#Vietnam Business Landscape
anlawvietnam · 10 months
Unveiling the Path: A Comprehensive Guide to Starting a Business in Vietnam - Navigating Opportunities, Challenges, and Legal Requirements
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Vietnam, known for its breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural heritage, has rapidly emerged as a thriving hub for business and investment in Southeast Asia. With its growing economy, favorable business climate, and strategic location, Vietnam offers many opportunities for entrepreneurs looking to establish their ventures. This comprehensive guide will delve into the intricacies of starting a business in Vietnam, shedding light on the key steps, legal requirements, and challenges that await prospective business owners.
The Flourishing Business Landscape
Vietnam's economy has experienced remarkable growth over the past few decades, driven by a young and skilled workforce, strategic geographic location, and increasing foreign investment. The country's commitment to economic reform and openness has created an environment conducive to business development, making it an attractive destination for local and international entrepreneurs.
Legal Framework and Business Entities
Before diving into the business world of Vietnam, understanding the legal framework and available business structures is crucial. The country allows various business entities, including limited liability companies, joint-stock companies, partnerships, and sole proprietorships. Each system has its own set of requirements, advantages, and limitations.
For example, limited liability companies (LLCs) are popular among small and medium-sized enterprises due to their simplified management structure and liability protection. On the other hand, joint-stock companies are better suited for larger-scale operations and offer the opportunity to raise capital through public offerings. The choice of business entity will depend on factors such as the nature of the business, the number of owners, and the desired level of liability protection.
The Registration Process
Registering a business in Vietnam involves several steps that must be meticulously followed. The process typically includes:
Business Name Registration: Choosing a suitable business name that complies with Vietnamese regulations and does not infringe on existing trademarks.
Obtaining an Investment Registration Certificate (IRC): This step is crucial for foreign investors and outlines the investment project's details and scope.
Acquiring a Business Registration Certificate (BRC): Once the IRC is obtained, it's necessary to get a BRC to formally establish the business entity.
Tax Registration: Registering for tax purposes includes obtaining a tax code and fulfilling tax obligations.
Opening a Bank Account: A business bank account is essential for financial transactions.
Obtaining Necessary Licenses: Depending on the nature of the business, additional licenses and permits may be required.
Navigating Legal and Regulatory Challenges
While Vietnam's business environment offers significant opportunities, there are also challenges that entrepreneurs need to navigate. One of the key challenges is understanding and adhering to the local legal and regulatory framework. The legal system can be complex, and staying compliant is essential to avoid legal complications in the future.
Cultural differences and language barriers can also pose challenges, especially for foreign entrepreneurs. It's advisable to work with local legal and business experts who deeply understand the local landscape. Partnering with professionals who can provide insights and guidance can significantly enhance the chances of success.
Embracing Cultural Nuances
Doing business in Vietnam also involves understanding and respecting cultural nuances. Relationships are crucial in Vietnamese business culture, and building trust and rapport with local partners and clients is paramount. Business negotiations often take time; patience is a virtue in making solid connections.
Starting a business in Vietnam offers opportunities within a vibrant and rapidly evolving economy. However, it's essential to approach this journey with a solid understanding of the legal requirements, business structures, and cultural dynamics. By conducting thorough research, seeking expert guidance, and embracing the local culture, entrepreneurs can position themselves for success in this promising market.
Remember that success may take time, but with the right strategy, determination, and respect for the local environment, your venture can thrive and contribute to the flourishing business landscape of Vietnam.
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adastra-sf · 10 days
Climate change-driven heatwaves threaten millions
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Extreme record-breaking heat leads to severe crises across the world.
Already in 2024, from Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria in the West; to Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, China, and the Philippines in the East; large regions of Asia are experiencing temperatures well above 40°C (104°F) for days on end.
The heatwave has been particularly difficult for people living in refugee camps and informal housing, as well as for unhoused people and outdoor workers.
Using the Heat Index Calculator, at that temperature and a relative humidity of 50%, residents see a heat index of 55°C (131°F) - a temperature level humans cannot long survive:
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In February, the southern coastal zone of West Africa also experienced abnormal early-season heat. A combination of high temperatures and humid air resulted in average heat index values of about 50°C (122°F) - the danger level, associated with a high risk of heat cramps and heat exhaustion.
Locally, temperatures entered the extreme danger level associated with high risk of heat stroke, with values up to 60°C (140°F):
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Even here at Ad Astra's HQ in Kansas, last summer we saw several days with high temperatures of 102°F (39°C) at 57% humidity, resulting in a heat index of 133°F (56°C):
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Of course, the major difference in survivability in Kansas versus some of the places suffering extreme heat right now is that air-conditioning abounds here. Those who live somewhere that faces extreme heat but can escape it indoors are a lot more likely to survive, but a person who lives somewhere without such life-saving gear faces not just discomfort, but heat stroke and even death.
This includes unhoused and poor people here in the wealthier parts of the world, who often do not have access to indoor refuge from the heat.
About 15% of US residents live below the poverty line. Many low-wage earners work outside in construction or landscaping, exposed to the ravages of heat. Many do not own an air conditioner, and those who do might need to budget their body's recovery from heat against cost to purchase and run cooling equipment. Because heat stress is cumulative, when they go to work the next day, they’re more likely to suffer from heat illness.
Bad as that is, for those living on the street, heatwaves are merciless killers. Around the country, heat contributes to some 1,500 deaths annually, and advocates estimate about half of those people are homeless. In general, unhoused people are 200 times more likely to die from heat-related causes than sheltered individuals.
For example, in 2022, a record 425 people died from heat in the greater Phoenix metro area. Of the 320 deaths for which the victim’s living situation is known, more than half (178) were homeless. In 2023, Texans experienced the hottest summer since 2011, with an average temperature of 85.3°F (30°C) degrees between June and the end of August. Some cities in Texas experienced more than 40 days of 100°F (38°C) or higher weather. This extreme heat led to 334 heat-related deaths, the highest number in Texas history and twice as many as in 2011.
The Pacific Northwest of Canada and the USA suffered an extreme heat event in June, 2021, during which 619 people died. Many locations broke all-time temperature records by more than 5°C, with a new record-high temperature of 49.6°C (121°F). This is a region ill-suited to such weather, and despite having relatively high wealth compared to much of the world, many homes and businesses there do not have air-conditioning due to a history of much lower temperatures.
Heatwaves are arguably the deadliest type of extreme weather event because of their wide impact. While heatwave death tolls are often underreported, hundreds of deaths from the February heatwave were reported in the affected countries, including Bangladesh, India, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, and the Philippines.
Extreme heat also has a powerful impact on agriculture, causing crop damage and reduced yields. It also impacts education, with holidays having to be extended and schools closing, affecting millions of students - in Delhi, India, schools shut early this week for summer when temperatures soared to 47°C (117°F) at dangerous humidity levels:
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At 70°C (157°F !), humans simply cannot function and face imminent death, especially when humidity is high. This is the notion of "heat index," a derivative of "wet-bulb temperature."
