “a treat”, a syn and any number of other things. So It’s no wonder food has all sorts of special meanings for many of us. We give it a status when all it should be is fuel to keep us in tip-top condition to help us live our busy lives.
So I thought I’d enlist the help of one of our Slimpodders this week.  Sammie Axton is such a great example of how you can change your relationship with food, lose weight and keep it off. She’s been eating consistently healthy for almost four years and has lost more than five stone and continued to effortlessly keep it off!
She’s gone from a near size 20 to a size 10 and stayed that size so Sammie’s top food tips are well worth paying attention to, I reckon!
Firstly, I asked Sammie what six foods she avoids putting into her shopping basket now and this was her reply (it’s lovely!): “I avoid Diet Coke and sugar in my cereal.  I also avoid chocolate digestives (despite eating those by the packet once!), meat pies, Frosties and ready meals.
“The funny thing is I didn’t even realise I don’t buy them any more until you asked me about it! I didn’t actually think I’d stopped buying things completely but I have! Wow, that’s amazing.”
As you can see, Sammie doesn’t consciously deny or deprive herself of anything.  She says if she has a small craving for something she’ll have it and then the craving disappears.
Next I asked Sammie for just six things she eats regularly each week.  This was a big ask so I extended it a bit!
“Mackerel, chicken, eggs, spinach, broccoli, Ryvita and tomatoes. I sometimes eat potatoes, pasta and rice but my portion size has naturally reduced so much – I only eat about 5 pieces of pasta now where that used to be at least two handfuls. I now have Weetabix instead of Frosties for breakfast if I don’t have time to have eggs. I often have eight eggs a week!
“There is no effort involved in any of these healthy choices.  It has become a habit to eat good food.  I’m not rich by any means, but I can afford to eat good food because it really costs no more than all the rubbish I used to eat.
“In fact it probably costs me a lot less as I don’t eat ready meals or treats, which used to cost a lot of money.  Plus I eat a lot less than I used to as my portion sizes are about half what I ate before. I do believe that the expense of food is actually a bit of an excuse.
“You can eat beautifully and healthily without spending a lot of money and if you get the whole family eating the same food you’re not making two meals.  I obviously give my little lad more potatoes, pasta and rice than I have, but he has the same meat and fish.”
So that’s Sammie’s recipe for success!
Sammie’s way of eating is very similar to the principles of Mediterranean-style eating and I’m a great fan! I’ve been doing it for years – before it even had a name!
So here’s the seven principles of Med eating
It’s generally low in starchy, easily digestible carbs (sugary stuff!) but packed full of nutrition.  Many clinical trials have shown that not only do people get multiple health benefits from this way of eating, but they are also good at sticking to it (unlike those who go on a low-fat/calorie controlled diets) because they find it easy and enjoyable.
And when you have a Slimpod programme you’ll find it even easier because you’ll actually WANT to eat like this and really enjoy it.
Minimise bread, pasta, potatoes, processed cereals, and rice— they’re a combination of refined and starchy carbohydrates which rapidly turn into sugars in the blood. Quinoa, whole grains, beans, and lentils are good and fill you up too!
Cut right down on sugar, sugary treats, drinks, and desserts. With a Slimpod that’s easy J
Eat more vegetables. There are so many wonderful vegetables to choose from. I must admit I’ve become quite a veggie addict.  I love stir fries and dishes with lots of colour. Broccoli, spinach, red peppers, pak choi and carrots are in my basket every week.
Eat fruit, two portions a day is good. Go for berries, apples, and pears—unpeeled, as this is where most of the nutrients are – but don’t have too many high-sugar fruits like pineapple, melon or mango.
Include plenty of high-quality protein such as meat, oily fish, eggs, seafood, tofu, soy and, to a lesser extent. nuts, chickpeas, quinoa, lentils.  The body doesn’t store protein so you need to maintain an adequate level in your diet to avoid muscle loss. It also helps to reduce appetite. Processed meats (e.g., bacon, salami, sausages) should be eaten in moderation.