Though now mostly calculated using heat and humidity readings, wet-bulb temperature was originally measured by putting a wet cloth over a thermometer and exposing it to the air.
This allowed it to measure how quickly the water evaporated off the cloth, representing sweat evaporating off skin.
The theorized human survival limit has long been 35°C (95°F) wet-bulb temperature, based on 35°C dry heat at 100% humidity - or 46°C (115°F) at 50% humidity. To test this limit, researchers at Pennsylvania State University measured the core temperatures of young, healthy people inside a heat chamber.
They found that participants reached their "critical environmental limit" - when their body could not stop the core temperature from continuing to rise – at 30.6°C wet bulb temperature, well below what was previously theorized. That web-bulb temperature parallels a 47°C (117°F) heat index.
​The team estimates that it takes between 5-7 hours before such conditions reach "really, really dangerous core temperatures."
On March 5, 2024, Hong Kong saw temperatures of 27°C (80°F) with 100% humidity, which results in a heat index of 32.2°C (90°F) - seemingly not so bad until considering it's higher than the critical wet-bulb temperature. Also, if you watch the video, imagine the long-term effects of water accumulating in residences, such as dangerous mold.
We are witnessing the effects of climate change right now, all around the world, and rising temperatures are just the most-obvious (what we used to call "global warming"). Many, many other side-effects of climate change are beginning to plague us or headed our way soon, and will affect us all.
Unfortunately, those most affected - and those being hit the hardest right now - are people most vulnerable to heatwaves. With climate crises increasing in both intensity and frequency, and poverty at dangerous levels, we face a rapidly rising, worldwide crisis.
We must recognize the climate crisis as an international emergency and treat it as such. So much time, creative energy, resources, and life is wasted in war and the pursuit of profit or power - consider how much good could come from re-allocating those resources to ensuring a future for Earthlings, instead.
(Expect to see a "Science into Fiction" workshop on climate change coming soon - SF writers have a particular responsibility to address such important topics.)
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queer novel masterlist
cleaning up that post i've got running with books that touch on queerness. these are not organized in any particular fashion, or gathered along any particular theme. these are just gay novels i've either read and enjoyed or would like to read. blurbs are the books' own descriptions of themselves. not all these blurbs mention the queer stuff, but trust, if it's on this list it's in there. last updated 9 dec 23.
lists: sapphic books by Palestinian authors; butch memoirs; another list of masc, butch and stud books; a digital library of trans-related content; free access to the works of Leslie Feinberg.
After Sappho, Selby Wynn Schwartz. "“The first thing we did was change our names. We were going to be Sappho,” so begins this intrepid debut novel, centuries after the Greek poet penned her lyric verse. Ignited by the same muse, a myriad of women break from their small, predetermined lives for seemingly disparate paths: in 1892, Rina Faccio trades her needlepoint for a pen; in 1902, Romaine Brooks sails for Capri with nothing but her clotted paintbrushes; and in 1923, Virginia Woolf writes: “I want to make life fuller and fuller.” Writing in cascading vignettes, Selby Wynn Schwartz spins an invigorating tale of women whose narratives converge and splinter as they forge queer identities and claim the right to their own lives. A luminous meditation on creativity, education, and identity, After Sappho announces a writer as ingenious as the trailblazers of our past."
All Boys Aren't Blue, George M. Johnson In a series of personal essays, prominent journalist and LGBTQIA+ activist George M. Johnson's All Boys Aren't Blue explores his childhood, adolescence, and college years in New Jersey and Virginia.
The works of Dionne Brand: In Another Place, Not Here. Beautiful and meticulously wrought, set in both Toronto and the Caribbean, this astonishing novel gives voice to the power of love and belonging in a story of two women, profoundly different, each in her own spiritual exile.
Love Enough. In Love Enough, the sharp beauty of Brand's writing draws us effortlessly into the intersecting stories of her characters caught in the middle of choices, apprehensions, fears. Each of the tales here—June's, Bedri's, Da'uud's, Lia's opens a different window on the city they all live in, mostly in parallel, but occasionally, delicately, touching and crossing one another. Each story radiates other stories. In these pages, the urban landscape cannot be untangled from the emotional one; they mingle, shift and cleave to one another.
The young man Bedri experiences the terrible isolation brought about by an act of violence, while his father, Da'uud, casualty of a geopolitical conflict, driving a taxi, is witness to curious gestures of love and anger; Lia faces the sometimes unbridgeable chasms of family; and fierce June, ambivalent and passionate with her string of lovers, now in middle age discovers: "There is nothing universal or timeless about this love business. It is hard if you really want to do it right." Brand is our greatest observer—of actions, of emotions, of the little things that often go unnoticed but can mean the turn of a day. At once lucid and dream-like, Love Enough is a profoundly modern work that speaks to the most fundamental questions of how we live now.
What We All Long For. Tuyen is an aspiring artist and the daughter of Vietnamese parents who've never recovered from losing one of their children while in the rush to flee Vietnam in the 1970s. She rejects her immigrant family's hard-won lifestyle, and instead lives in a rundown apartment with friends—each of whom is grappling with their own familial complexities and heartache.
By turns thrilling and heartbreaking, Tuyen's lost brother—who has since become a criminal in the Thai underworld—journeys to Toronto to find his long-lost family. As Quy's arrival nears, tensions build, friendships are tested, and an unexpected encounter will forever alter the lives of Tuyen and her friends. Gripping at times, heartrending at others, What We All Long For is an ode to a generation of longing and identity, and to the rhythms and pulses of a city and its burgeoning, questioning youth.
The Human Origins of Beatrice Porter and Other Essential Ghosts, Soraya Palmer. Sisters Zora and Sasha Porter are drifting apart. Bearing witness to their father’s violence and their mother’s worsening illness, an unsettled Zora escapes into her journal, dreaming of being a writer, while Sasha discovers sex and chest binding, spending more time with her new girlfriend than at home.
But the sisters, like their parents, must come together to answer to something more ancient and powerful than they know—and reckon with a family secret buried in the past. A tale told from the perspective of a mischievous narrator, featuring the Rolling Calf who haunts butchers, Mama Dglo who lives in the ocean, a vain tiger, and an outsmarted snake, The Human Origins of Beatrice Porter and Other Essential Ghosts is set in a world as alive and unpredictable as Helen Oyeyemi’s.
Telling of the love between sisters who don’t always see eye to eye, this extraordinary debut novel is a celebration of the power of stories, asking, What happens to us when our stories are erased? Do we disappear? Or do we come back haunting?
Before We Were Trans, Kit Heyam. Today’s narratives about trans people tend to feature individuals with stable gender identities that fit neatly into the categories of male or female. Those stories, while important, fail to account for the complex realities of many trans people’s lives.     Before We Were Trans illuminates the stories of people across the globe, from antiquity to the present, whose experiences of gender have defied binary categories. Blending historical analysis with sharp cultural criticism, trans historian and activist Kit Heyam offers a new, radically inclusive trans history, chronicling expressions of trans experience that are often overlooked, like gender-nonconforming fashion and wartime stage performance. Before We Were Trans transports us from Renaissance Venice to seventeenth-century Angola, from Edo Japan to early America, and looks to the past to uncover new horizons for possible trans futures.  
Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers, Lillian Faderman. As Lillian Faderman writes, there are "no constants with regard to lesbianism," except that lesbians prefer women. In this groundbreaking book, she reclaims the history of lesbian life in twentieth-century America, tracing the evolution of lesbian identity and subcultures from early networks to more recent diverse lifestyles. She draws from journals, unpublished manuscripts, songs, media accounts, novels, medical literature, pop culture artifacts, and oral histories by lesbians of all ages and backgrounds, uncovering a narrative of uncommon depth and originality.
note from roo: essay in this about how queer white women engaged with Harlem should be essential reading for white queers who enter spaces (like drag spaces, ballroom spaces etc) that are informed by Black culture.
Land of Milk and Honey, C Pam Zhang. A smog has spread. Food crops are rapidly disappearing. A chef escapes her dying career in a dreary city to take a job at a decadent mountaintop colony seemingly free of the world's troubles.
There, the sky is clear again. Rare ingredients abound. Her enigmatic employer and his visionary daughter have built a lush new life for the global elite, one that reawakens the chef to the pleasures of taste, touch, and her own body.In this atmosphere of hidden wonders and cool, seductive violence, the chef's boundaries undergo a thrilling erosion. Soon she is pushed to the center of a startling attempt to reshape the world far beyond the plate.
Sensuous and surprising, joyous and bitingly sharp, told in language as alluring as it is original, Land of Milk and Honey lays provocatively bare the ethics of seeking pleasure in a dying world. It is a daringly imaginative exploration of desire and deception, privilege and faith, and the roles we play to survive. Most of all, it is a love letter to food, to wild delight, and to the transformative power of a woman embracing her own appetite.
Grievers and Maroons by adrienne maree brown. Grievers is the story of a city so plagued by grief that it can no longer function. Dune’s mother is patient zero of a mysterious illness that stops people in their tracks—in mid-sentence, mid-action, mid-life—casting them into a nonresponsive state from which no one recovers. Dune must navigate poverty and the loss of her mother as Detroit’s hospitals, morgues, and graveyards begin to overflow. As the quarantined city slowly empties of life, she investigates what caused the plague, and what might end it. In anguish, she follows in the footsteps of her late researcher father, who has a physical model of Detroit’s history and losses set up in their basement. She dusts the model off and begins tracking the sick and dying, discovering patterns, finding comrades in curiosity, conspiracies for the fertile ground of the city, and the unexpected magic that emerges when the debt of grief is cleared.
In the second installment of the Grievers trilogy, adrienne maree brown brings to bear her background as an activist rooted in Detroit. The pandemic of Syndrome H-8 continues to ravage the city of Detroit and everyone in Dune's life. In Maroons, she must learn what community and connection mean in the lonely wake of a fatal virus. Emerging from grief to follow a subtle path of small pleasures through an abandoned urban landscape, she begins finding other unlikely survivors with little in common but the will to live. Together they begin to piece together the puzzle of their survival, and that of the city itself.
Elastoe, Darcie Little Badger. "Elatsoe—Ellie for short—lives in an alternate contemporary America shaped by the ancestral magics and knowledge of its Indigenous and immigrant groups. She can raise the spirits of dead animals—most importantly, her ghost dog Kirby. When her beloved cousin dies, all signs point to a car crash, but his ghost tells her otherwise: He was murdered. Who killed him and how did he die? With the help of her family, her best friend Jay, and the memory great, great, great, great, great, great grandmother, Elatsoe, must track down the killer and unravel the mystery of this creepy town and it’s dark past. But will the nefarious townsfolk and a mysterious Doctor stop her before she gets started? A breathtaking debut novel featuring an asexual, Apache teen protagonist, Elatsoe combines mystery, horror, noir, ancestral knowledge, haunting illustrations, fantasy elements, and is one of the most-talked about debuts of the year."
Sordidez, by E.G. Condé "In the ruin created by climate disaster and a devastating civil war, survivors in Puerto Rico and the Yucatán peninsula struggle to rebuild their communities and heal their lands, but powerful forces from abroad plot against them. Desperate for answers, Puerto Rican journalist Vero Diaz seeks the counsel of the Maya revolutionary known as the Loba Roja, triggering a chain of events that will forever reshape his destiny and the fate of the Caribbean world."
When They Tell You To Be Good, by Prince Shakur "When They Tell You to Be Good charts Shakur’s political coming of age from closeted queer kid in a Jamaican family to radicalized adult traveler, writer, and anarchist in Obama and Trump’s America. Shakur journeys from France to the Philippines, South Korea, and elsewhere to discover the depths of the Black experience, and engages in deep political questions while participating in movements like Black Lives Matter and Standing Rock. By the end, Shakur reckons with his identity, his family’s immigration, and the intergenerational impacts of patriarchal and colonial violence."
My Government Means to Kill Me, Rasheed Newson "Earl "Trey" Singleton III arrives in New York City with only a few dollars in his pocket. Born into a wealthy Black Indianapolis family, at 17, he is ready to leave his overbearing parents and their expectations behind.
In the city, Trey meets up with a cast of characters that changes his life forever. He volunteers at a renegade home hospice for AIDS patients, and after being put to the test by gay rights activists, becomes a member of the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP). Along the way Trey attempts to navigate past traumas and searches for ways to maintain familial relationships—all while seeking the meaning of life amid so much death.
Vibrant, humorous, and fraught with entanglements, Rasheed Newson’s My Government Means to Kill Me is an exhilarating, fast-paced coming-of-age story that lends itself to a larger discussion about what it means for a young gay Black man in the mid-1980s to come to terms with his role in the midst of a political and social reckoning."
Where There Was Fire, John Manuel Arias Costa Rica, 1968. When a lethal fire erupts at the American Fruit Company’s most lucrative banana plantation burning all evidence of a massive cover-up, and her husband disappears, the future of Teresa’s family is changed forever.
Now, twenty-seven years later, Teresa and her daughter Lyra are picking up the pieces. Lyra wants nothing to do with Teresa, but is desperate to find out what happened to her family that fateful night. Teresa, haunted by a missing husband and the bitter ghost of her mother, Amarga, is unable to reconcile the past. What unfolds is a story of a mother and daughter trying to forgive what they do not yet understand, and the mystery at the heart of one family’s rupture.
Brimming with ancestral spirits, omens, and the anthropomorphic forces of nature, John Manuel Arias weaves a brilliant tapestry of love, loss, secrets, and redemption in Where There Was Fire.
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x-heesy · 1 year
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L o v e 🇨🇳
Don Hong-Oai was born in Canton, China in 1929 as the youngest son to a business family and was raised and educated in Saigon, Vietnam. At age 13 he began an apprenticeship at a Chinese photo and portrait shop. In 1979 he immigrated to the United States and settled in Chinatown of San Francisco.