Enjoy dairy products and eat more healthy fats and oils. Until recently people thought they should be avoiding full-fat dairy products. In 2014 a review by the British Heart Foundation which looked at the results of nearly 80 studies involving more than half a million people found no evidence that eating saturated fats leads to a greater risk of heart disease. In fact, they found that people with higher levels in their blood of a particular saturated fat called margaric acid (the sort you get in milk and dairy products) had a lower risk of heart disease. More recently scientists have said if you drink full fat milk you are 46 per cent less likely to develop diabetes!  So use fats!  They make food taste better. They are an excellent source of slow-burn energy. And, although ounce for ounce they are higher in calories than carbs, they keep you full for longer. Adding fat to starchy food (butter to potatoes, for example), will actually slow the rate at which the starch is broken down into sugars and absorbed. Eating healthy oils (olive oil, coconut oil and avocado) also improves the absorption of the essential fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K).
Vinegar has been found to help reduce weight and shift deep-rooted abdominal fat. It has been shown to suppress appetite and also delays the breakdown of food into sugars in your gut.  Amazing eh?!
There are a few good recipe books which follow these principles:
The Blood Sugar Diet – (ignore the word diet!!)
Joe Wicks – Lean in 15
And new this week – The Pioppi Diet by Dr Aseem Malhotra, a colleague of mine on the All Party Parliamentary Group for Obesity. I’m a huge fan of Aseem’s.work and I also support Action on Sugar, the campaigning group he co-founded.  I’ll definitely be buying his book!
As you know, with Slimpod programmes we don’t tell you what to eat and what not to eat.  However, over the past 10 years, my experience has led me to believe people are so confused about food that I feel some guidance is always welcome!
So my Boot Camp friends, your task for this week and beyond is to follow the principles of the Med way of eating. Invest in one of the recipe books but there’s also plenty of free info available online if you want to find out more.  Post up pictures of your plates in Slimpod Club!
Sammie has also kindly offered to answer any questions you have.  Simply tag her in Slimpod Club or write the question below this blog and I’ll make sure she sees it.  Have a great week!
The post Your simple guide to consistent healthy eating appeared first on Slimpod.
Your simple guide to consistent healthy eating
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graciedroweuk · 8 years
Simple Tips And Tricks To Lose Weight Fast
There are to slimming down besides modifying your looks lots of advantages. Slimming down might help one experience psychologically great about oneself and to be much more power.
GUIDELINES should you plan on dropping any fat, you most surely need to include workout into your strategy. As if you need to be a workout device it isn’t.
An effective way your entire day to begin is by benefiting from cardio whenever you awaken before you digest meals. Study indicates this process burns 300 percent calories and fat than doing all of your workout at another period.
GUIDELINES an excellent suggestion would be to consume your salad before you consume the remainder of one’s dinner. Soups really are an excellent supply for that fiber you’ll need with no calories that are additional.
Remaining productive is one good way to drop some pounds. Mowing the lawn or going for a walk can help you burn energy, unlike siting and viewing tv.Some exercise is the thing you need, therefore access it your feet!
TIPS if you should be thinking about training, attempt to get it done having a buddy or member of the family. This can help you believe like an enjoyable interpersonal time-rather than the usual task of workout.
One great way to get rid of excess fat is by joining a business for example perhaps a comparable team or Craig. They’ve a quantity of assets like house food supply along with a support-system. Finding involved with this kind of business could be really worth the expense when you have the cash.
Self hypnosis can in fact possess a good impact on your weight loss device.
Weight Reduction
GUIDELINES if you should be looking to get your youngster to drop some lbs, it’s essential that they’re resting enough. Once they are sleeping many youth development occurs, and developing uses a significant number of calories.
Weight reduction is simplest when you understand what is most effective for you personally. Solve to obtain up a half-hour earlier should you perform best-in the day and obtain some workout throughout that period. Night-owls might choose to workout during the night. If you should be somebody who doesn’t like getting out of bed early, attempting to alter your program to support a weightloss routine possibly is not likely to function.
GUIDELINES Consume having a buddy which means you consume less and speak more. Eating gives nothing to you to concentrate on besides completing your food all.
Cardio exercise is the greatest method to slim down than weight lifting. Weight lifting is essential for building shaped muscles and muscle tone, however the actual weight reduction originates from cardiovascular exercise. Increasing one’s heart fee is much more essential for reduction to happen although muscle mass building is very good for exercise.