Don began making a living by selling his landscape photographs in front of Macy’s and began to receive recognition for his craftsmanship. His style was heavily influenced by the legendary photographer Long Chin-San and his technique of layering negatives. By taking three negatives, foreground, middle ground, and far ground, and selecting a subject from each negative, Don would form one composite image of a serene landscape. All the various scenes in an image existed in reality, but each uniquely handcrafted photograph in its entirety is a concoction of the artist’s imagination. Each photograph was assembled only by the artist himself thus he never had an assistant nor a master printer like some photographers. His work has won scores of international awards and has been collected worldwide. Sadly, Don passed away in San Francisco in 2004.
#travelingwithoutmoving#naturephotography #naturelovers #naturelover #natureshots #naturegeography @darksilenceinsuburbiareloaded @frenchpsychiatrymuderedmycnut @thrak576isback 🥃 #naturephotographer #nature_perfection #naturephoto #natureaddict #naturegram #nature_brilliance #natureonly #naturephotos #naturelove #naturepic #naturehippys_ #naturepics #naturebeauty #natureperfection #natureshooters #naturelife #naturephotograpy #nature_of_our_world #natureporn #natureseekers #nature_lovers #natureinfocus
Part1 Part2 Part3 Part5
Soundtrack: Memories by Waldeck
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hit-song-showdown · 11 months
My favorite poll write-ups
Hello. So for each poll, I included a little blurb/ramble going into some historical or musical context behind each year. Most of these were written the day I posted them and some years didn't give me a lot to work with. But there were years that really gave me an opportunity to expand on areas of music history/business I'm truly passionate about.
So I decided to compile all of my favorite write-ups into one post.
1956: The rise of Elvis Presley and rock & roll on the Billboard charts
1959: The Grammy Awards vs Black music
1966: The Vietnam War effect on the pop charts
1970: The traumatic dawn of the new decade
1972: Cultural shifts in the 1970's and the last stretch of the Vietnam War
1973: Watergate, Philly soul, and the birth of hip-hop
1979: Disco Demolition Night and the death (and by "death" I mean "gentrification") of disco
1980: Punk rock, new wave, and the sudden end of the 1970's
1983: MTV vs Black music
1987: Tipper Gore and the Parents Music Resource Center vs rock music and the creation of the parental advisory label
1991: Nielsen SoundScan's effect on the Billboard charts, and the controversy of 2 Live Crew and Miami bass
1993: The birth of West Coast hip-hop and the coast wars
1999: Y2K and the MP3 breaches containment
2002: Nu metal's place in music marketing
2004: The South got something to say
2007: The controversy of "ringtone rap" and Auto-Tune
2008: Partying and pirating during the financial crisis
2009: Electropop and Auto-Tune's change in perception
2012: Psy was robbed
2013: The death of club music and the Blurred Lines lawsuit
2016: Streaming killed the MP3 star
2017: The mainstream rise of reggaeton in white America and the "monogenre"
2019: Old Town Road, TikTok, and the question of genre and marketing continues
2021: Covid-19's shadow over the pop charts
2022: The current state of pop music in a splintered musical landscape
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officiallordvetinari · 5 months
Here are 10 (more) featured Wikipedia articles. Links and summaries are below the cut.
Black American Sign Language (BASL) or Black Sign Variation (BSV) is a dialect of American Sign Language (ASL) used most commonly by deaf African Americans in the United States. The divergence from ASL was influenced largely by the segregation of schools in the American South.
Cai Lun (Chinese: 蔡伦; courtesy name: Jingzhong (敬仲); c. 50–62 – 121 CE), formerly romanized as Ts'ai Lun, was a Chinese eunuch court official of the Eastern Han dynasty. He is traditionally regarded as the inventor of paper and the modern papermaking process.
The Cock Lane ghost was a purported haunting that attracted mass public attention in 1762. The location was a lodging in Cock Lane, a short road adjacent to London's Smithfield market and a few minutes' walk from St Paul's Cathedral.
The indigenous people of the Everglades region arrived in the Florida peninsula of what is now the United States approximately 14,000 to 15,000 years ago, probably following large game. The Paleo-Indians found an arid landscape that supported plants and animals adapted to prairie and xeric scrub conditions. Large animals became extinct in Florida around 11,000 years ago. Climate changes 6,500 years ago brought a wetter landscape.
James William Humphreys (7 January 1930 – September 2003) was an English businessman and criminal who owned a chain of adult book shops and strip clubs in London in the 1960s and 1970s. He was able to run his business through the payment of large bribes to serving police officers, particularly those from the Obscene Publications Branch (OPB) of the Metropolitan Police.
The London Necropolis Company (LNC), formally the London Necropolis & National Mausoleum Company until 1927, was a cemetery operator established by Act of Parliament in 1852 in reaction to the crisis caused by the closure of London's graveyards in 1851. The LNC intended to establish a single cemetery large enough to accommodate all of London's future burials in perpetuity.
The Order of Brothelyngham was a group of men who, in the mid-14th century, formed themselves into a fake religious order in the city of Exeter, Devon. They may well have been satirising the church, which was commonly perceived as corrupt.
Phan Đình Phùng (Vietnamese: [faːn ɗîŋ̟ fûŋm]; 1847 – January 21, 1896) was a Vietnamese revolutionary who led rebel armies against French colonial forces in Vietnam. He was the most prominent of the Confucian court scholars involved in anti-French military campaigns in the 19th century and was cited after his death by 20th-century nationalists as a national hero.
The Tottenham Outrage of 23 January 1909 was an armed robbery in Tottenham, North London, that resulted in a two-hour chase between the police and armed criminals over a distance of six miles (10 km), with an estimated 400 rounds of ammunition fired by the thieves. The robbery, of workers' wages from the Schnurmann rubber factory, was carried out by Paul Helfeld and Jacob Lepidus, Jewish Latvian immigrants.
Volubilis (Latin pronunciation: [wɔˈɫuːbɪlɪs]; Arabic: وليلي, romanized: walīlī; Berber languages: ⵡⵍⵉⵍⵉ, romanized: wlili) is a partly-excavated Berber-Roman city in Morocco situated near the city of Meknes that may have been the capital of the Kingdom of Mauretania, at least from the time of King Juba II.
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© Don Hong-Oai
單雄威 Don Hong-Oai (1929 – 2004) was born in Canton, China in 1929, but spent most of his life in Saigon, Vietnam. At the age of 13 he began an apprenticeship at a Chinese photo and portrait shop. During this time he learned the traditional ways of photography from the masters. Everything was done the old-fashioned way from exposing the glass negatives in sunlight to using instinct rather than timers. Don would photograph landscapes in his free time and his style was heavily influenced by the legendary photographer Long Chin-San and his technique of layering negatives to create one composite image.
In 1979 he was able to get to the U.S. and settled in San Francisco’s Chinese community. Don started making a living selling his landscape photographs in front of Macy’s and began to receive more and more recognition for his master craftsmanship. He would create these images by taking three negatives, foreground, middle ground and far ground, and selecting a subject matter from each negative to form one composite image. All parts of the image do exist in life, but the photograph as a whole is an image that only existed in Don’s imagination. Each photograph is a unique handcrafted piece of work.
The photographs of Don Hong-Oai are made in a unique style of photography, which can be considered Asian pictorialism. This method of adapting a Western art for Eastern purposes probably originated in the 1940s in Hong Kong. One of its best-known practitioners was the great master Long Chin-San who died in the 1990s at the age of 104) with whom Don Hong-Oai studied. With the delicate beauty and traditional motifs of Chinese painting (birds, boats, mountains, etc.) in mind, photographers of this school used more than one negative to create a beautiful picture, often using visual allegories. Realism was not a goal.
He never had an assistant or had his images put together in a lab. Each piece had to be put together by Don as he saw it in his mind. His work has won scores of international awards and is included in hundreds of personal and corporate collections worldwide.. Only in the last few years of his life – he died in June 2004 – was his work discovered by a wider public, and he was kept very busy making prints for collectors across the US and worldwide.
Don Hong-Oai was one of the last photographers to work in this manner. He is also arguably the best. He was honoured by Kodak, Ilford and at Fotokina in West Germany and was a member of the International Federation of Photographic Art in Switzerland and the Chinatown Photographic Society.
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haveyoureadthispoll · 2 months
Meet Forrest Gump, the lovable, herculean, and surprisingly savvy hero of this remarkable comic odyssey. After accidentally becoming the star of University of Alabama's football team, Forrest goes on to become a Vietnam War hero, a world-class Ping-Pong player, a villainous wrestler, and a business tycoon -- as he wonders with childlike wisdom at the insanity all around him. In between misadventures, he manages to compare battle scars with Lyndon Johnson, discover the truth about Richard Nixon, and survive the ups and downs of remaining true to his only love, Jenny, on an extraordinary journey through three decades of the American cultural landscape. Forrest Gump has one heck of a story to tell -- and you've got to read it to believe it...
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lafsvietnam · 9 months
Celebrating Success: How a Top-tier PR Agency in Vietnam is Redefining the Industry?
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In the dynamic landscape of public relations and advertising, Vietnam has emerged as a hub for innovation and excellence. Among the leading players in this industry, a top-tier PR agency in Vietnam stands out, revolutionizing the way businesses communicate with their audiences. This article will delve into the success story of this remarkable PR agency Vietnam, shedding light on their exceptional approach and how they are redefining the industry.
The Rise of PR Agency Vietnam
The Evolution of PR Agencies in Vietnam
Vietnam's PR industry has undergone significant transformations in recent years. Traditionally, PR primarily focused on media relations and crisis management. However, with the changing media landscape and the advent of digital technology, the role of PR agencies has evolved. Today, they serve as strategic partners, combining traditional PR with innovative digital marketing strategies to deliver comprehensive solutions.
Enter the Top-tier PR Agency in Vietnam
One agency at the forefront of this transformation is Love at First Sight (LAFS), a pioneer in the field of PR and advertising in Vietnam. They have not only embraced the changing landscape but have also set new standards of excellence, making them a prominent PR advertising agency in the region. Their success story is a testament to their commitment to innovation and adaptability.
Incorporating Digital Marketing Strategies
One key aspect that sets Love at First Sight (LAFS) apart is its seamless integration of digital marketing into their PR campaigns. Recognizing the power of the internet and social media, they have harnessed the potential of digital platforms to amplify their clients' messages. By strategically utilizing online tools and platforms, they ensure that their clients' stories reach a wider and more engaged audience.
A Holistic Approach
Unlike traditional PR firms, Love at First Sight (LAFS) understands that effective communication is not limited to press releases and media coverage. They offer a holistic approach that encompasses various aspects of public relations and advertising. Their services include but are not limited to:
Media Relations: Building strong relationships with journalists and media outlets to secure favourable coverage.
Content Creation: Crafting compelling stories and content that resonate with the target audience.
Social Media Management: Managing and growing online presence across platforms.
Event Management: Organizing events and activations to create memorable brand experiences.
Crisis Communication: Proactive strategies to manage and mitigate potential crises.
This comprehensive approach has solidified their reputation as a top-tier PR agency in Vietnam.
Client-Centric Solutions
Love at First Sight (LAFS) understands that each client is unique, and their needs vary. Therefore, they tailor their strategies to align with the specific goals and objectives of their clients. Whether it's a multinational corporation or a local startup, they pride themselves on delivering client-centric solutions that drive results.
Outstanding Achievements
Over the years, Love at First Sight (LAFS) has achieved remarkable success, setting new benchmarks in the PR and advertising industry. Some of their notable accomplishments include:
Award-Winning Campaigns: Love at First Sight (LAFS) has received numerous awards for their innovative campaigns that have made a significant impact on their clients' businesses.
Global Recognition: Their work has garnered international recognition, making them a sought-after digital marketing agency in Vietnam.
Client Satisfaction: The agency's impressive client retention rate is a testament to their commitment to delivering exceptional results consistently.
Community Engagement: Beyond client work, Love at First Sight (LAFS) actively engages with the community through corporate social responsibility initiatives, further enhancing their reputation.
The Impact on the PR and Advertising Landscape
The success of Love at First Sight (LAFS) has had a ripple effect on the PR and advertising landscape in Vietnam. Their innovative approach has pushed other agencies to rethink their strategies and adapt to the changing times. Clients are now demanding more comprehensive services, including digital marketing, from their PR partners.
Future Prospects
As the industry continues to evolve, Love at First Sight (LAFS) remains committed to staying at the forefront of innovation. Their forward-thinking approach and dedication to excellence are expected to keep them on top of the game, setting new standards for PR and advertising agencies in Vietnam and beyond.
In the fast-paced world of PR and advertising, Love at First Sight (LAFS) has emerged as a beacon of success, redefining the industry in Vietnam. Their integration of digital marketing strategies, holistic approach to PR, and client-centric solutions have earned them the reputation of a top-tier PR agency in Vietnam. Their remarkable achievements continue to influence the industry, setting new standards for excellence and pushing other agencies to adapt and innovate. As they forge ahead into the future, Love at First Sight (LAFS) is expected to remain a leading force, driving the evolution of PR and advertising in Vietnam.
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antlawyers · 9 months
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In today’s interconnected world, businesses often find themselves operating across borders, navigating complex legal landscapes. When it comes to Vietnam, a country brimming with opportunities, having a reliable partner is essential for legal success.
That’s where ANT Lawyers, your trusted international law firm in Vietnam, comes into play. With a strong network of global law firm partners, ANT Lawyers has the capability to provide in-depth legal assistance in numerous practice areas. Let’s delve into the expertise that sets this international law firm apart… Visit us: https://bit.ly/3OyJxTf
#InternationallawfirminVietnam #Vietnaminternationallawfirm #LawservicesinVietnam #LawyersinVietnam #Legaladvice #LawfirminVietnam
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How to Protect Copyright in Vietnam?
How to Protect Copyright in Vietnam?
Copyright refers to an individual or organization's rights to a work that they created or own, as defined by Vietnam's Intellectual Property Law. Additionally, works of literature, art, and science shall constitute the subject matter of copyright; Performances, audio and visual fixation, broadcasts, and satellite signals carrying coded programs are all eligible subjects for copyright-related rights.