GUIDELINES Consuming from the smaller dish can make you less inclined to overeat. Itis common for individuals to simply consume everything on the dish, even when itis a significant amount of food.
When you’re attempting to slim down consume lean beef meals. In the place of creamy and heavy sauces on even the barbecue or meat, alternative a chutney or hot salsa. This can include without adding calories taste your beef. Chutneys are available in several types that include your protein and exceptional taste.
Satisfying oneself for conduct that is good is definitely an important section of diet. Visit the films, visit a film or obtain a massage.
Which means you consume less consume having a buddy. Eating can make us concentrate on besides completing your food all.
GUIDELINES While attempting to slim down, do not employ big dishes. You are more prone if you utilize big meals to unintentionally overeat.
This can assist you to demonstrate working toward your potential objectives and think about your achievement. It will help maintain you inspired to remain in the dimension or get some inches off down.
GUIDELINES there are certainly a large amount of people who maintain their weight reduction objectives concealed from others. You’re prone to get reassurance and determination that’ll create your time and efforts a little more easy, if they’re conscious of that which you are currently working towards.
Jot down the sensation that you simply have you’re in. this can cause you to realize why you are able to defeat them once you consume the full time of every meal a particular dinner and what feeling.
GUIDELINES Follow a routine for the foods. This can assist educate the body into understanding when so you wont get hungry, it really wants to consume.
When consumed in weight reduction due to their wealth avocados could be a great food. Those fats’ abundant consistency makes individuals who do not consume harmful fat usage that’s in several foods being satisfied for by them. A veggie taco filled in the place of ground-beef with grape is often as delicious as its counterpart.
GUIDELINES should you think about it, itis not that difficult to lose excess weight. You’ll need the viewpoint that you’re usually advancing, which means you carry on.
Make sure to usually contain workout part of your weight reduction program that is general. The key to fat would be to burn more calories off than you digest which is wherever workout comes in. Cycling or running are efficient methods in burning calories, easy methods for you really to burn calories, while strength training aids develop muscle and accelerate your metabolism.
GUIDELINES when you wish to lose excess weight, contain workout inside your daily actions. Despite hectic perhaps you are, you can include a lot of activities and weight training or exercise.
View that which you consume when attempting to shed the pounds. Mixing workout with diet plan that are great is very good for losing your general well-being along with weight. The purpose to become created listed here is that people have to burn more calories than what we consider in.
GUIDELINES It’snot that difficult to slim down. You have to expel particular foods .
Wherever you’re exercise-smart, you can test strolling a few blocks every single day. Jogging allows you to obtain gone calories along with quite a distance is gone by a tiny bit. Playground more from the doorways whenever you venture buying out.
It’s usually recommended within the higher share of one’s calories during lunchtime and breakfast.
GUIDELINES Utilizing A large amount of sodium could be a large obstruction to slimming down. Salt causes liquid maintenance within toes and the thighs.
There would be to drop these lbs an effective way to customer cereal atleast 5 times per week. Cereal provides you with fiber that is ideal for your center and physique balanced in addition to important calcium. Its not all make of cereal has this advantage, therefore do not get Fruit Rings!Stay With low-glucose options – cerals.
GUIDELINES Restriction equally fat and glucose in what you eat by preventing sodas. Do not consume lots of fast-food; it is generally large refined, greasy, rubbish that is harmful.
It’s difficult to consume balanced while touring. Provide your personal food that is wholesome in the place of . Group your cooler with vegetables, cookies and fruits, cheese, yogurt of fruits. These are easy to consume while operating and easy to bunch. Don’t neglect to pack plenty of ice water that is cold.
Weight Reduction
GUIDELINES a great bit of guidance is utilizing a kid-measured dish for the foods. Their dishes frequently load totally each time they consume meals.
The tips if you should be prepared to utilize them for your existence, will help your weight reduction objectives are achieved by you. There’s no body miraculous approach to weight reduction; a lot of things might help. Attempt a few of the guidelines below to start your weight reduction trip.
from network 4 http://www.church-papers.com/simple-tips-and-tricks-to-lose-weight-fast/
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