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However, if there is no prior prepared evidence, it is difficult to demonstrate the owner's copyright. In the event of a dispute or violation, the most crucial piece of evidence is a copyright registration. When the owner can demonstrate that the Work is covered by copyright law, the registration of the copyright will prevent infringement.
ANT Lawyers – A registering copyright services in Vietnam would like to assist you in registering and safeguarding your copyright and related rights in Vietnam in the following ways with their highly skilled staff and extensive knowledge of the intellectual property landscape in Vietnam:
Our services in copyright registration
-Provision of professional opinions and advice in relation to registration of copyright and related copyright;
-Advising, preparation, drafting, filing and prosecution of registration of copyright and related copyright;
-Provision of professional opinions and advice in relation to license and assignment of copyright and related copyright;
-Appeal and cancellation;
-Proceedings before the judicial authorities.
How to register a copyright or related rights in Vietnam?
Condition of copyright registration
If a work meets the following requirements, its owner's copyright will be registered:
-The ideas of the Work shall be presented particularly in a visible material
-The Work shall be original (Be made directly by the author without copying from any other works or people).
Required information and document
-Original Power of Attorney (POA) from the Applicant;
-Information of the author such as: Full name, Identify Card Number, Current address, permanent address; …
-Information of the Works such as: Name, the date of publication (if any), the place of Publication (if any); …
–Business registration certificate or establishment certificate (if applicant is association or organization);
-Written promise of being ownership of the work of the applicant;
-Some other specialized document with each specified aspect.
Note: The POA must be signed by the applicant or a duly authorized representative on behalf of the Applicant and no further notarization or legalization is required.
Duration of copyright protection
-The following rights are protected forever:
-Right to give titles to their works.
-Right to attach their real names or pseudonyms to their works; to have their real names or pseudonyms acknowledged when their works are published or used.
-Right to protect the integrity of their works; and to forbid other persons to modify, edit or distort their works in whatever form, causing harm to the honor and reputation of the author.
The following rights are protected within the stipulated duration in law
-Right to make derivative works;
-Right to display their works to the public;
-Right to reproduce their works;
-Right to distribute or import the original or copies of their works;
-Right to communicate their works to the public by wireless or landline means, electronic information networks or other technical means;
-Right to lease the original or copies of cinematographic works and computer programs;
-Right to reproduce their works.
The duration of each type of work protected by the aforementioned rights will vary. The term of protection for cinematographic, photographic, stage, applied, and anonymous works, in particular, shall be fifty (50) years from the date of first publication. Other works are protected throughout the author's lifetime and for fifty (50) years after their death.
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anlawvietnam · 10 months
Demystifying License Procedure Consulting in Vietnam: Expert Tips for Navigating the Regulatory Landscape
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Starting a business in Vietnam can be an exciting endeavor, but it also involves a complex maze of regulations and licensing procedures that can be overwhelming. This article is a comprehensive guide to license procedure consulting in Vietnam, offering insights, expertise, and first-hand experiences to help entrepreneurs and investors make informed decisions.
Understanding the Regulatory Landscape
Vietnam has undergone significant economic reforms over the past few decades, transforming it into a dynamic and open market. However, this growth has come with its fair share of regulations and bureaucracy, particularly in business licensing. Whether you're looking to establish a manufacturing facility, a service-based business, or a trading company, understanding the licensing requirements is crucial.
Expertise in License Procedure Consulting
Navigating the regulatory landscape of Vietnam requires a deep understanding of the country's legal system and business environment. Professionals in license procedure consulting have the expertise to guide businesses through the various stages of obtaining licenses and permits. From understanding the specific licensing requirements for different industries to preparing the necessary documentation, these consultants offer valuable insights that can save time and resources.
Authoritativeness in Licensing Procedures
The licensing procedures in Vietnam can vary depending on the nature of the business. Numerous steps are involved, from company registration to tax identification, work permits, and operational licenses. A reputable license procedure consultant possesses authoritative knowledge about the intricacies of each process. This knowledge stems from staying updated with the latest legal changes, government policies, and industry trends.
Trustworthiness Through Experience
An essential aspect of E-A-T-E is trustworthiness, often established through practical experience. Reputable license procedure consulting firms have a track record of assisting businesses in successfully obtaining the necessary licenses. They have hands-on experience with the challenges and bottlenecks companies may face during licensing and can offer practical solutions to overcome them.
Personal Insights: Navigating the License Process
Having personally experienced the licensing procedure in Vietnam, I can attest to the complexity of the process. When establishing my own import-export business in Ho Chi Minh City, I encountered many forms, applications, and legal jargon that made the process seem daunting. Through the guidance of a seasoned license procedure consultant, I could navigate through the paperwork, ensuring that all the required documents were submitted accurately and on time.
Insights from Credible Sources
While personal experiences offer valuable insights, backing up information with credible sources is essential. According to anlawvietnam.com, a well-known legal consulting firm in Vietnam, the licensing process involves multiple stages, including:
Company Registration: This is the foundational step, where businesses must register their company with the Department of Planning and Investment (DPI). This involves submitting the company charter, legal representative's information, and investment capital details.
Obtaining a Business License: Depending on the nature of the business, a specific business license might be required. This license is obtained from the DPI and is essential for legal operation.
Tax Registration: Acquiring a tax identification number is mandatory for businesses operating in Vietnam. This step involves registering with the tax authorities and obtaining a tax code.
Environmental Licenses: Obtaining environmental licenses is crucial for businesses that may impact the environment, such as manufacturing companies. The Department of Natural Resources and Environment grants these licenses.
Other Sector-Specific Licenses: Additional licenses and permits might be required depending on the industry. For example, the healthcare sector might require the Ministry of Health approval.
License procedure consulting in Vietnam is pivotal in helping businesses navigate the intricate regulatory landscape. With their expertise, authoritativeness, trustworthiness, and experience, these consultants provide invaluable support for entrepreneurs looking to establish a presence in this burgeoning market. By combining their insights with first-hand experiences and credible sources, businesses can confidently approach the licensing process, ensuring a smoother journey toward establishing and operating in Vietnam.
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Explore Vietnam's Top Destinations on a Motorbike: A Backpacker's Guide to an Unforgettable Adventure
If an unforgettable adventure is what you seek, then exploring Vietnam's breathtaking and diverse landscapes on a motorbike is an excellent choice. As a backpacker, you will have the chance to feel the thrill of starting up your engines and embarking on an epic journey through Vietnam's top destinations. With the winding roads of the northern mountains, the picturesque beaches of the central coast, and the bustling cities of the south, Vietnam offers a plethora of unforgettable experiences for motorbike enthusiasts.
Ha Noi
Commencing your expedition in Vietnam's capital city of Hanoi, you will discover a fusion of modern and traditional elements, where ancient temples and pagodas coexist with lively streets brimming with motorbikes. You can embark on a journey to Ho Chi Minh's mausoleum, stroll through the Old Quarter, or savor a cup of egg coffee at one of the numerous cafes. Furthermore, Hanoi serves as an excellent departure point for a visit to Ha Long Bay, one of Vietnam's most legendary natural marvels.
Hoi An
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Moving forward on your excursion, you can make a stop in Hoi An, a delightful town located on the central coast of Vietnam. Famed for its impeccably preserved Ancient Town, a UNESCO World Heritage site, you can amble through the narrow lanes, pay a visit to age-old temples and pagodas, or enroll in a lantern-making class. Moreover, Hoi An is situated near stunning beaches, making it a perfect spot to unwind and bask in the sun.
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Next up is Sapa, a mesmerizing mountain town that is popular among backpackers. Set amidst rice terraces, the town itself is a perfect location to discover the local culture and cuisine. You can engage in cultural activities such as homestays and cooking classes or venture on trekking expeditions in the neighboring mountains.
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Continuing your journey southward along the coast, you can delve into the history and culture of Hue, a city with a remarkable past. The Imperial City, once the hub of political and cultural life during the Nguyen dynasty, is an essential destination to visit. In addition, you can explore numerous temples and pagodas throughout the city and indulge in its mouth-watering cuisine, including the renowned beef noodle soup.
Da Lat
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Journeying to the central highlands of Vietnam, you can discover Da Lat, a captivating town renowned for its refreshing climate and breathtaking landscapes. The town's French colonial architecture and stunning gardens and parks are a treat to explore. You can also engage in outdoor pursuits such as hiking and cycling or venture to nearby waterfalls and lakes.
Contact information:
🌐 Website: https://motorbiketourexpert.com/
☎️ Phone number: (+84) 979884588
📩 Email: [email protected]
📌 Address: 269 Nguyen Trai, Ha Dong, Ha Noi
🏢 Business field: Entertainment
TIN: 320420
Representative: Can Van Chung
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fastdata1 · 2 years
FastData Released the First TikTok Ecological Industry Report
On September 16, the 2022 Global Short Video Summit hosted by FastData came to a successful conclusion. At the summit, many entrepreneurs from the forefront of TikTok's business ecology shared a lot of contents and insights. Meanwhile the TikTok Ecological Sky Eye Award for the first half of FastData was given at the summit. Yuguo, Baijing, Morketing, TK Growth Conference, Chuhaibiji, Kuajing123, Winit, 36 Kr Tech Planet and other media broadcast the summit synchronously throughout the whole process, attracting wide attention.
It is reported that this Sky Eye Award involves seven categories, including the most influential person in TikTok's ecology, the best marketing service organization, the outstanding founder award, the best outbound brand, the best MCN organization, the best TSP organization and the best ecological service provider. A total of 42 enterprises and individuals have won awards.
During the summit, Shi Wenlu, founder of FastData, shared some insight data in the first industry development report of TikTok ecology from FastData Research Institute, which was also highly expected. On September 21, the Report on TikTok Eco-development and Global Ecological Layout of Short Video in the First Half of 2022 (hereinafter referred to as the "Report") was officially released.
The report was jointly issued by FastData Research Institute, United Nations Securities Research Institute and Morketing Research Institute. From the perspective of data, the report, based on FastData data analysis tool, comprehensively interpreted TikTok's full ecological development and global short video layout in the first half of 2022 through the comprehensive monitoring and analysis of TikTok platform's full closed-loop e-commerce data, as well as the insight research of Sealand Securities Research Institute and Morketing Research Institute on the industry ecology, combined with in-depth interviews with many senior industry practitioners. It provides an intuitive, objective and comprehensive window for short video industry participants to observe TikTok ecology and the development of the global short video market.
The report includes six main parts, namely, the overview of the global short video industry landscape in the first half of 2022, and the observation and analysis of TikTok ecological e-commerce, creator, live streaming, advertising and service providers in the first half of 2022.
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With regard to the overall development of the short video industry, the report points out that at present, the main players in the global short video field are TikTok, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Kwai, JOYY, etc. 
According to the report, the global short video market will usher in an outbreak period, and the scale of the whole ecological market, including e-commerce and advertising, will exceed trillion dollars in five years. After the outbreak of the epidemic in 2020, there was a concentrated outbreak of the overseas short video consumption market, and overseas giants have also accelerated their entry into the short video market. Among many short video applications, TikTok took the lead in achieving explosion, becoming the leader of industry development, and the commercialization process continues to accelerate.
In terms of TikTok e-commerce, the report points out that the GMV (Gross Merchandise Volume) of TikTok e-commerce in the first half of 2022 has exceeded US $1 billion, which is equivalent to the volume of the whole year in 2021. Since the TikTok Shop in Britain and Indonesia opened in April 2021, the Southeast Asian market has opened TikTok Shop in Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore from April to June 2022. The report believes that TikTok Shop will be launched in more countries in the future, covering the whole world.
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On the basis of analyzing the overall situation of TikTok e-commerce, the report has conducted further analyses from the dimensions of TikTok commodity sales, commodity categories, and TikTok e-commerce in major global regional markets. For example, from the perspective of commodity sales, TikTok's commodity sales in the first half of 2022 are mainly contributed by the Indonesian market, and the Philippines is in the forefront of new markets in Southeast Asia. From the perspective of commodity category, in the first half of 2022, the most popular commodity category of TikTok in the world is cosmetics and personal care. In the Indonesian market of TikTok, jewelry has become the category with the highest customer price.
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In terms of TikTok creators, the report analyzes the overall data and finds that TikTok creators are mainly distributed in the United States and Indonesia. The report made a multi-dimensional analysis of the American market with the largest number of creators distribution, including the classification of creators, the followers growth of creators, and the portraits of popular creators. The research results show that in the first half of 2022, the majority of TikTok creators with a blue verified badge in the United States are media/entertainment, and the majority of ordinary creators are public figures.
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In terms of TikTok live streaming, the report points out that the number of TikTok global e-commerce live streaming has shown a steady growth trend. From the perspective of market distribution, at present, TikTok live streaming e-commerce is mainly concentrated in Indonesia and Vietnam, with Indonesia accounting for the highest proportion. At the same time, the report also released the ranking list of TikTok e-commerce live streamer by sales volume, and made a multi-dimensional observation of the data of the top TikTok e-commerce live streamer. 
In addition, the report also analyzes TikTok service providers and TikTok advertising ecology. It is found through analysis that TikTok service provider ecology is being improved at an accelerated pace, mainly including cross-border MCN, cross-border TSP, cross-border creator scout, cross-border TSD, etc. Players enter MCN and TSP fields relatively frequently. The report sorts out some very influential MCN and TSP brands in the current market, including Make Wonder MCN, YOWANT,PONGO, HiGOOD, Haitu Technology, etc. In terms of advertising marketing, the report points out that at present, the overseas advertising marketing market is still dominated by Google, Facebook, Instagram and other delivery channels, but at the same time, the share of video channels is also gradually increasing, with TikTok being the best. From TikTok's own point of view, as a very core part of its ecology, the advertising ARPU in recent two years is only close to the level of Facebook in 2013, and the future growth space of this business is very promising.
The report also points out that TikTok's advertising business will enter a stage of rapid growth in the future. In 2022, the advertising revenue is expected to be about $13.0-15 billion, and in 2023, it is expected to reach $50 billion. Finally, the report points out that with the advent of the era of short video globalization, overseas operation of short video business will definitely set off a huge wave in the next two years. As one of the core components of the current short video ecosystem worldwide, TikTok has already demonstrated its influence on the development of the entire industry and huge commercial value, and the visionary has also begun to enter. However, in the face of the huge, unfamiliar and complex global market, accurate layout is a challenge for all players in the short video ecosystem, and big data may be an important step in this regard. At the same time, the report also shows that FastData Research Institute, as a professional research institution established by FastData, which is deeply engaged in the short video live streaming industry, will continue to output industry data insight reports, industry ecological analysis reports, industry trends and trend observation reports in the future.
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x-heesy · 1 year
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L o v e 🇨🇳
Don Hong-Oai was born in Canton, China in 1929 as the youngest son to a business family and was raised and educated in Saigon, Vietnam. At age 13 he began an apprenticeship at a Chinese photo and portrait shop. In 1979 he immigrated to the United States and settled in Chinatown of San Francisco.
Don began making a living by selling his landscape photographs in front of Macy’s and began to receive recognition for his craftsmanship. His style was heavily influenced by the legendary photographer Long Chin-San and his technique of layering negatives. By taking three negatives, foreground, middle ground, and far ground, and selecting a subject from each negative, Don would form one composite image of a serene landscape. All the various scenes in an image existed in reality, but each uniquely handcrafted photograph in its entirety is a concoction of the artist’s imagination. Each photograph was assembled only by the artist himself thus he never had an assistant nor a master printer like some photographers. His work has won scores of international awards and has been collected worldwide. Sadly, Don passed away in San Francisco in 2004.
#travelingwithoutmoving#naturephotography #naturelovers #naturelover #natureshots #naturegeography @darksilenceinsuburbiareloaded #naturephotographer #nature_perfection #naturephoto #natureaddict #naturegram #nature_brilliance #natureonly #naturephotos #naturelove #naturepic #naturehippys_ #naturepics #naturebeauty #natureperfection #natureshooters #naturelife #naturephotograpy #nature_of_our_world #natureporn #natureseekers #nature_lovers #natureinfocus
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Soundtrack: Memories by Waldeck
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nikhats · 15 hours
Breast Aesthetics Market Supply and Demand with Size (Value and Volume) by 2029
Breast Aesthetics Market Overview
Maximize Market Research, a Breast Aesthetics business research firm has published a report on the “Breast Aesthetics Market”. Which provides Industry Analysis (Market Performance, Segments, Price Analysis, Outlook) and detailed Process Flow (Product Overview, Unit Operations, Raw Materials, and Quality Assurance).
Sample Request Link : https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/90220 
Breast Aesthetics Market Report Scope and Research Methodology The Market Research Report (MMR) researches deep into vital growth determinants, exploring motivators and barriers. It furnishes extensive insights into competitive landscapes, major company offerings, and investment prospects. Embracing qualitative and quantitative analyses, it scrutinizes regional markets, providing indispensable insights for stakeholders. Employing historical data, technological advancements, governmental policies, and current Breast Aesthetics market. Utilizing sources like annual reports, press releases, industry associations, governmental agencies, and customs data, it employs market engineering and data triangulation to forecast segments and sub-segments.
Breast Aesthetics Market Regional Insights The estimated growth in the Breast Aesthetics market segment is driven by improved reliability and increasing demand. The Breast Aesthetics market is largely segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa.
Breast Aesthetics Market Segmentation
by Product
Silicone Breast Implants Saline Breast Implants
Silicone breast implants are the safe implants and have approval from FDA for its better use. Negligible symptoms and hazards after breast implantation drive the silicone breast implants segment in the forecast period. Increasing prevalence of breast cancer leads to increase the demand of silicone market in the forecast period. by End User
Hospitals Cosmetology Clinics Ambulatory care centers Others
by Region
North America (United States, Canada and Mexico) Europe (UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Austria and Rest of Europe) Asia Pacific (China, South Korea, Japan, India, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Rest of APAC) Middle East and Africa (South Africa, GCC, Egypt, Nigeria and Rest of ME&A) South America (Brazil, Argentina and Rest of South America)
To Get More Information click Here: https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/global-breast-aesthetics-market/90220/ 
Breast Aesthetics Market Key Players
1. Allergan 2. Laboratories Arion 3. POLYTECH Health & Aesthetics 4. Sientra Inc. 5. GC Aesthetic 6. GROUPE SEBBIN 7. Abbvie Inc. 8. Mentor Worldwide LLC 9. CEREPLAS 10. Establishment Labs S.A
Sample Request Link : https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/90220 
Key questions answered in the Breast Aesthetics Market are: • What is Breast Aesthetics ? • What was the Breast Aesthetics market size in 2023? • What is the growth rate of the Breast Aesthetics Market? • Which are the factors expected to drive the Breast Aesthetics market growth? • What are the different segments of the Breast Aesthetics Market? • What growth strategies are the players considering to increase their presence in Breast Aesthetics ? • What are the upcoming industry applications and trends for the Breast Aesthetics Market? • What are the recent industry trends that can be implemented to generate additional revenue streams for the Breast Aesthetics Market? • What segments are covered in the Breast Aesthetics Market? • Who are the leading companies and what are their portfolios in Breast Aesthetics Market? • What segments are covered in the Breast Aesthetics Market? • Who are the key players in the Breast Aesthetics market?
Related Report Links: India Gem & Jewellery Market : https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/india-gem-jewellery-market/122565/  Anime Market : https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/anime-market/124527 
Key Offerings: • Past Market Size and Competitive Landscape (2018 to 2022) • Past Pricing and price curve by region (2018 to 2022) • Market Size, Share, Size & Forecast by different segment | 2024−2030 • Market Dynamics – Growth Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities, and Key Trends by Region • Market Segmentation – A detailed analysis by segment with their sub-segments and Region • Competitive Landscape – Profiles of selected key players by region from a strategic perspective  Competitive landscape – Market Leaders, Market Followers, Regional player  Competitive benchmarking of key players by region • PESTLE Analysis • PORTER’s analysis • Value chain and supply chain analysis • Legal Aspects of Business by Region • Lucrative business opportunities with SWOT analysis • Recommendations
About Maximize Market Research: Maximize Market Research is a multifaceted market research and consulting company with professionals from several industries. Some of the industries we cover include medical devices, pharmaceutical manufacturers, science and engineering, electronic components, industrial equipment, technology and communication, cars and automobiles, chemical products and substances, general merchandise, beverages, personal care, and automated systems. To mention a few, we provide market-verified industry estimations, technical trend analysis, crucial market research, strategic advice, competition analysis, production and demand analysis, and client impact studies.
Contact Maximize Market Research: 3rd Floor, Navale IT Park, Phase 2 Pune Banglore Highway, Narhe, Pune, Maharashtra 411041, India [email protected] +91 96071 95908, +91 9607365656
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